Space - Atlantic Council Shaping the global future together Thu, 15 Aug 2024 05:50:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Space - Atlantic Council 32 32 The case for the United States and China working together in space Wed, 14 Aug 2024 14:55:11 +0000 Washington and Beijing should work to revive the idea that the exploration of space should be undertaken for peaceful purposes.

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In the fall of 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent then Senator Lyndon B Johnson to the United Nations (UN) with the proposal that “the exploration of outer space be undertaken for peaceful purposes, as an enterprise of international cooperation among all member nations.” The resolution reflected a growing aspiration that nations would join together in exploring the cosmos and in doing so find a common purpose.

The vision was amplified by Johnson when he became president. In a letter to the Senate in 1967, he emphasized that cooperation in space would provide a basis by which to avoid confrontational national tendencies, thereby leading to substantial contributions toward peace. The historic US Apollo and Soviet Union Soyuz (Apollo-Soyuz) docking in July 1975 was heralded as a first step toward meaningful space cooperation between otherwise adversarial nations. The image of astronauts and cosmonauts welcoming each other across their open spacecraft hatchways sparked an optimism and a sense of unity that inspired the world community. NASA astronaut Tom Stafford said that opening the hatch in space opened a “new era” back on Earth.

The current state of space diplomacy

Today, the International Space Station is a testament to multinational cooperation, persisting despite seismic geopolitical shifts. The partnership between the United States, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Russia has required a myriad of joint engineering projects and mutual reliance on resources despite monumental earthly tensions—a striking step forward in space diplomacy.

In recent years, however, hostility between the United States on one hand and Russia and China on the other has overshadowed the core tenets of space cooperation. The realization that space is not only an arena for scientific exploration and economic competition, but of future military conflict, has come to the fore. Although the United States and forty-two other nations have recently agreed to a set of principles for the peaceful exploration of space, known as the Artemis Accords, there exists no such agreement with other key space-faring nations, most notably China and Russia.

Parallel lunar ambitions

The United States and its allies are developing a major space program to return to the moon and establish a permanent presence with a lunar base and an orbiting lunar space station. The project has ignited public excitement and forged new agreements between the United States and partner nations. At the same time, China is leading a very similar project called the International Lunar Research Station to establish a permanent lunar presence, working with Russia and several other countries, including Belarus, Egypt, Nicaragua, and South Africa.

Two groups of nations separately working on the same goal, establishing separate lunar bases with no cooperation between them is a disappointing setback from earlier achievements. One might ask: What happened to the spirit that drove the handshake on Apollo-Soyuz?

There are of course challenges and barriers to sparking and sustaining cooperation. The growing conflicts on Earth and the threats posed by anti-satellite weapons provide arguments against initiating a dialogue. However, similar dynamics were present in the past, when leaders decided to work together to embrace the common objectives of exploring the cosmos and harvesting space for the betterment of life on Earth. Despite major tensions and conflicts, the two sides gained a measure of mutual understanding and respect for each other’s humanity through the efforts of scientists, engineers, and astronauts, as they joined in a common purpose.

Starting points for US-China space cooperation

The logical question is: Given substantial concerns regarding military hostility in space, where should the United States and China start? How can they find common ground in an environment of such intense mistrust?

Washington and Beijing can begin with a principle that has already been agreed upon and that touches a core human value. The UN Rescue and Return of Astronauts Agreement came into effect in 1968. It commits nations to come to the assistance of astronauts in distress, no matter what country they launched from. It was a noble step forward, and a theme largely taken from the finest of maritime traditions. The agreement, however, is hollow without plans, procedures, and systems in place to enable meaningful action. Spaceships and space suits are complex and unique, and without forethought and the right equipment it is highly unlikely that astronauts from separate nations could possibly provide any meaningful aid. For instance, how would a Chinese astronaut connect and supply the right pressure to provide oxygen to an American astronaut in distress without first having the right connecting gear and knowing the pressure settings? How can countries make their ships compatible to dock if medical support is needed? What would be the communication protocols to use when determining whether assistance is necessary?

A bilateral working group between NASA and China’s National Space Administration (CNSA) should be established to prepare for joint rescue operations. This interaction would lead to improved communication between the respective space communities. The collaboration would also establish readiness for potential rescue missions, which would have profound benefits in the event that an astronaut rescue was needed.

Once the rescue working group is formed, further bilateral agreements should be pursued. These could include mutual use of lunar communication and navigation services, as well as agreements on providing consumables, power, habitats, and transport.

What steps does the United States need to take? The United States should repeal the Wolf Amendment, which was put in place in 2011 due to concerns about space technology transfer to China. The establishment of this barrier has not slowed China’s space technology development. Instead, it has only hindered useful interchange between NASA and the CNSA.

And China? Beijing should foster more open communication with the United States regarding norms of behavior in space exploration and the preservation of the space environment. It should take a leading role in space sustainability, including being transparent about its plans to remedy issues with the Long March 6A rocket that broke apart earlier this month and left significant space debris. China should also initiate discussions to join moratoria on destructive direct-ascent anti-satellite missile testing, which it has so far opposed.

Eisenhower and Johnson advocated for cooperation to prevent misunderstandings and mistrust from growing into armed conflict in space. They saw the need to take firm steps to avoid such a tragic result. To that end, the United States and China must now take swift steps to initiate space cooperation and lead a more unified world into the final frontier.

Dan Hart is a nonresident fellow with the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.

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Why the United States needs a robust strategy for space cooperation with Africa Mon, 22 Jul 2024 20:37:45 +0000 If the United States does not collaborate more with Africa on space-related activities, it risks missing out on a growing market and hindering global scientific and technological advancements.

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At the US-Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022, leaders gathered at the US-Africa Space Forum, eliciting mixed reactions. For some, there was excitement about growing US interest in cooperation with Africa on space. That excitement was solidified when, at the forum, Nigeria and Rwanda became the first and second African countries to sign the Artemis Accords, a set of principles on best practices to use in exploring space outlined by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). By December 2023, Angola had also signed the NASA Artemis Accords. But despite these developments, the United States still has no clear space policy towards Africa.

If the United States does not collaborate more with Africa on space-related activities, it risks not only losing strategic and geopolitical influence to China and Russia and missing out on a growing market but also hindering scientific and technological advancements. That would limit the contribution of space-based solutions to solving challenges, for example ones related to sustainability, climate change, and disaster management. A lack of collaboration would also leave behind an opportunity to shape space security and strengthen diplomatic relations with African countries.

Collaboration as it stands today

Following the US-Africa Leaders Summit in October last year, the US Departments of Commerce and State and the African Union organized the US-Africa Commercial Space Stakeholders Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan, to build multilateral space partnerships and foster space commerce. At the meeting, the African Union representatives highlighted the African Outer Space Programme—which looks to strengthen the African Union’s use of space—and the role it plays in realizing Africa’s Agenda 2063 and powering development. Meanwhile, the US Office of Space Commerce, tasked with protecting conditions for economic growth and technological innovation in space, outlined how African institutions can reach US space institutions to explore collaborations on capacity building, Earth observation, positioning and navigation, satellite communications, and more—although no clear plans for such collaboration were finalized.

Currently, the United States’ main space-related projects with Africa are SERVIR and Harvest. SERVIR, an initiative by NASA and the US Agency for International Development, helps countries use Earth observation data and geospatial technologies to improve environmental management and climate resilience. SERVIR West Africa, launched in 2016, gathers several science and research institutions in promoting the use of satellite imagery and geospatial tools to help stakeholders and decision makers across the Sahel make informed decisions about agriculture, water resources, the weather, the climate, and ecosystems. SERVIR Eastern and Southern Africa ran from 2008 to 2023 and developed geospatial services using Earth observations and NASA data to support resilient development.

NASA Harvest, led by researchers at the University of Maryland, aims to advance the use of satellite Earth observations to benefit food security, agriculture, and environmental resilience. The Harvest Africa initiative applies Earth observation-based data to agricultural monitoring and assessments conducted across East and Southern Africa. National and regional agencies work together to ensure a smooth transition to respective government agencies or partners. Projects include enhancing Tanzania’s agrometeorological services, developing Earth observation-based agricultural monitoring systems, and improving food security and resilience.

Skyrocketing opportunity

Out of approximately $4.7 billion in satellite contracts from Africa between 1998 and 2023, $1.396 billion went to China and Russia, while only $250 million went to US companies, according to a report by my analytics company, Space in Africa (based in Nigeria and Estonia). Furthermore, out of 187 space collaboration agreements with African institutions from 2001 to 2023, fifty-eight were with Chinese and Russian entities and only twenty-seven with US institutions. Additionally, Egypt and South Africa have joined the International Lunar Research Station mission led by Russia and China, with Ethiopia and Kenya recently signing memorandums of understanding to join as well.

Significant satellite communications infrastructures—such as NigComSat-1R for Nigeria, AngoSat-2 for Angola, and AlComSat-1 for Algeria—were developed by China or Russia. For instance, in addressing national security, Nigeria’s Defence Space Administration launched the DelSat-1 satellite, contracted and launched by China, with plans for five additional satellites.

But while many US foreign policies towards Africa aim to counter China and Russia’s influence, this approach should not extend to the space sector. Space cooperation offers the opportunity to achieve broader US foreign-policy goals independently.

Africa’s space industry presents the United States with economic opportunity. For example, according to the Space in Africa report, Africa’s space industry currently generates about $19 billion annually, with projections indicating growth to over $22.64 billion by 2026. US satellite communications companies such as ViaSat and Starlink—along with Earth observation data providers such as Maxar Technologies,, and Planet Labs, and geographic-information-system (GIS) software companies such as Esri—have found a robust market in Africa.

Africa offers significant opportunities for space diplomacy as well. For instance, Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Group signed an agreement with Djibouti to build a launch site there, and Turkey announced a space program that would build a launch site in Somalia. The United States can similarly leverage these opportunities to foster mutual benefits including capacity development, technology transfer, and ecosystem development. African space programs, at both national and continental levels, often embrace nonaligned diplomacy, allowing them to cooperate with a variety of countries based on mutual interests. While the United States is taking some steps in the right direction and showing its willingness to collaborate with Africa on space issues—as US stakeholders did at the NewSpace Africa Conference, which my company and the African Union co-hosted—it is time for the United States to identify mutual interests with Africa to develop a robust space partnership.

The United States, as a global leader in the space sector, has an opportunity to strengthen diplomatic relations with African countries and the African Union (through the African Union’s African Space Agency). African countries have demonstrated their capability to contribute to critical technology development, supporting ambitious space missions and building satellite components for global markets. For example, South Africa provides tracking support for the Artemis mission, and Rwandan students have developed artificial-intelligence algorithms for onboard satellite image processing. The United States can capitalize on these developments to foster a mutually beneficial space partnership with Africa.

The United States can, for example, support African policies aligned with US best practices that promote space sustainability at the grassroots level, which can enhance US space diplomacy in select African countries. This support can help African nations establish standards for safe and responsible space activities, thereby promoting stability, security, and long-term sustainability in alignment with several US policies and strategies. Additionally, fostering US participation in African space innovation can build strategic partnerships, increase trade opportunities, facilitate technology transfer, and encourage US investments in the African space market, boosting its global competitiveness. Facilitating market and trade exposure for small to medium US businesses to engage with Africa, along with providing networking opportunities, can deepen relationships between US and African space enterprises—much in alignment with the broader US Strategy Towards Sub-Saharan Africa and the White House’s previous efforts to expand the US-Africa partnership.

While recent US engagements have advanced discussions on collaboration with Africa in space development, it is now time to implement clear actions backed by strong strategies.

Temidayo Oniosun is the managing director of Space in Africa, an analytics and consulting company in the African Space and satellite industry.

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Torres coauthored for CSIS about Chinese hypersonic missiles in South American space ground control sites Tue, 21 May 2024 15:01:13 +0000 On May 21, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Guido Torres coauthored an article for the Center for Strategic and International Studies titled “Space, Speed, and Sovereignty: Hypersonic Tensions in the Southern Hemisphere.” The piece underscores that Chinese hypersonic missile connection to ground control sites in South America poses a threat for the United States and […]

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On May 21, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Guido Torres coauthored an article for the Center for Strategic and International Studies titled “Space, Speed, and Sovereignty: Hypersonic Tensions in the Southern Hemisphere.” The piece underscores that Chinese hypersonic missile connection to ground control sites in South America poses a threat for the United States and southern hemisphere. Combatting the risks with these dual-use facilities and the threats posed by hypersonic weapons requires stronger bilateral and regional cooperation and understanding the vulnerabilities of space-enabling infrastructure.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Why the White House wants to know what time it is on the Moon Fri, 12 Apr 2024 20:57:32 +0000 Developing international standards for keeping time on the Moon could be critical for the success of planned crewed lunar missions.

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The solar eclipse across North America was not the only interesting story about the Moon this month. On April 2, the White House, through the Office of Science and Technology Policy, directed NASA and other federal agencies to work together to develop standard ways of keeping time on the Moon and beyond.

What did the White House ask for?

In a surprisingly technical (even for the Office of Science and Technology Policy), four-page memorandum, White House officials directed federal agencies to “develop celestial time standardization with an initial focus on the lunar surface and missions operating in Cislunar space.” In plain English, this means the ability to consistently tell time in outer space, beginning with the Moon and the space around it. It specifies that the time standard in space must be:

  • referenced to the time standard on Earth (traceable),
  • able to be relied upon for navigation and measurement (accurate),
  • able to work if communication with Earth is disrupted (resilient), and
  • extensible to space beyond the moon (scalable).

Why is it necessary to know the time on the Moon and elsewhere in space?

Although knowing the time may seem like a basic convenience, the ability to measure and keep time in a standard way with high accuracy is essential to a vast array of functions that depend on what is commonly referred to as position, navigation, and timing (PNT). The ability to know one’s location and navigate from place to place requires a reliable clock. This is why the now ubiquitous Global Positioning System (GPS) requires atomic clocks that are kept in sync by international standards. And those time standards and clocks are also essential for digital communications, including the high-speed transmission of data over the internet and through mobile networks. As the United States and other countries plan to send humans to the Moon over the next decade, the need for accurate and reliable PNT and communications makes it a priority to begin developing “Coordinated Lunar Time” now.

Why is it so hard to tell time in outer space?

Although the ticking of the seconds seems like an easy thing to rely on to tell time, the physics of time is much more complex. Thanks in large part to Albert Einstein, scientists understand that the relative passage of time on a clock changes depending on how fast it is moving (Einstein’s special relativity) and how much gravity it experiences (general relativity). Objects in space often move hundreds of times faster than any clock ever does on Earth (thousands of miles per hour) and the Moon’s gravitational pull is about one-sixth of Earth’s. As the Office of Science and Technology Policy memo explains, “to an observer on the Moon, an Earth-based clock will appear to lose on average 58.7 microseconds per day,” and that difference will fluctuate from day to day. While this discrepancy may seem miniscule, it will make it technically challenging to keep clocks in space in sync with those on Earth and with each other as needed for future PNT and communications.

What are the geopolitics of time standards for outer space?

This White House directive can be viewed within the larger context of the current rapid expansion of commercial activities in space and the parallel (if not competing) efforts of the United States and China to assemble coalitions to send humans to the Moon. The United States efforts fall under the Artemis Accords, and China’s under the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). While the Office of Science and Technology Policy memo notes that “international agreements will be necessary” to actually create a standard for time on the Moon, doing so will require global cooperation and leadership from both the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which create and synchronize time globally.

A focused effort by the United States now to develop a lunar time standard will dovetail nicely with the recent decision by the International Telecommunication Union to begin studying the related need to allocate electromagnetic spectrum frequencies for future development of communications on the lunar surface, and between lunar orbit and the lunar surface. It will also support the efforts of the Interplanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG) of the Internet Society, an international nonprofit organization that has spent decades building the technical foundation for the expansion of the internet into space. In September 2023, the IPNSIG reported on the many outstanding challenges for the architecture and governance of a potential solar system-wide internet, including those associated with the need for standard time systems.

The United States and its Artemis partners will need to work through these existing multinational, consensus-driven bodies, especially in the near term, to coordinate with China and its ILRS partners on the development of solutions to the physics-based challenges of time standards in space. Space is already a dangerous and complicated place. For example, tens of thousands of objects in orbit, including debris and satellites, create rapidly growing challenges for maintaining space situational awareness globally. A future with competing time standards in space would only exacerbate those challenges.

Lloyd Whitman is senior advisor and fellow for science and technology policy at the Atlantic Council. He previously served at the National Institute of Standards and Technology as chief scientist and at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy as principal assistant director for physical sciences and engineering.

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Starling and Massa quoted in Air and Space Forces Magazine Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:03:41 +0000 On February 27, Clementine Starling and Mark Massa were quoted in Air and Space Fores Magazine about the effects that a nuclear detonation in space could have on US military Satellites.

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On February 27, Forward Defense Director Clementine Starling and Deputy Director for Strategic Forces Policy Mark Massa were quoted in Air and Space Forces Magazine. They wrote about the effects that a nuclear detonation in space could have on satellites, stating that “A nuclear detonation in space would add significant radiation to orbits used by a number of U.S. military satellites, causing them to degrade in the weeks and months following the detonation unless they are specifically hardened against radiation.”

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Eftimiades on Think JSOU on the China’s espionage methodology Mon, 04 Mar 2024 16:50:26 +0000 Nicholas Eftimiades discusses the role of intelligence operations in the strategic competition between the United States and China.

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On February 20, Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades was interviewed on Joint Special Operations University’s webinar, Think JSOU. He discussed China’s espionage methodology from his 2020 book, Chinese Espionage Operations and Tactics.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Experts react: What to know about Russia’s apparent plans for a space-based nuclear weapon Thu, 15 Feb 2024 22:59:16 +0000 Reports that Russia is developing a space-based nuclear anti-satellite weapon have raised national security concerns in Washington.

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Is this a Sputnuke moment? Russia is reportedly developing a space-based nuclear anti-satellite weapon. The news broke on Wednesday after House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner released a cryptic statement on social media urging US President Joe Biden to declassify information about a “serious national security threat.” A White House spokesperson said on Thursday that the Russian system, which is not yet in orbit, does not pose a direct threat of “physical destruction” on Earth. However, it has raised new fears about the possibility of Russia destroying critical US satellites and an arms race in space. Atlantic Council experts will share their insights on the developments in three . . . two . . . one . . .

Click to jump to an expert analysis:

Clementine G. Starling: Russia can already detonate nuclear weapons in space from Earth

Robert M. Soofer: The US needs to modernize its nuclear and space forces

Mark J. Massa: Russia has been experimenting with “exotic” nuclear weapons

Thomas Warrick: Three possible reasons why Turner drew attention to this threat

Jacob Mezey: Russia’s nuclear recklessness in space might spur China and the US to work together

Russia can already detonate nuclear weapons in space from Earth

A nuclear-powered Russian satellite is potentially less alarming than a nuclear-armed satellite, since it would neither be norm-shattering nor give Russia the ability to degrade a large swath of all satellites on orbit in one fell swoop.

Because Russia can already detonate nuclear weapons in space from Earth, a new nuclear-armed anti-satellite weapon (ASAT) likely would not give Moscow significant new military capability, even though it remains concerning. While a nuclear-armed ASAT would advance Russian counterspace capabilities, challenge US space strategy, undermine norms, and alarm allies, it does not appear to add a qualitatively different capability to the Russian arsenal.

Clementine G. Starling is the director of the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense program and a resident fellow within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. Read more from Starling on this issue here.

The US needs to modernize its nuclear and space forces

This report, if true, should come as no surprise to the US government, which has been tracking Russian and Chinese anti-satellite capabilities for some years now, including ground- or space-based high-powered lasers. Presumably, armed with this awareness, the Department of Defense is taking appropriate measures to counter this threat. The key to successful nuclear deterrence is a survivable nuclear retaliatory force, including nuclear command and control—these are priorities for the US Department of Defense.

This situation is reminiscent of Russia’s development of transcontinental underwater nuclear torpedoes and nuclear-powered/nuclear-armed cruise missiles; these “novel” nuclear systems do not add appreciably to Russia’s existing capabilities to threaten the United States. Then why does Russian President Vladimir Putin field them? Perhaps it’s to shore up his domestic base or divert global attention from a failing state. Regardless, the US response must be to continue to modernize its nuclear—and space—forces to ensure that no combination of adversaries could ever contemplate a successful disarming first strike against the United States. It’s a good sign that Congress is concerned about these matters—it will have an opportunity to understand the US response as the congressional hearing season unfolds.

Robert M. Soofer is a senior fellow in the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, where he leads its Nuclear Strategy Project. He was deputy assistant secretary of defense for nuclear and missile defense policy from April 2017 to January 2021. 

Russia has been experimenting with “exotic” nuclear weapons

In recent years, Russia has announced the development of several new so-called “exotic” nuclear weapons—including a nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed cruise missile and submarine drone—which Western analysts have found challenging to understand. While there are plausible ways in which a nuclear-armed ASAT could be more effective than a nuclear detonation in space delivered by an intercontinental ballistic missile, such a development may be more similar in practical effect to the rest of this class of exotic nuclear weapons.

Mark J. Massa is a deputy director in the Forward Defense practice of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council. Read more from Massa on this issue here.

