European energy security requires stronger power grids

In 2022, 63 percent of all energy consumed in the European Union (EU) was imported. Europe’s energy generation gap has come into focus amid the energy security challenges stemming from Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. But while Europe has weathered the storm, in part by deploying renewables and accelerating electrification, there is a pressing need to strengthen the backbone of a decarbonized energy system—Europe’s power grid.

A mismatch between supply security, climate ambition, and grid capacity

Upgrading electricity grids to enable decarbonization is a worldwide issue. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that global grid investments must double to reach $600 billion per year by 2030 to meet nationally set climate objectives. In Europe, a recent study by Eurelectric suggests that the EU and Norway must invest €67 billion in grids per year to realize carbon neutrality by 2050.  


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As the EU aims to reach a 42.5 percent—ideally 45 percent—share for renewables in its total energy mix by 2030, grid capacity must keep pace with rapidly growing clean energy generation.

Europe overall, including the UK, is making progress on renewable deployment, but a mismatch in grid capacity is already causing significant challenges. In Britain, for example, the connection queue for generation, storage, or energy-consuming projects waiting to be connected to the grid is projected to reach 800 gigawatts by the end of 2024. Grid congestion is also a major problem in the Netherlands, with industry and households asked to reduce demand at peak times to avoid blackouts. In Romania, a boom in state-backed prosumers without adequate storage facilities is placing significant stress on the grid.

Building the grid of the future

Currently, cross-border interconnections within the EU limit the amount of electricity that can be imported or exported, creating significant price discrepancies between neighboring states. Expected increases in electricity demand due to electrification will only exacerbate these distortions.

Enabling greater cross-border electricity trade is a must for solidifying energy security and solidarity across Europe. New high-voltage transmission lines could convert intermittent renewable generation into more baseload-like output by quickly moving excess clean electricity to regions in deficit.

To this end, debate continues in Brussels over creating an EU-wide supergrid that would enable high volumes of electricity to be transported across the continent. This would help level energy prices across borders, reduce equity concerns, and improve supply security over the short and long term.

Furthermore, the difficulties in predicting renewable energy generation and adapting consumption accordingly requires the digital transformation of energy grids. Digitalization can further integrate renewable generation through smart meters and smart appliances that can accurately forecast output and match it with flexible electricity consumption. This can help minimize grid congestion and enhance resilience in the face of intermittency.

Additionally, new sensor and software platforms can enable predictive maintenance that reduces the time infrastructure is out of service. Digital twins—virtual representations of physical power grids—use data analytics to model various scenarios, leading to higher operational efficiency, increased asset lifespan, and optimized energy flow. While a highly digitalized energy grid may also increase cyber threats, other sectors have demonstrated over decades that these threats can be mitigated through strategies that include rapid incident reporting to limit malware spreading and investment in threats monitoring systems.

The unavoidable but necessary cost

Upgrading and extending the grid would translate into higher tariffs paid by European end-users, who have already struggled with energy affordability. A spike in network tariffs could lead to negative social, economic, and—eventually—political consequences, as was seen during EU-wide protests in 2022, triggered by increasing energy bills.

Although these investments will impose direct and indirect costs on consumers in the short term, they will unlock over the medium and long term increased electrification and pass decreasing renewable generation costs onto rate payers. Today, onshore wind and solar photovoltaic energy are cheaper than new fossil fuel plants almost everywhere. The average cost of variable renewable energy generation is expected to drop further, from a levelized cost of electricity of $155 per megawatt hour in 2010 to $60 in 2028.

To finance these upgrades while minimizing the negative impacts on rate payers, new earmarked EU funds could complement tariff-based network revenues. While this has not been done before in advanced economies with complex electricity systems, policy innovation is required to keep the EU’s ambitious 2030 targets alive. 

Not investing in transmission and distribution would jeopardize both European energy security and climate ambitions. By stalling deployment of renewable generation and thereby the electrification of heating and transport, failing to invest in the European grid would prolong high levels of fossil fuel imports. This would keep energy bills high, leave Europe exposed to fossil fuel supply insecurity, and place at risk Europe’s social and political fabric.

Bottlenecks to be addressed

Beyond financing challenges, building power infrastructure is notably slow. In Europe in particular, permitting procedures cause significant delays. The IEA highlights that the United States and EU have the longest deployment times for distribution—around three years—and transmission lines—between four and twelve years. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the problem worse, creating high demand while constricting supply for power grid components. 

Regulatory frameworks are also constraining grid development. While the regulation of these natural monopolies has evolved in Europe to liberalize and unbundle the sector, national regulatory authorities need to deal with greater uncertainty; for instance, the rate of electrification and improvements on energy efficiency are difficult to predict. They will need to manage increased investment while encouraging innovation and keeping tariffs in check. Energy regulators must learn from previous experience, respond to current challenges, and anticipate future trends—all at the same time. 

The overlooked factor in European energy security

Energy security in Europe hinges on the state of its power grids. As reliance on renewable energy and electrification grows, existing grid infrastructure is struggling to keep pace, causing congestion and delays. Substantial investments in grid upgrades and modernization are essential for integrating renewables, accelerating the electrification of heating and transportation, building technical redundancies to enhance resilience, combatting cyber threats, and protecting against extreme weather events.

While difficult to sell politically, investments in grid infrastructure will ultimately pay off in lower energy bills for consumers and industry, compared to a business-as-usual scenario. Failing to achieve these objectives will imperil Europe’s security of supply and its capacity to build a resilient energy future.

Andrei Covatariu is a Brussels-based energy expert. He is a senior research associate at Energy Policy Group (EPG) and a research fellow at the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE). This article reflects his personal opinion. 

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Image: A power pylon in a Ukrainian field. (Novoklimov, Wikimedia Commons, CC0 1.0,