Climate Change & Climate Action - Atlantic Council Shaping the global future together Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:26:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Climate Change & Climate Action - Atlantic Council 32 32 Busch and Mohseni-Cheraghlou and Amin cited in the UN’s International Maritime Organization’s March bulletin on climate-related trade disruptions Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:26:32 +0000 Read the full bulletin here

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Read the full bulletin here

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Busch and Mohseni-Cheraghlou cited in the UK Parliament’s research briefing on climate-related trade disruptions Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:24:34 +0000 Read the full briefing here

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Read the full briefing here

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#AtlanticDebrief – Where does Europe stand on the green agenda? | A debrief from Niels Redeker Thu, 01 Aug 2024 20:31:30 +0000 Carol Schaeffer sits down with Nils Redeker to discuss European voter sentiment on climate policies and the future of the EU’s approach.

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Where does Europe stand on the green agenda? Are concerns over a wide spread “greenlash” in Europe exaggerated? Why did climate policy not play as much of a significant role in the last European Parliament elections compared to the elections in 2019? Under her next Commission mandate, will Commission President von der Leyen bring continuity on climate change policy in the EU?

On this episode of #AtlanticDebrief, Carol Schaeffer sits down with Nils Redeker, Deputy Director Jacques Delors Centre, to discuss European voter sentiment on climate policies and the future of the EU’s approach.



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#AtlanticDebrief – What is Germany’s approach to climate policy? | A Debrief from Lukas Köhler MdB Mon, 29 Jul 2024 17:06:03 +0000 Carol Schaeffer sits down with Dr. Lukas Köhler, member of the German Bundestag, to discuss Germany’s approach to climate policy and green energy opportunities.

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Climate change cost estimates by 2049 will be close to $40 trillion per year for countries such as Germany and the United States. How is Germany managing both the scale of the climate problem and related economic costs? What is the German government doing to get citizens onboard to support climate change policies? What is the role of technological innovation in Germany when it comes to combatting climate change? And what is Germany doing to decarbonize its industrial sector? What role can a post-war Ukraine play in the green energy sector in Europe, and what are the possibilities for bilateral energy trade between Ukraine and Germany?

On this episode of #AtlanticDebrief, Carol Schaeffer sits down with Dr. Lukas Köhler, member of the German Bundestag, to discuss Germany’s approach to climate policy and green energy opportunities.



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The world is sleepwalking into an era of extreme heat. The UN just issued a wake-up call. Thu, 25 Jul 2024 18:08:33 +0000 The UN secretary-general‘s Global Call to Action on Extreme Heat underscores the urgent need for actionable heat-related policies worldwide.

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“If there is one thing that unites our divided world, it is that we are all increasingly feeling the heat,” said United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres today as he issued a Global Call to Action on Extreme Heat. The first-of-its-kind report, which I contributed to in my capacity as global chief heat officer, emphasizes the urgent need for actionable heat-related measures and policies worldwide. 

In the Call to Action, the secretary-general makes clear that governments and policymakers must protect and care for the lives and livelihoods of frontline communities, protect workers, advance the evidence base to drive innovative resilience solutions, and limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

This clear recognition from the Office of the Secretary-General is an important moment for us all. Extreme heat is often underestimated and ignored, but its impacts are unavoidable. The planet is heating up faster than we thought. We are outside scientific model predictions and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and devastating. 

Rising heat affects our major critical systems—such as water, energy, food, transportation, and communications. It also feeds mega droughts, wildfires, and storms, creating cascading and compounding crises. It’s a global crisis. But we are not ready for any of it. We’re sleepwalking.

Policies to address extreme heat so far remain scattered, disjointed, and underfunded.

In my work as global chief heat officer and first chief heat officer for the city of Athens, I have worked directly with cities and have seen the impacts of heat firsthand. Cities are heating up at twice the rate of the global average. At 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming, sixty-seven cities will experience 150 or more days per year of temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit). At 2 degrees Celsius, the number jumps to ninety-four cities. At just under 3 degrees Celsius of global warming, it soars to 197 cities.  

Policies to address extreme heat so far remain scattered, disjointed, and underfunded. But the rising temperatures mark a global crisis with local impacts. That’s why the global focus of the UN’s Call to Action is so crucial. Increasingly, our world is facing challenges that go beyond the capacity and limited mandate of single nation states. We’re facing crises, like climate change, that need international cooperation to support and facilitate equitable, multilevel, science-based decision making and solutions. The UN is the only legitimate multilateral governance structure able to address issues that need global mobilization and localized solutions. As cities take on climate change, they need support at every level.  

In 2022, globally, humanity spent a little over one trillion dollars on adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change. For comparison, the world spent $11.7 trillion on COVID-19 emergency fiscal measures in 2020 alone. As temperatures rise, this funding gap is a dangerous threat. And there is another issue that needs to be urgently addressed: In 2022, about one trillion dollars went to financing emissions mitigation, while only one hundred billion dollars went to adaptation and resilience-building initiatives. We urgently need both climate adaptation and resilience financing

The UN’s Call to Action is an important milestone for climate resilience, but it is also only the beginning. As the document explains, the world urgently needs a Global Action Strategy to “mobilize governments, policy makers, and all stakeholders to act, prevent, and reduce heat risk.” A dedicated trust fund for urban heat resilience initiatives is also needed, because cities are on the frontlines of extreme heat, and they are where more than half of the world’s population lives—a share that is expected to rise to seven-in-ten people by midcentury. Finally, more dedicated heat champions, like the community of chief heat officers established by the Arsht-Rock Resilience Center, with heat resilience departments that can articulate the challenges and co-create the best solutions are needed. These champions are critical to ensuring that the dangers of—and the solutions to—extreme heat are understood widely.

Each of these essential efforts, as well as others, requires building an international consensus around the scope of the problem and its solutions. Here, the UN’s Call to Action on Extreme Heat can help shape conversations in positive directions at upcoming conferences such as Climate Week NYC and this year’s UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, also known as COP29. Heat resilience must be at the top of the agenda at these and other international meetings, and work is needed at every level to ensure that cities have the support and finances they need to scale solutions.

As the Call to Action makes clear, everyone is at risk from extreme heat, and we must enable resilience at the local and international level, taking “bold decisions to change the way we live to avoid an even more scorched Earth in the future.” 

Eleni Myrivili is the world’s first global chief heat officer, a role jointly created and appointed by the Atlantic Council’s Arsht-Rock Resilience Center and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

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Hinata-Yamaguchi quoted in Deutsche Welle on Japan’s efforts in the Pacific Islands Tue, 23 Jul 2024 15:40:23 +0000 On July 22, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi was quoted in Deutsche Welle regarding Japan’s strategic competition with China in the Pacific Islands. He emphasized that Japan aims to be a reliable partner to Pacific nations through infrastructure development and climate change efforts, in contrast to China’s significant investments and security agreements.  

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On July 22, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi was quoted in Deutsche Welle regarding Japan’s strategic competition with China in the Pacific Islands. He emphasized that Japan aims to be a reliable partner to Pacific nations through infrastructure development and climate change efforts, in contrast to China’s significant investments and security agreements.  

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State of the Order: In June, the world’s alliances strengthened—but concerning risks for the democratic order remain Wed, 10 Jul 2024 14:37:58 +0000 The State of the Order breaks down the month's most important events impacting the democratic world order.

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In June, much of the world saw not only rising temperatures, but also multiplying stresses on the world order. Israel and Hamas still did not agree on a cease-fire, despite hopes earlier in the month that both sides would sign onto a previously floated three-phase plan. Tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his military leadership over war aims magnified, as the Israeli army’s chief spokesman publicly questioned the government’s articulated goal of destroying Hamas. Meanwhile, the United States and its allies ramped up support for Ukraine, with new measures that allow Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike inside Russia and a new Group of Seven (G7) plan to use interest on immobilized Russian sovereign assets for a fifty-billion-dollar loan to Ukraine. European Union (EU) elections saw the far right make gains, especially in France, but the center largely held.

Read up on the events shaping the democratic world order.

Reshaping the order

This month’s topline events

Tensions mount within the Israeli government as conflict grinds on. As June ended, Israel and Hamas still had not agreed on a cease-fire, despite hopes earlier in the month that both sides would sign onto a previously floated three-phase plan. Although the United States assured that Israel accepted, it is unclear whether Israel declined the latest three phase. Yet Hamas requested some unworkable changes after all the parties alleged acceptance. Even as the two sides haggled over cease-fire terms, Israeli military operations in Gaza slowed due to operational tempo, but there remained an increase in intensity in the continued tit-for-tat exchanges between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah, driving global concern over a potential war between them that could evolve into a broader regional conflict. Netanyahu dissolved his war cabinet, the unit established to bring a unified approach to Israel’s fight against Hamas. The decision came following the resignation of former military chief Benny Gantz from the cabinet. Gantz resigned amidst protests over the continued lack of a strategic plan to defeat Hamas. Illustrating further divisions within the Israeli government over war aims, the Israeli army’s chief spokesman publicly questioned the government’s articulated goal of destroying Hamas, noting, “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people—whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.” Tens of thousands of Israeli people protested in Tel Aviv to demand a cease-fire and the return of hostages.

  • Shaping the order. Tensions within the Israeli government, between Netanyahu and his military leadership, came to a head as the two sides seemed at odds over end goals for Israel’s military operations. There remains limited consensus on the way forward. In February, Netanyahu presented a post-war plan aiming for local officials to govern Gaza, with Israel preparing to test the experimental model with “humanitarian bubbles.” Allies have collectively strategized various pathways and there remains widespread skepticism of the plan. Yet the Israeli government continues to struggle to advance a post-conflict plan and receive sufficient buy-in from the United States, Arab states, and others, which remains a key priority for regional stability and US interests.
  • What to do. The Biden administration should continue to work with allies in Doha and Cairo to pursue a path to a temporary cease-fire and hostage-for-Palestinian-prisoners deal—that would also enable a flood of humanitarian relief in Gaza—despite the low probability of success.

The United States and its allies step up support for Ukraine. The United States expanded its policy to allow Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike “anywhere that Russian forces are coming across the border from the Russian side to the Ukrainian side to try to take additional Ukrainian territory,” according to US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. This builds on its May decision to allow Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike a limited set of targets, largely across the border from Kharkiv.

The Biden administration, following the G7 meeting in Italy, announced it would rush the delivery of air-defense interceptors to Ukraine by delaying the delivery of them to most other nations. The G7 also agreed to use interest on immobilized Russian sovereign assets to collateralize a fifty-billion-dollar loan to Ukraine. The United States added new and strong US sanctions against Russia and finalized a US-Ukraine ten-year memorandum of understanding on security cooperation.

As US munitions began to reach the front lines in Ukraine, the Russian offensive against Kharkiv lost momentum. Although Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy generation did considerable damage (taking down almost half of Ukrainian electric generation), the US decision to rush delivery of air-defense interceptors may help further mitigate such attacks, as will Romania’s decision to send to Ukraine one of its Patriot batteries. Meanwhile, Ukrainian attacks on Russian military infrastructure in Crimea were taking an increasing toll, and Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea to shore up his relationship with dictator Kim Jong Un and ensure Pyongyang continues providing munitions and arms to Moscow for the war in Ukraine.

On the diplomatic front, Russia escalated its demands for a cease-fire in an unrealistic fashion, insisting that Ukraine must first abandon territory it currently holds in the four provinces partly occupied by Russia, land that Russia has been unable to take by force. Days after that, from June 15 to 16, ninety-three countries attended a peace conference in Switzerland to discuss Ukrainian terms (its ten-point plan) for a settlement and seventy-eight countries signed a document that called for the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, a key Ukrainian point (more countries have signed on since). China did not attend, however, and some key countries in the Global South such as South Africa, India, Brazil, and Mexico did not sign the conference document.

  • Shaping the order. The Biden administration’s decision to allow Ukraine to use US-provided weapons to strike inside Russia, beyond initial restrictions on targets near Kharkiv, is a significant, positive step in Western support for Ukraine. Using frozen Russian assets to collateralize a loan for Ukraine is another positive step, but the United States and its allies may find they need to go further, using said assets themselves rather than continuing to use their own funds exclusively.
  • Hitting home. Some US experts argue that Ukraine is a strategic liability and that US focus there diverts resources better used in the Indo-Pacific. Russian victory in the war, which is likely to result from a US withdrawal, would cause cascading security problems in Europe that would draw on even more US resources.
  • What to do. The United States and its allies must marshal continued military assistance for Ukraine, including air defense and weapons that support Kyiv’s attacks on Russian military targets in occupied Ukraine, especially Crimea. The United States has the means to intensify pressure on the Russian economy and should use such tools. Washington should consider enforcing sanctions to hit smugglers of technology subcomponents utilized for Russian weapons and evaders of the oil price cap (the latter missing from the otherwise strong June 12 US sanctions package). A successful Ukrainian land offensive may not be possible in the near term. 

The center holds, but the right makes gains, in European Parliament elections. Across the EU’s twenty-seven member states, voters cast ballots to select their representatives to the European parliament. The election saw gains for the center-right and right, but it was a disappointing showing for French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Renew party. The European People’s Party, the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni), and Identity and Democracy—the hard right—were the main beneficiaries of the elections. These results were overshadowed by Macron calling for a snap parliamentary election after his party’s incredibly poor performance in the European Parliament election (garnering less than half the votes of their far-right rivals, the National Rally): The snap election resulted in the left-wing New Popular Front on top, Macron’s  centrist alliance placed second, and  Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally, which finished third. Yet, the right did not do well in Scandinavia, Spain, and Romania, and had only a modest uptick in Poland, where the ruling Civic Platform came in first place. The parties in Germany’s ruling coalition—the Social Democrats, the Free Democrats, and the Greens—all lost ground in Germany, but the center-right alliance between the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union did well.

  • Shaping the order. Snap elections in France overshadowed the fact that the center mostly held its ground in the EU elections. The far right’s marginal gains will matter, however, if said forces can unite and if center-right parties are willing to engage with the far-right. Even so, the incoming parliament is likely to be more fragmented and polarized than its predecessor. And the French elections, the first round having wrapped, are pointing to a major defeat for Macron and a surge of the right, which is both nationalist and wary about the extent of French support to Ukraine.
  • Hitting home. Even though the center largely held in the European Parliament elections, the increased fragmentation will likely mean less clarity on policy issues that impact US companies.
  • What to do. The United States should constructively engage the European Parliament, encouraging it to hold firm to its moderate stances and not bend to the far right’s proposals.

Quote of the Month

The votes cast put the far-right forces at almost 40 percent and the extremes [on the right and left] at almost 50 percent. This is a political fact that cannot be ignored.
—French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking after the European Parliament elections.

State of the Order this month: Unchanged

Assessing the five core pillars of the democratic world order

Democracy (↔)

  • On June 30, the far-right National Rally won in the first round of the parliamentary elections, although it’s unclear whether they will get a majority with the second-round vote upcoming on July 7. Many French citizens have been protesting against the National Rally out of concern for women’s rights and minority rights, where thousands of women marched in dozens of French cities, including Paris, to protest against Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally.
  • Mexico elected Claudia Sheinbaum, its first female president, in the country’s largest election in history with 98 million registered voters. As Mexico City’s former mayor and the favored successor of outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Sheinbaum was favored to win. Promising to continue López Obrador’s policies, she believes the government has a strong responsibility to address economic inequality and establish robust social security.
  • On balance, the democracy pillar was unchanged.

Security (↔)

  • Chinese forces seized Philippine small boats that were attempting to resupply a Philippine military outpost at Second Thomas Shoal. Multiple Philippine vessels were damaged, and sailors were injured in the incident. One US official called China’s actions “deeply destabilizing.”
  • Houthi rebels launched an aerial drone, striking and damaging the Transworld Navigator in the Red Sea, one of more than sixty attacks targeting specific vessels. The attack comes after United States recalled its USS Dwight D. Eisenhower after an eight-month deployment. Shipping in the corridor—crucial for connecting Europe, the Middle East, and Asia—has slowed significantly. The Houthis said they would continue the attacks as long as the Israel-Hamas war continues.
  • On balance, the democracy pillar was unchanged.

Trade (↔)

  • Amid the European Commission’s anti-subsidy investigations into electric vehicles (EVs) coming from China , the European Union announced additional tariffs on  imported Chinese EVs. The tariffs range from 17.4 to 38.1 percent—and that’s on top of the 10 percent duty already in place. As a result, Chinese car companies may consider raising prices or establishing factories in Europe, as the continent recently became China’s largest EV export market.
  • On balance, the democracy pillar was unchanged.

Commons ()

  • The United Nations conducted a worldwide poll that revealed 80 percent of people want governments to take more action on addressing climate change. The survey noted majority support for stronger climate action in twenty of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters and majority support globally a quicker transition away from fossil fuels. Despite the increasing state of global conflict and rise of nationalism, the desire to set aside geopolitical differences and work together on climate change is expanding.
  • Record-breaking heat, fueled by climate change, affected millions around the globe, scorching four continents and surpassing last summer as the warmest in two thousand years. There were more than forty thousand suspected heat stroke cases in India between March 1 and June 18, and in Saudi Arabia, over one thousand people died participating in the Hajj pilgrimage amid soaring temperatures. Devastating forest fires spread in Europe and northern Africa, and a heat dome trapped large regions of the United States, preventing cool air from getting in.
  • On balance, the commons pillar was weakened.

Alliances (↑)

  • For the first time in twenty-four years, Russian President Vladimir Putin and dictator Kim Jong Un met in North Korea, reinforcing their commitment to cooperate and protect each other’s interests. As part of the meeting, they signed a mutual military-assistance treaty, with Putin announcing that Russia could provide weapons to North Korea—with potentially destabilizing effects for the democratic world order.
  • The leaders of the G7 convened in Apulia, Italy, for the 2024 G7 Summit to discuss supporting Ukraine, pushing back on unfair economic practices, combating climate change, addressing food and health insecurity, leveraging critical technologies, and partnering with like-minded countries around the globe.
  • On balance, the alliances pillar was strengthened.

Strengthened (↑)________Unchanged (↔)________Weakened ()

What is the democratic world order? Also known as the liberal order, the rules-based order, or simply the free world, the democratic world order encompasses the rules, norms, alliances, and institutions created and supported by leading democracies over the past seven decades to foster security, democracy, prosperity, and a healthy planet.

This month’s top reads

Three must-read commentaries on the democratic order

  • Michael Doyle, in Foreign Affairs, argues that democratic peace is back in vogue and great powers can prevent the tensions between democracies and autocracies from escalating into full-blown global cold war.
  • Robert C. O’Brien, in Foreign Affairs, outlines a Trump administration foreign policy centered on the return of peace through strength.
  • Célia Belin and Mathieu Droin explore in Foreign Policy what a far-right victory would mean for French foreign policy.

Action and analysis by the Atlantic Council

Our experts weight in on this month’s events

  • Niva Yau, in an  Atlantic Council report, shows how China is training future authoritarians overseas in order to secure its interests in Global South countries and beyond.
  • Matthew Kroenig and Dan Negrea, in Foreign Policy, explain that the United States’ competition with China should be focused on weakening and defeating the Chinese Communist Party regime.
  • Daniel Fried, in the New Atlanticist, offers seven ways to reboot G7 sanctions on Russia, stating that United States and its allies must commit to dedicating resources to identifying targets for taking economic steps against Russia.
  • Andrew Michta, in a piece for the German Council on Foreign Relations, contends that Germany must commit to significantly expanding its defense industrial base so that it will be well positioned to establish strong cooperation with whichever candidate wins the next US presidential election.


The Democratic Order Initiative is an Atlantic Council initiative aimed at reenergizing American global leadership and strengthening cooperation among the world’s democracies in support of a rules-based democratic order. Sign on to the Council’s Declaration of Principles for Freedom, Prosperity, and Peace by clicking here.

Patrick Quirk – Nonresident Senior Fellow
Dan Fried – Distinguished Fellow
Ginger Matchett – Project Assistant

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The UK sets a path for clean, affordable energy—and renewed climate leadership Tue, 09 Jul 2024 16:24:21 +0000 The new UK administration, under Prime Minister Keir Starmer, is committed to clean energy and the energy transition. With experienced ministers stepping back into familiar roles, the new Labour government aims to hit the ground running to drive renewable energy, new nuclear technologies, and carbon capture initiatives, repositioning the UK as a leader in international climate change discussions.

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The new United Kingdom administration is one that is passionate about clean energy and the energy transition. But first, to understand its approach to energy policy, it is important to understand how this new government will operate.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s pitch is that the government will be focused on “mission delivery” with mission delivery boards chaired by Starmer personally. He has said that his approach to all issues will be “country first—party second.”


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Almost all members of the Shadow Cabinet have been appointed to those same portfolios in government and, in addition, Starmer has also brought back some former ministers from the Tony Blair/Gordon Brown years. They are all therefore familiar with their portfolios, widely respected, and able to hit the ground running. It is also clear that the prime minister wants to work closely with the private sector in order to make early progress on the government’s priorities.

Ed Miliband has been appointed as secretary of state for energy security and net zero. This is broadly the role he held when Labour was last in government before 2010, so he knows the issues well and is a genuinely passionate advocate for tackling climate change and delivering net zero.

With the UK government now one the most secure among the large western nations (with a five-year mandate and a very large majority), the United Kingdom is expected to reassume a leading role in the international discussions on climate change. As the only country to have reduced its carbon emissions by over 50 percent since 1990, many will welcome that leadership once again.

In most areas, there will not be a huge difference in UK government energy policy under the new administration, but there will be a few distinct changes.

Labour has set a very challenging target to decarbonize the electricity grid by 2030. Until there is much more detail about how this can be done, industry will understandably be skeptical about the feasibility of such a goal, the costs involved, and how local communities will be brought on board. This will involve a significant further commitment to renewables, including a welcome early announcement to end the ban on onshore wind. The United Kingdom’s success in developing offshore wind will be continued.

There is evident government support for new nuclear, including next generation small modular reactors, and in the longer-term for fusion. The government wants to see a significant role for hydrogen and for tidal power, but these cannot deliver at scale in time for the 2030 target, so expect to see an acceleration of carbon capture utilization and storage programs. Starmer has spoken recently about the continuing role for gas in the mix, to deliver energy security, and this can only happen if its use can be decarbonized.

Labour is committed to ending the granting of new oil and gas licenses for the North Sea, while respecting the licenses that have already been issued. In reality, these would be for field developments that are many years off, so they would not make any significant difference to the United Kingdom’s energy security in the short-term. Of more immediate impact, there will be a new levy on companies operating in the North Sea oil and gas sector, and here the detail will be crucial—if not done carefully, companies may simply choose to leave the United Kingdom, as many have already done.

At the heart of its energy policy, there will be a new government organization, Great British Energy, and although its full details are still to be clarified, its purpose is to drive forward the clean energy sector and accelerate the transition. If done properly, it will help ensure the roll-out of the grid infrastructure needed to harness the wealth of renewable energy that the United Kingdom has in abundance.

Also of value will be greater attention on issues that have not had the attention they deserve, such as energy efficiency, decarbonizing heat, and an acceleration of demand-side response measures that are already starting to transform the electricity market. The government already knows that the success of its energy policy will be judged in large part by whether people can afford their bills.

Sadly, energy rarely seemed to be center-stage under the Conservative government (unless in response to a crisis), and that seems to be changing fast. There is already a sense that energy deeply matters to this administration—not just to deliver energy security but as an economic driver, helping to decarbonize homes and businesses, and creating a mass of new green jobs.

As a former Conservative energy minister, I wish this new administration well. If they can get these policies right, they stand a very good chance of delivering the holy grail in energy terms—clean, and secure energy, at a price people can afford.

Charles Hendry is a distinguished fellow with the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, a former member of the UK Parliament, and former UK minister of state for energy.




The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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Feeling the heat? Biden’s proposed protections for workers are a welcome start. Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:47:28 +0000 The federal proposals are a step in the right direction, but state and local efforts are also needed to protect workers from extreme heat.

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As the United States enters what has been one of its hottest months of the year, the Biden administration on Tuesday took a significant step in protecting an estimated thirty-six million workers nationwide from extreme heat. This long-awaited move—for workers, companies, and advocates alike—was paired with the announcement of new research from the US Environmental Protection Agency and new investment through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Building Resilience Infrastructure and Communities program.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed new federal regulations to protect workers. When the heat index reaches or exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit, employers would be required to monitor workers and provide water and rest areas. At 90 degrees Fahrenheit, more protections kick in, including mandatory fifteen-minute rest breaks every two hours and monitoring employees for signs of heat-related illnesses.

Heat-related illnesses have been recognized as occupational hazards for a decade, with an estimated 2,300 workers in the United States dying from extreme heat exposure last year alone. However, this number is likely an undercount and does not capture the many more who suffered nonlethal or chronic heat-related illnesses, as well as workers who injured themselves on the job due to the heat. For instance, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles found that workers in California are up to 9 percent more likely to suffer a workplace injury on days with temperatures over 90 degrees Fahrenheit than on days that are between 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a problem that will only get worse. The summer is only a few weeks underway in the Northern Hemisphere, and already more than one hundred million US residents have been exposed to extreme heat.

What comes next?

Despite the need for action, OSHA’s proposal will have significant opponents. Industry groups are gearing up for battle, arguing that the rule will be both administratively cumbersome and costly. This is a sentiment that some political leaders have already embraced. Earlier this year, both Florida and Texas enacted state-wide bans to prevent localities from instituting their own worker-protection ordinances. Both state governments are unlikely to accept OSHA’s proposal without protest. In fact, despite the persistent threat of extreme heat, only five states have extreme heat worker protections: California, Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington.  

The argument that extreme heat worker protections will come at a cost often ignores the very real cost of maintaining the status quo under dangerously high temperatures. Aside from the price that workers pay with their health, extreme heat in the workplace has significant economic impacts, from lost labor productivity to healthcare costs. The high and growing price of extreme heat on US residents’ lives and livelihoods illustrates not only that this new rule is necessary, but also that, on its own, it is not enough.

Since 2021, the Biden administration has worked to reestablish the role of the United States as a leader in the fight against climate change, both domestically and abroad. This new rule could help cement the United States’ leadership role on climate—but only if it is properly enforced and expanded upon. For the rule to be effective, the administration should continue significantly utilizing OSHA’s National Emphasis Program for Outdoor and Indoor Heat-Related Hazards, which gives it latitude to direct resources toward both employer education on heat safety protocols and inspections that will better ensure compliance.

The Biden administration should also leverage existing funds to ensure that workers remain safe even when they head home for the day. As temperatures rise across the United States and the world, workplace regulations alone will not be enough to adequately protect workers. Federal agencies should incentivize states to direct Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding toward cooling assistance in vulnerable households, and lawmakers should ensure that LIHEAP is funded adequately to cover energy needs during both the summer and winter months. Currently, only approximately 5 percent of LIHEAP’s four billion dollars in funding goes to cooling assistance (heating receives ten times as much), despite the accelerating demand for relief from high nighttime temperatures that place a significant burden on the human body, and which can lead to heat exhaustion while on the job.  

Ultimately however, this issue cannot be solved at the federal level alone. It also requires efforts at the state and local level to ensure that the most vulnerable communities and individuals are being identified and solutions tailored to local contexts are being implemented. The appointment of a Chief Heat Officer (CHO), at the city, county, or state level, is one tool that can address the local challenges of extreme heat. Local governments such as Miami-Dade County, Phoenix, and Los Angeles have already taken this approach. Local climate leaders—like CHOs—are well positioned to work closely with their communities to tailor solutions to meet their specific needs and to create a unified response to build resilience to extreme heat both during the workday and off the clock.

Catherine Wallace is the associate director of strategic partnerships and advocacy for the extreme heat resilience pillar of the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht–Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock).

Owen Gow is the deputy director for the extreme heat resilience pillar at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht–Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock).

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Hurricane Beryl spotlights the importance of climate adaptation in the Caribbean Wed, 03 Jul 2024 17:08:54 +0000 The earliest category five Atlantic hurricane on record is a reminder that governments and the private sector must prioritize adapting to climate change. COP29 is a good place to start.

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Caribbean countries are grappling with the first hurricane of the 2024 season. Hurricane Beryl, which has made history as the earliest category five Atlantic hurricane on record, has damaged infrastructure and caused widespread power outages.

Unfortunately, this is a familiar scene for the region, which routinely battles the effects of extreme weather events and climate change. Hurricane Beryl once again spotlights why focusing on the mitigation of climate change, through such methods as cutting carbon emissions, alone is insufficient. Caribbean countries must prioritize climate adaptation as the primary mechanism to withstand hurricanes and other baked-in effects of climate change.

Climate adaptation is the answer to these extreme weather events, but it requires significant investment that governments in the Caribbean cannot afford. International support, including private finance, is needed. In five months, the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, also known as COP29, will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan. It has been dubbed the “finance COP,” and there governments and the private sector should come together and show the commercial utility of prioritizing climate adaptation. Doing so can unlock new financing and create project pipelines that are commercially attractive to global investors.

COP29 might well be the ideal forum to strengthen these initiatives and encourage commitments from governments and the business community.

The Caribbean is often categorized as the world’s most vulnerable region to climate change. Seventy percent of the region’s population lives or works on the coast, meaning that storm surges from hurricanes affect businesses, lifestyles, and government operations. Hurricanes and strong storms also bring the tourism industry to a halt, disproportionately affecting the region’s tourism-dependent economies and severely slowing economic growth. Hurricane Maria in 2017 cost Dominica an estimated 225 percent of its gross domestic product, while Hurricane Irma in the same year cost Antigua and Barbuda more than $136 million in damages, of which the tourism industry represented 44 percent.

Strong storms damage critical infrastructure. Downed power lines cause widespread power outages, while flooded roads and bridges can prevent rescue operations. Already, Hurricane Beryl has caused power outages in Saint Lucia, and homes in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have lost their roofs. And stronger storms lead to longer recovery periods, which can increase governments’ public debt as they borrow at high interest rates from multilateral institutions to rebuild after the storm has passed. Six years after Hurricane Maria, for example, citizens in Dominica are still rebuilding.

Withstanding strong storms and other effects of climate change requires new climate adaptation projects. For hurricanes with high wind speeds (such as Beryl, which sustained wind speeds of 150 mph at its peak), it is necessary to retrofit infrastructure to be resilient. To achieve this, governments need to require building codes for new homes and infrastructure that ensure sufficient resilience across structures. To brace for storm surges, governments need to move water and energy infrastructure underground where possible to avoid damage. New sea walls and flood protection systems also need to be built.

In all, the region needs more than $100 billion dollars in investment to meet its climate adaptation goals, but it has only been approved for less than one billion dollars from various climate funds. Governments are often left to fend for themselves, taking high-interest loans (due to the classification of many Caribbean nations as middle- and high-income economies by the World Bank) since they often do not qualify for concessional financing. At the same time, governments have borne the brunt of the responsibility because these types of climate adaptation projects are not always attractive to the private sector. Retrofitting infrastructure and other climate adaptation projects, for example, have high upfront costs with little return on investment.

COP29 is an opportunity to bring the public and private sector together to unlock new financing and advance climate adaptation projects. The private sector—both in the region and around the world—has access to needed technologies and has the capacity to undertake climate adaptation projects, from providing drainage on roads and bridges to help ease flash flooding to building decentralized energy grid infrastructure to limit widespread blackouts. Climate adaptation is, after all, in the private sector’s interest. If the effects of hurricanes and climate change worsen and the region’s economies slow, then businesses’ profits will be affected.

What will it take to get the private sector more involved? Attracting private sector participation requires regulatory reforms and carve outs by governments to ensure that companies yield a return on projects. Governments can provide incentives, such as giving exclusive benefits to companies participating in projects and providing subsidies or tax exemptions on materials used. Equally important is access to low-cost finance and capital. Governments can work with institutions such as IDB Invest and global donors that provide grant finance to funnel capital to companies undertaking long-term developments while engaging with insurance agencies that can underwrite riskier projects. 

Caribbean leaders have begun to explore private sector participation in climate adaptation projects, notably through the Bridgetown Initiative and the Blue Green Investment Corporation, but there is still work to be done. COP29 might well be the ideal forum to strengthen these initiatives and encourage commitments from governments and the business community. Doing so requires flexibility from both sectors and a focus on projects that are investment-friendly and can attract global donors. 

In the lead-up to COP29, governments will need to begin laying the regulatory groundwork and soliciting the required technical assistance from development institutions to encourage private sector participation. Moreover, Caribbean governments should consider adding or increasing the size of the private sector groups to their delegations for COP29 to ensure they have a seat at the table and are bought into any signed agreements. Building these public-private relationships can go a long way toward showing global donors and companies the viability of investing in climate adaptation projects in the Caribbean and unlock needed capital that can save lives in the long run.

Wazim Mowla is the associate director and fellow of the Caribbean Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center.

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Accelerating the energy transition in the Eastern Caribbean Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Countries in the Eastern Caribbean are among the world’s most energy insecure nations. These countries grapple with high electricity costs that undercut economic competitiveness and growth, are heavily dependent on petroleum products, and are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

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Table of contents


Countries in the Eastern Caribbean1 are among the world’s most energy insecure nations. These countries grapple with high electricity costs that undercut economic competitiveness and growth, are heavily dependent on petroleum products, and are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. At the same time, a World Bank designation as middle- or high-income economies significantly limits access to concessional financing. The result is a slow transition to renewable energy power generation, including attracting commercial interest for the relevant infrastructure and unbundling utility systems that often stymie regulatory changes and curtail needed investments in the energy sector.

The time may be ripe for accelerating the pace of the transition in the Eastern Caribbean. A broad consensus exists among regional governments, the business community, and multilateral partners to further usher in a transition to renewable energy, given the unique vulnerabilities facing Eastern Caribbean countries. Meanwhile, countries in the Southern Caribbean (Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Suriname) are leaning into their hydrocarbon reserves as they balance their own energy transition, while other countries are either attracting commercial interest or are far along in their renewable energy development relative to the Eastern Caribbean. Though there is an abundance of solar and wind power potential in the Eastern Caribbean—along with significant geothermal reserves in Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Saint Kitts and Nevis—countries in this region are faced with defining how a realistic, affordable, and just energy transition can take place and unlocking new private sector and multilateral resources.

The Atlantic Council’s Caribbean Initiative engaged in a series of consultations with the Caribbean Energy Working Group (CEWG), whose members identified two main constraints to the region’s transition: the top-down vertically integrated nature of state-owned utility systems; and limited access to low-cost financing and credit to governments and clean energy developers. While recognizing that an energy transition requires a holistic approach, CEWG members propose that the starting points must be addressing utility constraints and access to finance to ensure a reliable and resilient energy system transformation that is sustainable and affordable for consumers, governments, and the private sector in the Eastern Caribbean. An energy transition in the Eastern Caribbean must ensure reliable power to combat price volatility for consumers while energy infrastructure should be resilient to the effects of climate change, hurricanes and strong tropical storms, and rising temperatures.

The CEWG brings together up to fifteen policy and technical experts from across the Caribbean, and was first convened in 2023 by the Atlantic Council. This publication builds off the CEWG’s first report, “A roadmap for the Caribbean’s energy transition,” which was published last year and outlined a five-step process that governments, developers, and regional partners can undertake to facilitate an energy transition in the Caribbean. The five-step process includes: conducting energy modeling and analysis; modernizing energy grids; diversifying utility structures; creating bankable projects; and scaling project investment to national and subregional levels. This publication focuses on applying steps three and four of the roadmap.

The CEWG met as part of two roundtable discussions, followed by five one-on-one consultation sessions across the group to identify barriers and solutions to accelerating a reliable and resilient energy transition in the Eastern Caribbean. This publication serves as a complement to existing initiatives and projects dedicated to facilitating an energy transition, with the aim of raising additional awareness of the reality and the urgency of the moment for the world’s most vulnerable countries.

Severe consequences for energy insecurity

Countries in the Eastern Caribbean are open facing, small market economies, vulnerable to ebbs and flows of the global financial system. The region’s import dependence means that supply chain constraints and rising global interest rates have a disproportionate effect on these economies. For example, when Russia’s war in Ukraine stemmed the flow of fertilizer to agriculture commodity exporters, food inflation in the Eastern Caribbean skyrocketed and remained high even as prices eventually declined in industrialized nations.2 And although the price of renewable energy, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) power, has declined dramatically over the past decade, capital and investment in this sector naturally gravitated to the bigger economies in the Global North.

Climate change wreaks havoc across Caribbean islands that do not have the available climate-resilient infrastructure to withstand strong wind speeds and heavy rainfall. September 19, 2022. REUTERS/Ricardo Rojas

Stronger storms, more outages
Climate change is a significant driver of the energy transition in the Eastern Caribbean. Hurricanes and strong tropical storms cause flash flooding and high wind speeds that damage energy infrastructure. Global warming, as a result of increasing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), is fueling stronger and more frequent tropical storms. The result is lost power for days and weeks, as was the case in 2017 when Hurricane Irma hit Antigua and Bermuda, damaging transmission lines and generators. Similarity, in 2019, Hurricane Dorian caused widespread power outages in Dominica.3

The makeup of these economies has resulted in Eastern Caribbean countries paying some of the highest electricity prices in the Americas, including double and sometimes triple of what the average consumer pays in the United States ($0.109 per 1 kilowatt-hour (KW/h).4 On average, consumer costs in Antigua and Barbuda ($0.367 per 1 KW/h) and Saint Kitts and Nevis ($0.333 per 1 KW/h) rank on the higher end of the spectrum, with Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ($0.185 per 1 KW/h) on the lower end, and the rest of the countries falling in between. These high costs coincide with an import dependence on petroleum products, with Antigua and Barbuda (100 percent), Dominica (92 percent), Grenada (93 percent), Saint Lucia (98 percent), Saint Kitts and Nevis (87 percent), and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (95 percent) all relying on fossil fuels to satisfy almost all of their energy demand.5 The cost of these imports account for almost 7 percent of the subregion’s gross domestic product, cutting into public expenditure needed to invest in climate adaptation projects and social sectors such as education and health services.6

High electricity prices and energy imports undercut the competitiveness of key economic sectors in the Eastern Caribbean—notably the hospitality sector—and limit the purchasing power of consumers. According to the Inter-American Development Bank, six of the countries prioritized in this publication rank in the global top ten of tourism-dependent economies.7 The tourism industry accounts for a significant share of energy demand in these countries, increasing the prices for hotel rooms due to high usage of air conditioning and lighting.8 Given that the tourism industry is an economic driver, high energy costs can make industries uncompetitive vis-à-vis other tourist hubs in the region such as Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. Beyond the tourism sector, more than a quarter of energy demand in the Eastern Caribbean is for residential use.9 High power bills can take up a large share of household income and decrease the purchasing power of individuals, leaving them unable to spend money on local products and services, like food and transportation, which help to stimulate economic growth.

Despite the challenges facing the Eastern Caribbean, bright spots exist. Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, and geothermal reserves, are abundant. Across the region, the sun shines more than 200 days annually,10 has an estimated potential of almost 70 gigawatts of available offshore wind (excluding Dominica), and (excluding Antigua and Barbuda) houses an estimated 6,290 megawatts (MW) of available geothermal reserves.11 But this potential has not been tapped. Current installed capacity of renewable energy (as a percentage) stands at: Antigua (4 percent), Dominica (25 percent including hydroelectric power), Grenada (4 percent), Saint Lucia (3 percent), Saint Kitts and Nevis (5 percent), and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (17 percent including hydroelectric).

Geothermal development is a high priority in the Eastern Caribbean
Dominica has an estimated 1,390 MW of geothermal potential. The country’s small population and energy grid had not provided adequate incentive to develop that capacity, due to the high capital costs of exploring its geothermal reserves at scale- until recently. Commitment by the government in 2023 to develop its reserves and support this year from the World Bank have helped the country begin developing its geothermal potential. The World Bank is financing a new project at $38.5 million to support drilling of new geothermal wells and helping construct new transmission lines and substations to connect the future geothermal plants to consumers. Meanwhile, St. Kitts and Nevis is consistently looking for new partners to support its own geothermal ambitions for close to a decade, with a total project cost estimated at US $505 million. A mixture of bilateral and multilateral financing will be needed to bring this project closed to Dominica’s stage.12

Energy-transition barriers

The utility systems in the Eastern Caribbean are state-owned entities—excluding Saint Lucia, which has a public-private model—tasked with providing power to citizens. Tax revenues are used by governments to invest in critical and social services. These are top-down systems in vertically integrated structures, meaning that they single-handedly operate the generation, transmission, and distribution of power. This model can stifle innovation and competition, leaving customers without alternative choices and increasing the cost of electricity. Further, it means that introducing new clean energy technologies, when possible, must be financed and implemented by the utility, which is often devoid of the needed capital and technical assistance to act. Therefore, incorporating renewable energies into this model can be expensive—particularly since these technologies have high upfront costs. It is both a political and economic challenge that clean energy is not necessarily cheap energy.

However, unbundling utility systems is not a straightforward solution and not all state-owned entities are necessarily bad. Breaking these systems apart might divide consumer bases and may not lower the cost of electricity given the small size of Eastern Caribbean countries’ populations. Instead, as discussed below, the best-case scenario is to introduce innovation into the utility system, such as diversifying the utility structure across generation, distribution, and transmission by using public-private models. Maintaining an intact customer base is critical for utilities to keep the costs low for consumers while ensuring that utilities and the private-sector entities are still turning a profit. This does not mean that breaking up systems is the sole way to ensure low prices for renewable energy generation. Some markets, particularly in micro economies like in the Eastern Caribbean, might be too small to introduce competition and keep prices affordable. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as changes in utility structures need to adapt to and be contextualized for each individual country.

Changing the business model of the utilities can help to create more incentives to incorporating renewable energy generation by factoring in the social cost externalities (the associated costs of fossil fuels on the broader public and society) of depending on fossil fuels as a realistic price comparison. Current models determine the price of electricity based on the cost of petroleum imports. But the emissions of fossil fuels—not just carbon dioxide but also other toxins that cause respiratory illnesses—increase cancer risks and, generally, overall poor health. The future healthcare costs for the consumer and the burden on governments to invest in adequate healthcare infrastructure are typically not added to the total cost of importing fossil fuels. If a full cost analysis and reformed business model are developed, then the price of importing fossil fuels might be higher than renewable power generation.

Utility-scale solar PV is a low-cost renewable energy option in the Eastern Caribbean, but it requires significant planning and project design work due to the unique landscapes of each country—all of which are costly. October 26, 2017. REUTERS/Alvin Baez

Commercial developers fund projects initially on their own before seeking to make projects bankable by obtaining loans that are backed by cash flow. Projects in the Eastern Caribbean take a long time to develop, given financing challenges due to unclear regulations and permitting, and a lack of investment-grade utility systems to guarantee payments under negotiated power purchasing agreements. Due to the long period of development, investors and governments look to derisk their projects by seeking full grants or convertible loan grants to help them clear these hurdles.

Commercial renewable energy projects also suffer from limited access to low cost and concessionary finance and capital. As discussed, state-owned utilities and governments are responsible for financing new renewable energy projects. These countries do not have the fiscal space or national budgets to self-finance these projects, leaving them to seek loans and grants from multilateral development banks (MDBs) and bilateral lenders. However, the World Bank classifies Eastern Caribbean countries as middle- and high-income economies, disqualifying them from accessing low-cost loans from the World Bank and those that also use this classification, such as the US Development Finance Corporation. This also applies to the business community and energy developers who need access to financing during the pre-project phase (prefeasibility studies, production of design drawings, and environmental social and impact assessments, among others).

Applying the CEWG roadmap

Addressing utility constraints and unlocking new access to finance and capital both are needed, but a well thought-out process that takes the context and nuances of each country into account is needed. To the international community, these countries are bound by their similarities (e.g., population and market size, and geographic location). Realistically, there are enough differences between them that suggest that no solution to the region’s energy transition challenges can be a one-size-fits-all approach. Each country’s context will determine how the below solutions are applied, from unbundling utility structures to attracting finance and capital based on renewable energy. While each country needs a transition that is contextualized to its own reality, technical assistance and transmission upgrades are at the core of the energy transition. Policy action and financial resources are both required, and Caribbean governments and regional institutions will need the assistance of partners like the US Trade and Development Agency and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to deploy the assistance throughout the transition process.

Based on the small consumer bases and state-owned nature of utility systems in the Eastern Caribbean, unbundling utilities might not actually lower electricity costs. Instead, the structure of the utility might be reformed to a public-private partnership (PPP) model that also accounts for price comparisons between fossil fuel imports with social cost externalities attached to a transition to renewable energies. In essence, PPPs are a collaborative model that leverages the strengths of both the public and private sectors, which can help accelerate the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure while ensuring cost-effectiveness and financing sustainability. For example, needed transmission upgrades can be undertaken by governments to help absorb costs and prevent them from being passed to consumers. And the private sector can take responsibility for generation projects, driving down costs and improving competitiveness. Governments and utilities are still able to benefit from the revenue to use for public-sector investments while private-sector entities can streamline innovation in the energy sector, helping to attract more commercial interest.

Renewable energy projects, like offshore wind, have high upfront costs and require significant technical assistance to design, build, and implement. September 4, 2023. REUTERS/Tom Little

Designing PPP models will be complex. Each country and its utility or utilities are unique. The challenge will be designing the appropriate model. Here, entities such as the IDB should work with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and use input from private-sector companies in the region, to design a PPP model for utility structures. The IDB houses the experience and expertise in designing PPP models, and through its new One Caribbean program is already building a project preparation facility that can incorporate PPP designs into its model.13 The challenge is that Eastern Caribbean countries are not members of the IDB, though they are borrowing member countries of the CDB. In the past, the CDB and the IDB have worked together to streamline assistance to and analysis for the Eastern Caribbean. The same can be done here, with the added benefit of the CDB already understanding the nuances of each of the countries in the subregion.

However, designing and implementing a PPP model requires political will and government support. Governments might not be anxious to adopt renewables if the cost of the electricity does not lower prices—affecting key political constituents—and if accelerating an energy transition comes with increased public debt through high-interest loans. Simply put, a transition is only possible if governments are given assurances and feel comfortable that incorporating renewables will not affect their standing with their constituents, meaning that entities like the IDB, CDB, and partners, such as the United States, will have to secure government support before an energy transition can take place.

As utility systems are able to reform their models to ensure that renewable energy projects are affordable for governments and consumers, support to countries and investors is needed to finance projects through the project pipeline. As discussed in the CEWG’s first report, the projects in the Caribbean tend to fall in the “valley of death,” due to project delays ranging from limited site access to an inability to secure additional financing. Key to moving projects through the pipeline is to derisk them and ensure their bankability. Two steps are needed. First, Caribbean countries need access to the expertise and capacity to conduct feasibility studies, environmental social and impact assessments, and design power purchase agreements, among other things. Second, Eastern Caribbean countries need access to investment vehicles that prioritize grants or low-cost loans for the upfront costs of renewable energy projects. Entities like IDB Invest have pockets of financing that allows the institution to inject equity into projects, but the pool of funds is small relative to what is available for other countries or subregions in Latin America.

This is where regional partners like the United States and existing regional programs like the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) and the Bridgetown Initiative14 should be utilized. The United States government, through the International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), should take advantage of the current DFC reauthorization process to create a carve out for clean energy projects in the region. The scale of investment is minimal compared to other DFC-financed projects and would have outsized effects in the small markets and grids in the Eastern Caribbean. This would take an act of the US Congress—particularly for a middle-income country exception—but there is precedent and increasing appetite to prioritize energy security in the Caribbean. Further, the United States should encourage the IDB and the CDB to work with the CDF and the Bridgetown Initiative to create a project pipeline (with attached equity investments available) to attract large-scale financing and grants from global donors. Capital and finance around the world are available if regional partners and entities are able to build mechanisms that streamline funding to energy projects in the Eastern Caribbean and build a project pipeline to attract commercial investors.

A global call to action

An energy transition in the Eastern Caribbean requires political will, regional coordination, and consistent technical assistance. Relative to the cost of the global energy transition, the needed capital in the Eastern Caribbean is minimal. But the tides are changing in the region, as more political actors and financial institutions are thinking creatively of how to accelerate an energy transition. Still, human capital and capacity limitations stifle the region’s ability to undertake this process alone. Partner governments like the United States and Canada have committed to the region’s energy security in the past few years, but these two countries do not have the funding or domestic political will to direct their attention consistently to the Eastern Caribbean. Addressing the climate crisis and facilitating a global energy transition is increasing in urgency each day, meaning that more actors across governments, international bodies, the business community, and foundations are unlocking new forms of support. Tapping into these resources will be critical. Regional governments and their partners need to continue raising the profile of the Eastern Caribbean and using regional and global platforms, from the Group of Twenty to the UN General Assembly to the COP29 climate talks in November to ensure that these countries are not left behind.


The Atlantic Council thanks board member Melanie Chen for her financial support of this publication and the corresponding working group. A thank you also goes to the CEWG members who joined the numerous one-on-one consultations and roundtables that informed this publication, including co-chairs David Goldwyn and Eugene Tiah. A special thank you goes to Jason Marczak, vice president and senior director of the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, which houses the Caribbean Initiative, for his guidance and comments throughout the working group and during the drafting of this publication. Maite Gonzalez Latorre managed the production flow of this publication.

About the author

Wazim Mowla is the associate director and fellow of the Caribbean Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center. He leads the development and execution of the initiative’s programming, including the Financial Inclusion Task Force, the US-Caribbean Partnership to Address the Climate Crisis (PACC) 2030 Working Group, and the Caribbean Energy Working Group. Since joining the Council, Mowla has co-authored major publications on the strategic importance of sending US COVID-19 vaccines to the Caribbean, strategies to address financial derisking, and how the United States can advance new policies to support climate and energy resilience.

About the Caribbean Energy Working Group Co-chairs

David Goldwyn is president of Goldwyn Global Strategies, LLC (GGS), an international energy advisory consultancy, and chairman of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center’s Energy Advisory Group. He is a globally recognized thought leader, educator, and policy innovator in energy security and extractive-industry transparency.

Eugene Tiah is a senior business executive with in-depth knowledge and more than forty years of experience in the oil and gas business within the United States and the Caribbean region. He is also the president and CEO of the Caribbean Energy Chamber.

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The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center broadens understanding of regional transformations and delivers constructive, results-oriented solutions to inform how the public and private sectors can advance hemispheric prosperity.

1    Eastern Caribbean refers to Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
2    Diego Arias, Melissa Brown, and Eva Hasiner, “The Worrying Phenomenon of Food Insecurity in the Caribbean,” World Bank, January 3, 2024,
3    Source: “Several Communities without Electricity Due to Passage of TS Dorian,” Dominica News Online, August 27, 2019,
4    “The Price of Electricity per KWh in 230 Countries,”, accessed May 1, 2024,
6    Anastasia Moloney, “Pandemic Derails Caribbean Islands’ Bid for Greener, Cheaper Energy,” Reuters, May 11, 2021,
7    David Rosenblatt and Henry Mooney, “Caribbean Region Quarterly Bulletin: The Pandemic Saga Continues,” Inter-American Development Bank, accessed May 1, 2024,
8    Pepukaye Bardouille, “A Roadmap for Scaling Up Renewable Energy in Island Nations: Three Success Factors for the Eastern Caribbean’s Transition from Fossil Fuels,” NextBillion, June 22, 2022,
9    Goldwyn, Tiah, and Mowla, “A Roadmap.”
10    Martin Vogt, “The Caribbean’s Untapped Renewable Energy Potential,” Renewable Energy World, February 6, 2019,
11    Goldwyn, Tiah, and Mowla, “A Roadmap.”
12    Source: “Dominica Commits to Transformative Geothermal Project Funding,”Carib Daily News, September 8, 2023,; “The World Bank Supports Clean Energy Generation in Dominica,” Press Release, World Bank, January 26, 2024,; and Eulana Weekes, “SKN Holds Further Geothermal Discussions with Saudi Fund for Development,” Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation, February 20, 2024,
13    “IDB Group Launches One Caribbean Regional Program,” Loop News, March 11, 2024,
14    N.K Ezeobele, “Bridgetown Initiative: Rethinking Sustainable Economic Growth for the Developing World,” Business Council for Sustainable Energy, July 14, 2023,,climate%20action%20and%20infrastructure%20gaps.

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Electrification of the road transport sector in Europe and the case of Italy Thu, 27 Jun 2024 20:00:00 +0000 A report exploring the the European Union and Italy's ongoing progress in electrifying the transport sector in pursuit of broader decarbonization goals.

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Executive summary

The European Union (EU) has increasingly raised its climate ambition, especially since the launch of the European Green Deal in 2019, which set a target of climate neutrality by 2050. The bloc’s achievement demands a contribution from all sectors: power, industry, buildings, and transport. The latter is sizable, accounting for almost a quarter of the total emissions of the twenty-seven EU members (EU-27) in 2021—with road transport responsible for more than 75 percent of the transport sector’s total emissions given its reliance on fossil fuels. Additional policies and measures are required since the sector’s emissions have substantially increased since 1990, unlike the other sectors.

While EVs are gaining relevance and are set to become an increasingly important factor in decarbonization, policymakers will need to address critical issues, especially relating to enabling infrastructure (i.e., charging stations) to have a sustainable and smooth transition. Italy, one of the largest car markets in Europe, has much to do to decarbonize road transport. It has developed alternative fuels, but electricity still accounts for less than 0.3 percent of vehicle fuels. It has set ambitious EV targets to achieve by 2030: 6.6 million cars including 4.3 million BEVs.

This article explores Europe’s rising ambition in electrifying this sector and the political and market drivers at work; presents the case of Italy, including its national objectives, trends, and challenges in the transition; and provides a summary of takeaways and policy recommendations to further support the electrification of the road transport sector, especially in Italy.

About the author

Pier Paolo Raimondi is a researcher in the Energy, Climate and Resources Program at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome. His main research topics are related to energy markets, energy policy, energy geopolitics, and geoeconomics. He also is a PhD student in institutions and politics at the Catholic University of Milan. He holds a master of international relations and a bachelor degree in political science from the University of Milan.

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The European Union (EU) likes to present itself as a decarbonization pioneer. Its ambition to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050 has been translated into bold measures that challenge the economic and social status quo. The European Green Deal, as the cornerstone climate project of the past European Commission approved in January 2020, set in motion key energy and environmental legislations and established strategies for different sectors.

But now, climate-skeptic voices and opposition to climate efforts are gaining political weight, as shown by recent trends in the European Parliament election results earlier this month. While Europeans still see climate change as a major challenge, discontent with financial developments and concerns about defense and security rank even higher in their priorities, according to the latest Eurobarometer polling.

With the changing composition of the European Parliament, some of the biggest implications will concern climate policy. A weakened EU climate agenda could result in the continent falling short of decarbonization targets. It could also influence partners abroad to mirror more lax climate policies. In the face of these shifts, Europe’s policymakers need a resilient environmental policy profile that endures political shifts and builds trust in the longevity of EU climate action among voters and international partners. 

The legacy of a climate consensus

In the 2019 European Parliament elections, climate change was a decisive topic for voters. Following the vote, the then nominee for European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, promptly pledged a strong focus on climate action as part of her eventually successful bid to secure the approval by the European Parliament. The Commission turned her pledge into action with the European Green Deal, which comprised numerous ambitious decarbonization policies. Von der Leyen called it Europe’s “man on the moon” moment.

To align EU legislation with the intermediate goal of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030, the Fit for 55 package expanded the EU emissions trading system, introduced the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism for carbon-intensive imports, and set new standards for the land use, transportation, and energy sectors, among other policies. Furthermore, at least 30 percent of the European recovery package funding was allocated for climate action.

Despite the initial progress, the wind in the sails of the EU’s green agenda now appears diminished. A sluggish economic recovery, stubbornly persistent inflation, and rising energy costs—in part, a downstream effect of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022—have resulted in the green agenda as a target for farmers’ protests and rallies.

Interest group pressure and conservative opposition to climate action have hampered green policies at the national level, too. A watered down German climate change law, climate-skepticism among Italian political leadership, and French President Emmanuel Macron calling in May of last year for a “pause” of EU environmental regulations exemplify the simultaneous nature of developments on the member state and the EU level.

Green parties lost in this year’s European Parliament elections, greatly diminishing their political weight in the body. Some commentators have already written the obituary of the bloc’s green agenda, arguing that “Europe’s green moment is over.” 

What’s next for the Green Deal?

The center-right European People’s Party (EPP), von der Leyen’s party group and the largest in the European Parliament, reaffirmed Europe’s leading role in global climate action in its 2024 party platform. At the same time, it advocates for technological neutral approaches and distances itself from the Greens and Socialists, whose position the EPP calls “ideological” in their manifesto. The rejection of a contentious bill on pesticide use in 2023 demonstrates the group’s ambiguous stance on environmental legislation as it restrained von der Leyen’s Green Deal objectives to foster sustainability in the agricultural sector. Newly and reelected EPP members are “completely divided on where to go with the Green Deal,” according to Greens/EFA co-president Terry Reintke, emphasizing the limbo in which the project currently hangs.

In the incoming European Parliament, support for the Green Deal will continue to come from the center-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group, which highlights the social aspects of a just climate transition, and the liberal Renew Europe group, which emphasizes the need for pragmatic implementation. While the Greens proposed an even more ambitious Green and Social Deal as a major investment plan, other left groups are more critical of the bloc’s approach to decarbonization.

Further to the right, the green backlash has become a rallying cry for conservative and far-right political groups, such as the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and the populist Identity and Democracy (ID), which oppose the Green Deal, advocate for local climate strategies, and call decarbonization targets unrealistic. A more prominent role of the ECR and ID in the European Parliament, following their gains in the European elections could slow down the already insufficient emissions reduction and impede the effective implementation of Green Deal policies.

However, it’s too soon to declare the death of the green agenda. It will, instead, likely be deprioritized, contending with competing policy interests. While the overlapping crises of climate change, pandemic recovery, the war in Ukraine, and the resulting inflationary trends have drawn away the electorate’s focus on climate issues, environmental concerns remained salient for voters. It is unlikely that the European Green Deal will be abandoned, especially if von der Leyen stays on as European Commission president.

The new distribution of the parliamentary seats opens possibilities for a more conservative majority but also for coalitions with center-left parties. While the three main centrist groups have reportedly reached an agreement on top European Union posts with von der Leyen as Commission president, it is not a given that she will gather enough votes in parliament. Given the new distribution of parliament seats, Green parties might therefore be the key to securing von der Leyen a second term and thus exert influence on climate protection to remain prioritized.

Regardless, even a weakened climate agenda would be a mistake. Both for political and strategic reasons, European policymakers cannot abandon the green transition. Other priorities may, rightly, deserve attention, but the climate crisis must not be ignored. Europe is, after all, the fastest-warming continent, according a recent report by the United Nations and EU. Temperatures there are rising at around twice the global average.

To ensure the viability and centrality of the Green Deal in the new European parliament, officials will need to link policy issues and make the case that the green transition can help the competitiveness agenda. A focus on implementation rather than new legislation is likely. In this consideration, a nonpartisan commitment to technologically sound and ecologically just climate action is necessary to accommodate voters’ demands and bridge party gaps. This will require political leadership, especially from von der Leyen and her EPP party group, which has yet to find a common line regarding the future of the European Green Deal.

Moritz Ludwig is a young global professional with the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center.

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Climate change was a hidden force in India’s elections. Now Modi needs to deliver solutions. Wed, 26 Jun 2024 13:46:56 +0000 The coalition government must adopt long-term climate solutions that connect to the livelihoods of India’s youth and agricultural sector.

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Now that India’s April elections are over, with Narendra Modi winning a third term as prime minister but his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) losing its sole majority in parliament, the inevitable unpacking of the results has begun. Some media outlets have concluded that climate change hardly figured into the elections, based on exit poll responses and the light usage of the term “climate change” in the manifestos of the BJP and Congress party.

But that assessment seems to be more of an issue of semantics than an accurate reflection of voter sentiment. Widespread discontent among Indian farmers and agricultural laborers (sectors that represent 43 percent of the country’s total workforce), persistent inflation, and a lack of jobs for India’s youth, have all been cited as reasons for the BJP’s slide. All of these problems, at least in part, are caused by climate change, whether post-election coverage acknowledges this or not. To maintain popular support, the coalition government will need to adopt long-term climate solutions that connect directly to the livelihoods and economic needs of India’s youth and agricultural sector.

Climate change is the hidden hand behind many of these worrying economic trends.

Farmers have been struggling with the impacts of extreme weather events on their crops for years (not to mention their anger over Modi’s attempts to disincentivize crop residue burning). The corresponding rise in agricultural product prices has stoked inflation. Additionally, disruptions in supply chains caused by flooding, cyclones, and droughts exacerbated already high costs for consumer products. Certainly, extreme heat impacted worker productivity in the agricultural and construction sectors, contributing to lackluster hiring of young workers, who often fill these jobs. Climate change is the hidden hand behind many of these worrying economic trends.

Notably, the BJP did take some significant actions on climate change prior to the elections: Modi made pledges that India would achieve energy independence by 2047, have five hundred gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030, and become central to the manufacture of green technologies. While these are laudable goals, it seems that they were not ambitious enough, or targeted for dates too far into the future, to quell voters’ concerns. Going forward, Modi and his coalition government will need to do more to connect climate change initiatives with kitchen table issues.

An example of a winning climate change solution already exists in Punjab. India’s largest bio-compressed natural gas (CNG) facility became operational in Lehragaga, Punjab, in 2022, with support from the BJP’s Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation program, even though Punjab is not a BJP-controlled state. This facility converts paddy stubble (the leftover plant debris after a rice harvest) into bio-CNG, which significantly reduces the need for stubble burning, a major cause of air pollution throughout India. The stubble is collected directly by the facility, alleviating the cost and time that normally burdens farmers, thereby making the harvesting process more profitable. The byproduct of the facility’s process is biomanure, which can be used to enrich soil, further benefitting farmers. Ultimately, the plant produces cost-effective renewable CNG, which can be used for cooking, automotive fuel, and other applications. Duplicating this kind of facility throughout the agricultural regions of India could win over disgruntled farmers, provide new renewable energy jobs for young people, address the harms caused by climate change, and strengthen India’s energy security. The BJP’s Waste to Energy Programme under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy could be expanded and more aggressively mobilized to facilitate this.

Likewise, the use of vetiver grasses to mitigate the impacts of flooding, which has markedly increased due to climate change, has a long history in India. Unfortunately, a byproduct of the industrialization of agriculture in the name of enhanced productivity has caused traditional, yet effective, practices like the use of vetiver grasses to be left behind. These hardy grasses, when planted along rivers and other sources of floodwaters, strengthen embankments and can largely prevent the soil erosion responsible for catastrophic landslides. These grasses also absorb carbon from the atmosphere and help recharge local groundwater. A new coalition government program that encourages vetiver use would help farmers avoid crop damage from flooding, while also reducing the cost of irrigating fields. The program could create vetiver planting jobs (suitable for youth and agricultural workers) and dovetail with national goals for planting more carbon-sequestering vegetation. This is a climate change solution with a direct connection to the issues that voters care about. Notably, vetiver can also be harvested for use in cosmetics, perfumes, and other personal care products. It can also be used as a feedstock for producing cellulosic ethanol, a renewable fuel. Producing these products domestically using vetiver would also give a boost to Modi’s “Make in India” initiative.

While Modi’s emphasis on building infrastructure for transportation, power, and sanitation has proven popular with the Indian public, more can be done to improve the country’s water management. Rainwater and floodwater retention systems have a long history in India, with the famous Rani Ki Vav stepwell and rainwater retention system (located in Modi’s native state of Gujarat) even being featured on the one-hundred-rupee note. A government coalition program that emphasizes such kinds of water catchment systems would help recharge local groundwater and reduce the impacts of flooding, creating value for the agricultural sector while also allowing Modi to lean into traditional practices that provide a source of national pride. 

There are many climate change programs that connect with kitchen table issues and resonate especially well with farmers and youth; Modi has an opportunity to strengthen support for the BJP by redirecting some of his energies to these programs. His prior use of short-term subsidies on grain and cooking gas temporarily obscured underlying problems without fixing them (which likely had the effect of inhibiting the development of long-term climate solutions). Similarly, export restrictions on rice and other agricultural commodities dampened market demand and farmers’ incomes in the name of marginally helping the common person. Instead of these approaches, Modi and his coalition government would be well served by promoting long-term, job-creating solutions, such as those involving bio-CNG, vetiver grasses, and water retention and detention.

Whether acknowledged or not, climate change influences the Indian electorate and underlies the discontent felt by many voters. Importantly, making progress on climate change in ways that are highly visible to the common person will help galvanize support from India’s youth, who currently have pessimistic views of humanity’s prospects of enduring climate change. They also happen to be the key to winning future elections.

Shék Jain is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center and chairman of the Pura Terra Foundation.

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Generative AI provides a toolkit for decarbonization Mon, 10 Jun 2024 16:43:13 +0000 Artificial intelligence models have long provided niche tools for energy a climate technologists. With the unique capabilities of generative AI, spanning applications in strategy, regulation, and finance, opportunities (and responsibilities) have emerged for all decarbonization stakeholders.

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Rapidly improving artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities will help accelerate the energy transition. Both established and emergent AI capabilities—such as large language models (LLMs)—can be applied to an array of strategic, technical, financial, and policy challenges posed by decarbonization. It is critical for energy transition stakeholders to monitor, understand, and carefully apply these capabilities to their unique decarbonization challenges, while also addressing the risks involved.

The most consequential new class of AI, generative AI, is able to analyze and create text, audio, code, and even molecular design—doing so faster and often with higher quality than human-created counterparts. Generative AI uses extraordinary volumes of training data and novel data-processing mechanisms which require unprecedented computational power. Data center load growth, driven by a range of factors, is forcing utilities across the United States and Europe to revisit system planning needs. Indeed, this added demand is—in some regions—delaying the retirement of coal-fired power plants. To ensure that climate targets are met, data center growth must coincide with transmission upgrades, energy efficiency improvements, and new low-carbon generation capacity. More broadly, policymakers must also consider how to harness the potential from generative AI while managing complex uncertainties, from inaccurate outputs and data leakage to AI-enabled cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. The deployment of generative AI will require rigorous human oversight, particularly in the early stages.


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Given the capabilities of generative AI, integration into organizational workflows can help energy stakeholders in multiple ways—for example, lower regulatory compliance costs, consider strategic planning options, and evaluate the financial risk around their low-carbon investments, among others.

1. Strategic planning

Recent demonstrations of generative AI capabilities are impressive. Generative AI can already outline, summarize, and draft documents cheaper and faster than many humans. It can also help humans conduct strategic tasks more effectively. A study by Harvard Business School examined the effects of GPT-4—the model behind ChatGPT—on knowledge workers’ productivity, finding that GPT-4 significantly improved workers’ abilities to generate effective ideas and develop implementation plans. Another study from University College London found that a collection of LLMs could give strategic recommendations at a comparable level to human experts. As strategic planning use cases are systemic and across industries, improvements in productivity would apply across the decarbonization value chain.

2. Regulatory compliance

Some generative AI use cases will directly enhance clean energy project developers’ ability to manage cumbersome regulatory processes. As generative AI capabilities are integrated into institutional workflows, they will assist on tasks ranging from simple emails to complex, costly, and time-consuming regulatory processes. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, as part of its PolicyAI, initiative, recently found that LLMs could streamline the public comment-review process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which is burdensome for many renewables firms.

Importantly, generative AI may aid regulators by accelerating reviews of a variety of environmental impact studies. For instance, after New York State attempted to ease traffic and pollution by passing traffic congestion pricing, an exhaustive environmental review took five years and more than 4,000 pages of analysis. By streamlining portions of these document-intensive regulatory tasks, generative AI can speed up environmental reviews, giving infrastructure projects a quicker go/no-go decision.

3. Decarbonization investment analytics

A range of AI tools, using both existing techniques and generative AI, are being developed to assist with financial and economic modeling, a critical but resource-intensive task for renewable energy projects. While still at the early stages, generative AI tools may be able to partially or even fully build financial models or propose complex scenario plans. In addition, AI is already being used to enhance corporate due diligence by detecting anomalies in financial statements, summarizing earnings call transcripts, or rapidly analyzing trade press. These capabilities will continue to assist both investors and corporate mergers-and-acquisitions teams in their decarbonization investments.

4. Energy asset management

Financial and economic modeling tools overlap with another essential aspect of decarbonization: advanced energy asset management. Currently, communications with energy asset field operators are typically executed via middle management and dashboards with both planned and ad hoc analytics. Generative AI may enable more simplified analytics and communication with the workers physically assessing and repairing assets. At the energy asset management level, generative AI tools could deliver improvements in compiling, summarizing, and communicating asset performance in a customized manner for financial managers. 

5. Wildfire risk assessment

In parallel to generative AI, another area of quiet yet significant advancement has been machine-learning (ML) models for weather forecasting, which have produced some extraordinary results. Further advances in weather forecasting could help mitigate the climate change-driven fire season. Wildfires themselves exacerbate the climate crisis—global fires produce emissions of about 2 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, equal to 4 percent of total global emissions. These fires can also force large populations indoors for weeks due to health risks and poor air quality. Further investment in AI/ML-based modeling could help manage these risks by predicting the probable location and magnitude of potential wildfires and improving real-time surveillance of smoke, enabling firefighters to combat the over 80,000 wildfires that occur in the United States alone every year. 

Despite the current AI hype cycle and the early-stage risks around generative AI, improving the broad range of AI models will be integral to developing a low-carbon economy. The magnitude and pace will be difficult to predict, as models are integrated into institutional workflows. Human oversight, particularly around critical infrastructure, must remain comprehensive. If managed appropriately, these emergent capabilities will yield important advances in regulatory analysis, environmental management, strategic planning, and an array of challenges essential to achieving net-zero emissions.

Joseph Webster is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

Shaheer Hussam is a partner at Aetlan, an energy advisory and analytics firm.




The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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Modi should make India’s energy transition his third-term legacy Fri, 07 Jun 2024 15:14:29 +0000 There are three opportunities that the Modi government could take right away to further support and strengthen its clean energy agenda.

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India conducted the largest democratic election in world history while suffering from an intense and prolonged heat wave that has brought a significant part of the country to a standstill. On May 29, New Delhi registered an all-time high temperature of 127 degrees Fahrenheit. Public schools and government offices have been forced to close, and Indians have stayed home to avoid the deadly impact of the heat. The extreme heat likely depressed voter turnout in the elections that ended on June 1.

A recent survey by the Yale Program on Climate Change shows that Indians are highly aware of climate change and its impact on India’s future: A staggering 86 percent “favor the Indian government’s commitment to reduce India’s carbon pollution to nearly zero by 2070.” According to the survey, 85 percent agree that “transitioning from coal to wind and solar energy to produce electricity will reduce air pollution,” and 82 percent say “doing so would reduce global warming.” Surprisingly, the survey revealed that 84 percent “favor banning the construction of new coal power plants, closing existing ones, and replacing them with solar and wind energy.”

At the same time, Indians are concerned about the unintended consequences of climate change policies. The Yale survey showed that 61 percent say transitioning from coal to wind and solar energy to produce electricity “will increase unemployment in India,” 58 percent say “it will cause electricity outages,” and 57 percent say “it will increase electricity prices.” 

Indians are aware that they are among the world’s top emitters of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2). India’s CO2 emissions are relatively low per capita, ranking just sixteenth in Asia and ninety-ninth globally. But India’s burgeoning population, need for economic and job growth, and role in the global digital and technology ecosystem mean that India will need multiple power sources, including coal and other fossil fuels, for the near future. In fact, the International Energy Agency’s 2021 India Energy Outlook notes that the country needs to add a power system the size of the entire European Union grid to meet its energy requirements over the next twenty years. A blend of energy sources that moves swiftly toward green energy is the only viable option.

Indian leaders have committed to lowering their country’s dependence on coal and other fossil fuels, reduce its carbon intensity by 45 percent, and achieve 50 percent cumulative electric power from renewables by 2030. Equally ambitious, India would like to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070. A 2023 report by the International Energy Agency stated that India is expected to produce over half of the world’s new capacity for renewable energy over the next three years. Much of this should be credited to India’s aggressive renewable energy policies.

Three opportunities for Modi to boost clean energy

But with Prime Minister Narendra Modi winning a historic third consecutive term, leading a coalition government, he has the mandate to go beyond issuing regulations and providing government financing. There are three opportunities that the Modi government could take right away to further support and strengthen its clean energy agenda.

First, businesses require certainty. Indian laws and regulations are not required to have sunset provisions and can be revoked or terminated at any time. This discourages large-scale private sector commitments and investments. Defined regulatory and legislative terms articulate the government’s commitment to its policies and allow businesses to accurately assess its financial commitments. Similar to the United States’ 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, the Modi government could commit to a ten-year sunset for its clean energy programs. After ten years, when the regulations need to be reauthorized, the laws can be updated to meet current demands.

Second, to help support clean energy businesses, the government needs to expand its institutional capacity at the state level and properly invest in education systems to produce a skilled workforce.

Third, with the increase in power generation, India must ensure that its electrical grids can receive and transmit the power to customers (the last mile). Failure to do so could cause India to miss its clean energy targets and lead to a slowdown in economic and job growth.

Over the past three decades, more than 3,500 climate policies have been announced by nations around the world, according to the World Economic Forum. From 2010 to 2015, China issued the highest number of climate policies. But from 2015 to 2022, India took the lead by issuing more than fifty climate change policies. These ranged from production-linked incentive schemes to policies that encourage the use of clean energy products such as rooftop solar energy. This multifaceted approach is backed with the objective of reducing India’s carbon intensity by 45 percent compared with 2005 levels and generating 50 percent of electric power from renewable sources by 2030.

What the private sector is already doing

The private sector has positively responded to India’s ambitious goals. For example, in 2022 the Adani Group* started developing the world’s largest renewable energy park. Through an ecosystem of manufacturing, generation, and transmission, the Khavda renewable energy park, located in the deserts of Gujarat, is combining wind and solar power to generate 30 gigawatts of energy for the national grid. When completed in 2029, the park will power 16.1 million homes and eliminate 58 million tons of CO2 emissions annually, the developers say. To put that in perspective, it is the equivalent of planting more than two billion trees or not burning 60,300 tons of coal each year. Another massive Indian conglomerate, Tata Group, recently completed India’s largest solar and battery energy storage system via its Tata Power Solar Systems subsidiary. Tata says that the facility, which is in Chhattisgarh, combines a 100 megawatt solar photovoltaic project combined with a 120 megawatt hour battery storage system. The developers expect the project to reduce India’s carbon footprint by 4.87 million tons of CO2 over twenty-five years.

However, more is needed. The Adani Group has the size and diversity of businesses to marshal the necessary resources to build something like Khavda. It was able to develop the basic infrastructure—including the roads and telecommunications systems, an airstrip, a self-sustaining ecosystem for a workforce of more than eight thousand, and the transmission lines—within twelve months of launching the project. But Adani, Tata, and other major Indian conglomerates are the exception more than the rule in terms of ability to marshal resources.

To encourage even more private capital and participation, public-private partnerships (PPPs) will be needed. For example, earlier this year, First Solar inaugurated India’s first fully vertically integrated solar manufacturing plant in Tamil Nadu. Buoyed by a $500 million loan from the US International Development Finance Corporation, the First Solar facility will produce its Series 7 photovoltaic solar modules supported by an annual capacity of 3.3 gigawatts while employing approximately one thousand people. This can be a model for future PPPs.

India’s emissions will continue to grow before they peak and fall. The question is, can a third Modi administration continue creative policies that fulfill India’s ambitious climate goals—and will the rest of the world meet India both where it is today and can be tomorrow?

Kapil Sharma is the acting senior director and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center.

Note: The Adani Group is a donor to the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center.

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PACC 2030 objectives: The road to implementation Fri, 31 May 2024 19:01:12 +0000 The Atlantic Council organized a PACC 2030 Working Group and worked closely with governments, the business community, and civil society organizations to support the implementation of PACC 2030’s objectives.

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The fifth of a six-part series following up on the Ninth Summit of the Americas commitments.

This is a report from the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center in partnership with the US Department of State. This readout was informed by multi-stakeholder dialogues focused on facilitating greater, constructive exchange among multi-sectoral thought leaders and government leaders as they work to implement commitments made at the Ninth Summit of the Americas.

Executive summary

On March 14, the Atlantic Council’s Caribbean Initiative partnered with the US Department of State to organize the PACC 2030 Road to Implementation Summit on the sidelines of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas Ministerial Meetings in the Dominican Republic. The summit built on the PACC 2030 Climate Resilient Clean Energy Summit, which took place on the sidelines of US Vice President Kamala Harris’s inaugural trip to the Caribbean in June 2023, and previous partnerships with the Department of State to advance commitments adopted at the Ninth Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles in 2022. Since then, the Atlantic Council has organized a PACC 2030 Working Group and has worked closely with governments, the business community, and civil society organizations to support the implementation of PACC 2030’s objectives.

5 recommendations for implementing PACC 2030’s commitments:

  1. Enhance partner coordination to streamline access to resources and technical assistance
  • Improve coordination among partners to create a standardized project application and approval process that alleviates administrative burdens on small governments with limited technical capacity. This can include creating templates and guidelines for project proposals, permitting procedures, and regulatory compliance.
  • Create regular networking forums and knowledge-sharing platforms where stakeholders from various sectors can exchange ideas and explore potential collaborations through workshops, conferences, and online platforms that promote dialogue and partnership building.
  1. Support capacity building to strengthen the regulatory environment to help scale up projects and welcome new investors
  • Enhance access to technical expertise and resources through partnerships with US national laboratories, academic institutions, and industry experts to create knowledge transfer programs or country mentorship initiatives to build local capacity and expertise in key areas, including renewable energy integration, grid stability, and project management.
  • Develop programs tailored to government officials, project developers, and community leaders to improve their understanding of financing options, investment structures, and risk management strategies.
  1. Build innovative financing mechanisms to mobilize new capital at affordable rates
  • Introduce risk mitigation instruments such as insurance protections and guarantees to address uncertainty and attract further private sector investment. These instruments would protect investors against market fluctuations, policy changes, and natural disasters, thus increasing confidence in climate resilience projects.
  • Align partnerships with multilateral institutions like the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)—for example, through the latter’s new “One Caribbean” program—to build a project pipeline to attract capital to the region and facilitate technical assistance to de-risk clean energy projects.
  1. Continue and expand engagement with new actors and partners
  • Encourage greater private sector involvement in financing, implementing, and scaling up climate resilience and clean energy projects through public-private partnerships.
  • Prioritize community engagement and empowerment strategies to ensure climate resilience and clean energy projects are inclusive, participatory, and responsive to local needs and priorities, particularly as the agenda takes shape for the next Summit of the Americas.
  • Expand connections between subnational and small-state leaders across the Summit of the Americas process, including before a second Cities Summit of the Americas.
  1. Continue progress at the Tenth Summit of the Americas
  • Utilize the Tenth Summit of the Americas’ CEO Summit—to be organized by the IDB—to engage business leaders to work with stakeholders in the Caribbean to ensure that the summit responds to the needs of the region and the wider Americas.
  • Reinforce regional cooperation on clean energy and climate-related challenges by building on commitments like “Our Sustainable Green Future” and “Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition” adopted at the Ninth Summit of the Americas in the next iteration.
  • Engage with the Joint Summit Working Group’s organizations and the Americas Business Dialogue to streamline financing and technical assistance to support implementation of the commitments made at the Ninth Summit of the Americas.

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Brazil’s tragic floods should put climate adaptation at the top of the G20 and COP agendas Tue, 14 May 2024 21:34:21 +0000 The ongoing flooding in Rio Grande do Sul is an example of the urgent need for countries to focus on adapting to climate change.

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For the last two weeks, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, has been the victim of the worst climate disaster in its recent history. Hit by torrential rain, five months’ worth of typical precipitation fell in a mere fifteen days in some areas. Cities and towns remain under water, and the rainfall continues. At least 147 people have died, another hundred are missing, and more than half a million are displaced, impacting more than two million people in the state. The ongoing flooding in Rio Grande do Sul is an unfortunate example of the urgent need for countries to focus on adaptation measures to climate change. Brazil has a unique opportunity to drive these commitments forward as it hosts the Group of Twenty (G20) Leaders’ Summit in November and the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP30, in 2025.

Severe weather is not a new phenomenon for the state, which has seen record-breaking rainfall in recent years. A foretold tragedy, the flooding in Rio Grande do Sul is the fourth weather-related crisis to hit the state in less than a year. At the end of 2023, Rio Grande do Sul saw a similar situation, when a heat wave exacerbated intense storms and major flooding.

The region is prone to weather-related disasters, and the current flooding has been linked to the periodic El Niño weather phenomenon. In the past few decades, the state’s capital city, Porto Alegre, has adapted to control the extent of the impact of torrential rains on the city. However, the infrastructure in place must be updated to the new reality of extreme weather events, which are more intense due to climate change. Designing suitable financial instruments for resilient infrastructure with support from international and domestic financial institutions will be crucial.

The extent of this disaster is immense. To put it into perspective, about 90 percent of the 497 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul were impacted by the rain and flooding. Brazilians are bearing the immediate brunt of these floods, including on their economy. There will also be implications for global trade and food security in the weeks and months ahead.

Rio Grande do Sul is an important state for Brazil. It represents 6 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), the fifth largest state GDP in the country. A major agribusiness state, it accounts for 70 percent of Brazil’s rice production. It is a significant producer of soybeans—of which Brazil is a leading producer and exporter—and an important meat-producing state. And while in Rio Grande do Sul rain continues to fall, not too far from there, in other regions of Brazil, farmers are suffering through a winter drought.

The governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite, estimates that a yearslong reconstruction plan costing some nineteen billion reais (around $3.7 billion) will be needed in his state. Private sector investments and insurance could play a crucial role in supporting the recovery of the region, implementing adaptation measures and building the resilience of the affected communities. This level of support now will be critical to reduce future losses and tap into the immense economic, social, and environmental benefits of investing in adaptation and resilience. According to one recent estimate, each dollar invested in resilience and adaptation could generate up to twelve dollars in economic benefits.

Local and federal governments must take on the responsibility to put climate adaptation at the core of their strategic plans and development efforts. Countries must prioritize adaptation and resilience investment plans that strategically crowd in private sector investments and ensure that subnational governments and local communities can access insurance and financing to adapt and build resilience. Brazil is in a unique position to do so. With Brazilian municipal elections in October, this is a crucial moment for Brazilians to institutionalize climate mitigation and adaption efforts as part of local governments’ agendas.

At the geopolitical level, the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Rio de Janeiro in November will be an opportunity for Brazil to drive the climate adaptation agenda forward and to obtain buy-in and financing from the largest economies in the world. COP30 in Belém, Brazil, in 2025 is another such opportunity. The site for COP30, located in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil’s north, was chosen in part to showcase the roles of biodiversity, sustainability, and conservation in climate action. The flooding in the country’s south will be a tragic reminder of the importance of adaptation being central to the climate agenda, as well.

Valentina Sader is a deputy director at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, where she leads the Center’s work on Brazil, gender equality and diversity, and manages the Center’s Advisory Council.

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A new US economic playbook to lead the world economy and counter China Tue, 07 May 2024 14:05:52 +0000 The United States needs a new comprehensive economic strategy to advance US interests and deter China’s ability to do them harm.

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The United States and China, the world’s two leading economies, are engaged in an unprecedented competition to shape the norms and rules of the world economic and political order. US economic resilience and security is predicated on winning this competition. In service of this goal, the US House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party has offered a valuable bipartisan blueprint.

The Select Committee’s report, published in December with minimal fanfare, proposes that the United States reset the terms of economic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), prevent US capital and technology from aiding China’s military buildup and human rights violations, and build US technological leadership alongside allies and partners. This bipartisan blueprint, though not perfect, is a useful foundation for US policy toward the PRC for the next Congress and the next administration—regardless of who wins the November elections.  

The authors of this article come from different political perspectives, but we agree that it’s time for a comprehensive economic strategy to advance US interests and deter the PRC’s ability to do them harm. Building on the Select Committee’s work, here are eight principles to inform a comprehensive playbook.

1. Be affirmative, agile, and systemic

Defense alone is not enough to prevail in the United States’ strategic competition with the PRC. The economic playbook needs to be affirmative in its outlook, agile in its execution, and systemic in its analysis. Those qualities will be required to simultaneously strengthen the US industrial base, foster innovation and new technologies, and pursue a positive economic agenda with partners and allies while taking the necessary defensive actions.

2. Get industrial policy right

Policymakers should look to history and geopolitics to develop a prudent two-pronged approach to industrial policy that focuses on strengthening the US domestic manufacturing base in targeted sectors (e.g. semiconductors) and investing in innovation and broad industrial infrastructure and training. Investment in research and development and a favorable tax and regulatory environment may be more effective than direct subsidies, which, although potentially needed in narrow circumstances, are more susceptible to industry capture and extra-economic considerations.   

3. Arrest the PRC’s market distortions and manipulations

The PRC has not lived up to the commitments it made when it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001. Nowhere is this more obvious than with respect to the PRC’s brazen and persistent excess capacity in electric vehicles, solar panels, steel, semiconductors, and pharmaceuticals, just to name a few. It is imprudent for the United States to afford China the same tariff treatment as other WTO members. However, merely revoking the PRC’s permanent normal trade relations status and reverting to Smoot-Hawley tariffs would be inefficient, outdated, and counterproductive. The Select Committee report puts forth a more sophisticated and effective approach by creating a new tariff column for China and renewing certain WTO safeguard mechanisms. This offers a promising foundation for a more modern and modulated trading framework with the PRC and should be put in action in close coordination with Group of Seven (G7) and Quadrilateral Security Dialogue members.

4. Stop US capital and technical knowhow from aiding the adversary

Export control measures on semiconductors and other advanced technologies put forth by the Biden administration and Congress to thwart the PRC’s military modernization are an important start. Next should come screening of outbound investments to prevent US investors from unintentionally aiding China’s military and human rights violations. This calls for a modulated approach involving both specific entities and sectors. Additionally, the US government should work with domestic and allied academic and research institutions on a principled, pragmatic, and robust cross-border research protocol to preclude the PRC’s intellectual theft and unauthorized technology transfer. 

5. Pursue a positive economic agenda with partners and allies

Punitive measures such as tariffs, investment restrictions, and export controls are necessary but insufficient for winning the strategic competition. A positive economic agenda with partners and allies is needed to incentivize the private sector—both in the United States and overseas—to diversify important supply chains away from China. The Select Committee report promotes bilateral trade negotiations with Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and Japan based on the high standards set out in the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement. If a new free trade agreement is practically or politically challenging, the report suggests targeted agreements with trusted trade partners in areas such as the medical sector or critical minerals. As part of this effort, a comprehensive review and modernization of the Bretton Woods institutions to better reflect geoeconomic realities is urgently needed. 