New Atlanticist

Feb 15, 2024

Russian nuclear anti-satellite weapons would require a firm US response, not hysteria

By Clementine G. Starling-Daniels, Mark J. Massa

If fielded, such weapons would directly challenge norms of responsible behavior in space and present a serious risk to all nations’ satellites.

Arms Control Russia

Three possible reasons why Turner drew attention to this threat

House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner’s request to declassify intelligence on a new Russian capability was striking because of Turner’s reputation for being serious about national security and the protection of intelligence sources and methods. I think that Turner was trying to win a trifecta—and he deserves the win.

First, national security Democrats and Republicans have been trying for months to get Congress to renew a crucial legal authority for foreign intelligence collection under section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Jon Darby and I have described section 702  as “the most timely, impactful, and cost-effective authority to obtain foreign intelligence on terrorists, spies, weapons proliferators, cyber attackers, and nation-states that pose threats to the United States and our allies.” Reasonable reforms of the current law are entirely justified, but an unlikely alliance of progressive Democrats and pro-Donald Trump Republicans have tried to restrict the US intelligence community’s ability to use information collected under 702. A crucial vote scheduled for this week looked to go sideways, causing House leadership to pause the vote. Turner’s disclosure that this important new threat was revealed by intelligence collected under section 702’s authority should warn hesitant House members that the country’s security absolutely depends on renewing section 702.

The second potential motive for declassification has a good, if unorthodox, reason behind it. Normally, interested House members read and are briefed on threats by coming to the Intelligence Committee’s special rooms for reviewing highly classified intelligence—which, for security reasons, are a little out of the way of the routes most House members walk during their workday. Not all House members take this responsibility seriously enough. Declassifying this information will force all House members to confront the reality of this threat and may motivate them to go read the full, classified intelligence and vote accordingly.

The third reason—getting House members to realize that Russia is a threat to our national security and that they should support our allies and partners, including Ukraine—is an obvious reason, as well.

I think Turner is three for three. The Biden administration should support his request and declassify as much of the information as it can.

Thomas S. Warrick is the director of the Future of DHS project at the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Forward Defense practice and a nonresident senior fellow and the Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative at the Atlantic Council.

Russia’s nuclear recklessness in space might spur China and the US to work together

National security wonks in Washington are buzzing after reports that Russia is developing a nuclear system in space for anti-satellite purposes. It is currently unclear whether the system is armed with a nuclear warhead to directly destroy satellites or if it is instead powered by a nuclear reactor for electronic warfare purposes. However, if the system is nuclear-armed, it is worth understanding what the physical effects of such a nuclear explosion in space would be and how the world might respond. If Russia detonated such a weapon, it could damage the vast majority of commercial and military satellites in orbit. Upon detonation, high-energy x-rays would destroy the electronics of all satellites not obscured by the Earth, likely knocking out the Global Positioning System (GPS). In the following weeks, charged particles generated by the blast would be trapped by the Earth’s natural radiation belts and spread around the globe, damaging all satellites except those with a high degree of radiation shielding. When the United States detonated a nuclear weapon at high-altitude in the Starfish Prime test of 1962 a third of all satellites in orbit were eventually destroyed by this effect. In 1962, there were just 24 satellites in orbit. Today there are more than seven thousand.

Given the potential crippling outcome to the global economy and to militaries, this issue should be of utmost priority to the entire world. The United States should clarify whether the weapon is, in fact, nuclear-armed. If so, international pressure, especially from China, would be critical to preventing Russia from deploying the system in space. China operates the second-most satellites of any country and might find common ground with the United States in stopping this threat. If Russia deployed the weapon in space, deterring its use in a major crisis would be difficult since the United States could not threaten to respond in-kind. Therefore, the only alternative would be planning to shoot down the system before it detonated. 

While the United States does not officially possess or have plans to develop an anti-satellite capability, it has demonstrated the ability of an SM-3 missile to target satellites in low-Earth orbit. Such an event could spark an unlikely alliance, since China has tested anti-satellite capabilities and might be willing to cooperate given the threat to its ambitions in space. Regardless of whether this Russian system is indeed a nuclear weapon, this revelation could be good for US-China relations at a time when officials are attempting to jump-start arms control talks. Preserving peaceful access to space could help pave the way for broader discussions on strategic stability.

Jacob Mezey is a program assistant in the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. He contributes to the program’s research on nuclear security, space security, defense innovation and modernization, and gray zone conflict.

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Mobilizing public science priorities through the American commercial space industry Fri, 13 Oct 2023 17:48:58 +0000 The next ten years stand to be transformative for improving life on our planet while simultaneously achieving a sustainable and thriving human presence beyond Earth.

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Every ten years, for a variety of disciplines, the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is responsible for providing consensus recommendations, designated as “decadal surveys”, on behalf of the scientific community to shape national research programs. On September 12, 2023, NASEM released “Thriving in Space—Ensuring the Future of Biological and Physical Sciences Research: A Decadal Survey for 2023-2032”, the second such volume to guide the research priorities and respective programs of the Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Science Mission Directorate at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

With an energetic, but considerably demanding, national space policy led by the White House’s 2021 Space Priorities Framework, the United States is committed to supporting a robust scientific and technological-development ecosystem to advance scientific discovery, address the needs of human and robotic space exploration, and deliver terrestrial benefits. However, these goals cannot be realized by the public or private sectors without comprehensive guidance and strategic investment in these three research priorities. The new survey provides an opportunity to actualize these goals through parallel mobilization in national research programs and the commercial space industry.

Investing in the future through BPS research

The report poses eleven key scientific questions (KSQs) pertaining to three cross-cutting themes in basic BPS research: how biological and psychological mechanisms adapt to space; the scientific principles—such as chemical, physical, and biological processes in extraterrestrial environments—that must be considered as humans live and travel in space; and understanding phenomena hidden by gravity or terrestrial limitations that become accessible in space. In addition, the report lays out two ambitious research campaigns that, by 2033, can deliver transformative contributions to NASA’s Moon to Mars program and the growing space economy while simultaneously benefitting life on Earth (including for climate adaptation), should they be funded adequately.

Crucially, in order to “retire” these KSQs in the next decade, the committee recommended that NASA increase funding to the BPS program tenfold above current levels before 2030. The report cites a 2023 BPS budget of only $85 million (of the $100 million originally requested by NASA). During the Space Shuttle era, NASA’s allocated budget was regularly more than two percent of US spending; in 2023, it was 0.44 percent. The committee’s recommendation for an order of magnitude increase in NASA’s funding of BPS therefore seeks to close the gap between today’s spending and tomorrow’s ambitious goals. With a Congress likely reluctant to grant nearly a billion more dollars to the NASA budget, the private sector will be key to achieving the goals of the decadal survey.

Amplifying public efforts with commercial space

Growing commercial activity in and for outer space offers a timely opportunity for the government to leverage the capabilities of the private sector to not only conduct transformative research, but also to support the subsequent phases of technology development and engineering, to facilitate deployment to space missions (public or private), and to more strongly establish business cases for wider economic activity in space. Conversely, while the report is intended to inform NASA’s direction of public investment in specific research priorities, it should also serve to guide industry to strategically align its investment priorities with the national interest.

Since the 1950s, national space agencies have been the earliest—and often only—funders of the science and engineering of space exploration. Research activities supported by the Science Mission Directorate (including BPS) are crucial for applications that will be used by other NASA Mission Directorates, particularly for crewed missions. While a NASA-centric approach previously delivered strong returns on investment for scientific advances and benefits to the American economy, today’s innovators in space technology frequently seek alternatives to NASA’s often cumbersome and restrictive mechanisms for funding. To date, early public investment in small and medium enterprises have enabled entrepreneurial space start-ups to gain footing in a highly competitive, high barrier-to-entry market that the majority of risk-averse investors avoid. Continuing, and even increasing, such investment will accelerate progress toward closing the vast gaps in our basic understanding of space and the universe that have been highlighted by the latest decadal survey.

Notably, the current private American space industry is an asset with more capital than most national civil space programs. In the decade since the previous survey was released, the gross output of the US space economy grew from $180.6 billion to $211.6 billion (nominal dollars), per the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Supporting 360,000 private industry jobs and $51.1 billion of private industry compensation in 2021, the US commercial space sector has become a potent force in the international economy. Meanwhile, the United States spent 60 percent of all global government space spending in 2021, affirming the country’s commitment to civil space leadership. NASA’s role in pioneering the space industry should not be understated nor undervalued; however, NASA’s efforts must be complemented by the decentralized models of funding and project management of the private sector if the KSQs and overarching themes of the 2023 report are to be achieved by 2033.

Enabling transformative advances through the coming decades

The International Space Station National Laboratory has served as a stable research station in low-Earth orbit (LEO) for over two decades. With its decommission on the horizon, researchers need a new research platform in LEO to continue to conduct critical microgravity research. If private entities are to assume this responsibility through commercial LEO destinations (CLDs)—and profit thereby, thus supporting a vibrant space economy and feeding further research and development in the private space sector—then public-private coordination today is essential to ensure that orbital laboratories and other infrastructure have reliable customers in NASA and other public organizations. During these conversations, it is also important to engage international partners to ensure that the global scientific community is supported in future efforts for in-space research, including the sovereign research platforms of other countries. (The importance of harnessing allied space capabilities for exploration, security, and commerce was the subject of a recent three-part issue brief from The Atlantic Council.)

A much larger concern with this public-private integration, which involves CLDs along with all privately developed technology in space, involves the science-design requirements considered (or overlooked) by industry in their business models. While many companies conducting basic BPS research are contracted by NASA to do so, many companies are independently developing capabilities (including for research) that could concurrently enhance public efforts if opportunities for collaboration were prominently available from the start of the research lifecycle, as recommended by the decadal survey. Such engagement would also promote interoperability between public and private systems, which will become increasingly critical as the space economy expands. To support the national research ecosystem, American companies should identify potential areas of public collaboration early in order to ensure that business models are attractive to government customers and that research platforms maintain interoperability between public and private users.

Overall, the recommendations of the 2023 BPS decadal survey are a crucial component of the path to ensuring that the 21st century yields continuous decades of scientific advancement. In particular, the next ten years stand to be transformative for improving life on our planet while simultaneously achieving a sustainable and thriving human presence beyond Earth. By strengthening the links between the public and private sectors, the very best minds and a diversity of stakeholders can be drawn into taxpayer-funded space research through a steady cadence of funding opportunities, as well as into the broader space workforce. For that reason, the goals presented in the decadal survey should be used to anchor the research priorities and business opportunities of NASA, private and public researchers, and the private space industry, with appropriate and committed support from government.

Logo of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data. Includes an 8-point compass rose in the middle with the words "Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Benevolent" at the bottom.

GeoTech Center

Championing positive paths forward that societies can pursue to ensure new technologies and data empower people, prosperity, and peace.

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Eftimiades in South China Morning Post and The Wire China Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:48:19 +0000 Nicholas Eftimiades discusses the role of intelligence operations in the strategic competition between the United States and China.

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On October 7, Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades was quoted in South China Morning Post discussing the role of intelligence operations in the strategic competition between the United States and China.

He was also quoted in The Wire China, highlighting the geopolitical implications of commercial competition over communications satellites.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Sadat in The Hill on space strategy Mon, 25 Sep 2023 18:55:00 +0000 Mir Sadat discusses the urgent need to revitalize space strategy in order to deter aggression from adversaries.

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On September 25, Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Mir Sadat was featured on The Hill stressing the need for a reconsideration of US space strategy to deter aggression by adversaries. He criticized the two-layered approach of current deterrence strategy related to space, highlighting that a new strategy is needed for establishing successful deterrence measures.

The United States’s dwindling space dominance is challenged by peer competitors and near-peer rivals who recognize, likely even more so than the American public, that America’s asymmetric advantage in orbit is also its Achilles’ heel.

Mir Sadat

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Chilton on US Space Forces-Korea in Air and Space Forces Fri, 01 Sep 2023 18:51:00 +0000 General Kevin P. Chilton discusses integrating US Space Forces-Korea into joint exercises

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On September 1, Forward Defense distinguished fellow General Kevin P. Chilton was quoted in an article in Air and Space Forces advocating for the integration of the new Space Force component, US Space Forces-Korea, into current and future joint military exercises.

The US has recognized that other countries intend to be hostile in the space domain against our capabilities, so we must both be in a position to defend and protect those capabilities and be able to hold our adversaries’ space assets at risk.

Kevin P. Chilton

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini in Longitude on the effects of program cancellation Tue, 01 Aug 2023 19:21:09 +0000 Marco Tantardini discusses the effects of program cancellation on workforce morale

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In the August 2023 Issue of Longitude, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Marco Tantardini published an article on how the uncertainty and high cost associated cancelling missions and programs in the space industry can demoralize its workforce and result in job insecurity.

Despite the salary level not being competitive with respect to the private sector, and the risk of not being renewed as a civil servant when a new office is formed is almost certain, serving can be considered as the ultimate experience in a career…

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini in Longitude on the future of human spaceflight Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:58:28 +0000 Marco Tantardini discusses the future of human spaceflight.

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In the June 2023 Issue of Longitude, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Marco Tantardini published an article on the complexity of recovering manned spacecraft from orbit and landing them on other bodies in the solar system.

Further than the Moon is Mars, where only the US and China have been capable of diving into the thin and tricky atmosphere and landing a robotic spacecraft without crashing.

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini in Longitude on the space workforce Thu, 22 Jun 2023 13:54:12 +0000 Marco Tantardini discusses the state of the space industry workforce.

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In the June 2023 Issue of Longitude, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Marco Tantardini published an article on the state of the space industry work force. He noted that the average age of many employees of aerospace companies is rising closer to retirement and that there is competition from other sectors for qualified engineers.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has about 2,400 staff members and expects that by 2030 44% of its personnel will retire.

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini in Longitude on Central and Eastern European involvement in space Fri, 05 May 2023 19:27:38 +0000 Marco Tantardini discusses the role of Eastern Europe in the space activities of the EU.

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In the May 2023 Issue of Longitude, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Marco Tantardini published an article on the budding involvement of Central and Eastern European countries in the European Space Agency and in commercial space activities. He noted that concerns about European security have been reflected in an increased focus on outer space.

It is no surprise in the current geopolitical landscape [that] the spatial activism of former Soviet Republics [is] scaling up the eastern defense flank of NATO and the EU

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Beyond launch: Harnessing allied space capabilities for exploration purposes Thu, 27 Apr 2023 13:00:49 +0000 Tiffany Vora assesses current US space exploration goals and highlights areas where US allies are positioned for integration as part of Forward Defense's series on "Harnessing Allied Space Capabilities."

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The “United States Space Priorities Framework,” released in December 2021, confirmed the White House’s commitment to American leadership in space.1 Space activities deliver immense benefits to humankind. For example, satellite imaging alone is crucial for improvements in daily life such as weather monitoring as well as for grand challenges like the fight against climate change. Such breakthrough discoveries in space pave the way for innovation and new economies on Earth. Exploration is at the cutting edge of this process: it expands humankind’s knowledge of the universe, transforming the unknown into the supremely challenging, expensive, risky, and promising. US allies and partners accelerate this transformation via scientific and technical achievements as well as processes, relationships, and a shared vision for space exploration. By integrating these allied capabilities, the United States and its allies and partners set the stage for safe and prosperous space geopolitics and economy in the decades to come.

However, harnessing the capabilities of US allies and partners for space exploration is complex, requiring the balance of relatively short-term progress with far-horizon strategy. Space exploration has changed since the US-Soviet space race of the 1960s. In today’s rapidly evolving technological and geopolitical environment, it is unclear whether the processes, relationships, and vision that previously enabled allied cooperation in space, epitomized by the International Space Station (ISS), will keep pace. Here, China is viewed as the preeminent competitor for exploration goals and capabilities—as well as the major competitor for long-term leadership in space.2 This development drives fears of space militarization and weaponization, prompting protectionist legislation, investment screening, and industrial policies that can disrupt collaboration among the United States and its key allies and partners.3 Further complication stems from the rise of commercial space, with opportunities and challenges due to the decentralization, democratization, and demonetization of technologies for robotic and crewed space exploration.

China is viewed as the preeminent competitor in space. Pictured here, the Shenzhou-14 has been used extensively by both the PLA and Chinese commercial sector. May 29, 2022. Source: China News Service

This paper serves as a primer for current US space exploration goals and capabilities that will be critical to achieving them. It highlights arenas where US allies and partners are strongly positioned to jointly accelerate space exploration while also benefitting life on Earth. This paper concludes with recommended actions—gleaned from interviews with international experts in space exploration—for the US government as well as allied and partner governments to increase the number and impact of global stakeholders in space exploration, to remove friction in collaboration, and to guide the future of space toward democratic values.

Current space exploration efforts

Over the next few decades, US and allied space exploration will integrate uncrewed (robotic) and crewed missions to achieve scientific discovery, technological advancement, economic benefits, national prestige, and planetary defense.

Concept art for NASA’s Gateway Program, includes elements from international partners and government partners. Credit : NASA

Uncrewed space exploration missions generally focus on expanding fundamental scientific knowledge and laying the foundation for future activities such as resource extraction. Collaborators include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA) and member space agencies, and the space agencies of India, Japan, South Korea, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with public-private partnerships delivering additional capabilities.4 Several missions to Mars will study the planet’s geology, atmosphere, and possible past or current life, with sample-return missions currently scheduled by NASA and the ESA for the early 2030s.5 The search for conditions suitable to life will be extended to other locations in the solar system, such as the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Robotic missions will continue to increase understanding of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, asteroids, Jupiter and its moons, and deep space. Observational studies of planets outside our solar system, black holes, comets, stars, and galaxies will be enabled by space telescopes and other imaging modalities. Uncrewed exploration goals are also being pursued by the China National Space Administration, with particular attention to its planned International Lunar Research Station.6 Note that important technological gaps in robotic space exploration—such as dust mitigation7 and space situational awareness8 —are being tackled by critical research and development by US partners and allies.

Crewed space exploration objectives for the United States and its allies and partners are encapsulated by the Moon to Mars roadmap,9 an integrated strategy that, over the next several decades, will synergize exploration goals in low-Earth orbit (LEO), cislunar space, and Mars. Within this roadmap, for which all timelines may shift, the Artemis program will return humans (including the first woman and person of color) to the Moon no earlier than 2025, with the long-term goal of establishing a sustainable human presence on the lunar surface.10 The Artemis program will use the heavy-lifter Space Launch System (SLS) and the Orion spacecraft to send astronauts and payloads to a space station in lunar orbit called the Gateway. From there, the Human Landing System will transport them to and from the Artemis Base Camp on the lunar surface (note that mission details are still being refined). The program involves crucial contributions from allied governments and industries. Hardware, software, and lessons learned from the Artemis program and other activities in LEO and on the ISS will lay the foundation for Mars:11 human exploration (generally projected for the 2030s), scientific investigation, and eventual permanent settlement.12 In particular, the Gateway serves important roles in infrastructure development (e.g., supply chains) and better understanding of the effects of extended deep-space missions on the human body—both crucial aspects of crewed space exploration.

NASA’s Artemis I rocket carrying the Orion research spacecraft, Wednesday from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Nov. 16, 2022. Source : Andrew Parlette

International partners are critical for the success of the Artemis program. They are providing expertise, technology, and funding across the spectrum from basic science and engineering to specific software and hardware mission deliverables. A few examples highlight the benefits of leveraging the capabilities of US allies and partners.13 The ESA is contributing to the construction and operation of the Gateway and the Orion service module. Canada is delivering several critical components of the Gateway,14 while Japan and the ESA are building important components of habitation modules. Navigation, tracking, and communication capabilities are key contributions from Australia; an ESA program will also provide lunar telecommunications and navigation.15 Other important hardware, subsystems, and expertise will be supplied by space agencies such as those of Italy16 and the United Kingdom. Moreover, allied companies are partners in the design, development, and deployment of capabilities underlying the Artemis program.

Today, US and allied cooperation in space rests on the Artemis Accords,17 a set of principles, guidelines, and best practices for peaceful civilian space exploration building on the Outer Space Treaty of 196718 and subsequent policies. Key principles include peaceful operations, transparency, interoperability, and commitments to deconfliction and the collaborative management of orbital debris and space resources. The original group of eight signatories in 2020 has since expanded to twenty-three as of March 2023, with representation across the globe from the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, the Indo-Pacific, and Africa.

Signatory nations host mature or developing industries directly or indirectly pertinent to space exploration (see Table 1), signaling strong potential for bilateral and multilateral collaboration. Notably, neither Russia nor China—the two largest competitors to allied space exploration—have signed, nor appear likely to sign, the Artemis Accords. Thus, it is imperative for the United States to follow through on its commitments to its allies and partners, demonstrating that it remains the partner of choice for open and transparent space exploration and scientific inquiry.

