
In the News

Nov 4, 2022

CBDC Tracker cited by CoinTelegraph on the low adoption rate of Nigeria’s eNaira CBDC.

Read the full article here.

Digital Currencies Digital Policy

In the News

Oct 26, 2022

Lipsky quoted in Bloomberg on CBDCs

Read the full article here.

Digital Currencies Digital Policy

In the News

Jun 16, 2022

Lipsky cited in Politico on the IMF’s concerns regarding cryptocurrency

Read the full article here.

Americas Digital Currencies


Mar 7, 2022

Quel avenir pour le Sahel?

By Richard Cincotta and Stephen Smith

Le Sahel est dans une impasse démographique. S’ils veulent sortir de l’impasse actuelle, les gouvernements sahéliens devront réorienter une partie importante de leurs efforts de développement et moyens financiers vers des politiques et programmes visant à améliorer la condition féminine : en prévenant les mariages et grossesses précoces chez les adolescentes, en promouvant l’éducation des filles et en garantissant la pleine participation des femmes dans tous les secteurs publics et privés, à commencer par les lieux de travail.

Africa Energy & Environment


Jan 28, 2022

eNaira: Same Naira, more possibilities for innovation

By Naomi Aladekoba

Nigeria's eNaira aims to improve the availability and access to central bank money, support a resilient payments system, encourage financial inclusion, and reduce the cost of processing cash.

Digital Currencies Digital Policy

In the News

Jan 28, 2022

Lipsky and Aladekoba cited in Politico on the controversy surrounding the Nigerian government’s plan to remove fuel subsidies

Read the full article here.

Economy & Business Fiscal and Structural Reform

In the News

Jan 21, 2022

Aladekoba quoted in Axios on the potential benefits of eNaira, Nigeria’s central bank digital currency

Read the full article here.

Digital Currencies Economy & Business

In the News

Nov 5, 2021

Lipsky interviewed by BBC about digital currencies and the rollout of the e-Naira

By Josh Lipsky

Listen to the full interview here.

Africa Digital Currencies


Nov 4, 2021

What future for the Western Sahel?

By Richard Cincotta and Stephen Smith

The Western Sahel is in a demographic impasse. To work their way out of this dilemma, Sahelian governments must shift a significant part of their development focus and funding to policies and programs aimed at preventing adolescent marriages and childbearing, promoting girls’ education, securing women’s participation in public- and private-sector workplaces, and achieving small, healthy, well-educated families.

Africa Energy & Environment

In the News

Oct 5, 2021

China Pathfinder report cited in South China Morning Post on the implications of decreased liberalization in China, for other market economies

By The GeoEconomics Center

Read the full article here. Read the report here.

Africa Digital Currencies