6. Win the transition to the green economy

The road to the green economy rests wholly within the geopolitical and geoeconomic contest between the United States and the PRC. The United States should leverage its substantial advantages over the PRC in traditional and renewable energy and technology to address the immediate energy security needs of its partner nations while also offering them a credible energy transition toward a greener economy.

To ensure that its energy supply chains remain secure and that it remains energy independent, the United States should aggressively pursue sectoral agreements and minerals security partnerships recommended by the Select Committee report. Furthermore, the United States should remain vigilant against climate engagement with the PRC without due reciprocity and must avoid unwittingly facilitating the PRC’s declared intent to monopolize and dominate future green industries.

As the world’s largest digital economy, the United States bears the responsibility to articulate the rules, norms, and practices of digital governance—including over artificial intelligence—that favor Western values over China’s model of censorship and control. The United States must lead on digital standards in order to keep its superiority in technology and financial markets. 

8. Modernize US policies, instruments, and institutions

Unlike defense and diplomacy, there is no identified lead US agency to engage and prevail in the economic competition with the PRC. The diverse and often discordant set of economic policies, instruments, and institutions engaged in the effort are frequently found wanting in both efficacy and efficiency. In short, US institutions are underprepared for the complexity of economic competition with the PRC. The United States has a long history of modernizing its government levers to address the challenges it confronts, from the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols legislation to reinforce the military chain of command after problems surfaced during military operations in Iran and Grenada, to post-9/11 reforms to federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies. A similar endeavor is needed to improve US economic diplomacy, coordination, and engagement.

Prevailing over the PRC in economic competition calls for total national commitment and engagement. It requires a comprehensive, nuanced, and tailored playbook utilizing not only the proverbial hammer and scalpel, but all the multipurpose tools in the toolbox. The Select Committee has done the nation a service by unequivocally identifying the PRC as an adversary and a rival, and it put forth a useful framework with pragmatic recommendations to bolster national economic security. Its report represents a useful transition from the initial chapter prioritizing industrial policy and tariff measures to the next chapter of working with allies and partners to prevail in the global marketplace.

Domestic prosperity depends on the United States leading the global economy. Now is the time to develop and execute a new US economic playbook to maintain that lead. 

Kaush Arha is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub and previously served as the senior advisor for global strategic engagement at USAID and the G7 Sherpa for the Blue Dot Network during the Trump administration.

Peter Harrell is a nonresident senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and previously served as senior director for international economics with a joint appointment to the National Security Council and National Economic Council during the Biden administration.

Clete Willems is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center and previously served as deputy assistant to the president for international economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council during the Trump administration.

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G7 pledges to end coal—but only inclusive action will make a real climate impact Fri, 03 May 2024 20:13:34 +0000 During the G7 energy ministerial in Turin, Italy, climate, energy, and environment ministers made a historic pledge to phase out coal power plants by 2035 among other agreements. But members ultimately need to turn pledges into action to blunt the impacts of climate change.

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Energy ministers from the Group of Seven (G7) met in Turin, Italy, on the 29th and 30th of April for the first time since the United Nation climate summit in Dubai. Two days of discussion at the Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministerial meeting resulted in a series of shared commitments to address climate change and energy security. The 35-page long joint communiqué includes a historic pledge to phase out coal power plants by 2035.


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The commitment of “phasing out coal by 2035 or on a timeline consistent with the 1.5 temperature limit” marks a further step in the direction indicated last year by the UN climate summit, known as COP28, to reduce the use of fossil fuels, of which coal is the most polluting. Mentioning the IEA’s Net-Zero Roadmap report, G7 countries say that “phase-out of unabated coal is needed by 2030s in advanced economies and by 2040 in all the other regions, and that no new unabated coal power plant should be built.” This represents the first agreement on a timeline for phasing out coal after the initiative had previously failed due to opposition by some members. However, it should be noted that, despite the positive step towards a common goal, by using the term “unabated” in the communication, members of the G7 leave open a potential path for the use of coal beyond the indicated timeline. 

In addition to the importance of ending coal reliance, it is now widely recognized that the success of the energy transition is linked to a technology-inclusive approach both for reaching climate neutrality and strengthening energy security. The communication of the G7 promotes members’ increasing use of diverse low-carbon energy technologies including renewable energy, energy efficiency, hydrogen, carbon management, storage, nuclear energy, and fusion.

Energy ministers fully committed to the “implementation of the global goal of tripling installation of renewable energy capacity by 2030 to at least 11 terawatts (TW)” and to “double the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030 to 4%,” signaling the intention to create a strong connection with COP28 pledges.

On energy storage, G7 members agreed to a global goal in the power sector of 1500 gigawatts (GW) in 2030, a more than six-fold increase from 2022. Introducing this target for storage is very important to support renewable implementation and ultimately reach the installation capacity target set in Dubai.

The communication highlights the importance for countries to reduce reliance on civil nuclear technologies from Russia and commits to strengthening the resilience of the nuclear supply chain. Countries opting for nuclear energy would work to deploy next generation nuclear reactors.

Fusion made it in the final text with a strong emphasis on the potential of this technology to provide a lasting solution to the global challenges of climate change and energy security in the future, marking an important addition to the G7 joint communication, since in the Hiroshima Communique, fusion was not mentioned.

In order to implement these targets and scale technologies, the G7 countries this year also reaffirmed their commitment to jointly mobilize $100 billion per year until 2025 and their intention to scale up public and private finance. “We stress the need to accelerate efforts to make finance flow consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development,” and “we acknowledge that such efforts involve the alignment of the domestic and international financial system.” Attention is now directed toward the upcoming G7 finance meeting, the G20 in Brazil, and the “finance COP” in Azerbaijan.

Finally, convergence and cooperation with countries outside the G7 will play a crucial role in the success of the transition. The joint communication acknowledges that developing countries represent “an important partner in the just energy transition” and recognizes “the great potential of the African continent in becoming a global powerhouse of the future.”

At this year’s energy ministerial meetings, Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister on Energy Elnur Soltanov (representing the 2024 COP29 presidency), Brazil’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Marina Silva (representing the 2024 G20 presidency), and Kenya’s Principal Secretary on Energy Alex K. Wachira, participated along with the G7 partners. This approach shows recognition of the fundamental role that inclusivity plays in a successful transition and the willingness to create strong synergies with the upcoming multilateral forums.

It would be difficult to overstate just how critical pragmatism and convergence are to the energy transition. But this message, in addition to being successfully incorporated in the communication was further reinforced during the Future of Energy Summit, a half-day event hosted by the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, Politecnico di Torino, and World Energy Council Italy as part of Planet Week on the sidelines of last weekend’s G7 ministerial meeting. Experts and speakers at the Summit emphasized the need to strengthen a technology-inclusive, not exclusive, approach and cooperation among countries.

The IEA’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (NZE) envisages that by 2030, advanced economies would end all power generation by unabated coal-fired plants, making the new G7 historic commitment unfit for purpose. However, the overall success of the transition will not be determined by pledges, but more so by the will of countries to transform pledges into action. Whether G7 countries will be able to succeed in the energy transition will depend on their capacity to create resilient clean energy supply chains, implement diversified energy mixes, promote collaboration with developing countries, scale up public and private finance, and it seems like many steps are being taken in the right direction. 

Elena Benaim is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

Learn more about the Global Energy Center

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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#AtlanticDebrief – What lessons can the EU take from the US Green New Deal? | A Debrief from Professor Mark Z. Jacobson Wed, 01 May 2024 15:53:45 +0000 Carol Schaeffer sits down with Mark Z. Jacobson about what challenges policymakers need to consider in developing renewable energy infrastructure.

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What can Europe learn about decarbonization from the US Green New Deal? How can climate action now save costs for healthcare later? Do we need more advanced renewable energy technologies to successfully reduce carbon emissions at the necessary rates?

On this episode of #AtlanticDebrief, Carol Schaeffer sits down with ark Z. Jacobson, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford University about what challenges policymakers need to consider in developing renewable energy infrastructure.

You can watch #AtlanticDebrief on YouTube and as a podcast.


The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.

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The double costs of conflict-driven climate change in MENA and beyond Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:49:27 +0000 With the ongoing wars, it’s easy to dismiss the notions of climate change cooperation across borders as detached from reality. Unfortunately, the devastating impacts of climate change are not going away

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While much of the world’s attention was on the ongoing Gaza war, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region was also dealing with unprecedented heavy rainfall in the United Arab Emirates and surrounding countries this month, coupled with record heat waves throughout the region. These events were stark reminders of the climate change challenges faced not just by the region but the world. 

With wars raging in Ukraine since 2022 and in Gaza since October 2023, not to mention other conflicts, one question that comes to mind is the cost in terms of climate change. First, direct conflict-related emissions from military equipment, damage to facilities that cause emissions—such as fuel reserves and chemical plants—or fires, and a reversion and reliance on carbon-heavy fuels, including coal. Most estimates quantify emissions from the Ukraine conflict, for example, as equivalent to Belgium’s annual emissions. The other is the opportunity cost of the lack of cooperation on climate issues across borders. (For more on this topic, see the author’s forthcoming report for the Atlantic Council to be released in summer 2024.) 


As long as Israel and Lebanon, for example, cannot agree how to cooperate on optimizing exportation from the region and eventually transition out of natural gas reserves from any shared sources towards cleaner sources of energy, both countries and the wider region will lose. (It’s worth noting that under the important Lebanese-Israeli Maritime Agreement, brokered by the United States, there are some provisions for how the parties will exploit any said gas fields and any revenue therein, but as long as the parties are not in direct contact and dependent on mediation, any additional prospect for cooperation beyond exploitation and border demarcation likely will be limited.) The same principle applies to cooperation in mitigation of extreme weather impacts through exchange of meteorological data, for example. The first cost is more straightforward to quantify, but the consequences of the second cost will only be assessed by future generations. These are the “double costs” of conflict-driven climate change impacts.

With the ongoing wars, it’s easy to dismiss the notions of climate change cooperation across borders as detached from reality. Unfortunately, the devastating impacts of climate change are not going away because of the existential threats posed by conflict. Instead, they are being worsened because of conflict.

For most countries, climate change has become a national security issue as they face mounting challenges from its impacts. In the MENA region, the risk for conflicts increases as the region becomes dryer, with scarcer sources of water, food, and energy. As the region looks to undertake an effective energy transition—which entails sharing of emission-reduction technology such as carbon capture, interconnecting electricity grids that are also capable to include increasingly renewable energy-based electricity, etc.—cooperation across borders becomes critical. Unless countries in the region and beyond find ways to work to mitigate and adapt together, it will turn into a race to the bottom—a lose-lose situation. 

As long as the world has reckless and authoritarian leaders who are bent on continuing to rule by force and conflict, the rest of the world will suffer. Beyond the immediate loss of human life in conflict zones—including Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas war, Sudan, and Myanmar—other parts of the world will suffer the impacts of the “double cost” of climate change due to these events. 

The trouble is that most politicians think short-term due to election cycles. So, medium- to long-term climate impacts are often not prioritized. Democratic countries governed by policies endeavoring to tackle climate change impacts can play an important role, as has been demonstrated by governments in Europe and North America. However, the continued success of such policies only works as long as a new government isn’t sworn in with a change of policy towards climate change, which undermines the milestones achieved. This was evident when then US President Donald Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord in 2020. If he returns to the White House, Trump may repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, a move that would take away incentives for companies to invest in cleaner energies and, rather worryingly, send a strong signal to other global players that the United States is not a reliable partner for dealing with climate change.

A successful energy transition will address developing and developed economies’ current real energy needs, including hydrocarbons, for a defined period. However, it will critically establish medium- to long-term plans to scale up green energies. Moreover, democratic systems of government with policies and agendas in place to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change would be wise to consider establishing mechanisms that help ensure the longevity of these policies beyond a change of government. This is a tall order to ask democratic governments to do, especially as the tools they have to limit the ability to reverse such policies are restricted. Nonetheless, the more such policies are enshrined, for example, in international relations, and with clear economic incentives, the more difficult it is to undo them. 

While it is tempting to focus on the here and now, especially with respect to devastating live conflicts, it is critical to equally take steps to enable climate change mitigation and adaptation cooperation across borders—including across conflicting ones. Although nearly impossible to contemplate in the midst of conflict, this is precisely what needs to be done. Warmongering leaders in the region and beyond inflict not only direct losses today, but the impacts will be felt for generations to come. In the national security realm of climate change, this means that damage done to the planet is not just the direct emissions from conflict but also the opportunity cost of the lack of cooperation in dealing with the largest threat facing humanity. The “double costs” of conflict-driven climate change need to be understood and acted upon today in the MENA region and beyond.

Ariel Ezrahi is a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Programs. Ezrahi currently serves as the director of climate strategy at a fintech fund. Ezrahi is also on the board of the MENA2050 Climate Action Committee and the chairman of its Energy Transition Subcommittee. He was the architect of the Gas for Gaza project, the inaugural director of energy at the Office of the Quartet, and the Energy Adviser to the Quartet Representative, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. 

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Geoeconomic fragmentation and net-zero targets Tue, 16 Apr 2024 23:25:56 +0000 This report outlines how the Bretton Woods Institutions can mitigate the effects of growing geoeconomic fragmentation on global net-zero targets.

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The second half of the twentieth century experienced significant economic integration. International trade, cross-border migration, capital flows, and technological diffusion increased per capita incomes across countries and reduced global poverty. However, events such as the global financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, Brexit, and the COVID-19 pandemic—all against the backdrop of escalating great power rivalry and tensions between the United States and China—have demonstrated the rise of geoeconomic fragmentation (GEF). Since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, a growing numberof world leaders have addressed the impacts of GEF on global energy and agricultural markets. For one, higher and increasingly volatile food and energy prices have made it increasingly difficult for developing nations to prioritize environmental concerns and implement sustainable development initiatives.

The second half of the twentieth century experienced significant economic integration. International trade, cross-border migration, capital flows, and technological diffusion increased per capita incomes across countries and reduced global poverty.1 However, events such as the global financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, Brexit, and the COVID-19 pandemic—all against the backdrop of escalating great power rivalry and tensions between the United States and China—have demonstrated the rise of geoeconomic fragmentation (GEF). Since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, a growing numberof world leaders have addressed the impacts of GEF on global energy and agricultural markets. For one, higher and increasingly volatile food and energy prices have made it increasingly difficult for developing nations to prioritize environmental concerns and implement sustainable development initiatives.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) describes GEF as a pattern of “policy-driven reversal of global economic integration” that threatens capital flows to low-income countries, hinders innovation in emerging markets, and discourages cooperation on international crises. Stemming from the prioritization of national security objectives, GEF takes the form of policies that reduce reliance on other countries by incentivizing domestic production and employment. In our increasingly fragmented world, nations have focused on reshoring essential goods and supply chains, including minerals crucial for green technologies, semiconductors, and military hardware due to concerns over national security and geopolitical motives. These transformations are in direct opposition to the founding principles of the Bretton Woods institutions (BWIs)—the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO)— which collectively seek to promote free trade, globalization, unified and competitive exchange rates, and the reorientation of public expenditures to achieve reductions in global poverty and increased economic prosperity for developing nations.

The costs of GEF are far-reaching and include higher import prices, segmented markets, diminished access to technology and labor, reduced productivity, and lower living standards. A June 2023 article in the IMF’s Finance & Development magazine points to diminished output in a scenario where countries must align with either a US-EU as 2.3 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP). Advanced economies and emerging markets could face permanent losses of between 2 percent and 3 percent, while low-income countries are at risk of losing more than 4 percent of their GDP. These losses could deepen risks of debt crises, exacerbate social instability, and increase food insecurity. The most vulnerable nations, heavily dependent on the imports and exports of key commodities, will find it particularly costly to adapt to new suppliers under fragmented trade conditions. Moreover, a 2023 IMF paper with a comprehensive analysis of GEF and its potential effects on the future of multilateralism found that increasing international trade restrictions could lead to a long-term decline of up to 7 percent in global economic output, or approximately US$7.4 trillion. Building on these findings, an October 2023 IMF blog, titled “Geoeconomic Fragmentation Threatens Food Security and Clean Energy Transition,” argued that disruptions in the global trade of goods induced the spike in inflation experienced globally in 2022, heightened food insecurity in lower-income nations, and contributed to a deceleration in global economic growth. In addition, GEF is posing a threat to food security and the clean energy transition, namely by impacting the trade of essential minerals and agricultural goods, according to the blog co-authors.

GEF also risks short-circuiting the multilateralism needed to coordinate climate change mitigation and sustainable development in the years to come. An IMF policy report, titled “Geo-Economic Fragmentation and the Future of Multilateralism,” noted signs of GEF including:

  • Formation of regional economic blocs.
  • Declivities in cross-border capital flows.
  • Prioritization of resilient supply chains over and above efficiency.
  • Growing income inequality.
  • Rising geopolitical tensions.
  • Increasing discontent associated with a free trade system.

Among the goals of the BWIs is to achieve global net-zero emissions by 2050; however, GEF has limited these organizations’ abilities to work with governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to mobilize resources and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. Policymakers and scholars have raised growing concerns, suggesting that increased GEF will have implications for sustainable development outcomes. However, there remains a paucity of research on the impact of GEF on net-zero targets specifically. This report builds on previous scholarly work to examine the impacts of GEF on the ability of nation states to attain their net-zero targets to combat climate change.

In conclusion, the paper calls for a democratized governance structure in the BWIs, emphasizing the need for reevaluating quota allocations and diversifying leadership roles. By addressing these foundational challenges, the BWIs can navigate the complexities of today’s global economic landscape more effectively, fostering trust, representation, and robust leadership. The authors also argue persuasively that BWI reform can not only reinforce the legitimacy of the IMF and World Bank but also indirectly help the soft and hard power of the states most hesitant to reform the international monetary system.

About the authors

Shirin Hakim is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Middle East and Global Order and a former Bretton Woods 2.0 Fellow with the GeoEconomics Center.

Amin Mohseni-Cheraghlou is the macroeconomist with the GeoEconomics Center and an assistant professor of Economics at the American University in Washington, DC. He leads GeoEconomics Center’s Bretton Woods 2.0 Project.

At the intersection of economics, finance, and foreign policy, the GeoEconomics Center is a translation hub with the goal of helping shape a better global economic future.

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Bolstering cooperation among Quad and Pacific Island countries Fri, 29 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 As the Pacific Islands’ relevance grows, there’s an influx of diplomatic attention and development assistance as external powers seek to curry favor with the sixteen countries. Australia, India, Japan, and the United States (the Quad) seeks to bolster regional engagement to address key regional issues including climate, connectivity, economic development, and maritime security.

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Executive summary

As the geopolitical relevance of the Pacific Islands has grown, so too has the attention paid to them by the outside world—including an influx of diplomatic attention, development assistance, and more as external powers seek to curry favor with the sixteen countries. Australia, India, Japan, and the United States—which collectively comprise the Quadrilateral Dialogue (known as the Quad)—have independently and collectively scaled up their engagement with the Pacific Islands.

In doing so, the Quad has sought to pursue a positive, practical agenda that aligns with the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)’s 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent.

Broadly speaking, the PIF members welcome the Quad, but some are critical of the “free and open Indo-Pacific” narrative that undergirds it. As the Quad seeks to bolster its engagement in the Pacific Islands, it should ensure that it accounts for the unique challenges facing this vast maritime region, which relies heavily on foreign assistance.

In 2023, the Quad announced a range of programmatic initiatives intended to address key regional issues, including climate, connectivity, economic development, and maritime security. The bloc is currently standing on solid ground, but the group is still finding its footing as a new player in the complex multilateral architecture in the Pacific Islands.

Looking forward, it should embrace four broad-based, cross-cutting policy recommendations that align with the stated priorities of the Quad, its member states, and Pacific Island countries:

  1. Prioritize programs that bolster physical and digital connectivity, such as the Quad Partnership for Cable Connectivity and Resilience that was announced at the 2023 Quad Leaders’ Summit.
  1. Emphasize maritime domain awareness and enforcement by providing partners with tools to facilitate greater enforcement capacity and enhanced monitoring.
  1. Implement positive, practical programs in areas of strategic advantage that fit into an already-complex regional donor landscape and meet Pacific needs.
  1. Take a forward-leaning approach to public diplomacy, including through elevated branding that proactively communicates intent, emphasizes shared values, and does not overemphasize geopolitics.


As the geopolitical relevance of the Pacific Islands has grown, so too has the attention paid to it by the outside world. Other issues, from climate change to fisheries, drive engagement as well—but geopolitics is what has drawn the lion’s share of international media coverage and interest from decision-makers in foreign capitals who do not focus on the region day-to-day.

This, in turn, has brought an influx of diplomatic attention, development assistance, and more as external powers seek to curry favor with the sixteen Pacific Island countries.1 As the most aid-dependent region in the world, this recognition is welcomed, but Pacific Islanders remain leery about geopolitical competition and the detrimental impact it could have on their sovereignty and well-being.

Australia, India, Japan, and the United States have independently and collectively scaled up their engagement with these Pacific Islands. In 2007, the four countries formed the Quadrilateral Dialogue (the Quad), which has become an increasingly important element of the Indo-Pacific’s growing multilateral architecture. It serves as a forum for addressing shared challenges across the Indo-Pacific, including in the Pacific Islands.

In February and March 2024, the Indo-Pacific Security Initiative (IPSI) of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security convened public and private discussions with governmental and nongovernmental experts from Quad member states and Pacific Island countries to formulate policy recommendations for the bloc as it expands activities in the region.

The collective output of those discussions, in turn, is the basis for this policy brief, which provides an overview of the relationship between the Quad and the Pacific Islands as it stands today, followed by a series of policy recommendations for the former as it seeks to bolster its engagement with the latter over the coming years.

The Quad and the Pacific Islands: An overview

It is no coincidence that the Quad’s revival in 2017 came at a time of heightened geopolitical competition in the Indo-Pacific. As noted in the 2023 Joint Leaders’ Statement, its members are committed to ensuring “a free and open Indo-Pacific that is inclusive and resilient” and one where “all countries are free from coercion, and can exercise their agency to determine their futures.”

Alongside other fora, the Quad has become an increasingly important node in the Indo-Pacific’s growing “minilateral” architecture. Cooperation within it focuses on six key areas—climate, critical and emerging technology, cyber, health security, infrastructure, and space—that are reflected by the bloc’s formal leader-level working groups.

While they may skate around thornier issues that could divide the bloc, these agreed-upon priority areas have helped the Quad formulate a positive, practical agenda that will benefit not just the four Quad countries but also partner nations. Leaders’ meetings have become an annual occurrence and overall cohesion in the bloc has increased—no small feat, considering how quickly it went dormant after being first conceived in 2007.

Along with its thematic focus areas, the Quad has emphasized cooperation with countries in three key Indo-Pacific subregions—Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Indian Ocean rim—and expressly acknowledged the centrality of their respective multilateral forums: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), and the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA).

In the Pacific Islands, the Quad has sought to align itself with the objectives of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent (2050 Blue Pacific Strategy), a long-term road map for addressing key regional issues that were agreed upon by PIF members in 2022. The PIF strongly encourages external partners to work within this framework, and the Quad’s commitment to supporting its objectives is an important sign of respect for regional institutions.

It should be noted that the PIF is not the only regional institution in the mix; others, such as the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG), cater to subregions and may deviate from the PIF at times and contend with it for influence. Furthermore, each of the sixteen Pacific Island countries have unique cultures, histories, and interests. It is therefore important that the Quad members build bilateral relationships with each country rather than opting for the easier route of painting the region with a monolithic brush.

Regional footprint of Quad members

Outside of the Quad framework, Canberra, New Delhi, Tokyo, and Washington also independently maintain regional presences that reflect each country’s unique priorities and interests. The added value of the bloc is its ability to capitalize on members’ regional initiatives to maximize the efficiency and impact of joint initiatives.

Of the four, Australia has historically been the most engaged in the region. It is a PIF member, maintains a comprehensive diplomatic footprint with missions in all sixteen Pacific Island countries, and is by far the single largest aid donor to the region. Canberra possesses unmatched levels of deep and long-term engagements with the Pacific Island countries, but, as with any long-standing bilateral relationship, this inevitably comes with areas of tension.

India has long maintained an interest in Fiji due to the latter’s large Indo-Fijian population but remains a relatively new player in the Pacific Islands region. Its amplified Pacific Islands engagement flows from a broader effort by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to enhance India’s global footprint. For instance, Modi’s 2023 visit to Papua New Guinea included the announcement of a strategic action plan to expand cooperation on a diverse issue set with Pacific Island countries.

Japan has a long history in the region and ramped up its modern-day engagement in the late 1990s, initiating the Japan-Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) mechanism in 1997. It is the region’s second-largest provider of overseas development assistance and well-known for its focus on infrastructure and fisheries. As the originator of the “free and open Indo-Pacific” concept, it has been a leading voice for increasing regional cooperation through mechanisms like the Quad.

The United States has deep regional roots due to its ties with the three freely associated states2 (FAS) and the geographic location of the US State of Hawaii within Polynesia. The United States significantly scaled back its regional presence in the early 1990s and only truly returned to previous levels of engagement in the late 2010s due to rising geopolitical competition. Since then, it has reestablished itself as a regional player by amplifying development aid, opening new embassies, and more—but questions linger about its long-term reliability and staying power.

All four countries have broadened their engagement in the region. Although Australia is the only full member of the PIF, India, Japan, and the United States hold observer status. They also maintain their own dialogue mechanisms with Pacific Island countries—for example, India’s Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation and the now-annual US-Pacific Island Forum Leader’s Summit. Additionally, Australia, Japan, and the United States are members of the Partners in the Blue Pacific (PBP) mechanism.

The view from the Pacific Islands

With a collective exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of over sixteen million square kilometers, the Pacific Islands occupy nearly 10 percent of the world’s maritime space. In recent years, Pacific Island countries have sought to define themselves as “large ocean states” instead of the more common moniker of “small island states.” Their maritime nature is a defining, cross-cutting feature of the region.

Broadly speaking, the Quad has been welcomed, albeit not universally. Some are critical of the “free and open Indo-Pacific” narrative that undergirds it, arguing among other things that it is incompatible with the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy and could “funnel resources away from investment in Blue Pacific interests and objectives.” Others contend that the Quad is an unnecessary addition to an already complex multilateral landscape.

As the Quad expands its engagement with the Pacific Island countries, it is important to consider how regional actors define and view key international challenges, especially when such definitions and views may differ from those espoused by Quad members. The PIF’s 2018 Boe Declaration, which incorporates traditional and nontraditional security issues into a single definition of security, is perhaps the most pertinent example.

Climate change, which Pacific Island countries see as their single greatest threat, is central to their definition of security. Quad members, in the 2023 Joint Leaders’ Statement, did expressly acknowledge the significance of climate change as it pertains to global security. However, their words have not always aligned with actions taken on the issue at home, which in turn has periodically strained relations due to perceptions that Quad members’ climate rhetoric is more talk than action.

There are diverging views on geopolitics, but a general through line is a desire to maintain peace, stability, and positive relations with external parties. This is exemplified by Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s Zone of Peace concept, which is “deeply rooted in Pacific ideas of family and relationships,” and was welcomed by many Pacific Island leaders at their 2023 PIF retreat.

The development and economic challenges facing Pacific Island countries may be similar to those faced by other developing countries, but they are exacerbated by the region’s vast maritime nature and imminent challenges stemming from climate change. Although there are notable variances between the individual countries, the common priorities include but are by no means limited to disaster management, fisheries, labor mobility, infrastructure, public health, and regional connectivity.

Current Quad-Pacific Islands initiatives

Although the Pacific Islands were briefly referenced in the 2021 Joint Statement of Quad Leaders, the focus on this expansive subregion has grown exponentially since then. A range of programmatic announcements, many of which pertain to the Pacific Islands, were made at the 2023 Leaders’ Summit, including:

  • Space: Exploring avenues to deliver Earth observation data and other space-based applications to assist nations across the Indo-Pacific in strengthening climate early warning systems.

The Joint Leaders’ Statement positively signals the Quad’s intent to work in partnership with the Pacific Islands region and to align programs with the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy, stating that, “In these efforts, Quad Leaders will listen to and be guided at every step by Pacific priorities.” These programs are only in the preliminary stages of implementation, though, and successful delivery will be crucial to achieving long-term goals.

Policy recommendations

As the Quad looks ahead this year and beyond, it is both standing on solid ground and still finding its footing in the Pacific Islands. Moving forward, the bloc should continue to pursue achievable, practical policies that deliver on Pacific needs while ensuring the Quad is not stretched too thin. In addition, the Quad should take a forward-leaning public diplomacy approach that helps it win over public opinion and build stronger ties with Pacific Island countries.

To support these efforts, IPSI convened a February 2024 public panel discussion, “Bolstering Cooperation among Quad and Pacific Island Countries,” that featured speakers from all four Quad members and the Pacific Islands, including His Excellency David Panuelo, the former president of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). IPSI also convened a private track 1.5 workshop, which was attended by thirty-three government and nongovernment experts.

What resulted from the panel discussion and workshop are four broad-based, cross-cutting policy recommendations. These are by no means exhaustive; rather, they reflect the themes most frequently raised and are intended to align with the stated goals of the Quad, its member states, and the Pacific Island countries.

1.  Prioritize programs that bolster physical and digital connectivity

As noted previously, the region’s expansive maritime scale cuts across every issue facing it. Pacific Island countries are geographically isolated, and their isolation is further exacerbated by limited physical connectivity. Physical infrastructure is an issue that is frequently raised in the region, and there are urgent needs for the construction and refurbishment of new and existing facilities: ports, highways, airports, and the like.

Digital connectivity presents a crucial opportunity to circumvent geographic barriers, but most Pacific Island countries are not adequately connected to transnational undersea cable systems. Furthermore, they face challenges with building sufficient telecommunications networks within their own borders. That is why technology and connectivity emerge as one of the seven thematic areas of the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy

Improving physical and digital connectivity would unlock opportunity across the region, especially on the economic front. The Quad has acknowledged the issue’s centrality in joint statements and laid out concrete programs to improve it throughout the Indo-Pacific. For the Pacific Islands region, this includes the Quad Partnership for Cable Connectivity and Resilience initiative (noted above), and at a country-level includes the Palau Open RAN program (also noted above).

In this and coming years, the Quad should maintain its focus on programs that improve connectivity, especially in the digital realm. The CET and infrastructure working groups are well positioned to continue their work on cables. As the digital realm increases in complexity, the Quad should consider how the space working group can help deliver satellite-based internet coverage—which is in high demand in the Pacific Islands.

It should be noted that this is an area where the Quad can capitalize on existing programs initiated by one or more member states. One example is Australian and US support for incorporating eight Pacific Island countries into US-based Google’s plans for a trans-Pacific subsea cable. Through such a mechanism, the Quad can build upon existing work rather than start from scratch. It also demonstrates the value of bringing private-sector partners into the fold to maximize impact.

2. Emphasize maritime domain awareness and enforcement

Maintaining the territorial integrity of their maritime space is a daunting task for Pacific Island countries. To illustrate, the FSM has an EEZ of almost three million square kilometers and the Solomon Islands has an EEZ of one and a half million square kilometers. Both countries face acute difficulties when seeking to monitor and enforce these EEZs owing to a wide range of resource limitations, from patrol boats to human capital.

The significance of this issue is noted in the 2050 Blue Pacific Strategy, which calls to protect “sovereignty and jurisdiction over our maritime zones and resources” and to “strengthen our ownership and management of our resources.” Yet the ability to do so is under imminent threat from foreign state and nonstate actors on matters ranging from narcotics trafficking to illegal fishing, both of which have increased in recent years.

Echoing this, the Quad announced the Indo-Pacific Partnership for Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) initiative at the 2022 Leaders’ Summit, which aims to “provide near-real-time, integrated and cost-effective maritime domain data to maritime agencies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.” This, in turn, provides each country with useful tools to help navigate responses to natural disasters and monitoring of climate patterns.

Looking forward, the Quad should consider how the resources it offers can facilitate greater enforcement capacity and enhanced monitoring for Pacific Island countries. One area worth exploring is coordinating the provision of patrol boats, which individual members have historically provided on a bilateral basis. The Quad should not duplicate existing programs; instead, it should serve as a coordination hub to ensure maximally beneficial allocation across the region.

3. Implement positive, practical programs in areas of strategic advantage

While the Quad holds a lot of promise, it should be careful to not overextend itself and become another flashy diplomatic initiative that overpromises and underdelivers. To do so, the Quad can align its strategic advantages with priorities identified by the Pacific Island countries themselves.

As outlined earlier, individual Quad members have unique histories with specific Pacific Island countries. However, the Quad itself is viewed with some skepticism due to its relatively new advent, collapse, and reemergence onto the scene. Australia, India, Japan, and the United States seem to be cognizant of this issue, and their emphasis on positive, practical programs with tangible outcomes will help allay skepticism.

In addition, Quad members should clearly and consistently communicate what they can and cannot do, and how they envision Quad-driven initiatives fitting into an already-complex donor landscape. Doing so will help manage inevitable misunderstandings that tend to come with new initiatives and allow it to focus on producing results that earn credibility and trust from Pacific Islanders.

The bloc has been met with fanfare and gained staunch support in Canberra, New Delhi, Tokyo, and Washington. However, the attention of and priorities for these capitals are becoming split in multiple directions as increasing threats across the world lead to limit the resources and time that can be devoted to the Pacific Islands. Quad and Pacific Island countries alike should be careful not to place all their bets on the Quad, lest it collapse under its own weight.

4. Take a forward-leaning approach to public diplomacy

Globally, the information domain has become more competitive, fast-moving, and fragmented. At both a regional and country level, the Pacific Islands region has a particularly unique information space due to limited digital connectivity and a geographic location that any external actor must fully comprehend in order to seek engagement with local populations.

The Quad may have started off on the right foot, but there is still much to be accomplished to maintain an advantage in the information space, especially as it becomes increasingly contested due to geopolitical competition. Ultimately, Quad members’ status as the partners of choice for many Pacific Island countries is at risk if a forward-leaning approach to public diplomacy is not implemented.

Specific recommendations for implementing this approach include the following:

  • Proactively communicate intent: Stress that the Quad is meant to complement, not supersede or replace, the existing regional architecture. Building upon the shift in its official name from the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue to the Quadrilateral Dialogue, it should make a more concerted effort to expand its focus beyond just traditional security issues. Doing so will quell apprehensions from the region regarding the true nature of the Quad’s intentions for the region.
  • Emphasize shared values: Quad and Pacific Island countries share democratic values—democracy, rule of law, freedom of speech, and more—that should be actively highlighted. But doing so requires that Quad members practice what they preach at home, lest they open themselves up to charges of hypocrisy.
  • Do not overemphasize geopolitics: Pacific Islanders are well aware of the growing geopolitical competition in the Indo-Pacific and the impact it may have on their region. Overly aggressive rhetoric about it may resonate in the capitals of Quad member states, but much less so in the Pacific Islands. It certainly should be discussed at times, but it should not be the overarching crux of public interactions.
  • Elevate branding: If the Quad is to achieve its goals, it must back up its rhetoric with concrete evidence of successful implementation of initiatives on the ground. One of the best ways to do so is through physical and digital branding that clearly indicates that the Quad or one of its member states is delivering and working with Pacific Island countries to implement a project. Although Australia and the United States have sometimes been reluctant to elevate branding alongside their individual development programs, the Quad presents an opportunity for a fresh approach.

Parker Novak, the primary author of this issue brief, is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub and Indo-Pacific Security Initiative, where he specializes in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Indo-Pacific geopolitics, and US foreign policy. He previously served as the Indonesia and Timor-Leste country director for an international non-governmental organization.

Kyoko Imai, the project lead and contributor to this issue brief, is the associate director for the Indo-Pacific Security Initiative (IPSI) of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. She spearheads IPSI’s work on US-ROK-Japan, Quad, AUKUS, and other multilateral frameworks, in addition to the Japan, Southeast Asia, and Pacific Islands portfolios. Imai’s functional expertise centers on non-traditional security including but not limited to economic security, human rights, climate security, and migration.

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1    The Pacific Islands Forum includes eighteen countries and territories. Quad member Australia is a Pacific forum member but is excluded from the count for the purposes of this paper, as is New Zealand, a forum member that is part of the Five Eyes intelligence group along with Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Included in this Pacific Islands count are forum members: Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
2    The Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau are referred to as the freely associated states.

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Webster quoted by Axios on US housing shortage effects on climate transition Wed, 27 Mar 2024 14:39:26 +0000 Read the full newsletter here.

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Not without her: A roadmap for gender equality and Caribbean prosperity Thu, 07 Mar 2024 14:00:00 +0000 Caribbean development is intrinsically linked with women's equality. After a multi-month consultation process with Caribbean stakeholders, we offer a roadmap on how to achieve inclusive development in the region.

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The Caribbean is one of the most vulnerable regions globally. It harbors economies that are open-faced and import-dependent, making it susceptible to the ravages of climate change, fluctuating commodity prices, and inflationary pressures. While governments and financial institutions grapple with these perpetual stresses, it is the Caribbean citizens, particularly women and girls, who bear the heaviest burden.

Nestled in this uniquely vulnerable region, women and girls face a multitude of challenges, demanding comprehensive support from both governments and financial institutions to enhance their resilience and opportunities throughout society. Their integration across various sectors, including government, business, and local organizations, emphasizes that addressing gender challenges cannot occur in isolation.

The global issues looming over the Caribbean magnify the specific hurdles confronting women and girls. From gender-based violence (GBV) and economic barriers to limited political influence and the disproportionate impacts of climate change, the challenges intertwine, creating a crisis of gender inequality and inequity across the Caribbean.

This publication compiles findings from a yearlong consultative effort, revealing that the challenges faced by women and girls are rooted in societal perceptions of their roles and restricted access to tools and resources. To overcome these barriers, a fundamental reshaping of social norms, alongside political and financial institutions, is imperative. Moreover, integrating women and girls into the development model aligns with the region’s broader ambitions of achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), unlocking untapped human capital and fostering long-term prosperity.

In collaboration with the UN Women Caribbean Multi-Country Office, the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center and its Caribbean Initiative embarked on a year-long partnership. This initiative aimed to address GBV, economic empowerment challenges, limited political influence, and the disproportionate effects of climate change facing women and girls in the Caribbean. The extensive consultative process involved roundtable discussions, capacity-building sessions, and one-on-one consultations, shedding light on the preconceptions held by both men and women toward women and girls in Jamaica and Guyana during 2023. The partnership has honed in on social norms as a focal point, recognizing their impact on perceptions and discussions about the challenges faced by women and girls.

About the authors

Wazim Mowla is the associate director and fellow of the Caribbean Initiative at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center. He leads the development and execution of the initiative’s programming, including the Financial Inclusion Task Force, the US-Caribbean Consultative Group, the PACC 2030 Working Group, and the Caribbean Energy Working Group. Since joining the Council, Mowla has co-authored major publications on the strategic importance of sending US COVID-19 vaccines to the Caribbean, strategies to address financial de-risking, and how the United States can advance new policies to support climate and energy resilience. As part of his work on the Caribbean, Mowla was called to provide Congressional testimony to the US House Financial Services Committee on financial de-risking.

Valentina Sader is a deputy director at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, where she leads the Center’s work on Brazil, gender equality and diversity, and manages the Center’s Advisory Council. During her time at the Council, Valentina has managed the launch of the Center’s Advisory Council, a high-level group of former policy makers, business leaders, and influencers from the United States and the region. She has co-authored publications on the US-Brazil strategic partnership and coordinated events with high-level policymakers, business leaders, and civil society members in both Brazil and the US. She also provides English- and Portuguese-language commentary on political and economic issues in Brazil to major media outlets, such as Al Jazeera and BBC Brasil.

The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center broadens understanding of regional transformations and delivers constructive, results-oriented solutions to inform how the public and private sectors can advance hemispheric prosperity.

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Bayoumi and Mowla in The Globe and Mail and Canadian Forces College on the Canadian-Caribbean partnership Wed, 06 Mar 2024 20:30:42 +0000 On October 24, Imran Bayoumi, associate director at the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, and Wazim Mowla, associate director and fellow of the Caribbean Initiative at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, were published in The Globe and Mail and featured on the Canadian Forces College’s Spotlight on Military […]

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On October 24, Imran Bayoumi, associate director at the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, and Wazim Mowla, associate director and fellow of the Caribbean Initiative at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center, were published in The Globe and Mail and featured on the Canadian Forces College’s Spotlight on Military News and International Affairs. They discuss the Canada-CARICOM Strategic Partnership (CCSP) announced in October 2023 and argue that, while the partnership is an excellent first step, it requires actionable steps toward implementation on the core priorities of “strengthening regional security, addressing climate challenges, and increasing access to finance.”

[T]o make CCSP a reality, Ottawa will need to work with the private sector and banks to create new financial instruments to unlock investment into the region, and – with the seriousness that it brought to its Indo-Pacific strategy – provide continuity and tangible benefits for all parties in the long run.

Imran Bayoumi and Wazim Mowla

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Climate, drought, and the disrupted future of global trade Fri, 01 Mar 2024 20:49:01 +0000 Climate change threatens the efficient functioning of waterways, canals, and seaports—and therefore is a major threat to global trade.

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Over 80 percent of all global trade in goods and commodities is carried through waterways. But climate change threatens the efficient functioning of waterways, canals, and seaports—and therefore is a major threat to global trade. The most commonly discussed way that climate change can disrupt waterborne trade is drought, which can lower water levels in critical waterways such as the Panama Canal to the point where large cargo ships can’t get through. But drought is not the only mechanism through which climate change will affect global trade. Global warming and the subsequent rising sea levels and higher frequency and intensity of extreme weather conditions are also threatening the functionality of many seaports around the world. At the same time, the warming atmosphere is opening new trade routes through the Arctic and by doing so is creating new fronts for geopolitical tension. If governments can’t find a way of cooperating to address these concerns, trillions of dollars in global trade could be disrupted.

Rivers and canals

The Panama Canal services 50 percent of trades from Asia to the US east coast and a yearly merchandise value of $500 billion, two-thirds of which goes to the United States. Given the unprecedented droughts in that region and lower water levels in the Canal, the authorities have restricted the number of vessels that can pass through each day by 50 percent. Many vessels have fully given up on using the canal in favor of traveling around the Cape of Good Hope, increasing the cost of dry bulk shipping by approximately 14 percent compared to the previous year.

The current shipping crisis in the Panama Canal is not an anomaly. In the future, the Canal may only be functional at full capacity for three to four months of the year. Panama Canal Administrator Ricaurte Vasquez Morales explained last year, “This is a new reality that is not unique to the Panama Canal; it’s something that you’re seeing in some other rivers in Europe, it’s something that you’re seeing in the Mississippi… Climate change is essentially the reason why this is happening.”

Morales is not wrong. The Mississippi river, through which flows 60 percent of US grain shipments and 22 percent of oil and gas exports, faced the same challenge in September 2022 with a drought that increased grain shipment prices by 400 percent compared to the average, in turn raising the price of delivered soybeans by 24 percent. Just a month earlier and in another part of the world, a drought in China’s Yangtze decreased the river’s width by half. The Yangtze is critical for connecting cities like Chongqing and Wuhan with major coastal ports like Shanghai. After the August drought, container export volumes fell by 8 percent along the river, and the transit period from Chongqing to Shanghai increased by three times. Other examples include drought-related shipping bottlenecks along the Rhine River in Europe and rivers in the Amazon, all of which are creating significant challenges for the local economies with ripple effects on the global economy.


There are more than 3,800 commercial seaports and inland ports through which more than 80 percent of global trade is processed. Rising sea levels are threatening the viability and functionality of the seaports. According to The Global Maritime Trends 2050 report, some of the world’s major seaports—such as Shanghai, Houston, and Lazaro Cardenas—could become inoperable by 2050 if the sea levels only rise by 40 cm, which is very probable if the current global warming trajectory is not effectively addressed now. These are serious threats to global trade because port of Shanghai alone is responsible for more than a quarter of all China’s foreign trade and its value of imports and exports are estimate to be near $1.4 trillion in 2023. Moreover, in 2022, Port of Houston contributed more than $900 billion to the US economy.

At the same time, the higher frequency and intensity of storms are undermining the operations of seaports and inland ports. The estimated cost of severe climate events on ports around the world are estimated to be around $7.5 billion each year. Additionally, 0.8 to 1.8 percent of world’s maritime trade—$200 to $450 billion in value per year—is facing disruption risks because of severe weather events, and Small Island Developing States face about four times higher trade risks that of other economies.

Arctic trade route

As climate change is threatening some trade routes, it is opening new ones. It is estimated that within three to four decades, the Arctic will no longer remain frozen all year-long, opening up new, shorter maritime trade routes. New route openings, such as the Northern Sea Route and Northwest passage, would make it possible for ships to move between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The tremendous economic benefit of these shorter trade routes, in addition to Arctic’s massive natural resources, has led to increased geopolitical tensions in this part of the world between the United States, European Union, Russia, and China. The war in Ukraine, Finland’s recent ascension into NATO, and Sweden’s serious move towards NATO membership have further exacerbated the geopolitical tensions in the Arctic. Seven NATO and soon-to-be NATO members of the eight-member Arctic Council—comprised of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States—have suspended all forms of cooperation with Russia on Arctic governance. Hence, Arctic melting has not only opened new trade routes but also ignited fresh arenas of great power rivalry and increased the risk of conflict in this part of the world.

The case for multilateralism

These emerging challenges can only be addressed through a more effective multilateralism both to address global warming and to devise new frameworks of cooperation for existing and new trade routes. Governments cannot face this mounting challenge alone. The world needs a new multilateral framework where relevant private sector entities, international organizations, academia, and civil societies are involved in the conversation. Failure to do so not only risks disrupting trillions of dollars in global trade but also undermines the stability and growth of the global economy in the decades to come.

Amin Mohseni-Cheraghlou  is a macroeconomist with the GeoEconomics Center and leads the Atlantic Council’s Bretton Woods 2.0 Project. He is also a senior lecturer of economics at American University in Washington DC. Follow him on X at @AMohseniC.

Sophia Busch is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center.

At the intersection of economics, finance, and foreign policy, the GeoEconomics Center is a translation hub with the goal of helping shape a better global economic future.

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Climate crisis fuels change in MENA region Mon, 26 Feb 2024 14:00:00 +0000 The region faces economic and political transitions amid geopolitical risks, climate change, and energy market shifts. Escalating conflicts are exacerbating instability. Climate change poses existential threats, intensifying water crises and domestic tensions. Socioeconomic transformation will be vital to meet youth aspirations and tackle polarization.

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Table of contents

Evolution of freedom

The countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are stuck in economic and political transitions toward more open economic and political markets. The lack of economic freedom has long echoed the lack of political freedom in the region. To maintain the status quo, political elites have for many years sought to cultivate an enduring social contract wherein economic and political elites capture economic rents—including from oil revenues—and citizens receiving patronage spending have tended to look the other way.

That is evident from the overall freedom score for the region, which has remained considerably lower than the global average. Indeed, the MENA region’s freedom score in 2022 is the same as two decades before (around 46.9), 15.4 points below the global average. That said, an increase in the freedom score is evident at the beginning of the period of analysis (from 1995 to 2002) which coincided with a wave of both economic and political reforms.

While there are important cultural and legal similarities among MENA countries, the region is also heterogeneous in many ways. Three distinct groups have progressed at different speeds in their economic transitions: the high-speed group, mostly composed of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries; moderate-speed, mostly composed of North African countries plus countries like Jordan and Lebanon; and the low-speed group, which includes conflict or post-conflict countries. Indeed, the GCC countries, which are mostly nonpopulous economies with vast wealth, have outperformed the other two groups, increasing their average freedom score by 6.7 points over the sample (1995–2022). The “moderate-speed” group of countries in North Africa, plus Jordan and Lebanon, includes both oil-importing and oil-exporting states, with a mixed record of economic reforms. Most of these countries are populous, with Egypt home to the largest population in the region. The conflict and post-conflict group includes Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, each with a complex history of civil wars coupled with foreign invasions.

The diversity of circumstances is evident when considering the evolution of the economic freedom score. The regional score has increased by 5 points throughout the period, driven by improvements in women’s economic freedom and, recently, investment freedom. This increase is mainly driven by progress in the GCC group of countries, where economic freedom went up by 14.5 points. The GCC is now led by Saudi Arabia, which has embarked on an important economic and social transformation agenda. In the “low-speed” group, we see an overall decline over the period (−3.7 points). Across the region, trade freedom presents a significant negative trend since 2011, losing almost 15 points.

On the political freedom front, the region is home to the world’s last absolute monarchies, whose transition to constitutional monarchies has been slow, and at times reversed. Military involvement in politics is all too common and has been on the rise. The wave of protests that spread through almost the entire region and which came to be known as the Arab Spring is apparent in the data. The Arab Spring erupted in the early 2010s from the frustration of a young and educated population aspiring to more political and economic freedom and prosperity. The hope raised by the Arab Spring proved, however, to be temporary. Indeed, protests ended up either tamed by autocrats or resulted in internal conflicts, with foreign interventions supporting opposing sides. The political freedom score shows an increase starting in 2010, which has vanished by 2014. All indicators of the political freedom subindex have been affected. This shows that countries in the region are stuck in political transitions toward democracy. 

Legal freedom is relatively low in the region, with all its indicators except informality scoring below 50 in 2022. Most indicators of legal freedom have had a flat trend in the last decade, showing no signs of improvement. Here as well, the GCC countries score higher than the other two groups, with a stable score over the sample. In the other two groups, legal freedom is declining. Just as on the political front, legal reforms toward more fair and inclusive systems have stalled. 

From freedom to prosperity

The prosperity score of the MENA region has clearly diverged from the global average during the period 1995–2022. Overall scores mask important differences between countries in MENA, especially along economic lines. Indeed, the MENA region has the largest reserves of oil and other hydrocarbons in the world.1 But not all countries in the region are rich in oil. The region is host to both oil importers and oil exporters, and the impacts of oil shocks far outweigh any policy intervention. Evidently, persistently high oil prices—albeit remaining volatile—have been good news for oil exporters and somewhat bad news for oil importers in the region. However, the reality is not always so straightforward, as high oil prices result in large and positive spillover effects from oil exporters to oil importers, especially in terms of remittances and foreign aid, and these have tended to mitigate the differences between the two groups.

While the consequences of oil market fluctuations continue to play a dominant role in driving prosperity in the region, that situation is clearly not sustainable as the world economy is firmly embarking on a transition away from fossil fuels. The MENA region scores higher than the global average in income, health, and environment, but the gap in the last two decades has been narrowing. Countries in the region should not be complacent and should transform their economies by supporting more (genuine) private sector development. The success of the economic and social transformation agenda led by Saudi Arabia is vital for the region. Yet the ultimate test of that transformation is whether it would be sustained and financed through (domestic and foreign) private investment instead of state funds, which will eventually run out.

Education is the best performing indicator for the region, with a score that has doubled in the period of analysis. Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement, as the level is still low (close to 45 points), relative to the global average. Educated but unemployed youth have been the drivers of the Arab Spring. That situation is a source of worry for leaders who want to keep the status quo, and has led them to place limits on political freedom and civil liberties.

The region scores significantly below the global average in inequality and minority rights, and the gaps have not been reduced in the last twenty-five years. Persistently high inequality is a source of further tensions. The need to promote equality of opportunity in the region—through free enterprise and curbing cronyism—has never been greater. Failure to address deficiencies in economic but also political freedom will hamper prosperity in the region and lead to further instability.

The future ahead

Over the next decade, countries in the MENA region will have to grapple with economic and political transitions in a world in mutation. To achieve freedom and prosperity, countries in the region will have to face up to risks linked to geopolitics, climate change, and the transformation of energy markets, as well as social polarization.

The region is at a tipping point when it comes to conflict escalation. Indeed, the alarming intensity and casualties resulting from the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian territories risk engulfing the whole region. This new phase of escalation of violence brings not only tragic loss of lives but also physical destruction, fear, and uncertainty. That new spread of violence will have far-reaching economic and social consequences. What is more, the Palestinian issue is an important fault line between the Global North and the Global South that could have global repercussions and tear the region further apart.

The region is also extremely exposed to the existential threat posed by climate change. Climate change is simply making the Middle East and North Africa unlivable at a faster rate than any other region. Specifically, temperatures have reached record highs and a water crisis is looming in the region, which could lead to heightened domestic tensions and interstate conflicts. The crisis is made worse by the inadequate governance of the water sector and other utilities, which has exacerbated the frustration of the citizenry over poor public services.

The region also needs to transition away from fossil fuels. Oil prices have been persistently high and this has provided some respite to the many oil-exporting countries in the region. Yet, as the world moves away from fossil fuels, the vast reserves of oil and natural gas with which MENA is endowed will eventually become stranded—and so will the capital investment in the sector. With these considerations in mind, several MENA countries have embarked on ambitious diversification programs to move away from oil, although success has, so far, been elusive. As we have said, Saudi Arabia’s ambitious economic and social transformation agenda could be a game changer for the region and perhaps offer a model for other countries to emulate.

A credible economic and social transformation agenda is long overdue, to meet the aspirations of an educated youth and to absorb millions of young people—females and males alike—into the labor market. The aborted political transitions have, however, polarized societies in the region: the people on the streets who continue to protest on the one side, and the political elites and crony capitalists on the other. The political and economic transitions are interlinked and failure to address both could result in further social tensions and instability.2

Rabah Arezki is a former vice president at the African Development Bank, a former chief economist of the World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa region, and a former chief of commodities at the the International Monetary Fund’s Research Department. He is now a director of research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and a senior fellow at the Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development and at Harvard Kennedy School.


Trackers and Data Visualizations

Jun 15, 2023

Freedom and Prosperity Indexes

The indexes rank 164 countries around the world according to their levels of freedom and prosperity. Use our site to explore twenty-eight years of data, compare countries and regions, and examine the sub-indexes and indicators that comprise our indexes.

1    Hereafter the terms “hydrocarbon” and “oil” are used interchangeably. The region is host to the largest oil and natural gas exporters in the world.
2    Editors’ note: This chapter was written before the start of the 2023 Israel-Hamas war

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How to finance net zero in developing economies: Beyond the existing investment framework Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:39:13 +0000 The IEA's recent analysis concludes that the world is on a path to achieve only one-third of the necessary reductions to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C by 2030. The establishment of a new financing structure that catalyzes private investment in developing countries through innovative financing guarantees is crucial for achieving ambitious carbon reduction goals.

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The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) analysis of commitments to reduce carbon emissions by 2030 made both before and at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) concludes that the world is on a path to achieving only one-third of the reductions in carbon emissions needed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C. 

Achieving the needed reductions, according to the IEA, requires reducing fossil fuel emissions and tripling clean energy investments. The need for increased financing is even greater in emerging markets and developing economies. Current investment in clean energy in these markets is around $260 billion per year, but the IEA concludes that around $2 trillion a year must be invested by 2030.


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Reducing emissions in developing countries is critical to achieving the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Although developing countries have contributed a very low percentage of historical greenhouse gas emissions, today, they emit nearly half of all greenhouse gas emissions and one-third of energy sector emissions. Failure to provide the needed finance would make achieving the 1.5-degree goal almost impossible.

Historically, the World Bank Group and other multilateral development banks (MDBs) have played the principal role in financing investment and providing guarantees to developing economies. They have supported catalytic projects, built capacity, provided grants, loans, and equity financing and guarantees to the poorest countries. They also developed the concept of blended finance where the public and private sector work and invest together. 

Despite these important results, however, the MDBs have not been able to attract a significant level of private investment in developing countries. Their processes are too slow, their financial regulations too narrow, and their bureaucracy too great to attract the needed trillions of dollars of investment that governments cannot afford and that only private investors can provide to reach emission reduction goals. The MDBs are working to reform their processes, but unless they develop innovative new financing structures, their existing structure, mandates, and limitations make it very unlikely that these reforms will sufficiently open the spigot of private investments.

Thus, innovative new approaches and institutions are needed to achieve emission reduction goals. There is a growing consensus that the best way to attract private investment in developing countries is to reduce the real and perceived risks of those investments by providing guarantees at a level that makes projects investment grade in the minds of the private investors. Guarantees provide the most efficient way of leveraging public financing since the cash needed is only the amount necessary to cover expected losses in the investments. Unexpected losses are protected against by balance sheet backups to the cash provided to cover expected losses.

There are many guarantee proposals being considered and implemented. To achieve the needed impact, one or more of the proposals should establish a facility that provides over a ten-year period at least $500 billion in financing guarantees for loans and possibly for equity. Sovereign nations and perhaps very large foundations and private corporations would fund the facility.

This proposal is very ambitious, but not as costly as it sounds. If, for example, the facility concludes that the risk of loss is very high, say 10 percent, the nations providing funding would have to put up $50 billion in cash over a ten-year period, or $5 billion a year. If ten sovereign funds contribute to the facility, each country would have to put up an average of $500 million a year. This is a significant commitment, but a doable amount, particularly given developed countries’ pledges of $100 billion a year in financing to the developing world. Moreover, the facility could ramp up slowly, requiring lower contributions in the early years.

The facility would structure itself to attract private institutional investors by setting up a simple and efficient process of evaluating their investments and approving the guarantees. It would guarantee projects in a portfolio of investments by an investor, setting standards in advance on due diligence, environmental reviews, and involvement of local communities (ESG). Investors would be responsible for conducting due diligence and implementing the standards. The facility would spot check due diligence and implementation, but not conduct its own reviews. It would require a very small fee on investments to raise funds for capacity building in EMDEs.

The facility would comprehensively guarantee all risks necessary to make the project viable, including political and operational risks. It would provide guarantees in the amount necessary to ensure that investors can internally rate a project as investment grade. It would not guarantee currency risks but would work with a partner organization to cover that risk. It would charge interest and fees at very low concessional rates.

This structure would thus allow an investor to make an investment in the manner it normally invests, without additional layers of review, approval, and bureaucracy. Because the guarantees would lower the risk of an investment, investors would be able to provide loans at a much lower interest rate and equity without a premium on return to cover risk. This would lead to more financially viable projects and lower costs to consumers.

Lower interest rates would also significantly contribute to ensuring that the developing world can compete economically since it is cheaper, often much cheaper, in most of the world to generate renewable energy than fossil fuel-based energy. Lower interest rates would also contribute to achieving equity between advanced economies and emerging and developing economies since the cost of investments would converge instead of investments being significantly more expensive in developing countries.

Reaching 2030 carbon reduction targets in developing countries will require support from many different types of financial institutions. Working with Ian Callaghan, the founder of the UK Climate Finance Accelerator, we have proposed, along with co-author George Frampton, distinguished fellow with the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, a new facility, the emerging market investment compact (EMCIC), that meets all the above criteria. EMCIC or a similar type of facility would complement the financing provided by multilateral development banks and governments and would play a crucial role in enabling developing countries to achieve their carbon reduction goals.

Ken Berlin is a senior fellow and the director of the Financing and Achieving Cost Competitive Climate Solutions Project at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

Frank Willey is a program assistant at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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What’s on Brazil’s G20 agenda? Start by looking at where India left off. Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:34:06 +0000 As G20 foreign ministers kick off their meeting in Rio de Janeiro, expect to see the shared views of New Delhi and Brasília reflected in continuity between their G20 agendas.

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In 2009, the telenovela Caminho das Índias won Brazil’s first International Emmy award. The hit show depicted Indian and Brazilian characters coming to terms with social and economic upheaval in the rapidly modernizing countries in the 1990s and 2000s. The same year, leaders of Brazil and India met their counterparts from Russia and China in the first summit of the BRIC grouping in Yekaterinburg, Russia. At its inception, the founders of the BRIC grouping, who added South Africa the following year to become the BRICS, wanted to articulate a shared vision of economic priorities for emerging markets. 

Fast forward fifteen years and Brazil and India continue to share views on key global issues. For the first time since its inception in 1999, the Group of Twenty (G20) will have four consecutive emerging economy presidencies (Indonesia in 2022, India in 2023, Brazil this year, and South Africa in 2025). As G20 foreign ministers kick off their meeting in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday, expect to see the shared views of India and Brazil reflected in a high degree of continuity between their G20 agendas.

The members of the G20 collectively account for more than 80 percent of global gross domestic product, three-quarters of world trade, and two-thirds of the world’s population. Moreover, the forum remains the world’s premium platform for coordinating international policy. Over the next year, the Atlantic Council’s G20 programming and research will track how Brazil leads this group in addressing four key areas (presented below) and will work to promote continuity with South Africa’s presidency in 2025 and the United States’ in 2026.

Food security and hunger elimination

Both New Delhi and Brasília have sought to highlight the needs of emerging markets and developing economies through their agenda-setting role at the G20. Perhaps no need stands out as urgently and pervasively as food insecurity. According to the World Food Programme, 783 million people worldwide faced chronic hunger in 2023, and most are in emerging markets and developing economies.

Under the Indian G20 presidency, the New Delhi Declaration was adopted by all members at the leaders’ summit. Among other provisions, it committed members to cooperate on agriculture research, access to fertilizers, capacity-building, and market transparency to foster food security among vulnerable populations. In particular, India emphasized the export and provision of millets, aligning with the “International Year of Millets” initiated by the United Nations General Assembly. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was even nominated for a Grammy award for his appearance in a song titled “Abundance in Millets.”

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has doubled down on the social dimension of development, with a focus on combating poverty, inequality, and hunger. Food security is front and center in his domestic and foreign policy. As president of the G20, he has announced Brasília’s intention to launch a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty at the leaders’ summit in November. Brazil is the world’s second-largest exporter of agriculture and is central to global supply chains—and in particular supply chains for emerging markets and developing economies. Expect to see Brazil leverage its weight in global markets to build consensus on the path forward in addressing food insecurity this year.

Climate and development finance

On climate and sustainable finance, Brazil’s G20 presidency appears poised to build on the legacy of India’s, while offering notable innovations and customizations. The four priorities of 2024’s Sustainable Finance Working Group are illustrative of Brazil’s particular interests and this G20’s overall mandate of “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet.” For example, financial instruments for nature-based solutions are rightfully receiving greater attention than ever in Brazil, which should not be a surprise in a country that contains two-thirds of the Amazon rainforest and 15-20 percent of the world’s biodiversity.

Leveraging Brazil’s active participation in various international financial institutions, the Brazilian finance sherpas are also placing a sharp technical focus on streamlined coordination among multilateral development banks and vertical funds. The troika of India-Brazil-South Africa G20 presidencies will press on with key Global South development financing priorities, such as just transition plans and blended finance for adaptation (see Atlantic Council’s related work on this here). In addition, Brazil has a unique opportunity to bridge this year’s G20 with the UN climate change conference known as COP30, which it will host in Belem in 2025. Brazil can coordinate its presidencies of both platforms to spur continued progress in Belem on landmark accomplishments from recent COPs, including the Loss and Damage Fund announced during last year’s COP28, held in Dubai.

Digital public infrastructure

Another area of continuity and compatibility between the G20 presidencies of India and Brazil is the provision of digital public infrastructure through payments, identity, and other digital networks created by the state to digitize and upgrade the provision of public services. Through Brazil’s Pix and India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI), for example, both countries have seen tremendous success in building digital payments ecosystems and increasing digital and financial connectivity. 

Through the payments working group, G20 member states set targets for payments modernization for central banks and multilateral institutions. These targets address the cost, transparency, and speed of global payments. In 2023, the cost of retail payments to businesses and individuals across countries exceeded the previously set 3 percent target in a quarter of jurisdictions around the world. Similarly, the average cost of remittances is more than twice the goal of 3 percent. These metrics benchmark the G20’s progress and lay out the actions that member states still need to undertake to achieve these targets by 2027 (for cross-border retail payments) and 2030 (for remittances). 

Both India and Brazil position themselves as leaders among emerging markets in the provision of digital public infrastructure, and the G20 provides a platform to showcase their digital payment and identity models to the rest of the world. While both countries view the adoption of these platforms as a mechanism to increase financial inclusion and digital democratization, the wider adoption of digital public infrastructure will also present challenges. The G20 will have to come together to provide robust frameworks on data privacy, consumer protection, cybersecurity, competition, and public-private collaboration. These are going to be ongoing discussions, to be reflected in targets to come in the future. 

International financial institutions

During its G20 presidency, India initiated a set of processes and frameworks through the New Delhi Declaration that committed to “pursue reforms for better, bigger, and more effective Multilateral Development Banks.” The Declaration also included provisions to improve the multilateral development banks’ capital adequacy frameworks, which could yield an additional two hundred billion dollars in lending headroom over the next decade. India’s efforts focused on the quality and quantity of financing provided by international financing institutions and were supported by the United States, the largest shareholder at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

Brazil is adding to India’s priorities with a focus on governance and on augmenting the influence of emerging markets over decision-making at international financing institutions. However, divergent interests between the United States and China, the world’s two largest economies, and heightened geopolitical tensions between Russia and Western economies will make meaningful progress on economic global governance difficult.

India learned as much late last year in negotiations regarding an increase in IMF quotas—or the capital a country contributes to the institution, which correlates with that country’s voting power. The United States had proposed an increase in the quotas that would leave voting shares unchanged—a proposal that drew criticism from China and other emerging market economies who feel underrepresented at the IMF. Ultimately, the countries agreed to the US-backed “equiproportional” increase in quota resources that, in effect, pushed the issue of expanding voting power in the IMF for emerging markets to a future date.

Just like the Indian G20 presidency, Brazil’s achievements in this area will likely be incremental yet important. For example, Brazil might advance innovative ideas for increasing private finance partnerships and for making measurable improvements in international financial institutions’s operations and development impact assessments. These increments will accumulate, particularly as the G20 presidency moves in 2026 to the United States, by far the largest shareholder of various international financial institutions. Reform is a current priority for the United States, as stated by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at the Atlantic Council in April 2022 and elsewhere, and the subject will be high on the agenda when G20 finance ministers meet next during the April IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington, DC.

Mrugank Bhusari is assistant director at the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center.

Ananya Kumar is the associate director for digital currencies at the GeoEconomics Center.

Pepe Zhang is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center.

Valentina Sader is a deputy director at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center.

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The European Commission’s Maroš Šefčovič maps the way forward for EU-US collaboration on energy security and critical minerals Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:37:13 +0000 At an AC Front Page event, Šefčovič argued that “the next level of cooperation” between the United States and EU should be a transatlantic green tech market.

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Event transcript

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Maroš Šefčovič
Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, European Commission


Ana Swanson
Trade and International Economics Reporter, the New York Times

Opening remarks

Landon Derentz
Senior Director, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council

LANDON DERENTZ: Well, good afternoon. I’m Landon Derentz, senior director of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center and Morningstar chair for global energy security. Very excited to welcome our in-person audience and those joining us around the world virtually to AC Front Page. The AC Front Page is the Atlantic Council’s premier platform for live conversations with world leaders tackling today’s greatest challenges.

To that end, it’s my distinct pleasure to introduce you to a leader that has been an absolute stalwart of the transatlantic relationship and, as we had an opportunity to discuss earlier, across many, many administrations (so bipartisan support, opportunities to build partnership for many years). Maroš Šefčovič is executive vice president for the European Commission for the European Green Deal, and today’s featured speaker. We’re also joined by Ms. Ana Swanson, trade and international economic reporter at the New York Times, who will be moderating this conversation.

Later this week, the Atlantic Council will launch its flagship energy publication, The Global Energy Agenda. It’s a moment for us to reflect on what’s been accomplished in the year prior, in 2023, and an opportunity for setting new ambitions for the year ahead. Moments like today help us inform and drive forward with that outlook. And while geopolitics weighed heavily on the prior year, the European Union, through policies like the European Green Deal, like Repower EU, has demonstrated that you can be a champion for climate ambition while also prioritizing energy security and competitiveness. It’s kind of a major balancing act.

Whether navigating joint procurement of natural gas supplies or elevating the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions benchmarks, Executive Vice President Šefčovič is a central figure in shaping and transforming the future of our energy system. In a year dominated by democratic elections, it’s critical that we leverage partnerships like this and forge forward our international relations in a way that strengthens the transatlantic cooperation and helps us achieve our shared energy and climate goals. Executive Vice President Šefčovič, we’re very thankful you joined us today.

And with that, it’s my pleasure to turn the floor over to our moderator, Ana Swanson, to begin this conversation. Ana, the floor is yours.

ANA SWANSON: Thank you so much. And, as Landon mentioned, I’m Ana Swanson. I’m the trade and international economics reporter for the New York Times. Really delighted to be here. And thank you so much for joining me.

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: Thank you. Thank you for the invitation and your always very kind remarks. That’s why I’m coming back all the time, you know?

ANA SWANSON: I do want to mention up top that this event is live and on the record, and for those in the audience watching virtually you can submit questions using the “Ask AC” function, or you can submit questions on X, formerly Twitter, using hashtag #ACFrontPage. For those in the live audience, you will have the opportunity to raise your hands and ask some questions later on in the program.

So let’s dive right in. This month the EU announced climate targets for 2040 that included a 90 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990. How does that build on or differ from previous goals? And, obviously, the conflict with Russia has forced a reexamination of some energy policy. How is the need to shift away from Russian natural gas influencing European plans?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: Well, thank you very much for that question to open our conversation with, because it’s, I think, very fundamental for, it was really correctly said by Landon, to find that sweet spot to do this balancing act. So for us, we have it in our climate law we should be climate neutral by 2050. So we want to be the first climate neutral continent. I think we share that ambition also with the United States of America. But we kind of enshrined it in the law.

So what is—what was very important in this communication was to launch the debate, how to get from 2030, where we wants to reduce our greenhouse gas emission by 55 percent, to 100. So what is the trajectory? How can we get there? And we wanted to launch this discussion based on very thorough impact assessment, different scenarios. What do we need from the technological development point of view? How to factor in, I would say, this absolutely new situation if it comes to the—to the energy supplies, which was one of the, I would say, most fundamental energy shifts Europe did since probably the 1970s. That from one year to another you shift away from Russian gas, from 150 billion cubic meters to a little bit more than 40 [billion] right now.

And here, I want to really do think, appreciate it, and use it as a, I would say, pattern for the future that what that good allies should do to each other. I mean, we, of course, as you know very well, we carry really the burden of having two very serious military conflicts close to our borders. And, on top of it, on helping the almost ten million refugees, in certain point of time. On opening our markets, opening our labor market, providing health care, providing the schooling for the refugees, and also providing 150 billion euros of the financial and military assistance to Ukraine. On top of that, we had to shift away from Russian fossil fuels. And we did it with great success, thanks to the excellent, outstanding cooperation with the United States of America, and the fact that the LNG sector was able to supply us with 56 billion cubic meters, again, from one year into another.

And that will be of course, for us a top priority for the next years, because we want to be climate neutral by 2050. But we know that without gas, as a very important transitional fuel, it will not be possible for us. And I think that, speaking of the global responsibility of US—and US became, indeed, the global guarantor of energy security—the responsibility goes also beyond Europe. I mean, if you want to decarbonize Southeast Asian countries, like India, but also Africa, Latin America. So simply there will be a need for this half of the carbon intensity fuel, like gas, comparing to coal, and to phase out—phase out coal. So the cooperation here is very essential. And for us, it was absolutely crucial to get the US LNG in time, despite the fact that we paid a lot for it. But, of course, the crucial was to keep the lights on, economics powered on, and really focusing how to deal with the crisis which was generated by Russian invasion of Ukraine.

ANA SWANSON: I understand that some of your recent conversations in Washington have focused around President Biden’s recent executive order about natural gas exports. Tell me about those conversations. How do you think that, you know, this order—which obviously does pertain to US environmental concerns—could impact the European economy or US-EU relations?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I mean, we had very good conversations on this topic yesterday at the White House, State Department, Department of Energy. And I appreciated that it was very open and constructive discussions. And what was of course very important for me was reassurance that if it comes to the next two or three years there should be no impact whatsoever on the supplies of US LNG to Europe. Then I think my interlocutor has been quite clear that, despite this announcement, what is expected in US is that export capacity of the LNG would double between now and 2030. So they should be able to accommodate also the big demand from Europe. And on top of it, there is a kind of emergency clause that if things will really go, you know, in the wrong direction, that there is a possibility to kind of adjust the measures which are currently under the discussion.

I have also the understanding for the description of the situation as it was presented to me that when the last type of this, let’s call it, inventory was done by the US government, it was in 2019. And it was well before, I would say, this shale LNG revolution started. So, I mean, to check the pipelines’ capacity, the tankers traffic, the ports, the ability to transport all that, I think it’s important. At the same time, what I was underscoring, it’s also very important, how the US government now and also in the future would approach the fact that now, indeed, you have the responsibility for the global developments in energy security.

So if you kind of make the statement, something is said in Washington, DC, about the gas and LNG, immediately it’s kind of transmitted, in a sense. I would say this has a ripple effect all over the world. We kind of felt it a little bit for a couple of—for a couple of days now. I think it’s stabilized because, indeed, the contracts are there, supplies are coming, we increased dramatically our regasification capacity to more than 230 bcm per year. So, I mean, the conditions are there that everything should follow well. But, of course, we will be continuing our discussions with the US administration, but also with the LNG sector. And we had very good meeting this morning with all LNG managers of United States.

ANA SWANSON: Mmm hmm. The shift away from Russian gas has been, you know, such a huge undertaking. I was curious if you could share, you know, maybe an obstacle that you’ve seen firsthand in that process. And then, are there any, you know, opportunities that you’ve seen in there, too?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I think that obstacles—there have been many, of course. The first one was that for decades, and today we can say mistakenly, we believed that through trade and good relations you can democratize the society of Russian Federation. That was, I would say, a belief which was there for a very, very long period. Very often when I was responsible five years ago for the project which was called the Energy Union, we—in Central and Eastern Europe—we remembered extremely well the lessons of 2009, the gas crisis, when simply from one day to another the gas supplies had been switched. And in our countries, including mine, Slovakia, we just had the energy left for just couple of days, and we had to completely shut down the industry and channel the remaining parts of energy to hospitals and households.

So for me, a priority at that time was that we had to diversify our energy supplies, to have at least three different sources. And I was working a lot to get there, and to build that pipeline from Azerbaijan, from increasing the capacity for LNG, to work with the Norwegians, simply to have a more diverse portfolio. But, nevertheless, if you look at it, the major flows—the major flow has been clearly coming from the east to the west. And suddenly you’re now in a situation that is a big flow, which was like almost—at certain point, almost 40 percent of gas coming from Russia through Ukraine to Europe—you had to reverse these flows.

And the good thing was that we’d been investing over the last years a lot into building of interconnectors, LNG terminals and introducing the reverse flows. But still it was—at that time we, and also I, perceived it as an emergency capacity if something goes wrong. And it’s completely different thing. Like if you now tell the whole industry, OK. This huge quantity which was coming from the east will come from the west, from the north, from the south. And you figured out how to do it. So the major problem was infrastructure, to build and complete the regasification fleet.

And, here, I would say that Germany did miracles, I would say, in very short period of time. Poland’s been very strategic in building the Baltic connectors straight from Norway, with Azeri gas help as well. The Southern Europe also, the Balkan countries building up their regasification capacities. So we’ve been kind of dealing with that in a lightning speed, I have to say. But then you had the second problem where US came in.

When you came to the global markets, everyone was telling you: Market is tight. Meaning, there is no gas for you guys, yeah? So, I mean, and then it resulted, of course, in these very high prices in certain bottlenecks, when we were getting the LNG. But I think here, again, the decision of President Biden, and that agreement which was found with my boss, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the Commission, to focus on 50 billion cubic meters from the US to Europe was absolutely crucial. And I’m very impressed that it was even exceeded to 50 billion, because it kind of sends that calming effect. And we could then, in a more peace, look for other supplies from other corners of the world, just to have the energy we needed. So the infrastructure and the tightness of the market, that was, I would say, the major, major challenges.

ANA SWANSON: I want to shift to asking a bit about critical minerals. What kind of transatlantic cooperation are you pushing for when it comes to critical minerals? I understand this was—you know, is always and was a topic of the US Trade and Technology Council meetings last month. You know, how do you see—you know, where are those initiatives right now, and how do you see things moving forward?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I think we have—we have quite, quite intense, I would say, diplomatic activity around the critical minerals or critical raw materials. But I think that we are still kind of waiting and working on how to translate the diplomatic activity into the concrete projects. Because I’m a project driven person. And I think the good thing is that we understand each other, that we cooperate. But I would like to see one or two major projects which we would execute together and show, you know, how can we kind of push for the common solutions, develop the mine, or get the critical raw materials to you and to us.

Because if it comes to critical raw materials, we in Europe are much more dependent on China that we’ve ever been on Russia, if it comes to the fossil fuels. And any future energy technologies, electrolyzers, wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, chips—I mean, for all that you need the critical raw materials, rare earth, magnets and all these things, which are—we need to kind of get from outside. And simply, we are concerned that any dependency could be weaponized. And therefore, we adopted this Critical Raw Material Act, through which we want to explore everything what we have in Europe, what we have in our neighborhood, and work with our friends like United States of America on the projects in the in the third countries.

My ideal solution would be that we would advance or eventually complete our agreements on the critical raw materials, because it would—it would set the framework. And we are discussing it. We are—hopefully, we will—we will find the solution for that. And I think it will also help from the perspective that EU would finally get the FTA status, as Japan did, and it will help us in many other aspects, kind of consolidate our EU-US relations. So yesterday we also discussed the fact that we have very similar philosophy if it comes to critical raw materials.

So what I want to say is that when we would be working on some projects in a third country, we would like to make sure that it would not just be extraction of the critical raw materials, putting it on the ship, leave with the raw materials and leave the mess behind. What we want to do is develop the project, create big value added in the country, create new jobs, share the revenues and profits, and make sure that all of us would benefit. Because I think that’s the approach we would like to see in cooperation with the third countries who have the critical raw materials, and need the funding, need the expertise to make sure that these critical raw materials would be not only available but also extracted according to the highest sustainability standards.

ANA SWANSON: You mentioned Europe receiving free trade agreement status from the United States. That’s been a hurdle to European companies have been benefiting under the Inflation Reduction Act, of course. Where do those discussions stand right now? And you were just mentioning, you know, a partnership with relation to third countries. I understand that that was kind of a major hurdle in those discussions so far.

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: Yeah. I mean, there have been—I mean, yesterday with Mr. John Podesta we kind of agreed that, of course, a lot of things is going on. And, I mean, this is, like, a very, I mean, difficult time. And obviously what’s happening on the global scale, I fully understand how overwhelmed we are with the dynamics of day-to-day management, and permanent crisis management. But we also agree that let’s have another look where our critical minerals agreement was struck, why it was stuck, and what we can do to kind of intensify this negotiation. So we’re going to do that. And we gave ourselves rather, let’s say, short term, you know, to looking into it.

And at the same time, with Amos Hochstein and Jose Fernandez, we also focused on, that would be my preference, let’s select two or three projects, maybe one per continent—Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia—and try to put our experts, our financial institutions—like EIB, like World Bank, like IMF—our development agencies together so we can actually learn how to use our experience from these territories, our financial firepower, to execute one of these projects. Because it would create, I would say, the know-how, it would create, I would say, the teams which would be dealing with these issues. And this would be, I would say, such an important topic for the future economic development both in the United States and in Europe. That we simply need to learn how to work together and execute this project.

Maybe one more thing. I am very hopeful about potential of Ukraine, because I was there many times before the war started. I was—as you probably know, I was working on this EU-Ukraine-Russia negotiations at the time, on transit of gas through Ukraine. But we’ve been also signing together with the Prime Minister Shmyhal agreement on cooperation in the field of critical raw materials. So geological surveys, mapping up of the, you know, reserves, which they have there. And to put it simply, I think Ukraine has everything what we need and what we’ve been getting from Russia. So I see the potential for critical raw materials, but also potential for low-carbon energy in Ukraine as huge, as very, very, very complementary to us.

We are already today using the huge underground gas storage to kind of beef up the energy security on Central and Eastern European front. And that would be, I would say, the one area where, again, I think EU-US can come together as a part of our reconstruction efforts to kind of build this potential Ukraine clearly has.

ANA SWANSON: That’s interesting. You were talking about looking into projects in other parts of the world, in Africa, South America. Because, you know, I think the United States and the EU are clearly very aligned on values when it comes to critical minerals, but they both tend to be, you know, really kind of consumer—net consumers, right? Big consumers of these minerals, and will both have a large demand for it. So I was curious at what point you kind of bring other countries into the—you know, your conversation, your partnership. And then how you see that dynamic kind of working, you know, vis-à-vis China, and China’s efforts to move around the world for this industry as well?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I think that you’re right, from that perspective, that it’s not only, let’s say, to us talking to each other because there is lots of, I would say, movement in this front, under the [Group of Seven], even [Group of Twenty]. We set up different so-called clubs for cooperation in the field of mineral extractions. And so therefore, I would say that the understanding, the intent, and this diplomatic work is, to great extent, done. Now what we need are the, let’s say, most promising projects, and go through this planning, and hopefully execution phase. So we would see how this, let’s say, diplomatic understanding is translated into the concrete projects execution. So that’s, I think, what should be the next phase.

And I think if it comes to China, indeed, that’s a huge challenge. I think 80 percent of the global critical raw materials extraction and processing is with China right now. I think we in Europe, we have only 1 percent of critical raw materials for our economy from Europe. So clearly, we need to diversify. And how to do it? I think we have to be much more agile, and we have to offer the better alternative. And the alternative is that if you are with us, I mean, we are ready to create high value added, we are ready to share, and we are—we are ready to make sure that community where these projects are, and a country where these projects are, would clearly benefit.

And we in Europe are the biggest development aid providers. We are the biggest climate finance provider. I mean, just to put this, I mean, two figures on the table in climate finance, if we put together public and private financial transfers in the realm of more than forty billion euros. And more or less the same figure goes for development aid. So I believe that we have financial firepower to kind of support these projects, and to do it with philosophy of sharing, not just extracting and taking it away, and not even creating the local jobs, and leaving with a material, and lots of debt for the local government.

So, I mean, we started a project, which is called Global Gateway. We had huge turnout in Brussels, I think it was two months ago. And I have to say that it resonated well with the countries whom we invited. But I would say that it’s a success when I will see the first project is being executed, and that we are actually delivering on this political intention with practical, concrete projects.

ANA SWANSON: I know there had been a lot of, you know, sort of heartburn and upset in the EU with regard to the Inflation Reduction Act last year. What is the status of that now? I mean, are you still, you know, worried about the inflation Reduction Act worrying certain industries away? And have internal discussions in the EU—has there been kind of a resolution about how much to subsidize green industry in response to the Inflation Reduction Act?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I think—well, of course, our systems are different. And I have to say that Inflation Reduction Act came to us as a surprise. I understand that it was kind of surprising conclusion also for quite many people in US. But the fact is that because of Inflation Reduction Act, some of the projects—and several of them been projects upon which I was working, like building up the battery ecosystems in Europe, building up the gigafactories. All these projects being slowed down, or postponed, or transferred to US. And for us, it came at this difficult moment which I was referring to—the energy crisis, and coping with all the, I would say, consequences of the war in Ukraine.

Of course, we are discussing this with our American friends. Therefore, I think that if we can find a way through this mineral agreement to kind of look into what we can do better together, and also use this cooperation for the FTA status for the EU, I think that would be very welcome. Very welcome development. And the next stage, which is, let’s say, my proposition I’m pitching for in all the meetings I have in US, is that we should kind of move onto the next level of cooperation. And I call it creation of the transatlantic green tech market.

So I know that it’s not the free trade agreement. But I think that we would benefit hugely if we would create, I would say, this marketplace from the perspective of, you know, common standards, from the perspective that we would inform each other about, you know, the sort of subsidies policies, or as we call it in Europe, state aid. If we kind of would push for building bridges across the Atlantic in the form of joint venture mutual investment so we can use the economies of scale for these new technologies in a way that would be beneficial not only for US and EU, but also for the third countries.

Because if you want to be serious about really dealing with the climate change, and I think that fact that we are now over the 1.5 degrees Celsius is kind of telling that the time is pressing. So Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, all of them would need this clean and green technologies. And sooner we develop them, sooner we develop them at scale so they’re affordable, the better it would be for the planet. So I see this transatlantic marketplace as a recipe for making our cooperation even closer, stronger, but with a very positive impact it might have on, I would say, sharing these kind of technologies with the rest of the world, and helping us to also tackle overheating of our planet.

ANA SWANSON: One area I had been following with interest was the green steel negotiations, what the US calls the Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminum. I was curious, you know, what happened with that negotiation? Do you think that the United States has kind of an adequate methodology to measure carbon emissions? Was that an issue? And then just kind of more generally, do you think the United States is ready for the European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism to come into force? Or could that be a new source of trade friction in the future?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I think we have—we have, I would say, two different approaches and philosophies, which kind of stem from our traditions. So we—because we’re twenty-seven different member states. So for us to work together and for our single market to perform, we, of course, have to work a lot with the legal frameworks, with the regulation, with a uniform application of the laws. So there is a guarantee that when you produce something in Slovakia, it will be produced according to the same standards as in Denmark, or Italy, and nobody needs to check it anymore, because we are kind of following the same rules. So that’s, I would say, the tradition upon which you build the European Union.

So we use the same approach to the Green Deal. We kind of look at it comprehensively from all sectors, from energy, through industry, down to the agriculture. And I think that when I talk to my American friends, nobody questions that we have probably the most advanced and most sophisticated legal framework for the Green Deal. But the issue is that the parameters of the Green Deal has changed so much because of these two crises—COVID-19, war in Ukraine, this energy spikes, high inflation—that they need to work much harder on how to translate this legal framework into reality by creating business case for the Green Deal in Europe. Because you cannot fund everything with public money. And you need this entrepreneurial energy and entrepreneurial—I would say, this entrepreneurship to bring this, I would say, new project into fruition.

In US, I mean, the approach is different. Here you—I mean, we have the same goal, to be climate neutral, to tackle the climate change. But in US, you will drive more, I would say, the projects which generate the revenue. And whatever the technology who can do it, so they do because it’s good for business and, of course, if it’s good for environment, it’s a plus. And we just discussed yesterday that now we need more of this kind of attitude and business case from US, but probably in the frame of five to ten years. Also, yes, we would need some kind of regulatory framework to know how to push the—I would say, tackling the climate change to the next stage. So we had, I would say, the different cycles. But this is, I mean, where we are. And I think we can just only learn from each other.

And therefore, I think—again, coming back to this green marketplace—would be good bridge over the Atlantic and over these two different approaches to the policy, because we share the same goal. And on CBAM, we see it clearly as an environmental measure. It’s a mechanism which should prevent the carbon leakage from Europe. More or less what I want to say is that we are looking for the ways how to reward those companies which have low carbon footprint, which have sustainable production, which treat their employees decently. And we want to avoid the eventual punishment that because of the public procurement now we go for the cheapest alternative. Often, that is somewhere from faraway—Asian countries.