To project leadership in space exploration, the United States and its allies and partners ought to be first in returning humans to the Moon and landing astronauts on Mars. Most experts interviewed for this paper agreed that—with China and Russia also racing to these benchmarks—achieving these “firsts” is important for prestige, diplomacy, and establishing a strong foundation for a rules-based order in outer space, similar to that seen across traditional domains, with the goal of promoting long-term freedom and prosperity. Failure to achieve these “firsts” could arise due to Chinese achievements, insufficient allied funding and political will, geopolitical events, a catastrophic mission failure, or from the United States underutilizing the capabilities of its allies and partners, both in the public and private sectors. The latter becomes more likely due to protectionist policies, including caps on foreign contributions, and political interference in competition. Overall, early stakeholders in this new phase of space exploration will set the culture, norms, and standards that will underpin space activities for years to come—a major reason to strengthen the systems and processes that enable US-led collaboration with allies and partners.

Technological opportunities and challenges

There are numerous opportunities to facilitate, enrich, and expand collaboration in space exploration between the United States and its partners and allies. At the same time, important challenges hold back current efforts to harness allied capabilities, pointing to opportunities to improve collaboration in the coming years.

Allied opportunities in space exploration

Continuing to advance space exploration by both machines and humans requires costly, sophisticated, interdisciplinary technology development across sectors; this can only be done through the aggregate efforts of the United States and its allies and partners from start to finish.19 Such international cooperation, and cooperation between the public and private sectors, will not only overcome the major technical, logistical, and scientific challenges of space exploration, but also complement Earth-focused innovation initiatives in critical technologies (see Table 1).20 For example, formal and informal strategies to leverage biotechnological advances for the expansion of bioeconomies21 have been formulated for the United States,22 Germany,23 United Kingdom,24 European Union,25 India,26 and others—including China.27 Together, allied and partner space agencies play crucial roles as early funders of the science, engineering, and business development of space and space-adjacent products and services that will both benefit from and drive space exploration in the coming decades; they also serve as early (and often sole) clients for these products and services.

Autonomous robotic system28 are an illustrative example of how collaboration around a major technology objective for space exploration can overcome a series of challenges and deliver benefits across both Earth and space. Such systems rely on sophisticated integration of sensors, robotics, microelectronics, imaging, and computation. Depending on the target application, they must withstand extremes in temperature, radiation, gravity, pressure, resource constraints, and other parameters. Autonomous operation is imperative because of the vast distances that signals must travel (the one-way time delay for operating a robot on the asteroid closest to Earth that may be suitable for mining, 16 Psyche, is at least ten minutes).29 Trusted (cybersecure) autonomous robotic systems will be critical for resource extraction, safety, human health, and sustainability in space environments; related technology development is benefiting Earth-based applications such as mining, surgery, supply chains, and transportation. The European Space Resources Innovation Center—a partnership of the Luxembourg Space Agency, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, and the ESA—is running an incubation program for early projects around utilizing space resources,30 a salient example of how public and private entities can cooperate to drive capabilities for exploration and commercialization. All experts interviewed for this paper agreed that the quicker pace, receptiveness to risk, and sensitivity to costs and markets of commercial endeavors can benefit public-private partnerships for space exploration.

Challenges to allied space exploration

Despite the affordances of international cooperation, systems and processes can make it difficult to harness allied capabilities. Protectionist activity by the United States and its allies and partners can arise when a single government has made large investments in research and development, hindering the transfer of technologies, personnel, information (including unclassified information), and data across borders. Many of the technologies shown in Table 1 appear on lists of critical, emerging, and breakthrough technologies from the United States,31 European Union,32 and other public and private organizations. This complicates collaboration, as many of these technologies are dual use and under intense Chinese scrutiny/competition, and are thus subject to export regulations—in some cases, even to US allies.

A lightweight simulator version of NASA’s Resource Prospector undergoes a mobility test in a regolith bin at the agency’s Kennedy Space center in Florida. The Resource Prospector mission aims to be the first mining expedition on another world. Source: NASA/Kim Shiflett

Notably, space exploration and the technology segments in Table 1 support concentrated, high-paying jobs with strong economic impact,33 and are therefore subject to political protection from competition, from allies, and/or between the public and private sectors. For example, the US Congress’s NASA Authorization Act of 2010 called for the reuse in the SLS of components of the Space Shuttle, with reliance on legacy suppliers, infrastructure, and personnel.34 The resulting SLS is not reusable, and a single launch may cost upward of $1 billion.35 In contrast, SpaceX (one of several companies developing rockets) claims that its Starship is fully reusable, has a larger payload, has much lower development costs (which have been partially funded by NASA), and—controversially—may have operational costs of less than $10 million per launch within the next few years.36 Several experts interviewed for this paper suggested that a healthy sense of competition between the public and private sectors could encourage government space agencies to support ambitious timelines and budgets while upholding their commitment to safety.

Harnessing allied space capabilities will be key for constraining duplication of efforts and optimizing value creation, resource sharing, technology transfer, and costs. Over time, the hardware, software, and data from exploration missions will support off-Earth communities of increasing size, complexity, and duration in LEO, cislunar space, the Moon, Mars, asteroids, and beyond—underscoring the importance of harnessing allied capabilities in these technology areas for space exploration today.

Table 1: Allied and partner offerings in key space exploration technologies

This table includes select nations with a strong history of space- and/or Earth-related success within a specific technological segment (examples labeled “Now”) and/or have burgeoning commercial sectors worth examining (examples labeled “Next”). Note: This table is not exhaustive.

Recommendations and conclusions

Harnessing allied capabilities is crucial for future space exploration, with major potential benefits to life on Earth as well. The US government, working alongside allied and partner governments, should therefore consider the following next steps:

Recommendation #1: US government actors—including Congress, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security, the State Department including its Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, and the Defense Technology Security Administration in the Office of the Secretary of Defense—should reexamine and reform Export Administration Regulations. Priority should be given to potential reforms that strengthen the United States’ position as an orchestrator of complex international collaborations and supply chains, in contrast to a paradigm of the United States as a globally dominant, unilateral player. Support from executive- and ministerial-level offices is essential.

Effects include:

  • Promote removal of friction in international collaborations and public-private partnerships.
  • Enable reciprocity in cooperation (including data transfer and potential to bid).
  • Balance safety with risk.
  • Render attractive the inclusion of US companies and government bodies in allied workflows, supply chains, and markets, particularly for businesses in emerging technologies.
  • Support short-term economic and security goals as well as long-term diplomatic efforts, particularly with close allies and partners.

Recommendation #2: NASA and the National Space Council should collaborate with allied space agencies, both national and international, to identify opportunities to engage in space exploration at whatever level of contribution is individually appropriate, given the state of maturity of allied sectors (see Table 1) and geopolitics. For example, allies could contribute commodities or launch locations rather than mature costly software or hardware. Attention should be paid to maturing industries to identify opportunities for early relationships and processes that will accelerate space exploration.

Effects include:

  • Decentralization to improve the resilience of space exploration to disruptions in funding, supply chains, politics, and unexpected but highly impactful events.
  • Diplomacy and inspiration of young workers.
  • Expansion of the community of active stakeholders in space exploration aligned with democratic values, with the United States serving as the trusted partner.

Recommendation #3: The Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of the Secretary of Commerce, Department of Defense, and other US interagency actors should identify and support synergies between technology development for space exploration and for Earth-focused innovation in critical technologies. New multistakeholder (cross-border) grants, fellowships, seed funding, and prizes should be modeled on current international efforts like XPRIZE and the Deep Space Food Challenge. Programs such as the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts and the ESA Open Space Innovation Platform, which incubate early-stage innovations in space exploration, should be expanded to noncitizens.

Effects include:

  • Risk-mitigated financial support of early and maturing technologies for space exploration.
  • Exchange of human capital across public/private, international, Earth/space, and industry boundaries.

Recommendation #4: Through organizations like the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, international stakeholders in space exploration—including space agencies, companies, philanthropic groups, and nongovernmental organizations—should formulate an actionable, unified multilateral space strategy that goes beyond the Artemis Accords. For example, while the Artemis Accords recognize “the global benefits of space exploration and commerce,” they do not explicitly address commercial activity, and commercial enterprises are not signatories. Action is urgently needed, as it is conceivable that extraction and exploitation of lunar resources could begin in the very short term—in the mid 2020s. An expanded space strategy must include the commercial sector.

Effects include:

  • Identification of pathways to create/strengthen linkages among stakeholders and eliminate choke points that render exploration vulnerable to disruption and negative outcomes.
  • Establishment of rule of law and crisis-mitigation strategies spanning early crewed and uncrewed exploration missions through permanent human habitation off Earth, including commercial activity.

In conclusion, just as no one could have foreseen the precise progression from the Wright brothers’ first flight to today’s rapidly exploding telecommunications and space industrial ecosystems, one cannot expect to accurately predict the progression—or the ramifications—of today’s space exploration to tomorrow’s future. Nonetheless, international collaboration is certainly key to success. Now is the time to enhance the processes, relationships, and shared vision for space exploration, thereby expanding humankind’s knowledge of the universe, improving life on Earth, and setting the stage for a reliable, routine, and prosperous space economy for all.

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About the author

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Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

1    “United States Space Priorities Framework,” White House, December 2021,
2    “China’s Space Program: A 2021 Perspective,” State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, January 28, 2022,
3    “Rethinking Export Controls: Unintended Consequences and the New Technological Landscape,” Commentary series on expert controls, Center for a New American Security, accessed March 23, 2023,
4    “Our Missions,” European Space Agency, accessed February 14, 2023,; and Gary Daines, “Solar System Missions,” National Aeronautics and Space Administration, March 11, 2015,
5    Timothy Haltigin et al., “Rationale and Proposed Design for a Mars Sample Return (MSR) Science Program,” Astrobiology 22, no. S1, June 2022,
6    Andrew Jones, “China Outlines Pathway for Lunar and Deep Space Exploration,” SpaceNews, November 28, 2022,
7    Scott Vangen et al., “International Space Exploration Coordination Group Assessment of Technology Gaps for Dust Mitigation for the Global Exploration Roadmap,” in AIAA SPACE 2016 (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), accessed March 23, 2023,
8    Daniel L. Oltrogge and Salvatore Alfano, “The Technical Challenges of Better Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management,” Journal of Space Safety Engineering 6, no. 2 (June 1, 2019): 72–79,
9    “Moon to Mars Objectives: Executive Summary,” NASA, September 2022,
10    S. Creech, J. Guidi, and D. Elburn, “Artemis: An Overview of NASA’s Activities to Return Humans to the Moon,” 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO), Big Sky, Montana, 2022, 1–7,
11    Steve Mackwell, Lisa May, and Rick Zucker, “The Ninth Community Workshop for Achievability and Sustainability of Human Exploration of Mars (AM IX),” hosted by Explore Mars at The George Washington University, June 2022,
12    P. Kessler et al., “Artemis Deep Space Habitation: Enabling a Sustained Human Presence on the Moon and Beyond,” 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1–12,
13    Here, country/agency designations simplify complex agreements between public and private entities, sometimes across borders, showcasing the need for processes and relations that enable allied cooperation.
14    Canadian Space Agency, “Canada’s Role in Moon Exploration,” Canadian Space Agency, February 28, 2019,
15    “Moonlight,” ESA, accessed March 9, 2023,
16    Fulvia Croci, “Artemis Mission: Signed Agreement Between ASI and NASA,” ASI (blog), Italian Space Agency, June 16, 2022,
17    “The Artemis Accords: Principles for Cooperation in the Civil Exploration and Use of the Moon, Mars, Comets, and Asteroids,” NASA, October 13, 2020,
18    “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,” United Nations, 1967,
19    See “State Exploration and Innovation,” UN Office of Outer Space Affairs, annual reports on national space activities and innovation accessed March 9, 2023,
21    “Report to the President: Biomanufacturing to Advance the Bioeconomy,” US President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, December 2022,
22    White House, “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy,” White House Briefing Room, September 12, 2022,; and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, “Bold Goals for U.S. Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing: Harnessing Research and Development to Further Societal Goals,” March 2023.
23    “National Bioeconomy Strategy,” German Federal Government, July 2020,
24    “UK Innovation Strategy: Leading the Future by Creating It,” UK Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, July 22, 2021,
25    Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission), European Bioeconomy Policy: Stocktaking and Future Developments: Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2022),
26    Narayanan Suresh and Srinivas Rao Chandan, “India Bioeconomy Report 2022,” prepared for Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council by Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises, June 2022,
27    Xu Zhang et al., “The Roadmap of Bioeconomy in China,” Engineering Biology 6, no. 4 (2022): 71–81,
28    Issa A. D. Nesnas, Lorraine M. Fesq, and Richard A. Volpe, “Autonomy for Space Robots: Past, Present, and Future,” Current Robotics Reports 2, no. 3 (September 1, 2021): 251–63,
29    Smiriti Srivastava et al., “Analysis of Technology, Economic, and Legislation Readiness Levels of Asteroid Mining Industry: A Base for the Future Space Resource Utilization Missions,” New Space 11, no. 1 (2022): 21–31,
30    “ESRIC: Start-up Support Programme,” ESRIC: European Space Resources Innovation Centre, accessed March 9, 2023,
31    “Critical and Emerging Technologies List Update,” Fast Track Action Subcommittee on Critical and Emerging Technologies of the National Science and Technology Council, February 2022,
32    European Innovation Council, “Identification of Emerging Technologies and Breakthrough Innovations,” January 2022,
33    Yittayih Zelalem, Joshua Drucker, and Zafer Sonmez, “NASA Economic Impact Report 2021,” Nathalie P. Voorhees Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement, University of Illinois at Chicago, October 2022,
34    National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2010, 42 U.S.C. 18301 (2010).
35    “The Cost of SLS and Orion,” Planetary Society, accessed March 9, 2023,
36    Kate Duffy, “Elon Musk Says He’s ‘Highly Confident’ That SpaceX’s Starship Rocket Launches Will Cost Less than $10 Million within 2-3 Years,” Business Insider, February 11, 2022,

The post Beyond launch: Harnessing allied space capabilities for exploration purposes appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Integrating US and allied capabilities to ensure security in space Thu, 27 Apr 2023 13:00:31 +0000 Nicholas Eftimiades analyzes the potential benefits to US national security offered by allied integration as part of Forward Defense's series on "Harnessing Allied Space Capabilities."

The post Integrating US and allied capabilities to ensure security in space appeared first on Atlantic Council.



Over the last two decades, the world entered a new paradigm in the use of space, namely the introduction of highly capable small satellites, just tens or hundreds of kilograms in size. This paradigm has forever changed how countries will employ space capabilities to achieve economic, scientific, and national security interests. As is so often the case, the telltale signs of this global paradigm shift were obvious to more than just a few individuals or industries. Air Force Research Laboratory’s Space Vehicles Directorate began exploring the use of small satellites in the 1990s. The Air Force also established the Operationally Responsive Space program in 2007, which explored the potential use of small satellites. However, both research efforts had no impact on the US Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) satellite acquisition programs. The advancement of small satellites was largely driven by universities and small commercial start-up companies.1

The introduction of commercial and government small satellites has democratized space for states and even individuals. Space remote sensing and communications satellites, once the exclusive domain of the United States and Soviet Union, can now provide space-based services to anyone with a credit card. Eighty-eight countries currently operate satellites, and the next decade will likely see the launch of tens of thousands of new satellites.2 Commercial and government small satellites have changed outer space into a more contested, congested, and competitive environment.

The United States has shared space data with its allies since the dawn of the space age.3 Yet it also has a history of operating independently in space. Other domains of warfare and defense policy are more closely integrated between the United States and its allies and partners. The United States has military alliances with dozens of countries and strategic partnerships with many more.4 In recent years, there have been calls to coordinate with, or even integrate allied space capabilities into US national security space strategy and plans. In this regard, the US government has made significant advances. However, much work needs to be done. There is pressure on the United States to act quickly to increase national security space cooperation and integration, driven by rapidly increasing global capabilities and expanding threats from hostile nations and orbital debris.

This paper examines the potential strategic benefits to US national security of harnessing allied space capabilities and the current efforts to do so, as well as barriers to achieving success. The paper identifies pathways forward for cooperating with allies and strategic partners on their emerging space capabilities and the potential of integrating US and allied capabilities.

The security environment in space

The changing security environment in space is driving the United States and allies’ collective desire to cooperate in the national security space. Several recent statements and actions demonstrate potential adversaries’ plans and intentions to dominate the space domain. China and Russia have demonstrated offensive and defensive counterspace capabilities. In 2021, the two countries announced plans to build a joint International Lunar Research Station on the moon, although the path forward on this effort may have been impacted by the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.5 The US Space Force notes this action would give those nations control of cislunar space, an area of balanced gravity between the Earth and moon. The movement of potential adversaries to cislunar space changes the strategic environment by forcing the United States to maintain surveillance of that region of space. In addition, Russia and China have threatened to destroy entire US orbital regimes.6 China has also expressed its intention to be the world’s leading space power by 2045.7 In 2022, Chinese researcher Ren Yuanzhen of the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications led a People’s Liberation Army study to counter SpaceX’s Starlink small satellite constellation. Ren boasted they had developed a solution to destroy thousands of satellites in the constellation.8

Russian MiG-31 ‘Foxhound’ supersonic interceptor jet carrying an anti-satellite weapon during the 2018 Victory Day Parade. Source:

Benefits of collaborating in space

Collaborating may be defined as coordinating development programs and operational efforts of current or projected allied and partner space and related capabilities.9 US interests would be to ensure these programs and operational efforts support US national security space strategy and planning objectives. Allied nations’ interests are in leveraging extensive US space capabilities and establishing collective security. The United States, allies, and partners have a shared interest in establishing behavioral norms in space. Collaboration between allies in space capabilities would have numerous benefits, including the following.

Altering the calculus for offensive actions. A hostile nation or nonstate actor risks a stronger response from multiple nations when attacking a coalition (versus a single nation). If the United States and allies had interoperable or integrated space capabilities, then an attack on any single country’s space systems would no longer be solely against the United States and would have impact on the collaborating or integrated systems of allies and partners. Changing the calculus for offensive actions could lead to increased deterrence against foreign aggression: “Partner capabilities increase both resilience and the perceived cost to an adversary, when an attack on one partner is seen as an attack on all,” according to the US Air Force.10

Accessing geostrategic locations. Access to global geographic locations also provides access for ground-based space situational awareness (SSA); telemetry, tracking, and control (TT&C); and increasing launch resilience. Ground-based SSA requires globally distributed telescopes and radar systems. Allied collection systems operating in Japan, Australia, and territories of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and others ensure all partners have access to global SSA data. Given that the United States has only two major space launch facilities, natural or manmade disasters could significantly erode the US ability to provide responsive space launch. Use of allied launch facilities could lessen US reliance on limited launch sites and thus mitigate that risk.

Burden-sharing in space. Allied investments in less costly smaller satellites, along with other space technologies, would increase their security and potentially reduce the financial burden on the United States to maintain space security. There have been positive developments in this realm, including Japan’s 2022 National Security Strategy, which identified several new space systems the country intends to procure.11 Given Russia’s military aggression and the success of Space-X’s Starlink satellites in supporting Ukraine, the European Union (EU) recently adopted the proposal to develop the Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnection, and Security by Satellites (IRISS) constellation to provide broadband connectivity via up to 170 satellites.12 The system, with an expected deployment date in 2025, expects to employ quantum cryptography and be available to governments, institutions, and businesses (in 2027). Canada’s Department of National Defense is developing the Redwing optical microsat to provide space domain awareness (SDA).13

Establishing global norms and standards. The space domain lacks adequate rules of the road to regulate the behavior of spacefaring nations. As the United States and its allies and partners coordinate and perhaps integrate national security space systems, they also are in the position to shape norms and increase pressure on potential adversaries to accept global standards for acceptable space behavior.

Crisis management in space. Several allies have expressed the need to ensure their strategic autonomy—that is, not being wholly dependent on the United States and therefore free to act in their own interests. The EU’s IRISS “system aims to enhance European strategic autonomy, digital sovereignty, and competitiveness.”14 Still, institutions such as NATO and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue offer an avenue to explore collective options for crisis management in space by establishing agreed-upon terminology, codes of conduct, and response policies and procedures for emergencies or crises in the space domain.

Resiliency in the face of conflict. While seemingly unlikely, a conflict in the space domain would result in attrition of space-based services. Yet, unlike in other domains, a stockpile of space systems does not exist. The emerging commercial small satellite market now provides an opportunity for resiliency in space systems. Interoperable or integrated use of allied and US government and commercial space capabilities would provide improved resiliency in response to accident or attack.15

China and Russia have proposed constructing a Sino-Russo International Lunar Research Sation, a joint modular project proposed to strengthen international security cooperation and the monetization of space for both nations. Source:

Bolstering industrial partnerships and reducing supply chain vulnerabilities. If cybersecurity standards are put in place, integrating allied manufacturing capabilities could diversify the US supply chain and reduce existing vulnerabilities. As a first step, the space-industrial supply chain must transition away from China and toward US allies and partners, who would then be able to enhance their production capabilities by contributing to interoperable or integrated space and associated systems. However, despite a long record of international procurement collaboration between the United States and its allies and partners, the outcomes of past programs have often been mixed.16

Existing efforts toward allied integration

Collaboration does not merely mean standardization and interoperability. Rather, the effort to create an overall US and allied space vision is a necessary first step in integrating allied space capabilities in order to obtain interoperability. Through various partnerships and efforts, the US Space Force has led efforts with six allies and partners to create a unified vision for national security space cooperation.

