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New Atlanticist July 18, 2024

What to expect from Ursula von der Leyen’s second term

By James Batchik

On Thursday, the European Parliament voted by a sizeable margin to confirm Ursula von der Leyen for another five-year term as president of the European Commission. Her confirmation is good news for Europe and the transatlantic relationship. This time around, however, she will have to confront a different set of challenges to her agenda than in her first term, and they will come both from within the European Union (EU) and without.

What can be expected from a von der Leyen 2.0? Ahead of her confirmation, she laid out a raft of proposals in her political guidelines for the next Commission term—a combined effort to outline her vision and win over votes. The guidelines prioritize:

  1. Building a more competitive Europe that balances regulation and innovation that facilitates Europe’s green transition, 
  2. Boosting the EU’s defense ambitions, 
  3. Pushing social and economic policies such as affordable housing, 
  4. Sustaining agriculture and environmental policies, 
  5. Protecting Europe’s democracy, and 
  6. Standing up for Europe’s global and geopolitical interests.

In practice, this means her next term will mean more of a central and active role for the Commission—and for von der Leyen. But there will also likely be more roadblocks from the European Council and Parliament.

Start with her leadership style. In her first term, von der Leyen turned the Commission into the most important arm inside the EU at a time when crises came new and often. She served as the EU’s chief decision maker and negotiator during the COVID-19 crisis, helped coordinate Europe’s response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and shaped the EU’s economic de-risking strategy and general hawkishness toward China, serving as Europe’s “bad cop” standing up to Beijing’s coercive and unfair trade practices. The grumblings of an overstepping and power-hungry Commission president from other arms of the EU and national capitals aside, European leaders still looked to the Commission and von der Leyen to take action.

The Commission’s role was boosted by its policy successes too. Her first term oversaw the adoption of major rules on the digital and green transitions. The EU pushed through world-leading digital regulations on artificial intelligence, online content moderation, and platform competition, and it incentivized semiconductor manufacturing. She also prioritized green policies to reduce emissions, including the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and setting new emission reduction targets for cars, shipping, and factories.

The growing number and influence of far-right and hard-right groups will likely add extra complexity to the legislative process.

For her second term, von der Leyen will seek to pick up where she left off. The Commission will also look to build itself a stronger role in the traditional defense and the economic security agendas, with an eye to boosting Europe’s defense capabilities against Russia and de-risking from China. Von der Leyen’s focus on a competitiveness agenda will push for greater innovation and industrial support while furthering the green transition. On Thursday, von der Leyen promised a “European competitiveness fund” and a “clean industrial deal” within the first hundred days of the Commission’s next mandate, along with greater investment in energy infrastructure and technologies. This will all come with a price tag, and more responsibility for the Commission.

As a consequence of a busy 2019-2024 legislative cycle, von der Leyen and her Commission must now see through a raft of new rules. On digital policy alone, the to-do list is a tall order. The EU is standing up new offices and hiring a new army of competition lawyers, boosting the already massive size and scope of the Commission.

But there will be limits to von der Leyen’s ambition as member states and the parliament will look to exercise their own power.

Europe’s political center is not what it was in 2019, and EU members will want their influence felt. Von der Leyen will have to contend with a growing number of populist leaders around the table at Council meetings. More far-right governments may pop up over the next five years, including in major countries such as France as Marine Le Pen’s National Rally gets ever closer to power. And as the Commission tries to take on a bigger role in traditional member-state driven policies, such as security and defense, von der Leyen will need to deal with more engaged member states looking to exact concessions or carveouts, or to wield their own influence at the EU level.

Far- and hard-right groups in the European Parliament are also on the rise, and they are looking to make a mark. In a shift from her first term, emboldened hard-right politicians are more eager to influence EU policy rather than just play spoiler to it. The growing number and influence of far-right and hard-right groups will likely add extra complexity to the legislative process, and legislation may need to pass with ad hoc coalitions rather than the tradition of grand coalitions of parliaments past.

Greater influence on the right may hamper the Commission’s regulatory ambition. Von der Leyen promised she would continue the green transition, but the EU’s green rules have already become a political target. The platforms of the center-right European People’s Party (EPP), von der Leyen’s own group, and the further right European Conservatives and Reformists, both have peppered in objections to onerous new regulations, especially those associated with the green transition. And the competitiveness debate is in large part spurred on by this backlash to the Commission’s regulatory appetite. This may be difficult for the Commission. Institutionally, the Commission is designed to present new regulations and proposals. It is the only arm inside the EU that can. But that desire will be a point of friction with the aversion among member states and Parliament to new, seemingly onerous, rules.

Von der Leyen will face challenges from beyond Europe, too. “We have entered an age of geostrategic rivalries,” notes the policy guidelines. To the east, Beijing will continue to try to split Europe and poison the EU’s de-risking agenda just as it is starting to take off. And supporting Ukraine against Russia’s full-scale invasion will require sustained attention and funds.

To the west, von der Leyen cannot ignore the upcoming US elections. A transatlanticist at heart, she pushed the EU closer together with the United States in her first term—in large part benefiting from a new EU-friendly US administration. She will likely face an uphill battle in strengthening transatlantic ties in the event of a second Trump administration. “They treat us very badly,” former President Donald Trump said to Bloomberg News when asked about the European Union on June 25.

Von der Leyen’s confirmation this week goes a long way already to set up the EU for success and avoids an own goal for team Europe. Rejecting her would have forced the European Council back to the drawing board to pick a new—and likely weaker—appointee, wasting more time on internal bickering and politicking when predictability, not chaos, is critical. It’s not hard to picture the jubilee from Beijing, taunts from Moscow, and even snide comments from Washington about EU dysfunction in the face of a no vote. In the words of Greek Commissioner Margaritis Schinas (and von der Leyen ally) on her appointment, “There is no plan B.” It is a good thing plan A worked.

James Batchik is an associate director at the Atlantic Council’s Europe Center.

Further reading

Image: Ursula von der Leyen (CDU), President-in-Office of the European Commission, reacts after the votes were counted in the plenary chamber of the European Parliament. The EU Parliament approved a second term of office for EU Commission President von der Leyen.