
New Atlanticist

Jul 29, 2024

The EU needs to adapt its fiscal framework to the threat of war

By Piotr Arak

Without revisions, the bloc’s fiscal rules risk preventing member states from making necessary increases in defense spending.

Defense Industry Defense Policy

In the News

Jul 25, 2024

Dean interviewed by Sky News on AUKUS

On July 24, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Peter Dean appeared in an interview with Sky News discussing the AUKUS submarine deal and its potential trajectory under a Trump presidency. This interview was regenerated through the Mercury, Townsville Bulletin, and Cairns Post. 

Australia Defense Policy

New Atlanticist

Jul 24, 2024

The Women, Peace, and Security agenda made important strides at NATO’s Washington summit

By Sarah Dawn Petrin

The Washington summit saw important women, peace, and security commitments, but NATO can do more to support female soldiers and civilians.

Defense Policy Human Rights

In the News

Jul 19, 2024

Cho quoted in the Diplomat on geopolitical tensions in East Asia

On July 18, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Sungmin Cho was quoted in the Diplomat regarding heightened geopolitical tensions in East Asia and the implications for South Korea. He emphasized the increased risk of unconventional action by an emboldened Kim Jong Un, such as terrorist attacks on South Korean infrastructure and civilians. 

Conflict Defense Policy

In the News

Jul 16, 2024

Rudder quoted in Digitimes Asia on Taiwan’s military modernization and drone warfare

On July 15, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Steven R. Rudder was quoted in Digitimes Asia discussing Taiwan’s military modernization and emphasizing the need for adaptable procurement strategies and doctrinal development in drone warfare.

Defense Industry Defense Policy


Jul 16, 2024

Russia’s retreat from Crimea makes a mockery of the West’s escalation fears

By Peter Dickinson

The Russian Navy's quiet retreat from Crimea highlights the emptiness of Putin's red lines and the self-defeating folly of Western escalation management, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Defense Policy

In the News

Jul 16, 2024

Kerg referenced in Australian Independent Media Network regarding US-China conflict

On June 15, IPSI nonresident fellow Brian Kerg’s New Atlanticist piece, “There will be no ‘short, sharp’ war. A fight between the US and China would likely go on for years,” was referenced by the Australian Independent Media Network regarding the likelihood of a prolonged conflict with China over Taiwan.

Australia China
Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS)

Issue Brief

Jul 15, 2024

Modernizing space-based nuclear command, control, and communications

By Peter L. Hays and Sarah Mineiro

While nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) is in the midst of a modernization overhaul, the space-based elements of NC3 face unique geopolitical, technical, and bureaucratic challenges. This paper focuses on space-based missions and elements of the existing NC3 system, analyzing how ongoing modernization programs are addressing these challenges as well as offering recommendations.

China Defense Policy

In the News

Jul 12, 2024

Hinata-Yamaguchi quoted in Channel News Asia on NATO’s Indo-Pacific partnerships

On July 11, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi was referenced in Channel News Asia discussing NATO’s interest in expanding its partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region.

Defense Policy Europe & Eurasia

In the News

Jul 11, 2024

Hinata-Yamaguchi quoted in VOA on US air power in the Pacific

On July 10, IPSI nonresident senior fellow Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi was quoted in VOA regarding the US plan to boost its Pacific air power to counterbalance China, highlighting that the upgrades will enhance the US-Japan alliance’s readiness against regional threats.

Defense Policy Indo-Pacific