Combined space operations vision 2031

In 2022, the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom signed the Combined Space Operations (CSpO) Vision 2031, which aims to “generate and improve cooperation, coordination, and interoperability opportunities to sustain freedom of action in space, optimize resources, enhance mission assurance and resilience, and prevent conflict.” This shared vision establishes a framework to guide individual and collective efforts.17

CSpO participants’ shared-objectives effort is a framework to guide individual national and collective efforts:

  • Develop and operate resilient, interoperable architectures to enable space mission assurance and unity of effort.
  • Enhance command, control, and communications capabilities and other operational linkages among CSpO participants.
  • Foster responsible military behaviors, discourage irresponsible behavior, and avoid escalation.
  • Collaborate on strategic communications efforts.
  • Share intelligence and information.
  • Professionalize space cadres and training.18

Training to fight together

Since 2018, the United States has been integrating allies and partners into space warfighting plans, most notably through Operation Olympic Defender, a US effort to synchronize with spacefaring nations to deter hostile acts in space. The annual Schriever Wargame—designed to explore critical space issues and advance space support across domains—also allows select allies and partners to coordinate defense-related space activities with the United States. In August 2022, US Space Command conducted its Global Sentinel exercise, which serves as US Space Command’s premier security cooperation effort, with twenty-five participating countries. Over a one-week period, this series simulated scenarios focused on enhancing international partnerships, understanding procedures and capabilities, and integrating global SSA. These scenarios further allow participants to understand allies’ and partners’ capabilities and operating procedures, serving as a foundation for future collaboration.19

Multinational and joint military space operators stand for a photo in the Combined Space Operations Center after the safe return of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program Demonstration Mission 2. Source: US Air Force

To date, the joint training efforts between the United States and its allies have been limited to tabletop exercises, thereby restricting participants’ experience in real-world applications of offensive and defensive counterspace measures. Tabletop exercises do not test capabilities or demonstrate how well an ally or partner might perform in crises or conflict scenarios. Space capabilities are integrated into major military exercises conducted with allies but do not address offensive or defensive counterspace measures.20

Challenges and barriers to integration

While the United States recognizes the value of working with allies and partners in the space domain, myriad hurdles stand in the way to fully realize the competitive advantage space alliances and partnerships offer.

In total, US allies could bring a significant fraction of US capabilities. A systemic problem is how to leverage those capabilities in a coherent way. Limited coordination limits the values of those allied capabilities. Those capabilities are only additive to United States if there is good integration and understanding on how they will have a contributing effect.21

Lack of strategy to execute the vision for space. While a shared vision exists among the defense establishments of select allies and partners, there is little in the way of strategy or planning to fully realize that vision. Perhaps the greatest problem with the US approach to working with its allies and partners in space is that there is no coherent strategy for integrating allied space capabilities. Several subject matter experts interviewed for this study noted US public statements around the value of and desire to integrate allies, yet no interviewee was able to identify an existing strategy or plan to do so at any level of US government.

Bureaucratic impediments. Collaborating with allies is far easier than integrating multinational space capabilities. Allied integration must be done through a national-level strategy, integrating what, to date, are largely disconnected efforts between the National Space Council, National Security Council, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, US Space Command, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the Department of State. While each organization is credited with making strides in integrating allies (with varying degrees of success), the efforts are disjointed and lack connectivity and unified goals and strategy.22

Mind the gap. Allies and partners are attempting to understand existing gaps in the US national security space architecture and the capabilities they could provide to fill those gaps. Ironically, the CSpO Vision 2031 states that allies will collaborate “through identification of gaps and collaborative opportunities.” With the onus almost exclusively placed on the ally or partner, interviewees noted nations’ repeated requests to the United States to identify capability gaps in its projected architectures. The lack of information is due to the sensitivity of US defense gaps, with classified information making it more feasible for allies and partners to provide add-on capabilities rather than fully integrating assets.

Some level of gap analysis should be done by the United States to identify the niche areas that allies and partners could fill in the national security space architecture. That analysis should cover a period of at least five to ten years, thereby allowing allies to budget, develop, and deploy capabilities. Identifying capability gaps as requested by allies would ensure a future interoperable or integrated architecture. Primary focus areas should include space situational awareness, on-orbit servicing, communications, positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT), and cybersecurity. Each of these areas are baseline capabilities that should be interoperable or integrated between the United States and its allies and partners.23

Classification issues. There exists a widespread belief that the United States’ overclassification of intelligence is hindering US and allied space security. This issue has been publicly acknowledged by several senior US military leaders. Misclassification might be a better word to describe the problem. In addition, the US system for sharing intelligence is cumbersome, requiring an exception to the normal production processes to share intelligence with allies. Experts (including myself) note cases where sharing space-related intelligence with allies was difficult due solely to organizational culture, established processes, poorly administered policies, and other bureaucratic impediments.24

The H-IIA rocket lifts off from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan. The H-IIA has been supporting satellite launch missions as a major large-scale launch vehicle with high reliability. Source: NASA

Many of these classification-related problems have existed for decades—and the United States should not wait to figure out how to share information until its hand is forced by a crisis or war. There is an inability to share information, particularly information that can be integrated into a kill chain for weapon systems. The United States has integrated information-sharing systems in other warfighting environments, but as of yet, not in space. This lack of imagination even spreads down to the US combatant commands (COCOMs): allied integration would be enhanced if US COCOMs had joined with allied space personnel providing integrated PNT and communications.25 Moreover, the US Space Force could deploy space attachés to select embassies, perhaps under the Office of Defense Cooperation, to further embed space security interests across the globe. 26

Communications and data integration. After spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build the Joint Mission System to track satellites and space debris, the US Department of Defense still has no automated means to seamlessly integrate SSA data provided by allies into the US space surveillance system. One particularly high-level interview with a close ally called out the biggest issue as being communications, noting that it is impossible to discuss interoperable deterrence until this issue is addressed.27

Fifteen NATO members recently signed a memorandum of understanding to launch a Space Center of Excellence in Toulouse, France. This body could provide a mechanism for data integration and operational coordination. The Toulouse center is in addition to the already operating NATO Space Centre at Allied Air Command in Ramstein, Germany, which serves as a single point for the requests and production of NATO space products.28 As of February 2023, the US and Canadian governments are not founding members of the Toulouse Space Center effort.

Case study: US-Japanese space integration

While allied integration has seen success across other warfighting domains, the same cannot be said for the space domain.29 Space collaboration with Japan is illustrative of the challenges in integrating efforts.

Overclassification of information related to US programs and operation capabilities makes allied integration even more difficult. For example, France and Japan have publicly stated their intentions to build geo satellites for space domain awareness. Currently, a strategy to coordinate those systems with the operating US geosynchronous space situational awareness program (GSSAP) does not exist, demonstrating a lack of plans for data sharing, burden sharing, or coordination of mission operations.30 However, Japan and the United States have agreed that space domain awareness data will be shared between the Japan Air-Self Defense Force and US Space Command starting in federal year 2023.

In 2022, the government of Japan approached the United States about its interest in playing a role in the Space Development Agency’s “Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture,”31 as Japan intends to launch a similar constellation of satellites for missile defense purposes. However, the United States has been unresponsive to Japan on how it could achieve integration. This is partly because the United States maintains concerns about Japan’s level of information security, despite Japan’s commitment to “strengthen and reinforce information security practices and infrastructure.”32 Yet, Japan has the world’s third largest defense budget and is a spacefaring nation with launch infrastructure, years of experience, and advanced satellite manufacturing capabilities. In addition, Japan faces increasing threats from China and North Korea, providing incentive to expand its security relationship with the United States.33 In 2010, the United States came to agreement with Japan to integrate SSA sensors into the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) PNT system.34 However, to date, there is no plan on how to integrate the data.35

Overclassification of US intelligence is hindering cooperation with allies and partners. Two controllers work in the Global Strategic Warning and Space Surveillance System Center. Source: US Air Force

Policy recommendations

There are several key actions the United States can take to integrate allies and partners into national security space efforts.

Recommendation #1: The US Space Force should conduct a gap analysis to guide allied investments into space capabilities, prioritizing capabilities such as SSA, on-orbit servicing, communications, PNT, and cybersecurity. This gap analysis should identify in which areas the United States wants to collaborate with allies, identify opportunities for interoperability, and which areas are open to integration of capabilities.

Recommendation #2: It would benefit the US Space Force to have an outside entity analyze its internal policies, procedures, bureaucratic obstacles, and human capital levels to determine why the effort to integrate allies has been so minimally effective.

Recommendation #3: The US National Space Council should lead an interagency working group to develop a US government integrated strategy that establishes goals for and metrics to assess US and allied space capabilities and integration efforts.

Recommendation #4: The US Department of Defense and Office of the Director of National Intelligence should form a working group to establish best practices for sharing classified information with allies.

Recommendation #5: US Space Command should develop real-world exercises with allies and partners to test SDA, electronic warfare, and space control capabilities—all of which will be critical to deterring and, if necessary, responding to future space conflicts.

Recommendation #6: The US Departments of Defense and State should work toward consistency of approach in terms of governance of space activities, including through establishment of multilateral engagement and national regulations to allow flexibility and transportability of launch access at short notice.

Recommendation #7: The National Security Council should lead an interagency effort to establish consistency of national regulations between allies and partners (comparable laws and/or standards) so that systems and operations are transferable and receive mutual recognition and acceptance.


The United States and its allies and partners are moving toward sharing SSA data, understanding each other’s policies and procedures, and collaborating on space operations. Still, much work needs to be done to expand collaboration and achieve interoperability (if desired) between rising space powers. Without a strong indication from the US government of what exactly it wants from its allies and partners—as well as what it is prepared to give in return—the United States will not be able to effectively harness the competitive advantages offered by allied space capabilities. It is incumbent on the United States and its allies to immediately embark on a way forward to jointly ensure a safe and secure environment in space. Failure to change current practices and act in a timely fashion will lead to increased space threats and diminished national and economic security.

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About the author

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Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

1    The pioneer in small-satellite design and production at this time was Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) of Surrey University, United Kingdom.
2    Nicholas Eftimiades, “Small Satellites: The Implications for National Security,” Atlantic Council, May 5, 2022,
3    Examples include remote sensing and the global positioning system (GPS).
4    Claudette Roulo, “Alliances vs. Partnerships,” US Department of Defense, March 22, 2019,
5    “International Lunar Research Station Guide for Partnership”, Vol. 1.0, June 2021, ; Andrew Jones, “China Seeks New Partners for Lunar and Deep Space Exploration,” Space News, September 8, 2022,; and “International Lunar Research Station Guide for Partnership,” China National Space Administration, Vol. 1.0, June 2021,
6    Matthew Mowthorpe, “Space Resilience and the Importance of Multiple Orbits, The Space Review, January 3, 2023,
7    Ma Chi, “China Aims to Be World-leading Space Power by 2045,” China Daily (state-owned daily), November 17, 2017,
8    Stephen Chen, “China Military Must Be Able to Destroy Elon Musk’s Starlink Satellites if hey Threaten National Security: Scientists,” South China Morning Post, May 25, 2022,
9    Note that related capabilities could include software, sensors, SSA systems, ground stations, etc.
10    Curtis E. Lemay Center for Counterspace Operations, “Counterspace Operations,” US Air Force, Last Updated, January 25, 2021
11    National Security Strategy of Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Provisional Translation, December 2022,
12    Andrew Jones, “European Union to Build Its Own Satellite-internet Constellation,”, Future Publishing, March 1, 2023,
13    David Pugliese, “Canadian Military Orders Space Surveillance Micro Satellite,” Space News, March 10, 2023.
14    “Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnection and Security by Satellites (IRISS) Constellation,” European Parliament (video), in Jones, “European Union to Build Its Own Satellite-internet Constellation,”, segment between 47 seconds and 55 seconds,
15    B. Bragg, ed., “Allied/Commercial Capabilities to Enhance Resilience,” NSI Inc., December 2017,
16    A successful example of coordinated global defense production includes the F-35, which is produced by over 1,900 companies based in the United States and ten additional nations. See “A Trusted Partner to Europe: F-35 Global Partnership,” Lockheed Martin (video),
17    Theresa Hitchens, “US, Close Allies Sign ‘Call to Action’ in Space Defense,” Breaking Defense, February 22, 2022,
18    US Department of Defense, “Combined Space Operations Vision 2031,” February 2022,
19    “25 Nations Participate in Global Sentinel 22,” US Space Command, August 3, 2022,
20    For example, such military exercises include Balikatan, Cobra Gold, Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC), Northern Edge, Saber Strike, and Talisman Sabre.
21    Off-the-record online interview by the author with a close US ally, November 30, 2022.
22    Interviewees noted difficulties in the US internal coordination efforts between the US Space Force’s conduct of international relations, US Department of Defense acquisition, and national and defense policy formulation.
23    Note that on-orbit servicing is not a baseline capability, but should eventually become one.
24    The author travelled with then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who was pursuing establishment of an intelligence exchange with a foreign country; the effort had limited success because the ODNI was unable to get analysts to release data. Notably, intelligence community information systems use “No Foreign Dissemination” as a default setting in the production of intelligence products; foreign disclosure of intelligence requires additional effort. It also should be noted that interviews conducted for this study with US and allied officials did not uncover any instances where space or related systems (or a national interest) were damaged due to overclassification of space intelligence.
25    This is the case at US INDOPACOM. See “Space Force Presents Forces to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command,” Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs, US Air Force (website), November 23, 2022,
26    Space Force already deploys a few liaison officers globally.
27    Off-the-record online interview by the author with a close US ally, December 5, 2022.
28    NATO, “NATO’s Approach to Space,” last updated February 16, 2023,
29    An example of integrated international military operations would be the NATO International Security Armed Forces (ISAF) in Afghanistan. At its height, ISAF was more than 130,000 strong, with troops from fifty-one NATO and partner nations.
30    GSAP is a US geosynchronous space surveillance system, which operates like a space-based SSA system.
31    “The Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture” is a layered network of military satellites and supporting elements; the architecture was formerly known as the “National Defense Space Architecture.”
32    “Joint Statement of the Security Consultative Committee (‘2+2’),” Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2,
33    John Hill (deputy assistant secretary for space and missile defense, US Department of Defense), telephone interview with the author, January 2023.
34    QZSS operates at the same frequency and same timing as GPS. This service can be used in an integrated way with GPS for highly precise positioning. The additional US sensor is unknown.
35    Paul McLeary and Theresa Hitchens, “US, Japan to Ink Hosted Payload Pact to Monitor Sats,” Breaking Defense, August 5, 2019,

The post Integrating US and allied capabilities to ensure security in space appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Harnessing allied space capabilities Thu, 27 Apr 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Forward Defense experts examine how US space strategy can recognize the comparative advantage of allies and partners in space and best harness allied capabilities.

The post Harnessing allied space capabilities appeared first on Atlantic Council.


The United States’ vast network of alliances and partnerships offers a competitive advantage—this is especially evident in outer space. Often characterized as a global commons, space holds value for all humankind across commercial, exploration, and security vectors. As technological advancements trigger a proliferation in spacefaring nations, the United States and its allies and partners are confronted with new challenges to and opportunities for collective action.

This series examines how US space strategy can recognize the comparative advantages of allies and partners in space and best harness allied capabilities:

Robert Murray examines the state of the commercial space market and key drivers, considering how government investments in enabling activities can support broader national imperatives.

Tiffany Vora analyzes current US space exploration goals and the capabilities that will be critical to achieving them, highlighting arenas where US allies and partners are strongly positioned for integration.

Nicholas Eftimiades assesses the potential benefits to US national security offered by allied integration, identifying pathways for cooperating with allies and partners on their space capabilities.

The way forward for US and allied coordination in space

Several common themes emerge across this series. First, outer space is characterized by a transforming landscape and market. Commercial tech advancements—including the introduction of small satellites, advancements in Earth observation and asteroid mining, and the rise of space tourism—drive the development of what Murray terms the “NewSpace” market. The way in which the United States and its allies do business in space is changing, with the private sector leading in capability development and the government becoming the consumer. The burgeoning space sector, totaling $464 billion in 2022, is attracting allies and adversaries alike to invest in and expand their space operations. Strategic competitors recognize they can now target US and allied commercial and national security imperatives from space.

Second, this increasingly competitive environment further accentuates the value of alliances and partnerships in space. As Vora highlights, US and allied cooperation in space today rests on the Artemis Accords, which advances shared principles for space activity, and is a key mechanism for the international transfer of expertise, technology, and funding. The US Department of Defense also houses the Combined Space Operations Vision 2031, which offers a framework to guide collective efforts with several allies, and a host of collaborative exercises and wargames. Eftimiades describes the cross-cutting benefits of this collaboration: it alters the decision calculus for hostile actors, threatening a response from a coalition of nations; offers the ability to share capabilities, responsibilities, and geostrategic locations; and creates consensus in setting the norms for responsible space behavior. Current collective efforts in the space domain are limited, albeit expanding, considering the benefit allies and partners bring to the table.

Third, in order to promote stronger collaboration among the United States and its key allies and partners, it is necessary to address and overcome the barriers that stand in the way. Vora identifies protectionist policies and regulations that act as hurdles to the transfer of key technologies and information. Murray explains that lengthy government contract timelines, coupled with insufficient investment in technologies critical to NewSpace, hinder US and allied commercial advancement. Eftimiades argues that the United States has yet to articulate a strategy for space coordination, highlighting a lack in transparency with allies and partners on capability and data gaps.

The authors put forth ideas to pave the way forward for US and allied space development. Recommendations for the United States and its allies and partners include conducting gap analysis on where allied investments can complement existing US capabilities, establishing a “space bank” to support NewSpace actors, and formulating a US and allied strategy for space development, building upon the Artemis Accords. To maintain its competitive advantage in space, the United States cannot go at it alone.

Read the full papers:


To produce this report, the authors conducted a number of interviews and consultations. Listed below are some of the individuals consulted and whose insights informed this report. The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily represent the views of the individuals consulted. Moreover, the named individuals participated in a personal, not institutional, capacity.

  • Allen Antrobus, strategy director, air and space, Serco
  • John Beckner, chief executive officer, Horizon Technologies
  • Dr. Mariel Borowitz, associate professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Steven J. Butow, director, space portfolio, Defense Innovation Unit
  • Chris Carberry, chief executive officer and co-founder, Explore Mars
  • Darren Chua, EY space tech consulting partner and Oceania innovation leader, Ernst & Young Australia
  • Kenneth Fischer, director for business development North America, Thales Alenia Space
  • David Fogel, nonresident senior fellow, Forward Defense, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council
  • Dr. Yasuhito Fukushima, senior research fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies, Japan
  • Peter Garretson, senior fellow in defense studies, American Foreign Policy Council
  • Sqn Ldr Neal Henley, chief of staff, Joint Force Space Component, UK Space Command
  • John Hill, deputy assistant secretary of defense for space and missile defense, US Department of Defense
  • Komei Isozaki, Japan Chair fellow, Hudson Institute
  • Mat Kaplan, senior communications adviser, The Planetary Society
  • Cody Knipfer, director of government engagement, GXO, Inc.
  • Dr. Jerry Krasner, independent consultant, US Department of Defense
  • Massimiliano La Rosa, director, marketing, sales, and business, Thales Alenia Space
  • Ron Lopez, president and managing director, Astroscale U.S. Inc.
  • Douglas Loverro, president, Loverro Consulting, LLC; former deputy assistant secretary of defense for space policy, US Department of Defense
  • Russ Matijevich, chief innovation officer, Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Inc.
  • Jacob Markish, vice president, strategy and corporate development, Thales North America
  • Brig Gen Bruce McClintock, USAF (ret.), lead, RAND Space Enterprise Initiative, RAND Corporation
  • Col Christopher Mulder, USAF, active-duty officer, US Air Force; 2020-2021 senior US Air Force fellow, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council
  • Dr. Eliahu Niewood, vice president, Air and Space Forces Center, MITRE Corporation
  • Dr. Jana Robinson, managing director, Prague Security Studies Institute
  • Audrey Schaffer, director for space policy, National Security Council
  • Paul Szymanski, director, Space Strategies Center
  • Dr. Christian Willmes, doctor of philosophy, University of Oxford

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About the authors

Robert Murray
Senior Lecturer and Director, Master of Science in Global Innovation and Leadership Program, Johns Hopkins University

Watch the launch event

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini in Longitude on the competition for Cislunar space. Tue, 25 Apr 2023 14:26:50 +0000 Marco Tantardini discusses the future of lunar and cislunar space missions.

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In the April 2023 Issue of Longitude, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Marco Tantardini published an article on the history and future of lunar and Cislunar or xGEO (the area between the Earth geosynchronous orbit and the Moon) space missions. Tantardini discusses how this zone could become the next frontier of economic and security competition.

Some strategic thinkers are looking at xGEO not only as a destination, but in the context of Earth-centric disputes. Backup satellites could be stored at higher orbits, as a strategic reserve

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini in Longitude on the future of suborbital travel. Tue, 28 Mar 2023 22:47:00 +0000 Marco Tantardini discusses the future of point-to-point rocket travel

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In the March 2023 Issue of Longitude, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Marco Tantardini published an article on the future of point-to-point suborbital travel and transportation. As the cost of launch decreases, Tantardini discussed how the private market for rocket travel and transportation may evolve.

