
New Atlanticist

Aug 14, 2024

The case for the United States and China working together in space

By Dan Hart

Washington and Beijing should work to revive the idea that the exploration of space should be undertaken for peaceful purposes.

China Space

In the News

Jul 21, 2024

Hays and Massa in Forbes on the risk of a Russian nuclear detonation in space

By Atlantic Council

On July 21, Mark Massa and Peter Hays were quoted in Forbes on nuclear threats to space, drawing from a recent Forward Defense report

Europe & Eurasia Nuclear Deterrence
Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS)

Issue Brief

Jul 15, 2024

Modernizing space-based nuclear command, control, and communications

By Peter L. Hays and Sarah Mineiro

While nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3) is in the midst of a modernization overhaul, the space-based elements of NC3 face unique geopolitical, technical, and bureaucratic challenges. This paper focuses on space-based missions and elements of the existing NC3 system, analyzing how ongoing modernization programs are addressing these challenges as well as offering recommendations.

China Defense Policy

In the News

Jun 27, 2024

McCue quoted in the Economist regarding the damage of a potential Russian nuclear detonation in orbit

By Atlantic Council

On June 27, 2024, Forward Defense Visiting Senior Fellow Lieutenant Colonel James McCue was quoted in an article from the Economist regarding the damage a Russian nuclear detonation in orbit would cause. McCue stated that the result of such a detonation would be "satellite Armageddon."

Nuclear Deterrence Russia

In the News

May 24, 2024

Massa in Forbes on Russia potentially stationing a nuclear ASAT in space

By Atlantic Council

Forward Defense Deputy Director for Strategic Forces Policy Mark Massa was quoted in Forbes about the potential for Russia to station a nuclear ASAT in orbit.

Nuclear Deterrence Russia

In the News

May 21, 2024

Torres coauthored for CSIS about Chinese hypersonic missiles in South American space ground control sites

On May 21, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Guido Torres coauthored an article for the Center for Strategic and International Studies titled “Space, Speed, and Sovereignty: Hypersonic Tensions in the Southern Hemisphere.” The piece underscores that Chinese hypersonic missile connection to ground control sites in South America poses a threat for the United States and […]

Americas China

New Atlanticist

Apr 12, 2024

Why the White House wants to know what time it is on the Moon

By Lloyd Whitman

Developing international standards for keeping time on the Moon could be critical for the success of planned crewed lunar missions.

China Space

In the News

Mar 21, 2024

Klein lectured to Prague Security Studies Institute on Space and Irregular Warfare

By Atlantic Council

John Klein gave a lecture to the Prague Security Studies Institute titled "Space and Irregular Warfare."

Space Security

In the News

Mar 18, 2024

Massa in Weekendavisen on possible Russian nuclear weapon in space

By Atlantic Council

On February 20, Mark Massa was interviewed in Weekendavisen to discuss recent reports of a potential Russian nuclear weapon in space.

Nuclear Deterrence Russia

In the News

Mar 18, 2024

Starling and Massa quoted in Air and Space Forces Magazine

By Atlantic Council

On February 27, Clementine Starling and Mark Massa were quoted in Air and Space Fores Magazine about the effects that a nuclear detonation in space could have on US military Satellites.

Nuclear Deterrence Nuclear Nonproliferation
