The IRA two years on: A signpost of the new economic policy consensus

Signed into law on August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act was a legislative Rorschach test: It looked like different things to different people. To some, it was a climate bill. To others, it was a health care bill. And to others still—in fact, to the member of Congress who was perhaps most instrumental in achieving its passage, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia—it was an energy and national security bill. The legacy of the IRA will surely be closely tied to these annotations, and indeed, its contribution to achieving domestic and global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions targets is monumental.

However, two years on it is becoming increasingly clear that the legacy of the IRA is tethered to a renewed pact between government and the US economy, with key implications for trade, technological competition with China, and foreign policy writ large.

Since the early 1980s, the prevailing dogma on both sides of the aisle regarding US economic policy has largely been one of skepticism about direct government intervention in the economy. Trade and domestic market liberalization have been features of Republican and Democratic rhetoric since at least the Reagan administration. Of course, US government spending did increase over this period, and Washington did often step in with, for example, countercyclical spending during economic downturns. Nonetheless, most US politicians took as axiomatic that the government should not be “picking winners and losers” in the economy. The IRA has ushered in a new era in which this reflexive aversion to economic intervention may be vanishing.

Industrial policy has risen from the gutter

The IRA’s subsidies and grants for low-carbon electricity generation and technology manufacturing, along with its capitalization of the US Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office, represent a divergence from the once-dominant economic policy consensus. The IRA is among the most significant government investments in the US economy since President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. In fact, it is rivaled only by primarily demand-side stimulus packages, such as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 and the CARES Act of 2020.

According to Goldman Sachs estimates, by 2032 the IRA will provide $1.2 trillion in incentives with the intention of fueling the deployment of energy technologies. This includes technologies that are currently profitable, such as solar and onshore wind, as well as new market entrants, such as electric vehicles, grid storage, new forms of bioenergy, offshore wind, clean hydrogen for hard-to-abate sectors, point-source carbon capture, and carbon removal. If the broad-scale deployment of these technologies is achieved at the scale envisioned by prevailing models—which is dependent on additional regulatory reform—these effects of the legislation will be uniformly positive for climate mitigation and economic growth alike.

These positive effects are being borne out in data. Of an estimated seventy-eight billion dollars in public investment since the IRA’s enactment, the bill has shepherded between five to six times that figure in private investment. In fact, investment in low-carbon technologies and manufacturing has comprised about half of private investment growth since the IRA’s passage. That is a success.

The implications of the IRA as a shift in economic policy are not uniformly positive, however. The global consequences of this shift have manifested in at least two ways.

First, the floodgates of government market interventions have been opened. In 2023 alone, governments around the world implemented more than 1,600 industrial policies. The IRA is both an example of this general trend and, given the size of the US economy and the IRA’s intervention, something other countries have reacted to with their own interventions. For example, the United States’ use of subsidies for its economy has prompted adverse reactions from the European Union, whose single market makes the use of subsidies difficult, and prompted concerns regarding the comparative advantage of its domestic industry. This year, the European Parliament and European Council passed the Net-Zero Industry Act, which provides financial support through grants, loans, and other funding mechanisms to promote research, development, and deployment of clean technologies and manufacturing capacity—a direct response to the IRA.

In a sense, the IRA has prompted global competition among governments to make public investments in emerging industries and technologies.

Second, trade measures have arisen as a method by which to protect, or “ring fence,” domestic industrial policy strategies from foreign competition. Notably, the May 2024 suite of tariffs announced by the White House represent a substantial signal of intent to isolate encroachment of Chinese imports on domestic industries that have not yet been established and that the IRA supports. In the IRA, certain softly punitive measures impact trade, stoking additional tension. For instance, eligibility for subsidies under the Clean Vehicle Tax Credit is limited, based on the country of origin of critical minerals and battery components and excluding several US allies and partners.

Economic competition among the United States, the European Union, and China is increasing, and the decades-long criticism of China’s subsidy-centric growth model by Washington and European capitals is being usurped by a new industrial policy with US and European characteristics. In some sense, although all three blocs are competing, two distinct visions have emerged: the bottom-up, private sector-led and government-enabled vision of the United States and European Union, and the top-down, state-directed vision of China.

Trade-offs, tariffs, and technological innovation

Will this trend continue? Industrial policymaking in democracies is necessarily impacted by political feasibility, what is favored by those with power, and what works within the parameters of a state’s administrative capacity, as an International Monetary Fund publication recently reflected. As such, the IRA is also a product of the political moment, dubbed by the Breakthrough Institute as a period of “post-COVID congressional profligacy.” It is difficult to predict what the next major industrial policy package in the United States will consist of, but it will likely be shaped as much by the political forces at play as by rigid economic analysis.

Careful reflection is needed going forward, as industrial policy, by definition, leads to concentrated benefits and carries diffuse costs. As such, it can also lead to unintended or counterproductive outcomes. The recent tariffs may prove this true, depending on one’s definition of the intended outcome.

Take the 25 percent tariff increase that was imposed on imports of Chinese solar cells. While this may protect domestic solar manufacturers, it may also slow the rate of solar deployment overall, given the higher resulting price for panels. Absent this tariff, solar panels would likely be cheaper, so it would be fair to say that the Biden administration’s implicit target of countering China’s industrial prowess is countering its explicit goal of achieving a carbon-free power grid by 2035.

The effects of trade policies such as this are unclear. What is clear is that acknowledgement of the trade-offs is necessary.

Public investments in infrastructure do have an important role. They are critical conduits of productivity growth and are necessary in areas where clear incentives for the private sector are not present. For instance, while nuclear energy is critical for bolstering the reliability of the electric grid, its business model has suffered significantly from the natural gas production boom that the United States has experienced from 2005 to the present. The affordability of gas, and increasingly of other resources, such as solar power, has made nuclear power’s high operating and capital costs less attractive to utilities, among other factors. Programs such as the Department of Energy’s Civil Nuclear Credit Program, which provides financial assistance to the United States’ nuclear reactor fleet, play an essential role.

Looking forward, however, it is also worthwhile to recall what is historically the engine of growth for the modern US economy, and the principal root of US competitive advantage in the global economy—technological innovation. It was not the tariffs of the McKinley administration or the safety net of the Roosevelt administration that led the way in supercharging US growth, although safety nets and infrastructure definitively do breed innovation.  

Attempting to reinvigorate domestic industry through grants, loans, or subsidies may be necessary to achieve goals such as “reshoring” manufacturing. At the same time, investments in research and development (R&D) are proven over decades to provide consistent macroeconomic returns and drive technological progress. An independent report commissioned by the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy found that investments of twelve billion dollars made by the office since the mid-1970s have yielded more than $388 billion in total undiscounted net economic benefits to the United States.

However, public R&D spending in the United States has been stagnant for decades as a percentage of gross domestic product. If government investment is looking for the best rate of return, as sound investors do, R&D may be an underappreciated “asset class” that should increasingly be targeted by the United States and its partners.

William Tobin is an assistant director at the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center, where he focuses on international energy and climate policy.

Further reading

Image: United States President Joe Biden makes remarks prior to signing H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. The bill is intended to lower the cost of energy, prescription drugs, and other health care for American families, combat the climate crisis, reduce the deficit, and make the largest corporations pay taxes. Featuring: Senator Joe Manchin, Representative James Clyburn, Senator Chuck Schumer, President Joe Biden Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 16 Aug 2022 Credit: Ron Sachs/CNP/ Images