The coming of the point-to-point suborbital age will also have impacts that are neither merely linked to transportation, nor economy related, but on the deep bond that humankind has with its home: Earth

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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How a fleet of private satellites can help secure the US military’s future Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:50:48 +0000 The US military's satellites are "fat juicy targets." Working with commercial satellite owners on creating a reserve fleet will help the United States bolster itself against attacks.

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The US Space Force has started looking at setting up a civilian reserve satellite fleet. Officially titled the Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve (CASR), this collection of commercial satellites would be dedicated to assisting the military during emergencies in which the Department of Defense’s (DOD) satellite capabilities fall short. Assembling such a fleet is wise, as the Pentagon’s highly sophisticated, expensive large satellites are critical to the military’s functions; but they’re also “fat juicy targets” because of their high vulnerability to adversary anti-satellite weapons (ASATs), as General John Hyten said in 2017 when he was vice chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The Biden administration’s recent National Defense Strategy set the DOD on a mission to reduce adversaries’ disruptive ability by “fielding diverse, resilient, and redundant satellite constellations.”

The announcement of the CASR represents the logical next step for bolstering defense in space. Moving forward, a civilian reserve satellite fleet could, in alignment with the Biden administration’s “deterrence by resilience” goals, minimize the fallout from hostile action against US satellite networks and thus reduce the temptation for adversaries to mount an attack.

The US military has relied on satellites for more than thirty years. From Global Positioning System-enabled, precision-guided munitions that helped the US military destroy Iraqi tanks to spy satellites that helped track down al-Qaeda training camps, space assets were a crucial part of the first Gulf War and war on terror.

China and Russia recognize how much the US military depends on satellites. Both have developed a wide range of ASAT capabilities that can disable or destroy US space assets. These capabilities include electronic warfare, cyber operations, jamming, directed energy, and destructive kinetic ASAT weapons. China also possesses commercial and scientific satellites with maneuvering capabilities that could serve as ASATs by violently colliding with US space assets.

To mitigate the threat from adversary ASATs, the US Space Development Agency is bolstering space resiliency by purchasing hundreds of small (and cheap) low-Earth orbit satellites. Rather than relying on large, expensive geosynchronous-orbit satellites, this new approach will require any adversary seeking to disrupt US space capabilities to knock out not just a few exquisite satellites but a few hundred small satellites.

By announcing CASR, the United States is beginning to take steps to improve its resilience even more: Rather than relying on government-owned space assets numbering in the hundreds, the United States is hoping to enlist massive commercial satellite constellations numbering in the tens of thousands for use in emergencies.

Commercial satellites have proven their utility for security purposes during the war in Ukraine. SpaceX’s Starlink is providing the Ukrainian military with high-speed internet, allowing forces to stay in contact with each other and with Ukrainian high command. It also allows units to deploy weapons systems such as precision-guided artillery, drones, and loitering munitions. Commercial satellites have also tracked the Russian military buildup and revealed Russian atrocities in the Ukrainian cities of Izyum and Bucha. The Ukraine example shows that a civil reserve satellite fleet would thus not only increase resiliency but also expand capabilities that the US military can draw upon in times of crisis.

A civil reserve fleet is not a new concept. The US Air Force has the Civil Reserve Air Fleet, which allows the United States to expand its capacity quickly during wars or national emergencies. In twenty-first-century warfare, militaries are exceedingly reliant on a stream of satellite-provided data and services. A civil reserve satellite fleet will ensure that stream remains steady.

In setting up a civil reserve satellite fleet, the US government should do the following:

  1. Create a preferential contract award system for private-sector participants in the program.
  2. Create fixed payment structures for the services private-sector participants provide.
  3. Indemnify companies for financial losses sustained as a result of participation.

These steps would create financial carrots for satellite operators while simultaneously lowering risk, incentivizing them to participate. The payments and preferential contract awards that this program would provide can serve as crucial support for many smaller satellite and launch companies; with the US government serving as an anchor client, space companies would have the time and capital they need to grow a civilian client base. That could make the difference between commercial success or failure.

Corporations should participate in the following ways:

  1. Maintain a significant percentage of satellite constellations capable of providing communications and intelligence-gathering services on short demand to the US military.
  2. Commit to providing the US government with access to satellite networks if called upon during a conflict or emergency.

Doing so would provide the US military with the resiliency it needs to deter aggression in space, and, should deterrence fail, fight and win.

The US government and corporations should work together in the following ways:

  1. Create common software and hardware standards to allow communication between government and commercial satellites and receivers.
  2. Assign specific roles to participating commercial satellites in the event of crisis.
  3. Conduct military exercises using commercial satellites to improve the efficiency of the system and demonstrate its capabilities to adversaries.

Unlike many other technologies that the military procures, commercial satellites have already proven their utility. The United States should prioritize formalizing its relationship with satellite providers so that, should an emergency arise, the satellites of the civil reserve fleet will be ready to immediately and seamlessly support US warfighters.

Aidan Poling is a research analyst at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. In fall 2022, he was a young global professional in the Forward Defense practice at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

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Sadat and Siegel cited in RAND Fri, 27 Jan 2023 20:05:10 +0000 On January 25, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat and Assistant Director Julia Siegel’s issue brief on space traffic management (STM) was cited in a RAND report on cross-domain lessons for STM.

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On January 25, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat and Assistant Director Julia Siegel’s issue brief on space traffic management (STM) was cited in a RAND report on cross-domain lessons for STM.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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How the US and its allies should respond to evolving space threats Thu, 12 Jan 2023 21:21:04 +0000 Adversaries are changing the ways they disrupt or destroy US and allied space operations. Our experts give their sense of the latest challenges to security.

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Technological developments are transforming the military’s use of the space domain. Formerly reliant on large, expensive space systems, militaries are now harnessing megaconstellations of small satellites to protect national security, while reusable launch vehicles are making space exploration cheaper. Moreover, as demonstrated by Ukraine’s use of commercial satellite services throughout the war with Russia, countries do not necessarily need to own space assets themselves to reap their benefits.

Now, adversaries aiming to disrupt or destroy US and allied space operations are moving away from physical attacks and toward cyber attacks, electronic warfare, and jamming. Below, the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense experts give their sense of the latest challenges to space security and how the United States must face the future.

Jump to an expert reaction

Clementine Starling: Prepare for unexpected attacks from competitors—and clashes with debris

Christopher P. Mulder: Look out for Chinese space developments

Marco Tantardini: Watch the democratization of space, as capabilities may fall into the wrong hands

Julia Siegel: Beware the regulatory vacuum

Watch more

Prepare for unexpected attacks from competitors—and clashes with debris

The United States should join with spacefaring allies and partners to urgently address two serious challenges for the future of the space domain. First, the proliferation of orbital space debris is a major threat to future space activity if not mitigated effectively. Tens of thousands of large pieces of debris (ten centimeters or above) and millions of smaller pieces exist in low-Earth orbit (LEO), which can be catastrophic for space missions. The challenge of existing debris is compounded by the creation of new debris from anti-satellite (ASAT) tests. Russia’s dangerous ASAT test in November 2021, which created debris that put seven astronauts and cosmonauts in danger, demonstrates the impact of flagrant debris creation.

In addition, with the growth of commercial satellite capabilities and demand, the number of satellites in already-crowded orbits is projected to grow exponentially. If Kessler’s Syndrome is to be believed, the amount of debris in orbit could reach a point where it just creates more and more space debris—and if LEO becomes too dangerously crowded, the United States will be hard-pressed to launch into and conduct safe activity in outer space. While some progress has been made to mitigate orbital debris, the impending challenge of increasingly congested orbits requires better international coordination and alignment of regulatory frameworks.

Second, the proliferation of counterspace capabilities creates ongoing threats to space security that the United States must prioritize addressing in order to ensure the continuance of its space activity. The United States is reliant on space for all manner of things critical to its security, including positioning and navigation; civil and military communications; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; and tracking, assessing, and communicating military commands. China and Russia understand the asymmetric nature of the United States’ reliance on space for defense and security purposes and thus are increasingly developing counterspace capabilities to place US space and terrestrial assets at risk. China’s and Russia’s development and testing of direct-ascent ASAT capabilities and soft-kill satellite attacks such as dazzling and lasing should be carefully studied.

The United States must continue to lead the international community in setting norms and standards for safe and responsible space conduct and to enhance the resiliency of its space and ground-based assets, especially for US missile early warning, data relay, and electronic intelligence satellites that adversaries could place at risk.

Clementine G. Starling is the director of the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security

Look out for Chinese space developments

China’s multi-faceted and accelerated approach to conquering the space domain is the greatest challenge and gravest threat for the foreseeable future. In 2016, Chinese leader Xi Jinping stated that becoming an aerospace power has “always been the dream” for China. That dream requires China to dominate the domain and increase its influence over other countries’ policy decisions. With China’s desire to achieve this end state by 2045, the United States will require a “North Star vision” and “whole-of-nation action plan” to remain in the lead, wrote the authors of the State of the Space Industrial Base 2022 report.

China’s space ascension has military, economic, and political implications. After all, China’s race to become the leading space power is one critical step toward becoming a global superpower. To accomplish this, China is employing its entire suite of means and resources in space to advance its global ambitions, putting humanity at risk on Earth and in space. One way the United States can specifically counter Chinese investments is by ensuring that it has a resilient space-launch capability. When the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) became reliant on Russia for astronaut space launches in 2011 after the Space Shuttle program was retired, the United States quickly realized the national security implications. Thankfully, there are now more players in the cargo and human space-launch arena. However, with China’s clear space aspirations, the United States continues to accept too much space-launch risk in the form of supply-chain disruptions, reliance on China’s rare earth minerals, tainted rocket fuel, and limited US launch locations—all of which threaten the sustainability of the country’s space missions.

The most logical path forward for the United States is to radically improve space-security cooperation across most space activities. Limiting the risk involved in space launch is a good place to start—that can be done by boosting supply-chain, rare-earth-mineral, and rocket-fuel resiliency with allies and partners. Moreover, the United States can utilize or develop alternate launch locations and new space-launch technologies with other leading spacefaring countries. If the United States is unable to access space (with cargo or human flight), it will inevitably hand over the space keys to China. 

Christopher P. Mulder served as the 2020–2021 US Air Force fellow at the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. He now serves at the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of the US government or other organization.

Watch the democratization of space, as capabilities may fall into the wrong hands

The entities possessing space capabilities once constituted a very small and exclusive club. But this is no longer the case, as the cost of “membership” is decreasing quickly. For example, the development and demonstration of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 vehicle wound up costing up to ten times less than NASA had projected, demonstrating a shift toward cheaper production and space launch—a shift that has only become steeper with time. Furthermore, the technical workforce capable of building a rocket and launch pad from scratch is now widely available across the world and, often, just one LinkedIn connection away. In addition, space personnel—from the West and the East—are much more mobile than in the past decades. The growing accessibility of this sector is putting space capabilities in new hands, with about seventy countries hosting national space agencies and more than ten thousand space companies in existence globally.

While such advancements have fostered great strides in humankind’s development of outer space, they are also making space accessible to myriad new actors, including malign actors who aim to leverage space for nefarious purposes. Moreover, the small launch vehicle industry in the Western world has been unable to keep up with the proliferation of human resources proficient in space technology; with a proportionally larger space workforce, more experts are willing to work as consultants across myriad smaller projects, including on jobs offered by non-aligned countries, putting US and allied space resources and knowledge in the wrong hands. This means that “space terrorism” could emerge as a large challenge in the next decade. Organized groups, operating through a network of small cells, could acquire the capacity to deliver small objects in LEO, thereby enabling them to detonate rudimentary devices in order to disrupt space operations and destabilize a growing economic sector.

In the case that deterrence fails, the United States and its allies and partners should be prepared to quickly respond to terrorist activities in space. To do so, US and allied strategy and operative plans must support a timely reaction in the event that one or multiple bombs are discovered to be in orbit. If disabling kinetic weapons in space proves unsuccessful, the United States must prevent a potential snowball effect by developing the capability to quickly clean debris created from attacks. Robotic explosive ordnance disposal squads and space firefighters must be ready to be called upon for duty to ensure such a scenario never becomes reality. 

Marco Tantardini is a nonresident senior fellow at the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and a former advisor for space policy to the Italian government.

Beware the regulatory vacuum

Current space governance is far behind the wave of technological advancement sweeping the domain. Proliferated LEO, or building megaconstellations of small satellites in LEO, is crowding the orbit and could render it unusable in the decades to come. Spacefaring entities are also trekking further into the galaxy and considering how to utilize and preserve cislunar space—or the space between Earth and the Moon’s orbit. With industry leading the way, the commercialization of space is driving down the cost of launch and revolutionizing both who can operate in space and for what purposes. However, the $386 billion global space economy remains inadequately protected and, as General James Cartwright noted at our latest Forward Defense Forum, “where there is money, there is mischief.” In the absence of regulation, outer space is at the mercy of revisionist rivals China and Russia looking to advance an alternate international order.

Despite multiple companies championing best practices for the sustainable use of space, few international standards exist today. International space law is largely built upon the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which lacks adequate guidance or guardrails for modern space activities. More recent standards, such as the United Nations’ nonbinding guidelines for long-term space sustainability, lack teeth or do not match the pace of current development, as is demonstrated by the twenty-year gap between the United States’ 2001 standards for de-orbiting satellites (which were reaffirmed in 2019) and the guidance passed just this fall.

Norms can provide parameters for acceptable behavior in a growing ecosystem, making it possible to identify and penalize actors who refuse to follow the rules. The National Space Council is taking steps forward, aiming to submit a new regulatory framework in March. The group is holding learning sessions to better understand commercial missions and craft a flexible regulatory approach that both fosters and protects a growing commercial space industry. The United States must proactively lead in the development of space norms, meaningfully engaging the commercial entities at the forefront of space advancement from the start.

Julia Siegel is an assistant director at the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security

This article is part of the 21st Century Security Project by the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense practice with financial support from Lockheed Martin.

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Tantardini in Longitude on the impact of differing space agency organizational cultures. Fri, 02 Dec 2022 15:04:13 +0000 Longitude publishes an article by Marco Tantardini on the difference in organizational culture between NASA and ESA

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The December issue of Longitude, an Italian magazine on foreign affairs issues, included an article by Marco Tantardini. The article discusses how the distributed relationship between European states and European Space Agency (ESA) results in a focus on industrial policy, whereas in the United States the allocation of budget by Congress to the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) is seen as a bureaucratic nonevent.

[The passing of the NASA budget] is not celebrated as a the pinnacle of NASA’s activity: it’s a normal bureaucratic proceeding needed by the agency to fulfill its duty

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini in Longitude on orbital debris mitigation and removal Fri, 02 Dec 2022 14:27:14 +0000 Longitude publishes an article by Marco Tantardini on the institutional and technical challenges of orbital debris mitigation and clean up

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The November issue of Longitude, an Italian magazine on foreign affairs issues, included an article by Marco Tantardini. The article discusses various rules and space debris removal systems that could be used to mitigate the growing problem of space debris.

[Space] was considered so wide that its saturation by man-made objects could only be fantasy for apocalyptic science fiction books. And yet here we are.

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Guevara in El Heraldo de México: on the effectiveness of state’s strategic capabilities (in Spanish) Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:07:00 +0000 On October 25, TSI NRSF Inigo Guevara authored an op-ed in El Heraldo de México discussing what makes a state’s strategic capabilities effective (text in Spanish).

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The Transatlantic Security Initiative, in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, shapes and influences the debate on the greatest security challenges facing the North Atlantic Alliance and its key partners.

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Siegel in Breaking Defense on the future of airpower Tue, 25 Oct 2022 13:35:00 +0000 Julia Siegel provides three lessons for Taiwan regarding the role of airpower in future conflicts.

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On October 24, Julia Siegel wrote an article with Kelly Grieco for Breaking Defense. The article considered airpower lessons learned from the war in Ukraine that could be applied to the defense of Taiwan.

The key to denying a Chinese victory lays in the air domain: Without the cover of air superiority, China would be unlikely to succeed in the event of an amphibious invasion or enforced blockade of the island.

Kelly Grieco and Julia Siegel

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Siegel quoted in Newsweek on the role of Starlink satellites in Ukraine Sat, 15 Oct 2022 13:24:00 +0000 Newsweek quotes Julia Siegel regarding the use of Starlink satellites in Ukraine.

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On October 15, Julia Siegel was quoted in a Newsweek article by James Bickerton on how the Starlink satellite constellation is helping to enable Ukrainian forces.

The key to denying a Chinese victory lays in the air domain: Without the cover of air superiority, China would be unlikely to succeed in the event of an amphibious invasion or enforced blockade of the island.

Kelly Grieco and Julia Siegel

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Tantardini article regarding on-orbit refueling published in Longitude Mon, 03 Oct 2022 18:18:43 +0000 Longitude publishes an article by Marco Tantardini on the benefits and opportunities presented by on-orbit refueling.

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The October issue of Longitude, an Italian magazine on foreign affairs issues, included an article by Marco Tantardini. The article discusses the history and future prospects of on-orbit refueling.

More than two decades of International Space Station (ISS) operations in low earth orbit (LEO)… brings a heritage that makes in-space refueling not far from becoming a new routine.

Marco Tantardini

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Outer space has reached a “tipping point” as activity outpaces space traffic management Wed, 14 Sep 2022 21:00:00 +0000 A panel of space experts discuss how the US government can encourage the long-term sustainable use of space by establishing a framework for space traffic management.

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On September 14, the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense practice hosted an event on “Space Traffic Management: Time for Action.” The discussion launched an issue brief on the same topic.

This event included opening remarks by Forward Defense Deputy Director Clementine Starling and Maxar Chief Technology Officer Walter Scott; a keynote address by Deputy Commander of US Space Command Lt Gen John E. Shaw, USSF, who characterized the transition from military- to civilian-led space traffic management (STM); and a panel discussion featuring Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat, Associate Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology Mariel Borowitz, and Walter Scott.

The panel articulated the urgency of STM and the role both commercial and government entities can play in addressing the problem.

Why is now the time for action?

As several panelists emphasized, humanity is quickly reaching a “tipping point” in space. This tipping point will come with both tremendous benefits and new challenges. Lieutenant General Shaw observed that “if space in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s was the Arctic Ocean—rather sparse, traveled by rather few platforms, and many of them national security related—then the space of tomorrow is the Mediterranean: It is being crisscrossed by actors, and platforms, and capabilities of every conceivable kind.” The report notes that an exponential growth in satellites and space objects in orbit is underway with a projected increase from 4,800 to 25,000 satellites. Of course, the more objects in space, the greater the risk of collision between objects. Mitigating this danger is where STM comes into play.

What is space traffic management?  

Lieutenant General Shaw defined STM by breaking it into its two component parts: “space traffic” and “management.” He first characterized the “space traffic” component as those objects and electromagnetic spectrum entering, exiting, or moving over one hundred kilometers above sea level. He then noted that “management” encompasses not only space object tracking and collision warnings, but also the creation of “rules of the road” and behavioral norms. All panelists agreed with the General, stating that the creation of norms is central to achieving a functional STM system.

How is STM different from Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and Space Domain Awareness (SDA)?

While often used interchangeably, STM, SSA, and SDA all have important differences. According to Borowitz, SSA is foundational to STM but more limited in scope as it encompasses the monitoring of space objects. SDA, while similar, is the more targeted tracking of space objects for national security purposes. Essentially, if SSA equates to air traffic control radar, SDA is equivalent to military early warning radar.

Moving from the Department of Defense to the Department of Commerce

Under Space Policy Directive-3, the Department of Defense (DoD) was instructed to shift its responsibility for STM to the Department of Commerce. This change was necessary, as highlighted by Lieutenant General Shaw, due to the changing nature of the space environment. The military infrastructure and systems that currently handle STM were originally designed to track a much smaller number of satellites while providing early warning against a nuclear first strike. Lieutenant General Shaw noted that fulfilling STM functions is becoming increasingly taxing to DoD resources that are otherwise needed to fulfill its original SDA mission set. With the Department of Commerce assuming authority over SSA and STM, DoD can now refocus on SDA.

Moreover, Borowitz observed that the switch will allow for the creation of a space traffic management system that, by its nature, is more open and responsive to commercial and international partners. However, all the panelists expressed the same concern: The Department of Commerce needs not just the authority, but also the resources, to adequately implement a new STM infrastructure.

The role of the private sector

All panelists agreed that the private sector will play a leading role in paving the way forward for space traffic management. Scott repeatedly emphasized that private-sector satellite companies are leading by example when it comes to creating norms and rules of behavior, highlighting Maxar’s longtime practice of sharing its orbit and maneuvering data with the DoD. Moreover, commercial companies can also contribute to STM by providing SSA data as a service, such as LeoLabs’ recently announced a data-sharing partnership with the Department of Commerce. Importantly, Scott pointed out that the creation of norms for STM should not be seen by industry as burdensome, given standardization reduces uncertainty and increases stability when it comes to operating space.