Because we want—the Green Deal will be, of course, linked with our growth strategy, with creating new jobs and, of course, with bringing economic advantage as well. And I think that if I look at also the figures, what would be the effect on US exports, I think it’s like 0.5 percent, something like that. But, of course, we are working on it. We are discussing that. For me—I know that we are running out of time, but this last point.

For me, the best solution for creating level playing field on the global scale would be to have the global carbon price. I know that it’s not going to happen tomorrow. So we are working very closely also with Canadians on linking up the carbon pricing mechanism. Because I think that would help us a lot to kind of have a level playing field, that carbon has a price. And if the price is the same everywhere, then lots of problems of this kind would be avoided.

ANA SWANSON: Great. It’s time to open it up for Q&A. I do have some questions submitted online. If you’d like to submit a question in the audience, I believe someone can bring over an iPad to you, or perhaps you can ask them in the room. So let me start with one of the online questions. Someone asks: How can Europe ensure the Green New Deal does not exacerbate or confirm fears regarding deindustrialization in the EU? What can the EU do to tame electricity prices? Is there a structural fix?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I think, I mean, it’s very clear. I can tell you that I’m—as was kindly highlighted by Landon, on the EU affairs for probably more than two decades. But I never seen such emphasis put by the European leaders—I’m talking about presidents and prime ministers and, of course, the institutional leaders—on the competitiveness as right now. Because I think that the two crises—war in Ukraine, high energy prices—and that fear of eventual deindustrialization kind of focused the minds of the leaders that this is under no circumstances are going to happen in Europe.

And therefore, now you see the flurries of activities focused on the competitiveness. I mean, we are working on energy prices. And I will tell you in a second how. We are having very intense interaction with the business leaders. We are talking, of course, to our agriculture sector, which is very, very restless these days, because they basically lost a lot of income over the last two or three days. And we are we are really working very closely with all the sectors of the industry which are the most affected by the by the green transition, how to help them to build on the advantages and pluses we have in Europe, and not to suffer from, let’s say, unfair competition from outside.

So for us, clearly we want Europe to be green and clean, but industrial. And revenue from the industry is absolutely crucial for sustaining our European social model, which is, I mean, something what our citizens would not even think that, I mean, could be—could be changed. So it’s absolute political priority. And if it comes to energy prices, that’s of course, the big challenge. And for us, it’s a big priority. So we changed the so-called electricity market design. What it means in colloquial language is that we changed the way how we can trade electricity in Europe, where we are going back to the possibility of long-term contracts, so-called power purchase agreements, where we are looking for the way and how we can allow the companies to invest in the long term. And we are using also governmental power to kind of limit the worries of the eventual fluctuation and eventual loss, if you invest in the right technologies.

So over time, I believe it would lower the energy prices. What would help us, of course, would be if we would have even more LNG on the market, because it hopefully would help us to lower the price. Because despite the fact that we generated more electricity from renewables than from fossil fuels last year, still in our gas—in our energy system, the gas is so-called what they call the last marginal fuel. So it means that—it’s a little bit technical—that you have to calculate the overall energy price based on what is the cost of these marginal fuels.

So let’s say if you don’t have enough sun and enough water, you still need that baseload. And the baseload is coming mostly by gas. And therefore, you have to buy—you have to pay the gas price if they are producing or idling, because they’re just there on standby. And that will be there for a long time. So for us to have a competitive price of gas would help us to lower the prices in Europe for electricity.

ANA SWANSON: OK. If there are any questions in the room, there’s a microphone stand here. Happy to take some questions from inside the room. I’ll give you just a minute to get over there. Great.

Q: Hi. Good afternoon. Sophie Hamer, I’m the climate counselor here at the German embassy in DC. And thank you very much for your remarks and your very interesting input.

I was wondering, what role do you see for The Climate Club when it comes to a transatlantic green marketplace, and in setting some standards?

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: I think that—thank you very much for that question. Of course, it’s also very important because from the perspective of the generational challenge, clearly tackling the climate challenge is the more difficult one. Very often, and I know that this is difficult for every politicians because you have to deal with the crisis managing, and unfortunately you have too many crises, I would say, these days. But, I mean, from the perspective of the scale of the task, from the perspective of the importance of the task, and I would say how you would hand over the planet to the next generation, clearly tackling the climate change and have a clear roadmap how we are—how we are going to make it possible for our children and their children. I mean, in this century, it’s absolutely crucial.

And I think we’ve been working very well with Secretary Kerry. In Dubai, I think that EU-US cooperation was absolutely crucial to, at a certain moment I would even use the word, unblock the negotiations on the final document. It will be very crucial this year for climate finance COP in Azerbaijan. And, of course, absolutely topical when the Brazil will take over in the next year. So I think that work on a—in the form of Climate Club I think would be very important for the future. Because it helps you to kind of adjust the approaches, to exchange the best practices, and look for the—for the common solutions.

ANA SWANSON: Great. Maybe another here.

Q: First off, thank you so very much for your time today, your excellency. My name is Alex. I’m from Georgetown University.

And recently I had a discussion with His Excellency Enrico Letta. And we were talking about that one of the key issues about the Green Deal right now is how to finance it. And especially looking at the farmer protests right now, one of the questions is how to integrate all the mechanisms of the EU to try and finance the green transition, especially the common agricultural policy. Because right now, it seems like the Green Deal is relying a lot on NextGenEU, which is set to end soon and probably won’t continue afterwards. So how do you see this possibility of integrating the common agricultural policy, and the budget that’s allocated to that, to try and integrate into the Green New Deal—with the Green Deal? Thank you.

MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ: Thank you very much. I will start with the last part of your question, because, of course, agriculture is very much on the mind of every single politician in Europe. And if you look at, I would say, the situation of our farmers and foresters, you have seen that over the last couple of years, especially if it comes to farmers, their incomes dropped, in some cases significantly. One of the examples, just for you to see the scale, is that, I mean, from one year to another, let’s say, the revenue they had from cereal production and sale dropped from eighty billion euros to sixty billion euros. So, I mean, you suddenly—you have kind of loss of twenty billion euros, which is a lot of money for the farming community.

Then, of course, they suffer a lot because of the high gas prices and energy prices, because they use fertilizers, they use tractors. And simply I mean, the econometrics of the agricultural production have significantly changed over the last couple of years. And therefore, from one side when you talk to them they have lots of understanding and, I would say, they support the measures which we proposed under the Green Deal, because they know that we need to treat the soil in respect—in respectful way, that they need the biodiversity for pollinators, that we have a big problem with the droughts in parts of Europe. And I was talking to, you know, Spanish regional leaders from Andalusia, from Catalonia. I mean, their reservoirs already now, I mean, you have—at least in Brussels, we have an impression it’s raining all the time, which it is. But there, I mean, you have the water reservoirs filled like between 4 to 20 percent. And they are in the middle of what we would call in Europe the rainy season. So they understand all that.

But of course, they’re telling us that: Look, our incomes dropped. So if you want to kind of work with us on all these measures, we have to look at new sources of revenues for agriculture. Of course, one of the—one of the idea which we are testing, and we’ll see how it will be in the future. I, again, believe that we can use much more the concept of carbon removal certificates. So if you are the responsible forester, and if your forest serves as important carbon sink, or if you’re going to do what they’re going to do in Andalusia, as I heard from the—from the first minister of Andalusia—that they’re going to reforest part of the field, just to keep the water in the system, I think you should be rewarded for that.

I think—I mean, because you’re removing the carbon from the environment. So I think you should be—you should be rewarded for that. Like, you have to buy your emission allowance when you’re going to pollute. So I think you should be rewarded when you’re actually removing the carbon from the system. But for that, you need to discuss the methodology. That’s a little the same, like with the green steel and with other things. But I think that’s, I would say, one concept which we have to work.

And concerning the financial instruments, you are right that we are kind of funding the Green Deal projects from basically, I would say, two major sources. One is the seven years budget, what we call in EU-speak multiannual financial perspective. And there, it’s in the realm of 1.2 trillion euros. And like 40 percent of that is devoted to, I would say, climate-related projects. And then the NextGenerationEU, which is in the realm of eight hundred billion euros. So, again, I would say that more than 40 percent was devoted to this type of the project. But, of course, the scale of demand and change is much bigger than what you could fund from the, I would say, public funds, or through grants.

So, we are talking very intensively with the new management of the European Investment Bank, with the financial industry, because we need to work more with leveraging, with blended finance, and especially to bring also private investors, private equity investing into this transition, because it makes sense. We have to build, coming back to what I said earlier, the business case for this Green Deal project. And we are now figuring out, with the capitals of the European industry, how to achieve that.

ANA SWANSON: OK, well, we’re all out of time for today. But thank you so much for a great discussion. Thank you to everyone who joined us, both online and in the room today. And as a reminder, this event will be available both on YouTube and the Atlantic Council’s website. So thank you.


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Why the European Commission’s Maroš Šefčovič is confident that US gas exports will keep flowing to Europe Wed, 14 Feb 2024 17:58:30 +0000 Šefčovič recounted his discussions with the Biden administration and outlined the EU's wider cooperation with the United States at an AC Front Page event.

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Last week, the European Commission released its newest climate targets, aiming to cut greenhouse-gas emissions by 90 percent by 2040, compared with 1990 levels. “We want to be climate neutral by 2050,” explained Maroš Šefčovič, executive vice-president of the European Commission for the European Green Deal. “But we know that without gas… it will not be possible for us.” 

Šefčovič spoke at an Atlantic Council Front Page event Tuesday hosted by the Council’s Global Energy Center and Europe Center. There, he explained that liquefied natural gas (LNG) is “a very important transitional fuel,” but also in short supply in Europe, after the European Union (EU) began to shift away from Russian gas—imports from Russia declined from 150 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2021 to just over 40 bcm in 2023. Imports from the United States increased from 19 bcm to 56 bcm. 

Šefčovič—who is also the European Commission executive vice-president for interinstitutional relations and foresight—was in Washington, DC, this week to speak with Biden administration officials about a recent White House executive order that halted new approvals of LNG exports to countries that don’t have free trade agreements with the United States. “We had very good conversations on this topic yesterday,” Šefčovič said, adding that the US officials who attended the meeting were able to give him “reassurance” that in the next two to three years, “there should be no impact whatsoever on the supplies of US LNG to Europe.” 

“What is expected anyways is that export capacity of the LNG would double between now and 2030,” Šefčovič added. “On top of it, there is a kind of emergency clause that if things will really go in the wrong direction, that there is a possibility to kind of adjust the measures.” 

Below are more highlights from the event—moderated by New York Times reporter Ana Swanson—which touched upon US-EU cooperation on critical minerals, trade, and climate. 

Cooperation on critical minerals

  • Following the 2022 passage of the US Inflation Reduction Act, Šefčovič said that some projects (including projects focused on strengthening Europe’s battery manufacturing industry or building gigafactories) have “slowed down” or are being “transferred” to the United States.  
  • Šefčovič said he would welcome a US-EU agreement on critical minerals and would like to see cooperation result in a free trade agreement for the EU. He said that the EU and United States “understand each other” and have a similar philosophy on critical minerals, in that they want to make sure that any critical mineral project in another country creates added value for citizens there in the form of jobs, revenue, and more.  
  • With China dominating the extraction and processing of raw materials, Šefčovič said that the EU and United States need to “offer the better alternative.” The EU and United States, Šefčovič argued, “have [the] financial firepower to support these projects and to do it with this philosophy of sharing, not just extracting.” He argued that such critical minerals sharing could benefit Europe in the long run, since it is currently dependent on China and “we are concerned that any dependency could be weaponized.” 
  • Šefčovič also is bullish about a source of critical minerals (and low-carbon energy) closer to home: Ukraine. “To put it simply, I think Ukraine has everything we need,” he said. “I think [the EU and United States] can come together as part of our reconstruction efforts to kind of build this potential.” 

A transatlantic green marketplace

  • Šefčovič argued that “the next level of cooperation” between the United States and EU should be a transatlantic green tech market that not only permits free trade but also sets the stage for common standards, a shared vision on subsidies, and improvements in investment flows.    
  • Šefčovič said such a marketplace would allow the EU and United States to put their combined economic weight behind the development of new technologies, which would also benefit developing countries that need access to green technologies to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The “sooner we develop them… at scale so they are affordable, the better it would be for the planet,” Šefčovič said. 
  • “So I see this transatlantic marketplace as a recipe for making our cooperation even closer, stronger,” Šefčovič said, “[and] with a very positive impact.” 

The United States’ inescapable responsibility

  • The increase in US LNG exports to Europe as the bloc underwent its energy shift was “absolutely crucial”—despite the fact that the EU “paid a lot for it,” Šefčovič said. It had a “calming effect” that allowed EU countries time to “look for other supplies from other corners of the world” and to focus on how to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 
  • Altogether, the EU’s energy shift, Šefčovič said, is a “pattern for the future, of what good allies should do [for] each other.” 
  • Šefčovič noted that the Biden administration’s executive order on new approvals on LNG exports, which was released last month, sent “ripples” around the world. That, he said, shows just how much the United States has become a “global guarantor of energy security,” and that Washington’s responsibility extends far beyond Europe—it also lies in developing countries across Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Cooperation on reducing carbon emissions in these countries “is very essential,” Šefčovič argued. 

Katherine Walla is an associate director on the editorial team at the Atlantic Council. 

Watch the full event

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Ursula von der Leyen has delivered major wins on decarbonization. What would she do with another term? Thu, 01 Feb 2024 17:55:06 +0000 As her first term comes to an end, von der Leyen’s European Commission leaves a landmark legacy for clean energy.

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When Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Brussels in 2019, the mood radically changed in the Berlaymont building, the headquarters of the European Commission. Although elected as commission president with a paper-thin majority after a difficult final year as German defense minister under then Chancellor Angela Merkel, she quickly set to work. Four years on, von der Leyen is widely regarded as the most powerful president of the European Commission since Jacques Delors left office in 1995, with von der Leyen having put forward Europe’s “man on the moon” moment, the European Green Deal. As her first term comes to an end in 2024, her Commission leaves a landmark legacy for clean energy, and reports indicate that she will soon announce a re-election bid. If it comes to pass, expect a second-term von der Leyen Commission to focus more on implementing major policies rather than announcing new ones—as well as navigating the increasingly choppy waters of European climate politics.

Von der Leyen’s election and her development of a European Green Deal came on the eve of multiple crises that would shape not just Europe’s trajectory on decarbonization, but its strategic defenses as well. Mere months after her election, the European Union (EU) began to face the COVID-19 pandemic’s health and economic crises. After pandemic recovery plans were shifted toward clean energy-oriented growth under instruments such as NextGenerationEU in 2021, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and weaponized European gas supplies the following year. Russia’s aggression led to a severe energy crisis across the continent, with electricity prices soaring and observers worried that all these factors were combining into existential threats that Europe had not faced since 1945. Compounding matters, Europe was squeezed in an intensifying competition between the United States and China, with Washington passing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in 2022 with potentially significant effects for European industry and competitiveness.

The European Green Deal is the first comprehensive plan to make an entire continental union achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

In this context of exponentially growing danger to Europe, the von der Leyen Commission achieved an impressive record for progress toward the clean energy transition. The European Green Deal is the first comprehensive plan to make an entire continental union achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. To achieve the transition to net-zero emissions, the European Green Deal pushed emission reduction targets, expanded Europe’s Emissions Trading System, and launched a series of clean technology programs, especially on hydrogen, offshore wind, and energy storage. The subsequent reorientation of NextGenerationEU funding from pandemic recovery to clean energy investments in 2021, as well as the concurrent (and ongoing) drafting of the Green Deal-linked Fit for 55 legislative package that introduced the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, have already accelerated Europe’s emission reduction policies. After Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Commission introduced the REPowerEU Plan to reduce European consumption of Russian fossil fuels, notably doubling solar capacity and heat pump installations and prioritizing other investments into renewable energy sources. By the metrics released by the Commission in mid-2023, there has already been at least a 20 percent reduction in energy consumption across the bloc because of increased energy efficiency and lowered demand (partly due to government intervention). There was an additional 39 percent of the energy produced in the EU coming from renewable sources as well.

Despite these achievements, significant work remains on reducing EU carbon emissions. For one, out of the seventy-five pieces of Fit for 55 legislation, only thirty-two have been adopted, with another sixteen in final negotiations. A further twenty-one are still up for debate in the European Parliament, with six not even tabled for discussion. Other projects have failed to take off entirely, such as the Sovereignty Fund that the Commission floated as one of several responses to the IRA. In fact, as net-zero policy becomes an increasingly competitive economic race, the EU has yet to fully define its stance toward China and the United States. So far, it is unclear how, where, and when Europe should protect its industries. 

Given such a record, if von der Leyen were to launch and win a re-election bid, Europeans should expect more of an emphasis on executing all these existing proposals, rather than the announcement of new ones or any U-turns. The European Climate Neutrality Observatory has argued that much of the new legislation and reforms the von der Leyen Commission introduced have created the institutional framework for vital climate action, but that their implementation remains far too slow, partially due to a lack of financial support for a larger-scale adoption of clean energy technologies. Von der Leyen herself seems aware of this shortcoming; in her September 2023 letter to the incoming European Commissioner for Climate Action Wopke Hoesktra, her primary instruction was clear: implement, implement, implement. Even the Green Deal, the first major proposal of the von der Leyen Commission, is far from being finalized, as the ongoing legislative processes attest. Recent agreements on electricity market reform, industrial emissions, and new rules for hydrogen investments are necessary steps in that direction. 

On trade and the protection of Europe’s industries, the European Commission will have to outline more specific plans beyond the recent probes into Chinese practices the Commission just announced. However, the Net-Zero Industry Act, one of Europe’s answers to the IRA, has yet to put any new funding on the table. 

The next Commission will have to navigate another momentous challenge: enlargement. As Ukraine and ten other countries vie for EU accession, Europe’s unity, resolve, and ability to see its decarbonization goals through could once again be challenged as new members join the fold, even though this enlargement will likely not happen before 2030. On top of that, the EU’s existing enforcement of climate targets and other key decarbonization deliverables is lacking as well, leading to inconsistent approaches between the existing EU members themselves.

The final, and possibly most difficult, predicament will be staying the course. Even as pressure continues to build on the European Commission to retain its momentum, policymakers should not underestimate the continued strength of climate-skeptic populist movements in European politics. The anxieties of continued economic decline and worries over increasing migration remain prevalent among significant parts of the European electorate, which could politically bolster the populists and threaten existing momentum on decarbonization and the energy transition.

Consequently, only two things can be said for certain about the next European Commission. The first is that it will have its work cut out for it, with these crises unlikely to dissipate within the next five years. The second is that whoever succeeds von der Leyen, whether it be in 2024 or in 2029, will have large shoes to fill when it comes to making progress toward reaching net-zero emissions.

Francis Shin is a research assistant in the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center.

Théophile Pouget-Abadie is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center and a policy fellow with the Jain Family Institute, focusing on decarbonization, the energy transition, and European policy.

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How Europe can escape its structural energy weakness amid great power competition Thu, 25 Jan 2024 13:30:00 +0000 This report argues that the EU will need to engage in deep structural and political reforms to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

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Europe faced a perfect storm in 2022, with the invasion of Ukraine upsetting the post war security order, massive disruption in energy supplies especially coming from Russia undermining the backbone of Europe’s energy system and growing geopolitical rivalry, in particular between the US and China that crippled further the world trading system on which Europe relies for its economic growth. This is but the latest episode of Europe’s failure to insulate itself from the geopolitics of energy, a position of great vulnerability akin to a “Permanent Suez” crisis. The European response to double down on the energy transition and accelerate the decarbonization of its economies is sensible and necessary. It is also the only response that leads to a more secure and prosperous Europe.

Devoid of large fossil fuel and mineral resources, the continent is dependent on an arc of authoritarian energy powers, across central Asia, Africa and the Middle East. These toxic relationships, necessary to fuel the European economy, have repeatedly threatened European domestic politics, international security and wealth, culminating with the Russian war in Ukraine. In that light, Europe’s decarbonization policies can serve as more than climate policy, but also a security and foreign policy. Europe’s strategy in this energy transition will hinge on its ability to overcome five internal problems:

  • The Fiscal problem: The European Union’s fiscal rules and limited budget limit the necessary financing Europe’s energy transition requires.
  • The Hostage problem: Anti-transition interest groups continue to hold national politics hostage.
  • The Collective Action problem: National veto players at the European level can hold the entire Bloc back.
  • The Just Transition problem: The energy transition creates winners and losers, and the latter need to be compensated fairly, as exemplified by the “Gilets Jaunes” protests.
  • The Industrial problem: Europe’s industrial base, green or otherwise, is increasingly challenged outside its borders.
  • The Multilateral problem: Europe will need to support decarbonization outside its own borders, and in particular in less-developed countries.

Europe will need to completely overhaul its economic, trade and fiscal policies if it is to find a sustainable place in this new order. The race for critical minerals, of which Europe is once again bereft, will force European policymakers to redefine their relationships with mining states, while learning from the mistakes of the past. Further down the value chain, Europe risks massive deindustrialization if it fails to compete with Chinese and American firms. Finally, the Bretton Woods institutions that have governed global financial markets need to be reformed to unlock climate financing for less-developed States. This is a tall challenge that will require leaning on the US as much as possible.

Europe has entered the race to “net zero” from a position of weakness, and will need to reform internally and chart a path between the United States and China so as to avoid confrontation. Europeans should find an arm-length relationship that allows creating a Critical Minerals Club with the United States, reassure China about the scope of its economic de-risking and push hard for reforms international financial institutions, and push for a global “green” spending target as a percentage of GDP. This is an arduous path, but the only one which ensures Europeans a secure and prosperous place in the new world order.

About the authors

Ben Judah is director of the Transform Europe Initiative and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center. His current research focus is on the European consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, transnational kleptocracy, European energy and decarbonization politics, and Britain’s attempts to reset its diplomatic posture after Brexit.

Shahin Vallée is a senior research fellow in DGAP´s Center for Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, and Technology. Prior to that, he was a senior fellow in DGAP’s Alfred von Oppenheim Center for the Future of Europe.

Tim Sahay is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center and the senior policy manager at the Green New Deal Network, a coalition of labor, climate, and environmental justice organizations growing a movement to pass national and international green policies.

The Europe Center promotes leadership, strategies, and analysis to ensure a strong, ambitious, and forward-looking transatlantic relationship.

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Derentz joins Singapore International Energy Week Live to discuss the energy transition Mon, 22 Jan 2024 18:18:51 +0000 The post Derentz joins Singapore International Energy Week Live to discuss the energy transition appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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A thirsty reality: Iran’s dire water situation Mon, 22 Jan 2024 16:22:35 +0000 Iran's uneven water rights approach disproportionately impacts citizens in marginalized provinces, causing severe water scarcity.

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Despite climate warnings since 1988, Iranian officials have consistently ignored regional environmental concerns, especially following the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988). For example, they prioritized dam construction and increased groundwater extraction for food self-sufficiency, disregarding environmental impacts. Former Agriculture Minister Issa Kalantari is now warning of irreversible groundwater depletion, with an annual deficit of over 30 billion cubic meters (BCM). This acknowledgment raises concerns about the sustainability of Iran’s current water management practices, particularly when hundreds of dams constructed after the war are not in good condition.

During Iran’s population surge—ten to over eighty-five million over the course of a century—its renewable water resources have gone from 130 BCM to 80-85 BCM. Projections indicate a potential halving of resources by 2041, raising concerns as Iran’s population is expected to surpass 100 million. Per capita water availability for Iranians may drop below 500 cubic meters, marking absolute scarcity. Once adept at groundwater management, Iran now faces consequences like land subsidence due to depleting groundwater, which affects food self-sufficiency. This has led to farmers abandoning lands, causing an influx of ten million people into the outskirts and shanty towns since 2013—ten times the number of Syrian villagers migrating during the 2006-2009 drought in the Hasakah governorate. Many researchers have linked the Syrian conflict to this drought.

Regardless of the numerous opportunities to enhance its water management policies, the government persistently adheres to the path of Iran’s “Water Mafia”—a non-official alliance that comprises the energy ministry, executives, academics, consulting engineers, influential contractors, and a cadre of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commanders overseeing the Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters. Disturbingly, if this group opts to construct a dam like Gotvand—where a multimillion-ton mass of salt became a part of the reservoir despite many warnings about this possibility due to nearby saline geological formations—there seems to be no governing authority capable of halting their actions.

The concept of top-down decision-making in Iran is not novel; Iranians have been acquainted with such a system for centuries. However, the adverse effects of water mismanagement have never wrought such devastation on the land and its water resources (the latter of which are steadily diminishing). Since the 1980s, when President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani’s post-war reconstruction plans garnered substantial attention, the landscape of Iran has been transformed by the construction of numerous dams along rivers, absorbing considerable financial resources over time.

In the late 1980s, the establishment of two key organizations—the Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters, equipped with significant machinery and war-acquired experience, and the Iran Water & Power Resources Development Company (IWPC)—resulted in an enduring business alliance. IWPC was founded by a group of engineers, mainly consisting of the students who occupied the US Embassy in Tehran. During Rafsanjani’s era and beyond, those entrusted with managing water and agriculture, despite warnings from experts, advertised that constructing dams and transferring water between watersheds would guarantee self-sufficiency. However, these decisions, made without consultation with independent and qualified experts, led to a decline in lakes, wetlands, rivers, and groundwater sources.

Social impact

In 2016, many believed that a successful nuclear agreement and the lifting of sanctions would allow the Islamic Republic to address its financial challenges, solve the water crisis, and rehabilitate its endangered lakes and rivers. The Center for Naval Analysis, an institute in Washington, later warned the US government of escalating and enduring water tensions that could lead to local protests, potentially sparking violence worldwide and undermining US national interests. The report also highlighted the possibility of global terrorism and civil war over shared resources. This warning gained attention in December 2017-January 2018 during an unexpected uprising in Iran that reverberated across the nation—the largest at the time since the 1979 revolution. Thousands protested, leading to swift intervention from security forces. Official reports acknowledged over twenty casualties, with unofficial sources suggesting the death toll exceeded fifty. The critical aspect was that protestors lost their lives in towns that were struggling with the harsh impacts of water scarcity.

In 2019, the nation witnessed another widespread uprising, with reports indicating that over 1,500 protestors lost their lives at the hands of security forces. In Mahshahr, a town in the Khuzestan province in southern Iran, and other towns, individuals affected by the regime’s detrimental water policies were fatally shot. The unrest persisted into 2020 and 2021, as people in Khuzestan clashed with security forces over water-related issues, resulting in further loss of lives. Despite being considered a water-rich province, with major rivers like Karun, Karkheh, and Jarrahi, and possessing vast oil and gas reserves, Khuzestan has tragically become a victim of poor water management. Many rivers and marshes in the region have dried up due to the water management schemes implemented by the government and the Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters.

Amidst the desiccation of wetland areas—exemplified by Hoor-al-Azim in Khuzestan—intricate sediment deposits have become susceptible to the elements. With even the faintest breeze, these minuscule particles ascend into the air, launching as dust storms that target the cities within the province. This matter has engendered a noteworthy deterioration in air quality across various sectors of Khuzestan, concurrently fostering the widespread illness of thousands of residents in the province.

Inequities in Iranians’ access to water

Iran’s uneven water rights approach disproportionately impacts citizens in marginalized provinces, causing severe water scarcity. Provinces like Sistan and Baluchistan, Kerman, Fars, Isfahan, Southern Khorasan, Hamedan, Yazd, Khorasan-e Razavi, and Semnan face widespread water poverty due to disappearing lakes, groundwater depletion, and contamination. Projects like the Karun-3 dam and the Khersan-3 dam, as well as water allocation, displace residents, resulting in enduring hardships. On top of this, climate change and vanishing glaciers intensify water losses in different river basins. Inter-basin water transfers fuel further tension, benefiting lobbyists and the Water Mafia while simultaneously exacerbating environmental injustice against marginalized populations. Despite government assurances, residents of Zayandeh Rud basin resort to illegal well pumping, causing groundwater depletion, land subsidence, and health issues, threatening Isfahan’s existence. In northern Iran, Lake Urmia has dried up due to dam construction and unsustainable farming, leaving behind a saline desert filled with residues and particles contaminated by industrial and human wastewater and chemical fertilizers. Strong winds disperse these toxic particles, harming millions in nearby areas.

Despite the evidence of human and environmental damage from expensive water management projects, it has been empirically proven that, in many regions of Iran, nature-based solutions—unlike dam constructions and inter-basin water transfers—are more efficient and cost-effective. But Iran’s Water Mafia consistently opposes projects prioritizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness, as these initiatives undermine their ability to extract commission money.


Nowadays, IRGC generals and water executives have fallen in love with seawater desalination, a technology practiced mainly by Israel and nations in the Persian Gulf region. As FAO’s Slim Zekri told me, the production cost of one cubic meter of freshwater in the Persian Gulf is approximately $1. However, an insider in Iran revealed to me that the actual cost of freshwater production in the country exceeds $1.5. This is influenced, in part, by sanctions and the absence of a direct business relationship with Israel, which is the proprietor of Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology and the primary manufacturer of RO filters. The expense of transporting this water through a pipeline to central Iran, nevertheless, significantly escalates the overall cost to almost $5 per cubic meter.

The harmful impact of desalination plants is not often disclosed to the Iranian public. The hot brine is disposed of in the shallow Persian Gulf, leading to an environmental massacre. Many fish species have migrated from the extremely saline waters and coral reefs are experiencing bleaching and dying. In some circles, it has been said that the price tag of establishing this infrastructure and its pipelines is over $8 billion, and that it would produce a minimal amount of freshwater—approximately 4 BCM per year in 2044.

Iranian experts have developed cost-effective methods to manage flash floods and recharge aquifers by storing water underground, potentially saving at least 30 BCM annually at a cost of less than $8 billion. With an anticipated cost of nearly $500 per hectare for implementation, the execution of this project over a 14-million-hectare area would result in an expenditure of approximately $7 billion. Additionally, the resulting annual water storage capacity would surpass 40 billion cubic meters, even in a dry year. This approach would inspire a reverse migration among farmers and the reclamation of ancestral lands. Surveys suggest it can be implemented on nearly 8 percent of Iran’s land, providing water savings and flood protection while positively impacting microclimates.

Empowering farmers to establish floodwater management co-ops safeguards resources, mitigates destructive floods, and ensures water storage. The positive environmental impact of artificial recharge and spate irrigation, which would provide an extra 50 percent to Iran’s annual renewable water resources, stands in contrast to desalination’s minimal water addition and environmental drawbacks. Despite viable alternatives, regime insiders choose to sacrifice natural resources for a slight commission increase from an $8 billion project.

How can the United States help?

Compelling data underscores the dire situation facing millions of rural Iranians, pushing them to abandon their ancestral lands due to a substantial decline in groundwater resources. Projecting forward, if current climate conditions persist and water management remains inadequate, a mass exodus appears imminent. This demographic shift could significantly impact the United States’ interests and security concerns in the Middle East and beyond. In recognizing Iranians as potential allies, the United States could prioritize their well-being in alignment with its national interests. Transforming Iran’s water situation necessitates a fundamental shift towards a democratic system that values knowledge and encourages active public participation, departing from the prevailing top-down decision-making model.

The United States can help Iranians through technical assistance and knowledge transfer, capacity building and training, and supporting civil society as well as promoting climate change adaptation.

For Iranians, learning from Israeli water experts and the authorities who established Israel’s national water company (Mekorot) in 1937—a centralized body predating the nation’s formation by eleven years—is imperative. Such an entity should possess the capability to address the challenges posed by a changing climate, fostering resilience in Iran while concurrently navigating diplomatic intricacies related to shared water resources with neighboring nations. This approach aims to alleviate tensions and initiate regional cooperation within the Middle East and North Africa region. The United States has the ability to financially support the establishment of an organization like Mekorot situated outside of Iran. This organization, once operational, could initiate the implementation of modified water management methods, effectively alleviating damages resulting from the mismanagement of the Islamic Republic. Strategic intervention of this nature can contribute to achieving a state of relative stability following the possible decline of the Islamic Republic.

The pursuit of sustainable improvements in Iran’s water management requires a concerted effort toward capacity building in civil society and water-dependent sectors. American institutions, drawing on successful initiatives predating 1979, are well-positioned to play a pivotal role in this regard. Despite historical criticisms of Truman’s Point 4 Program and Iran’s adoption of the American “Hydraulic Mission,” a tailored sustainable development approach is crucial. Oversight by Iranian-American academics, who are well-versed in Iran’s environmental challenges, can ensure the effectiveness of these initiatives. Renowned figures in the agricultural and water sectors within the Iranian community can serve as exemplars, showcasing successful practices applicable to diverse regions in Iran. Disseminating knowledge through online training courses, television programs, and instructional animations demonstrating sustainable solutions can help diminish reliance on the authoritarian governance of the Islamic Republic. Foreseeing potential uprisings in Iran, particularly arising from water and environmental crises, emphasizes the need to promote democratic practices in the agricultural and environmental sectors. In early 2024, severe air pollution led to school closures in major cities, prompting protests in Ardekan and Arak against regional pollution linked to local and national industrial policies. The substantial decline in rainfall and snowfall heightens the imminent risk of severe water shortages in the upcoming spring and summer, which suggest a likely escalation in protests and instability based on historical trends.

The prevailing patriarchal system in Iran has hindered genuine democratic experiences, impeding accountability for officials and elites. In contrast, the US environmental management evolution, driven by civil society activism, led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency and pivotal legislation like the Clean Water Act. This empowered communities to influence projects, challenging top-down decision-making. The evolving social landscape in Iran provides an opportunity to transmit the experiences of American groups effectively. This would enable Iranians to envision impactful changes through civil means in their protests, aligning with the democratic values witnessed in US environmental governance.

Sharing knowledge builds trust and fosters cooperation and partnership between Iranians and Americans in alignment with US national interests, especially in the Persian Gulf region. While US institutions have shared rainfall and groundwater data with Iranian scientists, expanding these efforts is crucial. Disseminating valuable information to farmers, stakeholders, and shareholders in Iran is vital for informed decision-making and sustainable practices in water and environmental management.  Addressing financial constraints for talented Iranian students is essential and would empower them to study under top Iranian-American academics, facilitating knowledge exchange on updated water management methods. This collaborative effort within academia has the potential to significantly impact water and environmental management in Iran, contributing to the preservation of natural resources.

In a warming climate with a deteriorating water situation, Iran confronts declining livelihoods due to the Islamic Republic’s poor management, prompting potential mass migration and instability. Despite Iranians’ inclination to engage with the United States, a human-made drought affects them. In the post-Islamic Republic era, Iranians require the United States to be a reliable partner to navigate challenges while respecting integrity and choices. This partnership, which is crucial for US national security, should begin sooner rather than later. Iranian experts are prepared to establish their Mekorot today and initiate planning for a new environmental system to address resource mismanagement.

Nik Kowsar is an Iranian-Canadian water issues analyst. He produces and hosts a weekly TV show addressing Iran’s water situation, broadcast on several satellite TV channels. Follow him on X: @nikahang.

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Webster quoted in Financial Times on the future of US-China climate relations Sat, 20 Jan 2024 20:55:13 +0000 The post Webster quoted in Financial Times on the future of US-China climate relations appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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Ellinas in Finacial Mirror: No end in sight for fossil fuels Sat, 20 Jan 2024 19:58:49 +0000 The post Ellinas in Finacial Mirror: No end in sight for fossil fuels appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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Bayoumi in The New York Times on a paint that can reduce emissions Wed, 17 Jan 2024 13:22:00 +0000 On January 17, Imran Bayoumi, Associate Director of the Scowcroft Security Initiative, was quoted by The New York Times DealBook newsletter on one of the six ‘snow leopards’ to watch for in 2024, a super-reflective white paint that can reflect 98% of sunlight, lowering air-conditioning needs and emissions.

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On January 17, Imran Bayoumi, Associate Director of the Scowcroft Security Initiative, was quoted by The New York Times DealBook newsletter on one of the six ‘snow leopards’ to watch for in 2024, a super-reflective white paint that can reflect 98% of sunlight, lowering air-conditioning needs and emissions.

[Super-reflective white paint is] one of those things that seems pretty simple, but it could have an outsize impact.

Imran Bayoumi

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

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The top risks and opportunities for 2024 Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:30:00 +0000 2023 was marked by war in the Middle East and in Europe. What else looms on the horizon? The Atlantic Council’s top experts brought their globe-spanning expertise to the task of forecasting the near future.

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The top risks and opportunities for 2024

By Peter Engelke and Paul Saffo

Voters around the world cast their ballots on the fate of democracy. Ukraine determines whether its struggle against Russian aggression is winnable, China deploys measures just short of war against Taiwan, and broader hostilities engulf the Middle East. Insufficient action on climate change increases the chances of rogue geoengineering. Oceans governance and space exploration leap forward. Artificial intelligence becomes ubiquitous. 

These are just some of the biggest global risks and opportunities that we foresee in 2024. To create the following list, we conducted a miniature foresight exercise, assessing the most significant trends and developments that have occurred in the past, consulting Atlantic Council experts on what they’re monitoring in the present, and forecasting how geopolitical, economic, technological, political, demographic, and environmental forces could interact in the future.  

The scenarios below, which do not appear in a particular order (we consider all to be important, hence their inclusion on this list), are assigned a probability from “low” to “high.” A “medium” probability means that we have assigned a (roughly) 50/50 chance to the scenario occurring within the next year. A scenario with a “low” probability is no less significant than the others. This just indicates that it is unlikely to materialize in 2024. But as recent years have so dramatically illustrated, low-probability scenarios can cause a high degree of global turbulence. And the odds of such a scenario happening could rise over a longer timeframe. 

Top risks

Middle East

The Israel-Hamas conflict triggers a wider Middle East war

There are two central worries associated with this risk. First, that the conflict between Israel and Hamas will not be contained to Gaza and instead spread to other countries bordering Israel. Since Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack, Israel and Iran-backed groups in Syria and Lebanon, including Hezbollah, have traded artillery fire and engaged in other military activities such as airstrikes, with tensions recently spiking over the killing of Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut. These dynamics risk escalation, whether intended or unintended.

Second is the concern that the United States and Iran will be drawn into a direct conflict with one another. Iran’s well-developed regional network of armed militias and terrorist groups has already attacked US bases in Iraq and Syria and commercial vessels in the Red Sea. The latter development, in turn, has forced the United States and its allies to form a maritime security force to protect vital shipping lanes in the region and ultimately to carry out airstrikes in Yemen against the Houthi rebels behind the Red Sea attacks. Although neither Israel nor Iran nor the United States appears interested in a wider war in the Middle East, an accident, a miscalculation, unforeseen events, or rash and imprudent decision-making by a state or nonstate actor might prove the tipping point for a highly volatile region.

Although Israel has announced that it is winding down the first phase of its military campaign in Gaza, there are too many unknowns and potential flashpoints to forecast a rosy scenario in 2024.


The possibility of Ukrainian victory recedes as Western support fades

It appears unlikely that Russia has the military capability to decisively defeat Ukraine on the battlefield. Yet it is not a given that Ukraine will be able to win the war outright, as shown by its own lack of offensive progress on land (if not at sea) in 2023.

Few if any analysts believe that Ukraine will be able to emerge from this war intact (where “intact” is defined in part as repossessing the territory it held before Russia’s invasions of the country in 2022 or 2014) without sustained Western financial and military support. Although Ukraine has benefited enormously from deliveries of advanced weaponry from the West, that support has been insufficient to tip the scales in favor of Ukraine’s offensive operations. Simply put: Ukraine needs more of everything, including the basics—artillery shells, for example—to win a war involving hundreds of thousands of troops along a thousand-kilometer front.

In 2024, the risk is that such assistance will not be forthcoming, owing to war fatigue and domestic factors in Europe and the United States. There have been numerous warning signs on both sides of the Atlantic. In the United States, the Biden administration is facing much stronger congressional resistance to maintaining and increasing Ukraine funding than it confronted earlier in the war. In Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has blocked the European Union’s funding plans for Ukraine. The Netherlands’ incoming prime minister, Geert Wilders, and his Freedom Party advocate withdrawing Dutch military and financial support from Ukraine, though such an outcome is far from certain given Wilders’s need to form a multiparty governing coalition.

Should Western support fade, Ukraine almost certainly would be unable to win on the battlefield. In a worst-case scenario where aid from both the United States and Europe fails to arrive, Ukraine could lose its struggle with Russia outright.

Climate Change

A climate-fueled storm devastates a megacity

In October 2023, a rare storm formed in the Pacific. Over a single day, it intensified from a tropical storm to a Category 5 hurricane, coming ashore around Acapulco and ravaging the Mexican city. In September, eight months’ worth of rain fell on eastern Libya in just twenty-four hours, collapsing two dams and washing out large portions of coastal communities.

Imagine a storm of such ferocity and speed hitting an even larger city—one of five, six, or twenty million residents. Over 600 million people live in low-lying areas within sixty miles of a seacoast and two-thirds of the world’s largest cities (with populations of five million or more) are located in these coastal zones. People around the world are increasingly moving to such megacities—some driven there because the effects of climate change have made life elsewhere untenable.

Clear data on the relationship between climate change and extreme weather events is elusive. For example, data from the US Environmental Protection Agency suggests that the frequency of hurricanes reaching the United States has largely not changed over the last century, but the data also points toward increasing activity since 1995 (coinciding with increases in sea surface temperature). In general, however, storm forecasters worry that higher ocean temperatures and other climate-related factors will both increase the number of hurricanes and rapidly transform weak tropical storms into severe hurricanes, as occurred in Acapulco.

Combine this climate reality with the infrastructure challenges facing many of the world’s megacities, and the stage seems to be set for an Acapulco-like disaster playing out on a larger scale, wherein a megastorm hits a megacity such as Dhaka, Manila, Ho Chi Minh City, or Rio de Janeiro. Whether such a disaster occurs in 2024 is hard to predict, but what is certain is that such an event will occur at some point in the coming years.

China and Taiwan

China blockades Taiwan, risking conflict with the United States

Fears of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan have been circulating in Washington and other capitals for years. Although an invasion scenario has preoccupied military planners in the Pentagon, another coercive scenario—a Chinese naval blockade of Taiwan—is as likely if not more so in 2024 and beyond.

With the world’s largest navy, coast guard, and maritime militia, China knows a blockade is more flexible and easier to execute than an invasion would be.

Taiwan’s January 2024 elections could shape decision-making in Beijing. The outcome—in which the incumbent Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the political party least inclined toward closer relations with China, won the presidential race—could spur Beijing to continue ramping up its intimidation tactics to convince Lai Ching-te, the Taiwanese president-elect, to refrain from further assertions of or moves toward independence from China.

The DPP victory may combine with other factors such as China’s slowing economy to spur aggressive action by Beijing, perhaps including a blockade. Chinese leader Xi Jinping could decide the moment has come to force Taiwan into submission—years before (some) US officials have estimated that Beijing might make such a move. Given Beijing’s recent willingness to probe Taiwan’s defenses surrounding the island (significantly, including in the waters and airspace to the east of Taiwan), the prospect of Chinese naval vessels blockading entry into Taiwanese ports remains a lower probability yet still plausible event in 2024.

Nuclear weapons

Nuclear states clash with conventional weapons, risking a nuclear escalation

With relations among nuclear-armed countries deteriorating as they contest hot spots around the world, there is a real prospect in 2024 of two or more nuclear powers engaging in direct combat with one another using conventional weapons. The bigger concern is that such a conflict could escalate to a nuclear exchange.

The list of difficult relationships among the world’s nuclear powers is long. These include China and the United States, China and India, Pakistan and India, North Korea and the United States, and Russia and NATO (the Alliance counts the nuclear-armed United States, United Kingdom, and France as members). In the background lurks the hostile relationship between Israel, which has never confirmed nor denied that it possesses nuclear weapons, and Iran, which is reportedly now capable of producing enough fissile material for several nuclear weapons.

Few of these relationships are on an upward trajectory diplomatically; most are in stasis or deteriorating. Hot spots include Ukraine and the easternmost states of NATO and the European Union; Taiwan, the Senkaku Islands, the Paracel and Spratly Islands, and other waters and islands in the western Pacific; the Korean peninsula’s demilitarized zone; much of the Middle East given the current conflict in Gaza; and the contested borders between Pakistan, India, and China.

A direct military conflict between two or more nuclear-armed powers does not mean an automatic escalation to an exchange of nuclear weapons. Indeed, in recent years, China and India on the one hand and Pakistan and India on the other have engaged in clashes involving small numbers of troops along their disputed borders that were contained well before any apparent serious consideration of resorting to such weapons. Yet the lack of nuclear escalation in these past conflicts does not mean that the risk is nil in the future.

Climate change

A lack of progress on climate change leads countries—or wealthy citizens—to take matters into their own hands

While the final agreement from the recently concluded United Nations (UN) climate change summit known as COP28 included a commitment to “transition away” from fossil fuels, it also fell short—just like other COPs before it—of tying countries to binding collective action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The dawning recognition that emissions goals aren’t being met is fueling a controversial view that geoengineering—the notion that humans can predictably alter the planet’s climatological system through deliberate and controlled intervention—is the only realistic, workable solution to keeping surface temperatures within tolerable bounds. In 2024, we could see a dramatic increase in proposed geoengineering solutions and prototype projects. Expect to hear more about interventions of every type—from carbon sequestration-focused approaches such as sinking algae down to the benthic seabed and “mineralizing” atmospheric carbon into rock, to solar radiation management techniques focused on spraying sulfur-dioxide particles in the high atmosphere or deploying space-based sunshades. Although these interventions are scientifically and technologically diverse, all share the goal of slowing, halting, or reversing climate impacts.

While geoengineering is an important and active arena of scientific inquiry, the worry is that someone will proceed with a dramatic intervention that is unilateral, transboundary, and premature. Given the many scientific unknowns and lack of global governance structures relating to geoengineering, some types of interventions could amount to irresponsible gambles with the ecological health of the planet—by, for example, risking damage to the ozone layer or altering weather patterns. Rogue geoengineering is an unnerving wild card that might start coming into play in 2024 and beyond, perhaps in the form of interventions initiated by a single state or nonstate actor (such as a super-wealthy entrepreneur) acting on their own and ahead of scientific and political consensus on whether the rewards of such actions outweigh the risks.


Africa’s “coup belt” expands, disrupting social and economic progress

Since 2020, there have been eight successful coups in countries across Africa’s Sahel region and West Africa, forming what is now labeled a “coup belt” stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. In 2024, the odds are high that additional coups will beset the region, within both countries that already have experienced coups (Mali and Burkina Faso, for example, have endured back-to-back coups in short succession) and countries that have not yet experienced them. The coup belt could also expand outward. In August, for instance, Africa’s most recent coup occurred in Gabon, well south of the Sahel in west-central Africa.

There are complex underlying reasons why these countries are experiencing coups in such close succession. Although each nation in the coup belt has its own unique challenges, governments across these regions generally have not provided their citizens with core public goods including security, prosperity, and competent services. They have failed to confront growing insurgencies and associated violence, contain corruption (enabling wealth to flow to a small elite), or run clean elections to legitimize government authority.

Public-opinion polling shows that such sources of instability are undermining support for elected governments while increasing the desire for the apparent stability—quite often illusory—that military rule might bring. An expansion of the coup belt would present an obstacle to the ongoing economic and social transformation that Africa’s youthful, entrepreneurial, and growing population is driving.

China and Latin America

China increases its influence in Latin America and the Caribbean at the expense of the United States

Strategic competition with China has quietly reached the United States’ neighborhood. Over the past two decades, China has become the largest trading partner of many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. By taking numerous steps to enhance its position, China has quickly established itself as the region’s second-biggest trading partner overall, after the United States, and South America’s largest. In May 2023, for example, China signed a free-trade agreement with Ecuador, its fourth in the region following agreements with Peru, Chile, and Costa Rica. And Chinese entities have invested nearly $150 billion in the region since 2005 to support energy, transportation, infrastructure, and other public-goods projects.

China’s growing economic clout in Latin America and the Caribbean is paralleled by its diplomatic successes. Since 2017, for instance, five countries in the region have established formal ties with China and ended their relations with Taiwan. In October 2023, China also upgraded its diplomatic ties with Colombia, one of the United States’ oldest allies in the region, to a “strategic partnership.”

The US government is attempting to develop an effective response given its longstanding interests in the region. Yet the obstacles are numerous. The United States has multiple trade agreements with countries there, but in Washington there is little interest in expanding trade agreements to more Latin American and Caribbean countries. And although the Biden administration has launched a regional economic development initiative known as the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity, thus far it has struggled to marshal the resources that many believe are necessary to fully counter the scale of China’s activities (the extent of the trade relationship between the United States and Mexico being an important exception). For the United States and even for Europe—likewise mired in ineffective economic diplomacy in the region—the risk is that Latin American and Caribbean countries will hew ever more closely to China in the coming years.

Top opportunities


Key elections reinvigorate the world’s democracies

This will be a critical year for democracy. The world’s largest democracies, India and the United States, will hold general elections. So too will South Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, and a host of smaller countries, while the European Union will hold parliamentary elections. In total, according to the Economist, countries with more than four billion people will host local, regional, or national elections in 2024.

Over the past decade at least, democracies have been struggling against difficult headwinds. Economic frustrations, online disinformation, assorted grievances against established political elites, and social, cultural, and political polarization all have transformed the global democratic landscape for the worse. In 2024, it is reasonable to expect that voters in some countries will choose parties and candidates that flirt with authoritarian rather than democratic governance, as voters have done over the preceding years. Should voters choose illiberal paths in the majority of democracies holding elections this year, there is considerable risk of serious and lasting damage to the democratic project around the world.

However, we put this item on the opportunity side of the ledger because we remain optimistic about people’s faith in that democratic project. And with some reason: Global public opinion surveys consistently show broad support for democracy, though there also is widespread frustration with how it functions in practice. Voters across the world have an opportunity in 2024 to reaffirm their commitment to democratic governance by choosing parties and candidates that support democratic ideals and principles and, in so doing, reject illiberalism.

Artificial Intelligence

AI goes mainstream—and spreads everywhere

Since bursting onto the public scene in 2022, generative artificial intelligence (AI) and technologies involving large language models have advanced with breathtaking speed, with implications equally fascinating and terrifying. But relative to what will unfold in 2024, what we saw in 2023 barely qualifies as a warmup. Trying to predict anything in such a fast-moving area is a mug’s game, but there are a few elements we can count on:

  • The global generative AI market will grow robustly in the year ahead and into the early 2030s. Goldman Sachs analysts have estimated that the diffusion of AI technologies will increase global GDP by 7 percent over the next decade.  
  • 2024 will be the year when AI goes mainstream, and not just on our screens. AI systems are being embedded in the devices that define our everyday life. The result will be the arrival of the first “smartifacts”—devices with rudimentary intelligence having a greater ability to directly sense and interact with the physical world than they do now. This will begin with familiar objects—vehicles, appliances, personal electronics—but will also yield entirely new classes of devices, including dramatically more capable robots. 
  • Meanwhile, AI will also yield more prosaic surprises. Chatbots will become ubiquitous on our communications devices, displacing traditional search. Such surprises will include downsides as well. AI will play a major disruptive role in influencing public opinion and this year’s many elections around the world. Indeed, the disruptions have already begun; in September 2023, for instance, Microsoft researchers unearthed a network of Chinese-controlled social media accounts using AI to influence US voters. 

Ukraine achieves a battlefield breakthrough against Russia

Ukraine’s lack of significant progress during its 2023 counteroffensive surprised those who expected quick work against a Russian military that appears incompetent at best. Instead, Russian defenses have proven resilient, reducing Ukraine’s land offensive to a slow crawl. The war now appears to be settling into one of attrition that favors Russia given its larger economy and reserves of manpower, plus the expected impatience of Western publics for long wars (see the related risk above). In a November interview, Ukraine’s commander in chief, Valery Zaluzhny, lamented, “There will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough”—at least, he implied, in the near term.

However, in 2024 there remains some hope of a breakthrough on the battlefield in Ukraine’s favor, assuming two factors align for Ukraine:

  • The right mix of Western weapons and ammunition arrives at scale and on time. Although Western countries have been delivering these resources, the types and quantity thus far have fallen short of what has been needed to realize an offensive breakthrough.  
  • Ukraine’s military leadership finds innovative solutions for a twenty-first-century battlefield that so far has favored the defense—an insight that Zaluzhny has readily admitted, while asserting that novel combinations of weapons, tactics, and information will provide the breakthrough. 

For such a scenario to materialize, the bad performance of Russian forces—a result of factors such as poor training, low morale, and inadequate supply—also would need to hold.

Should Ukraine’s military situation become more favorable in these ways in 2024, there is a chance that Ukrainian forces will achieve a breakthrough and, with it, the prospect of ending the war on Kyiv’s terms.


The space economy takes off

One of the fastest-growing economies on the planet isn’t on the planet—it is in space. According to the nonprofit Space Foundation, the global space economy grew 8 percent in 2022 to more than five hundred billion dollars and is on track to grow to nearly eight hundred billion dollars over the next half-decade. Commercial space efforts account for nearly 80 percent of activity in the sector, but military spending has also increased and is likely to continue to grow.

The hottest space real estate in 2024 will be low Earth orbit (LEO), where more sensor and communications systems will be deployed. In the coming year incumbents such as SpaceX and Blue Origin will expand the pace of their launch operations with new platforms such as Blue Origin’s reusable New Glenn launch vehicle, under contract with NASA to send two probes to Mars in 2024, and Rocket Lab’s two-stage Electron rocket, which has delivered dozens of payloads to LEO. Meanwhile, SpaceX has announced a goal of launching a rocket nearly every two days in 2024, which would roughly double its number of launches in 2023.

The incumbents are being chased by an ever-growing number of companies seeking their unique niches in the space economy. Look for the expansion of space-based telecommunications offerings beyond Starlink to encompass direct smartphone calling via satellite. The first space hotel is not projected to enter orbit until 2030 at the earliest, but even space tourism will grow modestly as Blue Origin, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic expand their space-flight operations for tourists. And Axiom Space, a well-funded start-up with a goal to construct the world’s first commercial space station, has been sending commercial missions to the International Space Station.

Activities such as space tourism might seem frivolous, but they help fund and build out the space infrastructure needed to meet global challenges such as communications access for remote and underserved communities and environmental sensing for monitoring, predicting, and mitigating the effects of climate change. The growth of the industry matters because space-based activities are central to managing terrestrial issues and opportunities.


Africa gains agenda-setting power in major global forums

In September 2023, at the annual summit of the Group of Twenty (G20), Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the African Union (AU) would be joining the G20 as a full member. Prior to this move, South Africa was the only African representative in the G20, despite representing just 4 percent of the continent’s population.

The G20 expansion presages Africa’s fuller inclusion in multilateral decision-making at the highest levels. A figurative dam has broken. For many years, Africa largely has been sidelined within global governance institutions such as the G20. AU membership in the G20 should make Africa’s economic, environmental, and security agenda of greater concern to the global community, and also help build trust between African nations and other countries within the G20 and elsewhere.

The big questions for 2024 and beyond are whether Africa’s agenda will be taken as seriously within the G20 as its inclusion in the bloc promises—and whether the AU’s entrance into the G20 increases Africa’s influence in other global forums such as international financial institutions.

UN Security Council

The UN Security Council is reformed, shoring up its diminished legitimacy

Reforming the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the most important body within the UN owing to its responsibilities for responding to war and upholding peace, has proven to be one of international diplomacy’s most intractable challenges. But the task has taken on greater urgency since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and Moscow’s subsequent blocking of all resolutions about the war. One fear is that the Security Council’s evident paralysis—in part the result of its inability to modify its membership and voting procedures—has rendered it illegitimate. The hope is that a reformed UNSC could regain much of its diminished legitimacy by acting more credibly and decisively on future matters of war and peace.

While reform proposals span procedural and membership changes, the core reform question is whether to expand the “P5,” the five permanent members of the Security Council that hold a veto: the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, and France. P5 countries represent less than half of global GDP and one quarter of the world’s population. Major countries and entire regions, including Africa, Latin America, South Asia, and the Middle East, are excluded from permanent membership.

Despite the Biden administration’s support for new permanent members, and a significant global outcry over the lack of reform, we assess the odds of reforming UNSC permanent membership to be low in the short to medium term. There simply are too many conflicting interests within and outside the P5 to rate the prospects much higher. Nonetheless, addressing these problems remains an opportunity to act on a symbolically and substantively critical part of the global agenda, and a chorus of reform-minded voices is currently backing such moves.

High Seas Treaty

The High Seas Treaty is ratified, advancing collective management of the world’s oceans

The world’s five oceans, which together cover 71 percent of Earth’s surface, have come under threat from a range of human activities, including overfishing, plastics pollution, and climate change. Decades after the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) came into force, many of its most ambitious provisions remain in limbo. The recently adopted Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty (commonly referred to as the High Seas Treaty), however, might just become a breakout exception in 2024 if sixty countries ratify it, allowing it to enter into force.

The High Seas Treaty provides a framework for managing oceanic ecosystems. Among other measures, it builds capacity around marine technology, creates new marine-area management tools, establishes processes for environmental-impact assessments, and provides technical support to developing countries, all in the service of effective global stewardship of oceanic resources.

The treaty will go a long way toward preserving oceanic fisheries, but that’s not all. The Earth’s oceans account for half of the planet’s oxygen, absorb one-quarter of carbon-dioxide emissions, and act as a sink for 90 percent of the excess heat generated by anthropogenic emissions. By managing the ocean’s biodiversity, the High Seas Treaty also will help preserve the oceans’ capacity to assist in managing the effects of anthropogenic climate change.

Another area to watch: the exploitation of deep-seabed resources contemplated under UNCLOS’s Part XI, driven by advances in extraction technologies. Although the High Seas Treaty does not have jurisdiction over deep-sea mining, ratification of the treaty might convince countries that if they can act in concert to manage the living resources of the sea, then they can also agree to do the same for the resources on the seabed.

Renewable Energy

Supply chains for critical minerals begin to be reoriented

A decarbonized global economy requires a consistent supply of critical minerals, including lithium, cobalt, copper, nickel, and rare-earth elements. Like the fossil fuels that have powered the modern industrial economy, critical minerals are unevenly distributed in the earth’s crust. Frequently, there is a geographic divide between where they are mined and processed versus where they are consumed as components in batteries, wind turbines, and other technologies. Source countries often are in the Global South, especially Latin America and Africa, and in China, which also has managed to capture much of the world’s output through contracting or outright purchase of mines and other facilities. But as with oil and natural gas, critical minerals are consumed everywhere in the world, disproportionately in the wealthiest countries that boast the largest consumer markets and fastest energy transitions.

There is enormous interest within both producer and consumer countries in reorienting the global supply chains of such minerals. The United States and its allies and partners in East Asia and Europe want to move supply chains away from China, while producer nations want to add processing and manufacturing value to their operations so that they aren’t only exporters of raw materials. A reset of global supply chains would require consumer countries such as the United States to envision new models of working with producer countries, and begin crafting equitable and mutually beneficial partnerships with them. Such partnerships could result in consumer countries securing their supply chains while producer countries build capabilities for processing and manufacturing critical minerals based on sound environmental, social, and governance principles. Doing so would benefit producer economies (and their local communities) beyond the gains provided by simple export of unprocessed raw materials.  

Keep an eye on whether policymakers in producer and consumer countries seize such an opening starting in 2024 and begin the hard—but ultimately worthwhile—work of reorienting global supply chains for critical minerals around new models. 

Peter Engelke is the deputy director of foresight within the Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, and a nonresident senior fellow with its Global Energy Center. 

Paul Saffo is a Silicon Valley-based forecaster and a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Strategy Initiative. 

The post The top risks and opportunities for 2024 appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Six ‘snow leopards’ to watch for in 2024 Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:30:00 +0000 Atlantic Council foresight experts spot the underappreciated phenomena that could have outsize impact on the world, driving global change and shaping the future.

The post Six ‘snow leopards’ to watch for in 2024 appeared first on Atlantic Council.


Six ‘snow leopards’ to watch for in 2024

The snow leopards that stalk the rocky mountains of Central Asia are so elusive and well-camouflaged that they’ve earned the nickname “ghost of the mountains.” They’re out there, but exceedingly hard to spot.

These solitary big cats are a useful analogy for the global phenomena that can seem to come out of nowhere and take even the most seasoned observer by surprise. In some cases, that’s because a high-profile threat has eclipsed others; we rightly worry about the proliferation of nuclear weapons, for instance, but missile proliferation receives relatively less attention. Some things are so woven into our daily lives that they become invisible, as in the case of the global shipping lanes that make it possible for us to tap “buy now” today and find a package on our doorstep tomorrow. Trends that gather momentum slowly but steadily, undetected developments, known but underappreciated risks—all of these “snow leopards” have the power to reshape the world. 

This makes snow leopard-spotting an essential complement to any attempt to peer into the future. So our next-generation foresight team at the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security compared notes and identified six under-the-radar phenomena to watch. These are not predictions (for those, check out our list of top risks and opportunities for 2024, and our expert survey forecasting the decade ahead). What follows are trends and developments already underway whose disruptive potential, for good or for ill, we are overlooking. 

In the year to come, here are six snow leopards we’re keeping an eye on.  

The new race to the South Pole

With a key provision of Antarctica’s governing treaty set to come up for debate in 2048, many countries are eyeing the vast fisheries and hydrocarbons there. Most forms of military and economic activities on the world’s only uninhabited continent are banned under the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, which lays out a vision of peaceful scientific inquiry and cooperation and which fifty-six countries have now signed. But with Antarctica home to an estimated 500 billion tons of oil and 300 billion to 500 billion tons of natural gas, and with 135 billion tons of oil in the Southern Ocean region, the stage is set for the continent to become yet one more arena of geopolitical competition. 

The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1998, stipulates that during its first fifty years it can only be modified by the unanimous agreement of all parties to the treaty. In its current form, the protocol restricts any activities related to Antarctica’s natural resources except for those involving scientific research. But starting in 2048 any party can call for a review of the protocol, initiating a process that, while lengthy and complex, could result in a modified protocol that creates more of an opening for natural-resource exploration in Antarctica.  

Notably, neither China nor the United States recognizes existing territorial claims to Antarctica made by other powers, with both reserving the right to participate in “any future uses of the region,” as the US government phrases it. China sees both polar regions as strategically valuable and ungoverned spaces, and has been increasing its physical footprint in Antarctica for years—having just broken ground on its fifth research station. China is planning to construct powerful antennas at its Antarctic bases that could serve two purposes: furthering legitimate scientific research, but also allowing China to gather intelligence across the Indo-Pacific region.  

Given Antarctica’s increasing geopolitical and economic importance—from fresh water, iron, and copper resources to strategic transportation routes—it is unlikely that the protections of the original Antarctic Treaty will be renewed in their current form. In the meantime, expect countries to ramp up their jockeying for position in the region, in the process undermining one of the few successful expressions of cooperative global governance.   

Bayoumi graduated with his master’s degree in global affairs from the Munk School at the University of Toronto where he held a Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship. He also holds a BA from Queen’s University in political studies.

The climate-induced shocks to global shipping lanes

Climate change is now threatening the shipping lanes that underpin global commerce. While major supply-chain disruptions have made headlines in recent years—resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in 2020, the Suez Canal blockage in 2021, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and Houthi attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea in 2023, climate impacts are poised to dominate such disturbances in the coming years. The disruption to the way water moves between the Earth and the atmosphere—the patterns of rain, evaporation, condensation, and runoff that affect how much water flows through the world’s waterways—appears to be here to stay.

Global supply chains depend on these waterways. China’s “golden shipping route,” the Yangtze River, carries as much as 2.93 billion tons of cargo annually, including advanced manufacturing products. But a severe summer drought in 2022 left the river at half its usual width, stopping shipping through the middle and lower sections of the river. Likewise, the water levels of the Mississippi River, which sends $130 billion in goods each year through the Port of New Orleans alone, dwindled during a major drought in late 2022 that led to $20 billion in economic losses. In both 2022 and 2023, the Rhine River, perhaps Europe’s most important inland waterway, was so low owing to drought that some ships were only carrying half their usual amount of goods. The capacity of the Panama Canal, which transports 40 percent of US container traffic, 5 percent of global trade, and $270 billion in goods, took a hit too. A 2023 drought—the region’s worst since 1950—reduced the number of ships transiting the canal each day, as well as the amount of goods each could carry, suggesting a difficult future for one of the world’s most important nodes of trade. 

With climate change expected to make extreme weather more frequent, a big rethink of how goods move around the globe is necessary. Adaptation strategies, including refitting ships for shallower water or dredging and reengineering rivers, are costly and fail to solve the larger problem. A future with reliable transportation of goods will require rebuilding the global shipping map, from its hubs to its methods of transport, along with new technologies to navigate the world’s rapidly changing waterways. 

Before she joined the Atlantic Council, Sherry worked as an intern for the Wisconsin State Legislature and as a research assistant for a PhD candidate on projects focused on forced labor, migration, and female participation in governance in post-Soviet Central Asia. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science and a certificate in history from the University of Wisconsin.

The power of super-reflective white paint

Cans of paint may prove to be an important solution in addressing the climate crisis—a very specific white paint, to be exact. A professor at Purdue University, Xiulin Ruan, and his team have developed a highly specialized white paint that can reflect 98 percent of the sun’s rays away from the Earth. It’s a record that goes well beyond what the best existing white paints can do. Coating structures with this paint lowers their surface heat, keeps them cool without requiring energy or generating waste heat, and reduces air-conditioning needs by up to 40 percent. Purdue’s paint stands out as a leading offering, but cool coatings, even those not as advanced as the one developed at Purdue, provide a number of benefits. 

Imagine painting 1 percent or 2 percent of the entire planet in this heat-reflective white. According to one calculation, this could entirely offset the additional warming associated with ongoing carbon emissions. Though applying paint to structures at that scale would probably be impractical and costly,  applying it to cars, roofs, and roads worldwide would create islands of coolness in a warming world. 

The world’s growing number of city dwellers would also benefit. Buildings, roads and other infrastructure absorb and trap much more heat than greener natural landscapes. The retention and release of this heat, among other factors, can cause an urban heat-island effect, with daytime temperatures up to 7 degrees Fahrenheit higher in cities than in rural areas. Already, 56 percent of the global population resides in cities, and seven in ten people will live in cities by 2050. As temperatures around the world increase, some of these cities are becoming increasingly unlivable. Painting even a small part of the planet could keep cities cooler and healthier. 

Bayoumi graduated with his master’s degree in global affairs from the Munk School at the University of Toronto where he held a Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship. He also holds a BA from Queen’s University in political studies.

The proliferation of long-range precision weapon systems

Take a global landscape of rising multipolar tensions and partnerships, add widely available dual-use technologies like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and voilà: A new era of proliferation is increasing the challenge to arms control and the potential for conflicts around the world to escalate. 

At the end of the twentieth century, only a handful of powers had long-range precision-strike technology—primarily in the form of cruise and ballistic missiles. The technology was closely guarded, with international agreements and norms limiting the spread of such missile systems. Today, the number of countries acquiring and deploying long-range precision-strike systems is rising steadily— twenty-four states currently operate cruise missiles with a range greater than 300 kilometers, relative to just three in 1991—and similar technologies are now being deployed by nonstate actors as well. 

More and more, agreements to restrict the proliferation of these systems have been eliminated or ignored. In 2019, the United States withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty after years of allegations that Russia had violated its terms. Another crumbling component of the arms-control architecture is the Missile Technology Control Regime, a 1987 voluntary agreement among nations to not sell or transfer technology for long-range missiles to other parties. But exports of restricted missile technology by the United Kingdom, France, Russia, India, China, Israel, and the United States have diminished the normative power of the agreement. What’s more, the Missile Technology Control Regime and other agreements have failed to control the spread of long-range armed UAVs. In 2020, for example, the United States changed its interpretation of the agreement’s rules so that it could more easily export armed drones—in reaction to the widespread sale of similar systems by China, Turkey, and Israel. 

The proliferation of long-range precision-strike technology to nonstate actors has further confounded arms-control efforts. Iran has exported ballistic missiles, cruise-missile technology, and armed UAVs to Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen. Both groups have used these weapons in attacks in the region. Just in the past several months, the Houthis have attempted several missile attacks on Israel and targeted international shipping. 

The upshot of all these trends? We may be headed for a world where most states and many nonstate actors will be able to attack targets deep within their neighbors’ territory, or even far beyond their borders, within hours. Civilian populations will become more vulnerable during war, as Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian cities show. The likelihood of local conflicts escalating across their region may increase along with the range of the weapons deployed—and more countries may need to develop plans and capabilities for air and missile defense. 

Jake Mezey is a program assistant in the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. He contributes to the program’s research on nuclear security, space security, defense innovation and modernization, and grey zone conflict. Previously, Mezey interned with the International Institute for Strategic Studies and contributed to its Missile Dialogue Initiative. Mezey graduated with distinction from Yale University where his senior thesis focused on the role of the Russian military in Transnistria.

The tiny island nation with outsize importance in the event of a US-China conflict

If a US-China conflict ever breaks out, expect to hear a lot more about Palau. As the potential for a military clash in the Western Pacific grows, so does the strategic significance of this tiny island nation between the Philippines and Guam. Palau’s importance stems from its key geographic location and its political alignment: It is one of just four states in the Pacific that maintains formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and it provides exclusive military operating and basing rights to the United States. 

Geographically, Palau is at the center of the “second island chain,” farther from China’s coastline than the chain of islands that includes Taiwan and part of the Philippines. Since China’s anti-access military capabilities—particularly land-based missiles—pose such a threat to military operations within the first island chain, the prevailing wisdom among defense experts is that the second island chain would be a more defensible platform for US forces in the event of a conflict with China. Palau—considered the anchor of the second island chain—could be a key location for rearming and repairing US military ships and aircraft as well as an important basing location for resupply, surveillance, communications, and other supporting activities.  

Politically, Palau has long had a special relationship with the United States, with commitments on both sides that extend beyond those of the typical alliance. The 1994 US-Palau Compact of Free Association gives the United States exclusive military operating rights in Palau, including the right to establish defense sites. In return, the United States is committed to defend Palau and provide it economic assistance, among other forms of support. Under a May 2023 update to the original compact, Palau stands to receive $890 million from the United States over twenty years.  

Washington’s focus on Palau has increased in recent years. The US Department of Defense awarded a $120 million contract at the end of 2022 to install a radar system in Palau by 2026, expected to improve the United States’ ability to track air and maritime threats from China and North Korea in the Western Pacific. More recently, in December 2023, Palau was one of the sites of the latest rounds of the Pacific Partnership military-exercise series. Expect to see more defense and infrastructure investments by the United States in Palau, as well as more military exercises in the area, which will only add to Palau’s importance. 

Palau may not be the focus of a potential US-China military confrontation, but it could be the critical location just behind the scenes. 

Emma received her master’s degree in global affairs as a Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Her time in China lends a unique perspective to her work. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Russian Studies from Macalester College.

The declining cost of turning salt water into fresh drinking water

Climate change and the rising demand for fresh water strain global water supplies and spark conflicts. Water stress affects billions of people in rich and poor countries alike, but the problem is most acute in poor regions that are arid and drought-prone. The number of droughts worldwide has risen 29 percent since 2000. The good news: Cheaper and less energy-intensive approaches to desalination—the process of turning seawater into fresh water for human consumption and use—are on the horizon and may provide the means to better quench demand. 

For decades, desalination has increased the availability of fresh water in coastal regions with direct access to the sea. Yet the dominant process for converting salt water to fresh—reverse osmosis—is costly, uses a significant amount of energy (often from fossil fuels), and produces a lot of waste (known as brine) as a byproduct. As a result, reverse osmosis can only solve part of the fresh-water problem, mainly for low-volume and high-value applications such as drinking water, and almost exclusively in high- and middle-income countries.   

But recent research breakthroughs could turn the tide. Researchers at MIT and in China have developed a briefcase-sized, solar-powered device that “could produce drinking water at a rate and price that is cheaper than tap water,” according to MIT’s description of the effort. Many other researchers are exploring forward osmosis, an alternative to reverse osmosis that can be applied at scale in large desalination plants. Forward osmosis uses natural osmosis, with an already present osmotic pressure drawing water through a membrane that separates the water from solids, and requires far less energy than reverse osmosis. In 2023, for example, a researcher at New Mexico Tech announced a forward-osmosis breakthrough that reduces energy consumption and pollution production. 

Perfecting forward-osmosis processes for wider use should cut the cost of desalination dramatically, in turn allowing lower-income countries to create desalination facilities. With the right investment and scaling, it is possible that more of the world will have access to affordable, life-sustaining fresh water in the years to come.

Bayoumi graduated with his master’s degree in global affairs from the Munk School at the University of Toronto where he held a Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship. He also holds a BA from Queen’s University in political studies.

The post Six ‘snow leopards’ to watch for in 2024 appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Welcome to 2034: What the world could look like in ten years, according to nearly 300 experts Fri, 12 Jan 2024 10:00:00 +0000 To survey the future, we polled global strategists and foresight practitioners on our most burning questions about the biggest drivers of change over the next decade. Check out their forecasts on everything from the likelihood of war over Taiwan to the future of AI.

The post Welcome to 2034: What the world could look like in ten years, according to nearly 300 experts   appeared first on Atlantic Council.


Welcome to 2034

What the world could look like in ten years, according to nearly 300 experts

By Mary Kate Aylward, Peter Engelke, Uri Friedman, and Paul Kielstra

Picture a world with competing power centers, an unstable Russia stumbling into its post-Putin era, a nuclear-armed Iran emerging in the midst of an unruly nuclear age, and a United Nations incapable of carrying out its core functions—including convening the world’s countries to tackle problems, such as climate change, that no one state can solve and that pose a grave threat to global security and prosperity.

That’s just a glimpse into the future that leading global strategists and foresight practitioners forecast when the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security surveyed them in November on how they expect the world to change over the next ten years.

If this sketch leaves you gloomy, you’re in good company: Sixty percent of the experts who participated in our annual Global Foresight survey think the world will be worse off a decade hence. But despite the pessimism about the overall direction of global affairs that many expressed, their responses also turned up cause for hope when we asked more specific questions regarding geopolitics, the environment, disruptive technology, the global economy, and other domains.

The 288 respondents were mostly citizens of the United States (60 percent of those polled), with 17 percent from Europe and 11 percent from Latin America and the Caribbean. In total, respondents’ nationalities were spread across forty-eight countries.

Respondents also work in a variety of fields, including the private sector (27 percent), nonprofits (18 percent), academic or educational institutions (16 percent), government (16 percent), independent consulting (14 percent), and multilateral institutions (4 percent). They are dispersed across age ranges as well, with 10 percent between eighteen and thirty-five, 23 percent between thirty-six and fifty, 37 percent between fifty-one and sixty-five, and the remaining 29 percent aged sixty-six or older.

So what do these seasoned forecasters of the global future expect over the coming decade? Below are the survey’s ten biggest findings.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Jan 12, 2024

The Global Foresight 2024 survey: Full results

In the fall of 2023, the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security surveyed the future, asking leading global strategists and foresight practitioners around the world to answer our most burning questions about the biggest drivers of change over the next ten years. Here are the full results. 

China Climate Change & Climate Action

1. The outlook for normal relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia remains positive—and a Palestinian state may be more likely than it seems 

Could the current convulsions in the Middle East portend major transformations in the decade ahead? A remarkably high percentage of respondents think so, given that the survey was fielded after the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and in the throes of the ensuing war in Gaza.

The outbreak of hostilities seemed to deal a big blow to progress that Saudi and Israeli leaders had been making toward a historic agreement to normalize relations between their countries. Some experts, in fact, have argued that one of the main goals of the October 7 attacks was to derail the deal.

Nevertheless, a clear majority of respondents—around 60 percent—expect Israel to have normalized diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia by 2034, suggesting that the underlying conditions that had been drawing the two countries together prior to war engulfing the region could outlast the fighting and remain salient.

Perhaps even more surprising, nearly one in five respondents believes that by 2034 Israel will have normalized diplomatic relations with an independent, sovereign Palestinian state. While this was a minority view, it indicates an alternative reading of the devastation of the last few months: that in the long run the violence that makes peace seems such a remote possibility could ultimately reinvigorate calls for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A slightly smaller percentage of respondents also anticipate normalized relations between Israel and Lebanon a decade from now.

Even if all this were to occur, however, don’t expect peace to break out all over the region. Few experts believe that Israel will have normalized relations with Syria (4 percent) or Iran (2 percent) by 2034.

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2. There are growing doubts about China seeking to forcibly seize Taiwan

Those surveyed are more convinced of ongoing political stability in China than in other world powers. For example, 86 percent believe that the Chinese Communist Party will still be in power by 2034, while only 3 percent expect the opposite. Only one respondent thinks that the country will become a failed state over the coming decade, a figure that rounds down to 0 percent of the total. For the United States, that figure is 5 percent. For Russia, it’s 11 percent.

This expert consensus cuts against speculation among some observers that recent developments such as the country’s economic struggles and the protests that brought Xi Jinping’s “zero COVID” policy to an abrupt end could threaten the regime.

Yet the survey results also cast doubt on another narrative about China—more prominent earlier this century—as the unstoppable future global hegemon. Perceptions of Beijing could be starting to shift.

On one of the most pressing issues on the horizon—whether China will attempt to retake Taiwan by force in the coming years—respondents expressed some notable skepticism. While half expect this to occur within the next ten years, the proportion who foresee such a military operation has gone down substantially from 70 percent of respondents when we asked this same question in last year’s survey. Also significant: One of the big changes from 2022 to 2023 is an increase in the percentage of experts who state that they “don’t know” whether China will try reunification by force.

One potential explanation for these shifts is that experts are reassessing either China’s intentions or its capabilities regarding Taiwan in light of developments over the past year. The difficulties Russia has faced in its war against Ukraine or China’s economic troubles, for example, might make Beijing more reluctant to assume the risks of major military action.

The survey pool also seemed split over China’s wider global role in the coming decade. For example, 44 percent think that the world will largely divide into China-aligned and US-aligned blocs over that period, ushering in a bipolar world, but 39 percent disagree. Similarly, 33 percent agree that China and Russia will become formal allies by 2034, cementing the less formal “no limits” partnership the two countries currently have, but 37 percent say the opposite. Are we headed for a new cold war? Our respondents aren’t so sure.

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3. Brace for upheaval in Russia, including a possible Russia-NATO conflict

Mark your calendars: Sometime in the next decade, according to many respondents, a new leader will likely assume control of Russia—under unknown circumstances and amid potential turmoil. In December Vladimir Putin, who has dominated Russian politics since 1999, announced plans to do what he has twice altered Russia’s constitution to make possible: seek more time in power. He is widely expected to win the country’s March presidential election, but the experts we surveyed do not expect his rule to last the decade: 71 percent say that he will not still be president of Russia by 2034, and a further 22 percent are not sure.

Will age end Putin’s rule—he will be eighty-two in 2034—or will political events intervene? A large number of survey respondents expect substantial turmoil in Russia over the next decade. In a similar result to one of the biggest findings from last year’s survey, 35 percent of respondents believe that Russia will break up internally in the coming ten years because of developments such as revolution, civil war, or political disintegration. For those who think that Putin will no longer be president in 2034, this figure rises to 40 percent. Even among those who think Putin will still rule Russia in 2034, nearly one quarter nevertheless expect the country to break up.

Around 11 percent of respondents cited Russia as the country that is not currently a failed state but is most likely to become one within the next ten years—lower than in last year’s survey and a small minority, but still the highest percentage that any country received.

Only 6 percent of respondents believe Putin will be able to achieve his war aim of turning Ukraine into a Russian client state within the next decade. But how any failures in Ukraine affect his political longevity remains to be seen. Even the June march on Moscow by Wagner Group commander Yevgeniy Prigozhin ultimately has not seemed to endanger Putin’s grip on power, given the swift suppression of the mutiny and Prigozhin’s death two months later in a plane crash.

Those who expect Russia to break up are more likely to foresee Moscow engaging in worrisome activity: Thirty-eight percent believe that the country and NATO will fight a war in the next ten years, compared with 25 percent of other respondents, and 20 percent think that Russia will use a nuclear weapon in the decade ahead, compared with 11 percent of other experts.

Overall, in another significant finding, nearly one in three respondents (29 percent) at least somewhat agree that Russia and NATO will engage in a direct military conflict over this timeframe—a slightly higher percentage than in last year’s survey.

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4. US military dominance will endure and prospects for other elements of its power are looking up, with diplomatic clout an exception

By 2034, according to a large majority (73 percent) of respondents, the world will be multipolar, with multiple centers of power, in contrast to the unipolar moment that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union, leaving the United States as the last superpower standing.

But at the same time, most also expect the United States to retain a preponderance of power across several key dimensions. Eighty-one percent of respondents expect the United States to remain the world’s dominant military power in 2034. A similarly large majority (79 percent) anticipate that US security alliances and partnerships in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, forged over the course of the Cold War and unipolar moment, will endure—a notable expectation given that these alliances and partnerships could be a major subject of debate during the 2024 US presidential election. Notably, a smaller majority—63 percent—believe the United States will be the dominant source of technological innovation by 2034, and just over half (52 percent) say it will be the dominant economic power.

This level of confidence in the longevity of US power is, in fact, greater than the level respondents expressed when we conducted our last survey at the end of 2022. The exception is in the diplomatic realm, where once again only one third of respondents expected the United States to be the world’s dominant diplomatic power in ten years.

Even experts who expect the United States’ global military dominance to endure don’t think that will be enough to sustain a sole superpower status. Those who envision the United States as the dominant military power of 2034 are just as likely to anticipate that the world will be multipolar in that year (73 percent) as those who do not believe US military dominance will last the decade (72 percent). And while those who foresee future US military dominance are more likely to also expect the United States to maintain its European, Asian, and Middle Eastern security alliances and partnerships, it’s important to keep in mind that sustaining those alliances and partnerships also requires the kind of US diplomatic clout that respondents are less sanguine about going forward.

With these dynamics at play in the coming decade, will Europe turn all the talk about “strategic autonomy” into action by taking more responsibility for its own security? Only 31 percent of respondents believe that the continent will have achieved “strategic autonomy” by 2034. Even Europeans themselves are largely split: Forty percent think they will have such autonomy but 36 percent disagree. Among non-European respondents, half don’t see it happening while only 29 percent do.

The overall survey data also reflects mostly US perspectives. Sorting respondents by country of citizenship reveals more diverse views on the nature and longevity of US power. For example, while respondents from Latin America and the Caribbean are slightly more likely than respondents overall to expect US military dominance to remain in 2034, they are far less likely than other survey takers to say the same about US power in other domains.

A startling 30 percent of Latin American respondents also predict that the United States will break up internally in the coming decade for reasons such as revolution, civil war, or political disintegration (compared with 9 percent among other respondents).

That speaks to a broader potential vulnerability for the United States over the coming decade that doesn’t fit neatly into a single category of power: its domestic political divisions and challenges. Nearly 12 percent of respondents overall expect the United States to break up by 2034—a much lower percentage than those who thought the same about Russia, as noted above, but a higher percentage than those who said the same about other powers such as China (7 percent) and India (6 percent). Around 5 percent of respondents identified the United States as the country that is not currently a failed state but is most likely to become one within the next ten years—fewer than those who pointed to Russia (11 percent) and Pakistan (8 percent), but roughly on par with the percentage of respondents who cited Afghanistan, Argentina, and Lebanon. Only small minorities are expressing these views, but they are nevertheless worth heeding.

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5. Respondents have low confidence in the United Nations

While many respondents expect the world in ten years to be multipolar, they also foresee challenges with the international organizations that could mediate among competing centers of power. The multilateral institutions established after World War II—the United Nations (UN), the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), among others—were designed in part as places for rival powers to hash out their differences without resort to military force. The experts we surveyed, however, don’t expect these institutions to be fully capable of playing this role over the coming decade.

The most striking lack of confidence is in the United Nations. A mere 2 percent of respondents say that by 2034 the organization as a whole will be entirely capable of solving the challenges core to its mission, with a further 23 percent stating that it will be somewhat capable of doing so. As for the UN Security Council, nobody—literally zero respondents—believes that it will be entirely capable, and just 17 percent expect it will be somewhat so. This contrasts with 68 percent who think that the Security Council will display varying degrees of incapacity.

This lack of confidence holds across survey demographics. What seems to set apart those with at least some confidence in the Security Council is a conviction that it will reform itself: Seventy-six percent of those who think that the Security Council will be somewhat capable of executing on its mission in 2034 also believe that at least one new permanent member will be added to the body within the next ten years (the most likely candidates: India, Germany, and Japan). Among those who say the Security Council will be incapable of carrying out its functions, only 53 percent think at least one new permanent seat will be added.

The United Nations is just the clearest example of muted faith in multilateral institutions. Very few respondents expect any of the major international bodies we asked about to be entirely capable of doing their jobs. Nevertheless, over half of the experts we surveyed believe that the IMF, World Bank, and Group of Seven (G7) will be at least somewhat capable of doing so. Even this confidence, though, may reflect the largely Western perspective of our survey pool rather than a wider global consensus. Only 36 percent of respondents from Latin America think that by 2034 the IMF will be at least somewhat capable of addressing challenges central to its mission, and just 35 percent say the same of the G7.

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6. The next nuclear age will be an ungoverned one—with more weapons, fewer guardrails, and the resurgent threat of nuclear terrorism

We appear to be entering a third nuclear age following those that occurred during the Cold War and post-Cold War periods. And a lack of international governance is likely to be one of the new nuclear age’s defining features, as geopolitical competition intensifies and nuclear arms-control treaties unravel. What happens when the guardrails for limiting the buildup, spread, and use of nuclear weapons are removed?


of experts believe at least one currently non-nuclear state will obtain nuclear weapons by 2034.

A huge majority of respondents foresees proliferation: Eighty-four percent say that at least one currently non-nuclear state will obtain these weapons by 2034. The most likely country, cited by 73 percent of experts, is Iran, but considerable numbers also expect Saudi Arabia (40 percent), South Korea (25 percent), and Japan (19 percent) to join the nuclear club. These numbers are similar to the results from last year’s survey, but one difference is worrying. In the survey conducted at the end of 2022, on average respondents thought that 1.4 new actors would have nuclear weapons within a decade. This has now risen to 1.7. Though this may seem like a small increase, it suggests that compared with 2022, experts now believe nuclear weapons will spread more quickly—about 21 percent more quickly, in fact.

When asked about which actors they expect to actually use a nuclear weapon within the next ten years, 20 percent of our experts said a terrorist group—up from just 3 percent last year. In this year’s survey we included terrorist groups explicitly among our multiple-choice options whereas in last year’s we included a more general “other state or a non-state actor” option, which may account for some of the year-over-year difference. But the fact that one in five respondents is forecasting such an alarming scenario is still noteworthy and concerning. Around 14 percent of respondents expect Russia to use a nuclear weapon by 2024, while roughly 15 percent forecast that North Korea will do so. But on a more positive note: More than 60 percent of respondents believe nuclear weapons won’t be used over the coming decade.

