

New Atlanticist

Aug 7, 2024

How Armenia’s ‘Crossroads for Peace’ plan could transform the South Caucasus

By Sheila Paylan

The initiative could economically benefit the region, reduce Armenia’s dependence on Russia, and promote peace throughout the South Caucasus.

Crisis Management Economy & Business


Jul 31, 2024

Pragmatism can improve Mexico’s energy outlook

By David L. Goldwyn and Antonio Ortiz-Mena

Claudia Sheinbaum's victory in Mexico's presidential election marks a crucial juncture for the country’s energy future. Sheinbaum's initial moves are a promising beginning to maximizing Mexico's economic potential, which requires significant clean energy investment.

Energy & Environment Energy Markets & Governance

In the News

Jul 18, 2024

Novak quoted in Petroleum Australia on strategic petroleum hubs in Timor-Leste

On July 17, GCH/IPSI nonresident fellow Parker Novak was quoted in Petroleum Australia regarding the development of petroleum hubs in Timor-Leste to support the Greater Sunrise gas project. Novak emphasized the strategic importance of these hubs in enhancing Timor-Leste’s capacity to handle large-scale energy projects and improving regional energy security.

Energy & Environment Energy Markets & Governance


Jul 11, 2024

Chevron deference is dead—and US climate action hangs in the balance

By David L. Goldwyn, Andrea Clabough

The US Supreme Court's seismic decision to overturn Chevron deference ends decades of federal agencies’ regulatory authority to interpret laws’ where there is ambiguity. While not specifically about climate or energy, the change is deeply consequential for the current—and next—administration’s ability to act on these issues according to its agenda.

Energy & Environment Energy Markets & Governance


Jul 9, 2024

The UK sets a path for clean, affordable energy—and renewed climate leadership

By Charles Hendry

The new UK administration, under Prime Minister Keir Starmer, is committed to clean energy and the energy transition. With experienced ministers stepping back into familiar roles, the new Labour government aims to hit the ground running to drive renewable energy, new nuclear technologies, and carbon capture initiatives, repositioning the UK as a leader in international climate change discussions.

Climate Change & Climate Action Energy & Environment

Issue Brief

Jul 8, 2024

Why the EU needs US liquefied natural gas

By John M. Roberts, Ariel Cohen

Europe is facing tough choices as it confronts Russia’s unexpected reentry into European gas markets. In this issue brief, the authors argue that Europe will need gas imports from non-Russian sources such as the United States for many years to come.

Energy & Environment Energy Markets & Governance
Taiwan's landmark building Taipei 101


Jul 2, 2024

Strengthening Taiwan’s resiliency

By Franklin D. Kramer, Philip W. Yu, Joseph Webster, Elizabeth Sizeland

Resilience is a nation’s ability to understand, address, respond to, and recover from any type of national security risk. Given the scale of risk Taiwan faces from mainland China, domestic resilience should be front and center in Taiwan’s national security strategy, encompassing areas such as cybersecurity, energy security, and defense resilience.

China Crisis Management
Turbines at an offshore wind farm near Nysted, Denmark.

Issue Brief

Jun 28, 2024

Accelerating the energy transition in the Eastern Caribbean

By Wazim Mowla

Countries in the Eastern Caribbean are among the world’s most energy insecure nations. These countries grapple with high electricity costs that undercut economic competitiveness and growth, are heavily dependent on petroleum products, and are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Americas Caribbean


Jun 25, 2024

Bangladesh’s air quality is among the world’s worst. What can be done?

By Joseph Webster, Natalie Sinha, and Sarah Meadows

Bangladesh's severe air pollution takes an enormous toll on its people, economy, and environment. While anti-pollution measures can be costly, adopting cleaner fuels, introducing new regulations, and strengthening regional energy integration may benefit the country in the long run.

Bangladesh Energy & Environment


Jun 18, 2024

US-Mexico energy cooperation is vital to enable nearshoring

By William Tobin

As the United States seeks to nearshore supply chains, Mexico's energy sector presents a valuable opportunity for collaboration. By easing regulations on the private sector, Mexico can facilitate US energy investment without impeding its own vision for growth.

Energy & Environment Energy Markets & Governance