Working with international partners

Outer space is, by its nature, a shared environment that requires cooperation. As Sadat noted, “if people don’t get along in space, then nobody gets to benefit from space.” Unfortunately, the creation of international STM norms is stymied by the lack of clearly appropriate international forums for the purpose. Borowitz and Sadat argued that US engagement with likeminded allies and partners on a bilateral and multilateral basis would be valuable, as it could serve as the basis for larger international frameworks regarding responsible STM practices. 

Leading by example: Next steps in STM

Given the difficulty of establishing an international STM regime, the panelists agreed that the most concrete next steps would require the US government and industry to lead by example. A strong emphasis was placed on promoting transparency and data sharing. Sadat noted that different countries and companies often calculate the risk of conjunctions differently. Publicly sharing how the risk of a conjunction is calculated would help reduce tensions while simultaneously promoting STM as a global standard. Similarly, robust data sharing between governments and the private sector regarding planned orbits and maneuvers would help improve the accuracy of conjunction calculations.

You can re-watch “Space traffic management: Time for action” here. You can also read the issue brief here. For more information about the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense practice or to read our latest reports, op-eds, and analyses, please visit the website here. You can also sign up for updates from Forward Defense to hear the latest on the trends, technologies, and military challenges shaping tomorrow.

Aidan Poling is a Young Global Professional for Forward Defense in the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

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Forward Defense

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, shapes the debate around the greatest military challenges facing the United States and its allies, and creates forward-looking assessments of the trends, technologies, and concepts that will define the future of warfare.

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Commercial satellites are on the front lines of war today. Here’s what this means for the future of warfare. Tue, 30 Aug 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Commercial space companies are enabling critical warfighting functions in Ukraine and will continue to provide a lifeline in future conflict scenarios.

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While the first Gulf War is often characterized as the first space war, the ongoing war in Ukraine may be remembered as “the first commercial imagery conflict.” Commercial space companies are delivering critical capabilities to Ukrainian soldiers and civilians alike, demonstrating that commercial and dual-use satellites can help bolster a country’s national security.

These companies are sharing visuals that only governments were privy to just years ago and, since the war erupted in Ukraine, US and allied governments have doubled down on their purchase of commercial low-Earth orbit (LEO) imagery. Today’s satellites capture details as small as road markers or the quality of muddy terrain (which impacts military planning). Just as air power theorists recognized the value of air weapons following World War I, experts today are realizing the unrivaled advantage offered by commercial satellites. For these reasons, space companies may be viewed as legitimate targets in future wars.

SpaceX’s satellite Internet constellation, Starlink, has proved to be an especially formidable opponent for Moscow, due to both its unprecedented speed of deployment and its continued resilience against attack. A few days after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Ukrainian vice prime minister, Yulia Svyrydenko, used Twitter to urge SpaceX founder Elon Musk to supply satellite Internet to Ukraine. Within hours, Musk tweeted back, “Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route.” Now, eleven thousand Starlink stations are keeping over one-hundred fifty thousand Ukrainians connected to their country and the outside world daily.

Satellites in combat

Satellites support crucially important military operations. The Turkish Bayraktar TB2S, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) critical to denying Russian air superiority, relies on space-to-ground communications to operate in a larger range. The Starlink constellation is especially critical to Ukraine’s ability to execute attacks in geographic areas lacking sufficient infrastructure or Internet connection. Ukrainian drones successfully strike enemy forces, troops send encrypted messages back and forth, and soldiers remain connected to their loved ones with help from Starlink.

Meanwhile, Russia began targeting commercial space companies in the earliest phases of war. When Russia invaded Ukraine, it hacked the US satellite company Viasat, a communications provider for the Ukrainian military, degrading Ukraine’s ability to act on space intelligence. Throughout the war, Moscow has focused its efforts on jamming and degrading critical UAVs and small satellites to conceal its own troop movements. Early in the war, one US company discovered that UAVs in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine were experiencing global positioning system (GPS) jamming by the Russians. However, commercial satellite constellations are quickly adaptable—as was seen when Starlink demonstrated a new software update to lower energy consumption and thus bypass jamming transmitters amid Russian non-kinetic attacks. Commercial satellites bolster US and allied airpower: their agility, coupled with the fact that special overflight permissions do not apply to LEO, means that military officials can rely on satellites for intelligence and situational awareness.

Eyes in the skies

Commercial satellites are also players in the public sphere, denying Moscow’s attempts to alienate Ukraine from the rest of the world. Satellite imagery of bases in ruins, bombed bridges, and the aftermath of missile attacks provide a snapshot of war to a global audience and expose Russian falsehoods and atrocities. Such images can influence public opinion and thus foreign policy—as was seen when commercial imagery uncovered Chinese missile silos last year and North Korean missile facilities in 2019. Additionally, satellites allow Ukrainians to tell their own story. US officials gave Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a satellite phone to stay connected, and he uses Starlink to give speeches that are accessible worldwide. Satellite Internet allows Ukrainians to communicate with one another and with the outside world, winning a victory against Russia in the information domain.

Don’t shoot the messenger

Commercial satellites have been critical to Ukrainian military and civilian communications throughout the war thus far, and they will probably be targeted on the future battlefield. The United States and its allies and partners must consider the extent to which commercial space may become under threat, as well as the role of governments and militaries in protecting it.

First, as launch costs decrease, the democratization of space means that more nations—both friends and foes—are joining in orbit. Although the sharing of satellite imagery has advanced US and allied interests during the war in Ukraine, this might not be the case with every actor or scenario in the future. US and allied militaries need to consider how much intelligence should be shared in open-source environments and set appropriate standards for commercial space actors—especially pertaining to US companies sharing information with foreign governments.

Second, small-satellite constellations are resilient against anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, with each individual satellite being less powerful on its own and thus a less-worthy target. Adversaries are adapting their own models in response. While Russia and others have kinetic counterspace capabilities (as was demonstrated by Russia’s ASAT testing last November), non-kinetic counterspace measures (e.g., jamming, electronic warfare, and cyberattacks) are likely to cause the most chaos. Moreover, kinetic ASATs generate space debris, which poses a threat to the sustainability of all LEO operations. Because many nations—including Russia—rely on LEO for national security imperatives, kinetic attacks are mutually destructive and therefore less likely to be undertaken. Currently, there is no clear process for reporting or responding to an anti-satellite attack.

As adversarial targeting of commercial and dual-use satellites becomes commonplace, US and allied militaries need to establish their roles in protecting—and responding to attacks on—commercial space assets. Some officials have recommended that the United States produce a “comprehensive, national space power vision,” articulating the industrial outputs required to maintain the US and allied military edge in space. Although this is a step in the right direction, such a strategy must acknowledge the barriers to public-private space cooperation and consider the ways in which militaries will safeguard commercial satellites with military applications.

Commercial satellites will continue to act as enablers for the warfighter, and US and allied space companies require protection from adversarial attacks. Although Russia’s unsophisticated fleet of satellites poses little challenge today, China’s more advanced and growing counterspace arsenal will prove a threat to the United States’ and allies’ use of space tomorrow. If commercial space remains defenseless, the United States and its allies will have to prepare to fight blindly in future wars.


Julia Siegel is an assistant director in the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

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Airpower after Ukraine: The future of air warfare

Airpower experts and practitioners examine interim lessons from the war in Ukraine and consider applications for twenty-first century air and space forces.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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“An analogous gold spike”: Harnessing the space industrial base for twenty-first century prosperity Wed, 24 Aug 2022 16:26:00 +0000 A panel of space experts and report authors discuss with Forward Defense how the US government can work with private companies to expand the United States' competitive edge in the space domain.

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On August 26, the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense (FD) practice hosted a virtual event, “State of the Space Industrial Base 2022: Advancing prosperity, sustainability, and US leadership in outer space.” The event served as a launch and discussion of the State of the Space Industrial Base 2022 report, a joint effort of the US Space Force, Defense Innovation Unit, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Air Force Research Laboratory. The report lays out the critical juncture that the United States is facing in the space domain. At the event, a panel of space experts and report authors discussed how the United States can maintain its competitive edge in the space domain.

A second space race emerges

Director of the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Michael Brown set the stage for the discussion by harkening back to the US-Soviet space race during the Cold War, which marks the last time in which the United States set out a definitive national strategy and vision for space. Brown noted that these investments, while large at the time, produced later economic and strategic benefits that were indiscernible at the time. He argued that there is a second space race today, this time against China as it catches up to the United States with its rapid research and development programs.

Brown highlighted recommendations from the report, including the need for the United States to increase its space technology investments both within the government and through private partnerships to maintain the United States’ edge in space. The United States must rely on private companies because they are able to research and produce innovative space technology far faster than the US government. For example, Brown stated that there will be an estimated one thousand commercial satellites for every government satellite by 2030. The United States has a history of engaging the private sector to achieve national aims such as it did with the transcontinental railroad. Today, the US government can provide the foundational investments to encourage private innovation and production.

What has changed in the space domain since 2021?

Dr. Mir Sadat, a nonresident senior fellow with Forward Defense moderated the ensuing conversation between the panelists on the State of the Space Industrial Base 2022 Report. Panelists Steven J. Butow, director of DIU’s Space Portfolio, and Maj Gen John M. Olson, USSF, both discussed how the United States has grown in the space domain since 2021. They pointed out notable achievements such as NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope, the upcoming launch of the Artemis I, and a record-setting $15 billion investment into the commercial space sector. However, they also noted that industry leaders believe that the United States should be moving faster in research, development, and production by outlining a national strategy that sets out a “whole-of-nation” approach. Mandy Vaughn, chief executive officer and founder of GXO, Inc, agreed, stating that industry representatives are waiting on a national plan and funding on space innovation from the government.

The China factor. When asked by Dr. Sadat about China’s recurring theft of US intellectual property, Col Eric J. Felt, USSF, relayed that there is worry among some experts that China is now reaching a stage of its technological innovation in which it may be able to leapfrog the United States in innovation rather than rely on reproducing from stolen designs. There must be a balancing act in protecting intellectual property throughout the research and development process. Vaughn agreed, arguing that private companies need better training and education, particularly for new start-ups before they go into the classified space of research and development with the government.

The Artemis Accords and private industry. Next, Maj Gen Olson and Col Felt laid out the critical nature of unity with allies and partners in pursuing a comprehensive space strategy. Col Felt noted that since 2021, more nations have signed unto the Artemis Accords that sets out rules and guidelines for exploring and extracting resources in space. Vaughn added that private companies are excited to join the US government in its space strategy. Investors are waiting on cues from the US Congress and the Department of Defense (DoD) that they will support investments into space technology and exploration. Speaking from his experience within the Pentagon, Maj Gen Olson agreed that policies within the DoD need to be changed to provide incentives to investors and private companies to support space innovation.

The time for change is now

The panel closed out its discussion on their favorite recommendation from the State of the Space Industrial 2022 report. Overall, the panelists overwhelmingly agreed on the need for the United States to urgently tear down government barriers such as over-classification and bureaucratization to allow for smoother cooperation with allies, partners, and the private industry. The State of the Space Industrial 2022 report comes out at a critical time, as the United States continues competing for space superiority with adversaries like China and Russia, concepts of warfare (and targeting in space) are changing, and climate change threatens US and allied security objectives. In the words of the report authors, “in order to save the planet, you have to get off the planet.” This report lays out how the US government can partner with the private sector to do just that.

You can re-watch “State of the Space Industrial Base 2022: Advancing prosperity, sustainability, and US leadership in outer space” here. You can also read the report here. For more information about the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense practice or to read our latest reports, op-eds, and analyses, please visit the website here. You can also sign up for updates from Forward Defense to hear the latest on the trends, technologies, and military challenges shaping tomorrow.

Delharty Manson is a Project Assistant for Forward Defense in the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

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Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, shapes the debate around the greatest military challenges facing the United States and its allies, and creates forward-looking assessments of the trends, technologies, and concepts that will define the future of warfare.

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Russian War Report: Russia and Ukraine warn Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant facing imminent threat Fri, 19 Aug 2022 16:06:49 +0000 The Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant continues to provoke fear among the international community in light of renewed shelling around the plant.

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As Russia continues its assault on Ukraine, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) is keeping a close eye on Russia’s movements across the military, cyber, and information domains. With more than seven years of experience monitoring the situation in Ukraine—as well as Russia’s use of propaganda and disinformation to undermine the United States, NATO, and the European Union—the DFRLab’s global team presents the latest installment of the Russian War Report. 


Russia and Ukraine warn Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant facing imminent threat 

Tracking narratives

Forged Kuleba letter asks Poland to name street after Stepan Bandera

Media Policy

Russia announces plans to build online system to detect prohibited content

War crimes and human rights abuses

Russian occupation administration conducts campaign of arrests in Kherson

International response

Russia and Turkey spar over alleged weapons contract

Ukrainians crowdfund Finnish satellite for armed forces

Russia and Ukraine warn Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant facing imminent threat

The Russian occupation of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant continues to provoke fear among the international community in light of renewed shelling around the plant. Russian command in the area employs the facility for housing troops and military equipment, effectively using the plant as a shield against any possible Ukrainian attempt to retake the area. Ukraine and Russia have exchanged accusations about who is behind the shelling, both issuing warnings that the opposing side might attack the plant. 

Earlier this month, independent Russia-focused publication The Insider published a video in which Russian military trucks enter the territory of the nuclear power plant and unload cargo. The column of trucks reportedly arrived on August 2. According to the video, Russian forces are mining the territory around the nuclear power plant. The Insider also reported that about 500 Russian soldiers are stationed at the Zaporizhzhia plant, alongside military equipment, including armored vehicles, anti-aircraft installations, and equipment for radiochemical detection. New footage also emerged on August 18 showing military trucks inside the plant. 

Russia has accused Ukraine of preparing a “provocation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant” during UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s visit to Ukraine this week. The Russian Ministry of Defense also claimed that the Ukrainian 44th Artillery Brigade from Nikopol would strike the Zaporizhzhia plant on August 19. No evidence was provided to support either accusation. Ukraine’s Energoatom, which oversees the country’s nuclear plants, has established a crisis headquarters to handle any possible incidents at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, Ukrainian military intelligence issued a statement on Facebook on August 18 warning against a false-flag operation by Russia on August 19. 

Located in the city of Enerhodar, Zaporizhzhia is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Since March 2022, it has been under the control of Russian troops. The UN has urged Russia to withdraw troops from the nuclear power plant and to establish a safe perimeter. The pro-Russian administration of the Zaporizhzhia region has been silent on the subject. 

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian army continues to attack Russian forces along frontlines and occupied territories. A Russian base was reportedly destroyed in Amvrosiivka, Donetsk region, on August 17. On the same day, a Russian base in Lysychansk was also attacked. The Ukrainian government also admitted that it was behind recent explosions in Crimea. On August 16, reports arose of thick smoke and multiple explosions at Gvardeyskoe airbase in Crimea. On the evening of August 18, Russian air defenses stopped a Ukrainian drone attack in the Kerch area.  

In Kherson, the occupying Russian administration the telecommunication company Norma-4, which could signal an attempt to cut off residents of the region from the outside world. After Russian forces took control of Kherson’s internet in May, several service providers went dark as Russia rerouted internet traffic from Kherson through Russian networks. 

Ruslan Trad, Resident Fellow for Security Research, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Forged Kuleba letter asks Poland to name street after Stepan Bandera

On August 16, the Russian Telegram channel Джокер ДНР (“Joker DNR”) published a forged letter falsely attributed to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. In the letter, Kuleba is portrayed as asking Polish authorities to rename Belwederska Street in Warsaw, where the Russian Embassy is located, to Stepan Bandera Street, after the controversial far-right leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in World War II. The forged letter claims that changing the street name to Stepan Bandera street would be seen as a gesture of support for Ukrainians. The letter highlights that Russia changed the names of the streets in Moscow where the embassies of the United States and the United Kingdom are located. The letter is not dated, and Dmytro Kuleba’s signature appears to be copied from a publicly available letter signed by him in 2021.  

On August 17, the Telegram channel published another forged document, allegedly signed by Marcin Przydacz, Poland’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The document contains several orders allegedly issued by Przydacz, including an order for the president of the Polish Institute of National Remembrance to provide a written expert opinion on the possibility of changing the name of the street in Warsaw “to honor the national hero of Ukraine Stepan Bandera.” It also proposes a campaign to increase the popularity of Stepan Bandera among Polish citizens. 

Marcin Przydac confirmed on Twitter that the document was a forgery. “The linguistic errors clearly point to the potential authors of this provocation,” he said.

The forged letter on the left was allegedly written by Dmytro Kuleba and the forged document on the right was allegedly issued by Marcin Przydacz. (Source: Telegram/archive, left; Telegram/archive, right)
The forged letter on the left was allegedly written by Dmytro Kuleba and the forged document on the right was allegedly issued by Marcin Przydacz. (Source: Telegram/archive, left; Telegram/archive, right)

The Joker DNR Telegram channel also published a post that contained screenshots of Facebook posts from the accounts of Polish nationals Piotr Górka, an expert in the history of the Polish Air Force, and Dariusz Walusiak, a Polish historian and documentarian. Górka has previously written a book that was published by the Institute of National Remembrance, the organization mentioned in Przydacz’s forged document. Górka’s Facebook post claims that he fully supports the Polish government’s decision to change the name of Belwederska Street to Stepan Bandera Street. At the time of writing, Górka’s Facebook account was no longer available.  

Dariusz Walusiak shared Górka’s Facebook post on the timeline of more than twenty Facebook users, including Adam Kalita, who works at the Krakow branch of the Institute of National Remembrance; Jan Kasprzyk, head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression; and Alicja Kondraciuk, a Polish public figure living in Krakow. He also shared the post on Facebook groups. At the time of writing, Walusiak’s Facebook account was no longer available, but the DFRLab was able to archive Facebook posts before they disappeared.

Screenshot of post published by Piotr Górka’s Facebook account (left), screenshot of post published by Dariush Walusiak’s Facebook account (middle), and screenshots of Walusiak sharing Górka’s post on Facebook timelines. (Source: Facebook)
Screenshot of post published by Piotr Górka’s Facebook account (left), screenshot of post published by Dariush Walusiak’s Facebook account (middle), and screenshots of Walusiak sharing Górka’s post on Facebook timelines. (Source: Facebook) 

The Joker DNR Telegram channel frequently publishes documents that it alleges are “leaked.” Some of these documents contain personal information about Ukrainian soldiers. According to cybersecurity firm Mandiant, the Telegram account is a Russia-aligned hacktivist group with connections to another threat actor, Ghostwriter. The tactic of taking over social media accounts to push false or leaked documents is quite similar to Ghostwriter’s tactics. The DFRLab has previously reported on an information operation attributed to Ghostwriter in which social media accounts of Polish nationals were hacked to plant false information.  

The possibility exists that the owners of the Joker DNR Telegram account hacked the accounts of Górka and Walusiak, but the DFRLab is unable to confirm this. The selection of people the Walusiak account shared Górka’s post with indicates there may have been an effort to alert people who would have strongly opposed the “plan” to change the street name.

Givi Gigitashvili, Research Associate, Warsaw, Poland

Russia announces plans to build online system to detect prohibited content

Russian censor Roskomnadzor has allocated 57.7 million rubles (nearly USD $1 million) to launch the Oculus internet surveillance system for detecting “prohibited data” by mid-December, Russian outlet reported. 

According to the report, the surveillance system will be built on neural networks and will “analyze photos, videos and texts on websites, social networks and messengers for prohibited information, including homosexual propaganda and the manufacture of drugs and weapons,” Kommersant stated. 

The system is expected to have a capacity of analyzing 200,000 images per day, meaning that Oculus could be able to analyze two frames per second, Russian outlet RBC reported. Prohibited content that would be a subject to Oculus monitoring includes extremism and terrorism materials, calls for “illegal” mass gatherings, expressions of “clear disrespect” for the state and official symbols, and the “promotion of non-traditional sexual relations.”  

An unnamed source from “a large IT company” told Kommersant that the implementation of such a project under the suggested budget and timeline is “almost impossible.”  

The development of the Oculus system appears to the next step in Russia’s domestic internet surveillance and censorship toolbox.  

Eto Buziashvili, Research Associate, Washington DC

Russian occupation administration conducts campaign of arrests in Kherson

Reports of abuse and arrests are increasing in southern Ukraine territory occupied by Russia. Recently published reports and witness testimonies from the city of Kherson document Russian troops going door-to-door to search belongings, mobile phones, and documents. The Russian occupation administration arrests anyone it suspects of assisting Ukraine against the Russian forces in the region. 

Witness testimonies also show that the Russian administration holds civilians and members of the Ukrainian administration in basements, including the mayor of Kherson.

Ruslan Trad, Resident Fellow for Security Research, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Russia and Turkey spar over alleged weapons contract

Dmitry Shugaev, head of Russia’s federal service for military-technical cooperation, announced on August 16 that Turkey had signed a new contract to purchase a “second batch” of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems. Ismail Demir, president of Turkey’s Defense Industry Agency, which is responsible for procurement, was quick to deny the allegation. “There is no new development. According to the agreement made on the first day, the process continues, ” Demir said. The initial deal between Russia and Turkey was struck in 2017. 

An unnamed Turkish defense official also told Reuters that there were no new agreements. “The original contract that was signed with Russia for the purchase of S-400s already included two batches. The purchase of a second batch was included in the original plan and the related contract.”