Even if international institutions were capable of restraining nuclear proliferation, our respondents see little demand for them to do so. Only 3 percent think that the greatest expansion of global cooperation over the next ten years will occur in the realm of nuclear nonproliferation.

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7. Neither Russia nor Ukraine is likely to achieve all its war aims, but many see a future for Ukraine in the European Union and NATO

Among Ukraine’s primary objectives in its war with Russia is to retake the territory in the eastern part of the country and the Crimean peninsula that Russia seized during its first incursion into the country in 2014 and second invasion in 2022. While only 12 percent of survey respondents expect Ukraine to regain control of its pre-2014 territory by 2034, just under half (48 percent) anticipate that it will reassert authority over the Ukrainian territory it held prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022.

As for Putin’s effort to subjugate Ukraine, the long-term outlook for Moscow doesn’t look good: A mere 6 percent of respondents think that Ukraine will end up dependent on Russia or otherwise in its orbit by 2034.

Ukraine’s goals also include joining NATO and the European Union as a means of integrating with the West and ensuring its future security. A slight majority of respondents (54 percent) expect to see Ukraine in the European Union in the next ten years—a process, in fact, that Kyiv and Brussels have already set in motion (though plenty of hurdles remain). Forty-four percent also anticipate that Ukraine will have joined NATO during this period, with this prospect likely to be debated at the Alliance’s upcoming summit in Washington, DC this summer. These expectations overlap with views about Ukraine’s future independence and territory in perhaps predictable ways. For example, among respondents who believe that Ukraine will be a sovereign, independent state a decade from now, 64 percent say that Ukraine will also be an EU member by that time, compared with 40 percent for other respondents.

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8. Climate change is the greatest threat to global prosperity—and a decline in emissions could still be far off

The single biggest threat to global prosperity over the coming decade is climate change, according to a plurality of respondents, with 37 percent selecting it as their main concern—significantly ahead of war between major powers (25 percent), the second-most-cited option. Climate change is also by far the most frequently cited field in which respondents expect the greatest expansion of global cooperation over the next ten years (49 percent), well ahead of technology governance and public health as the next-most-identified areas at roughly 14 percent each. Notably, when we asked this question in 2022 a significantly higher 25 percent of respondents picked public health. As the COVID-19 pandemic recedes, the priority placed on this domain may be lessening even though the risk of more pandemics, which climate change may exacerbate, hasn’t diminished.

Views on risk and response are connected. Those who see climate change as a more serious threat expect more growth in international collaboration to counteract it, with 63 percent of them identifying the issue as the one that will generate the greatest increase in global cooperation; the inverse is also true. In one interesting wrinkle in the data, respondents who work in the private sector, which will have to create or commercialize the technology needed to mitigate climate change, seem less concerned about the potential impact of climate change on global prosperity: Only 23 percent identify it as the top risk, relative to 32 percent who point to a major-power war.

The relative optimism about countries’ ability to work together to address climate change is tempered by relative pessimism about how much that cooperation will achieve in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Fifty-three percent of respondents do not believe that global greenhouse gas emissions will have peaked and begun to decline by 2034, compared with 44 percent who think they will. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says global greenhouse gas emissions need to peak before 2025 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. The later emissions peak, the more sharply they will need to fall if countries want to meet targets set in the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit warming to 2 degrees Celsius. Perhaps in recognition of these considerations, more than half of respondents think that by 2034 humans will have begun deliberate, large-scale geoengineering of the planet to reduce the impacts of climate change or achieve other goals.

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9. As social media continues its descent into toxicity, the AI age is dawning (with those under fifty markedly more concerned)

Here’s the big picture on our findings regarding technology: Respondents overall have a very negative view of social media and a somewhat positive view of artificial intelligence (AI). But zoom in and the picture gets more complicated.

The wariness of social media that experts expressed in last year’s survey is as widespread as ever: This year, eight in ten respondents (81 percent) say that social media will, on balance, have a negative impact on global affairs over the coming ten years.

As for AI, despite a year of high-profile speculation about today’s helpful chatbot becoming tomorrow’s superintelligent force beyond human control, respondents feel reasonably good. Fifty-one percent believe that AI will have a somewhat or very positive effect on global affairs in the next decade, relative to 38 percent who say the opposite.

Behind these numbers, however, are notable disagreements on AI within demographic groups. Men, for example, are more likely to envision AI having a positive impact (53 percent positive versus 36 percent negative), with women evenly split (44 percent for both positive and negative). Those who work in the private sector are much more positive about AI; all other respondents from employment groups with sufficient replies to analyze are negative or roughly evenly split.

More striking is the division between age groups, with the watershed at around fifty years old. Fifty-six percent of those over fifty forecast AI having good effects and 33 percent bad ones. The figures are almost exactly the reverse among those under fifty: Thirty-nine percent of younger respondents expect AI to have good effects over the next decade, while 52 percent expect bad effects.

Twenty-four percent of respondents under fifty also say that technology governance will be the area that experiences the greatest expansion of global cooperation over the next decade, underscoring the greater degree of concern among younger generations. Among older respondents, this figure drops to just 9 percent.

Why might this gap in perceptions between age groups exist? It’s not clear from the data, but it’s possible that digital natives are more able to see the dangers of new technology. Or perhaps since younger people tend to be at lower levels of seniority in the workplace, they may be more worried about automation jeopardizing their own employment opportunities.

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10. Experts are decidedly pessimistic about the decade ahead—no matter their age, gender, or country of citizenship

This year, for the first time, we posed a question that we hope to now ask on an annual basis as a means of tracking sentiment on the global outlook: “Generally speaking, do you think the world a decade from now will be better off or worse off than it is today?” Our baseline results reveal a pool of expert respondents who are more concerned than hopeful: Sixty percent say the world will be worse off while 40 percent expect it to be better off. This ratio is surprisingly widespread, with no statistically significant difference discernible when sorting the sample by gender, age, country of citizenship, or field of employment.

It’s a sobering assessment—and an indicator we’ll plan to monitor year after year to better understand which way the world is tending.

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Aylward was an editor at War on the Rocks and Army AL&T before joining the Council. She was previously a junior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Engelke is on the adjunct faculty at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies and is a frequent lecturer to the US Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute. He was previously an executive-in-residence at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, a Bosch fellow with the Robert Bosch Foundation in Stuttgart, Germany, and a visiting fellow at the Stimson Center in Washington, DC.
Friedman is also a contributing writer at The Atlantic, where he writes a regular column on international affairs. He was previously a senior staff writer at The Atlantic covering national security and global affairs, the editor of The Atlantic’s Global section, and the deputy managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine.
Kielstra is a freelance author who has published extensively in fields including business analysis, healthcare, energy policy, fraud control, international trade, and international relations. His work regularly includes the drafting and analysis of large surveys, along with desk research, expert interviews, and scenario building. His clients have included the Atlantic Council, the Economist Group, the Financial Times Group, the World Health Organization, and Kroll. Kielstra holds a doctorate in modern history from the University of Oxford, a graduate diploma in economics from the London School of Economics, and a bachelor of arts from the University of Toronto. He is also a published historian.

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Jan 12, 2024

The Global Foresight 2024 survey: Full results

In the fall of 2023, the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security surveyed the future, asking leading global strategists and foresight practitioners around the world to answer our most burning questions about the biggest drivers of change over the next ten years. Here are the full results. 

China Climate Change & Climate Action

The post Welcome to 2034: What the world could look like in ten years, according to nearly 300 experts   appeared first on Atlantic Council.

The Global Foresight 2024 survey: Full results Fri, 12 Jan 2024 10:00:00 +0000 In the fall of 2023, the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security surveyed the future, asking leading global strategists and foresight practitioners around the world to answer our most burning questions about the biggest drivers of change over the next ten years. Here are the full results. 

The post The Global Foresight 2024 survey: Full results appeared first on Atlantic Council.


The Global Foresight 2024 survey

Full results

Demographic data

Survey questions

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Jan 12, 2024

Welcome to 2034: What the world could look like in ten years, according to nearly 300 experts  

To survey the future, we polled global strategists and foresight practitioners on our most burning questions about the biggest drivers of change over the next decade. Check out their forecasts on everything from the likelihood of war over Taiwan to the future of AI.

China Climate Change & Climate Action

The post The Global Foresight 2024 survey: Full results appeared first on Atlantic Council.

The future of clean energy in the Americas Wed, 20 Dec 2023 14:00:00 +0000 LAC countries are facing major challenges in their ability to develop renewable energy projects, expand low-emission energy systems, and fill existing technical and financing gaps that hinder regional energy security. A key takeaway to come out of the Summit Implementation Roundtable was that the US-Caribbean Partnership to Address the Climate Crisis 2030 (PACC 2030) has the potential to advance clean energy goals in the Caribbean and become a blueprint to address similar challenges in Latin America.

The post The future of clean energy in the Americas appeared first on Atlantic Council.

The second of a six-part series following up on the IX Summit of the Americas commitments.

A report by the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center in partnership with the US Department of State. This readout was informed by multi-stakeholder dialogues focused on facilitating greater, constructive exchange among multi-sectoral thought leaders and government leaders as they work to implement Summit commitments.

Executive summary

The main challenges that Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries are facing include infrastructure issues (weak and insufficient transmission lines), and limited uptake of new solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind technologies. Despite these challenges, LAC is on track to capitalize on emerging clean energy technologies, including production and export of green hydrogen (GH2), as well as play a role in supplying the global energy system with critical minerals needed for the energy transition, such as lithium and copper.

LAC countries are facing major challenges in their ability to develop renewable energy projects, expand low-emission energy systems, and fill existing technical and financing gaps that hinder regional energy security. A key takeaway to come out of the Summit Implementation Roundtable was that the US-Caribbean Partnership to Address the Climate Crisis 2030 (PACC 2030) has the potential to advance clean energy goals in the Caribbean and become a blueprint to address similar challenges in Latin America.

Recommendations for advancing the clean energy sector in the Americas:

1. Addressing technical assistance challenges to move projects through the development pipeline:

  • Take stock of grid technologies and size prior to developing an energy transition plan and assess national and regional capacity to support initial project
  • Expand US energy-based cooperation programs, like PACC 2030, to support LAC prioritization of reaching renewable energy targets and modernize grid systems.
  • Develop skillset and blended capital to move projects through the development pipeline and to the Final Investment Decision.

2. Expanding power generation:

  • Explore opportunities in LAC to increase scale of projects by aggregating them within a group of countries, particularly in the Caribbean.
  • Frame the clean energy transition as a form of climate adaptation to open new areas of financing for “green” projects and accelerate clean energy power generation.
  • Expand the focus of microgrids at critical facilities (health centers, schools, and government- operated buildings) as they can ensure reliable energy supply during and after natural disasters.

3. Fostering LAC’s role in the global energy system:

  • Drive utility scale, energy storage and battery production for EVs. LAC remains the leader of production of copper and holds more than 60 percent of all lithium reserves globally. GH2 production is expected to increase over the next decade and if the appropriate transport infrastructure is developed, the region can be a leader in exports to Europe.
  • Develop new low-cost financing instruments for clean energy projects, market creation to maximize benefits from GH2 exports, and expand capacity building and trainings to fill future skills gaps within emerging clean energy technologies in LAC countries and its private sector, making energy systems competitive globally.
  • Encourage transatlantic cooperation to support LAC countries benefiting by new regulatory changes derived from emerging industrial policies in the global north such as the Inflation Reduction Act and the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.

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The takeaway from COP28: Gas and nuclear are part of the energy transition Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:58:08 +0000 The concept of a “transition” in the energy transition is too often lost: specifically, the idea that it will extend over time and require overlap.

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Standing at the epicenter of the United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai, also known as COP28, it was clear that this year’s event was qualitatively different from previous ones. What started in Berlin in 1995—convened by Angela Merkel, then the German environmental minister, as a private meeting of experts seeking to draw the attention of leaders and the media to the increase in global average temperatures—has become a prominent and massive gathering. Over the course of two weeks, more than 150 heads of state and government walked the halls of Expo City Dubai, compared to 112 who attended COP27 last year in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. There were also reportedly more than 90,000 participants at COP28, compared to less than 50,000 at COP27.

With the increase in size, COP’s center of gravity shifted away from the formal management structure of the convention. Instead, the focus was on disparate and scattered initiatives in which nonstate actors—including from the private sector—play a prominent role. There are several ways to interpret this conference: a holy pilgrimage for those who are devoutly green, a new Davos attended by executives of the same corporate giants who frequent the World Economic Forum gathering in Switzerland, a photocall of politicians from around the world, a theater with armies of lobbyists, a mix of consultants and media. “Inclusion” was an oft-repeated theme this year. And although it may seem provocative, the meeting’s most notable decision may have been to include the oil and gas sector, which had been previously sidelined—a decision that spotlighted a larger confrontation at COP28 between ideology and pragmatism.

A new energy era

Strategic ambitions have historically revolved around energy, a substantive battle in international relations. The nineteenth century can be understood as the era of coal, driving the development of the manufacturing industry and rail transportation. World War I marked the beginning of the era of oil. (Controversy surrounded Winston Churchill’s decision, as the civilian head of the British Royal Navy, to switch the fleet to this fuel in 1913.) The current century will witness an “energy transition” intended to move the world toward a sustainable future. However, as “green” ideologies have come to dominate public discourse, the concept of a “transition” is too often lost: specifically, the idea that it will extend over time and require overlap. Countries must invest in renewables while continuing to rely on fossil fuels, which currently represent around 80 percent of the global energy mix (a figure that has stubbornly persisted since the world began to monitor the consequences of anthropogenic greenhouse gases).

The expectation of continued growth in demand through 2050 further complicates the global trilemma—ensuring a reliable energy supply at an affordable price while also accounting for the environmental dimension. Considering today’s technological framework, any solution to the equation likely involves replacing coal with gas—along with the return of nuclear—which is the most effective way to reduce emissions in situations where alternative sources are not conducive. Provided, of course, that “inclusive” and “equitable” are not just formulaic terms, and that “leaving no one behind” is more than a stylistic clause. In other words, Europe and other wealthy countries can afford to do away with coal or nuclear, or even to bet completely on renewables. But in the rest of the world, if a choice needs to be made between prosperity and the environment, the former will likely win out.

Today there is growing awareness of the urgency of the climate crisis. Far from being a technical dialogue among scholars, the climate conversation has permeated society; ordinary citizens around the world feel involved. Education has become not only positive but essential. Given that development, it is necessary to review the messages being sent; to reconsider the apparent dichotomy between renewable energies (presented as unquestionably good) and coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear. These have been collectively condemned without considering their different contributions to what should be our only goal: combating the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The challenge ahead

The historic language enshrined in the final—although nonbinding—deal of the summit urging countries toward “transitioning away from fossil fuels” reflects a collective commitment to the energy transition that is taking shape. At the same time, there was progress in efforts to align hydrocarbons, and particularly gas, with sustainability goals, in recognition of their continued importance. Two initiatives stand out: a push to abate methane emissions, in particular from venting, flaring, and leaks; and a sharpening focus on the capture, storage, and eventual use of carbon dioxide throughout the gas value chain, starting with extraction. 

Equally transformative is the return of interest in nuclear power, following a long period of rejection that occurred despite it being one of the most efficient and reliable energy sources (even with the challenge of waste from current reactors). The deal reached two weeks ago has opened a horizon that, a year ago, would have been unimaginable: Twenty-two countries have committed to tripling their nuclear capacity by 2050. US climate envoy John Kerry has even emphasized that the world cannot achieve net zero by 2050 without some nuclear energy.

An initiative announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is also worth mentioning: More than a hundred countries have joined the Global Commitment on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. It sets two goals: tripling installed renewable capacity and doubling the rate of improvements in energy efficiency, both by 2030. This effort must be accompanied by widespread electrification, a transformation that will require the rare earths and other critical minerals that have become indispensable in new energy technologies. Their concentration in certain areas presents a series of challenges, as does the almost monopolistic control of China over their extraction and processing. Currently, there is an effort to replace these minerals with more common, more abundant elements—although the necessary technology is still being developed.

The challenge coming out of COP28 is to consolidate a pragmatic vision, a global objective that values all three components of the energy trilemma. The vision must take into account the heightened energy demand that will accompany the global population growth expected in the next thirty years—an anticipated increase of two billion people—and must understand that for now fossil fuels inevitably will continue to play a significant role in meeting that demand.

The most pressing challenges of our century are clear: The world needs to multiply installed renewable capacity and advance electrification, along with its corollary of a constant supply of necessary critical minerals and rare earths. What’s also needed are efforts to develop a natural gas that is increasingly less polluting. And finally, nuclear skeptics need to make peace with nuclear energy.

A version of this article originally appeared in El Mundo. It has been translated from Spanish by the staff of Palacio y Asociados and is reprinted here with the author’s and publisher’s permission.

Ana Palacio is a former minister of foreign affairs of Spain and former senior vice president and general counsel of the World Bank Group. She is also a visiting professor at the Edmund E. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and a member of the Atlantic Council’s Board of Directors.

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COP28’s legacy will be measured by emissions reduction, not ‘historic’ text Fri, 15 Dec 2023 16:33:59 +0000 The COP28 final declaration is transformational in its reflections on fossil energy's role in climate change. The conference's real legacy, however, will be the efforts undertaken to foster the inclusive platform necessary to promote private and public actions and reduce global emissions.

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The final declaration from COP28, “the UAE Consensus,” is transformational in its reflections on fossil energy’s role in contributing to climate change, but with time this climate conference won’t simply be remembered for “landmark” text. If all goes to plan, the COP28 Presidency’s efforts to foster an inclusive platform for promoting private and public actions that reduce global emissions will be its legacy.

The “success” of COP28 was never going to be measured by unrealistic expectations around “phasing out” fossil fuels—a benchmark promoted by the European Union and small island nations severely at risk of global temperature rise. Despite over $3.5 trillion in financing for renewable energy over the past decade, oil, gas, and coal remain stubbornly anchored in the global energy mix, representing around 80 percent of energy consumed. The high reliance on conventional energy resources for their economic growth and political stability unequivocally placed China, India, and Saudi Arabia at the vanguard of a block of countries opposed to  any negotiated outcomes at COP28 that locked in a “phaseout” or “phasedown” of specific energy sources.


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Behind the scenes, however, the feverish and ultimately successful push for a diplomatic compromise temporarily overshadowed what COP28 has already accomplished—a global reduction in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 of around 4 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent. This achievement is the product of around 130 countries signing up to triple global renewable power capacity by 2030 and double the annual rate of energy efficiency improvements every year to 2030, coupled with commitments by the oil and gas industry to zero-out methane emissions and eliminate routine flaring.

Admittedly, the potential emissions reductions achieved during COP28 fall short of the ambitions outlined in the Paris Agreement (the International Energy Agency assesses commitments at COP28 represent 30 percent of what is necessary to “keep 1.5 alive”), but the fabric of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change process has been permanently altered. Attendance at the conference exploded, growing to nearly 100,000 at COP28—a far cry from the approximately 4,000 participants in 1995 during the first COP and a more than threefold increase since the Paris Agreement was reached in 2015. The vibrant business environment in Dubai represented a growing subtext to the formal climate negotiations and, while met with mixed reviews, the inclusion of industry hints at the fact that the economics of the energy transition are beginning to catch up to policy.   

As one senior European official expressed to me, COP is the “new Davos” for the energy transition. It took only one lap around Expo City Dubai, the venue for COP28, to confirm her intuition. COP28 was brimming with C-suite executives, technologists, financiers, and project developers—those who will have to deploy an estimated $150 trillion necessary to achieve the 1.5 degree Celsius goal by 2050 and whose support is critical in overcoming the infrastructure, regulatory, and workforce challenges inhibiting an accelerated energy transition.

The inclusivity on display at COP28 marks the beginning of a new phase for climate action. Industry has the resources, finance, and technical prowess to realize the ambitions set out by policymakers. By acclimating the private sector to civil society’s expectations for transforming our energy system, a new social license to operate is beginning to form.

There is little doubt that, like the UAE, President Ilham Aliyev will welcome industry to the conference when Azerbaijan hosts COP29 next year. The onus is on businesses to demonstrate their sincerity about addressing global emissions, starting by matching their commitments with investments and projects that signal they belong at the heart of global climate dialogue.

It took twenty-one COPs for countries to universally commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and twenty-eight to bring along industry. My suspicion is that between now and when COP35 is hosted in 2030 we’ll make progress in closing that gap, starting next year in Baku.

Landon Derentz is the senior director and Richard Morningstar chair for global energy security of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

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The final report card for COP28 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 23:07:43 +0000 Atlantic Council experts who were on the ground in Dubai share their insights on the agreement and the road ahead.

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After fourteen days in the desert, it ended with a “beginning.” On Wednesday, the 2023 United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai, also known as COP28, concluded with nearly two hundred countries agreeing to “transition” away from fossil fuels. UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell called the decision the “beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era. But the agreement text was only one of many outcomes from the conference, including the activation of the loss and damage fund and pledges to abate methane emissions and triple renewable energy. Below, Atlantic Council experts who were on the ground in Dubai share their insights on the agreement and the road ahead.


  • Jorge Gastelumendi (@Gasteluj): Director of global policy at the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center and former climate negotiator for the government of Peru
  • Landon Derentz (@Landon_Derentz): Senior director of the Global Energy Center and former director for energy on the US National Security Council

No ‘phase-down’ or ‘phaseout’

  • The compromise agreement to transition away from fossil fuels was “commendable,” Jorge tells us, but the lack of a timeline for attaining this goal “puts the world at risk of crossing the 1.5 °C warming threshold, significantly increasing the risks and impacts of climate change.”
  • At the same time, “the ‘success’ of COP28 was never going to be measured by unrealistic expectations around phasing out fossil fuels,” says Landon.
  • Among the opponents of “phaseout” language were African nations. Aubrey points out that this is because they “need to be able to harness their fossil fuel resources, namely natural gas, in order to provide electricity to the six hundred million” people on the continent who lack reliable access.
  • But for others, the compromise was a deep disappointment. The decision “evoked widespread frustration, notably among the small island developing states, indigenous communities, and climate activists,” Racha says.

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 Big wins

  • The compromise over fossil fuel use overshadowed what COP28 had already accomplished, says Landon: pledges on renewable energy capacity expansion, energy efficiency, and methane reduction that add up to “a global reduction in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 of around four gigatons of CO2 equivalent.”
  • And in a larger sense, Landon adds, the cooperation of governments and businesses means that “the fabric” of these conferences “has been permanently altered.” A senior European official attending the conference told Landon that “COP is the ‘new Davos’ for the energy transition.”
  • That spirit came in the increased climate commitments from industry. “We have seen at COP28 an unprecedented participation of the private sector not only in numbers but also in real leadership,” Jorge tells us, “taking on actions and measurable commitments in the energy, insurance, and banking sectors, among many others.”

Room for improvement

  • But the agreement lacks quantifiable targets or substantial financial aid for adaptation, says Jorge, meaning it falls short of the “pivotal moment we need as a global community to bring climate adaptation from being a second-tier priority in the climate process” to being prioritized equally with mitigation.
  • Protests throughout the conference, including that of twelve-year-old Indian climate activist Licypriya Kangujam, “highlighted concerns about the influence of oil businesses on climate equity and resilience,” and encapsulated “the perspective of the upcoming generation from the Global South regarding the outcomes of this COP,” writes Racha.
  • Zooming out, the goal now for governments, activists, and industry should be to make sure that these promises don’t end up as just hot air. “Global meetings alone do little to change the economic and climate realities on the ground in African countries,” Aubrey tells us. “Pledges must become reality.”

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The private sector’s role in the climate crisis Sat, 09 Dec 2023 19:00:00 +0000 This year’s sharply increased level of private-sector engagement could be the game changer to address challenges beyond the capacity of governments alone.

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DUBAI—There are different theories about how this city, the most populous in the United Arab Emirates, got its name. My favorite is that it came from an Arab proverb that says “Daba Dubai,” meaning, “They came with a lot of money.”

Dubai was established in the eighteenth century as a fishing village, where a good living could be made from trade and pearl diving. By the time the COP28 climate conference kicked off here, it had become one of the world’s richest cities, with the world’s tallest building and more five-star hotels than any city except London, the result of oil revenue, tourism, real estate, and sovereign investment.

Dubai was host to climate action over the past week, gathering almost one hundred thousand people from nearly two hundred countries. The public and private sectors drew closer than ever before to a consensus that addressing the perils of a warming planet was both a matter of urgency and business opportunity.

That does not fix the problem, but there is no solution without vast amounts of private-sector financing and investments in climate solutions from renewables to nuclear energy, and from decarbonization to green tech.

Many climate activists opposed opening the doors to industry, particularly those producing fossil fuels, but the result has been a flurry of unprecedented agreements that, if executed and sustained, have the potential for tens of billions of new dollars to address the climate crisis.

For example, there is the $700 million in loss and damage support for the Global South. There is also the $30 billion  “Alterra” fund, launched by the United Arab Emirates—and with private-sector giants Blackrock, Brookfield, and TPG—whose aim is to generate $250 billion of capital by 2030 for climate investments in the Global South.

Some fifty oil and gas companies, including Saudi Aramco and twenty-nine national oil companies, agreed to reduce their emissions to zero by 2050 and to reduce methane emissions to zero by 2030. At other points of the convening, countries joined together in agreeing to triple renewables, also by 2030, and to triple emissions-free nuclear energy by 2050. Achieving both goals will require the participation of the private sector.

Negotiators are squabbling over the text of the final COP28 agreement. Politico reports that a draft it has seen has expanded to twenty-seven pages and includes five different options on how to manage disputes over “phasing down” or “phasing out” fossil fuels. The battle could get ugly before the conference closes on Tuesday.

Whatever the outcome, veterans of the UN climate process believe this year’s sharply increased level of private-sector engagement could be the game changer to address challenges beyond the capacity of governments alone. Says Jorge Gastelumendi, a veteran of sixteen COPs who runs the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center: “After twenty-eight COPs, we have finally seen the private sector arrive in the climate space with full force and commitment. Without them, we will not be able to solve the climate crisis.”

Frederick Kempe is president and chief executive officer of the Atlantic Council. You can follow him on Twitter @FredKempe.

This edition is part of Frederick Kempe’s Inflection Points Today newsletter, a column of quick-hit insights on a world in transition. To receive this newsletter throughout the week, sign up here.

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An introduction to regional perspectives on climate change: Gulf Cooperation Council and Turkey Fri, 08 Dec 2023 17:00:00 +0000 Turkey and the GCC needs to build on the momentum of growing economic ties to bring collective gains in energy transition.

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This is part of an essay series on the mutual challenges posed by climate change and opportunities presented by the energy transition that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Turkey share. 

The world is at a critical juncture to address climate change. In accordance with Goal 13 of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, the 2015 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP21 summit in Paris set a cornerstone agreement in the global energy revolution, bringing 175 countries into a common cause to curb net carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions and limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius (°C).

This year, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has the honor of hosting the COP28 summit and welcoming around two hundred nationalities to address today’s most important global challenge. To avert the worst impacts of climate change and preserve a livable planet, greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions need to be reduced by 45 percent by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. COP28 may be the last opportunity to turn national commitments into action and avoid risks of abrupt, unpredictable, and potentially irreversible changes in our habitat.

COP28’s success hinges on delivering stronger commitments to curb carbon emissions, expanding financial help to manage the green transition, and developing multilateral approaches on regional climate governance in the Middle East. However, observable exchanges between regions seldom happen; each country follows its own climate policies instead of creating much-needed cooperation. If current trends continue, many parts of the Middle East could become uninhabitable in this century. This report aims to break these silos and build on the momentum of growing economic ties between Turkey and the GCC that would bring collective gains in energy transition.

Achieving net-zero emissions requires all governments, especially the major emitters, to significantly enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and take immediate, bold actions to reduce emissions. At a global level, the energy industry is the source of approximately 75 percent of GHG emissions and plays a crucial role in preventing the severe impacts of climate change.

Shifting away from coal, gas, and oil-based power and toward renewable sources such as wind or solar energy could significantly decrease carbon emissions. Despite the worldwide move toward cleaner energy, the Middle East is falling behind in its efforts to achieve net-zero emissions goals. Accelerating energy transition toward zero-carbon solutions is the key to building a more sustainable future in the region.

Technology diffusion is occurring at an unprecedented rate. Globalization helped to accelerate adoption of renewable-energy technologies at levels far higher than those of just ten years ago. The cost of solar power is now cheaper by 90 percent, and wind power by 60 percent. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that 60 percent of energy investments globally in the next fifteen years will be in clean-energy sources. Annual clean-energy investment has risen at double the rate of investment in fossil fuels during 2021–2023. Although more than 90 percent of the increase in clean-energy investment has taken place in developed countries and China, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Turkey are among the few bright spots in the Global South that placed special emphasis on renewables adoption.

Over time, the GCC countries demonstrated that it is economically, environmentally, and socially beneficial to invest in clean energy and other carbon-mitigation strategies, while Turkey fostered environmentally friendly, innovative policies to decarbonize energy through market liberalization, public-private partnerships, technology transfer, and financial assistance for green investments. Turkey and the GCC share significant opportunities for synergy in the adoption of clean energy, owing to their differences in energy resources and comparative advantages.

The GCC countries, with their vast financial capital, can invest in Turkey’s clean-energy projects. These investments can support the development of renewable infrastructure and technologies, fostering collaboration between the regions, while also diversifying the GCC’s portfolio of investments abroad. Turkey can share its technology know-how, adaptation roadmap, and energy-efficiency mechanisms with the GCC to advance the mutually beneficial partnership.

As TRENDS Research & Advisory and the Atlantic Council, it is our distinct pleasure to present this joint publication exploring prospects for deepening cooperation between Turkey and the GCC countries in pursuit of the clean-energy transition. This timely joint report delivers four articles from renowned experts in climate change, energy transition, and geopolitics of energy security that shed light on the most pressing challenges of our time.

In Cooperation in Energy Transition between the GCC and Turkey, Mouza Almarzooqi discusses how dedicating financial resources and efforts toward energy-efficient projects would lead to the adoption of carbon-free and green industries and infrastructure projects. In Turkish Energy Transition 3.0: Go Together!, Eser Özdil takes readers through a journey on Turkey’s energy transition and its approach to developing international cooperation in renewable investments. In Synergy Between Electric Mobility and Renewable Energy: Turkey’s Connection with GCC Nations, Melek Öztürk explores ambitious environmental targets set by Turkey and the GCC nations, and how they focus on renewable energy, electric vehicles (EV), and innovative technologies to drive sustainable practices. In Complementary Transitions: Turkey, GCC, and the Energy of Tomorrow, Karim Elgendy explores how Turkey and GCC countries can combine their unique expertise and resources to unlock greater energy security and sustainability for both regions.

We wish you enjoyable, enlightening reading!

Dr. Serhat S. Çubukçuoğlu

Senior Fellow in Strategic Studies

Trends Research & Advisory

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Forging a collaborative energy transition between GCC and Turkey Fri, 08 Dec 2023 17:00:00 +0000 Turkey and the GCC cannot self-achieve energy transition. Nations need to plan how to join forces for diversifying energy sources and reducing carbon footprints in the region.

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This is part of an essay series on the mutual challenges posed by climate change and opportunities presented by the energy transition that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Turkey share. 

Recently, countries have reached a point at which energy transition coincides with climate goals, economic growth, national interests, and sustainability. In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, no country can self-achieve energy transition; thus, nations should plan on how to join forces for diversifying energy sources and reducing carbon footprints in the region. The prospects for cooperation for a sustainable future between the GCC and Turkey center on increasing adoption of renewable energy, offshore wind, solar energy, nuclear power, and clean hydrogen in agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation.

Cooperation in energy transition

The GCC countries and Turkey have a chance to cooperate in energy transition for a sustainable future by promoting international agreements based on mutual interests, as well as the principle of and belief in a just energy transition for all. Turkey has been an energy-dependent country and enjoys a constantly growing market. On the other hand, GCC economies have benefited from oil and gas exports for the past fifty years. There is an opportunity for these regional actors to work together, spearhead the region’s transition to clean energy, and make joint efforts toward meeting their climate goals. Nevertheless, each country in the region has unique challenges and opportunities. There is an opportunity to ensure an energy transition that is inclusive, responsive, flexible, rational, and digital. The aim here is for nations to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and combat the adverse effects of climate change. These countries understand and appreciate the importance of adopting renewable energy, and they can do that by coming together to invest in feasible, productive projects.

Climate change and agriculture are another opportunity for cooperation between the GCC and Turkey in terms of the energy transition. Notably, the UAE and Turkey have embarked on multiple recent collaborations to address climate change and foster environmental sustainability. In February 2022, the two nations signed multiple agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) aimed at promoting their cooperation and collaboration on climate and environmental issues. Such agreements demonstrate that the two nations have decided to work together to support the global transition to climate neutrality. Specifically, GCC countries and other actors should have a common vision of international cooperation in terms of sharing best practices in the energy transition and addressing their unique challenges to ensure a sustainable future. Cooperation can take many forms, one of which is a joint investment in research facilities and sharing scientific knowledge sources and collaborative projects that aim to improve existing technologies in the energy transition field. Also, promoting the exchange of experts and professionals that would enable knowledge-sharing and capacity building. Training programs can be established to facilitate the transfer of expertise with the focus on energy policy and efficiency.

Joint climate action in the GCC and Turkey

The Middle East is among the world’s most vulnerable regions to the accelerating impacts of human-caused climate change, due to effects ranging from heat waves to rising in sea levels and water scarcity. The Gulf nations face depleted freshwater resources within the next 50 years, while average temperatures are soaring at a rate that is two-to-seven times faster than the global average – it is no surprise that the region is home to 12 of the world’s 17 most “water stressed countries”. There is a huge opening for them to come together and adopt clean-energy sources that can signal a transition from fossil fuels to clean sources of energy.

Climate change has also adversely affected the countries’ economies and political stability. There is an enormous chance for the GCC, Turkey, and related actors to collaborate on future joint actions to address climate-change issues—including water and air pollution, sandstorms, and flooding—with the goal of preserving the nations’ economic stability and social resilience. Such countries should be driven by their strong commitment and goodwill toward ensuring economic diversification and phasing out of fossil fuels in order to ensure the preservation of stability and the attraction of foreign direct investment. For instance, Turkey and countries in the GCC—including the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, and Oman—have a chance to use cooperation on climate action and the energy transition as the chief drivers for regional reconciliation.

GCC nations and Turkey can pledge to work jointly to implement lucrative projects in renewable energy. For instance, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey recently signed a strategic partnership and framework agreement in the area of green and natural resources. The “Zero Waste Blue Project,” aimed at keeping gas and water resources free from waste, is an area of prospective cooperation in the Middle East. Furthermore, the Arab-China Business Conference that was conducted in Riyadh concluded that $10 billion should be used in the construction of energy-transition projects in the GCC such as electrification of transport. Additionally, leading Emirati corporations have invested in projects that benefit both the GCC and Turkey, with AED1.8 billion ($490 million) committed toward the energy transition. Other collaborations in the GCC to mitigate climate change and its adverse consequences should take place in the areas of transport, commerce, and manufacturing such as expansion of smart buildings and paperless trading through digitization. These initiatives, when explored, would lead to the construction of carbon-free airports and green railway stations powered by wind and solar energy, and car factories powered using green initiatives.

Looking ahead for a just and sustainable transition

The GCC and Turkey have the opportunity to come together and dedicate resources to diversify energy sources and transition from the use of fossil fuels to the use of clean energy. In the field of agriculture, the Middle East region should cooperate to mitigate adverse effects of climate change, such as droughts, sandstorms, and floods that affect the growth and maturity of food crops. Moreover, in the areas of green and renewable resources, these nations can commit to dedicating financial resources and efforts toward energy-efficient projects that would lead to the adoption of carbon-free and green industries and infrastructural projects.

Mouza Almarzooqi is the Head of Economic Studies section at TRENDS Research and Advisory

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Prospects for cooperation in energy transition for a sustainable future: GCC, Turkey, and regional perspectives Fri, 08 Dec 2023 17:00:00 +0000 An essay series exploring partnership between the GCC countries and Turkey to accelerate the energy transition and clean-energy deployment.

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The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Turkey share mutual challenges posed by climate change while, at the same time, possessing important synergies in the energy sector that deserve further exploration from policymakers and the private sector.

With the shared goals of reducing carbon emissions, ensuring energy security, and stimulating economic growth in perspective, TRENDS Research & Advisory and the Atlantic Council in Turkey are proud to present our joint publication on Prospects for Cooperation in Energy Transition for a Sustainable Future: GCC, Turkey, and Regional Perspectives. We hope this publication will contribute to the important discussion of the need for international and regional cooperation to accelerate the adoption of clean energy and address climate change. Our joint publication represents a starting point and roadmap for future cooperation.

Diversifying the energy mix through clean energy enhances energy security for both regions. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, the GCC and Turkey can shield themselves from geopolitical uncertainties and price fluctuations in the global oil and gas markets. By sharing knowledge and best practices, they can accelerate climate adaptation, making the transition more efficient and cost-effective. Collaboration in clean energy projects can also promote regional stability at this critical time of uncertainty by fostering economic ties and mutual interests.

The joint publication explores prospects for partnership between the GCC countries and Turkey to accelerate energy transition and clean-energy deployment. The goal is to diagnose the current state of renewables adoption in Turkey and the GCC, identify potential areas for cooperation in aligning their net-zero emissions targets, and produce a set of policy recommendations to accelerate the transition. The publication underscores the imperative of shared efforts, knowledge exchange, and sustainable initiatives to fortify regional stability and contribute to a resilient, low-carbon future.

May our joint efforts to address the challenges of climate change and foster clean-energy cooperation serve as a testament to the power of regional partnerships in shaping a more secure, resilient, and interconnected world.

Mohammed Abdullah Al-Ali
CEO, TRENDS Research and Advisory

Defne Arslan
Senior Director, Atlantic Council IN TURKEY & Turkey Programs, Atlantic Council


In cooperation with


The Atlantic Council in Turkey, which is in charge of the Turkey program, aims to promote and strengthen transatlantic engagement with the region by providing a high-level forum and pursuing programming to address the most important issues on energy, economics, security, and defense.

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Technology leaders warn that 2030 climate aims are at risk without accelerated support for innovation Fri, 08 Dec 2023 11:20:18 +0000 Global policymakers and leaders will have to act quickly to pave the way for innovation if they want any chance of meeting their lofty 2030 decarbonization goals.

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Global policymakers and leaders will have to act quickly to pave the way for innovation if they want any chance of meeting their lofty 2030 decarbonization goals, industry leaders warned on Thursday at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum in Dubai, which is currently hosting the United Nations climate change conference known as COP28.

“The stark contrast to me is that energy companies are actually here, and two COPs ago at Glasgow, there were CEOs of oil companies who were told they were not permitted to attend,” said HIF Global Executive Director Meg Gentle, adding that energy company executives’ voices are sorely needed in these conversations about fighting climate change.

“It’s getting better, but policymakers don’t really listen to industry leaders,” said Gentle, whose company makes synthetic fuels from renewable energy. “And they underestimate how long it takes to build these projects. We’re futzing around with getting things perfect, rather than getting things moving.”

That urgency was felt across the panel. Gentle was joined by Jon Mitchell, chief sustainability officer at Canadian energy company Suncor; Naser Al Hajri, deputy chief operating officer of Abu Dhabi-based Mubadala Energy; and Fareed Yasseen, climate envoy and advisor to the prime minister of the Republic of Iraq.

See more highlights below from their discussion, which was moderated by Cody Combs, future editor for the National.

Energy innovation at work

  • Gentle said that e-fuels, which are made from green fuel and recycled molecules of carbon dioxide, already have significant promise in addressing the climate challenge. While they are still more expensive than producing fossil fuels, they are chemically identical to what’s being put in car and jet fuel: “What we need to do is create the policy and the market mechanisms that can extend and accept e-fuels into the market and use it in existing infrastructure,” she said, describing it as a public policy and economic challenge more than a technological one.
  • In Chile, HIF Global is producing an e-methanol that can be used for the shipping sector and synthesized into gasoline. Chile can start reducing fossil fuel dependence by blending that e-methanol with other fuels, which adds only “a couple cents’ increase in the cost,” Gentle said, proving that the world can start creating “different market mechanisms where pricing can be spread over large markets.”
  • Mitchell said that Suncor has started taking more of a focus on the demand side of the energy technology equation. “We’re in a situation where we need significantly more energy with significantly less emissions. And so how are we going to do that?” Mitchell said. “Demand’s been a bit absent from the conversation. And I think we need to spend a little bit more time on that.”
  • There are numerous questions about whether noncombustible uses of fossil fuels and hydrocarbons can provide an alternative product mix for energy companies. Al Hajri gave the example of a geothermal project that Mubadala Energy recently conducted with Chevron to provide sustainable energy to a town in Indonesia. “All forms of energy will be required,” he said.
  • Yasseen argued that nuclear technology needs to get more attention. “We can’t have just one arrow in our quiver. We really have to broaden what we do,” he said. “There are significant developments that make nuclear reasonable and achievable and safe within our lifetimes,” he added. Those developments include novel ways to yield nuclear ashes with one hundred-year lifetimes instead of one thousand-year ones, making it possible to solve the challenge of nuclear waste, and fusion advances that have made commercial solutions a possibility by 2035 or 2040.

Changing the clean energy conversation

  • Many on the panel observed a marked shift in the conversations at COP28 compared to past years. “For years we’ve been pushing a rock up a hill trying to get people to understand, notice, pay attention to this issue,” Mitchell said. “It feels to me like we’ve crested that hill. The rock is now rolling down the other side, and now we have to harness the momentum on where we want to take it,” he said, noting that there were almost one hundred thousand people in attendance this year, more than double last year’s attendance. “I think COP28 can do, for the energy sector, what Glasgow did for the financial sector,” he said.
  • In order to reach 2030 sustainable development goals, the multi-year projects required to build novel energy technology facilities need to get started now, Naser argued. “In my industry, it can take five, six, seven years sometimes to get the projects ongoing,” he said. “Everyone is talking about the long target, but I think what we need is a short-term and medium target.”
  • Gentle described an e-fuels facility HIF Global is building in Texas, where the construction process will take at least four years.“ So the longer we wait on policy to allow these projects to start,” she said, “the lower probability we have of delivering solutions before 2030.”

New technologies confront new realities

  • Yasseen said that taking action should put ethics first. “The driver to everything that we do should be equity,” he said. “You can’t, for example, force people to switch to new technologies if it’s very costly to them. You have to take circumstances into account,” he said. “So the focus now, for example, in Iraq, is not on carbon capture and storage, but on stopping flaring.” It’s not about hydrogen, he said, “but it’s about taking account of methane.”
  • Asked about whether Iraq had the political will to resolve some of these issues, Yasseen said that the prime minister recently told a friend in a private conversation that the biggest thing that kept him up at night was flaring. “In Iraq, it is a health hazard to people,” he said. “Frankly, it’s money that we’re wasting, huge amounts. And it’s bad for the planet.”
  • The Global Methane Pledge, Al Hajri said, will “provide us a dynamic to work with vendors, to work with partners, operators, different sectors, and to try to see what kind of technology that we can implement in our facilities.” Globally, there are lots of opportunities to use existing facilities to help in the long term too, Mitchell added, noting that the same storage infrastructure used to decarbonize oil production can be used to store carbon dioxide with carbon capture and storage technologies as they advance.

Nick Fouriezos is a writer with more than a decade of journalism experience around the globe.

Note: Mubadala Energy and HIF Global are sponsors of the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum. More information on Forum sponsors can be found here.

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What the Global South needs for a just energy transition Fri, 08 Dec 2023 10:26:29 +0000 Achieving a just energy transition for the Global South may require a complete reversal in the way the world has operated for centuries.

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Achieving a just energy transition for the Global South may require a complete reversal in the way the world has operated for centuries.

According to Caribbean Development Bank President Hyginus Leon, who spoke at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum in Dubai on Thursday, the Global North has long benefitted from being the destination for flows of goods, money, and people from the south. “Now,” he explained, “you need a reversal” to “generate equity” and “allow the Global South to grow.”

Herbert Krapa, Ghana’s deputy minister of energy, explained that despite African countries being the source of both fossil fuels and vast critical mineral deposits—both crucial for meeting energy demand—the continent hasn’t been able to leverage them for its own development. “A just transition,” he explained, will require “taking advantage of these resources.”

But for the sake of the climate, he added, it will also require “significant financing” for renewable energy.

Ultimately, Leon explained, the Global South must have a larger voice on the world stage. Otherwise “we are not going to make progress” toward climate goals.

Fahad al-Dhubaib of the Saudi national oil company Aramco argued that Global North countries pinning their hopes on keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius should focus on the Global South now: “This is our opportunity [to curtail] the potential growth and emissions we could be seeing going forward.”

Below are more highlights from the conversation on energy security among leaders from the Global South, moderated by Jason Marczak, vice president and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center.

A secure energy future

  • “The energy transition needs to go as fast as it can,” said Pietro Sampaio Mendes, Brazil’s secretary for oil, natural gas, and biofuels. However, he added, “we will not stop the production of gas . . . we are increasing the production.” Krapa similarly said that while Ghana understands that it will need to transition, it is an expensive endeavor: “We have oil and gas in significant quantities, and will continue to explore that . . . side by side with our transition plan to move more to renewables.”
  • Al-Dhubaib noted that the bulk of energy demand in the future will come from the Global South, where the gross domestic product per capita is just shy of seven thousand dollars. So “we shouldn’t take affordability and reliability lightly in the Global South,” he said. 
  • He explained that since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, gas prices and coal demand have skyrocketed, making energy more expensive and less reliable. “Time is not working in our advantage,” he said. When it comes to energy supplies, he argued, “we need everything going forward.” Sampaio Mendes added that in the battle for the climate, “our enemy is the carbon; it is not any technology or the pathway.”
  • And according to Marcelino Madrigal, head of the Inter-American Development Bank’s Energy Division, the question about the future of energy security is “more complex” than whether to pursue renewables or fossil fuels. For him, it is also about securing ample energy-production capacity that is accessible to all in the long run.

There will be costs

  • Al-Dhubaib argued that as the world switches from oil and gas to renewables, energy “resilience will be quite challenged,” as renewable energy can’t be stored as long and renewable-energy technologies are more expensive upfront—with smaller returns.
  • Leon asked: “What good is it to have a high return, and that high return means it only yields our ultimate death?” He continued, “We cannot be arguing that there’s a higher cost to financing something in the realm of renewable energy that saves the planet . . . and then say we cannot do it because the cost is too high.” Madrigal added that, while the energy transition will spread benefits, “there are also costs.”
  • Madrigal noted that countries will also need to invest “a lot,” and not just money: In particular, he said that Latin America will need to invest in better rule of law, regulatory instruments, and institutions to create a better environment for private investment. The world’s mission to slow global warming is “a huge opportunity for Latin America,” he explained.

The Global South’s take on COP

  • The speakers, all in Dubai for the United Nations climate change conference known as COP28, reflected on the breakthroughs they’ve seen come out of the convening thus far. Leon said that he sees COP as “a process” that leaders “advance as we go along each year,” achieving “pieces along the way.”
  • Pointing to a new push to triple renewables and double energy efficiency, Leon cautioned that for that to happen, more finance is needed. While a new thirty-billion-dollar fund from the United Arab Emirates and the loss and damage fund are “welcome,” he said, “the actual investment need is . . . in the range of twenty trillion [dollars]. So there is a humungous gap that is still to be filled.”
  • “Those are essentially seed funds,” Krapa added. “The amount of financing that needs to go into remodeling energy systems and energy infrastructure” across Africa is much higher, he warned, adding that the new funds amount to “a drop in the ocean.”
  • Krapa said that he is keeping an eye on the global stocktake—an assessment of global climate progress (or lack thereof) that is expected to be completed at COP28. “I think we should be very clear in the outcomes of the stock,” he said, “in terms of the progress or the little progress that has been made . . . we should be bold to confront the truth that the pledges and commitments have not come through.”

Katherine Walla is an associate director on the editorial team at the Atlantic Council.

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Biden’s energy security adviser Amos Hochstein on COP28 and the future of the Middle East Thu, 07 Dec 2023 17:19:43 +0000 “You have to bring everybody together,” Hochstein said at the Global Energy Forum in Dubai, which is currently hosting the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

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Event transcript

Uncorrected transcript: Check against delivery


Amos Hochstein
Senior Advisor to the President for Energy and Investment
Executive Office of the President


Frederick Kempe
President and CEO, Atlantic Council

FREDERICK KEMPE: So it is such a pleasure to have this conversation with Amos, senior advisor to the president of the United States for energy and investment. I had to read it here because you’ve had so many titles since you came—and so many titles in your career, so many titles. You’re a person who’s worn a lot of hats in your—you’re one of the most impressive, resourceful, and capable public servants I know. And we’ve known each other a long time, Amos—a personal friend and former board member of the Atlantic Council.

We’ve got a packed house. People are always interested in hearing what you have to say. So I think we’ll get started.

Like a lot of people of great capability and capacity, you keep taking on more tasks and you keep—and so let’s start by talking about your relatively new job and about the importance of global connectivity for economic growth and enabling the transition to clean energy. I talked to Amos about what we could talk about and he says, well, you can ask whatever you want to ask, but I’m going to answer whatever I want to answer. And so this will be an interesting conversation. 

But he’s been involved in the situation with Israel in Gaza. He was involved in the situation in Ukraine, particularly the energy elements of this, where Vladimir Putin has done a lot of harm to the world but one of the things he did was accelerate the energy transition of Europe.

But let’s get started with, first of all, talking about your role. It seems to have evolved from a focus on the security of energy and supply management toward a more holistic approach which is inclusive of energy infrastructure and economic interconnectivity. So, first of all, has this sort of job ever existed in the White House before? A little bit of history on how it came about and what you see as your primary priorities, and then we’ll get into some of the—some of the details.

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: Yeah. First, Fred, thank you, and for taking our private conversation before and broadcasting it. But—so I’ll talk about something completely different. 

Look, I think I should start by the—it’s amazing to me, Landon, you said this is the eighth. It feels to me like it’s the—it’s the, you know, fifteenth. There’s just so much going on that the Atlantic Council has done, and the partnership of doing it here in UAE, in Abu Dhabi and now in Dubai, has really transformed what this event has always been. But it’s—and I’m glad that you took a minute to recognize Ambassador Dick Morningstar’s extremely productive contribution to the concept of energy security in the context of American government and diplomacy, and bringing energy into diplomacy and national security, which is not a given. And it’s flourished since then, but in—just about fifteen years ago nobody thought there should be a conversation of energy in the national security space in Washington. The rest of the world figured it out about thirty years earlier, but—and Washington didn’t get it. So I’m really grateful that you, first of all, named something after Dick Morningstar and recognized him here. I think this is probably one of the first ones that he has not attended, so I’m really grateful for you for doing that.

Look, this role, no, it has not existed before in the White House, and it demonstrates what the president—how much the president is emphasizing the holistic approach to the focus on what is our work on climate change and responding to a climate emergency. And I’ll take a minute just to say what I think that—in my mind, what I think that means.

When we want to look at—we’re here at COP, where we originally talked about things—about COP in the context of what is it communicating and what are the NDCs, what are countries agreeing to as far as what are the—setting the longer-term goal and then setting some milestones on the way to that goal so that we don’t just talk about 2050 without saying, OK, but what’s going to happen in 2030, and then 2035, and 2040. If you just leave it at 2050, it becomes a little bit pointless.

So that really was the main aspect of what COP’s about. And what it’s transformed into is looking at COP is really how do we get to that kind of a world where, now that we see that it’s possible to reach net-zero but it also suddenly dawn on us, we caught the bus, right, as far as convincing the world that this is what we have to do. Now it’s really, how do you do it? And the energy system is a really complicated system—global system that it’s not so simple to just simply unplug from one system and just say, oh, it’ll take twenty years. We’ll just—it’ll take twenty years.

It actually is really complicated. And one of the things that makes it really difficult is how do you do it across the board regardless of income level? And it’s one thing that you can do things in the United States, in the UAE, in Germany, in Denmark, in China. It’s another to do it in countries that can’t afford to do the same thing. So how do we have a holistic approach to say that the work we have to do, one, has to be across the board, two, it doesn’t have to be just focusing on deployment of renewable energy and storage? 

But, rather, what are the other pieces of infrastructure that need to be built in order to enable that kind of investment? Because if you don’t have the rail, and the transmission, and the ports, and dry ports, and how to connect the cities to the rural areas—all those things have to be connected. And, by the way, if you don’t have the connectivity, the 5G, and have the telecommunication side of it so that you can use and utilize the advancement in technology that the new energy system has, if you can’t implement that in places that don’t have the digital connectivity, then you’re not going to be able to reach that goal.

So how do you look at all these pieces? And what the president has asked me to do is to say, OK, how do we bring a holistic approach? How do we bring our G7 partners together, which is where we launched a lot of this new kind of effort, and then bring more and more partners as we go along? And I think it culminates in what the UAE announced here on Friday, which is Alterra. Which is, I think, OK, we got to put the money towards this goal of net zero, but it has to be invested in a broader—to a broader set of locations. And it has to have a cost of capital that enables the investment in countries where right now the cost of capital is what prohibits the investment itself.

So these are all the—a lot of different pieces. And if we’re going to be successful, the thought was that we would have—that I would try to see if I can bring the different parts of the US government, the different agencies that are all doing great work, and to all coordinate towards one goal, while doing the same thing with our friends and allies around the world.

FREDERICK KEMPE: And I guess two things. In this effort, what do you think success will look like? And over what period of time will we see it? And in that context, how does this COP28 fit in? You’ve seen the various media controversies about this. Some have called it a divisive COP because of the issue of fossil fuels and climate. Others have called it an inclusive COP, that you can’t get to the solutions we want to get unless you bring all of these actors together. So two things, what does—in your own role what does success look like over time? And then, secondarily, how do you think this COP28 will be remembered, if you don’t think it’s too early to talk about that?

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: Think what success looks like, is if we took—you know, this is the stocktake COP. If we have a stocktake that doesn’t have to be announced as a stock but we keep taking stock as we should, and then as we move forward we see that the percentage of invested dollars are distributed more equally around the world, one; two, that we’re actually building infrastructure that will enable investment, whether that’s hard infrastructure or it’s the deployment of actual energy infrastructure; and if we’ve been able to do those two things over the next few years, then I think that will be—for me that will be seen as success. 

If we—if as a result of that we’re actually narrowing the gap between developed and developing economies on both deployment and viewpoint and a feel that everybody is in this together so I think that will—for me that will be the success. 

I’ll add one aspect to that that I haven’t mentioned before, and that is Landon talks—and, Fred, you really started this at the Atlantic Council on energy security. And it used to be—a few years ago somebody said to me, well, energy security is the—is code word for fossil fuels. So there’s the climate world of energy and there’s the energy security. 

To me, if we’re still doing that today that’s not a success. That’s a failure, because energy security is as true in the era of climate change and battling climate change as it was in the era of fossil fuels and security of supply and making sure that it is available, affordable, and diversified is not something that we only talk about in the context of Russia and Europe on gas. It has to be the same for EVs and lithium and panels and—solar panels and turbines.

And so the entire supply chain can’t be dominated by one country. It has to be—or—and I’m saying not China and not the United States. It has to have a diversified set of investment into the infrastructure that’s necessary from mining to processing to manufacturing and distribution. All of that has—we have to—we can’t have single points of failure and the world has to have competition in this world so that prices can continue to come down. 

As far as this COP, look, I think there’s a lot we’ll have to judge. You know, you can only judge certain things in the middle. You’ll have to wait to the end to see how things turned out. But I think Dr. Sultan has done a very good job, and the team around UAE, of putting together, one, a beautiful COP and efficient and effective from a facilities and location and it’s really run very smoothly. 

I think we’ve had some very important successes that before COP we talked about were going to be the failure points potentially and that is the loss and damage, whether we would be able to get something on an agreement of the fossil fuel companies on methane leakage and reducing methane. 

So we’ve had already some successes of bringing people together. I think there are some things that are always difficult to achieve at COP because they require such broad consensus or, rather, consensus from such a broad and diverse viewpoint around the world and that’s what makes it so difficult and that—we’ll see how that develops. 

Some of those never get agreed to early and we’ll have to see where we get to. But I think—I want to just respond to one thing that you said, which is, is this going to be an inclusion COP or is this a divisive?

The thing that bothers me the most in this debate not just here at COP is that we push worlds into their corners and we create echo chambers, and I can name the conferences that I would go to where they’re all 90/10, right. Ninety percent is fossil fuel companies and fossil fuel financiers and you get a certain view of what 2050 really will look like in reality—a certain skeptical view—and then you come to COP or you go to a different conference and it’s, you know, we can do it tomorrow and there’s a 90/10 in the other direction. 

That’s not going to get us there and I think what the—what we’re trying to do here, what I think the government of the UAE is doing and the presidency here, is bringing everybody together. And I think it’s OK to have disagreements. I don’t think that we should expect that if somebody came here and didn’t agree then that’s a failure. 

I think that’s a success that we’re having the conversation. We should let people views change, and the only way to change that is by having everybody there together because this is, again, the energy system. If you really want to change the energy system, you really want this to be a net zero world, you can’t do it by just wishing and willing. 

You have to bring everybody together and say, here’s the reasons why we can create a market-based—working with market-based solutions, government, MDBs, philanthropies, of how do you bring everybody together to make this investable and then maybe the fossil fuel companies will say, OK, I need to start investing more into this part of it because that’s not just investing in my disruption but it’s investing in where the future is going to be. 

And that’s where—that’s when we get to success, when everybody’s going—rowing in the same direction. We won’t get there right away. I think that’s OK. But I think bringing everybody together to have the hard conversation is better than separate echo chambers.

FREDERICK KEMPE: That’s just a terrific answer and I’m really proud also over the eight years of this forum that we have never been 90/10 in either direction. We’ve always had the full conversation and I’m really proud of that. 

So CIA Director Bill Burns talks about climate as the problem without borders. But then he talks about what’s going on in the rest of the world which is the problem that has borders which is a war in Ukraine, a terrorist attack on Israel, Hamas—the war in Gaza that’s followed.

How did October 7 change your job? You’ve been playing a lot of—you’ve been spending a lot of time on that issue as well. And I think a lot of people in this audience know this but if you don’t, Amos was instrumental in bringing about the Israel-Lebanon maritime deal and in that context is—you know, that deal would be almost impossible to do right now, at a guess. 

But how does something like that stand up? So the problems that are going on right now in Israel and the Middle East how does this affect your job and what you’re trying to do and what you’ve already achieved with Israel and Lebanon?

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: I think October 7 affected the whole world and waking up to the really horrific attack—and the more time goes by the more we learn about how horrific that day was—and now we find ourselves in a place where nobody, I think, wanted to be in. Nobody in this room and no one in the civilized world wanted to see this war in Gaza and where so many innocent people and children from every—from across both sides are suffering. 

And Israel has the right to defend itself. We want to be able to see what—a stable and peaceful existence. But nobody wants to be here. This is a horrific place for all of us regardless of where you fall and how you see it. There is—this is—everything changed on October 7 and it was not in a good direction. 

I think that where, as you said, we negotiated the—we helped the sides negotiate a maritime agreement that for the very first time exactly a year ago we got a real boundary between Israel and Lebanon.

Israel and Lebanon have never had an agreement on any kind of boundary ever and the idea that these two neighbors since their independence have never agreed but finally agreed, yes, it was in the maritime so there were certain things that made it easier but it was still fairly difficult, and it was fourteen years of multiple envoys from different countries trying to get there and we finally got there. 

I think my success was based on the fact that I was one of those failed attempts in the past. So sometimes when you fail something you come back and you learn from that. But I think that we’re—we have to learn—what we’re trying to do is learn from what went right there and the countries—Lebanon did not—

FREDERICK KEMPE: Could you talk about that? What did go right there?

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: Well, I think there were wins for both sides. The idea was not—when you walk into these negotiations oftentimes is a zero-sum game of—the first conversation I would have with both sides was, well, but what are they going to get, and I said, forget what they’re going to get or not get. Don’t worry about that. Tell me, what do you want out of this? What’s in it for you? 

It sounds simple in this room but I promise you that over several years we could not get the answer to that. Neither side can actually answer that question. It was much more important to delineate and describe what the other side should get or should not get or what was fair or what happened twenty years ago and fifty years ago.

Once we can get past that part of the conversation and say—I can—we were able to show and see that what they actually want their number-one priorities did not clash. There was no—it suddenly wasn’t a zero-sum game. Both sides can get their number one, two, and three most important piece that they needed—economic security, physical security, et cetera. So I think that and sort of making—understanding what the red lines were, both sides, was enabled.

I think that what we have wanted since October 7, since that morning, was to make sure that, as bad as the situation is in Gaza, in this war, that we can keep it contained there, that it does not—we do not want to see this war expand across other borders. Now, it has to some degree. There has been an exchange of fire on almost a daily basis, except for the pause, between Israel and Hezbollah and some of other Palestinian armed groups—terrorist groups in—housed in Lebanon. But keeping it at a certain level of violence, but—which is—again, stating the obvious, that is not an acceptable situation, but it’s a—it’s a reality. But trying to lower the flame there, trying to get to a much more peaceful existence, and to see what is it that we can do to get to a solution that provides more security for people in Israel who live in the north at the border and for people in Lebanon to live peacefully in the south and to have economic prosperity.

The thing that I learned the most from what we did in the maritime agreement and other agreements around the world that I’ve been involved in is there is a key element of economic prosperity that we—that we have to integrate. And I’m a believer not just in energy security being part of national security, but economic prosperity has to be part of national security, because the more there’s physical interconnection and integration, the more there is a codependency and the more that there is what to lose. And I think that there—it’s important as much to have what to win for, what to look forward to, and to know what you lose when you walk away from it.

And so I think that as we hopefully get to the other side of this conflict as soon as humanly possible, and while achieving what is necessary to secure the future, we have to look at something that’s viable for the Lebanese state to get stronger, to return to economic growth, and to have a security along the border or along the line—the Blue Line between Israel and Lebanon.

FREDERICK KEMPE: Thank you for that. I think this is now working, so you can hang onto that microphone. Maybe yours is as well.

So you’ve been a champion in the White House for normalization with Israel through the Abraham Accords, something that the Atlantic Council has spent a lot of time on. In fact, the week of the terrorist attack we had to bring our team out of Israel. Ministers from the normalization states were on their way to Israel for a conference that we were holding that would have been focused on economic integration. President Netanyahu would have been part of it. Ministers from the region would have been part of it. So this—there are some real human victims, but this is also a victim of this. You know, and our Middle East Program, working with the Jeffrey Talpins Foundation, led by Will Wexner, has done a lot of work on this.

You were also involved in an effort for—that seemed to be growing closer with Israeli-Saudi normalization. You said you hope you get there. What is the path back to that? Is there a path back to that? How much damage has this situation done for all of that hope?

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: Look, we have had—we’ve had examples of what is positive momentum and the kind of future that this region can have. And I think that in the previous administration, the great work that was done on the Abraham Accords and the remarkable decisions that were made by the government here in the UAE and Bahrain and Morocco to take a step towards a different kind of future, and to understand that if we want to focus on the real existential crises of the day of climate change and economic disparities around the world, that’s what we should all work on together. And the vision that President Biden has insisted on since the day he came into office is to focus on a regional integration. It has to be the path, and strengthening what was done in the Abraham Accords and expanding, and looking at what other kind of agreements we can make.

I think that the United States has always wanted to see throughout multiple generations and administrations a normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. It’s no secret that that’s something that President Biden has wanted to see. He’s talked about it a lot. His trip to Saudi came as a—part of a two-stop trip between, first, in Israel, and then to Saudi on a direct flight from Jerusalem to Saudi Arabia. And all the work that was done since then was to see and explore what is possible.

Clearly, we’re right now in a moment of conflict that we all have to focus on getting to the other side of. But I don’t think that we lose the hope, the vision, and we’re going to continue to work towards that. I think that not every road is a straight road, and sometimes it goes in—we have to go in different directions first. But the goal is still the same. And we remain as committed to that goal of regional integration. And it’s not just about Saudi Arabia and Israel. It’s as broad as—it has to be much broader than that. 

If we all can focus on those kinds of solutions that also use that momentum to then support what—how we can better the lives of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, how do we use that momentum to create an atmosphere that is the opposite of where we’re going now, of increasing hate speech and increasing demonization of the other side, and get back to starting to talk about what brings us together, what unites us, and the same fears, hopes, and dreams that people on all sides of this region have, that are no different than they are in the United States, Europe, South America, or everywhere. We want to have a better life for our—for our families. 

And I think that all has to be together. So I don’t think that we have—we’re changing directions. I don’t think this conflict should do that. In fact, this conflict should be a doubling down on reminding us that if we don’t go towards regional integration, peace, and security, this is this—this is the alternative. These are the two options that the world is facing, and this region faces. And I think it’s an overwhelming choice to choose the path of integration, peace, security, and prosperity.

FREDERICK KEMPE: That’s a very powerful answer, thank you, Amos.

Let’s try to get a couple of questions in, in the time that we’ve got left. Let’s pivot back to energy. President Biden talks about inflection points quite a bit. And I wonder if you can talk about the energy inflection point we’re in, and the relationship between energy interconnectivity and energy security, and the emerging energy system. And how does it shape US energy security priorities moving forward? As you said, for a while energy security—that term almost went off our screens. And they came back pretty powerfully with the war in Ukraine—Putin’s war in Ukraine. And you’ve said in an interview that the US should learn from what we went through in the oil and gas energy space as we transition to an energy market. What do you mean by that?

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: Well, I think I had this conversation with Helima here in January. I got a little bit of trouble afterwards. But there’s a—so we’ll try to do that again. Look, I think that the lessons that—we have to—you can’t just say it’s a new world. You have to learn from how we got here. And I think that the twentieth century taught us a lot of lessons about energy security and security of supply. And it started in the 1970s with OPEC, and it—and then in—and then we saw what happened in Europe and the dependency on gas that for most people started—kind of came on the national—on the international media stage in—as the invasion into Ukraine happened.

But in reality, we were—this is what—the pipeline wars of the 1990s, the direction of where hydrocarbons were going to go, in which direction, they were all about geopolitics. And so we have to learn the lesson. The lesson is not—I’ve said this in Europe a lot—the lesson from the dependency on Russia is not I shouldn’t depend on Russia for all my gas. That’s the wrong lesson. The lesson is I shouldn’t depend all my energy on a single source, or majority of it, on a single source, and I shouldn’t have a single point of failure in my supply chain. And that was true on oil. And it was true on gas. And it is now true on renewables. And it’s true on nuclear fuel for a—I’m happy to see a new enthusiasm for nuclear power with new technology. But my nuclear fuel has to be in that conversation. And in my electric vehicles and my critical minerals and my—the entire supply chain.

The lesson from the twentieth century is, build a well-diversified world and economic structure. And I think we have such an amazing opportunity because you’re building something new. So why would we slip right into the same bad habits of, it’s a little bit cheaper to do this, and I’ll buy what’s cheaper, and I won’t invest in what may be a little bit more expensive, but it will actually be something that is more secure. And I think that’s where—that is good money to spend. The question becomes, who should spend that money? And I get that, because why should a company say to its shareholders, I’m going to spend more money and I can’t really articulate what the amortization is of that extra cost? And when I go to the investment committee, they’re going to say, no, that piece is cheaper. Buy the cheaper one we’ll let the government figure out the other stuff.

So we have to come together as governments and say, no, we’re on the ground floor. It may not feel that way, but we’re on the ground floor of the energy transition. And how do we come together, the wealthier countries together with MDBs and philanthropies and sovereign wealth funds, and say: This is our moment to make these investments. Together with the business community, put our money into the capital stack so that they are—so we de-risk these investments. And that we come out of it’s on the other side with a stronger, more diversified supply chain in the clean energy space, that will actually enable both growth and equity and security. And that’s the energy security—the concept of energy security of the future is in that space.

FREDERICK KEMPE: And I don’t think that answer will get you into any trouble. That was a brilliant answer. So we’re running out of time, we’ve run out of time. But I’d like to end this with a question that is always one of my favorite questions for someone like you, who has to deal with risks and opportunities. And that is, as you—as you look out at the world you’re dealing with day-to-day, what gives you the biggest concern? What keeps you up late at night? And, conversely, what do you see as the biggest opportunity? What gives you your biggest hope?

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: There’s so much that keeps me up at night these days. I don’t think I really get to sleep with what’s the last few months.

FREDERICK KEMPE: That’s the world we’re in right now.

AMOS HOCHSTEIN: And that’s the world we’re in. So, look, I think I would break it down. On the concern side is the physical security of people’s lives and their ability to protect their families in a world where we are in two active wars in Ukraine and here in the Middle East. So that keeps me up at night. The piece—the second piece is, how do you both bring them to a close in a way that’s not about just ending the war, that’s—it’s easy to say, just end it. But how do you end it in a way that actually defeats what started it, and making sure that the next phase is actually longer-term security? And so those are the things that really, how do you—how do you do that?

The next piece is really what keeps me up at night, but it also is what I feel is the best hope and opportunity, is the ability to rebuild and reshape a world. And what we’ve—what I’m grateful that President Biden has allowed me to do is to implement that vision. And to—so while I’m here in the Middle East, you know, I’ve been to Angola and DRC and Zambia, and the president of Angola was just in the White House last week. And that’s because there’s such an opportunity to do investment in a different way, that’s development is really important but it doesn’t replace investment. And that’s what we’ve done wrong. And so the idea that we can recognize we did that wrong, let’s do this better, and we can keep our development agenda and add into the component of actual investment, so that the infrastructure we build, we don’t come back to it ten years later and there was because it was just development without investment it meant that there was no money for maintenance, there was no money for running it efficiently, and now we have these big pieces of infrastructure that are not working.

But now we’ve actually cracked the code and been able to launch projects that the president talks about all the time. Even during these two wars, President Biden talks all the time about building a railroad from Angola to Tanzania, across all of Africa, and doing it in a commercial way. And why? Because that enables critical minerals and lowering corruption; because that enables food security, investment; because if you can have a landlocked country that has good water and good soil and good weather but it doesn’t have a connection to any market, then nobody’s going to invest in it, but now you can if you do that, and you can get fiber-optic connectivity so that small businesses can be there.

All of these things, connecting those dots is—it keeps me up at night that we’re not working fast enough, but the hope and opportunity, I can’t tell you how thrilling it is to work on these projects, or the one that we did with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia and the European Union and India of getting a logistics operation—IMEC—the corridor from India to the Middle East, through the Middle East to Europe that will be energy, electricity, hydrogen, fiber-optic cables, and lowering the cost of shipping products and materials across the world. These are the kinds of things, Fred, that we can actually do by working together with other countries that literally transform the world, and that is—that is the fun part about this job.

FREDERICK KEMPE: Amos, thank you so much for that. I don’t think in my lifetime I’ve ever seen a world where the risks are so pronounced and the opportunities are so pronounced, both at the same time. It makes me feel better that you’re in a position of responsibility during this really tricky time. So join me, please, in thanking Amos.

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Partner perspective: Energy companies are essential to global climate solutions Thu, 07 Dec 2023 05:01:00 +0000 The transformation of the energy system will happen with or without the oil and gas sector; Oil and gas companies must invest in low-carbon and renewables business outside their core operations.

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Mansoor Mohamed Al Hamed is CEO of Mubadala Energy. Mubadala Energy is a sponsor of the 2023 Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum. This essay is part of the Global Energy Agenda.

Societies and economies have come to depend upon access to reliable, affordable, secure, and sustainable energy. To provide this access, a complex and intricate system has emerged. 

But energy systems are changing fast, shaped by many factors and diverse actors. Chief among these drivers is the need to transition to a lower-carbon future. This assessment is almost universally accepted. The question requiring consensus, however, is how do the world’s leaders accelerate the transition while ensuring communities do not suffer, and that people maintain access to the energy they need in order to develop and grow. 

As Fatih Birol, head of the International Energy Agency, has said, “No energy company will be unaffected by clean energy transitions. Every part of the industry needs to consider how to respond. Doing nothing is simply not an option.”

How then can the energy sector ensure it contributes to the transition while also ensuring its long-term viability and that it meets the needs of consumers?

At its core, this question asks: Should today’s oil and gas companies be viewed as part of the problem, or could they be crucial to solving it?

Part of the solution

At its core, this question asks: Should today’s oil and gas companies be viewed as part of the problem, or could they be crucial to solving it?

In addressing this question, three considerations provide the boundaries for the debate. 

First, demand for the services that energy provides is increasing due to a growing global population—some of whom remain without access to modern energy—and an expanding global economy. Take Southeast Asia as an example. According to analysts, gas demand is set to increase by 88 percent by 2050, driven by growth in countries such as Indonesia, where the population is expected to rise from 274 million to 325 million by 2045.

Second, the vision of the future must recognize that oil and natural gas play critical roles in today’s energy and economic systems, and that affordable, reliable supplies of liquids and gases (of different types) are necessary to sustain energy access and expand it.

Indeed, gas will be key to the transition and will likely remain an important part of the energy mix for many decades, not least because it produces 50 percent less CO2 for power generation than coal. Natural gas is also abundant and provides a vital back-up power supply for renewables.  

And last but far from least, setting the terms of oil and gas’s role in the transition is imperative to reduce energy-related emissions in line with international climate targets as set out in the Paris Agreement.

Energy companies are acutely aware of the need to navigate the energy trilemma of affordability, security, and sustainability, while being part of the transition. To achieve these goals, the energy sector has to be part of the solution.

Accelerating the transition in partnership with energy producers

The question the world faces is therefore not whether to transition, but at what pace it can achieve the change while balancing the complex factors and challenges at play.

What is patently true, however, is that without the engagement and focus of the energy sector, together with the scale, capabilities, and capital the industry can deploy, progress will be slower, more expensive, and more difficult. 

How then can global leaders ensure energy companies are empowered to accelerate progress?

Decision makers must remember that energy is a system not a sector. All parties must align on common goals, regulations, and systems to enable an accelerated transition. This is a hugely complex task, but without regulatory frameworks in areas such as carbon credits and the nascent hydrogen market, investments won’t be incentivized. The energy system needs collective action and global frameworks.

Additionally, national governments must set out clear visions that frame how the energy ecosystem must evolve. They must commit to net-zero emissions by 2050 and set interim targets for reducing carbon emissions. Achieving these targets requires significant investments in renewable and nuclear energy projects.

Industry must also play a key role by expanding the technology, innovation, and problem-solving capacity that is essential to finding solutions and accelerating progress. What’s more, the solutions can be a win-win.

As an industry, we cannot shy away from the facts. As of today, 15 percent of global energy-related GHG emissions come from the process of getting oil and gas out of the ground and to consumers. But reducing emissions intensity of oil and gas scope one greenhouse gases is possible through portfolio rebalancing and exploring technologies that support the optimization of the business. 

The world cannot afford for the legacy energy companies to sit on the sidelines, and in the long-term these companies cannot afford it either. 

More can be done, however. For instance, reducing methane leaks to the atmosphere is the single most important way for the industry to bring down emissions. And measures adopted to tackle methane emissions will generate revenues of about $45 billion from the sale of captured methane

Oil and gas companies must also invest in low-carbon and renewables business outside their core operations—such investments are currently less than 5 percent of total capital expenditures. Ramping up investment is a critical factor in accelerating change.

The transformation of the energy system will happen with or without the oil and gas sector, but if energy companies are not fully engaged and committed, it will be slower and more expensive. The world cannot afford for the legacy energy companies to sit on the sidelines, and in the long-term these companies cannot afford it either. 

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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John Kerry unveils a ‘critical’ new US strategy to expand fusion energy Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:03:51 +0000 "We need to pull ourselves together with every strength we have,” Kerry said on the first day of the Global Energy Forum.

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US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry on Tuesday announced a new strategy for international cooperation on the development of nuclear fusion, which he said would be—alongside other energy sources, such as wind, solar, and nuclear fission—”a critical piece of our energy future.” The strategy, Kerry explained at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum at COP28, focuses on research and development, supply-chain improvements, regulation, workforce development, and education.

If “all of our countries are threatened, and they are, [and if] all life is threatened, and it is, then we need to pull ourselves together with every strength we have,” Kerry said. “We cannot realize this grand ambition—perhaps not at all, but certainly not at the pace we need to—doing it alone.”

The need for alternative fuels such as fusion is apparent because “science clearly tells us, without any question whatsoever, that the cause of this crisis… [is] emissions. It’s the way we burn fossil fuels,” Kerry said.

Kerry noted that “we’ve had a little debate in the last few days about what the evidence shows or doesn’t show,” a reference to controversies during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai over what role oil and gas will play in the global energy future.

“We have two options,” Kerry explained. “Either capture the emissions or don’t burn [fossil fuels].”

Kerry explained that the evidence of warming across the planet makes it “clear” that the world needs to “move faster” to limit global temperature rise. “We need to figure out what we’re going to do at a critical pace,” Kerry warned.

Below are more highlights from Kerry’s remarks and the panel that followed, which touched upon the role fusion can play and how best to foster international collaboration on it.

The huge potential

  • Kerry recounted having heard, as a senator for Massachusetts, that nuclear fusion—which joins two atoms together, producing energy—would be thirty years away, only to talk with scientists a decade later and be told that it was still thirty years away. But “the cadence of new and exciting fusion announcements has obviously increased over time,” he added.
  • Now, he said, “there is potential in fusion to revolutionize our world and to change all of the options that are in front of us” for providing abundant clean energy to the world.
  • Former US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, who moderated the panel that followed Kerry’s remarks, said that “in this decade, there is a very high probability that… the conditions for sustained fusion will be demonstrated.” This, he added, “is truly a game changer—assuming this all comes to pass.”
  • Designer Gabriela Hearst, former creative director of fashion house Chloé, noted the environmental impact caused by the garment industry. “We really need to focus on moving away from the fossil fuel addiction that we have,” she said. At Chloé, she explained, she had designed a collection inspired by visits to fusion labs. Fusion, she said, could help “the survival of our species.”

The accelerating pace

  • Several speakers pointed out how new technologies and materials are helping realize the commercialization of fusion at a faster pace than expected. Bob Mumgaard, chief executive officer of the commercial startup Commonwealth Fusion Systems, explained that new technologies are “accelerating innovation.”
  • “It’s just going faster and faster” with the help of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, Mumgaard explained. “In the last five years, it’s unrecognizable.”
  • Six decades of government research and development has helped too, explained the White House’s Costa Samaras. “Now,” he added, “the challenge here is [that] energy technologies have long taken decades to get from the starting place to the market; and we do not have decades.”
  • “International collaboration,” Samaras argued, will “supercharge” fusion energy development and quicken the pace toward establishing a commercial fusion plant. “That enables the advancement of fusion power… along the timeline that we need to deal with climate change.”

The remaining challenges

  • Michelle Patron, senior director of global sustainability policy at Microsoft, noted that in order to meet growing energy demand, and to do it in a decarbonized way, “we need a multi-technology approach” that includes fusion and other renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and geothermal. She added that electricity grids are local, so the mix of energy sources that countries deploy will depend on local political, economic, and social circumstances.
  • Youth Survival Organization Chairman Humphrey Mrema, who is from Tanzania, said that if he were an African leader approached about supporting fusion development, he would “say no.” That’s because fusion is “hard to start” and “difficult to maintain” with the financial architecture across the continent, which has invested heavily in fossil fuels, he explained.
  • In Africa, “we have to change the investment and channel it to renewables,” Mrema said. In addition, for Africa to pursue fusion, he explained, it will need technology, capacity building, and more financial resources.
  • For Hearst, part of the challenge is awareness. “We live in a silo community,” she explained. “The science community has this information” about fusion’s potential, “but not the fashion community or other communities. So it’s time to cross-pollinate information to bring more hope.”

Katherine Walla is an assistant director on the editorial team at the Atlantic Council.

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The world’s biggest energy exporters plot out the next steps toward net zero Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:01:35 +0000 At the Global Energy Forum, key leaders of the Net-Zero Producers Forum laid out a vision from some of the world’s largest energy exporters for making progress on the world’s sustainability goals.

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A day after more than fifty oil and gas companies pledged to cut methane emissions to nearly zero by 2030, key leaders of the Net-Zero Producers Forum laid out a significant collaborative vision from some of the world’s largest energy exporters for making significant progress on the world’s sustainability goals.

“We have a lot of what we need to make the progress that is essential,” Rachel McCormick, director general of International and Intergovernmental Affairs at Natural Resources Canada, said at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum at COP28.

“My hope is that the next time we’re together on this stage, we’ll say that we’ve gotten where we want to go: to 75 percent reduction. That there is no question on whether or not we’re on that pathway [to net-zero emissions] by 2030.”

McCormick wasn’t alone in that belief. She was joined at the Global Energy Forum in Dubai by Andrew Light, assistant secretary of International Affairs at the US Department of Energy, and Khalid al-Mehaid, chief negotiator for the climate agreements for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Their nations, plus Norway, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, comprise the Net-Zero Producers Forum, a not-yet-three-year-old collaboration of six nations that collectively represent more than 40 percent of global oil and gas production. The group is designed to work together on pragmatic net-zero emission solutions—everything from methane abatement to clean-energy and carbon capture/storage technologies to advancing the circular carbon economy approach.

Their work is particularly meaningful in light of Monday’s launch of the COP28 Global Methane Pledge Ministerial, which announced more than one billion dollars in new grant funding for methane action (more than triple current levels of spending). plus new data tools and new membership that grew participation to 155 governments worldwide.

Read on for more highlights from their conversation with Angela Wilkinson, secretary general and chief executive officer of the World Energy Council.

The challenge and opportunity of tackling methane

  • Light said that the pledges made at the ministerial wouldn’t have been possible without the relationships built through the Net-Zero Producers Forum, which forged unlikely partnership opportunities between the six energy-exporting nations. “Bringing our countries together was a necessary condition for something like that making it over the finish line just a few years later.”
  • One of the key efforts of the Net-Zero Producers Forum, originally launched at US President Joe Biden’s first Climate Leaders Summit in April 2021, has been the creation of the Upstream Methane Abatement Toolbox. The toolbox provides information on measures taken so far, and lessons learned, in implementing methane-abatement technologies and policies, creating a roadmap for others to follow.
  • Establishing a global framework around addressing methane emissions is particularly difficult. Past initiatives to curb extreme pollutants were plugged into ready-made global frameworks, such as the efforts to eliminate hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs): “There we were very lucky because we had the [1987] Montreal Protocol that was already tailor-made,” Light said. “Reducing methane is a way you can get near-term relief on global warming, but… we don’t have a working agreement, and so it’s much more difficult to take on from a global political perspective.”

Weighing economic competitiveness against net-zero goals

  • The stakes around sustainable energy couldn’t be higher, Light said: “If we get it right, then we get a solution to the biggest problem that we all face today. We get the creation of hundreds of thousands, if not over a million, new jobs. We get a cleaner planet. We get a more sustainable future.” And if they get it wrong? “We lose everything we have gained. We lose all developmental gains we’ve had since World War II.”
  • Particularly when it comes to major energy-exporting economies, it’s important to craft widely inclusive climate change strategies. “If it wasn’t for the way that the Paris Agreement was inclusive enough and wide enough for all of us to manage our national circumstances, we wouldn’t have been party to that dream,” al-Mehaid, the Saudi Arabian chief negotiator, said.
  • Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich nations like it have adopted broad diversification strategies that innovate how oil and gas are used, including diverting those resources into noncombustion-focused products, such as replacements for cement and aluminum. “It gives you a long-term hedge,” al-Mehaid said, against the uncertain energy economy that a net-zero future could bring.

Other advances for fighting global warming

  • Canada has passed tax credits and other financial incentives for companies willing to reduce their emissions, from a carbon price set across its entire economy to 65 percent expenditures returned for carbon-dioxide removal (CDR) efforts and 35 percent returned for energy-efficient transportation and other measures. “Carbon capture is really important because we know it works, we just need to scale it,” McCormick said.
  • She added that it was important for the Net-Zero Producers Forum to consider its strengths when working together, rather than trying to tackle every climate-related challenge all at once. “There is a reason these countries came together. You don’t want to do everything. You want to do what is special to you. What are the results that can drive actions [and] send signals to the international market? The fact that we are all net exporters is important.”
  • That mindset is one reason why all the countries in the Net-Zero Producers Forum have agreed to support direct air capture initiatives that extract CO2 from the atmosphere, but may not necessarily work together on proposing nature-based solutions, such as protecting forests or wetlands—particularly since the six nations have significant geographic and environmental differences. “Everything that comes together has to justify itself in this incredibly crowded landscape we see now on cooperation. The virtue here is that we have a similar approach,” Light said.

Nick Fouriezos is a writer with more than a decade of journalism experience around the globe.

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A new generation of nuclear reactors is poised to set the United States—and the world—on the path to net zero Tue, 05 Dec 2023 06:26:14 +0000 Over the next decade, more than a dozen advanced reactor concepts will be demonstrated in the United States. Ensuring the advancement of this nuclear energy will be critical to securing security, prosperity, and environmental sustainability for future generations.

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John Wagner is the director of Idaho National Laboratory, the US Department of Energy’s center for nuclear-energy research and development. This essay is part of the Global Energy Agenda.

Nearly seventy-five years ago, the US Atomic Energy Commission set out to prove that nuclear power could be harnessed to produce electricity for peaceful applications. To do so, it created the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho. The station, now known as Idaho National Laboratory (INL), fulfilled the commission’s promise. With public and private sector partners, the initiative achieved many firsts, including the first nuclear electricity, the first city powered by nuclear, the first demonstration of the principle of breeding (producing more fuel than is consumed in a reactor), the first submarine reactor, and the first mobile nuclear power plant. Fifty-two unique test reactors were designed, built, and operated, giving birth to the US Nuclear Navy and the global, commercial nuclear energy industry. This rich legacy of achievement has made the world safer, cleaner, more prosperous, secure, and resilient.

And yet, it might surprise some to learn that although there are four remaining test reactors operating at INL, the US Department of Energy’s laboratory for nuclear energy research and development, it has been fifty years since a new, unique reactor began operations on the site. That’s about to change.

Over the next decade, more than a dozen advanced reactor concepts will be demonstrated in the United States, including microreactors, small modular reactors, and university test reactors. 

Ten years ago, this timeline would have been unthinkable. What has changed is a growing awareness about climate change and the imperative to combat its devastating impacts by producing clean, secure, flexible, and resilient energy.

This requires more nuclear energy—a lot more. Earlier this year, a DOE “Liftoff” report identified the potential for nuclear to scale to 300 gigawatts (GW) by 2050 to address the broader need in the United States for approximately 550–770 GW of additional clean, firm capacity to reach net-zero emissions.

Over the next decade, more than a dozen advanced reactor concepts will be demonstrated in the United States, including microreactors, small modular reactors, and university test reactors.