Kremlin-controlled media outlets such as RIA Novosti, RBC, and Izvestiya reported on August 18 that Russia had started fulfilling the contract with Turkey by delivering the second batch of S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems. 

One day before Shugaev’s announcement, the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, told Kremlin-controlled news agency Interfax that negotiations about the delivery of a “new batch” of S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems were “continuing.” 

Turkey, a NATO member state, purchased Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems in December 2017. In response, the US prohibited the transfer of F-35 fighter aircraft to Turkey in 2019. Most recently, the US approved the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey, after Turkey dropped objections to Sweden and Finland joining NATO. Kremlin’s media campaign about the “new” S-400 deal with Turkey may be an attempt to sow divisions among NATO member states.  

Nika Aleksejeva, Lead Researcher, Riga, Latvia

Ukrainians crowdfund Finnish satellite for armed forces

A Ukrainian foundation launched by popular TV host Serhiy Prytula announced on Thursday that it had signed a deal with Finnish satellite company ICEYE to purchase a radar satellite for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

A crowdfunding effort launched by the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation raised USD $20 million in June to buy Bayraktar drones for the Ukrainian military. However, Turkish defense firm Baykar refused to accept the money and donated three military drones to Ukraine instead. Prytula said that after consulting with Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense, the charity foundation purchased a satellite with the money that had been raised for the Bayraktar drones. 

Eto Buziashvili, Research Associate, Washington DC 

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Space traffic management: Time for action Tue, 02 Aug 2022 12:24:17 +0000 Mir Sadat and Julia Siegel highlight challenges to and opportunities for addressing space traffic management in this Forward Defense issue brief.

The post Space traffic management: Time for action appeared first on Atlantic Council.



It is no longer sufficient to know the location of spacecraft and space debris; instead, it is imperative to have a common understanding of and management over maneuver in a congested environment.

Outer space has long been characterized as “contested, congested, and competitive.” More than four thousand eight hundred active satellites currently orbit Earth, representing over forty nations, and nearly twenty-five thousand satellites are projected to join by 2030. Moreover, spacefaring entities are testing the limits of space exploration: Visionary space companies are aiming to launch space tourism programs and send humans to space within the decade, and governments and militaries are increasing activity in cislunar space—the sphere formed by the Earth-Moon radius—to leverage advantageous orbital regions. As humanity expands its frontiers deeper into the galaxy, the threats to US and allied space capabilities will continue to increase. Yet, despite the proliferation of space activity, the ability of international and national bodies to track and regulate space objects—often referred to as space traffic management (STM)—reflects a past era wherein few actors conducted limited operations in space.

The current state of STM can be more aptly described as space situational awareness (SSA), or the mere knowledge of objects in orbit. Global actors (including national governments, corporations, and international organizations) track space objects and notify satellite operators when the probability of collision is notable. While collision avoidance maneuvers are standard when there is a one in ten thousand chance of collision, it is ultimately up to the operators to determine whether and when they will move. The limits of this decentralized approach to SSA were illustrated in September 2019 when a European Space Agency satellite veered off path to avoid a Starlink satellite whose operator missed an email notification signaling a high probability of collision.

Representation of crowding in Earth’s orbit with satellites and other orbital debris. Source: NASA, February 1, 2005,

It is no longer sufficient to know the location of spacecraft and space debris; instead, it is imperative to have a common understanding of and management over maneuver in a congested environment. As space activity proliferates, the increased risk of collision between spacecraft and with space debris jeopardizes national security imperatives. Outer space underpins the success of US and allied military operations, with satellites providing crucial intelligence and communications services to the warfighter.

Competitors like China and Russia recognize this and are growing their operational space fleets and increasing their presence in outer space. While sustainable growth is welcomed, hostile capabilities threaten free and open access to space, as was seen most recently in November 2021 when a Russian anti-satellite (ASAT) test resulted in more than one thousand five hundred fragments of debris. The first-ever collision between two satellites occurred in February 2009 when an inactive Russian communications satellite (Cosmos 2251) collided with a satellite operated by US-based Iridium Satellite LLC, causing more than two thousand pieces of debris, much of which will remain in orbit for decades. Such collisions will only become more common as launch costs decrease, increasing the number of satellites entering Earth’s orbit. Collisions disrupt US and allied government and military services and can threaten the sustainable use of outer space in the long term.


This analysis advances the position that the United States should urgently lead on a globally coordinated policy framework for STM, else the space domain will remain on an unsustainable path endangering national imperatives. The authors consider the role of key stakeholders involved in STM, identify the elements required to lay the foundation for progress on this issue set, and advance policy recommendations to help guide a comprehensive approach to STM. STM here is defined as the ability of international and national authorities to track spacecraft and space debris, to regulate where space operators position their spacecraft, and to oversee debris mitigation and remediation efforts.

The ecosystem of STM

Public and private space operators all agree on one thing: ‘satellite collisions are bad for business, and bad for space.’

A policy framework for STM will require close coordination between national and international government and commercial entities from the outset.

International coordination

More than twenty spacefaring nations (those with launch capabilities) exist today, in stark comparison to three such nations at the height of the US-Soviet space race in 1966. Many more national and subnational entities have active satellites. As space launch and systems costs decrease, the number of national space programs will continue to skyrocket. An effective framework for STM must build a community standard for those already acting in the space domain and those expected to join soon. Leveraging its technological edge in space, the United States should lead in promoting global standards for STM, just as it did for air traffic control.

The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space adopted guidelines in 2019 for long-term space sustainability, but they lacked real consequences for transgression. The United States can model positive behavior and go a step further by shaming those who do not follow. In April 2022, the United States announced a national commitment not to conduct direct-ascent ASAT testing, referencing Russia’s destructive ASAT missile test in November 2021 and a similar Chinese test in 2007. This decision signals the value of space sustainability and further denounces ASAT testing on the global stage, differentiating US standards from those of Russia and China without sacrificing needed US counterspace capabilities. The United States could further find ways to hold accountable actors who do not use space responsibly. For example, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) regulation of frequency licensing within the United States can be wielded as a punishment. The FCC is not required to protect a foreign nation’s spectrum—or access to radio frequencies critical to space communications—so it could give away spectrum rights in response to malign behavior.

While unilateral action can set a strong international precedent, multilateral dialogue is required for a global issue like STM. The United States can work within the international community to put forth shared objectives for space sustainability. Effective SSA on a global scale will be a preliminary step toward any STM framework. The Space Data Association provides a promising model, as it “collates independently pooled data from operators to prevent collisions.” However, participants opt into the program, limiting its effectiveness. Discussing ways to formalize or incentivize participation in space data-sharing organizations can help maximize the value of these programs. Additionally, international agreements to deorbit old rocket launchers and defunct satellites can help clean up existing space junk. The European Space Agency is championing the world’s first-ever active debris removal system, and the international community should continue developing deorbiting capabilities and conducting assessments on the highest-risk areas to inform capability development.

While the United States should largely focus its efforts on likeminded nations—namely, its allies and partners—there may be areas for limited cooperation with China, Russia, and other noncooperative actors. Space debris poses a great risk to all space activity, so starting the conversation with a shared vulnerability may elicit some cooperation from China and Russia. However, it is unknown whether such cooperation would extend to data sharing and other essential elements of STM. Nonetheless, an STM model is possible without buy-in from every single actor, as was seen in the air domain: The Soviet Union avoided membership in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)—established in 1947—until 1970, and China did not take part until 1971.

Astronaut Dale A. Gardner, getting his turn in the Manned Maneuvering Unit, prepares to dock with the spinning WESTAR VI satellite during the STS-51A mission. Source: NASA, August 7, 2017,

Public-private collaboration

Public and private space operators all agree on one thing: “satellite collisions are bad for business, and bad for space.” Commercial space companies can and should be included in conversations on STM policy, especially as they are at the forefront of today’s space developments and will benefit from protecting the future growth of the space sector. A notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) is one avenue to incorporate industry in broader policy making discussions when an administration is preparing to issue regulation. Moreover, in the United States, industry actors often provide comments in foras facilitated by the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). Companies can also engage with the US government through organizational bodies promoting a mix of industry and academic advisers. One such model is the National Space Council Users’ Advisory Group, which ensures that industry and non-federal stakeholders are represented at the national level.

A shared interest in minimizing satellite collisions could support a US mandate to ensure spacecraft meet minimum safety standards. Such mandates must be designed to minimize the compliance cost to industry in order to maximize broad adoption. For example, while the US government might require spacecraft to demonstrate widely available (and cheaper) capabilities, it should incentivize tougher (and more costly) capabilities like deorbiting. This will set a standard that can be adopted internationally and does not leave small stakeholders and start-ups on the sidelines. The automotive industry provides an apt example: Seat belts did not exist until the government mandated them—and now no one will buy a car without seat belts. This policy change did not cost the government a dime, and—while it resulted in short-term resistance—everyone from consumers to insurance companies to the automotive industry benefitted in the long term.

Commercial actors already engage in SSA and STM conversations. Several industry players have already signed onto best practices for STM. For example, the Space Safety Coalition’s 2019 “Best Practices for the Sustainability of Space Operations” was endorsed by myriad space industry players—including companies leading in deorbiting, space launch, and in-orbit satellite services—and included a recommendation to “strive to deorbit all spacecraft after their orbital life.” Moreover, commercial space is well-suited to tackle many of the technical challenges of STM, with “companies eager to provide necessary data and analytic services to government and commercial space operators.” However, while industry actors are able and willing to fill technological gaps, the current regulatory vacuum causes unpredictable market signals for solving issues like space debris.

A Falcon 9 rocket launches at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. Nov. 11, 2019. The launch, supported by the 45th Space Wing, includes upgrades to the Starlink broadband network. Source: Airman 1st Class Zoe Thacker, U.S. Air Force, November 11, 2019,

Principles for regulating STM

The global community has been slow to develop a common set of rules for—or understanding of—STM despite the urgent need to develop regulations and support capabilities to manage proliferating spacecraft and debris. The following elements should form the basis of any STM deliberations.

1. Define terms

There must be consensus on what constitutes STM—both globally and within the US interagency—and how to define related lexicon like “space object” and “space domain awareness,” which have implications for STM policy. While some experts see STM as similar to SSA, acting as an information service to satellite operators, others compare STM to air traffic management, which designates an external authority to have control over all operators. As stated, this paper defines STM as the ability of international and national authorities to track spacecraft and space debris, to regulate where space operators position their spacecraft, and to oversee debris mitigation and remediation efforts.

2. Establish minimum standards of conduct

An effective framework for STM must consider guidelines for spacecraft pre-launch and once in orbit, as well as designate responsibility for derelict satellites and space junk. Whereas the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies—commonly referred to as the Outer Space Treaty—forms the basis of international space law, it was formulated in an era defined by few space actors and limited space capabilities, and it lacks proper consideration of traffic management and collision avoidance. This regulatory gap provides the opportunity for space entities to write the rules on the launch and maneuver of satellites. For example, SpaceX executives have proposed that, as satellites raise their orbits, they should be required to move around satellites already in the orbits they are passing through. While pragmatic in concept, this becomes difficult to enforce when considering both the size of satellite constellations and the scope or duration of their missions: Should a mega-constellation with a multiyear mission be required to maneuver when crossing paths with a single satellite on a monthlong endeavor? Questions like this must be considered in international discussions.

Prior to launch, national and international governing bodies might consider confining satellites that lack maneuvering capability to specific altitudes. This proactive measure could help avoid collision with national assets at notable altitudes—400 kilometers, where the International Space Station (ISS) is currently situated, provides a present-day benchmark. This measure is complicated by the fact that commercial and research satellites can provide dual-use capabilities or otherwise contribute to US and allied security objectives.

Moreover, when operating above a specified altitude, spacecraft should be required to meet more stringent safety requirements. The altitude requirement today might be set at above the ISS or 400 kilometers, but this measure should remain flexible as manned spacecraft become commonplace. Space operators acting above the specified altitude should report their planned maneuvers to an international coordinating authority to preempt collisions. Maneuvers in space should be announced like maneuvers in other domains. Additionally, spacecraft should be required to have propulsion and reliable communication, which allow a satellite to maneuver and remain under positive control, respectively, thereby preventing accidental or unstoppable collisions.

3. Assign liability

To manage and protect national space assets, accountability must be assigned for both manmade and naturally occurring space debris. Over the past two decades, trackable orbital debris has increased by more than 80 percent. Moving in excess of 15,000 miles per hour, even minor debris poses an existential threat to manned and unmanned missions.

The disposal of defunct satellites to “graveyard orbits,” which are orbits distant from commonly used ones, is required to clean up Earth’s orbits. Spacecraft should have end-of-life provisions for moving into a graveyard orbit. In 2019, the US government revised the Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices (ODMSP), reaffirming an earlier guideline that operators remove satellites from operational orbits within twenty-five years of the end of their operational mission. While widely accepted as an international standard, space development outpaces this standard and makes it obsolete in the current operating environment. Moreover, accountability becomes complicated when handling the debris of non-collaborative operators like China and Russia. An international discussion could help refine such guidelines for space debris mitigation and remediation.

4. Distinguish between orbits

STM considerations differ in geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO). While low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites move relative to the Earth at any given moment, GEO satellites stay in one position relative to a specific location on Earth. To launch a satellite to GEO, a company or nation must apply to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) for a slot. While all slots are essentially spoken for today, advanced space technology is decreasing the traditional amount of space required between two active satellites, thus presenting openings for new actors. However, slots are often filled by “paper satellites,” or spacecraft unlikely to be manufactured or launched but instead meant to hold a spot in line. Working within the parameters of GEO, an STM framework must consider how to maximize equitable access to space while minimizing risk to current operators.

As activity moves into xGEO or cislunar space, the United States and its allies have an opportunity to proactively address traffic management and construct a framework that reflects the reality of dual-use space activity. While the lunar orbit is not often trafficked, fifty payloads are expected to reach the Moon by 2030. Moreover, US adversaries recognize that satellites beyond GEO are harder to track and monitor, and that cislunar space can thus be used to hold reserve satellites for LEO operations. The US military is beginning to develop SSA models for cislunar space, as the vast distance from Earth-based sensors makes tracking difficult beyond GEO. The Air Force Research Laboratory is currently pioneering the Cislunar Highway Patrol System (CHPS), which is designed to improve the US Space Force’s ability to “track and identify artificial objects operating at lunar distances and beyond.” CHPS spacecraft will launch in 2025 to experiment with space traffic procedures for operating near the Moon or other cislunar areas.

5. Allocate responsibilities and authorities

STM is a global issue requiring a global response. To realize any of the above proposals, an international coordinating authority must first be empowered to promote dialogue and advance norms and regulations for national and subnational space operations. To establish a coordinating authority, discussions should begin in existing international fora like the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). Eventually, a coordinating authority might expand or mirror existing governing bodies. For example, space management might be best executed by extending the ICAO’s area of responsibility to include outer space, or through the creation of “an ICAO-like organization to monitor space activity.”

Domestically, a lead US agency must be designated to represent national equities on the global stage. The Office of Space Commerce, within the US Department of Commerce (DoC), is often identified as the right agency to lead the charge. In June 2018, the White House issued “Space Policy Directive–3: National Space Traffic Management Policy” calling for a “new approach” to STM and charging the DoC with the responsibility of data-sharing and collision-avoidance support services. This aligns with the Fiscal Year 2023 President’s Budget request, which includes a $78 million increase from the 2021 enacted budgetary level for the DoC to expand civil SSA and “improve real-time tracking and reporting of space objects and debris.” In August 2022, the DoC and the US Department of Defense (DoD) are expected to sign a memorandum of agreement to support the DoC’s leadership on a civil structure for SSA. A civil SSA system, relying on the commercial sector’s diverse and complementary SSA capabilities, would further allow the DoD and, specifically, the US Space Force to focus on space domain awareness (SDA), which reflects a mindset shift toward space as a warfighting domain requiring better SSA for security purposes. In addition, some experts advocate for the formation of a separate all-space agency to synthesize “diverse perspectives and rapidly resolving space-related issues across participating departments and agencies.” Should such an agency come to fruition, it will lend the necessary top cover to the STM efforts within the DoC.

View of the SPARTAN 201 satellite on the Remote Manipulator System (RMS) arm end effector, during retrieval of the satellite. Source: NASA, December 15, 2010,

Lessons from other domains

In paving the way forward for STM, policy makers may draw parallels from the traditional domains of air and maritime. The air domain offers a promising model for an international coordinating authority, with each nation’s equivalent of the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) representing national interests on the global stage through the ICAO. Additionally, visual flight rules in the air domain—which ensure an aircraft operates in clear visual conditions and prevents commercial flights around designated areas like airports in special weather conditions—could translate into guidance for spacecraft confined to specified altitudes. However, the dual-use nature of space activity, blurring the distinction between commercial and military activity, makes the civil air model an imperfect fit for information sharing and traffic management.

Additionally, maritime data-sharing models can inform a framework for STM. The Automatic Identification System (AIS) was created by the United States and its allies and partners, and it requires ships of a certain size to provide geographic locational data. AIS was initially a coalition of the willing: Ships that agreed to use AIS were initially given updated National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) map systems and weather data for free. AIS provides a promising model for space operators to build upon. However, automated transponders can make a satellite vulnerable to adversarial targeting and would require further security safeguards.

Apart from traditional transport and commerce domains, a tested model for global data sharing can be found in weather monitoring. STM and weather forecasting both concern data with value outside of national boundaries. To arrive at current practices for weather monitoring, the international community long deliberated on a model for coordinating data and deciding on what must be openly available, obligating warnings and alerts, and considering underlying ethical concerns. Moreover, weather services include a mix of public- and private-sector actors, similar to the space community today. Investigating early conversations on data sharing for weather purposes can help inform today’s STM discussions.

A Seaman Operations Specialist monitors vessel traffic in the New York Harbor before a blackout darkened the northeast in 2003. Source: PA2 Mike Hvozda, U.S. Coast Guard, August 14, 2003,

Technical components of STM

STM requires the capability to track space objects, communicate between space operators, and remove space junk or debris. US and allied space operators must develop these technical capabilities to support the space regulatory environment. While the US government is investing in capabilities for tracking and, when necessary, removing space objects from orbit, the United States still lacks a viable technical capability for STM. Currently, there are no integrated systems that can provide comprehensive domain awareness on par with the air or maritime domains for the space domain, which is more complex than the other two domains. The US Space Force is currently developing a number of domain awareness tools, including the Deep Space Advanced Radar Concept (DARC), which is used to detect and track deep space objects in GEO, and the Space Fence, a radar making one hundred and thirty thousand observations per day in LEO.

US Space Command is tracking thirty-five thousand space objects, representing just 0.01 percent of objects orbiting Earth and only a subset of the debris that can harm spacecraft. Situational awareness sensors underlie the US government’s ability to track space objects, and adding additional sensors on Earth and in space can support an enhanced SSA capability. Next, a reliable mechanism for communication with and between spacecraft is required to connect with space traffic control. Finally, debris removal systems must be created to collect and deorbit debris, prioritizing those large objects that present the highest risk to spacecraft. The United States needs a number of technical abilities for enhanced debris removal capabilities, including passive and active aids for tracking satellites and finding dead satellites. Technologies like optical telescopes, radars, GPS or equivalents, and satellite receivers and transmitters will help determine a satellite’s location and whether it is in operational use. Standardized “hooks” or attachment points will help capture known dead satellites. To achieve these technological advancements, the United States and the international community at large must invest in research and development for STM.

Engineers inspect a satellite from the communications technology satellite program prior to its launch. Source: NASA, August 27, 2009,

Recommendations and conclusion

An international framework for STM is crucial to protecting a future of security and prosperity in the space domain. Accordingly, the following steps are recommended in order of priority:

  1. The United States and its allies should engage the broader international community to authorize an international coordinating authority to lead on STM. This could be through the expansion of an existing organization, such as the ICAO, or the creation of a new organization with necessary authorities.
  2. Given the proposed funding and granted authorities for the DoC on STM matters, the US Congress should examine whether the Office of Space Commerce is equipped to lead on STM matters, ensuring it has the correct structure, mandate, and funding to accomplish effective oversight of national STM.
  3. Through fora like the UNOOSA, the international community should reach consensus on the definitions of STM, SSA, and related terms. This will create baseline consensus on which to base future rules for STM.
  4. The US government must recognize its allies and partners, as well as US and allied industries, as equal partners in STM framework deliberations. NPRMs and OSTP-facilitated fora are worthwhile mechanisms to give industry leaders a voice in the debate. Moreover, the National Space Council should conduct a survey to further elicit feedback and open a dialogue with commercial space companies and the international community on the future of STM.
  5. The FAA’s space launch licensing requirements should be updated to include requirements to report planned maneuvers, and operators should be further incentivized to demonstrate deorbiting and debris mitigation capabilities. Both these measures can help mitigate the risk of collision. The international coordinating authority could then take charge on reporting of planned maneuvers and, in the longer term, requirements for deorbiting or moving satellites to graveyard orbits.
  6. The United States and its allies should rally the international space community to determine a common set of rules surrounding the disposal of defunct satellites. The burden should be placed on satellite operators, and solutions should prioritize the incentivization of private-sector engagement on active debris removal solutions. The US government’s ODMSP provides a helpful baseline, and periodically revising this document can provide an avenue for updating international standards.
  7. The US Congress should appropriate additional funds for research and development of capabilities relevant to effective STM, to include ground-based and space-to-space sensors and communications capabilities, passive and active deorbiting mechanisms, and the ability to track small space objects. Such efforts must be reinforced by global policy discussions on the requirements and responsibilities of spacefaring entities.
  8. The US government should provide standards for satellites that lack maneuvering capability to be launched to orbits 400 kilometers or lower, or just below the ISS, when feasible. The 400-kilometer boundary should be reassessed on a regular basis to account for space developments to include crewed missions. The lead US agency for STM should coordinate with satellite operators and, when appropriate, assign orbital altitudes that avoid collision with major national space assets. This can be modeled off the air domain, wherein special flight rules surround designated areas like airports.
  9. The United States should lead by example in outer space. US departments and agencies can encourage international cooperation by incentivizing positive behavior—similar to how maritime vessels using AIS were initially rewarded with free NOAA maps and weather updates—and discourage malign actions by leveraging diplomacy and all the other instruments of national power.