This is consistent with what the US-based Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) found when it polled member utilities. NEI utilities see a role for nearly 100 GW of new nuclear electricity by 2050 to support their decarbonization goals—more than double the current US nuclear electricity capacity. Analyses from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change points toward the need to materially increase global nuclear capacity by 2050.

This represents a profound challenge, but also an opportunity for nuclear power to address the global need for clean, firm, secure, and flexible energy in the next few decades. 

INL’s strategy—coordinated with numerous partners—is to start small. This means making systems that are simple and inexpensive as compared to current generation power reactors. To do this and to enable the successful scale-up in size, complexity, and capacity of nuclear power, the United States needs to do the following: build supply chains for advanced nuclear technologies, including a domestic supply of fuel; develop a knowledgeable and capable workforce; and revamp its regulatory system to enable timely deployment of advanced technologies.

At INL, that strategy (see figure below) begins with MARVEL, an 85-kilowatt thermal DOE test reactor that will provide a research-and-development platform for researchers and industry to understand the use of microreactors for a wide variety of potential applications, while providing information to support licensing, environmental assessments, improved performance, and deployment.  MARVEL will also advance US capabilities to support subsequent reactor projects. 

Source: Idaho National Laboratory

Next up will be Project Pele, a partnership between DOE, INL, the US Department of Defense, and BWXT that will help US armed forces reduce their dependence on diesel fuel. Pele will pave the way for small, advanced reactors for other military applications, as well as private sector applications.

Following Pele, INL, working with Southern Company and TerraPower, will conduct the Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment (MCRE), which will be the world’s first fast-spectrum salt system to achieve criticality—meaning it will be able to sustain a fission chain reaction. Additionally, the Oklo Aurora microreactor could be demonstrated on the INL site as early as 2027. 

A key aspect of INL’s strategy is to use decommissioned reactor facilities as test beds, via the National Reactor Innovation Center. The decommissioned Experimental Breeder Reactor-II, which is being repurposed for Demonstration and Operation of Microreactor Experiments (DOME), is scheduled to be completed by 2025. Another test bed, LOTUS, which will host MCRE, is scheduled to be operational by 2027. These test beds will streamline testing of advanced reactor technologies, strengthening the relationship between the national labs and the private sector, and supporting the ultimate objective of deploying advanced reactors into the global market.

As shown in the figure, many reactor projects are planned to follow, demonstrating technologies for a variety of applications. These include the TerraPower Natrium reactor in Wyoming, which will repower a coal generation site and the X-Energy reactor in Texas, which will support decarbonization of the energy-intensive industrial sector. Note that the figure is not all-inclusive, as the situation is dynamic and numerous additional reactor demonstration projects in the United States and beyond are working toward demonstration.

Over seven decades, the nation has made incredible progress advancing nuclear energy to its current state. It’s time to take the next step. With the combined efforts of government, industry, and academic partners, it’s time for the United States to honor its rich legacy of achievement by providing the research foundation to deploy the advanced nuclear technologies the world desperately needs to power a clean and prosperous future.

At INL, we approach each day as though the world depends on our success. Failure is not an option. Not this time. Not if we want to offer our children, grandchildren, and future generations their best opportunity for security, prosperity, and environmental sustainability.

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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A people-centric energy transformation Tue, 05 Dec 2023 06:20:34 +0000 In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and unprecedented levels of global debt, the world is taking on a triple planetary crisis: climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. To successfully tackle these crises, the world must embrace a holistic, just, and sustainable net-zero path.

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H.E. Leila Benali is the minister of energy transition and sustainable development of Morocco and president of the UN Assembly for Environment. This essay is part of the Global Energy Agenda.

Describing the recent crush of global crises, a wise man said, “We faced a century’s worth of tragedies in less than two years.” Our health systems might have emerged more resilient following the COVID-19 pandemic, but our economies and financial systems are still struggling at a time when emerging markets, like Morocco, want to escape the middle-income trap of 3 percent GDP growth.

The Russia-Ukraine war added to the unprecedented disturbance in already dislocated commodities supply chains, threatening nations’ energy security and triggering global inflationary pressure. It is not the first time humanity faces such continuous accumulation of upheavals , but it is the first time it does so at such record levels of global debt—238 percent of global GDP in 2022. This does not leave much room to tackle the triple planetary crisis of our time: climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss.

We are more often reminded of the fragility of our environment, with extreme weather events or natural disasters. A quarter of the United Nations’ membership, mostly Small Island Developing States, is at risk of disappearing by the end of the century because of rising sea levels. Humanity will face climate-triggered questions over sovereignty and national identity for the first time. Is our post-World War II world order, including our Bretton Woods institutions, equipped to answer?

Humanity will face climate-triggered questions over sovereignty and national identity for the first time. Is our post-World War II world order, including our Bretton Woods institutions, equipped to answer?

Part of the answer is already known: decarbonization of emitting sectors and acceleration of the energy transition would soften the worst impacts of climate change. And maybe, in the twenty-first century, some countries should show the way despite low historic responsibility for causing planetary warming. Morocco has a longstanding commitment toward sustainability despite its negligible emissions. It was one of the first countries to target a reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions by 45.5 percent by 2030 in its Nationally Determined Contribution.

To achieve necessary emissions cuts, pragmatism and inclusiveness are key. When affordability, as well as economic and social development are nonnegotiable, there is no room for ideology in technology and fuel taxonomies. We must leave the traditional energy transition narrative, driven by divisions, in the twentieth century, and embrace twenty-first century narratives.

We must leave the traditional energy transition narrative, driven by divisions, in the twentieth century, and embrace twenty-first century narratives.

Morocco generates more than 40 percent of its electricity capacity from renewable energy, and is also a fossil fuel importer, still largely exposed to global commodities’ price volatility and supply issues. Its approach to energy and climate, built over three decades, thus takes into account the complexity of building a credible, sustainable development path, while understanding the long-term nature of energy investments, and the role of lower-carbon fuels like natural gas as key to a well-ordered energy transition.

Coal-based generation will be phased out. More importantly, we want to harness our exceptional renewable resources, and the momentum created by rising technologies like green hydrogen, e-fuels, and storage. We want to leverage our favorable legal framework and three decades of experience in structuring and developing renewable and private energy projects.

Our strategic objectives are threefold:

1. Accelerate (i.e., triple) the pace of investments in renewable energies and key sectors like transmission infrastructure and storage solutions, starting today.

2. Build resilient and agile energy systems and grids that are secure, affordable, and sustainable.

3. Put people at the center of our energy transition and net-zero pathways, permeating the new socioeconomic models we are building.

How will we achieve these objectives? The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) is our reference framework to support policies and programs in implementing Morocco’s sustainable development priorities. It is aligned with the 2030 Agenda and its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals as well as the main orientations of the Kingdom’s New Development Model.

The NSSD aims, by 2050, to promote resilience, human development, and reduction of social and territorial inequalities; mitigate and adapt to the consequences of climate change; and protect the environment.

What is different about this strategy is the approach. Through constant consultation, we harness the collective intelligence of all stakeholders—including local authorities, the private sector, civil society, youth, Moroccans living abroad and minorities—to shape the future they want for the country, and to craft with the government the relevant tools to operationalize our social and economic sustainable development path. This inclusive and democratic approach is already having tangible impacts on our new generation of public policies.

Morocco’s development path needs to be holistic, just, and sustainable. Therefore, this is a space and time for society to define the positive and negative externalities of development and price them. These policy levers for sustainable development are defined at the local level, acknowledging the diverse needs and aspirations of our twelve regions.

Even if I am personally excited by the leaps in space technologies, there is still no Planet B, and human societies are still dependent on their environment on Planet Earth. Morocco’s sustainable development strategy is not only a response to the climate crisis, or another mere net-zero pathway, but a means to reintroduce humanity into our policies, placing people at the center of the system.

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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Partner perspective: To make a lasting impact on carbon emissions, we must respect the developing world’s needs Tue, 05 Dec 2023 06:19:08 +0000 The developing world is where the entire climate change battle will be won or lost, writes Majid Jafar, the CEO of Crescent Petroleum.

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Majid Jafar is the CEO of Crescent Petroleum and a member of the Atlantic Council’s International Advisory Board. Crescent Petroleum is a sponsor of the 2023 Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum. This essay is part of the Global Energy Agenda.

As COP28 kicks off in the United Arab Emirates, the divide between Western countries and the developing world over cutting global carbon emissions has never been deeper. As Western activists and policymakers focus on cutting oil and gas production and wrangle over whether to phase out or phase down the use of hydrocarbons, those in the developing world increasingly see their future coming down to reducing emissions at the cost of economic progress. 

Bridging this divide will be critical for any real, lasting climate progress. The developing world is where the entire climate change battle will be won or lost; it is where all the net growth in emissions will come from, because it is where the most rapid economic and population growth is taking place. These nations must progress toward a lower-emissions pathway to development, but policymakers must disabuse themselves of the idea that progress can be accomplished by reducing access to energy supply or simply cutting consumption.

Policymakers must disabuse themselves of the idea that progress can be accomplished by reducing access to energy supply or simply cutting consumption.

Unintended consequences

Every nation has been grappling with the energy trilemma of affordability, availability, and sustainability as energy crises began in 2022. Every leg of this trilemma is critical to maintaining equilibrium and ensuring that energy security is met while emissions fall. But while European countries realized the importance of the trilemma when the energy crisis began, the developing world has faced the challenge for decades. 

The West’s choices and policies have had significant unintended consequences on the developing world, which often bears the brunt of climate change impacts despite contributing minimally to the problem. Western policies that seek to dampen investment in oil and gas only darken the picture by raising energy costs and creating shortages for those who can least afford them. 

European policymakers, for example, proudly heralded their ability to prevent energy shortages at home amid the energy crisis of 2022 by amassing liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies from around the world. But the triumphalism ignored the impact of their deep pockets on energy costs and supply going to developing countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and others. The result in these emerging markets was skyrocketing LNG costs, energy shortages, inflation, and ultimately greater use of dirtier fuels. 

Adoption of natural gas with renewables by the developing world promises to be the most effective means of cutting carbon emissions quickly and affordably. Enabling the developing world to begin the downward march of carbon emissions now is crucial to this goal. Yet when investment in gas is starved to discourage its development and use, or the cost of capital is too high to enable the shift, the Global South is forced to resort to cheaper but higher-emitting fuels, namely coal. 

License to operate

The oil and gas industry is also making tangible progress to be part of the climate solution. Most companies have pledged to reduce their carbon intensity and prevent methane leaks ahead of COP28, further reinforcing the reductions possible with natural gas and other cleaner sources of fuel. Substituting diesel and fuel oil with natural gas is one way the industry can decrease CO2 emissions. Additionally, process improvements to lower carbon intensity along with offsets can enable the industry to achieve carbon neutrality across operations.  

Efforts like these can create a virtuous circle of emissions reductions while ensuring affordable and reliable energy supply for developing economies. In time, the energy mix will include natural gas and other clean fuels such as hydrogen, in addition to intermittent renewables and other forms of new energy. 

The developing world is where the entire climate change battle will be won or lost.

Financing the change 

Ultimately, change on the order required to reduce emissions is only possible with global cooperation. Lasting change requires genuine efforts from the West to respect and address the needs of developing nations by fulfilling climate funding commitments and providing finance as well as technical support and assistance. 

One promising solution would be a new global institution, such as a World Carbon Bank, to channel technical assistance and climate aid to developing countries. Another powerful solution would be to establish a global system of carbon pricing to create economic incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by incorporating the true cost of carbon into market decisions.  

Clearly, the inherent distrust developing countries feel toward the West remains a major stumbling block to achieving global net-zero ambitions. It is therefore crucial to have a neutral space to host these conversations where all countries’ views will be welcomed and provided an equal platform.

COP is such a platform, and the UAE as the COP28 convener offers a model for action. As an early and major investor in all forms of energy, the UAE has the resources, both in terms of finance and low-cost solar energy supply, to advance the technologies of the future such as hydrogen. It plans to invest $54 billion in renewables over the next seven years as part of efforts to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

The UAE’s geographical location also makes it a strategic meeting point between the Global South and North, serving as a hub for trade, finance, and diplomacy, with strong ties to both developed and developing nations. 

The fight against climate change requires global solidarity, collaboration, and systematic thinking. Climate policies must be revised to reflect the needs and views of developing nations as well as those of the West. Undermining poorer countries’ growth in order to cut emissions is not a viable path to change; only by respecting those countries’ needs can we make a lasting impact. That is why we can all look forward to real and lasting action at COP28 in Dubai this year. 

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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Partner perspective: A catalyst for cleaner energy Tue, 05 Dec 2023 06:16:13 +0000 Public-private partnerships will be necessary to accelerate electrification and decarbonization, writes Scott Strazik, the CEO of GE Vernova.

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Scott Strazik is the CEO of GE Vernova. GE Vernova is a sponsor of the 2023 Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum. This essay is part of the Global Energy Agenda.

As the world gathers in Dubai for an impactful United Nations Climate Change Conference, we find ourselves at the cusp of unprecedented opportunities for action. The private sector must deliver, service, and innovate the technologies that help provide electricity reliably, affordably, and globally. Wind, natural gas, nuclear energy, and grid construction, connections, and upgrades are clear drivers for the future of a successful energy transition. We can fast track these efforts if we continue to see the growth of strong partnerships with public institutions. 

Across industries, the past few years have shown encouraging signs of support for this growth, such as an expansion in clean tech financing, increased investment throughout the private sector, more policy certainty around the globe, and new collaborations among companies and governments.

While these factors have contributed to moving the energy landscape in a positive direction, hurdles remain. For example, in the race to reduce carbon emissions, the demand for power is still outpacing the current supply—and this gap will persist. Global electricity demand has risen consistently at a clip of more than 2 percent since 2015, yet at the same time roughly 775 million people around the world still lack access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy.

Because of this, the role of the private sector—specifically around innovation and technology—has never been more crucial as we continue to electrify the world while simultaneously working to decarbonize it.

The good news is that while we confront these challenges, there are now new coordinated and deliberate efforts to address climate change at the scale and size it demands. The public and private sectors are working in tandem more than ever before. Innovative new technologies are being developed and deployed faster, and, importantly, across continents and throughout governments, there’s recognition that the energy transition must also help developing economies improve the quality of life for citizens. 

The role of the private sector… has never been more crucial as we continue to electrify the world while simultaneously working to decarbonize it.

Recent advancements toward decarbonization have been driven in part by policies that are elevating the role of business to lead the development and deployment of critical technologies at scale. For example, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the United States has steered significant financing toward cleaner manufacturing and lower-carbon technologies, and implementation of the law has already helped spur job creation and investments by US-based manufacturers. By the August 2023 one-year mark after the IRA’s passage, more than 200 new clean energy projects had been publicly announced, representing more than $86 billion in investments and tens of thousands of new jobs.

The energy transition presents a clear opportunity for more partnerships like these among governments, industries, and communities. Innovative energy technologies, such as small modular reactors, are being deployed globally so that all regions can benefit from the jobs, supply chain, and training that come alongside a lower-carbon energy source. And countries including the COP28 host, the United Arab Emirates, are advancing ambitious goals like the Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative that align with the goals of the Paris Agreement. 

We can do more. Ensuring greater access to electricity for populations currently in need while also addressing climate change is possible if we deploy diverse generating technologies today, and invest in the breakthrough innovations of tomorrow. This vision requires a diverse suite of the latest solutions in renewables, gas, nuclear, grid, and digital technologies. Through a combination of coal-to-gas switching, enhanced grid resiliency, and investments in infrastructure needed to deploy more renewables, we can balance reducing carbon emissions with power reliability to ensure communities can thrive and economies keep growing. 

As the private and public sectors look for more opportunities for partnerships throughout the energy transition, I’m confident we will see a force multiplier that accelerates the work to electrify the world while simultaneously decarbonizing it. This spirit and letter of partnership and cooperation is the thread that connects our efforts and determines their success. We must move forward and work to meet this moment together.

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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A big idea to address the biggest killer of the climate crisis Mon, 04 Dec 2023 22:00:00 +0000 With over seventy thousand delegates and observers at COP28, actions that aim to improve lives—such as insurance programs to support workers in the informal economy, many of them women—deserve notice.

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Where former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton goes in Dubai this week, she draws a crowd.

People from all corners of the world packed the room, and it was standing room only at our COP28 Resilience Hub, where she held court as the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock) ambassador for heat, health, and gender.

“Extreme heat has to be viewed as one of the most dangerous results of the changing climate,” she said, recounting a trip to India, where she saw the harm done to livelihoods, particularly those of women working outdoors as farmers, street vendors, waste collectors, and salt pan and construction workers. “This is not just a health issue,” Clinton warned. “It’s an economic issue, a social issue, [and] a political issue.”

Working with Clinton and with Reema Nanavaty, director of the nearly three-million-member Self-Employed Women’s Association, the Atlantic Council has been implementing a parametric insurance program as a part of Arsht-Rock’s Extreme Heat Protection Initiative. This program protects women working in India’s informal sector from having to make an impossible choice: pausing their work during heat waves (to protect their health) or continuing to work and earn money, while putting their wellbeing at risk.

What has been winning the headlines here so far at this twenty-eighth United Nations Climate Change Conference has been the announcement on the first day of a landmark, $400-milllion loss and damage fund, a mechanism that provides financial assistance to the countries most affected by, but often least responsible for, the climate crisis. There has also been media attention on the hydrocarbon companies that have come to this conference in greater numbers than ever before—many with concrete commitments and plans to reduce emissions.

With over seventy thousand delegates and observers at COP28, actions that aim to improve lives—such as insurance programs to support workers in the informal economy, many of them women—deserve notice. For these workers especially, “their lives and livelihoods are at stake,” said Eleni Myrivili, the global chief heat officer for United Nations-Habitat and Arsht-Rock.

Frederick Kempe is president and chief executive officer of the Atlantic Council. You can follow him on Twitter @FredKempe.

This edition is part of Frederick Kempe’s Inflection Points Today newsletter, a column of quick-hit insights on a world in transition. To receive this newsletter throughout the week, sign up here.

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Evans-Pritchard Jayanti in Time: Nuclear power is the only solution Mon, 04 Dec 2023 20:37:00 +0000 The post Evans-Pritchard Jayanti in Time: Nuclear power is the only solution appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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Africa’s priorities at COP28, from climate finance to a brand-new narrative Sat, 02 Dec 2023 17:47:45 +0000 Our experts outline what is at stake for Africa at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai.

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On the first day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (also known as COP28) in Dubai, global leaders reached a deal on where to house and how to fund loss and damage costs for the countries most vulnerable to climate change. It’s an important development for African stakeholders, who are concerned about the escalating impact of climate change on the continent. As African heads of state and government wrote in their Nairobi Declaration—adopted at the Africa Climate Summit in September—the continent is warming faster than the rest of the world, despite it being responsible for a small fraction of global carbon emissions. These changes will gravely impact the continent’s economies and societies.

But will COP28 give Africa the attention it deserves on other climate needs? Our experts, some of whom are headed to Dubai, outline what is at stake for Africa.

1. What are African countries hoping to achieve at COP28?

First, there is a strong and well-accepted push among African countries for a change in narrative, recasting the continent from a recipient of climate aid to a full participant in climate solutions. Following the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in June, the Africa Climate Summit in September, and the Annual International Monetary Fund-World Bank Meetings in October, Africans are hoping to secure a place for themselves to do more on adaptation and mitigation because—despite having the lowest greenhouse gas emissions in the world—they live in the continent that is the most affected by climate change.

Second, governments are grappling with debt sustainability, while balancing the need to address the climate crisis. Even though climate is a priority for leaders, they must balance their climate-related initiatives with poverty alleviation, health, education, and debt financing. Governments are starting to think creatively about how to bring more money into the system—climate finance is becoming an important part of the solution.

COP28 will offer the grounds to test, improve, and challenge innovative financing products such as debt-for-nature swaps (such as the $500 million debt-for-nature swap deal in Gabon), a variety of bonds focusing on social and environmental impact, carbon markets, blended finance, and more. A promising trend that will likely have impact on the ground in Dubai is the push for green banks, which can be seen in examples across the African continent, including in an initiative with the African Development Bank.

Finally, as a new push for innovative technology—in solar and wind energy, and in newer fields such as carbon capture and green hydrogen—is underway, African entrepreneurs are looking to carve a place for themselves as leaders in climate technology and will likely be looking for opportunities to scale their solutions at COP28.

Jacqueline Musiitwa is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center

African countries are managing a delicate balancing act when it comes to the green transition.

On one hand, African countries are among those which suffer the worst from the negative impacts of climate change while having contributed the least to global warming. On the other hand, the African continent has the lowest energy access rates in the world, with more than six hundred million people lacking access to electricity.

There is considerable need for energy on the continent, and the private sector and public decision makers face dilemmas in deciding how to get that energy to people. Given the large economic development challenges, it may be tempting to prioritize short-term access to energy, whatever the source (especially oil and gas). African countries must reconcile economic development with the green transition—or, rather, ensure that the green transition is the faster route to economic development.

At COP28, African countries—with their widely differing energy access, natural resources, and green transitions—will seek the recognition of their unique circumstances and the need for tailored support. They will likely call for a differentiated approach to climate action, acknowledging that Africa’s priorities differ from those of developed countries and other regional groupings. They are likely to advocate for a fair transition and seek concrete and significant financial support for adaptation and mitigation measures—including financing to build better energy infrastructure.

In that respect, COP28 is an opportunity to show that the green transition boosts, rather than hinders, economic development by mobilizing and driving investment towards green energy infrastructure. Africa’s abundant renewable resources (including solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass) can help foster economic development by providing clean, affordable, and reliable energy while also meeting decarbonization and net-zero climate goals.

Emilie Bel is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center

2. How will COP28 be different from previous years?

COP28 will likely unfold like its predecessors—African countries will call for the realization of promises made at past conferences, particularly pledges made by developed countries that have benefited from carbon-intensive growth. The cynical view would be that, by the end of the convening, COP28 probably will not be too different than UN climate conferences in the past. But given that COP28 will be in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Gulf countries have become major sources of global capital recently, there may be more announcements of new climate initiatives backed by Gulf governments focused on Africa. In September, the UAE committed $4.5 billion to finance climate projects in Africa, and in October, Saudi Arabia hosted the first Saudi-Africa summit. There seems to be a willingness by Gulf countries to partner and put forth financing offers—the question is how the projects will be structured.

Aubrey Hruby is a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center and leads the Africa Center’s work on climate and energy issues.

3. Which African issues related to finance, inclusion, and technology and innovation—COP28’s biggest themes—are likely to draw attention?

The question of climate justice is deeply tied to Africa’s development experience and will characterize discussions at COP28 as well. African countries have contributed the least to carbon emissions yet bear enormous costs. Without a sensitivity to the climate justice issues at play, it will be difficult to make meaningful progress.

In addition to discussions about the need to develop natural gas capacity, there will be discussions around how to ensure African countries and companies meaningfully participate in newly minted climate finance flows and green technologies. Expect discussions to prioritize three key technologies: green hydrogen, electrical vehicle batteries, and nuclear. Africa’s role in the critical minerals that are necessary for electric vehicles will certainly be highlighted in Dubai as the conference continues to unfold. Not many people are talking about Africa’s nuclear potential yet—though the world arguably should. Bangladesh has just inaugurated its first nuclear power plant, but it is yet to be seen how this fits into the African context.

With six hundred million people lacking reliable access to electricity on the continent, there is a dual imperative for African countries to go green and connect their populations to power resources. This must be recognized at COP28 to meaningfully make progress in Dubai.  

Aubrey Hruby

4. Will the Nairobi Declaration, issued by African leaders following the Africa Climate Summit, affect negotiations at COP28?

Since COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, African stakeholders have been working to develop a unified African position that can meet the needs and challenges of the continent. The Africa Climate Summit helped African countries achieve consensus on key negotiation points such as global decarbonization and openness to green investment (summarized in the Nairobi Declaration) strengthening the continent’s negotiating position and supporting efforts to initiate a big push to help Africa green.

With the Nairobi Declaration having helped drive an African consensus, two subjects should dominate the African agenda as COP28 unfolds. The first topic is ensuring that Africa is not marginalized in the green industrial revolution, which can be achieved with a focus on technology appropriations and with Africa serving as a foundation of green value chains. Second, leaders should push to secure a climate-finance architecture capable of financing the continent’s greening needs. Attracting more private capital is paramount, but leaders should also place pressure on developed countries to meet the one-hundred-billion-dollar climate finance pledge, mobilize new resources, and implement key reforms—for example, initiatives to ensure Africa gets fair prices for its carbon credits.

Jean-Paul Mvogo is a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center and author of “Developing Green Banking Ecosystems: A Solution to Better Finance Green Challenges and Address Climate Change in Africa,” a new Africa Center report to be launched at COP28.

5. How are discussions around critical mineral extraction likely to play out?

This year has seen Africa’s importance in the green energy transition increase because of the number of critical minerals in Africa’s soil. 

There is an increased push by African countries to localize supply and production chains of critical minerals (such as lithium, cobalt, and copper) and other resources. For example, a new agreement between Botswana and De Beers Group commits the jeweler to move more of the value chain to Botswana, and a memorandum of understanding between Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (with support of the United States and European Union) sets them up for collaboration on the processing of copper and cobalt for electric vehicles locally. The trend will likely continue.

Jacqueline Musiitwa

Developed countries’ increased focus on Africa’s critical mineral deposits, coupled with rising competition to access those resources, creates an opportunity for Africa and its trade partners to avoid repeating history—one in which partners lost out when mining and exporting raw or scarcely processed natural resources. New cooperation models should favor virtuous cycles—characterized by local, value-added transformation and ownership. By creating much-needed jobs and local added value, those new value chains could help offset the social consequences of climate change, reduce migratory pressures, and generate the resources to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Those value chains could be drivers of “glocal” prosperity and stability, if well structured.

Jean-Paul Mvogo

6. COP28 participants include not only government leaders but also private-sector leaders. What is their role in supporting African countries?

Private sector funding has to play a massive role.

To achieve the green transition, mobilizing billions in investment for green energy infrastructure will be necessary. Today, African governments are the first source of infrastructure financing (33 percent of total commitments). The current financing gap is too large to be bridged by public funding alone. African countries therefore need to explore multiple financing sources, especially private funding.

In every discussion at COP28, officials will have to look at how the private sector, and especially international investors, can be leveraged. The current trend is a mix between public and private financial tools.

Emilie Bel

7. Will the coalition of African countries likely see support from other regional groups?

Africa shares similar climate vulnerabilities and demands as many other developing countries in Latin America and small island developing states. Many of these countries face increased debt vulnerability, reduced fiscal space, pressing social issues, and high borrowing costs when seeking to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation programs. 

African negotiators, as peers of other developing regions, are also focused on ensuring that climate policies in developed countries do not harm development objectives in developing countries. By adopting policies, such as carbon trade measures, developed countries may inadvertently weaken key systemic sectors in developing countries without providing the adequate support to help those sectors transition to greener standards.

Jean-Paul Mvogo

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Novak published on Timor-Leste through the Lowy Institute and Jakarta Post Fri, 01 Dec 2023 20:46:53 +0000 On November 29, IPSI/GCH nonresident fellow Parker Novak published a piece via the Lowy Institute, titled “Timor-Leste’s uncertain future.” He wrote that “Timor-Leste has accomplished a great deal over the past two decades but faces headwinds that, if left unaddressed, could undo much of what it has achieved.” On November 30, Novak also published an […]

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On November 29, IPSI/GCH nonresident fellow Parker Novak published a piece via the Lowy Institute, titled “Timor-Leste’s uncertain future.” He wrote that “Timor-Leste has accomplished a great deal over the past two decades but faces headwinds that, if left unaddressed, could undo much of what it has achieved.”

On November 30, Novak also published an article titled “Timor-Leste faces uncertainty in every direction” in the Jakarta Post. In his piece, he explained that despite its status as “one of Southeast Asia’s most vibrant and resilient democracies,” Timor-Leste currently faces a number of serious economic, environmental, geopolitical, transnational, and domestic political challenges.

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Why India could play a pivotal role as climate mediator Fri, 01 Dec 2023 17:26:33 +0000 COP28 is a good opportunity for India to begin to flex its climate muscles on the world stage.

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As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi prepared for a historic visit to Washington, DC this year, Apple CEO Tim Cook made a journey in the other direction: He flew to Mumbai to celebrate Apple’s twenty-five-year presence in the South Asian nation. “I really feel that India is at a tipping point,” Cook declared, joining the ranks of business leaders and economists who have spent the last three decades forecasting that the twenty-first century will belong to India.

If it’s true that this is the “Indian century,” it is not just because the country is now the most populous on Earth and on track to become the world’s largest economy; it is because India will play a central role in the global energy transition.

India’s success in this area will be measured by a few obvious targets: its ability to bring down emissions domestically, the example it sets for how other nations of the Global South can undergo their own successful energy transitions, and India’s ability to partner with other nations on climate solutions.

But there may be another just as important, but less obvious, role for India to play: an unofficial mediator between the United States and China to ensure global international decarbonization targets remain in reach amid intensifying competition. The United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference, also known as COP28—taking place only months after India hosted the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit in New Delhi—is a good opportunity for India to begin to flex its climate muscles on the world stage. 

India’s strides at home

The “Indian century” argument is usually built on two pillars: demography and economics. India’s growing population has already surpassed China’s, and by 2050, 20 percent of the world’s workforce could be Indian. Once projected to be the “world’s second-largest economy,” India is now poised to become the “world’s largest everything.” The past two decades have seen India lift millions out of poverty as it achieved some of the fastest growth rates in the world. But this is just the beginning; the International Monetary Fund foresees India’s economy overtaking Germany and Japan before the end of the decade, the eurozone by 2050, and, if you ask Goldman Sachs, even the United States by 2075.

As a consequence of India’s size and growth, the country is a huge greenhouse gas emitter and currently contributes 7 percent of global emissions. At COP26—which took place in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2021—India surprised everyone by saying it intends to reach net-zero emissions by 2070. Many observers are skeptical about India’s ability to make the domestic changes it needs to reach the lofty target. In a Foreign Affairs article in June, Arunabha Ghosh—chief executive officer of the Council on Energy, Environment, and Water and vice chair of the UN Committee for Development Policy—sounded a hopeful but cautious note on this issue. “India is trying to develop as fast as it can while eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, and traditionally, states cannot develop and decarbonize simultaneously,” he wrote. “[India] will, in other words, have to grow in a manner that no major economy has before.”

Think about it: Combine India’s rapid demographic growth with its economic growth, and one gets the fastest-growing energy demand in the world in the coming decades. As it connects fifty million citizens to the grid each year and ramps up its manufacturing capabilities, India has become the second-largest producer and consumer of coal, which provides more than 70 percent of its power needs. In doing so, it has become the world’s third-largest greenhouse gas emitter. While India has committed to reducing the share of coal in its energy mix, this doesn’t necessarily translate into an absolute decrease in coal consumption. Today, Indians consume a third of the electricity the average individual does, and a twelfth compared to Americans. To close this gap, the Indian government has accelerated coal production. Last year, for example, coal production increased by more than 15 percent. In a February Washington Post interview, Indian Coal Secretary Amrit Lal Meena could not have been more direct: “Our energy needs are first and foremost. . . whatever we produce is consumed. Every coal mine matters.” In international climate negotiations, India’s ambivalent position has dented its climate credibility, in Paris and more recently in Glasgow.

On a more positive note: In 2021 alone, the South Asian giant built up twice as much renewable capacity as coal. Through innovative auctions, India is on track to achieve its target of meeting half of its electricity needs from renewables by 2030. In 2021 alone, India added fourteen gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity, the equivalent of the United Kingdom’s total solar fleet. India has amassed close to seventy GW of solar capacity and forty GW of wind. If India can succeed in meeting economic and population growth with decreasing emissions and cleaner energy, then there is hope the rest of the world can too. 

India on the world stage

The above examples, however, are just within India’s borders. India has no choice but to reduce its own emissions, but that alone will not fix its climate problems. Global warming of two degrees Celsius would lead to six times more heatwaves in India and significantly disturb monsoon rains, a phenomenon so important for India’s economy that one Indian leader referred to it as India’s “real finance minister.” These unavoidable facts, combined with India’s historical nonalignment, mean that the country holds the international keys to finding common climate solutions.

India is proving to be an indispensable international partner for the West. As Europe and the United States struggle to find alternative suppliers to China to rebalance their clean industry supply chains, India is developing its own manufacturing capabilities through the “Make in India” plan. More business with India and less with China could be seen as beneficial for Western policymakers and Indian policymakers. Indian and Western policymakers share challenges and objectives: India and most of the West are large net importers of fossil fuels (the notable exception being the United States). They are both ramping up investments in clean energy, and back in 2015, India and France launched an initiative to mobilize one trillion dollars to advance solar power in developing countries. While much was made of security and defense during Modi’s visit to Washington, DC, the joint statement released at the close of the summit placed decarbonization at the forefront, welcoming an investment from India’s VSK Energy that would be directed toward a solar panel factory in the United States, as well as calling for deepened cooperation on energy storage and carbon capture. Europe, meanwhile, has been looking to deepen its ties with India on green hydrogen.

India’s nonalignment policy also lends it credibility with the developing world. India has thus far helped to ensure that both developing and developed nations bring emissions down in a manner that is fair. Historically, India has championed the notion of justice in international climate negotiations, under the principle of “differentiated responsibilities.” India has argued that countries should focus on cumulative historical emissions and emissions per capita, two metrics on which the United States and Europe fare particularly poorly. At COP28, Indian negotiators will be pushing for developed nations to become carbon negative by 2050. Recently, India has played a vocal role in the effort by developing countries to attract more climate funding from rich nations. The pledge made by developed countries at COP15—held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2009—to provide one hundred billion dollars per year to developing nations for climate action has been broken every year since.

India as a climate mediator?

Although many major greenhouse gas emitting countries are motivated to reach climate targets by domestic (rather than international) pressure, simmering tensions between the West and the rest could eventually hamper international climate negotiations efforts. This may lead to yet another role for India to play in the global green transition: a mediator to ensure that US-China competition doesn’t derail global climate targets.

India has its own issues with China, of course. The December 2022 clash at the 2,100-mile India-China border (known as the Line of Actual Control), represented the worst breakdown in the relationship since 2020 and created a more heavily militarized border between the two countries. According to the Pew Research Center, India is the only middle-income country where a majority has an unfavorable view of China. Chinese leader Xi Jinping also decided to skip the G20 Summit in New Delhi, most likely because China would rather focus its energy on where it’s a bigger player in the room: the BRICS Plus. India is also working to reduce its own dependencies on China and is cooperating with the United States and its allies in the Indo-Pacific region, a key component of Modi’s visit to Washington this year. The Biden administration has breathed new life into the Quad, a security dialogue among the United States, India, Japan, Australia. Even the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, announced at this year’s G20 Summit, seems meant to directly compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (which is, at the moment, floundering.) And India has its own clean industry rebalancing challenge: China continues to dominate the supply of solar panels in India, and several Indian manufacturers have declared bankruptcy.

But India has also built bridges with China that the West lacks. Both Asian superpowers view coal as strategic, capable of stabilizing grids as renewable energy comes online. They both agree on the push to recognize historical emissions, not only current emissions, and they partake in several fora where the West is absent, such as the BRICS Plus and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. If any country is capable of speaking with both sides of the US-China divide, it is India. 

So how can India become a successful climate mediator?

First, India should be clear that framing the US-India relationship through the lens of competition with China won’t work. The “us or them” approach has not paid off for the United States in the rest of the Global South, and it cannot risk allowing that same approach to fail in India. Up until now, India’s role as a nonaligned middle power seems to have resonated with US policymakers, and there’s been a major diplomatic push from Washington to deepen its relationship with New Delhi. India knows that the United States needs it as a partner in the Indo-Pacific region, so the relationship today is win-win. But it’s up to India to continue to hold its ground against the tendency for the United States to shape most of its relationships through the lens of its competition with China. Nowhere is this more important than in the global energy transition.

Second, India should ensure that the geopolitical rivalry between the United States and China does not derail green technology advancements and emulation. Overly aggressive decoupling from China will fragment global economies and raise the costs of decarbonization when the world can least afford it. Where one has built expertise in a given sector, that expertise should be shared. Europe and India can lead by example in this regard: They have just opened talks for the production and supply of green hydrogen. China’s domination of clean energy supply chains and the US Congress passing the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022 have raised concerns among some experts about unfair trade practices. But India and the West (including the United States) both remain extremely dependent on the rest of the world for their energy transitions, and protectionist measures threaten to choke the large supplies of raw materials, solar panels, and everything else they need to meet their goals.  

Third, developing countries need much more climate finance from developed countries to successfully combat the far-reaching effects of global climate change. According to a 2023 analysis by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, developing countries’ needs will amount to nearly six trillion dollars by 2030 to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions—measurements that are “at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of its long-term goals.” Heeding this call and reaching these goals require reforming international climate finance. New ideas were put on the table at the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact in Paris in June, including reforms for multilateral lenders. As Sarang Shidore wrote for Foreign Affairs in August, “Global South states have mostly maintained a united front in demanding more climate financing from their European and North American counterparts.” This is an area where India could take the lead on behalf of the Global South, especially given its proven track record in crowding in private capital for renewable development.

An Indian climate century should be celebrated by the West: A strong India, taking the lead in the fight against climate change, is in everyone’s interest. India, by reaching toward its own climate targets at home, can step up its engagement on the international stage, lead the reform of international climate finance, push cross-border cooperation in vital green technologies, and help to defuse US-China tensions. It may not be the easiest road, but for the good of the international community, it is a necessary one for India to take. 

Rachel Rizzo is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center.

Théophile Pouget-Abadie is a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Transform Europe Initiative and policy fellow at the Jain Family Institute.

Note: This piece has been updated to remove an outdated reference to negotiations over the loss and damage fund, which was agreed to on November 30.

The post Why India could play a pivotal role as climate mediator appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Expert analysis: The successes and shortcomings in the fight against climate change at COP28 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 20:21:06 +0000 Our experts dispatched to Dubai, where they analyzed how global leaders responded to the greatest challenges posed by climate change.

The post Expert analysis: The successes and shortcomings in the fight against climate change at COP28 appeared first on Atlantic Council.

This year, the world has seen a slate of devastating weather events—and geopolitical tensions that have raised global concern about access to reliable energy. Did global leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP28, respond with enough to meet this moment?

Experts from across the Atlantic Council, from on the ground in Dubai and elsewhere around the world, analyzed how global leaders responded to climate change’s greatest challenges and offered expert insight on the biggest developments in everything from climate finance to the energy transition to the global stocktake.

Get a sense of whether negotiators have proven COP’s value, courtesy of our experts below.

Check out all our COP28 programming here.


DECEMBER 15 | 10:02 PM GMT+4

COP28’s legacy will be measured by emissions reduction, not ‘historic’ text

By Landon Derentz

The final declaration from COP28, “the UAE Consensus,” is transformational in its reflections on fossil energy’s role in contributing to climate change, but with time this climate conference won’t simply be remembered for “landmark” text. If all goes to plan, the COP28 Presidency’s efforts to foster an inclusive platform for promoting private and public actions that reduce global emissions will be its legacy.

The “success” of COP28 was never going to be measured by unrealistic expectations around “phasing out” fossil fuels—a benchmark promoted by the European Union and small island nations severely at risk of global temperature rise. Despite over $3.5 trillion in financing for renewable energy over the past decade, oil, gas, and coal remain stubbornly anchored in the global energy mix, representing around 80 percent of energy consumed. The high reliance on conventional energy resources for their economic growth and political stability unequivocally placed China, India, and Saudi Arabia at the vanguard of a block of countries opposed to any negotiated outcomes at COP28 that locked in a “phaseout” or “phasedown” of specific energy sources.

Behind the scenes, however, the feverish and ultimately successful push for a diplomatic compromise temporarily overshadowed what COP28 has already accomplished.

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Dec 15, 2023

COP28’s legacy will be measured by emissions reduction, not ‘historic’ text

By Landon Derentz

The COP28 final declaration is transformational in its reflections on fossil energy’s role in climate change. The conference’s real legacy, however, will be the efforts undertaken to foster the inclusive platform necessary to promote private and public actions and reduce global emissions.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

DECEMBER 15 | 9:58 PM GMT+4

The takeaway from COP28: Gas and nuclear are part of the energy transition

By Ana Palacio

Standing at the epicenter of the United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai, also known as COP28, it was clear that this year’s event was qualitatively different from previous ones. What started in Berlin in 1995—convened by Angela Merkel, then the German environmental minister, as a private meeting of experts seeking to draw the attention of leaders and the media to the increase in global average temperatures—has become a prominent and massive gathering. Over the course of two weeks, more than 150 heads of state and government walked the halls of Expo City Dubai, compared to 112 who attended COP27 last year in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. There were also reportedly more than 90,000 participants at COP28, compared to less than 50,000 at COP27.

With the increase in size, COP’s center of gravity shifted away from the formal management structure of the convention. Instead, the focus was on disparate and scattered initiatives in which nonstate actors—including from the private sector—play a prominent role. There are several ways to interpret this conference: a holy pilgrimage for those who are devoutly green, a new Davos attended by executives of the same corporate giants who frequent the World Economic Forum gathering in Switzerland, a photocall of politicians from around the world, a theater with armies of lobbyists, a mix of consultants and media. “Inclusion” was an oft-repeated theme this year. And although it may seem provocative, the meeting’s most notable decision may have been to include the oil and gas sector, which had been previously sidelined—a decision that spotlighted a larger confrontation at COP28 between ideology and pragmatism.

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New Atlanticist

Dec 15, 2023

The takeaway from COP28: Gas and nuclear are part of the energy transition

By Ana Palacio

The concept of a “transition” in the energy transition is too often lost: specifically, the idea that it will extend over time and require overlap.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

DECEMBER 14 | 1:48 AM GMT+4

The final report card for COP28

After fourteen days in the desert, it ended with a “beginning.” On Wednesday, the 2023 United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai, also known as COP28, concluded with nearly two hundred countries agreeing to “transition” away from fossil fuels. UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell called the decision the “beginning of the end” of the fossil fuel era. But the agreement text was only one of many outcomes from the conference, including the activation of the loss and damage fund and pledges to abate methane emissions and triple renewable energy. Atlantic Council experts who were on the ground in Dubai share their insights on the agreement and the road ahead.

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Fast Thinking

Dec 13, 2023

The final report card for COP28

By Atlantic Council

Atlantic Council experts who were on the ground in Dubai share their insights on the agreement and the road ahead.

Africa Climate Change & Climate Action

DECEMBER 13 | 11:43 PM GMT+4

Don’t chalk this conference’s success up to text alone

By Reed Blakemore

COP28 finally came to a (late) conclusion today, following a frenetic race to the finish. 

The final agreement managed to address nearly all of the key items on the COP28 agenda—the loss and damage fund, tripling renewable energy deployment, and global carbon markets with varying levels of strength. But debate over whether this COP was a success or failure will gravitate toward the agreement’s treatment of fossil fuels. 

Despite early optimism from the climate community earlier in the week that “phasedown” in some form or fashion might be an ultimate landing spot, the final text on Wednesday, settled on “transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems.” That language reveals not only how hard it is to find consensus on the oil and gas industry’s role in climate action; it also shows the complexity of interests that are often misunderstood by climate observers and played out over successive drafts leading up to the final agreement. On one hand, major oil-producing delegations at the COP have been unwilling to accept sweeping or overly broad language that undercuts their still-transitioning economies. Relatedly, many developing economies (particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa) see a phasedown or phase out, in the absence of financing for alternative energy sources, as an unfair deal. They make this point by criticizing how Western countries built their own economies by consuming fossil fuels for decades (and at the same time that many Western countries still produce and use fossil fuels themselves). Meanwhile, small island nations have been adamant that fossil fuels cannot be omitted from COP text, whether this one or in the future. 

The result is a bit of a word salad that may not meet the expectations many in the climate community brought to Dubai. But expecting the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to address the tricky issue of fossil fuel emissions in one fell swoop may actually be unhelpful for efforts to drive multilateral climate action. 

Indeed, the treatment of fossil fuels and their role in global emissions is an urgent area of attention—and it will remain so for COPs to come. But when evaluating the success of this gathering in Dubai, don’t put too much faith in the power of the COP’s signaling abilities through its text. Unlike loss and damage funds or carbon market rules, for which multilateral structures or mechanisms are created through UNFCCC agreement, it’s harder to draw a straight line between strong phaseout language in the text and the drawdown of a resource that remains an intrinsic part of the global economy. This perhaps is what made the alternative phrasing to a “phase out” proposed over the weekend—which listed several options for countries to cut emissions including upping renewable energy capacity—an imperfect but more thoughtful way to use the signaling power of the COP. (This wording, for example, is similar to what was used in the Sunnylands agreement in November between the United States and China). The final COP28 agreement, though also imperfect, is an important starting point to build from.

Regardless, the increasing utility of the COP to build an inclusive ecosystem that effectively integrates industry, civil society, and policy is something to celebrate. Numerous accomplishments—from nuclear energy commitments to a new renewables fund—highlight COP’s value as a necessary platform to align action and commitment. 

Bringing the oil and gas industry into this platform is a tricky but necessary part of that process, and an area in which this COP will leave a legacy even outside of the official text. The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) establishment of Global Decarbonization Accelerator and its Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter provided that, and while it needs to both grow in participation and ambition, it can be a space where the UAE can push for shared action even once its COP presidency concludes. Holding the oil and gas industry accountable for their role in the climate crisis begins with bringing that industry into the fold, in order to hold it accountable for providing solutions rather than  for existing. This COP managed to do that.

What remains to be seen, however, are the tricky bits of climate action. Major tasks ahead for the UNFCCC include effectively de-risking private investment in clean energy projects; establishing clarity on how to allocate “shared pools” of funding for resiliency efforts, such as the loss and damage fund; and navigating the nuance of a trade system that is evolving rapidly in response to energy transition. Arguably, these are just as (if not more) “make or break” for the energy transition and climate action than the language chosen to articulate the future role of fossil fuels. 

The ink may still be drying on the final agreement, but much more work remains.

Reed Blakemore is director for research and programs with the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

DECEMBER 13 | 10:43 PM GMT+4

COP28 gave nuclear power a seat at the table

By Jennifer T. Gordon

From the start, it was clear that this COP could justifiably be called “the nuclear COP.” COP28 kicked off with the pledge of more than twenty countries to triple nuclear energy by 2050, which was soon followed by an industry pledge. Additionally, the US Export-Import Bank (EXIM) and the US Department of State announced a “suite of EXIM financial tools” to jump-start small modular reactor deployments around the world. The United States, Japan, Canada, France, and the UK pledged to mobilize at least $4.2 billion in government-led investments to “enhance uranium enrichment and conversion capacity over the next three years.”

Perhaps just as important as the specific announcements on nuclear energy at COP28 was the unprecedented centrality of nuclear energy in conversations at the conference. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Institute hosted a pavilion in the Blue Zone called “Atoms4Climate,” while the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and World Nuclear Association hosted Net Zero Nuclear pavilions in the Blue Zone and Green Zone, along with a two-day Net Zero Nuclear Summit in downtown Dubai. Nuclear energy was present in all these platforms, and conversations around nuclear energy took place in spaces that were dedicated to the energy transition writ large (for example, at the Global Decarbonization Accelerator Connect pavilion, run by the Atlantic Council). The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Draft Decision on the Outcome of the Global Stocktake included nuclear energy in its list of “zero- and low-emission technologies,” a move that the IAEA praised for making history.

The importance of nuclear energy becoming part of the climate conversation goes far beyond rhetoric. As countries move to unlock financing for technologies that are considered green, the inclusion or exclusion of nuclear energy could determine whether the industry succeeds or fails. For example, Canada’s inclusion of nuclear energy in its Green Bonds framework is enabling greater funding for nuclear and faster deployment of nuclear technologies. As a zero-emission energy source, nuclear deserves a seat at the table at the world’s premier climate conference, and COP28 was a watershed moment for the inclusion of nuclear in the climate discussion.

Jennifer T. Gordon is the director for the Nuclear Energy Policy Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center.

Note: The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation is a sponsor of the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum. More information on Forum sponsors can be found here.


DECEMBER 12 | 11:45 PM GMT+4

Watch how final negotiations balance energy opportunity with climate insecurity risks

By Thammy Evans

As COP28 draws to a close, the usual frantic bargaining is taking place. This year’s conference has seen several innovations and firsts that show an evolving global and societal response to the climate crisis at hand. More than ever before, themes beyond climate change are attracting more focus, which was seen in announcements such as the launch of the Alliance of Champions For Food Systems Transformation. The day 11 Majlis organized by the United Arab Emirates aimed to bring a more inclusive feel to the negotiations, while the conference’s many official gatherings have earned this COP the name “Conference of Partners.” The findings of the global stocktake, although still not finalized and released, is a first attempt at a comprehensive, transparent inventory of climate action, but gaps remain.

A look at the themes of each COP across the years is a stocktake in itself that shows how negotiations have developed and the topics that have made it into negotiations over time. To date, much of the negotiations (on topics such as food, agriculture, oceans, tourism, health, finance, gender equality, indigenous peoples, youth, nature, land use, urbanization, fashion, adaptation, and loss and damage) have been attempts to make progress on climate mitigation via indirect sectors and to create a means to make it up to developing countries that are suffering the most from climate change. But much of the negotiations have also fallen short on the real elephant in the climate-mitigation room: fossil fuels.

This conference, however, marks the first time the term “fossil fuels” made it into the end-of-COP deal—or at least the draft text of it. Inclusion of the term “fossil fuels” is a sign of how much traction climate science has finally made. It is also recognition that discussions around climate security have adequately—and powerfully—conveyed the risks at stake. If the term “fossil fuels” remains in the final text, and depending on how it is mentioned, it could be a win for the COP28 president, Sultan al-Jaber, who has advocated for the need to have buy-in from all parties and partners, even (and especially) the oil industry.

Efforts to turn global focus toward turning the tap off for fossil fuels (i.e. a complete phase out), on ecosystem and economic regeneration and on a policy switch to regenerative capitalism (rather than merely mitigation, resilience, and adaptation) have not yet succeeded. Some sectors in many developed countries, with a sense of optimism for technological determinism, argue that technological innovations will somehow help achieve climate goals, just in time to keep hard-to-abate sectors alive for just that bit longer. But climate modeling simulators don’t show any scenario in which global warming can be kept to 1.5 degrees or even 2 degrees Celsius by keeping fossil fuels alive (by supporting fossil fuel infrastructure and production) while offsetting by innovation scale up, offsetting, or abatement by 2100, or even by 2050.

It is true that a gradual phase down will keep certain transition challenges more tolerable, especially for those countries whose economies have yet to put a realistic economic transition diversification plan in place. But the lack of a fast enough phase out plan will exacerbate physical climate insecurity risks for the 3.5 billion deemed already to live in climate hot spots. The resulting increased risk of violent conflict, forced migration, and death will raise humanitarian disasters to a level unseen, keeping government institutions, emergency services, and the option of last resort—the armed forces—ever more occupied with responses to climate hazards. As the COP28 negotiations draw to a close, watch this balance of energy opportunities and insecurity risks.

Thammy Evans is a nonresident senior fellow of the GeoTech Center of the Atlantic Council. She is also a senior research fellow of the Climate Change & (In)Security Project, a collaboration between the Reuben College of Oxford University and the UK Army’s Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research. Her co-authored chapter entitled Ecological Security: The New Military Operational Priority for Humanitarian and Disaster Response, was published in Climate Change, Conflict, and (In)Security: Hot War on December 1.

DECEMBER 12 | 8:14 PM GMT+4

Will the findings of the global stocktake unite or divide the world?

By Lama El Hatow

One of the most pivotal items being discussed at COP28 is the global stocktake, a “report card” of the world’s progress on climate action and a key indicator of the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Two years ago, countries began assessing their progress on climate targets, or nationally determined contributions (NDCs), and submitted their findings to the United Nations (UN) Framework Convention on Climate Change. According to the UN Environment Programme’s Emissions Gap report, with current NDCs and climate targets, the world has little chance of keeping below the 1.5-degree-Celsius warming limit and could see temperatures rise by 2.9 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels by the end of the century.

Under a three-degree warming scenario, the Amazon rainforest could dry out and ice sheets would melt at exponential rates. To meet the 1.5-degree warming threshold, countries will need to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 42 percent by 2030, the UN says. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the world is slated to reach 1.4 degrees Celsius of warming above preindustrial levels in what remains of this year, making it the hottest year on record. “Greenhouse gas levels are record high. Global temperatures are record high. Sea level rise is record high. Antarctic sea ice is record low,” the World Meteorological Organization’s secretary general warned. Scientists have said that next year could be worse, with an El Niño weather pattern that is expected to cause temperatures to rise.

COP28’s success depends on the global stocktake’s ability to push countries to implement three changes.

First, drastically cutting emissions and having countries increase the ambition of their NDCs, including by committing to reduce emissions by 43 percent by 2030 and by 60 percent by 2035, as recommended by the UN.

Second, a complete phaseout of unabated fossil fuels with a clear timeframe that keeps global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Going forward, countries should set their ambitions even higher than this recommendation by phasing out all fossil fuel use: “abated” fossil fuel, achieved with the help of carbon capture and storage, can take away from the real action that needs to be done. All countries must also commit to triple renewables, double energy efficiency, and make clean energy available to all by 2030.

Third, increasing climate finance to ensure that the Global South doesn’t struggle to reach climate targets and that developing countries are not devastatingly impacted by climate-related disasters they did not cause or only minorly fueled. As negotiations on the way forward come to a close, it is important that countries are acutely aware of the consequences of their shortcomings and the need to ensure climate justice for all.

Lama El Hatow is a nonresident fellow with the empowerME Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East. She is also a professor and program coordinator at Johns Hopkins University in the Environmental Science and Policy and Energy, Policy, and Climate departments.


DECEMBER 11 | 5:41 PM GMT+4

The Inflation Reduction Act set off waves still felt at COP28

By Charles Hendry

The introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the United States has transformed European thinking about the industries Europe needs if it is to achieve net-zero emissions by the middle of the century.

Political leaders in Europe and elsewhere had long been encouraging the United States to do more to tackle climate change and bring forward the industries needed to do so. But when the IRA was announced, the initial reaction in European capitals was one of shock. The IRA was criticized as being unfair in subsiding companies to invest in the United States and making it more difficult for Europe to compete.

As time has progressed, harsh words have changed into measures that would also attract investment into the United Kingdom and the European Union. Governments realized that their only response was to raise their game and make Europe as attractive a place to invest in low-carbon industries as the United States. Game on!

The mistake in those early reactions was that it suggested that this is a battle between the United States and Europe. But the reality is that if both are to deliver the changes that are needed, and do so in the timeframe needed, then this needs to be the United States and Europe—and China and other countries across the world. This is not a zero-sum game in which if one country does well, then other countries have to do badly. It is one where we all need to win.

The same is true of Chinese dominance of supply chains. The West needs to secure more of those supply chains, as businesses want their supplies closer to them and as they look to have stricter control over manufacturing processes, environmental sustainability, and transparency. Sometimes that is seen as a threat to Chinese industries, but the reality is that China will need the output from those factories to supply its own fast-growing clean industries.

The mood of businesses present at COP28 has been one of realizing ambition, a sense that more can be done, that the necessary funding is there, that the right skills can be developed, and that companies can do all this faster than previously thought. In every panel I took part in, business representatives said that they are ready to deliver on the ambition.

There will be much debate about government policies to reach the United Nations Climate Change Conference commitments, but there has seemed to be little debate at COP28 about the enthusiasm of the business community to rise to the challenge. Sixteen months on from the signing of the IRA, the United States and Europe and countries around the world are starting to realize that they have to deliver together.

Charles Hendry is a distinguished fellow of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center. Previously, he was a Conservative member of the UK Parliament for Wealden from 2001 to 2015, the minister of state for energy from May 2010 to September 2012, and the Conservative Party’s spokesperson on energy issues from 2005 to 2010.

DECEMBER 11 | 9:25 AM GMT+4

COP28 is talking about how to finance Africa’s green transition. Green banking is a big part of that.

By Jean-Paul Mvogo

On the ground at COP28, the issue of climate finance, particularly in Africa, has been a big topic of discussion. This is due in part to the magnitude and urgency of the issue. Even with the commitments made here in Dubai and earlier, the amount Africa needs to face climate change—three hundred billion dollars per year, at least—is around ten times the amount of disbursements and pledges made to African countries so far for this purpose.

Beyond the amount of financing needed, the discussions at COP28 have also focused on the topic of the green financial architecture—that is, the logistics to bring green financial services and products closer to African households, businesses, and communities. A major question is how to provide climate insurance to the millions of African farmers, including farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, who could lose 5-17 percent of their crop yields by 2050 due to climate change and who live on the fringes of traditional financing circuits. Another concern is how to finance the upgrade of African businesses to greener standards, when today only 18 percent of their financing needs are covered. There is in addition the question of how to provide greener transport, energy, and housing solutions to the hundreds of millions of young, urban workers, who earn their living on a daily basis and do not have collateral.

If the need for deployment of climate finance for all is self-evident in countries with developed financial systems, these questions highlight the importance of green financial architecture for Africa to achieve a successful green and inclusive transition. Hence the decision of the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center to launch a reflection on that topic in a new report that I wrote and presented at COP28.


Dec 5, 2023

How green banking can unlock climate solutions in Africa

By Jean-Paul Mvogo

In order to succeed in its transition to a green and inclusive economy, Africa must ramp up its green banking ecosystems and mobilize resources needed to finance climate mitigation and adaptation while also addressing deforestation, pollution and biodiversity loss.

Africa Economy & Business

This report explains how green financial systems can turn Africa into a champion of the green economy by mobilizing its ecosystems. Africa’s ecosystems are among the most efficient carbon sinks on the planet. African countries represent an exceptional renewable energy technical potential that accounts for a little less than half of worldwide capacity. And the continent contains large deposits of numerous critical minerals essential to the green revolution.

The report presents cooperative models for creating alliances of financial intermediaries able to mobilize their respective advantages to efficiently deliver green financial services to the “last mile”—to local communities and small businesses, for example. It also emphasizes issues that the international community must quickly address to resolutely engage Africa in the transition to a green and inclusive economy that would be a benefit to all as a source of stability.

To unblock the African green intermediation pipeline, the report advocates finding solutions to the difficulties faced by African financial actors when they wish to access international green funds. The dysfunctions of African carbon markets, which hinder the rise of pan-African green finance engineering initiatives, also call for resolute action. Finally, the report pleads for curbing the debt bottleneck that prevents African countries from devoting more resources to capacity building and training, which are needed to structure countries’ green ecosystems and attract more private investment. Indeed, private investment represents just 14 percent of green financing in Africa, highlighting a strong growth potential.

With the end of COP28 nearing, these issues, and the report’s twenty-one recommendations, deserve more attention. As COP28 attendee said to me, action, in addition to discussions, is needed to prevent the international community from heading toward “a climatic and societal hell” and allow the construction of a more desirable alternative.

Jean-Paul Mvogo is a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center.


DECEMBER 10 | 8:15 PM GMT 4

For the global stocktake and beyond, accessible and trusted data are the foundations for progress

By Lloyd Whitman and Raul Brens Jr.

Negotiations on the highly anticipated COP28 global stocktake have already started for the nearly two hundred countries gathered at the climate change conference. This stocktake, the first in a five-year cycle, will determine how far the world has come in trying to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and where it has come up short. To quote the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), “It means looking at everything related to where the world stands on climate action and support, identifying the gaps, and working together to agree on solutions pathways (to 2030 and beyond).”

During the first week of COP28, a theme heard again and again across discussions on climate science, mitigation, and adaptation is the importance of data and the challenges to making accurate, comprehensive, and trusted data easily accessible to all stakeholders. While the Enhanced Transparency Framework is the foundation for the UNFCC’s data collection and reporting, there is a rapidly growing array of public and private sector resources being devoted to data collection, sharing, and use, including artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled applications.

The power of data was vividly illustrated at COP28 in a presentation by former US Vice President Al Gore and Gavin McCormick, co-founder of the Climate TRACE coalition. They revealed how comprehensive data on sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can provide actionable insights into how to target emissions reductions more effectively. This global-scale monitoring system uses satellites and other remote sensing methods, combined with ground-truth measurements and AI, to provide an open and accessible global inventory of emissions.

The data from Climate TRACE also demonstrate the importance of space for providing critical climate-related data—the topic of a discussion at COP28 moderated by one of the authors. The panel was hosted in the Blue Zone by the World Green Economy Organization and titled “Space for Sustainability: Contribution of Space-Based Capabilities to Sustainability Research and Climate Science.” It featured Aarti Holla Maini, director of the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs; Salem Butti Salem Al Qubaisi, director general of the UAE Space Agency; Andrew Zolli, chief impact officer at Planet; and David Roth, director of international public policy at Amazon. This discussion made clear that whether looking inward at the Earth, outward at other planets and beyond, or providing global network connectivity, space should not be an afterthought and, instead, should be embedded into climate policy making.

These are just two of a multitude of conversations at COP28 on the importance of trusted and accessible data for the entire climate ecosystem. Some of the other data-related projects and resources discussed include:

  • partnership between UNFCCC and Microsoft to use AI and advanced data technology to track global carbon emissions and assess progress under the Paris Agreement.
  • A partnership between the UAE Space Agency and Planet Labs to use satellite data to construct a loss and damage atlas to inform the Loss and Damage Fund first announced at COP27.
  • A tool developed by Google to forecast life-threatening floods up to seven days in advance using publicly available data sources and AI.
  • A centralized and open source private sector climate data repository co-developed by France and Bloomberg enabling investors and regulators to track and compare climate commitments for hundreds of companies.
  • The full launch of the Methane Alert and Response System, a satellite detection and notification tool to accelerate data gathering and notification to countries of this potent GHG.
  • The Global Renewals Watch, a longitudinal atlas observing solar and wind renewable resources on Earth and how they are growing to better inform the transition to clean energy.

A diverse set of data collection methods are important to accurately assess emissions across different sectors, but data sources also offer opportunities beyond tracking emissions. Data collection methods across different areas are crucial to our growing understanding of holistic impacts of climate change, including that of deforestationbiodiversity loss, and impact assessments of natural resources such as melting ice caps, oceans, and water systems. It is key to transparency in government and business commitments related to sustainability and to reveal “greenwashing.” To ensure a global benefit and ease of utility across data sets, it is important to underscore robust data and reporting standards. Data need to be trustworthy, accessible, and interoperable to ensure access and ultimately action. Standardized reporting can breathe transparency into a system mired with distrust, and it can facilitate global collaboration, allowing for an acceleration of insights and ideas on how to address climate change.

The effective use of climate-related data requires global collaboration and cross-sector engagement, even where geopolitical tensions hinder other bilateral activities. The democratization of data will be a requirement to ensure that data sets are not only available but also accessible in usable formats for those who need it the most across sectors and countries. The effort will require the involvement of governments, international organizations, the private sector, philanthropic foundations, and civil society. They must work together to build capacity for knowledge-sharing and facilitate the strategic deployment of resources necessary to optimize the use of cross-functional data. A multi-stakeholder approach is the best way to prioritize and implement the most effective and economical solutions.

As the negotiations for the global stocktake move closer to the finish line, it is important to highlight one thing everyone should agree on: Accessible and trusted data are the foundations for progress on decisive climate action and achieving a sustainable future.

Lloyd Whitman is the senior director at the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.

Raul Brens Jr. is the deputy director and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.

Note: Amazon is a sponsor of the Atlantic Council’s work at COP28.

DECEMBER 10 | 12:29 PM GMT+4

Is carbon capture and storage a solution to emissions—or is it a ‘carbon bomb’?

By Lama El Hatow

To meet the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the world will need to cut fossil fuel production by an estimated 40 percent within this decade, according to the International Energy Agency. In an effort to reach the Paris Agreement goal, several countries—including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, and the United States—have proposed the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to abate carbon emissions from fossil fuels and heavy industry, and store them back in the ground, either offshore or on land. 

However, several groups have criticized the technology and its implications on the wider project of achieving climate goals. A report by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), for example, states that the oceans are already plagued with ocean acidification and pollution from offshore oil and gas installations, and the seabed should hence not be turned into a storage site for carbon dioxide (CO2) waste. In addition, the CIEL report mentions that CCS projects have repeatedly fallen short of capture targets and encountered financial and technical hurdles, raising doubts about their feasibility and safety. Offshore CCS experience has been limited so far to only two projects in Norway, both of which encountered unpredicted problems, raising questions about the technology’s risks.  

Similarly, another report by Climate Analytics states that a reliance on CCS could be dangerous for the planet, since its impacts and ramifications are still not well known or studied. The report argues that for the world to achieve the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 degrees Celsius limit, a near-complete phaseout of fossil fuels is needed by the middle of the century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, too, has stated that a fossil fuel phaseout is necessary to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit target, but that a small amount of CCS can be utilized in this pathway with capture rates of 95 percent. The Climate Analytics report suggests, however, that if carbon capture rates only reach 50 percent rather than 95 percent, and upstream methane emissions are reduced to low levels, this outcome would pump 86 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, equivalent to more than double the global CO2 emissions in 2023. The report calls this a “carbon bomb.”

Some scientists and climate experts have raised concerns that the use of CCS to abate fossil fuels would reduce pressure to completely phase them out, shifting the focus instead to “phasing down” their use. The concern is that, as a result of CCS, both emissions mitigation efforts and an energy transition to renewables would be slowed considerably, and that the technology would therefore in effect promote the expansion of oil and gas projects globally instead of limiting them. The Climate Analytics report, for example, states that CCS is “heavily promoted by the oil and gas industry to create the illusion we can keep expanding fossil fuels with dismal capture rates to count as climate action.” 

Here at COP28, as countries are reportedly discussing the wording of an “abated” versus “unabated” fossil fuel phaseout in the text, the consequences of allowing a technology with unknown risks to make its way into the calls for “climate action” remain a concern. 

Lama El Hatow is a nonresident fellow with the empowerME Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East. She is also a professor and program coordinator at Johns Hopkins University in the Environmental Science and Policy and Energy, Policy, and Climate departments.


DECEMBER 9 | 11:47 PM GMT+4

Getting private capital off the sidelines for the Global South

By Racha Helwa and Hezha Barzani

Check out this untapped opportunity: Africa has 60 percent of the world’s best solar resources, but only 1 percent of installed solar capacity. That lack of commitment from the private sector is due to perceived and real investment risks, stemming from concerns about weaker institutions in these countries.

But for the world to meet its energy-transition objectives, the private sector must increase its investments fourfold, according to the Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance.

One mechanism available to help minimize those investment risks—whether real or not—is the global suite of multilateral development banks. These banks can take on this challenge by offering insurance or guarantees to investors, or through other means. But, as discussed in a GDA Connect event we hosted today, those de-risking instruments appear insufficient to many investors.

That’s why there’s so much chatter about sovereign wealth funds and green funds. They are equally crucial when it comes to attracting investments for renewables in Africa, parts of the Middle East, and other countries facing similar challenges. It could be argued that, out of the variety of funding initiatives and deals to take place here at COP28, the Alterra fund is the one most likely to have an immediate and significant impact on climate action.

At the GDA Connect event, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi unpacked the new $30 billion climate-focused fund, highlighting that it aims to mobilize an additional $250 billion globally by 2030 and increase investment flows to the Global South. What’s important here is that the fund could radically alter the dynamics and pace of the energy transition in Africa and the Middle East, helping to sustain momentum over time.

But with much more financing needed—in the trillions, not the billions—it will take additional bold initiatives to push the energy transition in the Global South to where it needs to go.

Racha Helwa is the director of the empowerME Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East.

Hezha Barzani is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council’s empowerME Initiative.

DECEMBER 9 | 10:38 PM GMT+4

COP28 turns out the private sector to solve the climate crisis

By Frederick Kempe

This entry is part of the “Inflection Points Today” newsletter. To receive more quick-hit insight on a world in transition, subscribe here.

There are different theories about how this city, the most populous in the United Arab Emirates, got its name. My favorite is that it came from an Arab proverb that says “Daba Dubai,” meaning, “They came with a lot of money.”

Dubai was established in the eighteenth century as a fishing village, where a good living could be made from trade and pearl diving. By the time the COP28 climate conference kicked off here, it had become one of the world’s richest cities, with the world’s tallest building and more five-star hotels than any city except London, the result of oil revenue, tourism, real estate, and sovereign investment.

Dubai was host to climate action over the past week, gathering almost one hundred thousand people from nearly two hundred countries. The public and private sectors drew closer than ever before to a consensus that addressing the perils of a warming planet was both a matter of urgency and business opportunity.

That does not fix the problem, but there is no solution without vast amounts of private-sector financing and investments in climate solutions from renewables to nuclear energy, and from decarbonization to green tech.

Many climate activists opposed opening the doors to industry, particularly those producing fossil fuels, but the result has been a flurry of unprecedented agreements that, if executed and sustained, have the potential for tens of billions of new dollars to address the climate crisis.

For example, there is the $700 million in loss and damage support for the Global South. There is also the $30 billion “Alterra” fund, launched by the United Arab Emirates—and with private-sector giants Blackrock, Brookfield, and TPG—whose aim is to generate $250 billion of capital by 2030 for climate investments in the Global South.

Some fifty oil and gas companies, including Saudi Aramco and twenty-nine national oil companies, agreed to reduce their emissions to zero by 2050 and to reduce methane emissions to zero by 2030. At other points of the convening, countries joined together in agreeing to triple renewables, also by 2030, and to triple emissions-free nuclear energy by 2050. Achieving both goals will require the participation of the private sector.

Negotiators are squabbling over the text of the final COP28 agreement. Politico reports that a draft it has seen has expanded to twenty-seven pages and includes five different options on how to manage disputes over “phasing down” or “phasing out” fossil fuels. The battle could get ugly before the conference closes Tuesday.

Whatever the outcome, veterans of the UN climate process believe this year’s sharply increased level of private-sector engagement could be the game changer to address challenges beyond the capacity of governments alone. Says Jorge Gastelumendi, a veteran of sixteen COPs who runs the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center: “After twenty-eight COPs, we have finally seen the private sector arrive in the climate space with full force and commitment. Without them, we will not be able to solve the climate crisis.”

DECEMBER 9 | 3:55 PM GMT+4

Ukraine’s path to victory and European integration is paved through war-insured decarbonization investments 

By Olga Khakova

Ukraine’s COP28 pavilion hosts sobering evidence that Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country has included an environmental assault on Ukraine’s nutrient-rich soil, interconnected watershed systems, and diverse wildlife, in addition to Russian forces’ attacks on civilians and their communities. But Ukraine’s COP28 pavilion is also a stage for showcasing the country’s resilience, innovation, and resolve to decarbonize, despite ongoing Russian attacks. Allies from around the world stopped by to demonstrate their support, including US climate envoy John Kerry and European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson. Victoria Hallum, New Zealand’s deputy secretary of multilateral and legal affairs, and Marco Vinicio Ochoa, Guatemala’s vice minister of natural resources and climate, also stopped by the site. Continued engagement from international partners will be critical to rebuilding the country and transforming its energy systems toward net-zero emissions. 

Ukraine is already making strides to cut carbon emissions and strengthen energy security, from local small-scale initiatives to record developments. One of the news-making announcements at the Ukrainian COP28 pavilion was the signing of a memorandum of understanding between DTEK, Ukraine’s biggest private energy company, and Vestas, a company with more than a hundred gigawatts of wind turbine installation and service under its belt. They agreed to expand the Mykolaiv wind farm in southern Ukraine into the biggest wind project in Eastern Europe. Cities across Ukraine are also doing their part to meet climate targets. In the North, Nizhyn (which was covered in a death blanket of Russian rockets at the onset of the Russia’s February 2022 invasion) is now installing photovoltaic cells and storage at local utilities and maternity wards, as well as ramping up heat pump integration ahead of the winter. 

But to reach momentum and scale, Ukraine will need war risk insurance for Ukrainian and foreign investors and project developers. Initial efforts are on the way through the World Bank’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency; the US International Development Finance Corporation; and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; as well as national insurance solutions from Poland, Germany, and France for protecting exports and investments in Ukraine. However, a comprehensive war risk mechanism is missing for clean energy projects that could be accessible to global companies of all sizes seeking to invest in the transformation of Ukraine’s energy system. Such mechanisms could be partially funded through state guarantees combined with support by allied governments and bolstered by engagement from private sector insurance companies and reinsurance schemes. 

Ukraine is showcasing unwavering commitment to decarbonization even in the midst of war. Sufficient war risk insurance would unlock private sector investments in the clean energy economy. Moreover, these efforts will contribute to defeating Russia, to Ukraine’s economic development, and to closer integration with European energy systems.

Olga Khakova is the deputy director for European energy security at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center.

DECEMBER 9 | 9:50 AM GMT+4

COP28 is different from every other COP. Here’s why.

By David L. Goldwyn 

After twenty-eight official gatherings, the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has evolved to the Conference of the Partners. Whatever the result of the final communique, the more lasting contributions will come from what is happening outside the tent. The real tests of this COP boiled down to a handful of crux issues: whether meaningful reductions in methane emissions would be accomplished, whether real money would be committed to promote the energy transition in the Global South, and whether credible pathways to net-zero emissions would be charted given the dismal results of the global stocktake. The Emirati leadership of COP28 has largely met this test. 

First, the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter (OGDC) has done what governments could not: gotten 40 percent of global oil production committed to measurement and verification of their greenhouse gas emissions and near-zeroing of methane emissions, complete with public reporting and transparency guarantees. While the OGDC has not really deepened the commitments of the international oil companies that have signed on, it has greatly broadened these commitments to many more companies, especially national oil companies. If the OGDC proves a transformative effort, those companies that do not participate will miss out on the opportunity to have their environmental, social, and governance qualifications significantly improved. 

Second, the announcement of the United Arab Emirates’ Alterra Fund commits thirty billion dollars to hard-to-finance projects in the Global South. This is nowhere close to closing the universally acknowledged climate finance gap between the needs of developing countries and emerging markets to meet their climate goals and the current financing for these needs. Theoretically, the Alterra Fund could spur as much as $250 billion in investments by 2030 to close this gap—a force multiplier by any definition. Moreover, these funds are likely to be more flexible and credible than the commitments of governments and some other private institutions thus far, as well as more effective than the sclerotic Global Environment Fund

But the greatest legacy accomplishment may be to transform the COP process itself. For years, COPs have been caught within unrealistic and polarized debates, such as how fast net-zero emissions can be achieved, how fast renewables can be scaled up, and what role (if any) fossil fuels should play in a decarbonizing world. It seems that COP28 has, for the first time, brought a wide breadth of fuels and technology types to front-and-center roles: nuclear energy, various “colors” of hydrogen, carbon sequestration and carbon removal (as well as more ambitious renewables pledges). Even US climate envoy John Kerry is speaking positively for the first time about the need for carbon management—strongly implying that governments are recognizing that all of these strategies will play a role in reaching net-zero emissions. 

While some stakeholders will be understandably skeptical of this “all of the above—and more” approach, it is a welcome recognition of the heterogenous pathways most countries (especially emerging economies) will take to reach net-zero emissions. This historic presence of diverse investors, technology companies, and even oil and gas companies that will develop and deploy these tools is what makes this (and hopefully future COPs) a gathering for partners, not just a gathering for parties. All of this, to be sure, is just a first step—but it is a hopeful one.

David L. Goldwyn served as special envoy for international energy under President Barack Obama and assistant secretary of energy for international relations under President Bill Clinton. He is chair of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Advisory Group and a nonresident senior fellow with the Council’s Global Energy Center.

DECEMBER 9 | 9:30 AM GMT+4

AI is generating a lot of attention at COP28—and predictions about the climate’s future

By Lama El Hatow

Here on the ground, there’s been a lot of chatter about the role technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), plays in the climate crisis. One event at the Technology for Innovation Hub highlighted how 4 percent of global emissions come from the tech industry, which can be attributed mostly to data centers and devices (such as smartphones and computers). For countries to meet climate goals, tech leaders will need to find efficient ways to reduce these emissions.

But tech can also be used in various applications to assist in solving the climate crisis. AI could be especially useful, for example, for monitoring irrigation, offering insights into how to conserve water. AI could also help map the ocean environment and aquatic ecosystems to assess how warming seas are impacting aquatic life. 

There’s more: For example, a new chatbot called ChatNetZero can help determine whether decarbonization plans designed by corporations, governments, and other institutions are credible. Scientists have been calling for sustainability reporting and corporate transparency in climate data, which often has been met with opposition due to claims of privacy and security concerns—AI may offer a way to satisfy the needs for transparency and security. Google’s DeepMind, an AI research lab, has recently uncovered 380,000 new stable materials, which have the potential to be used to power electric-vehicle batteries, superconductors, and supercomputers. 

AI, with the help of data from sensors, can also help cities predict water leakages in city distribution networks in cities to avoid water losses, which account for an average of 20 percent of water losses globally in the networks. 

AI, with its predictive capabilities, could be a resourceful tool in fighting climate change. But the question is how to get it to everyone. As participants have been able to glean at the Technology for Innovation Hub, organized by the COP28 Presidency, there is an urgent need to strengthen the Global South’s climate-tech ecosystems, democratize access to knowledge and capacity building, and spur climate-tech innovation. There is hope: For example, showcased at the Hub, four Palestinian startups have overcome hurdles, such as lack of access to funding and support systems, even under the dire conditions of war.

Lama El Hatow is a nonresident fellow with the empowerME Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East. She is also a professor and program coordinator at Johns Hopkins University in the Environmental Science and Policy and Energy, Policy, and Climate departments.


DECEMBER 8 | 2:35 PM GMT+4

What the Global South needs for a just energy transition

By Katherine Walla

Achieving a just energy transition for the Global South may require a complete reversal in the way the world has operated for centuries.

According to Caribbean Development Bank President Hyginus Leon, who spoke at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum in Dubai on Thursday, the Global North has long benefitted from being the destination for flows of goods, money, and people from the south. “Now,” he explained, “you need a reversal” to “generate equity” and “allow the Global South to grow.”

Herbert Krapa, Ghana’s deputy minister of energy, explained that despite African countries being the source of both fossil fuels and vast critical mineral deposits—both crucial for meeting energy demand—the continent hasn’t been able to leverage them for its own development. “A just transition,” he explained, will require “taking advantage of these resources.”

But for the sake of the climate, he added, it will also require “significant financing” for renewable energy.

Read more highlights from this discussion

New Atlanticist

Dec 8, 2023

What the Global South needs for a just energy transition

By Katherine Walla

Achieving a just energy transition for the Global South may require a complete reversal in the way the world has operated for centuries.

Africa Climate Change & Climate Action

DECEMBER 8 | 12:22 PM GMT+4

The White House’s Amos Hochstein on ensuring energy security amid global crises

By Daniel Hojnacki

Energy security is “not just something we talk about in the context of Russia and Europe on gas,” said Amos Hochstein, senior advisor to the US president for energy and investment, on Thursday. Speaking at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum in Dubai, he explained that the priority of energy security “has to be the same when it comes to EVs [electric vehicles], lithium, solar panels, and wind turbines.”

Hochstein, who was formerly the US assistant secretary of state for energy resources, discussed the United States’ vision for the future of energy security, the importance of building supply chain resilience as part of the energy transition, and the path forward for regional integration in the Middle East.

Atlantic Council CEO and President Frederick Kempe asked Hochstein whether he thought the United Nations climate change conference known as COP28 in Dubai was divisive or inclusive for its large number of participants, including members of the oil and gas industries. “It’s okay to have disagreements,” Hochstein said. “I don’t think that we should expect that if somebody came here and didn’t agree, then that’s a failure. I think it’s a success that we’re having a conversation.”

Read more highlights from this discussion

New Atlanticist

Dec 7, 2023

The White House’s Amos Hochstein on ensuring energy security amid global crises

By Daniel Hojnacki

At the Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum in Dubai, Hochstein discussed the United States’ vision for the future of energy security.

Economy & Business Resilience & Society

DECEMBER 7 | 9:48 PM GMT+4

Global consensus on climate action is harder amid geopolitical strife

By William Tobin

 At COP28, hundreds of countries have gathered to work together to address the climate crisis. Seeing them, here on the ground, one might momentarily forget about much of today’s geopolitical friction and global fragmentation.

But for the sake of the planet and humanity, we must not forget that reality: Meaningful progress on climate goals will only be feasible by accounting for our global context and important issues such as economic and national security.

To achieve the financial infrastructure, investment environment, and supply-chain resilience required to achieve net-zero emissions—all hard to come by with geopolitical friction—it will be important to quickly and widely deploy the full suite of decarbonization technologies that are available: from solar and wind to carbon capture, utilization, and storage. That was a big takeaway from the second day of our Global Energy Forum in Dubai today. On that stage, the White House’s Amos Hochstein argued that such a vast deployment will require both cooperation and economic competition—the latter achieved by better trade systems—ultimately lowering prices and fostering resilience.

There’s more to the context that must be considered, too. High interest rates and persistent inflation around the world are creating headwinds, slowing the deployment of (capital-intensive) clean energy tools. As financial experts and leaders from the Global South explained today at the Forum, counteracting those headwinds—and expanding access to affordable and reliable energy—will require more climate finance.  

There is reason for optimism. Every COP is rightly branded as a moment with existential consequences, and COP28 was widely anticipated as the last best chance for action in key areas such as reducing methane emissions, spurring political momentum for the deployment of carbon-management technologies, improving energy finance, and more. There has been progress across these areas, such as the UAE’s launch of a thirty-billion-dollar fund (which aims to, in part, incentivize further investment into the Global South) or through the launch of the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter, which has significant potential for emissions reduction (equal to that of the global aviation sector), but does not address emissions from fossil fuel end use.

With war in Ukraine, the Middle East, and Sudan, and with tense relations between countries such as the United States and China, it is clear that consensus among the 198 parties at COP will be elusive. Against this frayed backdrop, the urgency to employ inclusive, science-based climate solutions is higher than ever.

William Tobin is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, where he focuses on international energy and climate policy.

DECEMBER 7 | 6:32 AM GMT+4

Faith at COP, or faith in COP?

By Lama El Hatow

For the first time ever, the COP presidency launched a Faith Pavilion this year. This decision signals the responsibility of religious leaders to promote efforts to care for the environment through their faiths. Although absent from COP28 for health reasons, Pope Francis helped set the tone for the Faith Pavilion in a message inaugurating it, stating that “climate change is a religious problem.” Additionally, representatives from various faiths produced the “Interfaith Statement for COP28,” in November, which expressed their shared concern over escalating climate impacts, as well as a joint commitment to address the crisis.

The Faith Pavilion aims to bring together religious leaders, officials, and scientists to discuss the role of faith communities and religious institutions in addressing the climate crisis. Several side events in the Faith Pavilion have demonstrated how various religions, including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, enforce the notion of being “stewards of the earth.” Other panels looking into faith-based communities globally, including into indigenous communities, spoke about the spiritual connections to nature as humans’ teacher, and humans as nature’s protector. These panels also expressed the idea that nature should have a voice, and that including nature as a stakeholder with legal and legitimate claims is imperative for equity.

The application of these beliefs can have practical consequences; several countries and their lower courts have passed laws ascribing legal rights to nature or individual lands and bodies of water, including Mexico, New Zealand, and India. Ecuador enshrined the rights of nature, or Pachamama (a goddess worshipped by indigenous peoples of the Andes) in its constitution. Other countries are calling for this to be done internationally. Giving nature legal rights internationally would open greater possibilities for holding actors responsible for devastating the environment through pollution from fossil fuels and suing perpetrators for ecocide and crimes against nature.

Religious leaders have also weighed in on some of the most important issues in ongoing climate negotiations. For instance, a group of Catholic nongovernmental organizations came together to create a joint statement calling on leaders of all faiths across the world to show their support for action on loss and damage. The statement stressed the moral case for action on loss damage, drawing on church teaching, scriptures, and ancient wisdom.

This first-ever inclusion of faith at COP in this way is a positive step toward inclusion of all impacted communities and helps provide a voice to the environment through faith and through the communities that aim to preserve it. However, one must pose the question: Have people turned to faith to save them, as they lose faith in the COP process and their governments to do so?

Lama El Hatow is a nonresident fellow with the empowerME Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East. She is also a professor and program coordinator at Johns Hopkins University in the Environmental Science and Policy and Energy, Policy, and Climate departments.

DECEMBER 7 | 4:56 AM GMT+4

City-led solutions have power—but they need funding

By Katherine Walla

Over the course of the first days of COP28, the Local Climate Action Summit took place and the leaders approved plans to operationalize the loss and damage fund—including a commitment to allocate some of the resources to subnational governments.

Those two events are exciting for cities; but they “will never be able to effectively tackle climate change without proper access to finance,” argued Mauricio Rodas, senior advisor for city diplomacy and heat at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center and former mayor of Quito, Ecuador.

“Now, we need to make sure that cities will be participating in the discussions and decisions about how to make the loss and damage fund operational,” Rodas said.

Get up to speed on the role of mayors and city leaders

Katherine Walla is the associate director of editorial at the Atlantic Council.

DECEMBER 7 | 1:26 AM GMT+4

Fusion is the future (these energy experts mean it this time)

By Frederick Kempe

This entry is part of the “Inflection Points Today” newsletter. To receive more quick-hit insight on a world in transition, subscribe here.

Charles de Gaulle is reported to have wryly said, “Brazil is the country of the future and always will be.” Energy tech geeks have long said the same about fusion—a miraculously clean and safe potential energy source whose breakthrough was always an unchanged thirty years in the future.

But here at the eighth annual Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum (at COP28 in Dubai this year), I witnessed that longstanding claim change in real time as John Kerry, the US special presidential envoy for climate, declared that fusion’s time had come, when the dangerously warming world needs it most.

He announced what he called a US International Engagement Plan for Fusion Energy, which he said would involve thirty-five nations and would focus on research and development, the supply chain and future marketplace, regulation, workforce issues, and public engagement.

“There is potential in fusion to revolutionize our world,” Kerry said, adding, “We are edging ever closer to a fusion-powered reality.” Though no one was willing to set an exact time frame for that, the panel of experts that followed Kerry’s remarks shared his optimism that the time for “the holy grail” of clean energy—as Commonwealth Fusion Systems CEO Bob Mumgaard called it—was growing closer.

As I understand it, fusion (the melding of two or more atomic nuclei to create energy) powers the sun and other stars, so the theory is that earthly scientists and investors ought to be able to replicate that with heat, pressure, lasers, and magnets, producing massive energy. “We are really entering a new era,” said Costas Samaras, who champions this work in the Biden White House; according to him, the private sector has spent six billion dollars trying to take fusion from the lab to the world.

One former fusion skeptic, former US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, told the Global Energy Forum that he has been “blown away by the progress.” At the very least, he said smiling, “I believe the word ‘fusion’ was pronounced from a stage at COP for the first time.”

Frederick Kempe is the president and chief executive officer of the Atlantic Council.


DECEMBER 6 | 10:50 PM GMT +4

Why COP28 is right to prioritize global methane and flaring reduction

By William Tobin

COP28 has yielded major announcements on lowering methane emissions, particularly from the oil and gas sector. The attention placed on methane at this COP is prudent, because methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and abating it is cost-effective with current technologies and business models. There is a clear pathway and a necessity to take action now.

Listen below and here for more on methane, then read this recently published report.

William Tobin is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, where he focuses on international energy and climate policy.

DECEMBER 6 | 9:03 PM GMT +4

Climate change and national security can’t be disentangled

By Jonathan Panikoff

It was fitting that both COP27 last year—and now COP28—were hosted in the Middle East. The region is likely to be hit harder by climate change and its impacts than potentially any other across the world. Since 2000, on average, Middle East temperatures have risen by 1.5 degrees Celsius, twice the global increase of 0.7 degrees Celsius. And given the region’s initially hotter and drier climate, in parallel with dwindling water access and rising sea levels, that rise in temperature reflects that the mean global temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius that COP has long highlighted and is fighting to avoid has already hit the Middle East.

Threats to security in the Middle East are often thought of first in the context of Iran or terrorists such as Hamas, Hezbollah, or Shia groups in Iraq and Syria. That is unlikely to change, yet climate change is also coming into the spotlight as a significant.

On Monday and Tuesday, the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative joined with Abu Dhabi-based Trends Research and Advisory for our third annual conference, but this iteration was unique. Held in the Green Zone of COP28, this year’s conference was entitled “Sustainable Security: The Soft and Hard Implications of Climate.” The resounding theme that panelists kept coming back to was the fundamental link between climate and the future of US and allies’ national security.

Over the two days of panels and insights from keynote speakers, the impact of global warming on the military, war fighting, operational capabilities, and broader strategic national security was abundant. Sessions that started broad, by addressing political and strategic issues challenging international climate action, and those that delved into the future of climate-financing and the energy transition, all led back to the same result: a need to fundamentally recognize climate change as a broad strategic threat, not just an environmental one.

Changes in weather patterns that are creating stronger, more frequent, and more dangerous hurricanes and storms are a threat to both facilities and operations in the Middle East. The erosion of coastlines is a threat to both US and allied naval facilities. And climate change could drive changes to great power competition with China as Indo-Pacific tensions rise over potentially climate-related changes to fishing stocks, river basins shared by China and a variety of southeast Asian countries, and the requirement for greater humanitarian assistance due to increasing numbers of weather-related natural disasters; assistance that will be fiercely competed for and required by Middle East states as well.

As a result, while US national security is directly impacted by climate change, so too is the economic and national security of Middle East allies who will have to confront rising temperatures and, by extension, dwindling resources, such as storms and drought that create unstable food supply chains, something that Middle East leaders are quite cognizant from recent history can lead to political consequences and even revolutions.

The insights from our conference broadened our understanding of the impact of climate change on national security, but also enabled us to contribute to strengthening efforts aimed at elevating for policymakers the need for sustainable security.

Jonathan Panikoff is the director of the Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Program. 

DECEMBER 6 | 2:01 PM GMT+4

Empowering women leaders can open a gateway to cooling solutions

By Katherine Walla

As countries and cities hurriedly search for cooling solutions to protect their populations amid extreme heat, North Dhaka, Bangladesh, is employing a tree planting program in neighborhoods of predominantly informal settlements.

Bushra Afreen, chief heat officer of North Dhaka at the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, explained that these areas are densely populated, often hosting climate migrants. “These people are already very vulnerable; they have limited resources [and] limited access to shade, income, and trees.”

“Women,” Afreen continued, “are the most vulnerable in these communities; they are on the frontlines of their families when facing extreme heat because they are taking care of everybody else and then themselves.”

“So, I wanted to make them the front line of the solution,” Afreen said. North Dhaka worked with women, she explained, to decide which trees to plant and where to plant them—and to find ways to motivate the community to grow and protect the trees.”

“In doing so,” she said, “we opened a gateway to more cooling solutions and more strategies that will eventually be implemented.”

Dive into how North Dhaka is cooling its community.

Katherine Walla is the associate director of editorial at the Atlantic Council.

DECEMBER 6 | 1:01 PM GMT+4

The loss and damage fund is a step forward, but far short of what climate justice demands

By Lama El Hatow

On the first day of COP28, the parties agreed to operationalize a loss and damage fund, with initial pledged contributions reaching $725 million as of December 5. While the decision to operationalize the fund was historic, it remains to be seen whether this plan, hurriedly agreed to on the first day of the conference, will provide the necessary support to the affected communities it is meant to help. There is much to be done going forward, including holding polluters accountable and establishing a mechanism for reliable long-term funding that meets the scale of loss and damage that must be addressed.

Much of the language in the decision was watered down by developed countries to escape their responsibility for historical emissions. Going forward, it is essential that polluters be held accountable. There were no references to equity or to Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in the decision. The decision also places developed countries—those most responsible for the emissions changing the climate—in control of almost 50 percent of the fund’s board. Moreover, the pledges for developed countries’ contributions to the fund are “voluntary” rather than obligatory, as the fund only “urges” developed countries to contribute. This raises serious questions about how the fund will be replenished once the initial contributions are disbursed. 

Even if developed countries meet their voluntary commitments to the fund, however, it must be noted that the millions pledged for loss and damage so far are a mere drop in the bucket. Billions are needed globally to ensure climate justice to vulnerable communities facing the most severe loss and damage. A report from the International Institute for Environment and Development estimates that up to $580 billion will be needed to help countries facing extreme weather by 2030. Developing countries have argued that the new fund should provide at least one hundred billion dollars annually by 2030. To raise funds more commensurate with the scale of the problem and help ensure this financing can be replenished, Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley proposed taxing polluting industries as a source for the fund. She has estimated that her proposed tax rates would provide two hundred billion dollars from oil and gas profits, seventy billion dollars from the value of international shipping, and forty to billion dollars from the international air travel industry annually for the fund. She has also argued that a financial transaction tax could help build resilience in frontline communities.

The fund’s operationalization is a step toward progress, but still falls short of promoting climate justice and placing human rights at the forefront of the climate debate. 

Lama El Hatow is a nonresident fellow with the empowerME Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East. She is also a professor and program coordinator at Johns Hopkins University in the Environmental Science and Policy and Energy, Policy, and Climate departments.

DECEMBER 6 | 11:27 AM GMT +4

John Kerry unveils a ‘critical’ new US strategy to expand fusion energy

By Katherine Walla

US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry on Tuesday announced a new strategy for international cooperation on the development of nuclear fusion, which he said would be—alongside other energy sources, such as wind, solar, and nuclear fission—”a critical piece of our energy future.” The strategy, Kerry explained at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Forum at COP28, focuses on research and development, supply-chain improvements, regulation, workforce development, and education.

If “all of our countries are threatened, and they are, [and if] all life is threatened, and it is, then we need to pull ourselves together with every strength we have,” Kerry said. “We cannot realize this grand ambition—perhaps not at all, but certainly not at the pace we need to—doing it alone.”

The need for alternative fuels such as fusion is apparent because “science clearly tells us, without any question whatsoever, that the cause of this crisis… [is] emissions. It’s the way we burn fossil fuels,” Kerry said.

Kerry noted that “we’ve had a little debate in the last few days about what the evidence shows or doesn’t show,” a reference to controversies during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai over what role oil and gas will play in the global energy future.

“We have two options,” Kerry explained. “Either capture the emissions or don’t burn [fossil fuels].”

Kerry explained that the evidence of warming across the planet makes it “clear” that the world needs to “move faster” to limit global temperature rise. “We need to figure out what we’re going to do at a critical pace,” Kerry warned.

Read more highlights from Kerry’s remarks

New Atlanticist

Dec 6, 2023

John Kerry unveils a ‘critical’ new US strategy to expand fusion energy

By Katherine Walla

“We need to pull ourselves together with every strength we have,” Kerry said on the first day of the Global Energy Forum.

Africa Climate Change & Climate Action

DECEMBER 6 | 9:35 AM GMT+4

How countries are gearing up to cool the planet down

By Katherine Walla

On Tuesday, sixty-three countries signed a pledge to raise the level of ambition on cooling, as the planet’s temperature continues to rise, and heatwaves become more frequent.

The pledge commits countries to cutting cooling-related emissions and improving access to cooling for people across the globe.

“Cooling is not a luxury. It is a life-saving necessity,” explained Owen Gow, associate director of the Extreme Heat Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center. 

When expanding access to cooling, countries will need to ensure that it is “sustainable and efficient cooling,” Gow added. “If we increase access to cooling, we need to make sure that it doesn’t accelerate climate change at the same time.”

Eleni Myrivili, global chief heat officer with UN-Habitat and Arsht-Rock, noted that the pledge incorporates subnational governments as well “to make sure the type of cooling they do in their cities is sustainable and efficient.”

Get up to speed on the Global Cooling Pledge.

Katherine Walla is the associate director of editorial at the Atlantic Council. 

DECEMBER 6 | 5:52 AM GMT+4

The declaration on climate-smart agriculture is a crucial—but underfunded—step forward

By Raul Brens Jr.

While everyone was fixed on the loss and damage breakthrough, few headlines mentioned a global commitment, signed just a day later, to address global food systems and their impact on the climate. Over 130 world leaders signed the COP28 UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action; the leaders represent countries that, altogether, are responsible for 76 percent of global food systems emissions. Also announced: a $2.5 billion fund to support food security while the climate-change fight continues.

That there isn’t more attention on this declaration is surprising, considering that the agri-food system counts for a third of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. But it is worth noting: The declaration is only the latest sign that the topic of food systems, and the role they play in the climate crisis, is becoming more and more prominent at COPs.

In addition, the declaration has managed to unite countries despite geopolitical tensions today, showcasing global solidarity around the health of the planet and the wellbeing of future generations. For example, the United States and China are signatories—however, some key significant emitters, such as India, have not signed on, indicating that challenges remain in ensuring broader alignment.

Succeeding in the commitment to future-proof the food system will require countries to focus on climate-smart agriculture techniques that improve crop and land resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from farming—all while increasing agricultural output. Climate-smart agriculture harnesses technologies ranging from Earth observation satellite systems (to monitor crop conditions) to genome editing tools that help develop resilient crop varieties.

Deploying these climate-smart technologies raises challenges around access and cost, especially for low- and middle-income countries. The signatories must work together to ensure that technology is shared and developed fairly and collaboratively. It is especially important that developed and developing nations join in this work, to achieve truly sustainable and resilient global food systems.

But the declaration may need to reassess one thing: its funding. While $2.5 billion is a noteworthy start, it doesn’t accurately match the scale of the challenge the world faces in reforming global food systems—especially if the sum winds up being spread over several years. In comparison, a United States and United Arab Emirates joint initiative called Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate) has mobilized over eight billion dollars in investment across fifty-five partner countries.

The declaration represents a crucial step forward in global climate efforts. However, the journey ahead demands sustained commitments and increasing financial investment to truly realize the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Raul Brens Jr. is the deputy director and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.


DECEMBER 5 | 5:14 PM GMT+4

A familiar concern—but with new urgency

By Jorge Gastelumendi

COP28, with its many pledges and announcements, certainly has plenty that is new. But there’s also a sentiment here on the ground that is rather familiar: Concern about the fact that public finance is not even close to covering worldwide needs for adaptation funding.

Reaching the levels of financing necessary to do so will require “unlocking global capital markets.” Putting all those technical terms aside, what it really comes down to is having policies that support the development of adaptation and resilience markets and having policymakers and private finance leaders that talk to each other. Bringing together these actors will drive transformative collaboration.

Yesterday, with our partners, the Adrienne Arsht–Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center launched the first-ever Call for Collaboration, calling upon policymakers and the banking, investment, and insurance sectors to work together to improve the investment environment and, in so doing, mobilize more private finance. It is backed by five governments from developed and developing countries; on top of that, leaders and thinkers from private finance, academia, and over thirty governments helped shape this call.

Like many issues related to the changing climate, adaptation and resilience funding requires all hands on deck. Fortunately, with all the momentum on this issue that I’ve seen here in Dubai, there has never been a better moment to collaborate and advance urgent action on this front.

And here’s a sneak peek at next year’s COP: We will mobilize even more players in the climate finance space—private finance actors, regulators, policymakers, and philanthropic organizations (who launched a Call to Action at this COP for accelerating climate adaptation). Their participation will be needed to create public policies that support adaptation finance and set much-needed standards.

Jorge Gastelumendi is the interim director of the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht–Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center.

Get up to speed on the Call for Collaboration


DECEMBER 4 | 11:12 PM GMT+4

Trade is starting to have its say in the COP process—at last

By Reed Blakemore

If you want a “watch this space” recommendation coming out of COP28, look no further than Monday’s theme, “Trade Day”—the first time a COP thematic day has been devoted to the role of trade in the energy transition. Smatterings of urgently needed conversations on critical minerals and decarbonizing trade value chains have begun to find their place this year.

These “operating system” features of a Paris-aligned world are going to demand more attention. Yet outside of these issues being highlighted through panels and discussion (an important start), the inaugural Trade Day yielded few real action items.

It’s still the early days of the conference, but the trade space must be front and center, as World Trade Organization President Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala said on Saturday at COP28. Global trade is directly responsible for 20 to 30 percent of global CO2 emissions (strictly as a reflection of international freight), while embodied carbon in widely traded goods (specifically energy-intensive trade-exposed goods) remains a huge challenge for industry to curb. Reaching climate targets requires the development of a new resource base to build clean energy technologies, demanding that markets in which those resources are traded mature. International carbon markets, meanwhile, remain a long-awaited, but unfulfilled ambition of the Paris Agreement.

The challenge, however, is that the economic opportunities of the energy transition have overlaid a competitiveness agenda on top of the climate action imperative. Many in the United States and the European Union are wary of what China’s dominance in mineral supply chains means for economic and national security in a net-zero world. In the absence of global markets for carbon, countries are seeing carbon border adjustments (or similar mechanisms) as ways to nominally support low-carbon industries, but in doing so, they are throwing up barriers to trade. The opportunities inherent in the “global green economy” are creating a race for countries to lead in clean tech industries to seize both emerging labor and export markets, bringing an increasingly protectionist hue to energy policy.

Perhaps most critical is whether the lack of attention to these issues is complicating efforts of a “just and equitable energy transition.” Concerns that Europe’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and the proliferation of other similar measures, might undercut the economic development of the Global South where many energy-intensive trade-exposed goods are manufactured, but decarbonization is still very much underway. Many mineral-rich nations are eager to shed the “resource-client” relationship with the Global North, yet they are concerned (if not frustrated) with the possibility that they will end up exporting cheap ores that are transformed and re-imported as expensive renewable energy technologies.

Simply put, whether the energy system is being transformed or built anew, geoeconomics matter. And even if it doesn’t take center stage at COPs to come, trade will have its say in the climate future.

Reed Blakemore is director for research and programs at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, where he is responsible for the center’s research, strategy, and program development.

On Tuesday, December 5, at 2:00 pm in Dubai (GMT+4) (5:00 am ET) check out “Remaking trade for a clean energy future,” a discussion on this topic live from the Green Zone at COP28.

DECEMBER 4 | 10:56 PM GMT+4

A big idea to address the biggest killer of the climate crisis

By Frederick Kempe

This entry is part of the “Inflection Points Today” newsletter. To receive more quick-hit insight on a world in transition, subscribe here.

Where former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton goes in Dubai this week, she draws a crowd.

People from all corners of the world packed the room, and it was standing room only at our COP28 Resilience Hub, where she held court as the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock) ambassador for heat, health, and gender.

“Extreme heat has to be viewed as one of the most dangerous results of the changing climate,” she said, recounting a trip to India, where she saw the harm done to livelihoods, particularly those of women working outdoors as farmers, street vendors, waste collectors, and salt pan and construction workers. “This is not just a health issue,” Clinton warned. “It’s an economic issue, a social issue, [and] a political issue.”

Working with Clinton and with Reema Nanavaty, director of the nearly three-million-member Self-Employed Women’s Association, the Atlantic Council has been implementing a parametric insurance program as a part of Arsht-Rock’s Extreme Heat Protection Initiative. This program protects women working in India’s informal sector from having to make an impossible choice: pausing their work during heat waves (to protect their health) or continuing to work and earn money, while putting their wellbeing at risk.

What has been winning the headlines here so far at this twenty-eighth United Nations Climate Change Conference has been the announcement on the first day of a landmark, $400-milllion loss and damage fund, a mechanism that provides financial assistance to the countries most affected by, but often least responsible for, the climate crisis. There has also been media attention on the hydrocarbon companies that have come to this conference in greater numbers than ever before—many with concrete commitments and plans to reduce emissions. 

With over seventy thousand delegates and observers at COP28, actions that aim to improve lives—such as insurance programs to support workers in the informal economy, many of them women—deserve notice. For these workers especially, “their lives and livelihoods are at stake,” said Eleni Myrivili, the global chief heat officer for United Nations-Habitat and Arsht-Rock.

Frederick Kempe is the president and chief executive officer of the Atlantic Council.

DECEMBER 4 | 10:10 PM GMT+4

Solar is surprisingly out of the spotlight at COP28, as Saudi Arabia and China show

By Joseph Webster

Until recently a star at climate-focused conferences, solar energy is being upstaged at COP28 in Dubai by other decarbonizing technologies: namely, nuclear energy and methane abatement. Deploying more nuclear energy and cutting methane emissions will help reduce carbon emissions, but the world should not lose sight of solar’s transformative potential. The global glut of solar panels and the Middle East’s lack of solar deployment presents an enormous opportunity to quickly achieve huge climate benefits. While government leaders at COP28 pledged to triple the world’s renewable energy capacity by 2030, it will be very difficult to reach this target without Middle Eastern participation, especially from Saudi Arabia, the region’s largest economy. 

Saudi Arabia is arguably one of the world’s best places to build solar, given its abundant solar irradiance, deep financial reserves, and significant land mass. Yet the country has traditionally been a laggard at deploying the technology. 

Saudi Arabia generated only 0.8 terawatt hours of solar electricity in 2022, about as much as the US state of Iowa. Saudi Arabia will not even approach its modest 2023 renewables capacity target of 27.3 gigawatts (GW) (20 GW of solar photovoltaics and 7 GW of wind), according to S&P Global, as less than 3 GW of renewables capacity were operational in August 2023. 

The obstacles to Saudi solar deployment appear to be political, not technical. While deploying solar in the desert is not without challenges, including distance from demand centers, transmission siting, and dust storms, these obstacles have not prevented desert projects from taking shape across the world—including in China. Earlier this year, the first phase of a massive solar project in the Tengger Desert started generating power.

If Saudi Arabia turned to solar, the kingdom and the world could reap immense benefits. Solar farms tend to require little water after installation, especially compared to other resources; renewables don’t produce air pollutants; and some studies show that utility-scale solar in the desert can increase precipitation and vegetation coverage. Finally, Saudi Arabia’s failure to deploy solar harms its own economic interests, as it could allow fuel oil to be exported rather than burned for the domestic power market. Astonishingly, fuel oil accounted for 39 percent of Saudi Arabia’s power mix in 2021. At the Green Initiative Forum at COP28, the Saudi Minister of Energy identified carbon capture technology and renewables, apparently in that order, as the kingdom’s net-zero priorities.

There is some movement. For example, Saudi Arabia is launching more utility-scale solar and is in advanced talks to open a solar factory. Still, the kingdom’s solar ambitions remain very limited. The region’s dawdling pace of solar deployment comes at a huge cost—most of all for itself, but also for the world.

Even more surprising is that the lack of buzz around solar at COP28 extends to major solar producers. Despite its own dominant position in solar value chains, China doesn’t appear to be advertising its solar exports at COP28 in Dubai. China’s pavilion at COP features the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, which has weak ties to solar project development. The pavilion at COP doesn’t prominently showcase China’s solar suppliers, and so far, the author hasn’t seen Chinese solar companies represented (although the convening is very large).

Joseph Webster is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center, where he leads the center’s efforts on Chinese energy security, offshore wind, and hydrogen.


DECEMBER 3 | 11:24 PM GMT+4

This is the biggest COP ever—for more reasons than one

By Aubrey Hruby

On the fourth day of COP28, I can’t help but notice how big the convening has become. Over seventy thousand people (me included) have descended on Dubai for a week of meetings—official and unofficial—on climate and the future of finance. This is about a 40 percent increase from COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, and about an 80 percent increase from COP26 in Glasglow, Scotland. 

There’s some irony to the fact that so many people who gathered here to talk about global climate change and environmental damage arrived by plane (some even by private jet) and are now sitting in cars in heavy traffic and squinting through pollution in Dubai. On the ground, it has been suggested that countries—particularly big ones with large populations (and COP delegations)—should limit the number of representatives they bring so as to not overwhelm and disadvantage the smaller nations that cannot field such large teams. 

Another thing that is big about this COP: The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) announcement yesterday of a thirty-billion-dollar fund that will invest in climate-resilient infrastructure projects with a focus on the Global South. This will likely help offset criticism the UAE received in the leadup to the convening for planning to use COP as a platform to discuss future oil deals. But, importantly, the new fund overshadows the smaller commitments made by developed countries to help developing countries address the loss and damage caused by climate disasters 

In addition, at this COP, the list of topics is bigger. For example, more than twenty countries committed to triple nuclear energy production, and discussions about the future of critical mineral supply chains are currently underway, highlighting the critical role that African countries play in ensuring that green-energy industries are more resilient and diversified globally. 

In global climate discussions, the issues of justice and hypocrisy are at the forefront as those countries that have emitted the least greenhouse gases historically—particularly African nations—are suffering the most from the carbon-intensive growth that fueled wealth accumulation in developed markets. Calls to completely phase out fossil fuels fail to recognize the economic and social realities of many developing countries that have a dual imperative: They must grow green while somehow simultaneously reducing poverty through job creation and increasing reliable access to electricity for hundreds of millions of people. It’s a complex challenge that requires respect, reframing, and massive resources.

Aubrey Hruby is a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center and leader of the Center’s work on climate and energy issues. 

DECEMBER 3 | 10:41 PM GMT+4

Fifty oil and gas companies just announced plans to cut methane emissions. Can they do it? 

By William Tobin

At the opening of the COP28 conference, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell said this was the “most significant COP since Paris,” referring to COP21, where 196 parties signed a legally binding treaty to address climate change and keep global warming levels to below 2 degrees Celsius.  

In order to keep the vision of Paris alive and reach net-zero by the middle of the century, COP28 is being viewed by many here in Dubai as the absolute last opportunity available to tackle one of the most potent contributors to global warming: methane, particularly from the oil and gas sector.  

Methane is responsible for at least 30 percent of global warming in the past two hundred years, and perhaps more. Cutting methane emissions from all sectors—including oil and gas, agriculture, and waste—could avoid over 0.2 degrees Celsius of warming by 2050. This is because methane is a short-lived climate pollutant, meaning its shelf life in the atmosphere is rather brief, but its warming impact is more than eighty times that of carbon dioxide in a twenty-year time span.  

Thankfully, methane emissions from oil and gas can be brough to near-zero with available technologies and business models—in fact, around 40 percent of reductions can be achieved at no net cost

The opening weekend of COP28 presents a moment for celebration, as perhaps the most impactful initiative in years of pledges has been launched: the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter (OGDC).  

While the value of such a charter may be counterintuitive, remember that emissions from oil and gas operations account for 15 percent of all emissions—more than all emissions from cars globally, for example—roughly half of which is methane. The OGDC, through its fifty signatories, covers 40 percent of global oil production, offering a window to make substantial, tangible, and verifiable greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The OGDC commits signatories to end routine flaring (wasteful combustion of methane gas) and achieve near-zero upstream methane emissions by 2030. Achieving these emissions reductions from charter signatories would be approximately equivalent to zeroing out emissions from aviation worldwide. Furthermore, the OGDC signatories have committed to being transparent through monitoring, reporting, and independent verification of emissions.  

The OGDC is no less significant in the substance of its commitments, however, versus its reach. Critically, the group of fifty signatories includes twenty-nine national oil companies. These entities control more than half of global oil production and a higher proportion of methane emissions. Through signing this pledge, the national oil companies are articulating a desire to play a constructive role in emissions mitigation, several for the first time. Having these companies at the table is a significant expansion in ambition within the sector. It paves a way to constructive engagement and sharing of best practices to realize the goal of bringing methane emissions to near-zero, as is required to reach net-zero by the middle of the century.   

Achieving net-zero emissions will require the deployment of vast amounts of renewable and clean electricity generation, the electrification of end uses, reform of land use, rapid increase in carbon capture and removal, increases in energy efficiency, and much more. However, in the short term, slashing methane emissions from oil and gas is a highly constructive deliverable, and this announcement at COP28 has shown a reason to be optimistic. However, as is always the case with ambitious plans, implementation is what matters most.  

William Tobin is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, where he focuses on international energy and climate policy. 

DECEMBER 3 | 8:28 PM GMT+4

A plan to triple nuclear energy was just announced. Here’s what to know. 

By Jennifer T. Gordon

With energy demand projected to triple by 2050, the recent pledge at COP28 by the United States and more than twenty countries to triple nuclear energy is a welcome development in the fight against climate change. Although nuclear energy only accounts for 10 percent of global electricity generation, it provides 30 percent of global low-carbon electricity. The amount of nuclear energy generation will have to increase in order to meet increased energy demand through clean, baseload power. Looking beyond the grid, nuclear energy has a crucial role to play in decarbonizing so-called “hard-to-abate sectors”—areas such as hydrogen production, desalination, process heat, mining, and shipping—in which it is particularly difficult to reduce emissions. 

Furthermore, the significance of this announcement occurring at COP28 cannot be underestimated. Previous COP meetings have tended to leave nuclear energy on the sidelines, and an announcement of this magnitude in the early days of the world’s premier climate conference can be interpreted as recognition of nuclear energy’s tremendous decarbonization benefits. This international recognition could help gain support in various countries for technology-neutral policies that incentivize the use of zero-carbon energy, with nuclear energy continuing to be included in legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act in the United States or the European Union’s Green Taxonomy. 

However, while the pledge to triple nuclear energy is a positive step, more needs to be done in order to deploy nuclear reactors globally and at scale. For example, the United States and like-minded countries will need to cooperate on financing to compete effectively against state-owned nuclear enterprises in Russia and China; regulatory collaboration is also key to minimizing time and costs. Ultimately, for the fight against climate change to succeed, more barriers to nuclear energy deployment must fall. 

Jennifer T. Gordon is the director for the Nuclear Energy Policy Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center. She was a co-director of the Atlantic Council Task Force on US Nuclear Energy Leadership, and she currently runs the Atlantic Council’s Women in Energy and Climate Fellowship.

DECEMBER 3 | 5:17 PM GMT+4

Hillary Clinton, Reema Nanavaty, and Eleni Myrivili on gender-responsive solutions for extreme heat

By Daniel Hojnacki

“Extreme heat has to be viewed as one of the most dangerous results of the changing climate,” said former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday at a COP28 Resilience Hub discussion on the need for gender-responsive climate solutions to address extreme heat. The panel was hosted by the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock).

Clinton was joined by Reema Nanavaty, director of the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), a trade union promoting the rights of independently employed female workers in India. In February, the Clinton Global Initiative and SEWA, along with several other organizations, launched the Global Climate Resilience Fund to empower women to combat climate change and adapt to extreme heat. The panel was moderated by Eleni Myrivili, the global chief heat officer for United Nations-Habitat and Arsht-Rock.

Clinton said that as the world works to advance climate mitigation efforts, “we have to worry about what’s happening on the ground with so many people, in particular women.”

Read more highlights from this discussion

New Atlanticist

Dec 3, 2023

Hillary Clinton, Reema Nanavaty, and Eleni Myrivili on gender-responsive solutions for extreme heat

By Daniel Hojnacki

At an Atlantic Council event at COP28, the former US secretary of state discussed the importance of empowering women to develop innovations for extreme heat resilience.

Economy & Business Resilience & Society


DECEMBER 2 | 9:47 PM GMT+4

Africa’s priorities at COP28, from climate finance to a brand-new narrative

By Africa Center experts

On the first day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (also known as COP28) in Dubai, global leaders reached a deal on where to house and how to fund loss and damage costs for the countries most vulnerable to climate change. It’s an important development for African stakeholders, who are concerned about the escalating impact of climate change on the continent. As African heads of state and government wrote in their Nairobi Declaration—adopted at the Africa Climate Summit in September—the continent is warming faster than the rest of the world, despite it being responsible for a small fraction of global carbon emissions. These changes will gravely impact the continent’s economies and societies.

But will COP28 give Africa the attention it deserves on other climate needs? Our experts, some of whom are headed to Dubai, outline what is at stake for Africa.

Read our experts’ responses


Dec 2, 2023

Africa’s priorities at COP28, from climate finance to a brand-new narrative

By the Africa Center

Our experts outline what is at stake for Africa at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai.

Africa Climate Change & Climate Action

DECEMBER 2 | 8:16 AM GMT+4

A landmark thirty-billion-dollar fund for global climate solutions

By Mahmoud Abouelnaga

On Friday, COP28 host, the United Arab Emirates, launched a thirty-billion-dollar climate fund to bridge the climate finance gap globally and facilitate climate investment flows into the Global South. The new climate fund will aim to stimulate $250 billion by 2030.

This thirty-billion-dollar private investment fund, Alterra, is now the world’s largest private investment fund dedicated to addressing the climate crisis. For comparison, it took the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund (GCF) almost ten years to mobilize less funding through the initial resource mobilization in 2014, the first replenishment in 2019, and the second replenishment in 2023.

Alterra will be split into a large fund of twenty-five billion dollars that will deploy capital globally with the aim to accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy by scaling climate investments, and a smaller fund of five billion dollars that can remove barriers and incentivize investment flows into the Global South.

This announcement came after countries agreed on the operationalization of the loss and damage fund to help the adversely vulnerable developing countries cope with climate impacts. While the $420 million loss and damage pledges gave a good signal for progress, they are not commensurate with the scale of the costly climate disasters borne by poor countries. Unlike the loss and damage pledges, the new private investment commitments are proportional to the needed scale to address the climate crisis.

Going forward, the new climate fund will need a rigorous and transparent climate impact framework to ensure that these investments are deployed at the needed speed and scale to align with global climate targets. This framework should establish clear criteria for these investments (such as emissions reductions, impacts on local communities, deployment of large-scale projects, and the reducing of costs of innovative climate solutions) to align with global climate targets.

Mahmoud Abouelnaga is a nonresident senior fellow at the GeoTech Center of the Atlantic Council and leads the carbon management portfolio at the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES).

Note: This piece was edited to provide more detail on the author’s recommended framework.


DECEMBER 1 | 10:12 PM GMT+4

Why India could play a pivotal role as climate mediator

By Rachel Rizzo and Théophile Pouget-Abadie

As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi prepared for a historic visit to Washington, DC this year, Apple CEO Tim Cook made a journey in the other direction: He flew to Mumbai to celebrate Apple’s twenty-five-year presence in the South Asian nation. “I really feel that India is at a tipping point,” Cook declared, joining the ranks of business leaders and economists who have spent the last three decades forecasting that the twenty-first century will belong to India.

If it’s true that this is the “Indian century,” it is not just because the country is now the most populous on Earth and on track to become the world’s largest economy; it is because India will play a central role in the global energy transition.

India’s success in this area will be measured by a few obvious targets: its ability to bring down emissions domestically, the example it sets for how other nations of the Global South can undergo their own successful energy transitions, and India’s ability to partner with other nations on climate solutions.

But there may be another just as important, but less obvious, role for India to play: an unofficial mediator between the United States and China to ensure global international decarbonization targets remain in reach amid intensifying competition. The United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference, also known as COP28—taking place only months after India hosted the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit in New Delhi—is a good opportunity for India to begin to flex its climate muscles on the world stage.

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New Atlanticist

Dec 1, 2023

Why India could play a pivotal role as climate mediator

By Rachel Rizzo, Théophile Pouget-Abadie

COP28 is a good opportunity for India to begin to flex its climate muscles on the world stage.

China Climate Change & Climate Action

DECEMBER 1 | 3:35 PM GMT+4

Can climate leaders maintain the momentum?

By Landon Derentz

After a year of painstaking negotiations and debate, COP28 kicked off with a breakthrough.

That’s because on day one of COP28—and only one year since countries agreed at COP27 to establish a “loss and damage” fund—countries raked together more than $425 million to help developing economies cope with the adverse effects of climate change. The United Arab Emirates and Germany, most notably, each pledged $100 million.

The news of the funding signals that real progress remains possible within the confines of the formal negotiation process. Yet, the fund remains well short of the hundreds of billions—not millions—of dollars that the United Nations estimates will be necessary to address the fallout of inevitable near-term climate disasters. It’s a stark reminder of why it is important to pursue all pathways to keep the global temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

With that breakthrough behind us, all eyes should now turn to December 2. Saturday’s announcements are likely to be big: Don’t be surprised to see declarations on tripling the deployment of nuclear and renewable energy, progress on the formation of a global methane fund, and momentum in the establishment of an Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter. This charter will outline how over fifty oil and gas companies intend to spur climate action for the sector. It’s the best chance for the United Arab Emirates—which has faced skepticism about its ability to galvanize action to reduce the energy sector’s greenhouse gas emissions—to prove the veracity of its vision for COP28. That vision: Industry can breathe new life into the COP process by helping to catalyze action towards achieving national climate goals.

The next few days are an important litmus test for the United Arab Emirates’ credibility in hosting the climate conference.

Landon Derentz is senior director and Morningstar Chair for Global Energy Security at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.


NOVEMBER 30 | 8:12 PM GMT+4

An early deal brings signs of hope for COP28

By Sabrina Nagel

The first day of COP28 has opened with a historical deal: The parties agreed on the implementation of the loss and damage fund that was first announced last year at COP27. While parties agreed at COP27 to create the fund, it was unclear where the fund would be located and how much money developed countries would commit to it.

Now, with this new announcement, countries are beginning to commit to the fund. The United Arab Emirates and Germany each committed one hundred million dollars, while the United States and Japan have also contributed. The fund is central to climate justice for the countries that have contributed the least to climate change but are the most vulnerable to its effects.

Only weeks ago, negotiators and world leaders expected COP28 to be a difficult climate conference with uncertainty and disagreements about how the fund should be implemented and operationalized. Nevertheless, this early deal on the loss and damage fund will set the scene for hopeful negotiations as the week continues.

Sabrina Nagel is senior advisor for global policy and finance at the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center

NOVEMBER 30 | 7:45 PM GMT+4

Long-term climate financing remains elusive. A NATO-style spending target could help.

By Francis Shin and Théophile Pouget-Abadie

At the 2006 Riga summit, NATO leaders made a pledge to spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP) on defense. This moment marked a significant shift for the alliance, offering a way to both measure political will and ensure that existing and new members meaningfully contributed to the Alliance’s efforts. The target is remarkably simple: It essentially tracks members’ defense ministry budgets. Could the establishment of a spending target for the energy transition spark a similarly significant global shift?

Decarbonizing has emerged as one of most important tools for the European Union (EU) to ensure its long-term security and sovereignty: both to address the physical risks stemming from climate change and to reduce oil and gas dependencies, particularly on Russia. So far, European member states have committed insufficient funds to meet their decarbonization objectives. The European Commission estimates that an additional seven hundred billion euros of combined public and private investment is needed each year across the entire EU bloc to meet its energy transition targets and combat climate change.

Europe is currently far off track, with a spending gap equivalent to 0.73 percent of the EU’s GDP for non-transport investment and public spending, or about 101 billion euros. All but two EU countries (Lithuania and Czechia) have national spending gaps incapable of being filled by EU spending alone due to these members not having enough grants available to them. While the EU has set ambitious energy-transition goals through programs such as NextGenerationEU, the European Green Deal (and the associated Fit for 55 package), and the REPowerEU Plan, it now needs the means to finance them. 

To turn the tide, EU members and like-minded allies should set national-level climate spending targets, based on a percentage of their respective annual GDPs, to address these deficits. Within Europe, a climate spending target would put pressure on countries that have expressed reservations about joining in EU-level decarbonization goals. Poland, which retains the most reliance on coal for its energy needs, suggested that it would appeal against the Fit for 55 program, raising concern among other EU members on how staunchly committed Poland might be to cut carbon emissions.

Agora Energiewende and the European Commission concluded the overall annual GDP percentage investments required for hitting existing 2030 carbon emissions targets was 2.5 percent. That’s where discussions should start.

Of course, EU members’ needs will vary. Countries that haven’t spent as much on their energy transitions—or that are still reliant on fossil fuels—will need to spend more to address decarbonization deficits and improve electricity grids. And while some countries have already spent significant amounts and are closer to reaching their decarbonization goals, they should still seek to meet the 2.5 percent target, instead directing the funds to developing countries or international climate-change mitigation projects. This would express solidarity with fellow EU members as well as encourage decarbonization beyond Europe itself.

Francis Shin is a research assistant at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center. Théophile Pouget-Abadie is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center and a policy fellow with the Jain Family Institute

NOVEMBER 30, 2023 | 6:27 PM GMT+4

Kicking off with a bang on loss and damage

What should climate watchers take away from day one of COP28? “Movement and progress,” Jorge Gastelumendi, interim director of the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, tells us from Dubai.

Before the first day closed, countries were able to reach a deal on a loss and damage startup fund, with both the United Arab Emirates and Germany pledging one hundred million dollars to offset disaster-induced costs in vulnerable countries.

It will also create an “open window” for insurance companies to support developing countries, Gastelumendi notes.

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NOVEMBER 30 | 10:37 AM GMT+4

COP28 is here. These are the Global South’s demands and expectations.

By Lama El Hatow

With the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (also known as COP28) having started, the world is shifting its focus to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to assess how it will deal with the climate crisis, but with particular attention on the COP presidency…

The COP28 negotiations will prove to be challenging given all the demands and expectations on the table. In order to ensure that the needs of the Global South are met, the global community needs to unite to swiftly implement the recommended actions and the host country and the Emirati COP presidency need to display strong ambitions to address the climate crisis.

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Nov 30, 2023

COP28 is here. These are the Global South’s demands and expectations.

By Lama El Hatow

The COP28 negotiations will prove to be challenging given all the demands and expectations on the table in this COP.

Civil Society Energy & Environment

The post Expert analysis: The successes and shortcomings in the fight against climate change at COP28 appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Russian War Report: Pro-Kremlin surrogates accuse the US of using ‘climate weapons’ in Crimea Thu, 30 Nov 2023 19:12:40 +0000 Following a severe storm in the Black Sea heavily impacted Crimea, pro-Kremlin sources circulated a conspiracy suggesting the US used a weather weapon.

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As Russia continues its assault on Ukraine, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) is keeping a close eye on Russia’s movements across the military, cyber, and information domains. With more than seven years of experience monitoring the situation in Ukraine—as well as Russia’s use of propaganda and disinformation to undermine the United States, NATO, and the European Union (EU)—the DFRLab’s global team presents the latest installment of the Russian War Report


Multiple reports of Ukrainian drone attacks as Russia continues its assault

Finland enforces border closure with Russia in response to escalating migrant concerns

Tracking narratives

Pro-Kremlin sources spread conspiracy theory alleging US ‘climate weapons’ caused storm in Crimea

Putin unveils Russia’s AI strategy to counter Western ‘monopoly’

Multiple reports of Ukrainian drone attacks as Russia continues its assault

On November 27, sources on Telegram reported a massive explosion with subsequent detonations in eastern Ukraine’s occupied Donetsk region. It seems likely that drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) attacked a Russian munitions storage facility, but the AFU has not claimed responsibility for the attack. That same day, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that air defenses detected Ukrainian drones deep inside Russia, notably in the Ryazan region. Ukrainian drones also reportedly targeted an aircraft plant in Smolensk the previous day.

Also on November 27, AFU reported twelve Russian attacks in the direction of Lyman, along with Russian assaults in the directions of Bakhmut and Avdiivka, with twenty-six and twenty-one attacks, respectively. The next day, Ukraine reported fifty-six attacks by Russian forces, with the fiercest combat occurring near Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Marinka.

According to Reuters, tension between Russian and Indian enterprises is intensifying over the sale of oil for rupees. Russia reportedly refuses to accept a “non-convertible currency” and insists all transactions are made with China’s yuan. As a result, certain transactions are being paid in installments in various currencies, including the yuan, Hong Kong dollar, and UAE dirham. At the same time, the Financial Times reported that Turkey is increasing its exports to Russia, notably in microchips, communications equipment, and telescopic sights. US Treasury Under Secretary Brian Nelson is expected to visit Turkey imminently to hold discussions with Turkish officials on limiting this trade.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has alleged that Russian leadership spent 1.5 billion dollars on a large-scale information campaign known as “Maidan 3,” according to the Ukrainian outlet Babel. The campaign, which has not been independently verified, was allegedly designed to incite dissent, exacerbate contradictory reporting, and instill dread and terror in Ukraine. The report also alleged that Russia spent 250 million of the 1.5 billion dollars on Telegram operations.

In additional security-related news, the United States is negotiating with Greece to purchase 75,000 shells for Ukraine. It was reported that this will include 50,000 105-millimeter shells, 20,000 155-millimeter shells, and 5,000 203-millimeter shells, according to the Greek newspaper Kathimerini. The Greek army possesses 203-millimeter shells for use with the US-made M110 self-propelled artillery units. These shells are also suitable for firing from the Soviet 2S7 Pion self-propelled guns, which are utilized by the AFU’s 43rd brigade.

Meanwhile, a new photo appearing to originate from Ukrainian soldiers shows NT120 artillery mines designed for 120mm mortars, which are believed to have been sent to Ukraine by Spain. Spain rarely announces new aid packages for Ukraine, but it has previously supported Ukraine with artillery shell production.

Naval News reported on possible GPS jamming on Russian auxiliary ships in occupied Sevastopol that are systematically broadcasting signals as if they were located at Belbek airfield, many kilometers north. Radar interference patterns are visible on satellite imagery from Sevastopol.

Lastly, the Slovakian truckers union announced plans to blockade its border with Ukraine beginning on December 1. Truckers in Slovakia have threatened to close the country’s major border crossing unless measures are implemented to curb competition from Ukrainian truckers. Truckers from Poland are also seeking restrictions on Ukrainian truckers, who they allege provide lower costs for their services and carry products throughout the European Union (EU) rather than just between the EU and Ukraine. The announcement further reinforces signals coming from Bratislava that the country could curtail sending aid to Ukraine.

Ruslan Trad, resident fellow for security research, Sofia, Bulgaria

Finland enforces border closure with Russia in response to escalating migrant concerns

On November 28, Finland announced the complete closure of its border crossings with Russia to curb an unusually high influx of asylum seekers. The decision remains effective for a two-week period concluding on December 13. Finnish authorities accused Russia of acting as a conduit for the influx of migrants, mostly from the Middle East and Africa, by intentionally guiding them toward Finland. Russia denied these allegations, insisting that the individuals attempting to cross the border have a legitimate right to do so. Earlier this month, Finland began closing most of its border crossings with Russia, leaving only the northernmost point open for processing asylum seekers.

According to Finnish officials, Russia is exploiting migrants as part of a hybrid warfare strategy to destabilize the country following its accession to NATO. Authorities reported approximately nine hundred asylum seekers crossing from Russia, an unusually high number for the country.

“Finland has a profound reason to suspect that the entry [of migrants] is organized by a foreign state,” asserted Prime Minister Petteri Orpo. “This deals with Russia’s influencing operations and we won’t accept it. We don’t accept any attempt to undermine our national security. Russia has caused this situation, and it can also stop it.”

Deutsche Welle reported that facilitators assisted in the border crossings, providing services for a fee, such as visas, language courses, transportation, and accommodations. Some facilitators asserted they had agreements with Russian border officials, claiming that these officials would stamp migrants’ passports and guide them to the Finnish border, where they could apply for asylum. Deutsche Welle identified several Arabic-language Telegram channels where administrators and other group members offer assistance in crossing the Russian-Finnish border in exchange for a fee. The DFRLab previously reported on similar tactics on Facebook in relation to migrant transit to the EU via Belarus in 2021.

Victoria Olari, research assistant, Moldova

Pro-Kremlin sources spread conspiracy theory alleging US ‘climate weapons’ caused storm in Crimea

A severe storm system moved through the Black Sea this week, impacting occupied Crimea and parts of Ukraine and Russia, leaving millions without heat and power. Amid the storm, pro-Kremlin sources re-circulated an old conspiracy theory suggesting US-based entities were complicit in the storm’s creation.

The conspiracy theory accuses the United States of having a technological program that can control the weather. The DFRLab observed five Russian news websites amplifying this old conspiracy theory in the context of the recent storm in Crimea, including, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Don24, Crimea News, and Privet Rostov.

The news reports referenced weather manipulation against Russia and suggested a link between geopolitical events and incidences of weather disasters. Text analysis of the five reports revealed that they often used the Russian phrase for “climate weapons” (климатическое оружие). They also referenced the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the February 2023 earthquake in Turkey. The articles cited two sources to support the theory, including an interview in, a Kremlin-affiliated outlet, with Dmitry Efimov, former chief analyst of the Federal Security Service of Russia, and an interview in the pro-Kremlin media outlet Komsomolskaya Pravda with scientist Vladimir Polyakov. The reports also implied a connection between the February 2023 earthquake and the presence of the US destroyer ship USS Nitze in Turkey, but acknowledged a lack of concrete evidence.

The conspiracy theory also received traction on Telegram. Using the Telegram analytics tool TGStat, the DFRLab identified that the Russian phrase for “climate weapons” garnered 1,911,451 views on November 27, and found that’s report had been republished by at least six Telegram channels. The conspiracy theory pushed by these news outlets not only seeks to amplify distrust toward the United States but also has the potential to fuel climate denialism. The trend of attributing natural disasters to foreign actors can divert attention from the scientific community’s consensus on the climate crisis and allows states to evade accountability.

Sayyara Mammadova, research assistant, Warsaw, Poland

Putin unveils Russia’s AI strategy to counter Western ‘monopoly’

On November 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced plans for the country to develop its own artificial intelligence (AI) strategy, warning against allowing the West to monopolize AI development. Speaking at the Artificial Intelligence Journey 2023 Conference in Moscow, Putin emphasized that Russian AI should counter Western systems and be grounded in the Russian language, traditional culture, and spiritual heritage. This echoes a narrative used in Russian propaganda that highlights the preservation of Russian culture and positions Russia as a defender of religious traditions.

Putin expressed concern that Western search engines ignore Russian culture, accusing them of promoting xenophobia. “The algorithm may tell the machine that Russia, our culture, science, music, and literature simply do not exist,” he said. “They are canceled in the digital space. Later, they can do the same with other cultures and civilizations, inserting themselves and emphasizing their exceptionalism in this space.”

Putin announced his intention to approve a national strategy for the development of artificial intelligence to counter the West’s “monopoly domination.” Three key proposals in the strategy have been revealed. First, Russian scientists should have access to next-generation “supercomputers” being developed in Russia. Second, Putin called for expanding AI technology development programs at the master’s and doctoral level in relevant universities. Third, the strategy will consider restructuring research funding and allocating resources to research in generative AI and large language models, as well as develop new academic programs. Addressing safety and ethics in technological progress, Putin referred to Russian classical writers as moral guides for researchers and proposed that Russia’s experience would contribute to shaping international ethical standards in AI. He suggested discussing these issues at the 2024 BRICS summit, which Russia will chair in Kazakhstan.

Sopo Gelava, Research Associate, Tbilisi, Georgia

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Public funds alone can’t solve the climate crisis Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Financing climate action, particularly in the developing world, is absolutely crucial, especially as the window to speed up and scale up investments in solutions rapidly narrows.

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Mafalda Duarte is the executive director of the Green Climate Fund. This essay is part of the Global Energy Agenda.

Financing climate action, particularly in the developing world, is a crucial investment in humanity’s shared future. We know, and the science confirms, that the world has a rapidly narrowing window to speed up and scale up investments in solutions that developing countries need for the future we all deserve. 

But no one can solve today’s problems with yesterday’s thinking. This challenge demands twenty-first century approaches and partnerships. Equally important, the public and private sectors must work in tandem to meet the moment.

Governments and businesses alike should understand that investing in developing countries is a practical imperative. With rapidly expanding populations, the largest real gross domestic product (GDP) growth percentages, and rising demand for energy, developing countries are defining our collective prosperity and well-being. 

These facts sum it up quite well. Our climate crisis originates from roughly forty wealthy economies’ industrial transitions. Meanwhile, 150 emerging economies, home to 97 percent of projected population growth, have not even begun or completed their own transitions. 

Governments and businesses alike should understand that investing in developing countries is a practical imperative.

Low- and middle-income countries have the duty to meet the needs of their people, and it is the world’s collective obligation and interest to help them do so in harmony with our climate goals. Without international support to make greener investments, their development may rely longer than the science says it should on legacy energy sources and other investments that lock in unsustainable, carbon-intensive growth and cause a spike in carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions. 

Private financiers have a compelling economic motive to drive climate action. To reach net zero by 2050, the United Nations (UN) estimates that the world will need $90 trillion in infrastructure investments—a golden opportunity for companies around the world. Clean energy spending is moving accordingly, set to surpass $2 billion this year and overtake fossil fuel investment for the first time ever. Additionally, more and more communities are funding measures to build resilience to climate impacts.

While private capital flows for low-carbon and resilient investments are climbing, they are still woefully inadequate. Private investment in climate reached a recent high of $250 billion, less than 0.5 percent of the $90 trillion referenced earlier. Public sector entities like governments and multilateral institutions are deploying more—some $850 billion in 2021—but, taken together, this is still a drop in the ocean relative to scale of the challenge.

Additionally, most of these investments are still concentrated in developed countries. For instance, despite a clean energy finance gap of around $1.7 trillion annually, developing countries only attracted $544 billion in 2022, according to a UN report. The adaptation finance gap is even more alarming, recently estimated to be at least ten to eighteen times greater than current international finance flows.

The status quo is increasingly setting us off track. Financial institutions oversee some $510 trillion in financial assets. Institutional investors, like sovereign wealth funds and pension funds, hold an estimated $110 trillion under management. Unlocking even a fraction of those resources for climate investments would go a long way toward reducing emissions and safeguarding communities against climate change impacts.

To win the race against the climate crisis, we need trillions of dollars in investments—and all eight billion of us working as one to get there.

How can we attract more private investment where it counts the most? Private financiers are often deterred by barriers such as sovereign and currency risks or limited data and track records. These are serious obstacles, but they are not insurmountable with strategic partnerships and innovative finance mechanisms.

I lead the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the largest multilateral climate fund primed and uniquely positioned to steer private finance toward climate investments. GCF’s flexible, patient, risk-sharing, concessional capital enables private companies to enter new markets and new sectors, and to reap the benefits of investments they wouldn’t otherwise consider.

We mitigate perceived and real risks by sharing risk with private sector partners when entering new or incipient markets.

Our efforts are paying off. Private sector commitments comprise 36 percent of our portfolio, with $5 billion in direct GCF financing, which is enabling $22 billion in total investment from the private sector. Even better, 60 percent of these target the least developed countries, small island developing states, and vulnerable nations.

Our private partners span from Fiji Development Bank to Macquarie, Acumen, and Credit Agricole. In Kenya, for example, we’re working with Acumen to help thousands of farmers and local ventures access tailor-made financial resources, technical know-how, and new market opportunities. The result has been impressive. In Kenya, beneficiary farmers now sell about 400 tons of produce every month despite the challenges facing Kenya’s climate-sensitive agricultural sector, which contributes 20 percent to national GDP.

During a recent visit, I met Josephine, a coffee farmer, near Nairobi. With a solar-powered irrigation pump, she transformed her farmland, built a home, and now contributes significantly to her community. Funds like GCF bring the world community together to create millions of stories like Josephine’s, while safeguarding a future that belongs to all of us.

To win the race against the climate crisis, we need trillions of dollars in investments—and all eight billion of us working as one to get there. We do not have a moment to waste. 

All essays

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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How COP28 can help cities drive climate action Wed, 29 Nov 2023 22:53:06 +0000 Centering cities as enablers of both climate adaptation and mitigation is absolutely critical. In light of this, COP28 will include, for the first time, a summit dedicated to localized efforts to curb climate change.

The post How COP28 can help cities drive climate action appeared first on Atlantic Council.

In recognition of cities’ pivotal role in climate action, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP, will include for the first time a summit dedicated to localized efforts to curb climate change. The Local Climate Action Summit, hosted by the COP28 presidency and Bloomberg Philanthropies on December 1 and 2 in Dubai, will provide an official platform for subnational leaders to highlight their successes toward decarbonizing, building climate resilience, and gaining community buy-in for such efforts. The summit also offers leaders an opportunity to come up with the financial framework needed to scale up initiatives at the city level to fully realize their decarbonization potential.

Why the focus on cities?

While national-level discussions often dominate climate and energy policy decisions, cities, which are responsible for more than three-quarters of global energy consumption and more than half of global greenhouse gas emissions, have emerged as proactive leaders in crafting and implementing innovative strategies to reduce their carbon footprint. To lower emissions, strategies can take advantage of the unique characteristics of cities such as high population density, compact urban environments, and engagement with local communities to maintain societal buy-in. These features lend themselves to efficient public transportation networks, implementing energy-efficient infrastructure, and promoting more resilient cities. For example, Mexico City’s Metrobús public transit system led to an estimated reduction of 326,000 metric tons of CO2 between 2011 and 2018—equivalent to 72,500 gasoline-powered cars driven in one year.

Further underscoring the importance of cities to climate mitigation is their expected growth. More than half of the global population today resides in cities, and that percentage is expected to rise to 70 percent by 2050. Projections show that during this same time period the world will add at least fourteen new megacities, each with more than 10 million people, creating the need to simultaneously expand and transform cities’ infrastructure, energy systems, and societal habits to foster low-carbon, resilient, and prosperous environments. Vibrant, young populations are vital to these emerging megacities and will need good paying jobs, healthy environments, economic growth, and opportunities to establish secure livelihoods. Navigating this growth within a low-carbon and resilient framework can foster a more equitable and just future. To achieve this, targeted financing mechanisms are essential for empowering cities to invest in sustainability, promote economic prosperity, and address the impacts of climate change on urban populations.

Current state of play

Cities in developing nations, where much of the world’s population growth is projected to occur, have immense potential to drive sustainable growth, offering a significant opportunity to reduce inequality and advance global climate goals. The International Finance Corporation puts a $2.5 trillion annual price tag on urban sustainable investment opportunities in developing nations through 2030, promising not only economic growth, but also impactful reductions in global emissions.

According to the Coalition for Urban Transitions, urban initiatives can feasibly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities by nearly 90 percent by 2050 while also generating twenty-four trillion dollars in economic returns. Despite this potential, total climate finance to cities reached an annual average of only $384 billion during 2017-2018, and less than 10 percent was directed to developing economies globally. In contrast, a disproportionate 83 percent of funds were allocated to projects in North America, Western Europe, East Asia, and the Pacific.

What explains this gap in financing?

Like COP, multilateral development banks and financing institutions were designed to cater to national governments, posing a challenge for cities. Despite initiatives by institutions like the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and African Development Bank to provide limited funding for urban sustainability projects, these funds often do not align with the specific needs and capacities of cities. As noted by Mayor Claudia López of Bogotá, Colombia, and Mayor Mar-Len Abigail Binay of Makati City, Philippines, many cities in the Global South need the support of development banks’ financing instruments to access loans and de-risk climate projects.

A primary hurdle to the expansion of financing in developing economies is credit worthiness. The World Bank estimates that only 20 percent of the largest five hundred cities in developing countries meet this criterion. Funding is also often contingent upon a sovereign guarantee from the national government, a condition susceptible to delays due to various political or economic factors. These onerous requirements contribute to the funding disparity between cities in developed and emerging economies, highlighting the need for more tailored and accessible financial mechanisms for cities to drive low-carbon growth.


COP28’s Local Climate Action Summit offers a platform for city leaders and coalitions to amplify their progress toward net zero and present recommendations for improving their ability to meet future climate goals. It’s also an opportunity for national-level leaders and multilateral institutions to realize the role of cities both on the forefront of mitigating the impacts of climate change. Bodies such as the Global Commission for Urban SDG Finance and the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance have been working on proposals to accelerate city climate action. Several recommendations are clear:

To start, multilateral financial institutions, which often support pilot projects in emerging markets, should reform their institutional approach by creating long-term pathways for financing city-level, climate-related projects. Last year, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on development banks to “target additional resources towards sub-sovereign levels.” The Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) has made promising steps by pledging to expand their mandate to sub-national stakeholders, yet remain an exception. The broader landscape of financial institutions and development banks have not integrated city lending practices into consistent strategy. For example, in 2022, the World Bank Gap Fund only supported small-scale projects in two countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. These programs must be rapidly scaled across developing nations to meet the demand of city governments.

The private sector should work in tandem with development banks to generate greater investment for urban climate projects. If multilateral climate financing mechanisms reduce risk for companies by pooling projects perceived as too small or speculative, private finance can play a larger role in driving significant shifts in city-level mitigation efforts. The business community can commit to doing business in cities with clear pathways toward decarbonization, promoting a circular economy, and supporting workforce development opportunities. Fostering greater city-to-business collaboration holds the potential to grow green jobs and accelerate the low-carbon energy transition while generating municipal revenue.

Finally, additional research and resources should be devoted to amplifying the role of subnational networks in connecting cities in emerging markets. Such networks, which have become more common with global urbanization trends, serve as platforms for city leaders to exchange strategies, gain access to trainings, and advocate for common priorities, including climate mitigation. While there is little empirical analysis on the topic, a 2021 study found a positive association between membership in city networks and increased reductions in urban greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, networks such as ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, which serves as a focal point for the local government constituency to the UNFCCC, charge annual membership fees. Additional research on the value of participation in global networks could substantiate membership fee waivers or reductions for cities in emerging markets.


City financing mechanisms should be viewed as must-have tools of global climate governance, not nice-to-have options. Centering cities as enablers of both adaptation and mitigation in addressing climate change can help advance the global energy transition, establish low-carbon industries, and importantly, gain and maintain societal buy-in to deliver green and economically advantageous solutions to cities.

Amid the many announcements and commitments expected at COP28, there is potential to drive real progress by supporting—both financially and politically—innovative solutions proposed by cities.

Willow Fortunoff is a former assistant director at the Atlantic Council Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center and Fulbright Research Fellow.

Maia Sparkman is an associate director for climate diplomacy at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center.

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Learn more about the Global Energy Center

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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Balancing global engagement and domestic growth: Iraq’s future in and evolving landscape Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:37:07 +0000 The Iraq Initiative's second annual conference explored key challenges and opportunities confronting Iraq's future generations

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 On October 26, 2023, the Atlantic Council’s Iraq Initiative hosted its Second Annual Conference titled, “Balancing global engagement and domestic growth: Iraq’s future in and evolving landscape,” with an array of American and Iraqi experts, including former and current senior-level government officials and scholars. The event featured welcome remarks by Abbas KadhimDirector of the Iraq Initiative at the Atlantic Council, and opening remarks by Olin WethingtonFounder and Chairman of Wethington International LLC

  • This hybrid conference featured three panels: The first panel focused on creating a climate-resilient Iraq. It was moderated by Ahmed Al QabanySenior Climate Change Specialist, Climate Change Group at the World Bank, and included the following as speakers: Majid JafarChief Executive Officer of Crescent PetroleumMishkat Al MouminExecutive Director of Envirolution and Former Iraqi Minister of EnvironmentH.E. Fareed YaseenClimate Envoy of the Republic of Iraq; and Elfatih EltahirProfessor at H.M. King Bhumibol.  
  • The second panel focused on highlighting the youth’s perspectives on shaping a modern Iraq. It was moderated by Hezha Barzani, Assistant Director of empowerME at the Atlantic Council, and included the following speakers: Marsin AlshamaryAssistant Professor at Boston College, and Hamzeh HadadAdjunct Fellow at Middle East Security Program at the Center for a New American Security.  
  • The final panel highlighted Iraq’s growing role in regional affairs. It was moderated by Abbas Kadhim, and included the following speakers: H.E. Nazar Al-KhirullahIraqi Ambassador to the United StatesDavid MackNonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Counciland former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs & US Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates; and Douglas SillimanPresident of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, and Former US Ambassador to Iraq.  

Opening remarks  

Iraq is acknowledged for its crucial role in regional stability, combating extremism, and the potential of its energy resources to fuel prosperity within and beyond its borders. Notably, Iraq has successfully conducted five rounds of open parliamentary elections since 2004, each culminating in a peaceful transfer of power- a significant achievement that underscores its democratic progress.  

In light of recent regional challenges, specifically the conflict between Hamas and Israel, Wethington affirmed that the United States remains committed to a partnership with Iraq to contain the conflict and address long term issues. He emphasized that while Iraq still faces foreign interference and security threats, it stands as a voice for moderation and democracy in the region.  Wethington closed with three distinct observations from his September visit to Baghdad, highlighting Iraq as a functioning sovereign state with aims of addressing the practical needs of its people, needs for leveraging its substantial economic resources for future development beyond the oil sector, and emphasizing a focus on economic fundamentals, job creation, governance, service delivery, and social priorities such as education and health.  

Panel Takeaways  

I. Climate-Resilient Iraq 

Iraq’s environmental challenges arise from a mix of global climate change effects and specific issues rooted in the nation’s unique geographical circumstances. Climate change acts as a threat multiplier, and when combined with conflict, the impacts intensify. Jafar mentioned that the war against Daesh alone resulted in the destruction of numerous towns and villages, producing over 50 million tons of debris. Iraq is particularly vulnerable due to its water scarcity and external control over its water sources. However, Yaseen reckoned Iraq is resilient and there is a growing national interest in climate change now.  

Yaseen indicated that Iraq faces two main threats from climate change: direct impacts like increasing temperatures and indirect impacts from global economic shifts. Eltahir noted that Iraq, positioned northwest of the Persian Gulf and east of the Mediterranean Sea, faces the threat of extreme heat waves due to its geography. When looking at the Gulf area, Iraq stands out as one of the area’s most susceptible to heat stress that combine temperature and humidity. Particularly, the southern region around Basra will likely endure significant heat stress. In contrast, the northern and central desert regions of Iraq are most at risk of experiencing dry, extreme heat. According to Eltahir, agriculture is the primary sector impacted by climate change, as outdoor activities will be challenged by heat and water stress. Thus, there will be a need for major adjustments in Iraq’s economic activities, particularly when it comes to investing in green agriculture, given the water scarcity.  

Iraq contends with significant water, land, and air pollution. Every day, the country discharges 5 million cubic meters of sewage into the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Jafar stated that air pollution significantly affects citizens, as Iraq stands as one of the world’s top methane emitters, with substantial flaring evident in the South. In the Middle East, the primary issue isn’t coal but liquid fuels, but gas can still play a vital role in displacing these dirtier fuels. Jafar highlighted that Crescent Petroleum provides gas in the Kurdistan region that powers 85% of the area, benefiting 6 million citizens while avoiding over 5 million tons of CO2 emissions annually – notably, this is equivalent to the carbon emissions saved by all Tesla cars globally. 

Al Moumin underscored the deep connections between climate change, education, security, and stability in Iraq. Approaching climate change solely as an environmental issue neglects the crucial areas of security and public education. She highlighted one environmental organization in Iraq, the Women and the Environment Organization, which successfully engaged and empowered rural women in Southern Iraq. Through educational sessions, these women realized their role in the environmental decision-making process. 

II. Youth Perspectives on Sociopolitical Realities  

Iraqi youth share significant similarities with youth in other Middle Eastern countries, indicating that Iraq is transitioning from being a unique case to facing more common regional challenges. Alshamary highlighted a notable shift in political terminology, in particular with the term “madani” (meaning civil). It represents a form of secularism without the western-associated non-conservative undertones that secularism tends to have in the Middle East. Many Islamist parties in the region are now portraying themselves with a conservative democratic image, emphasizing their appeal to a conservative society without a strict foundation in Islam. She explained that this shift signifies the active role and influence of youth in societal transformations.  

Historical challenges have also shaped the perspectives of Iraqi youth, notably when it comes to the failure of ISIS in destabilizing the 2003 state. Hadad noted a significant political shift within the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The KRG, which once held more power than the weaker federal government in Baghdad, now finds itself in a reversed dynamic, with Baghdad gaining strength and the KRG weakening. However, he highlighted that this shift may not be permanent, given the 20-year history of both governments not adhering to constitutional mandates and focusing on power dynamics instead. 

Baghdad’s does not want to eliminate the KRG, rather, it wants to debilitate it because a takeover would be overly intricate. This approach stipulates the potential for a more balanced relationship between Baghdad and the KRG. Hadad underscored that achieving a realistic equilibrium between the two governments will be a time-consuming process. The KDP and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) are undergoing internal changes. Hadad asserted that an explicit understanding of their leadership is preliminary for a stable, rules-based federalist state. As the country moves towards greater stability, Hadad remains hopeful for the youth to constructively tackle issues like federalism, public employment, and constitutional debates. 

Hadad and Alshamary acknowledged the significant role of social media. Hadad criticized Iraqi politicians for their overreliance on social media and urged a shift back to more traditional forms of dialogue to mitigate the rising tribalism and creation of echo chambers, akin to Western trends. Hadad stresses that while social media brings benefits, the challenges it presents in Iraq mirror those in other countries, with a nuanced difference in freedom of speech, especially post-Tishreen, where individuals face risks for their online expressions. Alshamary added concerns about the alarming levels of misinformation on Iraqi social media and the decline of traditional media. She pointed out that the Iraqi state news channel remains the lone credible source, with other channels viewed skeptically due to perceived party affiliations and biases. Notably while Twitter is popular for showing trends, it is not the preferred platform for most Iraqis.

III. Foreign Policy and Economic Trajectory  

Over the years, Iraq has worked on building an independent foreign policy as part of refraining from partaking in regional divisions. Al Khirullah pointed out that Iraq recognizes that cooperation within the region is currently underdeveloped compared to other continents due to the challenge of building and maintaining trust among the region’s governments. This led to the fruition of the Baghdad conference to address challenges facing the region as a whole including terrorism, climate change, and energy cooperation, as noted by Al-Khirullah.

Silliman highlighted that foreign policy is essential for Iraq due to its strategic geopolitical location. Indeed, building effective foreign relations can provide economic, security, and political benefits, and can specifically address domestic issues like energy shortages and water problems, while also stimulating trade and tourism, and generally improving the political and economic prospects of the Iraqi youth. Mack noted that Iraq has been instrumental in fostering regional dialogues, such as the discussions between Riyadh and Tehran. However, Silliman pointed out that Baghdad is perceived to have excessive Iranian influence, complicating Iraq’s role as an impartial mediator. 

Nevertheless, Mack observed Iraq’s growing competence in managing its affairs with historically intrusive neighbors, particularly Turkey and Iran. Iraq’s strategic deepening of relations with the Arabian Peninsula, Jordan, and Egypt holds significant potential for regional transformation. Mack contended that Iraq could emerge as a pivotal transportation and energy nexus, potentially drive economic growth and stability in a historically volatile region. This carries the promise of infrastructural enhancement, greater diplomatic influence, and a more interconnected Middle East.  

Al-Khirullah and Mack both asserted that the relationship between Iraq and the United States has evolved beyond just security and defense. Economic relations have become a primary focus, and there’s an aim to attract American companies back to Iraq. Although there have been challenges on both sides, Al-Khirullahunderscored the ample economic opportunities to be explored since Iraq places significant value on not just large American companies, but also small and medium-sized enterprises. Also, Al-Khirullah recognized Kuwait as a significant supportive partner when it comes to investment opportunities, albeit Kuwait has only expressed interest thus far.  


Building a climate-resilient Iraq 

  • Yaseen suggests establishing climate-smart agricultural villages for arid environments, and to collaborate with countries like the United States and Australia who have expertise in managing water-stressed areas. 
  • Al Moumin and Jafar recommend embedding environmental awareness into early stages of academic curriculums and management. Al Moumin also advocates for a scholar-practitioner strategy to harness local knowledge and involve communities in decision-making processes. 
  • Eltahir recommends investing in agricultural research and technology for Iraq to be able to navigate water and heat shortages challenges. He also suggests adopting water-saving technologies, along with implementing an appropriate pricing system that could incentivize people to switch to using those systems technologies.  

Changing the youth perspectives on sociopolitical realities  

  • Alshamary urges an increase in youth engagement. She highlights that it is essential to actively involve youth in policymaking and implementation processes. She proposes that Iraq should encourage youth to venture into the private sector and entrepreneurial endeavors, leading to diversified economic growth and job creation. 
  • Hadad recommends adopting successful economic systems from other countries, leveraging the tried-and-tested strategies to foster economic diversification. This will can enable youth to sidestep common errors, and craft policies suited to Iraq’s needs.  

Foreign Policy and Economic Trajectory  

  • Al-Khirullah recommends fostering partnerships between Iraq and foreign private sectors.  
  • Silliman recommends adopting a technically driven diplomatic approach to tackle water-sharing issues, especially with Turkey. 
  • Silliman and Al-Khirullah urge the need to highlight Iraq’s civilization, culture, and traditions to improve its international standings, and to realize its rich resources and potential for development in various sectors, including education and culture.  
  • Mack suggests Iraq continues strengthening its democratic institutions and processes by leveraging its regional relationships. He supports Iraq’s current direction, including its maintenance of electoral democracy amidst regional engagement and internal challenges. 

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Beyond promises: Pathways to deliver on methane commitments Tue, 21 Nov 2023 14:20:43 +0000 The Global Methane Pledge has committed over one hundred adherents to collectively reduce their methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030. The challenge however, seems as intractable as ever.

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Two years ago, the announcement of the Global Methane Pledge at COP26 in Glasgow was one of the most intriguing and potentially impactful developments of that conference. The pledge has since committed its now over one hundred adherents, together responsible for 45 percent of global methane emissions, to collectively reduce their methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030. Its announcement was a crucial moment of reckoning with a highly potent greenhouse gas, of which 40 percent of human-caused emissions come from the energy sector alone.  

As the proverbial saying goes, that was then. In the here and now, the methane challenge seems as intractable as it ever was. The latest iteration of the International Energy Agency’s Global Methane Tracker estimates that global energy sector methane emissions rose about 2 percent last year to nearly 135 million metric tons (MT) despite more efforts to track, contain, and monitor leaks. Oil and gas production is a major source of energy sector methane emissions, particularly through operational practices like venting and flaring of gas. Although IEA projects that global average methane intensity of oil and gas production has fallen by around 5 percent since 2019, the overall growth in actual methane emissions in the energy sector remains alarming. Despite all of this, methane abatement remains highly cost-effective; an estimated $100 billion in investment (a fraction of oil and gas industry’s profits) are estimated as sufficient to deploy all necessary abatement measures by 2030.  

The continuing malaise around methane should galvanize those delegations representing major oil and gas producing countries at COP28. While there are multiple reasons for the limited progress on abating the potent greenhouse gas, the fundamental obstacle to curbing it is that the existing and even proposed frameworks to achieve reductions are overwhelmingly voluntary in nature. Thus far, concrete actions to address the methane challenge have been limited to a handful of wealthy producer countries and have no market-driven enforcement mechanisms.    

The Global Methane Pledge Itself is a voluntary commitment made by countries that choose to join. It therefore implicitly relies on the ability of countries to promulgate effective regulations and enforce them among their own local industries, or to disburse donated funds to support measurement and mitigation in countries that cannot afford it. The COP28 presidency is reportedly seeking to elevate the level of commitment through a new voluntary initiative, whereby producing companies would make substantial pledges on methane reduction and subject themselves to self-reporting and measurement.  

Some countries are taking enforceable measures to meet their commitment. The United States, for example, is pursuing a number of initiatives to tackle its energy sector methane emissions including a historic methane fee integrated into the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, in addition to imminent Environmental Protection Agency methane performance standards. The European Union is developing its own binding 2030 methane reduction target for its oil and gas sector, as well as a methane intensity threshold for imported fuels. The United Arab Emirates, host of this year’s COP, has made its own commitments on methane: in July, its national oil company ADNOC committed to achieving zero methane emissions by 2030. 

In time, these and similar efforts will likely produce fruit. But while these unilateral and multilateral voluntary measures are important, they are not sufficient to the challenge at hand. Crucially, they do not address the challenge of methane emissions in those countries not party to the Global Methane Pledge (or similar bodies) where energy-sector methane emissions are high and there is far less pressure or incentives to reduce them. Many high-emitting countries have not taken any enforceable measures to meet the pledge. Some of these, such as Russia, have adversarial relationships with the United States and may eschew efforts which are largely Western-led. Others, such as China, have announced aspirational methane strategies, but they often lack concrete targets or clear accountability mechanisms. In the case of oil and gas producers in developing countries, both within and outside the Global Methane Pledge (such as Turkmenistan and Venezuela), the price tag and infrastructure complexity of systemic methane abatement represents an entirely different barrier.  

COP28 cannot resolve all these complex, interwoven issues, but those delegations that are mindful of the methane abatement challenge could demonstrate a renewed commitment to addressing it on a global scale.  

An obvious starting point is financial support to fund methane abatement in those countries unable or hesitant to expend limited resources. A multilateral financing push for those countries interested in such support need not be a singular fund (such as the in-development Loss and Damage Fund), but it could involve a collective agreement to leverage a certain percentage of foreign investment and development resources for this explicit purpose. Multilateral development banks, particularly those hesitant to engage with any fossil-related financing, might clarify their parameters for such financing and signal which sorts of projects would qualify for favorable loans or other assistance, as many will require technology access to capture gas flared from oil production and covert it to some productive use. 

To meaningfully impact the behavior of countries and companies that are not taking action to reduce methane emissions, the world will also need market-based mechanisms that penalize producers who do not adhere to an acceptable standard. Committed delegations should agree to raise the bar on methane abatement by incentivizing highly-efficient, low-emission fossil fuels through regulatory and trade alignment. Flickers of progress in this space are evident: the Joint Declaration from Energy Importers and Exporters, published in November 2022, theoretically aligned the United States, EU, Norway, UK, Canada, Singapore and Japan around the need to reduce methane emissions throughout the fossil fuels sectors. The incoming EU methane threshold for imported fuels takes this approach one step further; a similar approach in any future US border adjustment mechanism remains an open question. However, the US Department of Energy has recently announced a new Measuring, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MMRV) Working Group which will “advance comparable and reliable information about greenhouse gas emissions across the natural gas supply chain to drive global emissions reductions.” Notable participants include the United Kingdom, the European Commission, Germany, Japan, Australia and Brazil.  

Even an early version of an agreeable gold standard (or agreed group of standards) for the methane emissions of traded fossil fuels products could be a valuable COP28 deliverable, particularly within a wider framework that promotes independent monitoring, reporting, and verification across a range of major stakeholders. A number of existing platforms that could inform such a gold standard (such as those of GTI Veritas Initiative) could be applied or leveraged. If global demand for fossil fuels must necessarily decline in a net-zero outlook, producers and consumers of fossil fuels can collectively lay the groundwork for those supplies with the most sustainable methane profiles to also be the most competitive. Such an approach to trade and regulatory policy could be tailored to favor those oil and gas companies (including both international and national oil companies) that maintain a high standard of emissions reductions across all of their multinational operations, reducing emissions across the full scope of their operational profiles and not just in those countries with robust requirements. Such a trade framework would compel producers who today decline to take methane mitigation measures to do so, in order to remain competitive in the global market.  

There are many complex, entrenched challenges to realizing a global energy transition; responsible management of methane should not be among them. Reasonable solutions in this space already exist at scale and could be deployed worldwide at relatively little cost compared to the trillions that must ultimately be expended on deep decarbonization. Any steps forward on this front at COP28 could pay dividends now and for years to come. At a conference where every success is set to be hard-fought, methane is one area where important wins should be achievable.

David L. Goldwyn served as special envoy for international energy under President Obama and assistant secretary of energy for international relations under President Clinton. He is chair of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Advisory Group and a nonresident senior fellow with the Council’s Global Energy Center.

Andrea Clabough is a senior associate at Goldwyn Global Strategies, LLC, and a nonresident fellow with the Council’s Global Energy Center.

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Learn more about the Global Energy Center

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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What the EU and US want to get done at COP28 Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:40:02 +0000 Climate leaders outlined their hopes for the global stocktake, loss and damage fund, and more at the EU-US Defense & Future Forum.

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Two hundred countries are hurriedly assembling inventories on how they are doing on climate change—and where gaps remain—in the global stocktake. EU climate envoy Anthony Agotha predicted that the survey, set to conclude at this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (known as COP28), won’t say that countries are “still on the path” to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Despite that outlook, Sue Biniaz, US deputy special envoy for climate change, said the landmark agreement from COP21 holds up: “The Paris Agreement is working,” she said, “it’s just not working fast enough, and we need to accelerate.

The two climate leaders spoke Wednesday at the EU-US Defense & Future Forum, cohosted by the Delegation of the European Union to the United States and the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center. There, the officials outlined their priorities for COP28.

At last year’s COP27 in Egypt, there was a “concerted effort” to focus on loss and damage and to hold the line on climate change mitigation commitments set at COP26 in Scotland. “We were going in hoping to get Glasgow plus, [but] it almost turned out Glasgow minus,” Agotha said.

And now, he explained, it has become clear that “there is no dollar or euro [amount] in the world enough to redress the loss and damage that will happen,” even if global warming is kept in check. Biniaz and Agotha said they hoped that countries can design and adopt the loss and damage fund in the coming weeks at COP28 in Dubai, considering the urgency.

Below are more highlights from their conversation at the forum, moderated by Atlantic Council Global Energy Center Senior Director Landon Derentz, which touched upon the EU’s and United States’ COP priorities and ways that the transatlantic partners are working together on mitigating and adapting to climate change.

Adapting for a climate-changed future

  • At COP28, “fossil fuels [have] to be on the table,” Agotha said, explaining how Russia’s war in Ukraine and supply chain crises have highlighted the world’s dependence on oil and gas. “We reduced our dependence on Russian gas,” he explained, adding that countries need to raise their ambitions to reduce their fuel usage. Currently, he said, many in the energy industry are only looking to extract fuel to “the last drop of oil” and counterbalance with carbon capture. 
  • Agotha said that the EU is trying to take a “whole of government approach” to securing a climate-changed future. For both him and Biniaz, that means more than reducing their militaries’ emissions: It means preparing forces to operate in changing environments and adjusting to a new world in which the risk of conflict is increased by climate change.
  • As leaders meet at COP28, they’ll be considering a new effort to attain global agreement on tripling renewable energy deployment and doubling energy efficiency. Agotha and Biniaz said that climate financing will be necessary for those goals. Biniaz said that the “forgotten goal” of the Paris Agreement is to make finance flows consistent across the world. “There has not been enough attention paid to that goal; it’s something that [the EU and United States] together are trying to highlight.”
  • Currently, countries are racing to fulfill their commitment to mobilize one hundred billion dollars in annual climate financing for low-income countries. Biniaz said that developed countries are “on track” to meet the goal, albeit running behind. Even then, that funding “is not going to get us to 1.5 or to sufficient adaptation,” she warned. “We need to be talking about the trillions.”

Can allies on separate tracks work together?

  • In talking about the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, which imposes carbon emissions tariffs on imported goods, Agotha recalled the difficulty in designing a measure that is “watertight.” “Any country in the world that goes through a green transition will have to deal with the issue of carbon leakage”—when industries leave to manufacture elsewhere, using practices that damage the climate. “We would love the US to have a carbon price, which would harmonize this much better.”
  • Biniaz acknowledged that the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) sparked “a little bit of a mixed reaction in the world, including from the EU,” but she explained that with the Paris Agreement calling on countries to take more and more ambitious action, “almost by definition, you’re going to have national laws that have trade-related provisions in them. It’s kind of inevitable.”
  • Despite that initial shock from the EU, Agotha said that the IRA and the EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan are proof that “the road on the transition is the right one to take.” He added that despite “some discriminatory effects,” the EU and United States do “find channels to discuss this and to see if we can smooth things out.”
  • With the world “ripping at its seams,” as Agotha argued, maintaining the transatlantic relationship is critical: “We need to continue to work, even where we disagree.”
  • On Tuesday, the United States and China issued a statement on enhancing their climate cooperation—despite tensions in the US-China bilateral relationship. “We have been treating climate as a kind of separate track from bilateral issues. Because… it’s an existential issue,” Biniaz explained. “We should not be holding it hostage to whether we disagree on some bilateral issue.”
  • The EU climate commissioner is set to meet with China’s top climate envoy to continue climate and environment dialogues. Agotha explained that, because they have “mostly the same point of view on climate,” the EU and United States essentially “[reinforce] each other” when they work bilaterally with China. Biniaz warned that in the past, China has “tried to divide us, at least in the global negotiations,” so there may be a benefit to hosting “trilateral” talks instead.

Katherine Walla is an associate director of editorial at the Atlantic Council.

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Dean quoted in Reuters and Sydney Morning Herald on new Australia-Tuvalu pact Tue, 14 Nov 2023 22:10:59 +0000 On November 13, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Peter Dean was quoted in Reuters on a recent Australian security guarantee to Tuvalu. On November 11, Dean’s comments on the new Australia-Tuvalu pact were also featured in the Sydney Morning Herald. He explained that the agreement, which also offers permanent residency to 280 Tuvalu citizens per year, […]

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On November 13, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Peter Dean was quoted in Reuters on a recent Australian security guarantee to Tuvalu. On November 11, Dean’s comments on the new Australia-Tuvalu pact were also featured in the Sydney Morning Herald. He explained that the agreement, which also offers permanent residency to 280 Tuvalu citizens per year, “serves as a model for the region,” offering something that China cannot and undermining PRC influence in the region. 

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Derentz quoted in Politico on OPEC engagement in addressing climate emissions Fri, 10 Nov 2023 14:32:15 +0000 The post Derentz quoted in Politico on OPEC engagement in addressing climate emissions appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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Ellinas in Financial Mirror: Supply shortage, conflicts keep oil prices high Sat, 21 Oct 2023 13:02:02 +0000 The post Ellinas in Financial Mirror: Supply shortage, conflicts keep oil prices high appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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Senator Manchin: The US can ‘leapfrog’ China on clean energy with hydrogen investments Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:24:17 +0000 Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia presented his vision for how US leadership on hydrogen can help fuel a net-zero future.

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To better compete in the global energy arms race with China, the United States has a not-so-hidden weapon, according to the chairman of the US Senate energy committee: Hydrogen.

“If you want to be the superpower of the world, you have to be self-reliant on your energy, and we have all the resources to do it,” Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia told Frederick Kempe, president and CEO of the Atlantic Council, at an #ACFrontPage event on Thursday.

The discussion comes at a time when energy independence has become not just an economic concern, but also a national security challenge. That reality has been underscored by the Russian war against Ukraine, as well as global supply chain concerns laid bare by the pandemic. 

Read on for more of the key takeaways from their conversation, in which the chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee presented a vision for how US leadership on hydrogen can help fuel a net-zero future.

More than catch-up

  • Manchin highlighted the potential of hydrogen to enable a cleaner energy transition while maintaining US energy security. “Hydrogen basically does everything that petroleum does for you,” Manchin said, noting that, unlike solar or wind, it can provide the horsepower and torque needed for planes and other heavy transportation.
  • China’s hydrogen industry has a head start, including significant investments in the electrolyzer technologies that split water into hydrogen and oxygen, in part because it has “such an appetite for cheap energy,” Manchin said. “We’re still in first, maybe one-and-a-half to second generation.” 
  • Manchin stressed the United States’ need to balance energy security needs with its energy transition objectives. “You cannot eliminate your way to a clean environment; you can innovate your way to it,” said Manchin.
  • Manchin credited recent legislative packages, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act, as market-driven solutions that position the United States to do more than just compete with China on clean energy: “You will see us leapfrog so quickly,” he said. “We cannot only play catch-up: We will surpass quicker than anyplace in the world because of our innovative and creative dynamics.”

Fueling American industries

  • The Department of Energy recently announced that its new seven billion dollar regional clean hydrogen hubs initiative will include funding for an Appalachian hub that includes West Virginia. “We can infuse hydrogen into our coal-fired units and reduce emissions,” Manchin said of his home state, which relies heavily on fossil fuels. “With gas, we can make blue hydrogen all day long.”
  • Looking ahead, Manchin predicted fusion power will become the major global energy source for the next generation. He said he is attending a groundbreaking Friday in West Virginia for a fusion power facility at a steel plant that could come online by 2028. “That’ll make the cleanest steel in the world,” Manchin said.
  • Throughout the conversation, Manchin stressed the need to balance environmental goals with energy security. “I am not going to remove something that’s dispatchable 24/7, dependable, reliable, and affordable with something that I’m betting on that only gives you five or six hours of intermittent power,” he said.
  • Manchin added that the focus must remain on how to reduce carbon emissions while still giving people quality jobs: “We’re investing more than any place else in the world on the cleanest energy for the future. And with that, you can’t leave anybody behind.”

Accelerating clean energy worldwide

  • Watching Russia weaponize energy in its war against Ukraine has led Manchin to worry even more about US dependence on China for energy and manufacturing. “I guarantee you Xi Jinping can weaponize all of those things. . . they could cripple us.”
  • China’s dominance includes processing 85 percent of the world’s rare earths, critical minerals needed for batteries, solar panels, and other clean energy technologies. Manchin and other legislators adjusted electric vehicle tax credits to incentivize automakers to source materials from the United States and trusted allies, with the intent of making sure the economy isn’t held captive. “That was our biggest problem,” he said. “We’ve allowed the building blocks of the United States of America to be relied upon in areas of the world that don’t have our values.”
  • To continue its global leadership, Manchin said the United States must understand the energy needs of emerging nations and partner with them, rather than punish them. It can do so by providing incentives to adopt the latest emissions-reducing technologies in “new coal plants they’re going to build anyway,” Manchin said. “We entice them by giving them access to our market. . . You can’t force them.”

Nick Fouriezos is a writer with more than a decade of journalism experience around the globe.

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US Senator Joe Manchin on hydrogen’s role in the clean energy transition Thu, 19 Oct 2023 16:18:10 +0000 US Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia discussed US industrial competitiveness and global leadership in the hydrogen sector.

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Event transcript

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US Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV)
Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee


Frederick Kempe

President and CEO, Atlantic Council

FREDERICK KEMPE: Good morning. I’m Fred Kempe. I’m president and CEO of the Atlantic Council. Thanks for joining us today for a conversation with Senator Joe Manchin on US industrial competitiveness amid a rapidly evolving energy system.

So in recent years, the US government has allocated significant resources to large legislative packages intended to grow the US domestic industrial base—the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act. Senator Manchin, you had a lot to do with those things. Building on these efforts, last week President Biden traveled to Philadelphia to announce deployment of a seven billion dollar fund to fund regional clean energy hubs through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The US Treasury is also developing guidelines for the hydrogen tax credits included in the Inflation Reduction Act, which seek to balance environmental objectives and practical economic concerns, and US energy leadership. Hydrogen is seen as a key energy resource that will help enable net zero industrial and transportation sectors by 2050.  So, with an abundance of our natural resources and strong labor force, we as a country are pretty well positioned to lead the hydrogen economy of the future and, at the same time, to be a net-zero industrial powerhouse. 

That’s what we’re going to be talking about today, with a person who knows more about this than maybe anybody else anywhere, but certainly in the Senate. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, chairman of the US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, also serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Senate Committee on Armed Services, and Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs. Longtime advocate of a balanced, common-sense approach to energy policy that considers the needs of our environment, for sure, the demands of the economy, and—let’s underline this—the strategic value of energy independence and industrial competitiveness to US national security and leadership.

So, Senator Manchin, welcome.

JOE MANCHIN: Fred, thanks for having me. It’s great to be here.

 FREDERICK KEMPE: It’s terrific to have you here and terrific to have worked with you over many years.

So the first question is a broad one, before we get to hydrogen. Talking about the resurgence of policies that promote domestic manufacturing, a stronger US industrial base.  You’ve been a big part of all of those. Where is this coming from and how is this underpinning a new vision for the economy?

JOE MANCHIN: Well, Fred, how everything came to came to light, you know, we’ve lived through historical times. We’ve gone through a pandemic that we’ve never, ever experienced in any of our lifetimes. I remember hearing about it from my grandparents, because my great-grandfather died of influenza in 1918. So I remember hearing about this horrible pandemic back then. Knowing it came to us in the twenty-first century was not preparing us for it. We never thought it would ever happen and we’re too advanced as a culture and a society.  But it happened and it could repeat itself if we don’t learn from our—from our past. 

So with that happening it changed who we are, how we do things, what we expect government to do. A lot of people got more dependent on government and a lot of the government people got more relaxed, if you will. 

So then we see this horrific war in Ukraine. We were told it was going to be two weeks.  Well, that wasn’t true. We were told inflation would be transitory. That wasn’t true. And then all of a sudden, we saw Putin weaponize energy and we’ve heard and we’ve seen this before. Many wars have been fought over energy and here we are in the twenty-first century, a land war in Europe and Putin has weaponized it. 

And I’m thinking if he’s weaponized energy I guarantee you Xi Jinping can weaponize all of the things. The building blocks that they’re making for us at a lower price we’re thinking we’re getting a heck of a bargain. But they have control over the supply chain. They could cripple us. 

So everything started coming to a reality that something’s wrong here and we’ve got to change. So I says, we’re not energy independent and now our European allies are held hostage because of the lack of energy and here’s the defender, the superpower of the world, United States of America, didn’t have the energy supply to be independent ourselves let alone be able to help our allies. That’s how this got started. That was the crux of all of this. 

The bipartisan infrastructure bill was a spinoff of that big BBB bill. I could not do that whatsoever. I told the president—I said, this is a piece of legislation—

FREDERICK KEMPE: And BBB stands for?

JOE MANCHIN: Build back better. That was his, basically, marquee piece of legislation.  I said, Mr. President, we respectfully disagree on this because I think it changes the psyche of our nation. I’m of the generation of “ask not what your country can do for you, what you can do for your country,” that John Kennedy said. I said, this piece of legislation is changing the psyche of our nation to how much more can my country do for me, and I couldn’t get there, just no way, shape, or form. 

So, but the infrastructure, which we hadn’t done anything for thirty years, was there. We took that piece of legislation. I agreed that we could move forward, not guaranteeing my vote because I would never vote for BBB. But I needed to separate the bipartisan infrastructure bill and then we—my committee wrote the energy portion of that bill and that’s where hydrogen came in, and then from there we went to the IRA, which—and I will just say the results of the IRA, it was an energy security bill. The administration and the president have sold that as an environmental bill and that’s good because it does have a lot.

I will just say this. We are responsible as a nation to be energy independent and secure.  If you want to be the superpower of the world you have to—you have to be self-reliant on your energy and we have all the resources to do it—oil, coal, gas—and we can do it better and cleaner than anywhere in the world.

FREDERICK KEMPE: And you were just saying on the way into this room that we’re producing more than we’ve ever produced. 

JOE MANCHIN: And I’ll give you that. First of all, I’ve always said this. You cannot eliminate your way to a cleaner environment. You can innovate your way to it and the rest of the world will follow. You can’t eliminate and say: OK, I know you have these resources in your country, but you can’t use them. They’re going to use them.

FREDERICK KEMPE: So talk about this. I mean, we all talk about energy transition, energy transition. Could you translate that into plain English—what that means for America and the United States?

JOE MANCHIN: Energy transition means that basically every one of us are responsible for the climate. So my friends who say, oh, this is—this is the hoax, climate’s not real, well, they’re deniers, same as people who said that elections aren’t real and the—and the insurrection wasn’t real. I was there when that happened. It’s real. Those were all real.

So on that I just said here, to show the proof of the pudding, we are producing more energy today than ever in the history of the United States of America. We’ll be 4.6 billion barrels of oil this year. Thirty-seven trillion cubic feet of gas will be produced. Thirteen-and-a-half billion cubic feet of LNG is going out. That’s when we go up to twenty-five. That really helps backfill all of Europe’s needs. 

So we’re doing our job and also we’ve increased the amount of production we get from wind and solar. We’ve doubled it in one year. So, the bill did what it was supposed to. The difference of the United States of America, what we did when we wrote these bills, we used the government as your partner and we incentivized and took some of the risk away. 

So if we’re removing 15-20 percent of the risks you’re taking for a mega investment, investors will say, OK, I think I can take that risk. I can’t take 100 percent of it. And Europe has been using the carbon pricing forever, but they never took the proceeds to spur innovation and technology. So they were upset with us, and if you’ve talked to our European friends from government were upset because they’re hearing that sucking sound. Everyone’s coming to America to do this investment. And we’re getting more in my state of West Virginia than ever before.

So we’re going to be able to help innovate the new technologies that will help decarbonize the world. And the best way to say it is, we’re producing the energy that we need today and investing in the energy we’ll need for tomorrow. So we’re giving you what you need and we’re investing in what you want.

FREDERICK KEMPE: That’s a great way to describe the transition. In fact, it’s maybe the best way I’ve heard it described. So, let’s get to hydrogen and West Virginia. So, Department of Energy announces last week, this seven billion dollars for hydrogen hubs. And it includes the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub, incorporating West Virginia.

JOE MANCHIN: Well, it started—that’s where it is now. It’s going to be—that’s the majority of it. And we have some in Ohio and some in Pennsylvania. But we have that region, which is really—it’s hot as a firecracker as far as energy. We’ve always been coal, as you know.  And now we have a tremendous amount of Marcellus Shale. We have Utica Shale. We’re one of the largest gas producers in the world.

FREDERICK KEMPE: Well, let’s talk about—why is hydrogen so important?

JOE MANCHIN: Hydrogen basically does everything that petroleum does for you. You know, it’ll do everything that hydrocarbons are doing, because of horsepower. But it has very low—and you can also make it very green with very low carbon emissions, or no carbon emissions. So if you’re going to be—if you need to do the job—you need to fly your planes, you need to run your trains, you need to basically run your trucks and things of that sort, electric’s not going to do it, OK? You need that horsepower; you need that torque. And hydrogen can give you that torque.

We’ve known it for a long time, but it was expensive, so when you had oil and you have all the refineries of diesel and all that that did it so much cheaper. But now, with our responsibilities to our climate—and the climate, basically, is real. We have a responsibility. This was a natural way to go. We’ve never matured it. So when I looked at, OK, where should we be investing? Where should we incentivize people to do things? It was based on technology that’s already been proven. We just never—we don’t have to go out and reinvent the wheel. It’s already been—just smooth it out, balance it. And we have to invest into that. And we never did that before.

China’s done an awful lot in hydrogen, OK? Electrolyzers and things of that sort. We’re still in first, maybe one and a half to second generation. And we can do an awful lot more. The United States of America, everyone said we’re playing catch-up. We cannot only play catchup; we will surpass quicker than anyplace in the world because of our innovative and creative dynamics.

FREDERICK KEMPE: Well, because you went to China, let’s stay there for a minute.  How concerned are you about Chinese domination? Let’s stick with the hydrogen situation.

JOE MANCHIN: No, no, I know what you’re talking—I know where you’re going, Fred.

FREDERICK KEMPE: I mean, you know, because we’re competing in a lot of different areas. And energy is one of them. But let’s talk about the energy part, but put it in context of the overall competition.

JOE MANCHIN: Well, here, so basically, this administration wants to move to EVs, electric vehicles. I’m a market person. I’m a capitalist and the market person. So I believe that the market will take us at a time in this—if there’s that much demand for the product, there’ll be that much production. I think that basically that Elon Musk was the only person that jumped out when we had the crash into 2008-2009, and then there was some incentives put in there for electric vehicles to try to help the automotive industry. He’s the only one took advantage of it.  He saw—he had the vision for that and did extremely well. Now everybody’s trying to play catch-up. And now they want us to continue to give $7,500 credit. That’s going to end. That has to end.

But the bottom line is, I was very reluctant to do that at all. And it went round and round with our—with our big three producers in America. And I said, listen, if you want the taxpayers to invest, then you’re going to have to give us something back. And that’s going to be critical minerals and processing has to be done in either North America or countries that we have reliable relations, with free trading agreements, so we don’t be held—so we’re not held hostage by China, by Russia, by Iran, and by North Korea, or countries that don’t have our values. That was our biggest problem that we’ve done. We’ve allowed the building blocks of the United States of America to be relied upon in areas of the world that don’t have our values.

FREDERICK KEMPE: And that’s where we are now.

JOE MANCHIN: That’s where we are now. And we’ve got to change that as quickly as we can. The administration, I think, in their desire to put so many vehicles out, they’re still going to be reliant on China, because China has an 80 percent lock on critical minerals processing—anodes, cathodes, everything for the battery. We’re trying to change that as quickly as we can.  That’s the—that was a part of why we have—you get 3,750 dollars of credit for your car if you processed and you sourced the materials in North America or our free trade—our allies and friends. If you produced it in North America, you get the other 3,750 dollars. So we’re bringing manufacturing back. You’re having all these battery factories and this and that going on.

But what happens is you don’t have that horsepower, and that’s where hydrogen came in. So now you see these hubs. And in West Virginia, we’re in a transitional state. We probably rely more on fossil than any state in the nation, but we’ve been carrying this—I mean, filling that void for a long time. The coal-fired units we have, 93 percent of our energy in West Virginia comes from coal-fired. We can infuse hydrogen into our coal-fired units and reduce our emissions. There’s so much more we can do with it. With gas, we can make blue hydrogen all day long. We can make blue hydrogen almost carbon-free by carbon capture/sequestration, and we have the geological formations to do that. So we are a natural. That was a natural hub for this to prove that we can do with hydrogen as we transition and not really threaten any of the jobs that we have now, but complement them.

FREDERICK KEMPE: So on the supply chain in China, what is the problem in the supply chain with hydrogen? And then, more to the point, are we behind with China in this field?

JOE MANCHIN:  Well, China’s—I mean, they’ve been doing hydrogen for quite—China has such an appetite for cheap energy they’re doing everything they can. They’re still the largest polluter in the world. And now, with India coming on, they’re going to fight each other who will pollute more.

So, with that, how can we help them? You can only do it by us accelerating through our creativity and our innovation. We can do that better and we always have. But now, when it comes to producing, you know, they have—their labor force was much cheaper. India’s labor force is going to be much more competitive. The technology will come from America, which it always has in everything they’ve done. But now we’re going to be utilizing the technology that we’re using, too.

People—I tell people, I say, you know, it’s global climate. Global climate’s not West Virginia climate. It’s not the United States climate. It’s not North—it’s the globe. So if 90 percent of all emissions are coming from one continent, Asia, then you can either, you know, throw stones at it or you can basically create the activity and create new technology that they’re able to use too. We’re not going to hold that from them; we’re just not going to be reliant on them to provide it to us.

So the electrolyzers, you will see us leapfrog so quickly in the new technology of electrolyzers to make—to make hydrogen, whether it’s going to be green hydrogen, it’s going to be pink hydrogen, blue hydrogen, all of these. And I’m just—I’m excited about it.

FREDERICK KEMPE: Senator, I hear the excitement. Some people of a certain age remember in a movie called “The Graduate” where Dustin Hoffman was told for the future you have to go—

JOE MANCHIN: Oh, now you’re—now you’re aging me.

FREDERICK KEMPE: —you have to go into plastics.


FREDERICK KEMPE: People in energy say now that current plastics is hydrogen, so maybe that’s true.

We’re the Atlantic Council, and we certainly think about transatlantic cooperation but we’re really about global cooperation. Our mission is working together with partners and allies to shape the global future. In this field, how can the US work with allies and partners to accelerate the development of the global hydrogen economy? So how does this—how does this apply to hydrogen?

JOE MANCHIN: Here’s the thing. You know, you have to look—these are all sovereign countries. They’re going to make their own decisions. They’re going to say: What’s best for my country? OK? So if they have resources that we know that might be more harmful to the climate, and we have that technology and we’ve proven—let’s use coal because I know about the coal –


JOE MANCHIN: I was a young person that grew up in the coalmines, coalfields, and all this. My family’s worked in coalmines, and we’ve—we’ve lost—I lost my uncle in coal disasters. So we’ve been through the real horrible part of all this. But also, they’re the most patriotic people you’ve ever seen. They produce the energy that won every war we’ve had. And if anything, they were deferred from going to the military because they needed to mine the coal that made the guns and—made the steel that built the guns and ships. So they’re very patriotic towards that.

The United States is this: With our technology but with our economy, we can allow developing nations that are using coal-fired plants, first generation, without scrubbers, without low-NOx boilers, without baghouses—if we can entice them to use this new technology when they’re putting these new coal-fired plants up that they’re going to build anyway, and we entice them by giving them access to our market, you can incentivize them to, OK, use the best technology that’s available and we will share that with you. We will help you. But this is our incentive to you to do that. You can’t force them, OK, which we’re not. And now, if you are an Indian in rural India, years ago I was there and there were people basically taking animal waste and cooking it in the sun, letting it bake, and then using it for fuel at night to heat their home, cook their food. Now, do you think that a person that had to go through that to have any type of substance of life is going to worry about what’s coming out of a smokestack with a new coal-fired plant? I don’t think so.

FREDERICK KEMPE: Talk to them about hydrogen, right?

JOE MANCHIN: Yeah. So, we have to accelerate that. And I think that’s the leadership that United States can give.

FREDERICK KEMPE: An accelerator but working with partners and allies.

JOE MANCHIN: You work with them. You basically show them—you can have the World Bank, Ex-Im Bank, all this now to give them financing. Help them start out. If you’re going from—there are six hundred million people in the world have no energy at all. And there’s probably a couple—close to a couple billion that have first-generation energy that we used in the forties and fifties. This is what we’re dealing with. 

FREDERICK KEMPE: So we’re just about out of time, but maybe just finally, this whole balancing between decarbonization goals and energy security, how does the US pull that off?  And as you’re balancing this, how do you—how do you strike that balance?

JOE MANCHIN: Fred, let me just say this, I’m a staunch believer that just because you have a desire that you think this would be better, well, in a perfect world, you’re probably right.  This would be better than this. It’s not a perfect world. But we have to balance it out the best we can. I am not going to remove something that’s dispatchable 24/7, dependable, reliable, and affordable, with something that I’m betting on that only gives you five, or six, or intermittent power. I’m not going to replace dispatchable with intermittent until the intermittent can give me dispatchable reliability. We don’t have that yet. 

I will say that all the younger people watching, listening to us, will probably end up in their lifetime and our children’s lifetime with fusion being the main source, OK? And that solves a lot of the world problems because a lot of the world has been disrupted because of the fight over energy. And I was—I’ve been to France. I’ve been to Provence area France, ITER. You’ve heard of ITER. If you—if you haven’t, just Google ITER, I-T-E-R and Provence, France. And it’ll tell you all about fusion. Thirty-seven countries. China’s still involved. They’re working side-by-side. The Russians are there. We’re there. The Koreans are there. Everybody that you hear all this turmoil going on around the world are trying to unlock—

FREDERICK KEMPE: Have you—have you—we’re at the end, but when does fusion come in as something—

JOE MANCHIN: Let me just tell you right now, OK, I’ll be going tomorrow back home to West Virginia. And we’re going to break ground for Nucor Steel, one of the largest steel companies in the world. They’re building a three billion dollar new plant with arc furnaces.  They just signed a contract with Helion. Helion is a new fusion company. And they’re going to build—they’re planning to build a Helion factory—a power fusion factory—beside the steel factory that will be making the most—the cleanest steel in the world. And they think that that’ll be feasible by 2028.

FREDERICK KEMPE: 2028? All right. You heard it here. 2028, fusion and—

JOE MANCHIN: Well, we’re hoping—

FREDERICK KEMPE: And the cleanest steel factory in the—well, look, this is just a terrific conversation. It brings us to the end of our discussion today. I want to thank Joe Manchin, Senator Joe Manchin, for joining us for today’s edition of Atlantic Council Front Page. This is our platform for global leaders on these issues.

JOE MANCHIN: Let me just say, Fred, if I can, this: The United States of America is producing more energy, cleaner than anywhere in the world today. More energy, cleaner than anywhere in the world. We’re investing more than any place else in the world on the cleanest energy for the future. And with that, you can’t leave anybody behind. The transition is basically, how do we transition into a lower carbon or a zero-carbon environment, and still have people that have quality jobs? That’s what’s going on. Hydrogen is that great, natural gas is that great transition. That’s what—that’s what we’re working on.

What happened when they went to wind and solar, and during the 2009-10 years they did it, and bringing the cost of sixteen to eighteen cents a kilowatt hour down to five and six cents, left a lot of people behind, OK? And West Virginia was one of those states. It’s always been a heavy lifting, done everything that’s been asked of them, and got left behind. That’s not happening anymore. And it won’t happen with what we’re doing now.

FREDERICK KEMPE: I think that’s the place to close.


FREDERICK KEMPE: I think anyone watching here in our offices, virtually around the world, has got to be infected by your enthusiasm for all this.

JOE MANCHIN: It’s going to happen. It’s a great time to be an American.

FREDERICK KEMPE: Yeah. It’s a great time. I share your enthusiasm about the technology. And I think sometimes people don’t focus enough on the technology and where it’s going. So thank you for that. Thank you for joining us for Atlantic Council page one. Tune in for more sessions with the Atlantic Council. We’ll see you again soon. And please also here and the audience here, join me in thanking Senator Joe Manchin.

JOE MANCHIN: Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it.

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Quick takeaways on the United States’ historic investment in clean hydrogen hubs Thu, 19 Oct 2023 13:00:00 +0000 The US DOE announced $7 billion in funding for clean hydrogen hubs across the US, the single largest public investment in US hydrogen to date.

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This past Friday, October 13, the US Department of Energy (DOE) announced $7 billion in funding for the country’s first clean hydrogen hubs (H2Hubs), as part of the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The announcement represents the single largest public investment in US hydrogen to date and is expected to have a significant impact on the technology’s development. Here are some takeaways from the announcement.

1. California and Texas are the epicenters of US clean hydrogen

California and Texas earned the highest federal cost shares of up to $1.2 billion each from the DOE award. The large amounts are not surprising given the states’ massive clean energy potential and scale; they are the country’s largest states by population, GDP, and—crucially—electricity consumption.

More importantly, the two states have excellent solar and wind resources, which optimizes the economics for producing green hydrogen from renewable electricity. When electrolyzers are sited close to both solar arrays and wind turbines, they can draw from electricity produced from either energy source as it becomes available.

Moreover, Texas’ ample natural gas production and carbon capture potential will likely ensure its leadership in blue hydrogen, which is produced from natural gas with emissions abated via carbon management.

2. The DOE sees a future for blue hydrogen

The DOE’s decision to support four hubs that will produce hydrogen from natural gas is a surprise for some. While the strategy could stand up a new industry and sidestep electrical grid constraints for producing green hydrogen, the decision comes with risks that will require structured oversight to avoid subsidizing emissions. Producing clean hydrogen from fossil feedstock will require the coordination of the upstream sector to deliver cleanly produced natural gas and technology to capture the carbon from gas-based hydrogen production at a sufficient rate.

Abating emissions from hydrogen produced with US natural gas will be challenging. Making hydrogen from natural gas, which in the United States has an average methane intensity of 1.5 percent, will yield 2.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions per kilogram of hydrogen produced. Even this number assumes the system will capture 100 percent of the carbon dioxide that the process generates, which remains technically challenging. This level of emissions would not meet DOE’s definition of clean hydrogen, set at less than 2 kg CO2e. To meet this standard, hydrogen will have to come from natural gas with near-zero methane emissions, and utilize carbon capture process with greater than 90 percent capture.

To be clear, hydrogen from all feedstocks will be required to scale clean hydrogen to the volumes needed to support the decarbonization of industry, transportation, and other sectors by midcentury—potentially 500 million tons per year or more. Still, hydrogen from fossil feedstock with carbon capture can help alleviate renewable energy bottlenecks, preserve and create jobs, and benefit domestic industry.

3. Hydrogen for long-haul trucking remains a missed opportunity

Increasingly, policymakers regard hydrogen for long-haul trucking and heavy-duty transportation as a highly promising use case. The DOE’s hub selection briefing shows that six out of the seven hubs list long-haul trucking, heavy duty transportation, or both, as potential applications for their hydrogen. In fact, long-haul trucking receives more mentions in the longer-form description than any other potential use case, including ammonia, fertilizers, steel, and refining.

Despite the clear potential for this hydrogen application, the DOE’s hub funding overlooks a key trucking node.

States inland from California—the state which is home to the nation’s largest container ports by volume—will require refueling infrastructure if long-haul hydrogen is to enable the transport of those goods eastward. But the application for the Western Interstate Hydrogen Hub, which included Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, did not receive funding from the DOE’s initial award. A lack of refueling infrastructure along the east-bound trucking corridor from California threatens to slow development of national long-haul trucking efforts.

4. The use case that dares not speak its name: Hydrogen for oil refining

Oil refineries currently use unabated hydrogen to lower the sulfur content of diesel and account for one-third of world hydrogen consumption. Clean hydrogen could therefore substantially reduce emissions at refineries. However, clean hydrogen for oil refining appears to be a taboo subject in the DOE award.

This is clear from the announcement regarding the Gulf Coast Hydrogen Hub, which is centered in Houston, the country’s most important refinery hub. The DOE’s executive summary of the award does not mention that the Gulf Coast will deploy clean hydrogen to its oil refineries. In a more detailed fact sheet, the DOE does envision that the region will employ hydrogen for refining—but the use case is listed after fuel cell electric trucks, industrial processes, and ammonia, rather than oil production.

The politics of using clean technology to produce hydrocarbons remain fraught.

The most strident voices in climate believe any US oil production is undesirable. Even more pragmatic climate hawks feel uncomfortable abating, rather than eliminating, hydrocarbons. Consequently, climate campaigners of all stripes regard the use of clean hydrogen in refineries ambivalently, at best.

Similarly, some actors in the oil and gas complex are deeply opposed to alternative energy sources in the interest of sustaining demand for their own products. Others go so far as to assert that climate change is a myth. These hydrocarbon hardliners will seek to slow the shift to clean hydrogen at refineries. 

While clean hydrogen uptake at refineries will likely accelerate due to funding from the infrastructure law as well as from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the DOE’s award suggests that the complex political economy of clean hydrogen at refineries may constrain its uptake.

Recommendations for policymakers

Hub governance structures

Policymakers can support the establishment of governance structures that coordinate hub implementation, facilitate the hubs’ growth through additional investment, and provide quality assurance. In the case of hydrogen produced from fossil fuel feedstock, quality assurance programs should ensure that project partners use natural gas produced with near-zero methane emissions, capture carbon at sufficiently high rates, and store captured carbon permanently.

Long-haul trucking

Given the DOE’s evident interest in facilitating a long-haul trucking economy, we recommend that it and other state and national-level agencies systematically identify optimal routes and potential stumbling blocks such as hydrogen refueling gaps. They should also determine hydrogen safety standards, including for tunnels. Furthermore, the DOE should consider creating a hydrogen trucking “czar” to coordinate US efforts.

H2Hub funding

While the IRA will incentivize cheap hydrogen production, certain projects are not financeable even under the program’s fiscal incentives, particularly on the demand-side, given the IRA subsidy’s focus on the supply-side. Accordingly, H2Hub funding—derived from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law—should prioritize cost sharing for demand-side projects.

Emissions reductions

The politics of clean hydrogen for refining applications is admittedly complicated. Still, policymakers need to articulate how eliminating methane emissions, managing carbon, and using clean hydrogen at refineries will go a long way towards moving oil and gas towards operational net zero.


The DOE’s hydrogen hub award represents the single largest public investment in US clean hydrogen and marks an important step in reducing emissions in hard-to-decarbonize sectors. While more needs to be done, the United States’ public and—more importantly—private sector investments demonstrate its leading role in developing the world’s clean hydrogen. These investments will create economies of scale and lower equipment and capital costs worldwide.

Joseph Webster is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

William Tobin is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

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Learn more about the Global Energy Center

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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Elnagdy in The National Interest: Is South America A New Persian Gulf? Mon, 16 Oct 2023 19:05:13 +0000 The post Elnagdy in The National Interest: Is South America A New Persian Gulf? appeared first on Atlantic Council.


The post Elnagdy in The National Interest: Is South America A New Persian Gulf? appeared first on Atlantic Council.

What’s next in the two-front war against climate change and energy insecurity? Wed, 04 Oct 2023 14:14:31 +0000 Electrification is a powerful weapon in the battles against climate change and the weaponization of energy supply. To improve overall system reliability and resilience, the United States and European Union must decarbonize, meet new consumer and industrial demands, and expand transmission capacity.

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Disruptions to global energy markets from Russia’s war in Ukraine have heightened energy security concerns and stimulated large-scale European gas diversification efforts, including through US liquified natural gas (LNG) supplies. Meanwhile, record high global temperatures and increasingly frequent extreme heat-related events in the United States and Europe have underscored another threat to the energy system, as power grids struggle under severe weather.

Both the United States and the European Union (EU)—which together account for 22 percent of global energy-related carbon emissions—have sought to stay on the path to net-zero emissions by 2050 as their economies feel the strain of both energy inflation and climate impact. This two-front war—against Russia’s disruption of energy supplies on the one hand and climate change on the other—are increasingly intertwined.

Electrification remains a powerful weapon in these battles, one in which the United States and European Union need to work together. To improve overall system reliability and resilience, both partners must decarbonize, meet new consumer and industrial demands, and expand transmission capacity.

The challenges are significant, with electricity-related emissions rising in 2022 and fossil fuels’ share of electricity generation remaining stubbornly high at 60 percent in the United States and 40 percent in the EU. The launch of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in the United States and REPowerEU in the European Union represent historic government initiatives to spur clean electricity development and advance progress toward lofty targets of 100 percent carbon-free electricity by 2035 in the United States and reducing emissions 55 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 in the EU. Now these initiatives must be implemented with the utmost urgency.

Electricity sector developments in 2022

Last year, the United States and European Union continued their recoveries from the pandemic, albeit at slower rates of economic growth than in 2021. US end-use electricity consumption grew by 2.6 percent in 2022 to reach an all-time high of 4.05 trillion kilowatt-hours. In the EU, high electricity prices led to a decline of 3 percent in electricity consumption.

Strong growth in renewables was common to both sides of the Atlantic. Despite lower hydroelectric output, renewables accounted for the largest share of EU electricity generation at 39.4 percent, and solar and wind growth offset emergency increases in coal generation due to gas shortages. EU solar generation grew by 29 percent, with 20 member states achieving record shares.

In the United States, natural gas remained the largest source of utility-generated electricity at 39.8 percent, with an increase of 7 percent in 2022 due to hot weather and lower coal output. However, renewable generation grew faster, increasing by 12.6 percent. The share of renewables (21.5 percent) exceeded coal (19.5 percent) for the first time, courtesy of a doubling of solar capacity.  

Despite growing renewable generation, electricity-related emissions increased in both the United States and the EU. US emissions from electricity grew slightly from 2021 but remain almost 40 percent down from their 2007 peak. The electricity sector contributed 31 percent of total US energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. Coal was the largest source of power sector emissions, comprising 55 percent.

While the share of fossil fuel generation declined by 1 percent in the United States due to falling coal use, it increased by 3 percent in the EU due to increased coal consumption, notably in Germany. Higher gas generation, especially in France, Italy, and Spain, also increased power-sector emissions.   

The role of natural gas in supporting the electricity system remains contentious as the EU seeks to phase out of Russian gas by 2027, in part through imports of US LNG. For its part, US natural gas generation is expected to increase, but its share in the overall power mix will decline as renewable energy surges.

The essential role of nuclear power

The energy security and climate crises have changed attitudes toward nuclear power, as the essential role this zero-carbon source has to play in meeting future baseload electricity and heating needs becomes increasingly evident. Nuclear power contributed 46.3 percent and 37.7 percent of carbon-free power in the United States and the EU in 2022.

The closure of the Palisades plant in Michigan decreased US nuclear generation slightly in 2022 in both absolute and relative terms. Meanwhile in Europe, technical problems in France and closures in Germany led to falling output in 2022.

Despite last year’s dip, the prospect for a nuclear energy resurgence appears promising. One of two new Vogtle AP-1000 units in Georgia has finally entered operation. New third generation light-water reactors and advanced nuclear reactor projects are underway in both the United States and the EU. The US Congress has approved with bipartisan support billions of dollars in funding for maintaining existing plants and providing investment and production credits for new builds and commercial demonstrations.

Both utilities and industry are showing strong interest in small modular reactors (SMRs), which boast improved passive safety, standardized manufacturing, and operational flexibility. SMRs hold significant potential for producing electricity, high-temperature industrial heat, and clean hydrogen.

Most of these initial SMR projects will not be coming online before 2030 and their cost-competitiveness remains unclear. But just as the scale-up of solar photovoltaics has rapidly reduced costs and revolutionized the electricity industry, the potential for advanced manufacturing of small nuclear reactors to drive down prices, reduce construction times, and expand the scope of both centralized and distributed applications is substantial.

Infrastructure investment requirements

Renewable energy will continue to dominate new capacity additions as the United States and the EU implement ambitious clean energy programs. The impact of these initiatives is already apparent. US solar capacity is expected to grow by 32 gigawatts (GW) in 2023 and 31GW in 2024, overtaking US wind capacity around 2030. In Europe, solar capacity is expected to double by 2026 in line with REPowerEU’s target of 400GW by 2025. Both areas envision large expansion of offshore wind generation, with the US Department of Energy aiming for 20GW by 2030 and European leaders targeting 120GW in the North Sea by 2030.

To support this new renewable capacity, major investments are needed in transmission, distribution, and storage. Moreover, accommodating increased intermittency in the system while integrating electric vehicles, heat pumps, data centers, and microgrids will require measures to improve reliability and resilience.

As much as $90 billion in investment is needed in the United States by 2030 to support transmission.  The $2.5 billion Transmission Investment Loan Fund and other measures included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the IRA will help, but utilities must also ramp up their own investments. Eurelectric, an industry group, suggests up to €425 billion may be needed for distribution alone in the EU by 2030, concluding that 70 percent of renewables are likely to be directly connected to distribution networks.

The financing requirements of the transition in the US and EU electricity sectors are substantial. Yet the costs of severe climate events are increasing daily. Over the past eight years, the United States has experienced ten climate events that have each caused $10 billion or more in damage. Costs from storm damage are estimated at $165 billion in 2022 alone, and over $1.1 trillion over the past decade. These impacts are becoming worse; even with 2023 not yet over, the United States through September 11 has experienced 23 extreme weather events costing over $1 billion each.

Looking ahead

Last year marked an important milestone in the energy transition in the United States and European Union with the passage of landmark energy and climate legislation. The focus now should be to implement these policies effectively and equitably to preserve momentum. Both the United States and the European Union face major political and economic challenges in achieving these goals.

The war in Ukraine and its energy implications will test Western resolve and require a continued focus on helping allies diversify energy supplies. The election season and confrontations over budgets and policy directions will preoccupy US decisionmakers and likely affect energy programs and project support.

Nevertheless, industry and financial institutions in both regions are embracing the clean energy transition.  But workforce constraints are proving to be a considerable impediment to implementation, and an internal industrial policy focus on US and European markets may limit pursuing global clean energy opportunities.

Governments and the private sector in the United States and Europe must realize the importance of global sustainable development and climate mitigation efforts, especially in coal-dependent Asia. As US special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry and executive director of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol recently warned in a Washington Post editorial, efforts to triple renewable electricity generation must be accompanied by a shared, intense commitment to stop the growth of unabated coal use.

Finally, the extreme global heat and flooding experienced in 2022 and 2023 demand greater global investment in clean energy alternatives. The upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai presents another opportunity to galvanize and mobilize global action and resources. The United States and Europe must seize this opportunity to persist in their twin struggles against climate change and the weaponization of energy supply.

Dr. Robert F. Ichord, Jr. is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

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Learn more about the Global Energy Center

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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A roadmap for the Caribbean’s energy transition Tue, 26 Sep 2023 14:12:24 +0000 Caribbean countries are in desperate need of an energy transition. Disproportionately high electricity costs impede economic development, stress public finance budgets, and harm the competitiveness of tourism and other industries.

The post A roadmap for the Caribbean’s energy transition appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Table of contents

Drivers of the Energy Transition and System Transformation
What Does the Current Renewable Energy Landscape Look Like?
Challenges to the Energy Transition
How Can We Ensure that the Caribbean Region’s Energy Transition is Realistic?
A Five-Step Roadmap to the Caribbean’s Energy- System Transformation
Strengthening the Caribbean’s Energy Partnerships Around the World

Working Group Members
About the Authors


Caribbean countries are in desperate need of an energy transition11. Disproportionately high electricity costs impede economic development, stress public finance budgets, and harm the competitiveness of tourism and other industries. Power grids are undercapitalized and vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather events. The region’s small markets and its import-dependent economies are disadvantaged by volatile oil and gas prices, rising inflation, and supply-chain disruptions. And, because most Caribbean countries are categorized as middle- or lower-middle-income economies by the World Bank, access to concessional finance and attracting commercial investment in power generation and transmission are common challenges. Only the Southern Caribbean (e.g., Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Suriname), routinely attracts significant levels of private investment due to rich fossil-fuel resources. All this paints a precarious scenario for the Caribbean. It needs to build competitive and resilient economies, which can only be done with access to affordable and reliable energy.

The Caribbean requires both an energy transition and an energy-system transformation away from its reliance on fossil fuels. Transitioning power generation and transportation from fossil fuels to higher shares of renewable energy and battery storage will address the region’s vulnerability to fossil-fuel price volatility and concerns about energy-system resilience. But regional energy systems must also be transformed. If energy systems (including electrical grids and utility structures) are not upgraded and modernized, most power grids will be unable to integrate significant renewable-energy projects and the region will remain unable to attract large-scale renewable projects. It will be important for the international community to recognize that the region’s dependence on fossil fuels will persist over the next decade as the transition takes place. Affordable access to lower-carbon fossil fuels, such as natural gas, will be needed to provide backup power generation, and to increase resilience to renewables’ variable nature and their vulnerability to climate change.

We propose a five-step roadmap that Caribbean countries, the business community, multilateral development banks (MDBs), regional institutions, and partner nations can undertake to transform the region’s energy systems and accelerate the energy transition. The roadmap includes: conducting energy modeling and analysis; modernizing energy grids; diversifying utility structures; creating “bankable” projects; and scaling project investment to national and subregional levels. The roadmap is expected to be a guide for the Caribbean and its partners, as some countries are further along in the transition than others, and overlap between steps will sometimes exist. For these transformations, we expect the initial cost of energy-sector investments to range from $5 billion to $7 billion2. With the twenty-eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) approaching, and the international community recognizing the need to assist countries vulnerable to climate change, the time is ripe for a commitment of international support for the Caribbean’s energy transformation3.

To date, the region’s energy transition has been slow and incremental. The small nature of Caribbean economies and energy grids results in smaller renewable-energy projects. Projects also come with high costs due to several political, regulatory, technical, and financial risks, as is detailed in later sections. Long-standing undercapitalization of utility systems limits Caribbean governments’ ability to meet renewable-energy targets and presents a challenge for leaders who cannot abandon existing structures for new, uncertain ones. The way forward for the energy transition needs to be creative and politically realistic, equitably serving government, private-sector, and citizen interests.

Given the urgency of the moment, in January 2023, the Caribbean Initiative at the Atlantic Council convened a Caribbean Energy Working Group (CEWG) to identify the main energy security challenges and to work with government officials, the private sector, and multilateral organizations to propose new and action-oriented recommendations that would facilitate a responsible and realistic energy transformation. CEWG members emphasize that a meaningful transformation of Caribbean energy systems is a necessary precondition to completing the energy transition. In 2023, members of the CEWG met virtually and in person five times to undertake a careful examination of the energy challenges and the drivers of transformation. In its findings, the CEWG outlines a series of steps that the United States and other global partners should consider, particularly with COP28 convening this year from November 30 to December 12.

This report identifies the main catalysts of the Caribbean’s energy transition and provides a short overview of the current landscape of renewable-energy production and capacity. Then, we detail the impediments to the region’s energy transition and explain how the five-step roadmap can be utilized. To buy time for the region, this report acknowledges the importance of resilience and reliability, including the unavoidable role natural gas can play as a transitional fuel. Finally, we highlight two technical and financing programs the United States—the Caribbean’s main global partner—and other partner nations can use to provide tools to the region to accomplish the roadmap’s steps.

Drivers of the energy transition and system transformation

Two main challenges are driving the need for a regional energy transition, especially for political leaders: the economic costs of climate change and dependence on imported petroleum products. As climate disasters increase in frequency, the prospect of lost power for days, or even weeks, will drive Caribbean political and business leaders to ensure that the region’s access to power generation is reliable. Today, that reliability comes from carbon-intensive fuels, posing a question for leaders about whether generation can alternatively come in the form of renewables, natural gas, or a combination of the two. However, the stronger factors driving the energy transition are the high cost of importing petroleum products and the effects this has on a country’s economic growth.

The climate crisis: Climate change is the existential driver of the energy transition in the Caribbean. Rising temperatures and sea levels are causing stronger tropical storms, drought, changing precipitation patterns, and ocean acidification. These climate-induced effects also pose a risk to the operations of governments and businesses, with blackouts or brownouts leaving people and institutions without electricity and power for days, or possibly weeks. This was most evident in Dominica, where Hurricane Maria destroyed 90 percent of government structures and left people without access to electricity, except for a few portable generators, for weeks4.

Effects on economies dependent on energy imports: Businesses and average Caribbean citizens are dependent on energy imports. As detailed in Figure 1, the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) noted that Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries, on average, import an estimated 87 percent of their oil, compared to a global average of 21 percent. Meeting consistent domestic demand leaves the region vulnerable to global energy-price volatility, which results in high electricity costs for the region (except Trinidad and Tobago). As a result, consumers in some Eastern Caribbean countries, as of 2021, pay almost three times as much for energy as their counterparts in the United States, with citizens in Barbados paying $0.332 per kilowatt hour (kW/h) and those in Antigua and Barbuda paying $0.367 per kW/h, compared to $0.109 per kW/h in the United States5.

This affects crucial economic sections in the Caribbean, such as the travel and tourism industry, which is a significant user of energy and is a main source of gross domestic product for many countries. Ten of the top twenty tourism-dependent economies globally are CARICOM members.6 Electricity and fuel, on average, make up between 10 percent and 20 percent of a small Caribbean hotel’s operating costs.7 These costs and others, such as insurance premiums, increase after climate disasters, ultimately making the region less competitive vis-à-vis other tourism-based economies around the world.

An International Monetary Fund working paper notes that these high electricity costs—along with inefficiency across power sectors and generation—have eroded the region’s economic competitiveness over the past twenty years.8 Figure 2 shows varying levels of electricity demand among CARICOM countries. Large portions of demand are for residential usage, meaning that ordinary Caribbean citizens likely carry a significant part of the burden of high electricity costs, which depletes their purchasing power and savings. The result is that citizens are unable to purchase goods, and the owners of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises are unable to finance new programs to scale their businesses.

What does the current renewable energy landscape look like?

The region’s geographic diversity and breadth, as well as its location, have primed it for an abundance of renewable-energy potential. Caribbean countries range from Guyana and Suriname in South America to Belize in Central America and The Bahamas off the coast of Florida. Being near the equator means there is high potential for solar-power penetration and wind resources. As Figure 3 shows, every country in the region has the potential to use solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind technologies—the two current most cost-effective clean-energy technologies on the market. Countries can also utilize technologies such as biomass gasification and biomass anaerobic digestion, but these options are not yet commercially viable at the scale of production in the region.

Strong ocean currents and volcanic formations in the Eastern Caribbean (Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) might also bring other smaller-scale renewables into the energy equation. According to the CCREEE, these five countries have an estimated 6,290 megawatts (MW) of “available geothermal resources,” which is well above the region’s needs.9 Therefore, power generation from geothermal reserves can be a contender for baseload power to enhance grid stability, along with liquified natural gas (LNG) and battery-storage options. However, as seen in the five-step roadmap below, energy modeling and analysis are needed to determine and evaluate the proven availability and cost-effectiveness of employing these clean-energy technologies.

So far, installed renewable-energy capacities have been limited. Figure 4 shows that, as of 2019, the region’s renewable energy capacity is only at 11 percent of its total installed capacity. Some countries have fared better than others, with Belize at 48 percent and almost 100 MW of installed renewable capacity, and Suriname at 46 percent and 189 MW installed. In short, the CARICOM is falling short of its target of generating 48 percent of its electricity from renewables by 2027. The following section looks at the reasons behind this challenge.10

Challenges to the energy transition

Several hurdles stand in the way of the Caribbean energy transition, primarily due to existing energy systems that are not equipped to incorporate renewables. They range from small energy grids to limited options for affordable financing to technical-capacity issues. At the same time, even if an abundance of renewable-energy projects entered development today, there is no guarantee
e that each would make it to the financial investment decision (FID)—i.e., the point of determining to proceed or halt a project—or, once a project is built, that it could be connected to the grid. The challenges are summarized below.

Small projects, high costs: Caribbean governments have relied on a project-by-project approach for renewable-energy development. However, the grid size in the region has been an impediment to this approach. Caribbean countries are small and isolated, and have limited viable space for utility-scale solar (large solar PV projects) or onshore wind farms—the size of projects that typically allow for economies of scale. As shown in Figure 4, the total installed energy capacity across the Caribbean varies, ranging from 27 MW in Dominica to more than 2000 MW in Trinidad and Tobago, and most islands’ energy grids with less than 250 MW. The value of scale on renewable-energy projects is a reduction in the cost per unit of energy generated. Project developers usually need projects that are sized at a minimum of 30 MW to secure lower energy costs. This is why the project-by-project approach disadvantages Caribbean countries, as projects are likely to be well below the 30-MW marker.

Further, projects are inherently more expensive in the Caribbean because of the lack of a local supply chain and the inability to procure at scale. The Caribbean is also vulnerable to climate-induced disasters and related damage to renewable-energy infrastructure.11 This creates additional risks and uncertainties for businesses and individuals investing in renewable energy, as well as the need for climate-focused project designs and materials.

Technical capacity: A major obstacle faced by nearly every Caribbean nation is weak administrative capacity. The number of regulators and policymakers available to devise transformation plans and implement them is small. Although some countries, such as Jamaica and Barbados, have adopted frameworks for renewable-energy introduction, existing administrators are inexperienced in tariff setting and procurement. For the investor, this looks like slow decision-making and indecision, with many years’ wait for permits. For governments, technical-capacity limits result in an inability to choose between project proposals, set tariffs, or design auctions. The kind of assistance required varies by country, but many require an initial energy-system modeling and analysis to illustrate to ministries of finance and political leaders that a new system will be fiscally viable—and, therefore, politically acceptable—which comes later in the roadmap.

Project development: While many investors seek to develop renewable-energy projects, there is a traditional valley of death between initial project development and financing. These initial project costs of prefeasibility and feasibility studies, environmental assessments, production of design drawings, and other elements necessary to achieve financing lead to delays, often measured in years, which obstruct creation of a project pipeline. Even if concessional financing and equity support can be delivered, there must be a viable project pipeline to finance. Many governments have assistance in this space, but nearly all of it is tied to domestic content. This creates a complex environment for investors, who must deal with multiple bureaucracies. Better donor coordination—or, better yet, a more flexible project-development mechanism—could dramatically accelerate creation of a project pipeline. This is covered in step four of our roadmap.

Project finance: Most commercial renewable-energy projects have been funded through project finance—
a project loan backed by the cash flow of the specific project. The predictable nature of cash flows from a renewable-energy project means they are highly suited to this type of investment mechanism. The financing of a project requires careful considerations of all its different aspects, as well as the associated legal and commercial arrangements. Before investment, any project-finance lender will want to know if there is any risk that repayment will not be made over the loan term. Mitigating these risks and creating “bankable” projects are discussed in step four of the roadmap.

Existing utility constraints: There is a mix of state and private ownership of Caribbean utilities (see Figure 5). State-controlled utilities are responsible for providing reliable power, and tax revenues generated from fuel importation are often used to fund schools and critical public services. Many utilities signed long-term contracts for electricity supply before renewable-energy alternatives were viable or national targets were set. Therefore, these contracts are binding until the end of their terms and, if the utility does not see any economic benefits to introducing renewables, they present a significant barrier for governments. Even when the capital cost of introducing a new generation of technology can be managed, a utility must finance the cost of the technology while maintaining reliable supply. This means that while there are savings from reducing fuel purchases and incorporating renewables into the grid, they do not outweigh the cost of acquiring new technology generation and the accompanied transmission to allow for the increased power load. Simply put, cleaner energy does not mean cheaper energy for the consumer, and that is a serious political challenge that countries need help in addressing.

Most utilities in the Caribbean also have top-down, vertically integrated structures: i.e., a single company owns and operates all aspects of the electric power system, including generation, transmission, and distribution. This means that the utility company (and, in some cases, the government itself) owns the power plants, the transmission lines, and the distribution network that delivers electricity to consumers. Some of the drawbacks to this model include limited innovation and lack of competition and customer choice, which all drive high costs for consumers.

It is easy to criticize utilities for their reluctance to adopt new technologies or their resistance to competition, but they must fulfill their obligations to provide reliable power while potentially facing resistance from governments regarding the potential loss of tax revenue from customers for higher tariffs, or from stakeholders because of the risk to existing revenue streams. The energy transition requires a new business model for utilities, but the challenges of cost and risk must also be addressed. Step three of the roadmap tackles this challenge.

How can we ensure that the Caribbean region’s energy transition is realistic?

Achieving 100-percent power generation from renewable energy is not reliable or realistic in the short to medium term. Solar and wind power are variable sources, as the sun does not always shine, and wind speeds vary on a day-to-day basis. Most power generation using renewable energy requires a complex and modernized grid system, and one that will heavily rely on battery storage. Right now, a transition to strictly renewables, even if it were financially possible, would only exacerbate the vulnerabilities facing Caribbean governments and consumers. Energy systems, therefore, require a hybrid model: the ability to take on clean energy while also incorporating low-carbon fossil fuels, such as natural gas, to substitute for bunker fuel and diesel as the building blocks for the region’s energy transition.

Utilities that are considering substituting diesel for natural gas can only do so if affordable natural-gas supply is available. Natural gas is priced globally, and the cost of transportation and liquefaction are usually added, making volatile LNG prices historically risky for import-dependent Caribbean countries. However, the region itself has underutilized export capacity that can service power systems during the energy transition. Jamaica currently sources LNG from Trinidad and Tobago and the United States to satisfy its domestic energy demand, meaning this is a potential option for other Caribbean countries. Few Caribbean countries can import and re-gasify natural gas, but modern technology is reducing the cost of entry thanks to power systems that can incorporate floating storage and regasification units with either a pipeline to shore or shipments of small containers.

Over the long term, Guyana and Suriname, along with Trinidad and Tobago, might be able to provide the necessary supply to the region—but, in the short term, the United States can play a vital role. The United States is the largest supplier of LNG to the Caribbean. The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago is currently evaluating the possibility of developing small-scale LNG (ssLNG) infrastructure (i.e., liquefaction and regasification) that can service regional demand, where reexports from the US Gulf Coast can be an option. Natural gas is an important source of energy supply, with lower carbon than kerosene and bunker fuel, and has a role to play in the Caribbean’s energy transition. If this occurs, a hybrid approach that combines natural gas used for baseload and backup power with renewables can be successful, as it has in other parts of the world, notably Mexico and California. To the extent that overtime battery-storage technology improves sufficiently to meet the resilience needs of small islands, ssLNG can be transitional and phased out over time.

In 2021, General Electric deployed four gas turbines in California as part of the state’s plans to provide reliable power to its energy grid to address concerns about extreme weather conditions and renewable sources being unable to meet peak demand.12 Frequent droughts and seasonal wildfires have limited the hydropower sources California uses to power its grid. The use of the four gas turbines creates greater diversity on the grid, making electricity access more reliable. Further, grid operators’ ability to switch between gas and renewable sources also helps manage consumer costs. Similarly, Mexico is relying on a mix of gas turbines and renewable power to meet its growing electricity demand and to provide power to citizens after natural disasters. In 2017, two gas turbines were installed in Sinaloa, where consumption is expected to skyrocket in the next twenty-five years.13 This model provides transitional power that can be phased out over time and can be an ideal resilience solution for many Caribbean countries.

A five-step roadmap to the Caribbean’s energy-system transformation  

An energy transition in the Caribbean is challenging without a transformation of its energy systems. A competitive energy system for these countries needs to provide reliable, affordable, and resilient power to businesses and citizens. Therefore, we propose a five-step approach that, if undertaken, will make the energy transition easier and cost effective without putting financial strain on Caribbean consumers. These steps (detailed below) are not expected to occur in a silo, but together, with some likely overlap across steps. Further, Caribbean countries are in different stages of their energy transition and some, such as Jamaica, Barbados, and Belize, will be further along in the five-step process than others. Steps one, two, and three are the foundation-setting aspects of the roadmap, and steps four and five focus on implementation.

There is an expected initial investment of between $3 billion and $5 billion based on International Monetary Fund (IMF) projections from 2016. Across the region, the estimated breakdown (adjusted for inflation since 2016, making the initial investment $5 billion to $7 billion now) includes $1.7 billion to build and upgrade power plants and $455 million in energy efficiency and conservation initiatives (both covered in step one); $1.8 billion to introduce new natural-gas facilities (covered above); and $1.2 billion in renewable-energy investments (covered in steps four and five).14

Step 1 (starting from year one): The first step is to conduct national- and regional-level energy modeling and analysis. Using software, Caribbean governments, the CCREEE, MDBs, and partner nations should evaluate each country’s energy system and its various components, including supply, demand, storage, transport, and available technologies. The modeling helps identify a cost-effective and renewable energy-system plan that is best suited to each country. Caribbean nations’ energy systems must be modeled to determine the right options for decarbonization, cost effectiveness, reliability, and resilience. Some countries—such as Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Barbados, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago—have already prepared Integrated Resource & Resilience Plans (IRRPs), a form of energy modeling for the electricity sector. However, these IRRPs do not take into account demand-side management, storage options, and other energy usage such as transportation. Hence, a holistic energy model, which can occur from a six- to twelve-month period, should be built to incorporate all energy inputs, which will provide the necessary data to allow for a transition to a modern, low-carbon energy system.

Energy modeling will also help Caribbean countries increase their energy efficiency—a crucial step for decarbonizing their economies. An Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) report shows that Caribbean countries have a higher average energy intensity than their counterparts in Latin America, and investing in their energy efficiency can net $6.1 billion in economic benefits over twenty years.15 Measures can include using LED lighting, data-center efficiency, and daylighting controls, among others.16

Step 2 (ranging from years two to five): As step one is completed, step two focuses on the transition to a modernized grid and moving toward distributed generation. This transition is a transformation from a monolithic grid, which is stagnant and has limited flexibility, to one that is modular and agile. Centralized power generation is characterized by decisions driven by affordability and reliability, but this leaves out a variety of factors that lead to more cost-efficient generation, cost externalities, and the preference of local communities. Distributed generation, along with intelligent load control, is driven by cost and environmental sustainability, personalized energy options, and security. In the Caribbean, a modernized grid is one that needs six attributes, including

• resilience after climate-related disasters;
• reliability to decrease power outages;
• security for energy infrastructure;
• affordability to protect against high costs for consumers;
• flexibility to adjust to weather patterns; and
• sustainability to onboard broader clean energy and energy-efficiency methods.

At the same time, given the climate-induced challenges facing the Caribbean, a resilience-based approach is necessary for the region’s energy transformation and transition. The frequency of tropical storms and changes in weather patterns means that decentralized power generation effectively becomes a form of climate adaptation. In centralized grids, strong storms that damage energy infrastructure can cause country-wide blackouts. In the aftermath of climate-induced natural disasters, using micro grids means that power lost on one side of an island does not necessarily affect the other side. Further, battery storage is essential to creating more reliability when using intermittent, renewable sources.

Step 3 (ranging from years two to five): Once energy modeling is complete, along with a transition to a modernized grid, step three requires diversifying state-owned utilities and top-down vertically integrated systems. As already discussed, one challenge facing the Caribbean’s energy transformation and eventual transition is the vertical integration of utility structures in most countries in the region, except for Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. These countries have divested some of their generation assets and have contracted capacity from independent power producers (IPPs), which allow for competition in power generation, reducing costs and improving quality of service and reliability. Partner nations and MDBs should work with Caribbean governments, utilities, and regional groups to foster this model, but the varying nature of utility ownership and power-system diversification requires different strategies.

• For vertically integrated utilities, governments need support to incorporate IPPs into the system.
• For those that have IPPs, governments need support moving toward corporate or self-generation power purchase agreements (PPAs).
• For utilities with very small grids, governments require support to implement feed-in tariffs (to encourage investment), net metering, or net billing solutions.

Step 4 (earliest start in year two): De-risking and delivering “bankable” projects is step four in the roadmap. The first three steps are focused on ensuring that developers, governments, and MDBs are creating the right environment for new renewable-energy projects. But, even with the right environment or a strong foundation, if projects are not bankable—meaning that investors and developers see a likely financial return on a project—the energy transition will stall. Many of the risks that deter project finance are discussed in this report, so step four focuses on how to create a bankable project.

Most renewable projects are financed on a project-finance basis (in which lenders absorb the risk of the project itself). Then a special-purpose vehicle (SPV) is created for the project and funds are injected, or a loan is secured based on the fundamentals of the project, meaning whether investors can generate sufficient revenues to service debts and pay requisite returns on equity. When considering a project, lenders prepare a risk-return analysis to assess these traits along with major risks that can negatively impact the project, leading them to determine the project’s bankability. Therefore, for a project to be bankable in the Caribbean, certain protections for lenders are needed. Some of these protections might include:

• Feasibility studies that underpin the success of the project.
• A solid offtaker that is in a comfortable liquidity position and has creditworthiness.
• Adequate insurance coverage over the assets, loss of income, contractor risks, property damage, and business interruptions.
• Long-term PPAs which have components, such as take-or-pay arrangements, competitive prices in markets, and fixed tariff per kWh.
• Environmental social and impact assessments.
• Equity injection from developers and borrowers that is between 20 percent and 40 percent.
• Secure site and site access.

Once a bankable project is created, MDBs would then seek to provide financing to sponsors or developers to build new renewable-energy projects. A combination of project financing, technical assistance, and other donor funding, such as blended finance, can help move projects through the “valley of death” by providing needed financing that help projects reach the financial investment decision. To help projects successfully reach the FID, governments should create an enabling environment that allows projects to flow and reach maturity. In this case, MDBs can issue contingent recoverable grants (CRG) to governments to support project development (such as creating appropriate legal frameworks and designing permitting and auction processes), which can then become a concessional loan once projects reach FID and revenue streams can be forecasted. An example currently in use is the Caribbean Development Bank’s GeoSmart Initiative, which provides grants to governments in the Eastern Caribbean to support early-stage and exploratory drilling to support future geothermal project development.17 These grants can be expanded and extended from MDBs, such as the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.

Step 5 (ranging from years three to ten, but only after at least step one has been completed): The fifth and final step in the roadmap is scaling from a project-by-project approach to national, and potentially subregion, levels. A series of small projects is neither attractive to developers nor helpful to Caribbean countries in reaching their national renewable-energy targets. This method has proven to be infeasible and cost inefficient for potential developers, especially for sourcing projects across the Eastern Caribbean. Moving beyond a project-by-project approach means scaling investment and regulatory frameworks to a national level, which can further encourage the entry of potential developers. Scaling to national levels has benefits across the region. Changes in regulations that encourage investment in renewables can become best practices for other countries with similar-sized economies and renewable-energy potential. Simply put, it ensures that governments do not need to “reinvent the wheel” when they can instead build on lessons learned from their Caribbean neighbors. Examples of national-level investment models already exist and have been successful in other countries, such as Argentina.

During a severe financial crisis, Argentina created the RenovAr program, which led to more than $7.5 billion in investment in renewable energy between 2016 and 2019.18 An internationally competitive investment framework that was supported by risk mitigation and technical support produced remarkable and lasting results. The key factor was the political support of the government, which was willing to take on the risk of using a new framework, based on the expectation that it would produce positive results. While not a perfect analogue, the model of comprehensive reform can be adapted for the Caribbean and is slowly taking shape in Jamaica.

Securing national buy-in for renewable energy projects in Jamaica
In April 2023, Greenmap (now called Renewables for All, or RELP) and the Generation Procurement Entity of Jamaica (GPE) agreed to work together to design a procurement program for renewable-energy projects.19 With Greenmap’s advisement, Jamaica announced an expression of interest (EOI) and is expected to launch a public auction for renewable projects of up to 268 MW of electricity generation from renewable energy; the aim is to help the country attract concessional financing from multilateral development banks. Following the announcement, and as an example of government buy-in, Jamaica amended its Electricity Act of 2015 to signal that it would replace almost 172 MW of power-generating plants with renewable sources.

The RELP-Jamaica example is not exactly similar to the model in Argentina. But it shows that when national governments are brought into the process and there is sufficient political will, accelerating and reaching renewable-energy targets is much easier. This government backing for the initiative should, in turn, help with overhauling policy and regulation to reduce risks and make the introduction of renewables more feasible—adding to project bankability and reinforcing step four.

Strengthening the Caribbean’s energy partnerships around the world

As discussed, a Caribbean energy transition requires a five-step roadmap. Partner nations should utilize the roadmap to support a transformation of Caribbean energy systems so that, in the short term, they are able to provide reliable, affordable, and resilient power to consumers and, in the long term, grids are modernized to incorporate renewable energy. Here, strong partners of the Caribbean—such as the United States, the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and others—can play a role in mobilizing international support. In support of the five-step roadmap, we propose two programs that partner nations can create independently, as a multilateral effort, or in tandem with other donors.

Caribbean program for energy system transformation (CPET): The US government, for example, can leverage the expertise of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), and the US Department of Energy (DOE) to work with third-party contractors, primarily those in the Caribbean, to

• conduct energy-system analysis and modeling to identify the type and scale of renewable energy needed per country;
• use modeling outcomes to promote decentralized power generation; and
• provide technical assistance to governments and existing utilities on best practices for introducing IPPs, negotiating corporate power-purchase agreements, and designing distributed generation-compensation mechanisms.

Each objective is fundamental to enabling the region’s energy transition. USAID can provide a mix of grants and financing to institutions, such as the CCREEE and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), to perform energy modeling. The USTDA can provide financing for technical assistance to use the energy modeling to help countries decentralize their grids. The DOE can work with Caribbean governments, the Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC), and the private sector to support diversifying vertically integrated utility structures.

Caribbean project financing, equity, and development support program (CFED program): Partner nations should work with Caribbean countries, multilateral development banks, and other donors to create a two-tiered financing and equity support program for potential developers, to help projects move through the development pipeline and then receive affordable financing after FID is reached. One example would be increasing the existing pool of resources of IDB Invest, the private-sector arm of the IDB Group, to provide upfront equity support to get projects started.

As part of the COP28 process, the United States should first make a concerted effort to rally and mobilize donor countries, including Canada, the UK, China, the UAE, and the European Union to provide the needed mix of grants and concessional loans to increase resources across IDB Invest, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and the OECS to help with equity support. Further, as projects reach the FID, the United States should also mobilize donor countries to help create a new concessional-finance facility or help expand the scope of the newly launched Blue Green Investment Corporation to be directed toward energy transformation and the transition to green energy. To increase investor confidence, and to demonstrate that the international community seeks to finance an initial cost of $5 billion to $7 billion in direct costs (which accounts for inflation since 2016) for energy system transformation across the Caribbean, the facility should incorporate the support of the IDB, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and the World Bank. However, to ensure that the facility can meet the needs of specific Caribbean countries, it should be controlled by the CDB, the region’s premier indigenous financial institution.


The Caribbean’s energy transition grows more urgent each day. The high cost of imported petroleum products stresses regional economies and is becoming more and more challenging, particularly as the war in Ukraine and Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil-production cuts keep energy prices high. As explained, an energy transition in the Caribbean is complex, requiring an overhaul of the energy system before large-scale renewable energies can be connected to energy grids. This paper’s five-step roadmap is designed to ensure that the region’s future energy systems are reliable, affordable, and resilient to the effects of climate change and exogenous economic shocks, and can underpin economic growth across the region. The investments to implement this kind of energy transition are modest by international standards. As the world takes stock of its progress (or lack thereof) on the path to 2050, while prioritizing countries most vulnerable to climate change, now is the moment for the international community to support the Caribbean’s energy transformation. This report provides a potential pathway to do so.

Working Group Members

David Goldwyn (Co-chair & steering committee)
Global Energy Center’s Energy Advisory Group

Atlantic Council

Eugene Tiah (co-chair & steering committee)
Former Executive Chair, Energy & Industrial Gases Business Unit
MASSY Energy

Mark Loquan (steering committee)
National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago

Gary Jackson (steering committee)
Executive Director
Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency

Cletus Bertin
Executive Director
Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation

Daniel Best
Former Director of Projects
Caribbean Development Bank

Thackwray “Dax” Driver
President and CEO
Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

Chamberlain Emmanuel
Head of Environmental Sustainability Cluster
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States

Devon Gardner
Head and Technical Programmes
Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency

Marcelino Madrigal
Chief, Energy Division
Inter-American Development Bank

Juan Cruz Monticelli
Section Chief, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
Organization of American States

Dale Ramlakhan
Chairman, Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy Committee
Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

Charlyne Smith
Senior Nuclear Energy Analyst
Breakthrough Institute

Alicia Taylor
Investment Management Lead Officer, infrastructure & Energy
IDB Invest

Frédéric Verdol
Senior Power Engineer
World Bank

Fernando Zuniga
Managing Director, Latin America and the Caribbean
MPC Energy Solutions


The Atlantic Council thanks board member Melanie Chen, who provided the vision and resources to start the Caribbean Initiative, for her financial support of this publication and the corresponding working group. We also thank the Caribbean Energy Working Group members who joined numerous one-on-one consultations that informed this publication, including members who provided relevant data and supported the drafting process, such as Dale Ramlakhan, Mark Loquan, and Alicia Taylor. A special thank you to Jason Marczak, senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center which houses the Caribbean Initiative, for his guidance and comments throughout the working group and during the drafting of this publication. Charlene Aguilera managed the production flow of the issue brief and provided important support in its launch.

About the authors

David Goldwyn is president of Goldwyn Global Strategies, LLC (GGS), an international energy advisory consultancy, and chairman of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center’s Energy Advisory Group. He is a globally recognized thought leader, educator, and policy innovator in energy security and extractive-industry transparency.

Eugene Tiah is a senior business executive with in-depth knowledge and more than forty years of experience in the oil and gas business within the United States and the Caribbean region. He presently provides consultancy services to both public and private sectors.

Wazim Mowla is the associate director of the Caribbean Initiative at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center. He leads the development and execution of the initiative’s programming, including the Financial Inclusion Task Force, the US-Caribbean Consultative Group, the PACC 2030 Working Group, and the Caribbean Energy Working Group.

The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center broadens understanding of regional transformations and delivers constructive, results-oriented solutions to inform how the public and private sectors can advance hemispheric prosperity.

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

1    The Caribbean countries covered in this report include Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago
2    All dollar figures are in US dollars (USD) unless otherwise specified
3    “COP28 President-Designate Tells CARICOM Heads of Government That the UAE Is Focused on Uniting Parties in a COP of Action, a COP for All, and a COP That Delivers for All,” Yahoo Finance, July 5, 2023,
4    Michael Holmes and Dominique Van Heerdan, “Dominica Knocked to Its Knees by Hurricane Maria’s Might,” CNN, September 21, 2017,
5    “The Price of Electricity per KWh in 230 Countries,”, last visited July 15, 2023,
6    Henry Mooney and David Rosenblatt, “Regional Overview: The Fragile Path to Recovery,” Inter-American Development Bank, Caribbean Quarterly Bulletin 10, 2 (2021), 7–8,
7    “Energy Conservation,” Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, last visited August 5, 2023,
8    Arnold McIntyre, et al., “Caribbean Energy: Macro-Related Challenges,” International Monetary Fund, March 2016, 7–8,
9    Devon Gardner, “The Caribbean Connection: High Level Breakfast Engagement on Regional Energy Security around the Margins of the 43rd Regular Meeting of the Conference of CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting,” Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency, July 5, 2022.
10    Malaika Masson, David Ehrhardt, and Veronica Lizzio, “Sustainable Energy Paths for the Caribbean,” Inter-American Development Bank, 2020,
11    Sapphire Vital, “An Unexpected Catalyst: How Hurricane Maria Is Still Changing the Energy Sector in Dominica,” Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency, 2020,
12    Darrell Proctor, “GE Gas Turbines Installed to Support California Power Supply,” Power Magazine, October 6, 2021,
13    “GE to Supply Two Super-efficient Gas Turbines for Mexican Power Plant,” MexicoNow, June 21, 2017,
14    McIntyre, et al., “Caribbean Energy: Macro-related Challenges.”
15    Masson, et al., “Sustainable Energy Paths.”
16    Ibid.
17    “CDB GeoSmart Initiative: Supporting Geothermal Development in the Eastern Caribbean,” Caribbean Development Bank, last visited August 14, 2023,
18    Silvio Marcacci, “Argentina May Be the Hottest Renewable Energy Market You Haven’t Heard Of. Can It Spur a Global Boom?” Forbes, October 15, 2019,
19    “Greenmap and the Government of Jamaica Work Together to Scale Up Renewables in the Country,” Greenmap, press release, May 22, 2023,

The post A roadmap for the Caribbean’s energy transition appeared first on Atlantic Council.

German economy minister: The shifting tides of globalization are creating new challenges for market economies Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:08:14 +0000 At the Transatlantic Forum on GeoEconomics, Robert Habeck spoke about strengthening Europe's economic sovereignty and the increased US focus on China.

The post German economy minister: The shifting tides of globalization are creating new challenges for market economies appeared first on Atlantic Council.

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Event transcript

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Robert Habeck
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, German Federal Government


Julia Friedlander

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: But I’d like to start with a broad picture, how I see the global situation, the economic situation, and the state of globalization, and then move onto the German-American, European-American relationship and concrete actions that have been taken and other ones that are to be taken.

I think it’s not surprising to say and to start with that globalization, as we knew it in the past, let’s say three decades, is now at a tipping point. It’s under pressure, if we consider that the pressure comes from outside, but I think this is not the right phrase. I think it has come to an end, because we tend to believe that globalization, open markets, traveling around, the supply chains always reliable, business deals are being made without interest or power interest. That has been always—that has always been wrong. At least now we see that this is not the case anymore.

This is not the case in two directions, of course. Globalization has fulfilled its promises in many, many areas and reasons. The amount of people being hungry, having less than two dollars every day has dramatically decreased, so global worth has increased; that’s true. But on the other hand, we see that the losses that were a little bit in the shadow of the successes of globalization have now led to a global tendency of mainly right-wing populism—it’s an all-time high of right-wing populism since World War II—and a shrinking number of liberal democracies. And this has actually nothing to do with specific situations or governments in different countries.

You know, if you come from Germany there has been a lot of debate about the heating law—I call it the heating law. This might be the reason that the right-wing populism in Germany has risen in the past half year. There are other governments that haven’t cared about the heating system. They don’t have an Ampel government. They are Western European countries, Eastern European countries, Northern European countries, Southern European countries, federal democracies, presidency democracies. It’s a broad picture and they all have, from my point of view, the threat of right-wing populism. So I think, to be honest, we have to dig a little bit deeper and it must be a problem of the system itself and the system itself has led to a decrease of the value of labor, from my point of view, which is hard to discuss and leads a little bit away from the topic of these days’ discussions.

But I think if we want to fight right-wing populism, we have to understand the source of it, and the source is not one particular political problem but disappointment with the promise that if you try hard you can make it always on your own. This is not true, actually. We know it by our lives. And this is a promise that points back to—if you are not succeeding that the failure is always your problem, and then, of course, this problem becomes combined with disrespect. And anyway, the tendency to move away from society and then you—the right-wing populism is like a—like a Hoover, searching for points where it can show that this system, the liberal democracy and also open-market democracy and open-market economy, has problems not solved. And this not solving the problems is overblown, then, and say: You see, they are impossible to solve the problems. So, long story short, we have to solve our problems to fight back right-wing populism.

But the idea is that globalization, as known in the past, is changing and a new period—some call it geopolitics—is coming or we are in the midst of it. This shift in the global policy framework is a difficult situation for open-market economies like Germany’s and also America. We are—but on the other hand, we are part of the game.

I can’t go over the last year with stating that also the terrible aggression of Russia against Ukraine is maybe the most visible point of this global change, that we are now using instruments of the last century once again on European soil. But it’s only one example. Others can be taken.

I think all major economies are trying to build interest spheres around their economic model, and this is also true for the US. You know it—the Inflation Reduction Act, as one, I don’t know, phrase for it, an example for it. It goes ahead with local-content rules. It goes ahead with the idea of re- or friend- or nearshoring—meaning, of course, speaking from an economic perspective, that not the cheapest place is the best place for production but we consider other measures, that we need also production in our own country. And this is a tremendous threat and change.

Europe, and also [the] US, mainly have all brought their raw materials from external countries into the continent. We don’t have that much exploration of energy, at least fossil energy, in Europe anymore. We buy it from other countries and we ship it to Europe. We don’t have at least only few experience in exploiting raw materials and critical minerals. It’s all coming mainly from China because it is cheaper there—cheaper for a different reason, but it’s cheaper.

If we’re now saying we want to have it on our own soil, this is not an economic thought. It’s a different thought. It’s called economic security. And I think we have to behave—we have to act according to the idea of economic security. But this goes ahead with a change also in the safety belief, political prefixes, that we are always buying from the cheapest places, for example. So if this is not an economic idea in itself but a security idea in itself, it is more costly. Of course it is more costly.

So we have to—we have to ask: How do the budget rules fit to this idea of re- or friend- or nearshoring, to this idea of economic sovereignty? And I’m not talking about economic independence. This is a stupid idea. This is not possible. It can’t be and it’s not desirable at all. But sovereignty means that at least some competence, some resilience, some parts of productions are within our own hands. This is a lesson we have learned now on the raw-materials side, on the energy side, and also looking back to the post-COVID-19 period also in the COVID-19 period.

So I’m following this idea. And in the possibilities, or within the possibilities I have in my ministry, we tried to push the economy also in this direction, like investment screening. It’s now a lot of—in a lot of cases, we have stopped Chinese investment in Germany because they go into critical areas—satellites, semiconductors, you name it. But of course, this can be considered, from a German perspective, also a disadvantage.

I talked about the money problems, the budget problems that this idea of economic security creates. On the other hand, it is also a disadvantage compared to the other European partners. You remember the debate about the port of Hamburg where Cosco tried to invest into a terminal, one of the smaller ones, and they did after we lowered the investment rate they could get. But of course, they were right—or, I mean, the Hamburg government was also right pointing to Rotterdam or to Piraeus. So if it is in disadvantage, if you create a more—higher security network in your own country disadvantaged then you won’t do it anymore.

So I think the right consequence out of this very brief analysis is that we have to move forward on a European level, meaning that investment screening into critical infrastructure or business should be following the same routes in Europe, meaning that outbound investment is necessary, as the Biden administration has done it now, but not so much the European countries.

I’m advocating for this idea but it must be done on a European level, meaning that cooperation in the defense industry is more than necessary. I guess you have discussed it many times in this audience. Actually, we have twenty-seven natural defense industries and they work together, yes, more or less OK. But more or less OK is not OK enough anymore. So creating an own European defense industry cooperation at least in the sector is also one result of this brief analysis I just gave you.

So now this all leads to the question how’s the European—the German—Germany in Europe, European connection and in relation to the US. I have to say that the partnership, I would like to call it—the friendship actually to the different ministers—and I think we have Katherine Tai later on in the evening or the afternoon—is really wonderful.

We are friends, and if we have problems we call each other. So many times where I got text messages: Robert, there is a problem, can we talk? And then we try to solve the problems, and a lot of problems have been solved. I have now a written a speech here, if I can name it, TTC—US trade and technology country suspension—suspension on tariffs in the dispute area between Airbus and Boeing, agreement on principles for a minimum carbon tax rate, the work on global agreement on steel, the agreement on transatlantic data transference, so on and so on.

You know, a lot of progress has been made. But from a European perspective we can’t oversee that the biggest defining relationship for the US is not Europe but China, and I really can remember a telephone conference I had with Secretary Yellen in the beginning of the [IRA] where I pointed out that these local-content rules for cars is a problem for the European and German automotive industry and I will never forget the silence on the other side of the telephone. It was like, oh, shit, there’s a problem. And then she was very, very, very direct and said, well, I think we forgot you. They forgot you or this was not—it’s not directed against Germany or Europe. They just thought not about Europe. They just thought about China.

And this is telling a story. What is your European industry doing if the US-China conflict becomes more harsh, if they force us to make a decision selling cars or whatever we are selling in China or on the US market and what—on the other hand, and this is definitely not something I wish—what if not the Biden administration or a Democratic-led government is on the other side of the Atlantic but a Republican one and what if US and China become, in a way, authoritarian partners? What is Europe then doing?

So put it one way or another, I think the consequence is clear and we have to—we have to be honest. The old world is gone. A new world is rising. This is a new world where the economic question alone can’t be the political leading question.

We have to think about reliance. We have to think about security issues. We have to think about also reinventing the European idea of cooperation in many areas. Otherwise, we are—the European, the German partners—too weak and this is I think also in the interest—I hope at least—in the interest of a democratic US government that you don’t have a weak European partner but a strong European partner that is working with you together side and side, hand in hand, for a liberal democracy.

Thank you very much.

JULIA FRIEDLANDER: It’s working. Thank you so much, Mr. Minister.

You’ve touched on so many of the issues in just a few minutes that we’ve been discussing all morning. I’m an American and in Germany, so I’ve got a foot on one side on the foot on the other, and an alumna of the US government. And one of the main challenges that I have observed over the past years working on these issues is that we’re having a little trouble deciding what belongs to competitiveness and what we would call economic security, wirtschaft sicherheit, and what is national security.

So maybe you can help us understand within the German context, when you’re sitting around the table and you’re negotiating over what to what to do, how is the dialogue different when you’re saying we’re going to do this because we want to, you know, keep Russia from being able to prosecute this war versus we need to do this to make sure we have a security of supply? They are two sort of two different objectives, right, but they overlap in the means.

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: Well, from a—it is complicated. The economic models in Europe are very, very different. Maybe I start with a look back on the energy question. We had—my French colleague, Bruno Le Maire, was just here the other week. And he, in a way—I would not say he complained, but he pointed out that France has lost its energy intensive industry in the past, I think he said, one and a half decades by half. So the industrial production, the energy-intensive industrial production in France was like it was—or is in Germany, 20 percent of the industrial production. And now it’s only 10 [percent]. We have still the same amount of industrial production like we have decades ago because we bought cheap energy. France did not. Not so much natural gas, at least.

Well, this is gone now and can’t come back so fast, not from Russia at least. And this is a problem now, an actual problem mainly for Germany, also Czech Republic, but not so much for Spain, for France, for Scandinavian countries. This is a German problem. So we have a very, very concrete German problem in the European family. And the same goes for the Chinese market. We are selling a lot of cars into China. It’s becoming a little bit difficult now because they are clever and know how to build electric vehicles, and the electric vehicle market in China is increasing very, very fast.

But German cars are sold well in China. France, for example, is not selling its cars, at least not so—not so many in China. Now, it was a friend of mine proposed that we should have a deep dive into the question if China is giving illegal or, you know, not WTO-according subsidies. The German economic system, the German automotive industry, is afraid—rightly so—that if this would be the case and tariffs would be invented on Chinese cars, or whatever, we have to fear counter action. For France it’s not a problem, because they’re not selling so many cars.

So you see, we are always coming from different angles. And it’s very, very hard to bring all these—all these different views together. So your question was, in reality, how is the discussion? And I can tell you, it’s very, very complicated. And to my—well, to my—I’m not satisfied. It takes so long and so long. To overcome this. I think we have to create a political idea of Europe. The economic zone of Europe, the idea of transatlantic partnership, where do we want to move to? And not only start from the—from the actual situation. This is a historical developed situation. We have to look into the future. But this is maybe—I still have this idealism that politics and politicians can solve big problems. And this is a big problem we have to solve.

JULIA FRIEDLANDER: Well, I tend to agree that Germany is not the sick man of Europe. So your response to the Economist article, I think, is—yeah?

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: On the other hand, you have Germany—Europe can’t do without the German economy. We are the strongest economic power in Europe. If our economy would be harmed or has a problem, Europe has a problem. So we are we are all in this together. It’s interwoven. But when you’re sitting at the table and you are the French, the German, whatever, the Italian minister for economic affairs, of course you are arguing from the perspective of your own country.

JULIA FRIEDLANDER: Of course. And I think that we’re, certainly in the United States—and we were just discussing over dinner last night—there are two charts that are looked at—it’s the trajectory of growth in China and the trajectory of growth in Germany—as the arbiters of the global economy, right? So—and this is the focus of Washington. But when we—when we think about the pillars of that growth—and you referenced the IRA, and of course we could discuss it until we’re blue in the face—it really—it really makes me wonder about the balance between what you can expect the private sector to do, how much capital you expect them to invest, often without the promise of return or at least over the medium term, versus what is the role of the state. If you want to make the US a renewable powerhouse, maybe the—maybe the government has to go into the hole ahead of time and then initiate the private capital, right? So where is that balance? And where is that balance in Germany? Because there have been some major government investments in industry, chips for example.

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: Well, for Europe the IRA is a problem. Not so much that we are in a competitive situation with the US or other markets; this is—I mean, we are proud to be in a market society, so competition is nothing we should be afraid of—but because of two reasons.

First, from a market perspective society, subsidies have only one good reason: to create a market that is not there. That’s a political decision. We want to have hydrogen, for example. Hydrogen is not available. We have to create the market for hydrogen. And this is the reason why we give subsidies to companies to do green steel or whatever. So this is the good reason for—in a market-driven economy.

The bad one is that we are in a subsidy race. The others are giving also subsidies, and this is now happening mainly because of the IRA. There is—a lot of companies want to invest into solar industry in Germany, and I want them to do the investment because of energy security or economic security. At least some parts of the panels we are building on our rooftops should be—should be built in Germany or in Europe. But they’re saying privately: Well, how much do you give me? And I say, oh, not so much, I don’t have any money more. And they say, OK, we get more in the US, then we go. So this is the—this is the first problem. It’s a subsidy race. It is also a problem for the US or could be a problem for the US, because if the world is doing this subsidy race you never know who will win.

And the second one is that this is leading to the question—the political route we have given ourselves the last decades are fitting to the new problems. The US has a—has a very simple system. The IRA—the advantage of the IRA is that it is a tax-credit system, and this is not in line with the way we are doing things in Europe and in Germany because we have very strict budget rules. We have to know in advance how much money we are giving for this or that program. So the companies have to go to us and we have to go to the European Commission, and then back and forth and back and forth, and it takes two-and-a-half years. This is actually too long, but this is the way.

But the thing is, we know exactly we have, I don’t know, ten billion euros for hydrogen industry or whatever. It’s not becoming fifteen or sixteen or twenty [billion euros]. We know there is a budget, and if it’s gone, it’s gone. The tax-credit system in the US is actually saying—it’s very fast. You were doing the investment, and later on you’re bringing your investment to the tax administration, and then you get the advantage back. But you don’t know how much it will cost. All the numbers are just estimations.

And this—I mean, the minister of finance would get crazy if I would do things like that. If we are saying: Well, we have a program. Let’s say will last five years. And if it’s doing well, it will blow away all the budget restrictions. But this is something we want to. And while the US has, if I’m following the news right, their own problems, they have to raise the budget. This is something we can’t do. They have to raise the budget, and as far as I can see they don’t have agreed on it once again, so it’s not easy for them as well.

But the—you asked about the IRA, and the two problems are subsidy raise and different systems in these competition. It’s like handball and football. And if one is saying gripping the ball with your hands is not allowed, and you’re saying why and why not, I’m playing handball, well, then you don’t play the same game.

JULIA FRIEDLANDER: Mmm hmm. And what do you think could envision—an incentive structure in Germany or in Europe could be to generate the kind of private investment that the IRA hopes for, right, if it’s through capital market or other means—or the European Investment Bank, right, of course, which is now about to choose a new leader? Are there new tools that you think could be—could be developed that would be—that would be helpful?

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: Well, there are also huge advantages in Germany. Now we have a harsh discussion about the standard Germany. And of course let’s—if I can put it blunt, we—our economic model relied on cheap Russian gas and the Chinese market. Well, and then you see the problem; the one is gone and the other one is systematic rivalry now. So it’s problematic, in a way.

And by looking into these two broad areas—and I hope nobody gets me wrong; we all know how politicians are and how politics works—but in a way, the country or, well, the government, whatever, have been a little bit lazy in the past times. We haven’t done our homework. We are not—the digitalization is not at the forefront. Our permitting processes take too long, way too long. Our competition—digital competition rules are not—they are created from an inside view how Europe should be—should create a level playing field. Fine enough, but this is not the real competition situation.

Our competition in Europe is with US or China. So the rules are not fitting to the problems, in a way, bringing labor force to Germany, to Europe. I mean, it’s not astonishing that we are getting older. And it can’t be a surprise that there’s a lack in the workforce now. But the rules were not fitting to these problems. So this has to be done now.

But the advantages are we are a stable democracy. We have a very, very attractive social system. We have high competence in the industries. We have very good education for the—for the workers in the industries. We have the European single market. We are the strongest economy. We have a big financial power if we want to use it. So there are huge advantage also for the German standard, so we don’t have to be afraid that we have to lose these challenging situation.

But we have to create an attitude that we will win it, that we don’t sit there like the rabbit and stare into the problem. Then we are going to be eaten by the other day. You have—well, you know in Germany football is a big issue. We lost in Japan, one to four. Japan is an OK football country, but, well, it’s not the most—it’s not Brazil. Let’s say it. And we lost. And one week—one week later, we succeeded in France. France is playing football very well—soccer—very, very well. It’s the same team. It’s the same ball. It’s—the grass was not going down. So the conditions were the same.

Why is that so? It’s about the attitude. If you want to—if you go into the game and say, oh, OK, this is very difficult, and I haven’t slept so well, and we have so many problems in our past, and I read in the news we have a problem in the team, then you will lose it. And if you go to the place and say, OK, there might be problems, but today we won’t leave the place without scoring our goals, then at least you have the chance to score some goals.

JULIA FRIEDLANDER: In graduate school, I learned that was called animal spirits.

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: That’s a very American way to talk about it.


But I’d like to ask you a little bit—we talked—so the first panel this morning was stocked with practitioners of economic statecraft. So they were people who actually are—sit in—they sit in the dark room, as I did at one point, and put—and design sanctions and export controls. And we also discussed the—we discussed the sort of technicality side of it, but then also the broader perspective on building global coalitions.

And so I’d be interested in your perspective, seeing—looking at the Russia case, potentially seeing other challenges where we’re going to have to use so-called punitive measures of economic statecraft, how big do the coalitions have to be among nations—among size of GDP or capital market, or choose your metric—so that it doesn’t blow back on us, right, has adverse effects? So in the Russia context, right, I mean, at this point last year we thought we were going to be in an energy crisis. I remember in my office in Atlantik-Brücke we were saying, OK, well, we’re going to shut the lights off. We’re going to turn the heat off. We’re going to do all this. It didn’t happen, right, but it was—there was that as a visceral risk.

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: Let me start with the remark that the search for the right or the biggest coalition is at least a change in the idealism of a globalized world, because there the idea was the coalition is multilateralism. We create structures—WTO, Paris Agreement, the UN, and so on—where the different countries big and small and east and east and whatever, find a way for cooperation. Coalition means that this is—we don’t trust this multilateralism anymore.

And of course, we—and this is also a day-to-day problem from my work—we have to find our way in these difficult decision. We, Germany, is an export nation. So, in a way, WTO, level playing field, fair rules are for our advantage. So we are working hard that these level playing field, the WTO rules, are still in place, or can be repaired, or at least gain some success. But on the other hand, I sometimes have the feeling that we are the last ones doing it. Nobody’s playing to the rules anymore. And we are the last romantics of WTO, in a way. But in—really, in my ministry, we have to think about every day if we are doing now things like the others are doing, could that lead to a counter action and will in the end harm the German economy, because it’s export driven? If everyone is creating local content rules, it’s not good for the exporting countries.

But the point is, building coalitions is moving away from the idea from a perfect never being in place, but the idea of multilateralism. And there we are, actually. So what is happening now is something I would like to call selective multilateralism. We still are working for the institutions. We have to work for the multilateral institutions. But we don’t have to be or can’t be naïve. So we need partners, of course. Then, once again, these partners are all on different areas in their coalitions, of course.

So let’s say—let’s talk about India, for example. Yeah, a very important coming economy—or, not coming, still it is there. But I think it has a lot of potential. The growth numbers—the predicted growth numbers are impressive. Very young population, very fond of digitalization. So it is very interesting country. But it’s part of the BRICS nations. It has a—it’s also talking with China—well, not talking just China, but with Russia. It has its own interest. And, well, the same goes for South Africa, or for Brazil, and so on. So there are potential partners for cooperation, but not in all areas. And, well, this—you can—you can go through the number of nations that are coming up strong economies. So big as possible, I would say. And, if possible, we could build a coalition that is working for the multilateral systems, that would be the best.

JULIA FRIEDLANDER: Yeah, I mean, I think some people are saying this is an end of multilateralism. To me, it sort of seems like this is actually the beginning of multilateralism, because the power—the powers are shifting, and many countries have leverage over each other. I told your team that I was going to ask you three questions, but I’m going to—bonus question, and then I will let you get back to your very busy schedule. What does outbound investment screening mean for Germany? What does outbound investment screening mean for Germany, because—

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: Yes, well, we have—I mentioned it in my brief introduction or introductory thoughts. We have investment screening system. It’s established, and in this way, old system. But now we make use of it. I just gave you some ideas that in the past year we said stop too many investments, at least more than one. But we don’t scan our outbound investment. So if companies are building a factory in, whatever, let’s say, for example, China, we are not looking into this business case what they are doing. And if they are building, whatever they’re doing there, satellites, software systems, and the knowledge is critical and goes away, that is the same problem but outbound.

But now, as this is a—this is not an old, established system, but a new question. It’s not a new one, but it’s not been done before in Europe. We have to avoid the problems that re level playing field problems in the system. So my argumentation would be, yes, we should do it. We should—we can’t be naïve anymore. This is not the world we’re living in. But you should do it on the European level. So we are now doing—the sanction system for Russia is agreed on, on the European level. And this is—trade is on a European level. The free trade agreements we’re doing are on the European level. So this is not much—this is not so far away from policy areas we have given to Europe. And I think the discussion will lead to this.

JULIA FRIEDLANDER: Thank you. And thank you so much for taking your time. I know—I can only imagine what kind of a week it must be. Ladies and gentlemen, please let’s give a round of applause for the minister.

MINISTER ROBERT HABECK: Well, thank you very much.

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What it will take to feed Africa—and the world—in the coming decades Wed, 20 Sep 2023 19:25:08 +0000 During a discussion at Atlantic Council in New York, officials and food security experts laid out the solutions that can expand Africa's agricultural productivity—and make it more resilient to climate change.

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Africa’s population is set to double by 2050. Knowing the continent’s ability to feed its current population of over 1.3 billion people “is weak, how are we going to feed 2.6 [billion]?” asked Ibrahim Mayaki, the African Union special envoy for food systems.

Mayaki outlined solutions to that challenge during Atlantic Council in New York, in a discussion hosted by the Council’s Africa Center and the Policy Center for the New South on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. Mayaki joined Cary Fowler—the US State Department’s special envoy for global food security—who argued that any solution will need to “focus on the smallholder farmer” to be effective.

On Monday, the United States and Norway unveiled a new seventy-million-dollar fund to provide financing for farmers and small- and medium-sized agricultural businesses in Africa “to try to de-risk some of the risks that are inherently” embedded in Africa’s agricultural sector, as Fowler explained.

“There is a consensus on the necessity to protect the small-scale farmers,” Mayaki said, adding that because these farmers “produce 80 percent of the food we eat,” empowering them would be a “huge boost” to the continent’s development.

Below are more highlights from the event, which was moderated by Africa Center Senior Director Rama Yade and Senior Fellow Aubrey Hruby and featured the launch of a new issue brief on the promise of agritech by the Africa Center and the Policy Center for the New South.

Read the issue brief

Issue Brief

Sep 19, 2023

Unlocking Africa’s agricultural potential

By Aubrey Hruby and Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub

The ongoing digital revolution in Africa presents a valuable opportunity to revolutionize the continent’s food systems.

Africa Economy & Business

Innovative solutions

  • In addition to rising food prices, the war in Ukraine has “increased food insecurity” in Africa, said Yade, adding that “weak local infrastructure” and “the lowest levels of [agricultural] productivity” only make matters worse.
  • In July, Russia pulled out of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which allowed Ukrainian food exports to continue during wartime. But even when the agreement was in place, it benefited Europe “much more” than Africa, Mayaki said, “because we got very little percentage of the grains that were supposed to come” to the continent. This, coupled with Africa’s supply-chain struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic, showed Mayaki “that it’s important for Africa to count on itself… first” for food security.
  • But “there’s no such thing as food security in a land where the soil is degraded… or where the crops are [not yet adapted] to climate change,” Fowler warned. “Unless we begin to start building the soils and adapting the crops, we’re going to run into real trouble.”
  • “If you look into the future, you’ll see that there’s a need to produce 50 to 60 percent more food in Africa” by 2050, Fowler said; but projections based on current trajectories, he warned, indicate that for some crops, “the yield will be even smaller than it is today.”
  • Fowler said that in continuing to support Africa’s food systems, the US government is looking to build food systems “in a sustainable way” that is going to be resilient to climate change. It is now working with the AU and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization on an initiative to identify traditional indigenous crops that offer the most nutritional value—and that can grow in a climate-changed world.
  • Mayaki said that fragmentation across the AU’s fifty-five countries is holding back the agricultural industry’s development. “We must push for regional policies” that allow countries to specialize in what they’re strongest in, effectively creating continental “food baskets” that trade effectively and attract investors, he argued.
  • Policies will also need to be “holistic,” he added, in that they will need to tackle agricultural issues alongside trade, infrastructure, and even governance challenges—for example, land tenure policies. “We will not be able to feed” the African population “if we do not think holistically,” Mayaki said.

The next frontier

  • Hruby said that the digital revolution currently underway in Africa offers a “game-changing opportunity” to implement potentially transformative agritech solutions for the “hundreds of millions of smallholder farmers” who are currently operating “at suboptimal and unproductive” levels across the continent.
  • Agritech offers a way to improve agricultural productivity without demanding more resources, explained Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub, a senior economist at the Policy Center for the New South—and co-author of the newly launched agritech issue brief. But, she added, the technology must be accessible and fitting for each local context.
  • Eli Pollak, chief executive officer of Apollo Agriculture, discussed how Apollo helps farmers access needed credit—which is important particularly for women farmers who may not have collateral for bank loans. According to Ezzahra Mengoub, women contribute between 60 and 80 percent of total food production in Africa.
  • Niraj Varia, the chief executive officer of iProcure, which digitizes rural supply chains, advocated for building up digital infrastructure across the continent to make sure that farmers can better access the materials and equipment they need. Cameron Alford, vice president of the Department of Compact Operations at the Millennium Challenge Corporation, said that working with African governments will be important in identifying and implementing solutions, as “country ownership is an important part of the model.”
  • Highlighting the solutions that are growing in Africa has helped shape a more positive vision for investors and supporters, said Mayaki. “We are out of the negative narrative.”

Katherine Walla is an associate director of editorial at the Atlantic Council.

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Carbon removal is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reduce the risks of overshooting global warming targets Wed, 20 Sep 2023 15:14:33 +0000 Carbon dioxide removal technologies offer a crucial pathway to achieving net-zero emissions and minimizing the extent and duration of any overshoot.

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The Climate Overshoot Commission—an independent group of experts, policymakers, and civil society leaders who work on exploring strategies to reduce risks should global warming goals be exceeded—just released their highly anticipated report on Reducing the Risks of Climate Overshoot, which underscores the pressing need for immediate action to mitigate the escalating risks of climate change. As the world contends with the likely prospect of “climate overshoot”—failing to meet the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2100—the potential consequences for humanity are becoming increasingly dire. While the entire planet will be affected, the impact will be disproportionately skewed toward the most vulnerable, particularly in the least industrialized countries, who stand to suffer the most despite contributing the least to the problem. But as the Commission reminds us, none of these consequences are inevitable.

Enhancing carbon dioxide removal efforts

To address the challenges posed by climate overshoot, one of the foundational strategies recommended by the Climate Overshoot Commission is the rapid expansion of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. These technologies offer a crucial pathway to achieving net-zero emissions and minimizing the extent and duration of any overshoot. However, CDR should not be used as an excuse for inaction or delaying other emissions mitigation efforts. CDR encompasses various methods for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, including both nature-based and engineered approaches. While these methods vary in terms of their risks and benefits, they share a common goal: to store carbon emissions securely and permanently, thus mitigating the impacts of climate change while emissions are concurrently reduced.

These recommendations emboldened by the state of our rapidly warming planet come on the heels of the recent announcement by the US Department of Energy to fund selected projects through the first round of grants for the Direct Air Capture (DAC) Hubs program. With $1.2 billion for two projects along the Gulf Coast region, this is the world’s largest investment in engineered carbon removal to date. In addition to these two projects in Texas and Louisiana, the Department of Energy also selected nineteen additional projects for award negotiations of almost one hundred million dollars that will support front-end engineering and design and feasibility studies for potential DAC hubs across the nation. This investment is critical for commercial demonstration of DAC and building necessary project management experience in this new sector. This “hubs” model can enable large-scale deployment and reduce overall costs of DAC by locating multiple facilities in a certain region where they can share infrastructure.

This historic investment comes a few months before the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), where the first global target for carbon management will be announced. Earlier this year, the United States, along with ten other countries, announced the Carbon Management Challenge. This global initiative supports the deployment of large-scale carbon sequestration technologies as a climate mitigation tool. Participating countries are expected to announce contributing measures and specific targets at COP28. This initiative and the UAE’s recent efforts to become a regional leader in carbon management will make COP28 a pivotal moment for this emerging sector.

Because climate mitigation efforts to date have been insufficient, there is a need for scaling carbon dioxide removal technologies to address legacy emissions in the atmosphere and complement emissions reduction efforts, especially from hard-to-abate sectors. Different models developed by scientific bodies across the world—including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the International Energy Agency, and the International Renewable Energy Agency—highlight the potential for carbon management technologies to achieve the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century and avoiding a climate overshoot scenario. While the effects of carbon management vary across these different models, they all envision some levels of contributions that are inversely proportional to our emission reduction efforts. Simply, the more we manage to reduce emissions, the less we will need carbon management solutions and vice versa. However, these technologies should be viewed as complementary tools, rather than a substitute for mitigation technologies.

How does Direct Air Capture work?

DAC removes dilute carbon dioxide from the atmosphere via chemical bonding. The process of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into solid storage is called a sink, and while many natural carbon sinks exist (e.g., plants, soil, and oceans), DAC processes expedite the gaseous to solid conversion of carbon dioxide. Currently, there are two main types of DAC being scaled: a liquid-based method, called chemical liquid solvent, and a solid-based method, called chemical solid sorbent DAC. While there are technical differences between the two methods, they operate under a similar concept: removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by contact with a basic solution (chemical liquid solvents) or a basic modified surface (chemical solid sorbents). Once captured via a chemical bond, the carbon dioxide can subsequently be released from the capture media through the application of heat, producing high-purity carbon dioxide gas that can be transported to storage sites or industrial plants for use. After the carbon dioxide is released, the capture media can be used again for further carbon dioxide removal.

Long-term carbon sequestration and the need for monitoring, reporting, and verification processes

As we continue to develop methods to sequester atmospheric carbon, the primary focus must remain on reducing carbon emissions. As the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere has increased, a key concern and focus has been on existing nature-based and engineered sequestration efforts, or sinks, to ensure that they are not reversed or slowed down (e.g., warming oceans, melting permafrost, and deforestation). To ensure durable sequestration of carbon emissions, concurrent approaches to removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will be necessary, such as DAC, biomass with carbon removal and storage, soil carbon sequestration, ocean carbon sequestration, reforestation, and enhanced weathering. Each of these types of carbon sequestration methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, including costs, maturity of method, energy requirements, land use, and environmental impacts. 

The length of time that carbon can be sequestered varies depending on the approach. Though several factors impact the durability of sequestering carbon emissions, understanding the limitations is important when deciding which type of carbon sequestration to employ. Soils and biomass store carbon for shorter periods of time, while oceans and engineered solutions store carbon long-term (on the scale of hundreds to thousands of years) and even permanently. Additionally, nature-based and engineered sinks are subject to direct and indirect factors and will heavily rely on accurate long-term monitoring to mitigate the impact of external disturbances.

Effective and transparent monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) processes are essential for ensuring the credibility of carbon removal and is an area in which the international community should continue pursuing governance approaches. By ensuring that the amount of carbon removed is accurate and verifiable, MRV processes can help build trust and confidence in carbon removal projects, identify and address risks, and support decision-making. A lesson on trust can be learned from the controversial attempts to hold private industries accountable for their emissions by employing carbon offset credits. Therefore, it is integral that robust methods of MRV are set into place to ensure that the public trusts in the delivery of the technology.

The importance of national policies and global collaboration

Governments have recently been utilizing their policy levers to underwrite the deployment of CDR technologies. In the United States, the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) contains a significant boost for carbon removal efforts by extending the 45Q tax credit for carbon sequestration and adding an enhanced credit for DAC. Policy updates implemented in Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan, aimed at incentivizing emerging carbon removal technologies like DAC, are crucial steps toward scaling up these innovative solutions to meet the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Also, public procurement of low-carbon products and materials can play an important role in catalyzing new markets for carbon removal. The increased financial incentives and accessibility these types of policies offer could exponentially accelerate DAC progress and underscores the global recognition of DAC’s potential contribution to emissions reduction.

Global collaboration is imperative to address the challenges of climate change. It is essential for effective carbon management—the principal way to curb climate change. No single country can effectively reduce emissions or develop and deploy carbon management technologies in isolation. To maximize the impact in the short to medium term, the Climate Overshoot Commission strongly recommends international cooperative efforts to jointly fund and implement CDR technologies on a global scale. Through active cooperation, countries can pool their resources, knowledge, and technology to expedite the deployment of CDR technologies. Furthermore, the establishment of common standards and regulations will ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of carbon management efforts. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement offers a framework for international cooperation on carbon management, encompassing activities such as joint implementation, emissions trading, and the development of carbon markets. By effectively utilizing Article 6, countries can accelerate the development and deployment of carbon management technologies and help to mitigate climate change.

COP28: A pivotal moment for carbon management

COP28 will be the conclusion of the first Global Stocktake, which will show the emissions gap clearly and demonstrate why it is necessary to collaborate on carbon management at a global scale to reach global climate targets. This collaboration would require effective governance and a robust, globally applicable method for tracking and reporting carbon management. 

While COP28 will be an unprecedented opportunity to build global momentum, it will probably be one of the toughest tests for carbon management as well. There has already been a growing movement against government support for these technologies, including prominent voices like former US Vice President Al Gore who described carbon management as “a moral hazard” and an excuse for fossil fuel companies to continue emitting carbon.

These criticisms present an opportunity for the delegates at COP28 to come up with strong mitigation actions and a clear roadmap for loss and damage. This will demonstrate to environmental organizations and activists that the COP28 carbon management targets and this year’s historic investments to mitigate climate change are additional methods of arriving at, and not substitutes for, the collective goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2100. There is undeniably a moral hazard in delaying ongoing mitigation efforts based on the assumption that carbon management will be available in the near future and can scale up relatively quickly. That is why, to gain legitimacy and support from the broad climate community, any carbon management targets that will be announced during COP28 should be in addition to strong mitigation and adaptation actions.

Mahmoud Abouelnaga is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.

Raul Brens Jr. is the deputy director and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.

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Bayoumi in The Globe and Mail on rethinking Canada’s climate disaster response Thu, 14 Sep 2023 19:02:30 +0000 Imran Bayoumi authors an article for The Globe and Mail discussing Canada's need for a separate agency mandated to manage climate disaster response.

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original source

On September 12, Scowcroft Strategy Initiative Assistant Director Imran Bayoumi authored a Globe and Mail piece arguing that using the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to manage and mitigate climate-related disasters places an undue burden on the military’s resources and capabilities. Instead, Bayoumi makes the case for the creation of an entirely separate agency, inspired by successful models employed in the United States and various parts of Europe, to exclusively focus on addressing the domestic impacts of the climate crisis in a way that does not detract from the CAF.

The consequences of climate change will continue to affect Canada. The federal government needs to shift the burden from the CAF by creating a new agency like the US’ Federal Emergency Response Agency (FEMA) to coordinate and respond to future disasters across the country.

Imran Bayoumi

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Webster in The China Project: China leads the world in green energy, but it just can’t stop emitting greenhouse gasses Thu, 14 Sep 2023 13:54:29 +0000 The post Webster in The China Project: China leads the world in green energy, but it just can’t stop emitting greenhouse gasses appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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The EU won the first round against Russia’s energy extortion. But can it keep up the fight? Fri, 08 Sep 2023 20:28:18 +0000 Europe’s decoupling from Russian hydrocarbons in the past year must be followed by a longer-term push to achieve decarbonization.

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The initial danger seemed Shakespearian. In the summer of 2022, the Economist fretted about Europe’s looming “winter of discontent” after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine upturned the continent’s energy system. The fear, echoed in other media, was that Russia would use Europe’s reliance on Russian hydrocarbons to weaken support for Ukraine in the European Union (EU). The threat of darkness, commentators argued, would chip away at EU resolve to aid Kyiv. A year later, this anticipated tragedy did not play out, and the EU has thus far resisted Russia’s energy extortion and maintained unity against the Kremlin’s invasion.

Such momentum may be difficult to maintain, however, and Europe’s decoupling from Russian hydrocarbons in the past year is just a prelude to the longer-term push that is needed to achieve decarbonization. Ramping up the energy transition in Europe is key to lasting energy independence from Russia, yet policies to advance this agenda are facing new headwinds. Meanwhile, the consequences of insufficient action on climate are increasing. Last year, Europe faced severe drought, floods, and forest fires. These climate change-related disasters had further far-reaching impacts across European society, from food production to power generation. More than 60,000 people died in heat waves across Europe last year. To demonstrate its sovereignty against Russian aggression and to reaffirm the continent’s role as a global climate leader, Europe must continue to reduce its reliance on Russian fuels while pursuing more ambitious renewable energy projects.

Europe’s energy triumph

Before its invasion of Ukraine, Russian exports covered 40 percent of the EU’s natural gas demand, 25 percent of crude oil demand, 40 percent of road diesel demand, and 30 percent of hard coal demand. Consequently, when Moscow cut natural gas supply to some member states in response to EU sanctions, gas prices quadrupled in the summer of 2022, topping 345 euros per MWh. Initially, many believed Russia’s energy extortion would force the EU into remaining passive in the face of the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine, particularly in the lead-up to the winter of 2022.

Despite such issues, Europe’s energy system has thus far avoided the worst-case scenarios. In fact, the continent has curtailed demand, pursued new international partnerships for supply, and increased gas grid resilience through new transmission infrastructure. Much of this was accomplished through the REPowerEU package, which launched in May 2022. Among other ambitious energy security goals, it called for dramatic decreases in EU imports of Russian hydrocarbons and for developing long-term renewable energy projects to cut carbon emissions. US solidarity has been crucial for Europe, as the United States has built out its export capacity and is now Europe’s top supplier of both natural gas and crude oil. Additionally, EU import bans on Russian coal, seaborne crude oil shipments, and refined oil products have gone into effect in August 2022, December 2022, and February 2023, respectively. (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, and Bulgaria successfully sought exemptions to certain oil product import bans. The exemptions are meant to be temporary, but could be extended.)

REPowerEU has also encouraged public and private investments into increasing the proportion of renewable power in Europe’s energy supply. As a result of this encouragement and EU member states’ individual drive for progress, solar installations increased by 47 percent, battery storage surged by 79 percent, heat pump adoption increased by nearly half, and overall investment in clean technologies jumped by nearly a third from 2021 to 2022.

A winter’s tale

Regardless of such successes, there is no guarantee that the EU will face similar circumstances in the coming winter. A handful of member states fell short of the EU-wide target to reduce gas consumption by 15 percent even though member states voted to extend the temporary reduction target through to March 2024. Meanwhile, production curtailments accounted for around half of the recent decline in industrial gas demand, and almost another third of the demand reduction was met by fuel-switching, primarily toward oil products. Oil, of course, is significantly more polluting than gas, and risks setting the EU back on its climate goals. In short, what appears to be an improvement—reduced industrial gas demand—may in fact carry big environmental costs and be unsustainable.

Additionally, Russia remains the second-largest source of Europe’s uranium and the largest foreign provider of nuclear utility services. According to Euratom, the EU as a bloc imported 20 percent of its natural uranium and 26 percent of its enrichment services from Russia in 2020. The EU’s share of Russian uranium imports decreased to approximately 17 percent in 2022, but its continued provision of uranium has drawn increasing concern from Ukrainian officials and transatlantic security experts. 

Several EU members continue to rely on Russian nuclear energy services. French state-owned EDF, for example, maintains strong research and trade ties with the Russian state-owned nuclear energy company Rosatom. Since the 1970s, Rosatom has built reactors that are still operational in five EU countries (Bulgaria, Czechia, Finland, Hungary, and Slovakia), and it is currently constructing new reactors in Hungary. To their credit, EU members that have previously been more reliant on Rosatom have begun looking for uranium and nuclear energy partners elsewhere. Bulgaria, Czechia, and Slovakia have already secured alternative supply from US-based Westinghouse, and Slovakia may also halt construction of two Russian plants. It is imperative for EU countries to find alternative sources of uranium extraction, processing, and refining, and nuclear energy expertise, to ensure that they can greatly reduce their reliance on Russia for these resources to further strengthen their defenses against Russian aggression.

Europe needs an energy transition to break free of Russia

Even as the EU reduces its fuel-based reliance on Russia, the European Environment Agency recently estimated that weather- and climate-related extremes cost member states 560 billion euros from 1980 to 2021. Worse, 10 percent of the 560-billion-euro damage was felt in 2021 alone, and annual climate change-related costs will likely only rise—as demonstrated by disruptive drought and heat waves this summer. In total, the European Commission now estimates that 700 billion euros a year of investment is needed in addition to the 578 billion euros that has already been earmarked to transition the energy system. Achieving the profound changes required can establish lasting energy independence—but also, importantly, will ensure resilience to a rapidly changing global climate. 

However, Europe’s energy transition has recently been plagued by delays in policymaking and implementation, such as protracted disputes over the role that combustion engine bans can play in decarbonizing the EU economy. Deliberation on the role of nuclear energy in the future energy mix has stalled progress on emissions reduction targets, standards for hydrogen production, funding guidelines for that production, and plans for electricity market reforms, among others. EU policymakers must not let internal disputes slow the momentum of the energy transition ignited by the 2022 energy crisis, particularly in the implementation of the Green Deal Industrial Plan, which is already facing significant funding issues even with its Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform, the European Commission’s resource to support domestic industries.

The picture that is emerging, therefore, is one of a Europe that remains at risk to Russian energy extortion as long as its energy transition remains incomplete. Instead, the European Union should redouble its efforts. Although Russia’s invasion of Ukraine commenced eighteen months ago, Europe must remain committed to its campaign to reduce its reliance on Russian energy resources and address the threat of climate change.

Jonah Allen is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center and a research fellow at the Jain Family Institute.

Francis Shin is a research assistant at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center

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Alternative security futures in the High North Wed, 06 Sep 2023 19:10:00 +0000 Climate change, combined with increasing geopolitical competition and hostilities, has focused renewed attention on national security interests in the Arctic. By 2035, how will those variables combine to influence the High North?

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For much of the post-Cold War years, the Arctic was seen as a zone of exceptionalism by Western policymakers and academics, immune to geopolitical machinations. Climate change, combined with increasing geopolitical competition and hostilities, has focused renewed attention on national security interests in the Arctic since at least 2015 and particularly since Russia’s reinvasion of Ukraine in 2022. This shift in thinking is important to recognize, but begs the question of what the nature of security threats are to and from the Arctic.1 There seems to be little consensus on the answer to that question.2 This might be because analysts tend to focus on what they see as the most important or interesting threat without explicitly considering the interaction among threat vectors.

To solve this conundrum, a group of scholars (including the author) at the National Defense Universities in the United States and Sweden embarked on a project to explore the future of Arctic security. As part of this endeavor, we conducted an abbreviated scenario planning exercise in December 2022 with twenty-six diverse experts from the United States and northern Europe. Rather than approaching the region from a US perspective, most participants were from the European Arctic, the Arctic subregion most likely to be affected by geopolitical tensions between NATO and Russia, the United States and China, and Arctic and non-Arctic states. The focal question for participants was, “What are the potential security threats to nations in the European Arctic in 2035 and what are the implications for national and NATO defense planning?” The exercise was led by an expert facilitator who followed a modified scenario planning methodology popularized by Peter Schwartz of Global Business Network.3 Participants were divided into five heterogenous groups, each of which produced a set of possible Arctic futures. 

The groups considered social, technological, economic, environmental, political, and security factors (STEEPS, to use scenario planning vernacular) when deciding on possible futures into 2035. Scenario planning methodology calls these factors driving forces. From a social science perspective, they are equivalent to causal variables. Each group brainstormed a large number of STEEPS driving forces and then came to an agreement on two primary forces/variables that in their view could significantly influence future Arctic security conditions. Groups were encouraged to explore the extremes of each variable, under the criteria that the extremes did not have to be likely but simply plausible. Each variable was presented on a spectrum bounded by each extreme (yet plausible) value of that variable. The intersection of each group’s two primary driving forces was represented on a two-by-two matrix and described by the group in four short narratives. In total, the exercise thus yielded 20 possible Arctic scenarios.

In the aggregate, three causal variables drove the majority of group scenarios: Russia, China, and climate change.4 The Russia variable had at one end of the spectrum Russia devolving into a failed state or into several ministates, with the central government dissolving altogether or at least losing control of Russia’s Arctic territory.5 At the other end was Russia dominating the European and Russian Arctic and Russia’s near abroad—countries like Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and several Central Asian republics.6

The possibilities for China ranged from China losing all interest in the Arctic region to China becoming the dominant power in the Arctic. The climate change variable had at one extreme a dramatic acceleration of warming, leading to a 5 degree Celsius (°C) increase in mean global temperatures by 2100, which given amplification effects would be even more pronounced in the Arctic, perhaps significantly so, given what we know from today’s climate models.7 At the other extreme was net zero emissions by 2035, leading to the possibility of continued global warming in the near term but a gradual decline in human-caused global warming over the next century back toward preindustrial levels.

Interesting was that none of the groups cited the United States as a major driver of Arctic security futures. That could be because the country has prioritized other regions of the world over the Arctic or because the Arctic is not a vital interest for the United States while it is for others. Regardless of the reasons, the groups felt that non-US driving forces would have a much more determinative effect on Arctic geopolitics than would US behavior.

Combining these futures is best visualized using a graph metaphor. Plotting the Russia variable on the x-axis, the China variable on the y-axis, and the climate change variable on the z-axis yields eight possible futures, listed in Table 1. Four combinations were inherently implausible. It seemed illogical that a future Russian empire would exist if China dominated the Arctic, for example, given the importance of Arctic resources to Russia’s continued viability as a nation-state, much less as an empire. That takes out two scenarios. The idea that Russia could have a sustained empire in a world with decelerated climate change also seemed illogical given that the Russian regime is supported by petrodollars, funds that would dry up if the world abandoned fossil fuels. That deletes another scenario. Finally, the scenarios with significant climate change did not seem compatible with China’s exit from the region given China’s interest in Arctic resources, unless Russia forced China out by establishing a regional empire. That invalidates a fourth scenario.

The section that follows examines the four remaining most-plausible scenarios, shaded in red in Table 1. Each scenario has implications for NATO security policy and the policies of individual regional actors. I make no a priori claims, however, as to which scenario poses the most serious security concerns from a Western perspective. At this point we can say only that each represents a complicated security challenge.

One other thing is worth pointing out at this stage. The scenarios assume that the rest of the world continues in roughly the same state as existed in May 2023, unless otherwise specified in the scenarios. For example, the scenarios assume that the United States and China do not go to war before 2035 and that there are no massive disruptions to the global economy. The scenarios also do not consider the myriad details that affect international relations in non-Arctic parts of the world: things like the bilateral relations between countries X and Y, civil unrest or famine in specific locales, or the election results in a particular country. And the scenarios assume that the basic structure of the international system (e.g., nation-states, international organizations, multinational corporations) is not abandoned or supplanted by a new organizing principle.

Simply mapping the three variables in Table 1 against each other suggests interesting implications, even before getting into the specifics of the scenarios themselves. Perhaps most important is that there is only one combination (Tsar) where the West needs to be concerned about an imperialistic Russia in the Arctic—namely, if climate change accelerates and China backs away from (or is forced to abandon) any Arctic ambitions. That is not to say that Russia fades into the background in other scenarios. Far from it. Instead, the other three plausible scenarios all focus on a failed Russian state and the serious security issues that arise from that possible reality. It is also apparent that China plays a complicated role in the scenarios, with China retreating from the region in two plausible scenarios (Tsar and Freezer) and dominating in two others (Hot Sauce and Middle Kingdom). This suggests that Sino-Russian interactions will need to be explored to understand the security dynamics in the four scenarios. Finally, it is important to note that there is nothing inherently positive or negative associated with climate change in these scenarios, at least with regard to Arctic security.8 Two scenarios with significant security implications involve accelerated warming (Tsar and Hot Sauce). Two involve decelerated warming (Middle Kingdom and Freezer). It is the combination of climate change with geopolitical developments that produces Arctic security challenges.

The scenarios

The scenarios that follow are overviews of plausible trends and the intersections of those trends between now and 2035. Think of them as stories. Individual readers might take issue with specific claims or projections. That is okay. The details are included only to add verisimilitude to the eventual broad outcome in each scenario. The details are not intended as a definitive, unalterable story of how we get from here to there, with each detail guaranteed to happen. The broad futures are what we care about because they force us to think creatively and establish the overall parameters within which future strategists might operate. The scenarios are also distinct from the narratives generated during the December 2022 scenario planning exercise, though insights arising from them inform the discussion that follows. The biggest difference, of course, is that the scenarios discussed below represent the intersection of three causal variables rather than two considered by each group in the original December exercise.

Scenario 1: Arctic Tsar (accelerated climate change, Russian dominance, and Chinese withdrawal)

In this scenario, accelerated climate change between now and 2035 produces what is expected to be a 5ºC rise in global temperatures by 2100, largely from the world’s inability to curb fossil fuel consumption and corresponding emissions. The expansion of nuclear energy for electricity generation is derailed following an accident at a civilian nuclear plant and the release of substantial radioactive material. Though not on the same scale as Chernobyl, the event spreads public fear and deadlock on the ability to safely pursue nuclear power. Europe’s conversion to renewables cannot meet demand because of underinvestment and protectionist trade disputes on renewable technology. The continent turns back to imported coal, oil, and gas to alleviate energy shortages. The developing world, seeing backsliding within the Group of Twenty, fails to embrace renewables.

Despite pleas from the United States, Eastern Europe, and the Baltic states to hold firm, a fractured West ends Russian sanctions and again imports large amounts of oil and gas from Russia’s Yamal Peninsula, boosting Russian economic power. With the West divided and Russia in no mood to compromise, Arctic institutions lose their utility as coordinating forums. Regulating Arctic extraction—on minerals and fish, in particular—becomes more difficult.

Russia regains great power status. European states, faced with energy woes, projected coastal inundation from rising sea levels, and economic dislocation, focus on national problems. The West abandons Ukraine in the war’s third year. In short order, Russia conquers Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. Though partisans launch guerilla wars within these occupied areas, Russia has de facto control over much of its near abroad by 2035, funded by increased hydrocarbon revenue and the plunder of heavy industry and natural resources in conquered territory. Europe sees increased refugee flows from Ukraine, Belarus, and Georgia. Russia becomes even more totalitarian in an effort to maintain control over the new empire. Russia extends its nuclear deterrent to cover its conquered territories and resumes nuclear testing in the Arctic.

Russia imposes very strict access controls on fully half of the Arctic. Russia fortifies its shared border with Finland and the Baltic states, rebuilds its Arctic infrastructure to handle thawing permafrost, and stations new military capabilities in the Kola Peninsula and along the Northern Sea Route (NSR). Some capabilities are defensive in nature. Other assets have a distinctly offensive character. Russia claims the undersea Lomonosov Ridge, which runs from Yamal to northern Greenland, both to control undersea mineral deposits along the ridge as well as to assert de facto control well into the central Arctic Ocean.

NATO is divided over what to do in the Arctic beyond upholding Article 5 commitments. Southern NATO members focus on more pressing issues (from their perspective) like refugees. Eastern members focus on defending against a possible Russian invasion. Sweden and Finland are full NATO members but face Russian military threats and frequent gray-zone attacks. Countries across the region are dealing with the effects of significant sea level rise in coastal communities, to include Oslo, Stockholm, Malmö, Gothenburg, and Helsinki. Norway, Denmark, Canada, and the United States continue to rearm across the Arctic.9 Norway establishes a military facility in the Svalbard archipelago for rotational forces from Norway, Denmark, the United States, and England. Russia protests that the facility violates the Spitsbergen Treaty and steps up military harassment of resupply vessels. NATO affirms a focus on territorial defense, rather than out-of-area operations, but does not publish an Arctic security strategy given divisions within the alliance on the region’s importance.

China deemphasizes its ambition of becoming an Arctic power when a newly assertive Russia rejects Chinese demands for a governance role in the Arctic. Russia argues that the Arctic is for Arctic states alone, with a special role for Russia as the largest Arctic power—the same argument that Russia made before the 2022 Ukraine war. The fact that Russia can once again export energy to Europe significantly weakens Chinese leverage over Russia. Bilateral Sino-Russian deals on energy and mineral extraction within the Russian Arctic are negotiated on a more equal footing between the two nations compared with the 2022-24 period. China shifts its focus away from an Arctic governance role to maintaining internal stability and communist party rule, dominating the South China Sea, and engaging in transactional economic relations with Russia.

Scenario 2: Hot Sauce (accelerated climate change, Russian collapse, and Chinese dominance)

In this scenario, as in Arctic Tsar (scenario 1), accelerated climate change produces a 5ºC rise in global temperatures. The first difference from Arctic Tsar is in the effect of climate change on Russia. Here, Russia initially benefits from increased oil and gas revenue. Those gains are short-lived, however. Warming temperatures, melting permafrost, and coastal inundation cause catastrophic damage to Russia’s extractive infrastructure around the Yamal Peninsula. At the same time, Western sanctions against Russia remain in place. The absence of Western technology, investment, and scientific collaboration prevents Russia from reconstituting its oil and gas infrastructure and further degrades Russian military capabilities, particularly its air and naval forces. Russians’ standard of living drops precipitously.

Without adequate Russian funds, the war in Ukraine becomes a frozen conflict. There are sporadic exchanges of fire across the highly fortified line of control in eastern Donbas and between mainland Ukraine and Crimea. Large portions of the Russian military collapse from overextension and desertions. Remaining Russian ground forces are concentrated along the Ukraine border, with no spare capacity for offensive operations in the Nordic-Baltic region. The Russian navy and air force remain largely out of the Ukraine war.

Popular unrest continues to grow across Russian territory. Citizens are increasingly unhappy with their economic situation and repeated waves of press-gang conscription. Protests and social unrest grow inside Russia as a result of continued conscription, high casualty numbers, economic stagnation, and domestic instability feeding on each other.

Russia’s military and state apparatus collapse, leading to large ungoverned spaces and the rise of Russian warlords with access to stolen Russian weaponry and little concern for international norms. Russian oil and gas facilities, despite their degraded status, become the prize in the growing civil war among rival Russian warlords.10 There is the very real possibility that facilities will be collateral damage in such fights, if not targeted to keep them out of the hands of rival factions, with tremendous economic and environmental harm should facilities be damaged or destroyed.

Western intelligence can account for most of Russia’s strategic nuclear force but acknowledge that some weapons are controlled by ethno-nationalists. No one knows the fate of Russia’s tactical nuclear arsenal with any fidelity. A tactical weapon is detonated during fighting among rival factions in Chechnya, and another among groups seeking to control pipelines from the Yamal Peninsula. Russian refugees pour into the Nordic-Baltic states to avoid the chaos. Roughly one million refugees cross into Finland, five hundred thousand into the Baltic states, three hundred thousand into Sweden, and one hundred thousand into Norway.

The second major difference from Arctic Tsar is in Chinese behavior. Here, China steps into the void. Seeing Russia’s pending collapse, Beijing spends a decade dramatically increasing the size of its ground forces and its expeditionary military capabilities, and prepositions equipment in its northern and western provinces. In 2033, China’s military annexes central and eastern Russian territory ranging from the Pacific Ocean to the Ob River, as well as the Kola and Yamal Peninsulas and related NSR infrastructure, totaling well over half of Russian territory. China’s public rationale is that it is providing regional stability and environmental protection across ungoverned spaces, and establishing control of loose nuclear weapons, all for the benefit of humanity. Chinese forces quickly pacify their occupied territories, though Russian warlords in the remaining Russian provinces vow they will eventually liberate Russian territory from the Chinese occupiers and restore Russia’s greatness. The reality is that provincial leaders spend more time fighting among themselves over the scraps of the old Russian regime than they do plotting against China.

In 2034, Chinese state-owned enterprises take over the management of the NSR and Russian oil fields. China restores and upgrades equipment damaged by permafrost melt and local fighting. It sends the region’s oil and gas to China. The West protests China’s violation of another nation’s territorial integrity but is unwilling to intervene militarily or economically. Privately, some in the West are happy that China has brought some stability to the region. That changes, however, when China begins fortifying the northern and eastern Siberian coasts, putting Chinese conventional forces within striking distance of Alaska, and closes the NSR to non-Chinese vessels. Chinese submarines and armed icebreakers, unmanned sea and air vehicles, and manned aircraft patrol Arctic waters. In 2035, Chinese “settlers” begin moving north and west into sparsely populated Russian territory.

China begins an aggressive push to fill Russia’s seat on the Arctic Council, arguing that Chinese control of Siberia makes China the largest Arctic power and the natural successor to Russia on the council. China abrogates Russia’s fisheries agreement with Norway on fishing quotes in the Barents Sea. Chinese fishing fleets begin operations across the region. Finally, China focuses increasing attention on acquiring Greenland’s rare earth minerals.

Scenario 3: Arctic Middle Kingdom (decelerated climate change, Russian collapse, and Chinese dominance) 

Scenario 3’s first difference from the above scenarios is in the direction of climate change. Here, advances in renewable energy and breakthroughs in nuclear fusion allow much of the world to move away from a reliance on hydrocarbons. Climate change begins to slow and could eventually be reversed over the long term, with implications for thicker Arctic ice cover. Norway shuts down offshore oil and gas extraction in the Barents Sea, with implications for its sovereign wealth fund. Access to Arctic mineral deposits is still possible in the short to medium term. Demand for rare earth deposits in Greenland and the Arctic seabed continues to grow. In the long run, however, access to Arctic minerals is expected to become problematic as northern glaciers refreeze. The West remains concerned about short-term illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing11 in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, particularly from Chinese vessels. In the long run, that problem should take care of itself as Arctic waters refreeze. There is still a need for negotiated fishing quotas to protect northern fish stocks from depletion in the interim.

As in Hot Sauce (scenario 2), Russia collapses, but for different reasons and with different implications for Chinese behavior. Though oil, gas, and coal markets have not completely collapsed, Russia loses a tremendous amount of revenue as a result of falling oil and gas prices. The war in Ukraine becomes a frozen conflict, and Western sanctions against Russia remain in place. The absence of Western technology, investment, and scientific collaboration further degrades Russian military capabilities and Russians’ standard of living drops precipitously. Popular unrest continues to grow across Russian territory.

Russia’s military and state apparatus eventually collapses, leading to large ungoverned spaces across Russia’s eleven time zones. Russian warlords and oligarchs attempt to fill the void. Some warlords with previous ties to the Russian military, such as the Wagner Group’s leaders, have access to Russian weaponry and little concern for international norms. They adopt ethno-nationalist, anti-Western narratives. In other locales, particularly in Russia’s oil-and-gas-rich northwest, oligarchs attempt to solidify their rule via economic incentives, corporate security forces, and the cooptation of Russia’s northern fleet.12 The oligarchs are open to renewed economic ties with the West but reject Western pressure for free and fair elections. Clashes erupt among various factions and proto-states over who will control Russian military and economic assets, leading to further economic deprivation and human rights abuses.

Western intelligence can account for most of Russia’s strategic nuclear force but acknowledges that some weapons are controlled by ethno-nationalists. No one knows the fate of Russia’s tactical nuclear arsenal with any fidelity. A tactical weapon is detonated during fighting among rival factions in Chechnya, and another among groups seeking to control pipelines from the Yamal Peninsula. Russian refugees pour into the Nordic-Baltic states to avoid the chaos. Roughly one million refugees cross into Finland, five hundred thousand into the Baltic states, three hundred thousand into Sweden, and one hundred thousand into Norway. 

As in Hot Sauce (scenario 2), China steps into the void and annexes central and eastern Russian territory ranging from the Pacific Ocean to the Ob River, or more than half of Russian territory. It does not attempt to control the Yamal region, however, given the decreasing value of oil and gas and China’s ability to get what it wants through other means. On the latter point, China supports Russian warlords and oligarchs in the northwest who are willing to become informal vassals. The West protests China’s violation of another nation’s territorial integrity. The West is unwilling to intervene militarily or economically, however, given China’s power, its economic links to Western economies, and the logistical challenges associated with intervening in central and eastern Russia. 

China now calls itself an Arctic nation and begins fortifying the northeastern Siberian coast, putting Chinese conventional forces within striking distance of Alaska. Chinese “settlers” begin moving north and west into sparsely populated Russian territory. China demands a seat on the Arctic Council and inclusion in Arctic governance decisions. Some Russian leaders support China’s claim to an Arctic Council seat, though oligarchs in the Yamal region assert that they should be the ones to inherit Russia’s Arctic Council seat.    

Scenario 4: The Empty Freezer (reversed climate change, Russian collapse, Chinese withdrawal)

This is the most benign of the four scenarios. As in Middle Kingdom (scenario 3), climate change begins to slow and could eventually be reversed over the long term. Though oil, gas, and coal markets have not completely collapsed, Russia loses a tremendous amount of revenue as a result of falling oil and gas prices. The war in Ukraine becomes a frozen conflict by 2024 and Western sanctions against Russia remain in place. Large portions of the Russian military collapse from overextension, desertions, and the absence of Western technology. Russians’ standard of living drops precipitously. Popular unrest continues to grow across Russian territory, eventually leading to state collapse in the late 2020s.

This scenario posits a different successor regime in Russia. The Vladimir Putin regime is replaced by an informal council of oligarchs. They solidify their rule in a new Russian “corporatocracy” comprised of oligarchs, coopted military leaders, and figurehead political leaders.13 Their aim is economic enrichment rather than ideological or nationalistic movements. The new Russian council withdraws Russian forces from Ukraine in 2030 and is open to renewed economic ties with the West. Oligarchs reject free and fair elections, however, which would presumably threaten their shadow rule.

Russia continues to extract hydrocarbons from existing wells in the Yamal Peninsula through 2035, though shrinking profits from declining global demand will make long-term extraction unprofitable. Economic constraints lead to dramatic drawdowns in the Russian military, to include Russian strategic nuclear forces and their Northern Fleet. With a decline in oil and gas extraction, and an absence of Russian military forces, the European High North becomes a relatively pristine tourist destination. 

As in Arctic Tsar (scenario 1), China recedes from the Arctic, though for very different reasons. The global transition to renewables and the eventual refreezing of the Arctic cause China to lose interest in the region as a source of resources or a shipping route. Beijing sees no need to occupy eastern Russia, and indeed has no opportunity to do so easily, as Russian oligarchs have reestablished a semblance of stability within Russian territory. Chinese attempts at predatory loans and investments across the Arctic decline because Western countries improve investment screening and Russian oligarchs have turned to Europe as a closer and less threatening market. China focuses its attention on maintaining domestic political stability and communist party rule, and increasing China’s influence in the South China Sea.

Security implications and recommendations

As the scenarios demonstrate, the way the three driving forces (Russia, China, and climate change) combine will affect future Arctic security. Each scenario poses distinct challenges for Western officials.

  • Arctic Tsar (scenario 1) describes a neo-Cold War in the Arctic, with an empowered Russia confronting a West that is divided politically and facing significant challenges from climate change. China plays a minor role in the scenario.
  • Hot Sauce (scenario 2) suggests a world facing the multifaceted threat of accelerated climate change; a formerly unified Russia replaced by a set of chaotic, weaponized, potentially anti-Western Russian ministates; waves of refugees into the Nordic-Baltic region; and an emboldened China claiming large areas of Russian territory, including the Yamal Peninsula, and demanding status as a new Arctic state.
  • In Arctic Middle Kingdom (scenario 3), climate change is decelerating. Russia collapses into turmoil and violence, but with pockets of stability controlled by relatively nonthreatening oligarchs. China claims the eastern half of Russian territory, with implications for the United States but less so for Europe.
  • Empty Freezer (scenario 4) also posits a world of decelerating climate change. Russia collapses but is replaced by a council of oligarchs that wants stability and trade relations rather than military confrontation. China loses interest in the Arctic.

Scenario planning exercises suggest plausible futures without assigning a likelihood to any particular one. This brief thus makes no attempt at assigning a probability to one scenario or another. Instead, the scenarios suggest several indicators to watch to predict which future we might be headed toward.

  • Climate change is perhaps the most straightforward of our driving forces. Indicators here are well known, including global temperature trends, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration, Arctic sea-ice volumes, and the degree of permafrost melt, to name just a few.
  • Understanding Russia’s future requires tracking at least two sets of indicators. One deals with support for the Putin regime and might include public opinion, military satisfaction with the regime’s policies, regime control of the internal security services and information environment, and productivity of the Russian economy. Second, knowing what might come after the Putin regime is more difficult to predict, but could turn on the reactions of and anticipatory moves by political competitors, oligarchs, the Russian military, private military groups, and regional officials during the Putin regime’s collapse. Oligarchs asserting control of national industries and backing that up with private security services would suggest they intend to have a role in future Russian governance. Collusion among them would suggest they intend to work together. Growing strength of Russian warlords, either controlling former military units or private militias, would suggest they intend to seize power locally, if not at the provincial or national level.
  • Indicators of Chinese intent might include investment patterns in Arctic projects, a growing physical presence in Arctic waters, the preparation of expeditionary forces aimed north and west, and the preparation of diplomatic initiatives to convince the global community of the legitimacy of Chinese behavior.

All this begs the question of what to do between now and any one of these alternative futures. Three tasks confront Western officials.

  • The first step would be for officials from the relevant Western countries to assess how each future affects their interests. For example, Russian behavior in Arctic Tsar poses a significant threat to the Nordic-Baltic states, whereas Russian successor-states could represent potential economic opportunities in Empty Freezer. China poses a risk to the United States in Middle Kingdom, and to both the Nordic states and the United States in Hot Sauce. The point is that the four scenarios affect countries differently.
  • The next step would be to decide upon strategic goals. Scenario planning methodology suggests developing a “strategy for all seasons,” essentially an overarching strategy that can work regardless of the future world in which one finds oneself. The strategy can then be tailored to a more specific scenario as dictated by unfolding events. The key prerequisite for making a strategy for all seasons is arriving at a commonly desired end state among Western nations. In today’s world, that common goal seems to be a stable Arctic that is free from conflict and coercion and that allows for sustainable, environmentally responsible development.14 Future common goals are obviously subject to change and might depend on the specific scenario in play at the time.
  • On the assumption that Western goals remain unchanged, however, the next question would be to identify the broad actions that are applicable for all four scenarios. On climate change, that might include planning for infrastructure resilience in northern latitudes (especially important for the United States, Canada, Norway, Sweden, and Finland) and the possible loss of state revenue from oil and gas extraction (Norway and the United States). If Russia collapses, prudent actions might include plans for dealing with emerging warlords, accounting for loose nuclear weapons, helping protect civilian nuclear power facilities, preparing contingency plans for large influxes of refugees into Europe, and perhaps encouraging (or at least not discouraging) oligarchs to assert themselves in a new Russia. If Russia becomes even more threatening, the West will need to decide whether to contain or try to roll back Russian expansion into its near abroad, similar to early Cold War debates, or even attempt to engineer regime change. On China, planned actions could focus on developing a common diplomatic and security posture should China exert overt or indirect control over portions of Russian territory, and whether to acknowledge future Chinese claims of Arctic status.

Concluding thoughts

Scenario planning can help strategists think through the realm of the possible by identifying key factors, so-called driving forces, that might have large impacts on future behavior. In this way, strategists get advance warning of the future challenges they need to plan against. The aforementioned December 2022 exercise suggested three sources of challenges: climate change, Russia, and China. Of their eight possible combinations, four seemed implausible. Of the remaining four, Arctic Tsar is the most familiar: a bilateral confrontation between Russia and the West in a warming planet. Empty Freezer describes a world where neither Russia nor China is a threat and climate change is controllable. Hot Sauce and Middle Kingdom pose novel security challenges. Hot Sauce combines global warming with a fragmented, dangerous set of Russian ministates and an uber-expansionist China. Middle Kingdom involves a fluid situation inside a fragmented Russia and an expansionist China but with controlled climate change. The next step is to design a strategy to handle these various possible futures. That cannot happen, however, until Western officials assess how the scenarios affect their interests. Once that occurs, Western nations can decide on national and alliance goals, and then begin crafting strategies. Identifying the relevant driving forces is the first step in this process. In this case, future Arctic security will be greatly influenced by the convergence of climate change, Russia, and China.

David Auerswald is a nonresident senior fellow at the Transatlantic Security Initiative in the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. He is also professor of security studies at the US National War College in Washington, DC. He has published articles and chapters on a variety of national security and foreign policy topics. His most recent work has focused on the geopolitics of the Arctic and includes “A U.S. Security Strategy for the Arctic,” “NATO in the Arctic: Keep Its Role Limited, for Now,” “Now Is Not the Time for a FONOP in the Arctic,” and “China’s Multifaceted Arctic Strategy” in War on the Rocks; “Civilian Control of the Military,” a chapter in Research Handbook on NATO; “Some Assembly Required: Explaining Variations in Legislative Oversight over the Armed Forces” in Foreign Policy Analysis; “Arctic Narratives and Geopolitical Competition,” a chapter in Handbook on Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic, edited by Joachim Weber; and “The High North,” a chapter in Charting a Course: Strategic Choices for a New Administration from National Defense University Press. He has also published five books, with the two most recent being Congress and Civil-Military Relations, edited with Colton Campbell, and NATO in Afghanistan: Fighting Together, Fighting Alone, co-authored with Stephen Saideman.

Auerswald previously served on the faculty of George Washington University’s Department of Political Science and the Elliott School of International Affairs. He has worked as a congressional staff member on three occasions. Auerswald received his PhD and MA in political science from the University of California San Diego, and undergraduate degrees in political science and English literature from Brown University. The views in this issue brief are those of the author and not the National War College or any other part of the US government.

The Transatlantic Security Initiative, in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, shapes and influences the debate on the greatest security challenges facing the North Atlantic Alliance and its key partners.

1    For examples, see David Auerswald, “Geopolitical Iceberg,” Proceedings 141, no. 12 (December 2015): 18-23; Heather Exner-Pirot and Robert Murray, “Regional Order in the Arctic: Negotiated Exceptionalism,” The Arctic Institute, October 24, 2017,; Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv and Kara K. Hodgson, “‘Arctic Exceptionalism’ or ‘Comprehensive Security’? Understanding Security in the Arctic,” Arctic Yearbook, 2019,; David Auerswald, “Arctic Narratives and Geopolitical Competition,” In Handbook on Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic, edited by Joachim Weber (New York: Springer Publishing, 2020), Chapter 15, 251-71; Gabriella Gricius and Erin B. Fitz, “Can Exceptionalism Withstand Crises? An Evaluation of the Arctic Council’s Response to Climate Change and Russia’s War on Ukraine,” Global Studies Quarterly 2, no. 3 (July 2022): ksac042,; Kai Kornhuber, Kira Vinka, Evan Bloom, Loyle Campbell, Volker Rachold, Sarah Olsvig, and Dana Schirwon, The Disruption of Arctic Exceptionalism, German Council on Foreign Relations, February 2023,; Harri Mikkola, Samu Paukkunen, and Pekka Toveri, “Russian Aggression and the European Arctic: Avoiding the Trap of Arctic Exceptionalism,” FIIA, Briefing Paper 359, April 2023, ISSN 1795-8059.
2    For example, see David Auerswald, “China’s Multifaceted Arctic Strategy,” War on the Rocks, May 24, 2019,
3    Peter Schwartz, The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World (New York: Currency Doubleday, 1991).
4    Note that the climate change driving force encapsulated the related concepts of global temperatures, emerging technologies, and sources of energy. Different groups highlighted one or another of those, but their narratives largely discussed the effects on climate change, justifying bundling them into one driving force.
5    This is but one possible future for a post-Putin Russia. For another among many others, see Duncan Allan, “Imagining Russia’s Future after Putin,” Chatham House, May 24, 2023,
6    The scenarios assumed in this instance that either an aging Putin remained in power or that a Putin successor was at least as aggressive as the Putin regime.
7    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “Summary for Policymakers, IPCC AR6 SYR,” March 2023, For a discussion of Arctic climate amplification effects, see Yeon-Hee Kim, Seung-Ki Min, Nathan Gillett, Dirk Notz, and Elizaveta Malinina, “Observationally-Constrained Projections of an Ice-Free Arctic Even under a Low Emission Scenario,” Nature Communications 14, no. 3139 (2023),; Paul Voosen, “The Arctic Is Warming Four Times Faster than the Rest of the World,” Science, December 14, 2021,
8    This in no way is to suggest that climate change is a good thing. There are obviously environmental, economic, human security, and cultural harms caused by global warming, and significant reasons to reverse climate change that have nothing to do with these scenarios.
9    For a recent discussion of sea level rise, see Enrico Ciraci, Eric Rignot, et al., “Melt Rates in the Kilometer-Size Grounding Zone of Petermann Glacier, Greenland, before and during a Retreat,” PNAS 120, no. 20 (May 8, 2023), e2220924120,
10    Thomas Grove, “Feud between Russian Warlords Exposes Cracks in Kremlin’s War Machine,” Wall Street Journal, June 1, 2023, e-ISSN: 25749579.
11    To learn more about illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, see the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s website:
12    Polina Ivanova, Christopher Miller, and Max Seddon, “‘Stream’ and ‘Torch’: The Gazprom-Backed Militias Fighting in Ukraine,” Financial Times, June 2, 2023. 
13    C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1956); Jeffrey Sachs, The Price of Civilization (New York: Random House, 2011).
14    For a review of Arctic security strategies, see David Auerswald, All Security Is Local: Arctic Defense Policies and Domain Awareness, Atlantic Council, March 30, 2022,

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Derentz joins Formiche to discuss energy, climate, and EU-US cooperation Wed, 06 Sep 2023 15:57:42 +0000 The post Derentz joins Formiche to discuss energy, climate, and EU-US cooperation appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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Policy memo: A NATO-style spending target could fund long-term decarbonization Wed, 06 Sep 2023 14:00:00 +0000 EU member states and like-minded allies should set national-level spending targets, each based on a percentage of their respective annual GDPs, for decarbonization-related purposes. This would provide the basis of an international coalition that would ramp up global climate spending and set a useful benchmark to anchor high-level diplomatic discussions on the subject.

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At the NATO 2006 Riga summit, heads of state and government made an oral pledge to spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense. This moment marked a significant shift for the alliance. The United States had been effectively subsidizing European security for half a century and was intent on finding a way to both measure political will and ensure that existing and new members meaningfully contributed to the Alliance’s efforts. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 cemented the importance of the 2 percent target for the Alliance, and at the Wales Summit of that year, leaders reaffirmed the goal of meeting the 2 percent target by 2024. Spending is done on an ad hoc basis, and the target is remarkably simple: it essentially tracks members’ defense ministry budgets, with small adjustments to account for spending that pertains to military activities that may not be under the purview of the ministries of defense. Eight years on, could Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 spark a new spending target, this time to speed up the energy transition?

In the wake of the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine, decarbonizing European economies has emerged as one of most important tools for the European Union to ensure its long-term security and sovereignty. This is true both in terms of managing catastrophic climate change-related risks and also to reduce core dependencies that threaten European independence and subsistence. So far, European member states have committed insufficient funds to meet their decarbonization objectives. Meanwhile, the European Commission estimates that an additional €700 billion of combined public and private investment is needed each year across the entire EU bloc to meet established targets for the green transition.

To help turn the tide, EU member states and like-minded allies should set national-level spending targets, each based on a percentage of the respective annual gross domestic product (GDP), to address these deficits. This would provide the basis of an international coalition that would ramp up global climate spending and set a useful benchmark to anchor high-level diplomatic discussions on the subject. Such a coalition would help ensure that these states commit to long-term investments, with consistent and predictable funds flowing to decarbonization-related areas for the foreseeable future.

European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans presents a new law for the bloc to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. REUTERS/Johanna Geron

Addressing the lack of a set metric for EU members’ green investments

This coalition would help Europe set its own house in order with green public investments. In recent weeks, alarm bells have rung across the continent,1 warning that Europe is far off track: all but two EU countries (Lithuania and Czechia) have significant national spending gaps incapable of being filled by EU spending alone. Overall, the EU has made significant strides in seeing itself targets through programs like NextGenerationEU, the European Green Deal and the associated Fit for 55 package that is in the process of piecemeal ratification in the European Parliament, and the REPowerEU Plan, presented as a means of restraining Russia’s ability to use energy as a tool of extortion. It now needs the means to finance them. 

One of the main deficits that has emerged in decarbonization strategies is the consistent lack of long-term and sustained climate investment spending. Even the European Commission itself has missed its own climate budget targets, such as aiming to use 20 percent of the 2014-2020 budget to fund climate activities, and later claiming it met that goal. However, a recent report from the European Court of Auditors (ECA), contradicted those claims, finding the Commission had overstated its climate commitments. Brussels can and must do better.

Meanwhile, the majority of EU members still do not invest enough in low-carbon energy systems, particularly by the standards set at the supranational level under the Fit for 55 goals and REPowerEU Plan. Consequently, most EU members are not on track to hit their carbon emission and renewable energy adoption targets under either scheme. Drawing upon the funding examples set by NATO and such a EU-led international spending coalition, this investment commitment policy could help address the ongoing issue of the lack of long-term national climate investments.

Internationally committing to spending a percentage of annual GDP on green investments would address the lack of a set metric for EU members’ long-term decarbonization investments. Prior to the announcement of the REPowerEU plan in 2022, most EU members’ long-term green investments and decarbonization commitments fell under the purview of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol and the 2016 Paris Climate Accords. Both have received criticisms for not going far enough in encouraging reductions in carbon emissions, particularly with too few penalties for lack of compliance. A new spending target would take this revolution a necessary step further.

This is crucial as all European countries need to ramp up their public spending if they are to meet their decarbonization goals. For example, Germany, as the largest EU economy, has spent approximately $92 billion toward achieving climate neutrality between 2020 and the present. Broken down annually, these expenditures would be the equivalent of about $3.1 billion, or about 0.75 percent of Germany’s annual GDP. However, McKinsey estimated in 2021 that at least €240 billion (approximately $259 billion) of total spending (both public and private) would be required annually until 2045 for Germany to achieve full decarbonization, the equivalent of 7.05 percent of Germany’s GDP per year. Current spending is nowhere near enough.

Furthermore, a climate spending target could also put positive pressure on countries that have expressed reservations about the EU-level decarbonization goals. Poland, which retains the most reliance on coal for its energy needs, is a case in point. Poland’s projected expenditures are much smaller compared to larger EU economies like Germany, and its government has publicly expressed some reservations about the Fit for 55 goals, raising some concerns from other EU members on how staunchly committed it might be on cutting carbon emissions. An international spending target could focus minds.

The EU’s neighboring countries, which are not required to hit the Fit for 55 goals or comply with REPowerEU, would benefit from joining this spending-target coalition by making commitments of their own for national-level decarbonization commitments. The United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, and Canada are illustrative cases as none of them maintain a single long-term national climate investment pledge, with climate and decarbonization spending committed from budget to budget. A European Union-led initiative could catalyze them into action.  

A view shows the rooftop solar panels on the Olympic Aquatics Centre for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

Determining the proportion of GDP to use as a funding baseline

This climate spending coalition will have to come to a consensus on what percentage of their annual GDP should be a baseline for decarbonization investments. As noted previously, some countries are already much further along than others in setting a decarbonization strategy, and a named target won’t have as much of an impact on what’s already being spent. Others, which are still more reliant on more carbon-intensive energy sources like coal, will have to invest more in renewable energy systems.

Going back to the case with Europe, the European Commission itself has provided varying figures over the years on how much should be invested as a proportion of GDP. The lowest proportion of GDP that the European Commission suggested for Europe’s investments was 2.3 percent excluding transportation and infrastructure spending—first raised in 2020 during the first year of the pandemic. This limited figure is likely the easiest baseline for EU members to agree on given that it is a relatively low proportion of GDP. However, the European Commission suggested in 2022 that 3.7 percent of European GDP would need to be invested, including transportation and building-related needs, which would be politically much harder to justify.

In a recent assessment by a think tank called Agora Energiewende and the European Commission, the overall annual GDP percentage investments outside of transportation infrastructure required for hitting existing 2030 carbon emissions targets was 2.5 percent. Yet, between member states, the annual GDP percentage investments varied greatly, with estimates as high as 8.1 percent for Bulgaria and as low as 0.9 percent for Belgium.

Therefore, at an international summit with like minded allies like the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Canada and potentially the United States to discuss setting a standard for government spending on decarbonization, it might be worth providing 2.5 percent as a starting point for discussions. Coalition members should approach the target with what is politically possible in mind, such as being willing to count investment that is coal-to-gas switching, and green transport, grid, and infrastructure investment under this rubric. A proposed coefficient to decide what spending could count could be a modified version of the EU’s Climate Coefficient, which was first developed by the EU in 2021. This however, should all be up for negotiation.

What setting a spending metric achieves

An annual international GDP spending commitment for decarbonization provides a tangible metric for coalition states to follow as they continue to develop and implement decarbonization strategies. This would ensure that these states have an expenditure standard to work toward rather than playing it by ear, such as the way the REPowerEU plan was developed following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Expenditure commitments would likewise make it harder for states to backtrack on reducing carbon emissions. This is essential for progress toward decarbonization, in which states constantly made strides (e.g., joining the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Climate Accords) only to fall short on follow-through. An expenditure commitment would also provide a baseline for these states to discuss energy security burden-sharing and a spending target to work toward. Not only does the NATO spending target provide precedence but the United Nations 0.7 percent spending target for aid and development is written into law in the United Kingdom.

Some European states have already committed to impressive expenditures to reduce carbon emissions by 55 percent by 2030. The most prominent case is France, which could lead by example if it declares that it has already committed in practice to invest at least 2.5 percent of its annual GDP to reduce carbon emissions. This is the case because current French climate expenditures, when divided annually between the present and 2030, would amount to about 2.5 percent of its annual GDP. This shows that a 2.5 percent target for the international spending coalition is realistic. A powerful case could therefore be made for it at a potential summit.

However, such a spending target should not be taken as a panacea for issues surrounding decarbonization expenditures, as it is meant as a general metric and is not specifically tailored enough to each individual state’s decarbonization expenditure needs. In addition, states may struggle to actually reach the target, but it would be important to at least have it in place as an aspiration. In the case of EU members, the spending target is additionally not a replacement for existing EU climate and investment policies, like the European Green Deal and REPowerEU plan, or those of other states either. The spending is simply aimed at allowing these states to correctly fund their domestic share of the burden with the assumption that EU and other states’ industrial strategies for decarbonization will avoid overconcentration and overinvestment in certain technologies or utilities. Higher public investment also is not a substitute for private investment, which should continue to be encouraged, subsidized, and catalyzed by increased public spending.

States’ needs will vary. Countries like Poland that were more reliant on coal will likely have to allocate a significantly higher proportion of government funding to address decarbonization deficits and improve electricity grids. Meanwhile, countries which invested in greater amounts at earlier junctures, such as Finland, will face fewer struggles in forthcoming years with decarbonization. Notably, McKinsey estimates that Finland only needs to invest 0.4 percent of its GDP annually to be on the right path to slashing its carbon emissions by 55 percent by 2030.

Consequently, these countries should still seek to meet the 2.5 percent target even if they have completed decarbonization—with the funds going as grants to help poor and vulnerable countries do so or for international climate mitigation, green development assistance, and other policies.

  • Develop a global coalition, led by the European Union, together with like minded allies like the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Canada and potentially the United States aimed at developing a NATO-style set GDP percentage target for annual decarbonization spending.
  • Hold a summit of interested parties to discuss and agree upon this percentage spending target.
  • Use the European Commission’s calculations for the minimum necessary spending for hitting 2030 carbon emissions targets of 2.5 percent of annual GDP as a starting point in discussion.

Ben Judah is director of the Transform Europe Initiative and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center. He is the author most recently of This Is Europe and his research interests focus on the geopolitics of decarbonization, Britain and the European Union.

Francis Shin is a research assistant at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center.

Rachel Rizzo is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center. Her research focuses on European security and the transatlantic relationship.

Théophile Pouget-Abadie is a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Transform Europe Initiative and policy fellow at the Jain Family Institute.

1    See the 2023 European Climate Neutrality Observatory Flagship Report and the 2023 European Court of Auditors special report on climate and energy targets.

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Ellinas in Cyprus Mail: Cyprus plan to reduce emissions unclear Sun, 20 Aug 2023 18:27:48 +0000 The post Ellinas in Cyprus Mail: Cyprus plan to reduce emissions unclear appeared first on Atlantic Council.


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Post-IRA, offshore wind has become a partisan lightning rod. Here’s how to fix that. Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:30:00 +0000 Linking offshore wind to complementary industries may help de-politicize the technology. The most important way for the offshore wind industry to ensure bipartisan buy-in, however, is to reduce consumer costs.

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US offshore wind is becoming an increasingly fraught political issue, demonstrated by recent party-line opposition to offshore wind projects in New Jersey and Maryland.

One year after the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), political polarization threatens US climate targets and clean energy jobs, and offshore wind has become a major battleground.

Reducing political polarization over offshore wind is crucial for deploying this key energy source. A strategy linking offshore wind to complementary industries, such as steelmaking and the US military and civilian naval fleets, may help de-politicize the technology. The most important way for the offshore wind industry to ensure bipartisan buy-in, however, is to reduce consumer costs.

The IRA is not as polarizing as it appears

The IRA’s passage highlighted the highly partisan nature of US politics. Every Democrat in Congress voted for it, and every Republican against.

Regardless, elements of the IRA are popular among both parties’ voters. Recent polling found 65 percent of Americans support its tax credits for installing solar panels and 54 percent approve of the IRA’s expanded solar and wind manufacturing tax credits. Majorities also endorse its consumer tax credits for heat pumps and electric vehicles.

Although most US voters like the IRA’s central provisions, only 39 percent approve of the legislation overall.

Currently, fiscal support for many clean energy technologies is not highly polarized. While Democrats overwhelmingly favor tax credits for manufacturing solar panels and wind turbines, a 41 percent plurality of Republicans also back the measure.

Offshore wind is uniquely politicized

Offshore wind is an exception. Other post-IRA polling shows public perception of offshore wind is splitting along partisan lines.

A recent survey of New Jersey residents found 53 percent of Democrats support building offshore wind in the state, while 62 percent of Republicans prefer stopping their development. The poll also found that respondents were swayed by the claim that offshore wind projects could increase the number of whale deaths, for which there is no evidence.

At the local level, offshore wind projects in two cities—both named Ocean City—in New Jersey and Maryland are experiencing significant pushback. The New Jersey offshore wind project is facing blowback from the local tourism industry and out-of-state interest groups, while the Maryland project is also facing well-organized opposition, including from the town’s official website. While these entities cannot necessarily thwart offshore wind projects, they can slow them down considerably, undermining projects’ viability.   

How to reduce polarization on offshore wind

The political polarization of offshore wind was not inevitable. The majority of new clean energy projects and jobs are being created in Republican-majority constituencies. Red states like Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma are national leaders in onshore wind generation.

Offshore wind also holds significant job-creating potential in GOP-leaning rural areas, both along the coast and further inland.

For instance, US steelmaker Nucor’s new mill in Brandenburg, Kentucky employs 400 workers to supply low-carbon plates to the offshore wind industry.  The local county sent 72 percent of its votes to the Republican candidate in the 2020 presidential election.

Bolstering the US steel industry–and steel-consuming industries such as offshore wind and shipbuilding–is a bipartisan priority where the two parties could work together.

Since steel accounts for 90 percent of the materials used in an offshore wind farm, reducing steel costs is vital for the efficient deployment of the technology.

Controlling steel costs is a priority for both decarbonization and for national security. Reducing steel costs could improve the prospects for US military shipbuilding, enabling the US Navy to better compete with its peer adversary, the People’s Liberation Army (Navy) in building new surface and subsurface platforms.

Accordingly, both Democrats and Republicans may have a shared interest in bolstering the US steel industry by expanding domestic production and importing more from allied and friendly economies.

Finally, both parties share an interest in lowering interest rates and inflation. One way to do so is to reduce the budget deficit and aggregate spending by ensuring that foreign nations pay for the emissions associated with their exports to the United States.

The bipartisan duo of Senators Kevin Cramer of North Dakota and Chris Coons of Delaware have proposed the Providing Reliable, Objective, Verifiable Emissions Intensity and Transparency (PROVE IT) Act, which bill seeks to measure the emissions intensity of industrial materials produced in the United States with the aim of ultimately imposing tariffs on carbon-intensive tariffs via a carbon border levy. Such a tax could help slash the deficit and thereby ease interest rates, which would—all else being equal—improve the profitability of capital-intensive renewables projects.  

The politicization of offshore wind is neither desirable nor inevitable. Ultimately driving down offshore wind costs is the surest way to make the technology more acceptable across the political spectrum.

While tackling abstract ideas such as climate change is not an attractive proposition for large segments of the US public, everybody likes lower electricity bills.

Joseph Webster is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center. This article reflects his own personal opinion.

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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The IRA is transforming the US energy system—starting with homes Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:00:00 +0000 One year after the IRA, the collective actions of households are powering a historic effort to modernize the US energy system by increasing system resilience, accelerating decarbonization, and bolstering economic stability. 

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The sheer scale of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)—the single largest climate and energy investment in US history—has fixated public attention. IRA incentives are spurring innovation, expanding domestic manufacturing, and accelerating the development of large-scale renewable energy projects. But much of the law’s success will rest on the individual purchasing decisions made within homes across the country.

The collective actions of households are powering a historic effort to modernize the US energy system. If the right steps are taken now, homeowners will have the power to unlock their transformative potential to increase system resilience, accelerate decarbonization, and bolster economic stability. 

One year after President Biden signed the IRA into law, the United States is on the precipice of an unheralded clean energy revolution that will transform the US economy and deliver meaningful benefits within US homes.

Harnessing the home to reduce costs and boost resilience

Decisions made in the home are critical to US decarbonization efforts. Households account for 42 percent of US energy-related emissions, driven by machines used on a daily basis, including cars, washers and dryers, air conditioning, and kitchen appliances.

Clean technologies to reduce households’ carbon footprint are readily available, but have long been out of reach for millions of US homeowners due to real and perceived cost barriers.

To address this challenge, the IRA provides the average household in the United States up to $10,600 to reduce emissions and lower energy costs.

The law includes an electric vehicle (EV) tax credit up to $7,500 for eligible models and income-qualified customers, which offsets more than half the price difference between the average new EV and a car of any variety in the United States. The law also includes a $1,000 tax credit for home charging stations, which can often cover the entire cost

A 30 percent tax credit is available for residential solar, offsetting both the price of panels and installation costs. This tax benefit, available through 2032, can help families achieve significant energy savings over the next decade. Since the credit was made retroactive to the beginning of 2022, a record 700,000 customers saw even more substantial savings at a time when electricity prices were increasing rapidly due to inflation.  The law also provides tax credits up to $3,200 each year for efficient home upgrades, and nearly $9 billion in rebates for electric and energy saving retrofits.

Combined with financing options that allow consumers to pay for products over time, residential clean energy solutions are becoming more accessible than ever before. Capitalizing on the incentives available under the IRA could save the average US household $1800 on its energy bills each year.

These incentives not only save households money—they make them more resilient. The IRA includes a 30 percent tax credit for standalone home battery systems that provide backup power and grid services.

This summer’s extreme heat has highlighted the importance of resilient and sustainable energy systems in our homes. More than 300,000 households across the Southern United States lost power in June, as severe temperatures strained the power grid.

Increasingly excessive heat over recent summers has already prompted many US households to install rooftop solar and battery storage systems to keep the lights on and air conditioner running. These systems, in turn, help ease pressure on the broader electricity system.

In Maricopa County, Arizona—where residents recently suffered through 31 straight days of 110-degree Fahrenheit heat—data from 2022 shows that the biggest cause of indoor heat-related deaths were broken air conditioning units. Clean, efficient, and reliable home energy solutions do not simply provide comfort—they can be truly lifesaving.  

A report by the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center finds that, while more than 8,500 deaths are expected in a typical year because of extreme heat, without adaptation—including greater access to reliable air conditioning—this is projected to increase more than sixfold to nearly 60,000 deaths per year by 2050.

The need for greater public awareness

The IRA is designed to drive demand for machines that shrink the carbon footprint of homes while providing greater resilience. However, relatively few consumers are aware of the incentives the IRA provides to do so, which could limit their overall impact.

A recent nationwide survey found 88 percent of respondents would consider installing solar, but believe it is too costly for them the make the switch. It also revealed that nearly 250 million Americans have either never heard of the IRA, do not know that it offers tax credits for making energy efficient improvements to their home, or do not believe they are eligible for credits.

These findings underscore the critical importance of increasing awareness of the IRA to ensure US households can reap the benefits and take part in the move towards a clean energy future.

To help address this gap, states need to ramp up their efforts to ensure families can access IRA incentives.

The law offers states $9 billion in home improvement rebates and $7 billion for state-level clean energy programs under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. Unless those programs are effectively implemented, US consumers will miss out on a major opportunity to save money and make their homes more resilient.

Households are at the forefront of the transition

The IRA’s role in facilitating the transition to a clean energy economy cannot be understated. The individual actions of US families are already starting to drive large-scale change to the energy system, and the one-year-old law is poised to accelerate that trend. However, much work remains to ensure that actions taken within US homes can be fully harnessed to meet the nation’s growing resilience and sustainability needs.

Julia Pyper is the vice president of public affairs at GoodLeap and a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

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Learn more about the Global Energy Center

The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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Consensus standards and measurement methods will be critical to mitigating climate change and fostering sustainability Sun, 13 Aug 2023 16:23:58 +0000 The green transition agenda—a shift toward clean energy and sustainable growth—is a top priority for many countries worldwide. Focus on this transition is increasing rapidly as new data presents a somber indication of how the world is being affected by the extent and pace of climate change, especially as emissions continue to increase. Last week, […]

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The green transition agenda—a shift toward clean energy and sustainable growth—is a top priority for many countries worldwide. Focus on this transition is increasing rapidly as new data presents a somber indication of how the world is being affected by the extent and pace of climate change, especially as emissions continue to increase. Last week, the US Department of Energy announced it will spend up to $1.2 billion for the first large-scale facilities in the United States for carbon dioxide removal (CDR), “to address legacy carbon dioxide pollution and complement rapid emissions reductions.” Whether one is working across the transition to monitor emissions or quantify the effectiveness of mitigation measurements, a key and often overlooked issue is the need for global consensus standards and measurement methods.

In the United States, the Council on Environmental Quality has released updated guidance that calls for federal agencies to take a much broader look at the climate change impacts on major new infrastructure projects, government policies and federal decisions. In January, the Biden administration outlined a blueprint for using billions in public dollars to expand the use of electric vehicles and low-carbon fuels to help put the United States on a course to eliminate carbon emissions from the transportation sector by 2050. In Europe, the European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the climate, energy, transport, and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.

Climate change-related policy discussions are also taking place at the World Trade Organization, at Group of Seven Ministers meetings, within the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework’s Clean Economy Pillar, in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and elsewhere. A core question in these discussions is how to make real, measurable progress in addressing the effects of climate change.

The new investment in CDR highlights the importance, in particular, of reliably tracking greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, with atmospheric carbon dioxide being the primary human source of climate change. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are now higher than at any time in at least two million years. CDR and other “negative emissions” technologies are secondary to the main goal of reducing emissions and reaching net-zero as quickly as possible, which will require concomitant economic, social, and technological change.

What tools are in the policy “toolbox” to achieve shared climate goals at the depth and speed required by the rapidly changing climate? Achieving climate neutrality and energy independence will require the accelerated diffusion of existing technologies, further cost reductions, as well as innovation in new technologies—all of which will need to be supported by globally-adopted standards and measurements.

National measurement institutes, universities, and non-governmental organizations are working globally to amass the needed data to support accurate measurements and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions. Some measurement methods currently in use have relatively low accuracy, resulting in both over- and under-reporting of emissions. There is a clear need for equitable access to high-quality greenhouse gas monitoring systems to standardize, aggregate, and expand the measurements—and, therefore, the data—that inform decision-making. It will also be important for both private sector and government stakeholders to agree on what data is needed, how that data is measured, and how that data is reported.

High quality, standardized data is crucial to demonstrate the effectiveness of the various carbon capture and carbon conversion and storage solutions that are being deployed across the globe by both governments and businesses. Validated tools, methods, and data dissemination will enable the identification of the most efficient and economically viable approaches for emissions reduction. Application of these tools before and after deployment of energy efficient or alternative energy solutions can authenticate their effectiveness. Their application also has the potential for improved monitoring tools to enable validation and verification of the impacts of measures and policies that have historically been difficult to measure.

In the standards space, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has embraced the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which include taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. ISO published guidance to provide standards developers with a systematic approach to addressing sustainability issues in a coherent and consistent manner related to the objective and scope of the standard being developed or revised. Many other standards developing organizations, including ASTM International and UL Standards and Engagement, have mapped their standardization projects to one or more of the UN SDGs related to climate change.

On a practical level, standards intended to address climate change effects and to foster sustainability must be comprehensive, technically robust, and cover the entire range of emission sources, manufacturers, and applications. Work ongoing in ISO Technical Committee 207 on environmental management includes standards for life cycle assessment, environmental auditing, and environmental labelling. ASTM’s portfolio includes standards for steel decarbonization as well as broader sustainability standards. New mechanisms to ensure compliance and a framework to assess life-cycle emissions will also be required.

There is a role for regulation to provide additional leverage to expand implementation of voluntary standards but also a role for the private sector and academia working through standards development organizations to fill identified needs. Challenges include defining the baseline for a GHG inventory, lack of agreement on environmental product declarations and life cycle assessments, and fragmented standards in some sectors, such as steel.

Assuring the right discussions are happening across government and the standards community is important given the cross-cutting nature of climate solutions. Opportunities for progress include agreed emissions intensity performance thresholds, broadly accepted product level standards on lifecycle assessment and carbon footprint, and greater collaboration among stakeholders on product category rules and environmental product declarations to facilitate transmitting information across supply chains and better meet market needs. Finally, discussions should ensure that those most impacted by climate change help shape both the underlying standards and related policy proposals.

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Launching the IRA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund could lessen the energy burden for low-income communities Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:00:00 +0000 To maximize the benefits of the GGRF, stakeholders should prioritize projects that most reduce the energy burden in low-income communities and address the barriers to investing in low-income communities.

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Last August, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) authorized $27 billion for a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) designed to provide affordable financing for local energy projects across the United States, with more than half of its funds intended for low-income communities. Within the past two months, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced three grant competitions to determine which organizations will administer the GGRF, finally setting the goals of the program into motion.

Activating the GGRF presents an opportunity for green banks, community development finance institutions, credit unions, developers, and local communities to scale clean technology investment significantly and empower low-income communities across the country.

To maximize the potential of the GGRF, stakeholders should prioritize projects that most reduce the energy burden—the proportion of income spent on energy—in low-income households and implement strategies to address the barriers to investing in energy projects located in underserved communities.

Challenges for low-income communities

The three program objectives of the GGRF are to invest in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants; to deliver the benefits of those projects to local communities—particularly underserved communities; and to mobilize financing and attract private capital to these projects. Low-income communities, however, face barriers to investing in solar energy and energy efficiency projects.

A California Energy Commission study found that limited disposable income, low home ownership rates, aging infrastructure, difficulty in securing financing, a lack of awareness, insufficient data, and policy issues were the chief obstacles facing communities and potential investors. Low-income households spend three times as much of their income on energy compared to the national 3 percent average. African-American and Hispanic populations are disproportionately impacted by high bills.

Renewable energy can in some cases increase the energy burden borne by disadvantaged communities if local conditions or financing options are insufficient. Even though utility-scale renewable energy is significantly cheaper to generate than fossil-based counterparts, that is not always the case for small community and household projects. In addition, the borrowing costs for these projects can increase energy bills for low-income communities unless the programs are structured in a manner designed to avoid that scenario.

The path forward

To advance the goals of the GGRF, the financial institutions that administer it should implement flexible financing strategies that can multiply the benefits of investment. These institutions should also coordinate closely with community partners to identify the highest-impact projects and ensure that investments build wealth in low-income communities.

Since local institutions, building owners, and residents in low-income communities often lack capital to invest, awardees should provide up to 100 percent loans to eligible projects. These loans should be at very low interest rates and of a long-term nature. Moreover, given the difficulties for people and businesses in low-income communities to take on additional debt, repayment through energy bills is an effective financing strategy. Where the combined cost of such projects and loan repayments would increase the energy burden, the loan recipient should be given a grant to repay enough of the debt so that the cost of the remaining repayments and energy bills effectively lowers the energy burden.

Investments in low-income communities are often considered risky. Awardees could secure investment through guarantees to offset project risk, attracting investors at a high leverage ratio. The US Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program has dispersed over $30 billion in at a loss rate of just 3 percent, a highly efficient use of capital. Educational programs can help lenders identify profitable investments. Moreover, diligent data collection is crucial to measuring outcomes.

Another barrier facing frontline communities is the relatively limited pipeline of investment-ready projects. Institutions administering the GGRF should provide funding for local community organizations that can identify investment needs and facilitate project development. They can also leverage relationships that community development finance institutions and local banks already have on the ground to accomplish this task.

The potential for the GGRF

The GGRF can unlock affordable financing that accelerates clean technology investment in low-income communities at an unprecedented scale. To maximize the impact of the funds, awardees should focus on reducing the energy burden in these communities through flexible financing strategies including guarantees, community-engaged project decision-making, and inclusive development that involves and employs the people where investments are made. One year on from the creation of the GGRF, there is no time to waste.

Ken Berlin is a senior fellow and the director of the Financing and Achieving Cost Competitive Climate Solutions Project at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

Frank Willey is a project assistant at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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The IRA supercharged US R&D. But does it go far enough? Wed, 09 Aug 2023 16:30:00 +0000 The IRA intends to stake a claim for US leadership in decarbonization by providing much needed funding for key clean energy research programs. However, US R&D spending has still not reached parity with historical levels.

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The US economy has long been a global leader in innovation, thanks to the vitality of its research and development (R&D) enterprise. The US R&D ecosystem has been on the forefront of bringing pioneering technologies to commercial maturity with resounding benefits felt domestically and around the world. Many transformative energy technologies—ranging from civil nuclear reactors to solar photovoltaic power and seismic monitoring—have been given life in US national laboratories.

As a global race to deploy clean energy accelerates, the impetus to be at the forefront of innovation could never be greater. Technological competition with systemic rivals such as China now permeates the global climate fight, making the urgency to deploy net-zero solutions a matter of economic leadership and not environmental merit alone. The US R&D enterprise remains robust, but it must expand to meet the historic moment.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), intends to stake a claim for US leadership in decarbonization. As such, it provides much needed funding for key clean energy research programs. However, amid a deluge of government incentives, ranging from grants to tax credits, it is instructive to compare the scale of this funding by historical comparison.

In fact, US R&D spending has still not reached parity with historical levels.

In 1978, the US Department of Energy (DOE)’s research, development, demonstration, and deployment spending accounted for two percent of total non-defense discretionary spending in the federal budget. As a share of the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP), federal R&D spending peaked in 1965, at 2.25 percent of GDP, and remained above one percent through the mid-1990s. However, this level has been consistently declining.

From 1982 to 2022, R&D spending was roughly half of the levels seen in 1978, the year in which the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs begins to track DOE appropriations.

In the 1970s, when R&D spending was elevated, many of the technologies we take for granted today were developed in national labs. Although not deployed with commercial success for decades afterward, the drilling technologies which enabled hydraulic fracturing were pioneered in the DOE’s Eastern Gas Shales project, begun in 1976. This innovation was invigorated by the development of microseismic imaging by Sandia National Laboratory in an unrelated effort.

Between 1973 and 1988, the US government spent $380 million on wind turbine development, eclipsing the investments of Denmark and Germany combined during that period. Technological improvements originating in US national labs, however, ultimately enabled those nations to bring wind power to scale in their markets.

Amalgamating research funding from the IRA, its cognate CHIPS and Science Act, and their 2021 predecessor the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Biden administration’s proposed 2024 budget allocates $11 billion for clean energy R&D to the DOE and calls for an 18 percent rise in total R&D spending from 2023 levels. This would put real R&D spending on par with levels not seen since at least the 1970s. However, the 2023 levels of federal R&D funding still account for only 0.76 percent of US GDP, far below previous levels.

R&D funding is one of the clearest cases where public investment delivers substantial returns to the taxpayer and the broader economy. Independent reports commissioned by the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) found that taxpayer-funded investments of $12 billion made by the office have yielded more than $388 billion in total undiscounted net economic benefits to the United States. On an annual basis alone, returns on R&D investments stand at an astonishing 27 percent.

A report by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a public policy organization, argues for increasing public funding for energy R&D to $25 billion. Using the EERE’s undiscounted benefit-to-cost ratio, this would yield $825 billion in net economic benefits for the United States.

Reaching this level would require political support and a clear articulation of the net benefits to the nation, while its implementation would require a calculated and progressive approach. However, there is no better time to begin than the present moment, as the United States’ flagship climate legislation positions it to be a first mover across a suite of decarbonized technologies.

Domestic policy is foreign policy

Equally as evident as the domestic benefits of R&D spending are the international ramifications. The US R&D enterprise articulates our value as a nation in creating the technologies to improve qualities of life globally.

For the United States to lead, it must not allow itself to be overtaken on this front.

China increased its R&D spending from 1 percent to 2.4 percent of GDP between 2000 to 2020, nearly closing the gap with the United States’ real R&D public and private expenditures.

Technological competition cannot be restricted to export controls and ‘friendshoring’ supply chains. It must include deliberate efforts to develop and deploy next-generation clean energy technologies. To date, this remains an area where the United States has lost an edge to its competitors, particularly in critical sectors such as advanced batteries, nuclear fuel cycle technologies, semiconductor materials, and solar manufacturing systems, among others. For the IRA to achieve its US climate leadership objectives, R&D investments on an historic scale are required.

William Tobin is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

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The Global Energy Center develops and promotes pragmatic and nonpartisan policy solutions designed to advance global energy security, enhance economic opportunity, and accelerate pathways to net-zero emissions.

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