Achieving security, economic, and societal objectives in the twenty-first century hinges on free and open access to outer space. The current regulatory vacuum on STM leaves room for malign activity and unsustainable business practices. If space development remains on its current trajectory, and the global community fails to advance an effective STM framework, humankind will jeopardize its use of outer space, modern ways of living, and all the corresponding benefits on Earth. Now is the time to act and protect a future of security and prosperity in space.


The authors employed a qualitative research methodology, constructed around a set of key research questions and drawing from a review of authoritative literature and spoken remarks on STM. Expert groupings were consulted on key research questions while drafting this issue brief. The study was guided by a senior advisory panel, which helped to frame and refine the findings and recommendations.

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About the authors

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Russia’s pulling the plug on space cooperation. Should the world be worried? Wed, 27 Jul 2022 21:01:22 +0000 Our experts break down Moscow’s extraplanetary plans after it pulls out of the International Space Station.

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Russia appeared to launch its standoff with the West to new heights this week by announcing that it will pull out of the International Space Station (ISS) by 2024 and build its own space lab.

While the decision wasn’t a total surprise, its timing—as tensions flare over the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine—raises questions about the future of partnership and security in an erstwhile apolitical domain.

So we reached out to Christopher Mulder, a former US Air Force fellow at the Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, and Mir Sadat, a nonresident senior fellow at the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense practice, to find out more about Moscow’s extraplanetary plans.

Haven’t Russia and the international community cooperated in space for decades? What’s the significance of this decision?

That’s right. Russia and the United States’ joint involvement in space goes back to the early 1990s, soon after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In recent years, there has been some uncertainty as to how long the ISS would remain operational. Russia even announced as far back as 2015 that it would depart the ISS program in 2024; this most recent announcement is convenient strategic messaging on its part and isn’t necessarily surprising. 


We mustn’t mirror our values on others who do not share our views on sustaining the environment, the dignity of human rights, and the upholding of democracy. Russia’s decision is a wake-up call for everyone who continues to cling to the idea that space is being used only for peaceful purposes. The United States’ strategic competitor does not view space only as a diplomatic instrument of national power. Russia is effectively ending a very successful diplomatic endeavor built on the progress and expansion of humanity. The US Department of Defense realized this unfortunate evolution about six years ago, when it recognized space as another warfighting domain. 


Russia says it’s planning to build its own outpost. What should we expect that to look like?

In that same 2015 announcement, Russia stated that it would detach the ISS modules it maintains and operates to create its own outpost in low-Earth orbit to meet its national space objectives. But whether Russia will actually request to detach its ISS modules is unknown at this time. Generally, Russia is well-versed in space-station operations; it operated its own, Mir, from 1986 until it was decommissioned in 2001. Most likely, Russia will go all in on its planned International Lunar Research Station with China.  


Russia is expected to launch the first module of its proposed new space station sometime between 2025 and 2030. Other modules, yet to be produced, will likely be launched between 2030 and 2035. But their current Soyuz spacecraft does not have the capability to reach China’s Tiangong space station; therefore, between 2024 and at least 2035, Russia cedes the capacity to put humans in low-Earth orbit. This vulnerability effectively undermines Russia as a space superpower because it seems increasingly likely that they would be a follower, rather than a leader, in space at least for the next decade.


International cooperation seemed to be the standard for space exploration. What would a separate Russian space station mean for its future? 

To accomplish anything truly meaningful in space, partnerships are required. In Russia’s case, it is clearly moving away from accepted standards of behavior and further away from the West (as seen in the current conflict with Ukraine). The ISS may be the last mutually beneficial area in which Russia and the United States collaborate for the foreseeable future. Its decision to partner with China in space is also a clear signal that it will continue to diverge from the West. As Russia and China build upon their partnership in space, the United States needs to also leverage its vast partnerships, resourcefulness, competitiveness, and innovative spirit to advance its own interests there. 


The environment in space is dangerous to all humans, which is why international cooperation is vital to human presence there. Whether or not Russia remains committed to operating its own station, its behavior has already raised concerns for human sustainability and security in space: Its reckless November 2021 anti-satellite test threatened the lives of even its own cosmonauts. The United States has invited spacefaring nations to participate in NASA’s Artemis program to explore the moon, and has repeatedly committed itself to the ISS. If Russia’s space-station ambitions are realized, it would not have a functional station until the mid-2030s. In the intervening period, cosmonauts might need to rely on rides to China’s Tiangong space station to maintain their human presence in low-Earth orbit. But Russia may also be growing tired of just floating around in low-Earth orbit; this is probably why it plans to tag along with China as it aims to establish a permanent research station at the lunar south pole. 


What about when it comes to defense: Should Russia’s decision spark any security concerns?

The United States has already determined that space is a warfighting domain. Russia’s departure from the ISS may serve to clarify Russia’s intent. As when any partnership or relationship degrades, one can expect to see increased tension and stress in that area—outer space in this case. 


Russia’s decision to withdraw highlights how peace and diplomacy in space is not a priority—just as they have exhibited by their “evil empire” strategy and tactics in Ukraine, Syria, on the high seas, and their trolling of US satellites in space. Russia has a higher threshold of acceptance for risk than the United States and our space partners.  


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Roberts quoted in the Financial Times on Elon Musk’s Starlink as it relates to China Tue, 21 Jun 2022 18:48:00 +0000 On June 20, Dexter Tiff Roberts was quoted in an article, “Elon Musk’s Starlink aid to Ukraine triggers scrutiny in China over US military links,” in the Financial Times. In this article, Roberts argues that China will begin imposing restrictions on foreign companies as a consequence of the threat that Starlink is posing to Beijing.   […]

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On June 20, Dexter Tiff Roberts was quoted in an article, “Elon Musk’s Starlink aid to Ukraine triggers scrutiny in China over US military links,” in the Financial Times. In this article, Roberts argues that China will begin imposing restrictions on foreign companies as a consequence of the threat that Starlink is posing to Beijing.  

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White in CyberScoop on Russia and information operations Thu, 16 Jun 2022 20:37:00 +0000 "TJ" White was quoted in CyberScoop saying that the Russian focus on information operations has been unyielding. White, however, argued that Russian information war objectives have been thwarted to a large degree by Starlink satellite internet and by the fact that many Ukrainians have virtual private networks.

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On June 16, Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Timothy J. “TJ” White was quoted in CyberScoop saying that the Russian focus on information operations has been unyielding. White, however, argued that Russian information war objectives have been thwarted to a large degree by Starlink satellite internet and by the fact that many Ukrainians have virtual private networks. White remarked that, despite the centrality of information operations to the present conflict, the US defense community still lacks coherent definitions in this area.

“[W]e haven’t decided yet what is or isn’t information operations, information warfare, cyberspace operations, operations in cyberspace that enable information operations”

TJ White

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

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Engagement Reframed #8: How to avoid anarchy in space Thu, 16 Jun 2022 19:41:01 +0000 There is a dangerous deficit of governance with regard to human activities in our space, which presents an opportunity for mutually beneficial cooperation among rivals.

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What is the opportunity?

The international community has entered a new era in space. The year 2021 marked an inflection point exemplified by: US and Chinese land rovers (and a US helicopter) on Mars; a Russian anti-satellite (ASAT) test creating some 15,000 pieces of space debris; space tourism and private-sector activities such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX launches and SpaceX’s Starlink mini-satellites nearly colliding with a Chinese space station; and not least, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) launch of the spectacular Webb telescope into orbit around the sun in cislunar space—the vast area between the Earth and just beyond the Moon’s orbit. The explosive growth of activities in space will accelerate in this decade, making for an increasingly crowded and contested domain.

Currently 4,852 satellites from some eighty nations are in Low Earth Orbit (LEO); roughly half of these are US commercial and government/military satellites. They are essential for everything from nuclear command and control, climate observation to GPS, and the internet, streaming video, and ATMs. Moreover, an already crowded LEO is getting more so. The burgeoning private sector is driving the new space economy enabled by innovation, new technologies like relaunchable orbital space vehicles, and miniaturized satellites, such as the aforementioned mini-satellites. Google and Elon Musk’s SpaceX alone plan to launch some 50,000 Starlink satellites in this decade.

These incidents reflect a troubling anarchy in the cosmos, from a burgeoning Wild West–scramble for space resources to a full-blown militarization of space. The problem is clashing ambitions and a deficit of rules governing behavior in space—a domain like sea, air, and cyber that constitute global commons. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST) is the one foundational accord signed by all major space-faring nations, totaling 111. They agreed to the principles in the OST, which states:

“Exploration and use of outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means and shall be the province of all mankind.”

Unfortunately, the treaty is sadly outdated by technology, politics, and competing major powers’ space ambitions. The United States and China plan to create Moon bases (which will compete for real estate at the Moon’s water-rich north and south poles). Several nations have passed laws appropriating the right of private-sector firms to exploit minerals on asteroids and planets. The treaty offers little guidance on collisions, the growing problem of space debris, or the intrusion or obstruction of a nation’s space assets and lacks any dispute-settlement mechanism. Some additional legal agreements are in effect under the United Nations’ (UN’s) Office for Outer Space: liability for damage caused by space objects; safety and rescue of spacecraft and astronauts; and registration of space activities. In theory, a Moon Treaty exists, but it has not been ratified by the United States, Russia, or China. The International Telecommunications Union regulates radiocommunications and orbital resources (satellites), but some doubt it will have the capacity to manage the exponential growth of space traffic.

NASA has embarked on a gallant effort to update rules for operations in space, the Artemis Accords, signed by 19 US allies and partners, but some major space powers—China, Russia, India, and Germany—have declined to join. The Biden administration has endorsed the Artemis Accords, initiated by the Trump administration, as the preferred vehicle to define rules and norms in Outer Space.

The accords are, in effect, principles that assert dominion over activities that, “. . . may take place on the Moon, Mars, comets and asteroids . . . as well as in the orbit of the Moon or Mars,” and in cislunar space. Most of Artemis’s principles are intended as public goods and would make sense as negotiated global norms. Nevertheless, though NASA has tried to ensure that the Artemis Accords are “in accordance with the Outer Space Treaty,” they assert the right to, in effect, claim real estate in the “global commons,” contrary to the Outer Space Treaty. In that sense, the accords may be viewed as an assertion of US primacy—whether intended or not—potentially hastening the trend toward fragmentation of global governance.

NASA had little choice but to exclude China from the accords—the 2011 Wolf Amendment bans NASA’s cooperation or coordination with any Chinese government–affiliated entities. This law has proved largely counterproductive, neither improving human rights nor constraining China’s space efforts. Instead, alarmed by NASA’s robust collaboration with SpaceX and other commercial partners, China has significantly accelerated investment in its own, largely parallel lunar exploration plans. Russia, though a longstanding partner in the International Space Station (ISS), has refused to sign the agreement, opting instead to partner with China on a Moon base and other space ventures. The divorce between Russia and its space-station partners has drastically accelerated due to sanctions on Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine.

Why now?

A growing number of emerging space powers, the increasing role of space in major powers’ military calculus, the burgeoning private-sector space economy, and the myriad risks—from space junk to space wars—all point to the urgent need to reach new understandings and create new modes of cooperation.

Prospective conflicts arise in Artemis’s language on the extraction of space resources. The accords state that the extraction of resources from the Moon and other celestial bodies “should be executed in a manner that complies with the Outer Space Treaty” before adding that “signatories affirm that the extraction of space resources does not inherently constitute national appropriation under Article II of the Outer Space Treaty.” Owning resources seems to be a dubious proposition given the OST language that says celestial bodies are not subject to “national appropriation by claim of sovereignty.” The OST adds that the Moon or asteroids cannot be claimed “by means of use . . . or by any other means.” The accords do include provisions for consultation with non-Artemis parties, but no global-dispute settlement mechanism exists.

The private-sector space economy is exploding. Tens of thousands of asteroids are rich with rare-earth and other minerals, a potential $1 trillion market. Dozens of startups in the United States, EU, and Japan are gearing up for space-mining and removing space debris. China, too, is planning space-mining ventures.

A host of nations, including the United States, have already begun staking legal claims in the cosmos. For example, Luxembourg, seeking to become a European hub for space-mining, has enacted a law granting private firms the right to extract space resources, created a space-mining center, and invested in space-mining startups. The United Arab Emirates has adopted a similar law, as has the United States, with President Barack Obama’s signing of a commercial space law in 2015 granting US businesses the right to extract resources throughout the cosmos. President Donald Trump took this move a step further with a 2020 Executive Order authorizing the commercial development of space resources and explicitly rejecting the notion that space is a “global commons.”

Absent new global rules, the space resource issue is a prime area ripe for conflict between space-faring nations.

These laws assert the right to assign property rights on celestial bodies to space-mining companies—but on what legal basis can nations unilaterally grant property rights to such companies, or, for that matter, build manned stations on the Moon or Mars, given that celestial bodies are not subject to sovereignty claims? Nobody owns the Moon. What would preclude China, India, or the EU from granting the right to mine minerals to their state firms if they got there first, or from claiming prime real estate on the Moon’s water-rich north or south poles for their manned bases? Absent new global rules, the space resource issue is a prime area ripe for conflict between space-faring nations.

Similarly, there are a dearth of rules on how to deal with space debris, or codes of conduct for military satellites vulnerable to disabling or destruction by cyberattacks, stalking by other satellites, and ASAT counterspace weapons. ASAT tests have produced thousands of pieces of space debris that pose an immediate threat.

Russia’s ASAT test in November 2021, which destroyed one of Russia’s own defunct military satellites, creating a cloud of some 1,500 pieces of space debris, illuminates the problem. Even small pieces of debris, traveling at some 17,000 miles per hour, can cause crippling damage to satellites, potentially disrupting the space infrastructure, the nervous system of modern life. Moscow’s test forced astronauts—and its own cosmonauts—on board the ISS to take emergency safety measures for fear of collision.

Russia’s test followed a similarly dangerous Chinese ASAT test in 2007, as well as a US ASAT test (though designed to minimize long-term orbital debris) in 2008. More recently, China protested small shoebox-sized satellites launched by SpaceX’s Starlink project to facilitate global broadband WiFi when one of the satellites almost collided with China’s space station, so close that Beijing protested to the UN last December after having to take evasive action. An explosion of private-sector space business—from satellite launches and space shuttles to the quest for mining asteroids and planets—has blurred the line between civilian and military activities, racing ahead of any duly considered global regulation. President Joe Biden’s recent unilateral ASAT test ban offers a chance to lead by example in fostering new norms.

How to make it happen

Of all the unresolved questions about space activities, the most urgent need—and most promising area for new cooperation—is alleviating the threat from space debris. Nations can cooperate, pooling risks and burdens when they perceive that their interests intersect. The threat of space debris to all nations’ vital economic and national security assets in space would, like climate change, seem to be such an instance. Space junk does not recognize whose space assets it damages or destroys.

In December 2021, the White House issued a document billed as the “US Space Priorities Framework.” One of its principles is that “the US will lead in strengthening global governance of space activities.” There is no better opportunity than on space debris.

The US Department of Defense’s Space Surveillance Network is the premier mechanism for monitoring space junk. Moreover, in addition to its unrivaled Space Surveillance capacity to monitor debris, the United States has already signed space-sharing agreements with over 100 nations to provide data and notifications to avoid collisions. It has aided China in this regard. These are important global public goods that can provide diplomatic leverage for shaping space rules and standards on space debris.

In addition, private-sector firms and startups in Japan, the United States, and Europe are devising ways to remove space debris in what appears to be a coming sector of the space economy. The US Space Force’s technology arm is already exploring the possibility of funding private firms to remove space debris. Methods of space-junk removal include satellite magnets, nets, harpoons, and even spider-like webs, all being developed by private contractors that are bearing the risks of research and development.

All these steps create possibilities for new cooperation on space junk, great-power competition notwithstanding. The most expeditious course would be an ad hoc multilateral initiative, not a UN institution. There are only a handful of high-performance space-faring states—the United States, Russia, China, the EU countries, Japan, and India.

As discussed above, the United States is well positioned as first among equals to launch an ad hoc public-private coalition of space powers—call it the Space Six—partnering with the private sector to pool resources and (nonnational-security-sensitive) capabilities to better monitor, clean up space debris, and seek mutually acceptable codes of conduct and rules for such activities. If there is agreement among the United States, China, Russia, and the EU, the UN Security Council (UNSC) could pass a UNSC resolution, as was the case in similar ad hoc efforts (e.g., the two-plus-four talks on German reunification and the six-party talks on North Korea). It should be an open architecture, based on the principle of form follows function, and open to emerging space powers such as South Korea, Brazil, Israel, and others.

Over the coming decade, multifarious activities and presence in cislunar space and on the Moon will unfold. If left untended, the probability of conflicts over competing Moon presences, space-mining, and military activities is significant, if not inevitable. Given the magnitude of the space-debris problem—existential for all activities in space—a space debris-focused coalition could catalyze a favorable political climate and might eventually evolve into a forum to address other space-governance issues. Building on the US unilateral ban on ASAT testing, for example, could produce a consensus for a moratorium on ASAT tests among the Space Six and beyond.

Conceptually, the long-term vision should be to negotiate an agreement analogous to the UN Law of the Sea Treaty that defines property rights on the Moon and other celestial bodies, though such would likely be an arduous, protracted undertaking—the Law of the Sea negotiations began in 1973 and ended in 1982, and the treaty still has not been ratified by the United States, Canada, Israel, Turkey, and other states.

Negotiations between the alliance associated with the Artemis Accords on the one hand and China, Russia, and nonaligned space powers like India or Brazil on the other will be a tough road to hoe. Yet the prospect of a lunar version of Wild West–range wars over valuable real estate should give the international community pause. Unregulated resource exploitation on the Moon will probably lead to the competitive deployments of military forces on the Moon’s surface and in the vastness of cislunar space.

To avoid a full-blown military competition, it will be necessary, however difficult, to develop a number of confidence-building, if not arms control measures. One possibility is to internationalize the demanding requirements for situational awareness in cislunar space. This might include the creation of one or more command centers or intelligence cooperation clearinghouses on the Earth and Moon that have access to a multinational fleet of surveillance spacecraft.

Developing an information-sharing clearinghouse to maximize transparency of human activities in and around the Moon would be a good first step. Another area of potential conflict is military activities in space. The United States, China, and Russia would be wise to begin talks to define military activities in space, starting with interactions of their respective military satellites. A code of conduct for such activities, including notifications of movements of satellites along the lines of the Cold War US-USSR Incidents at Sea agreement could be a model.

The ISS has become an emblem of successful science collaboration on space issues, an area of agreement between the respective space agencies of the United States, Russia, EU, Japan, and Canada. Washington recently announced that it will extend the operations of the ISS until 2030; despite the looming divorce from Russia, other partners appear supportive.

China has accelerated its robust space-exploration activities, including a planned Moon base. Diminished Russian space capabilities will most likely be another consequence of the Ukraine war, making Moscow a less appealing space partner to Beijing. There are many aspects of space exploration, to which China is deeply committed, that do not necessarily clash with US interests. After the near-collision of its space station with a Starlink satellite, there were hints of Chinese interest in cooperation to avoid such risks. The Biden administration should invite China to accede to the ISS, and its affiliate, the Tiangong Space Station, to explore possible areas of space cooperation. For that to happen, the United States would need to abolish or amend the 2011 Wolf Amendment banning collaboration between NASA and the Chinese space agency. Given the challenges of space and space governance, some degree of cooperation with China on civil space activities will almost certainly be necessary and need not compromise national security. The United States has an opportunity to catalyze global efforts to manage space technologies and activities before risky confrontations ensue.

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A shoebox-sized solution: How small satellites can help the US Coast Guard Mon, 13 Jun 2022 21:56:51 +0000 To provide adequate coverage in an increasingly trafficked region, the Coast Guard must invest in small satellite technology.

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Navigators long plotted their course by stars. For the US Coast Guard—the nation’s maritime first responder, but which is also bound by international obligations—it’s small satellites that could shape its future direction.

Maritime search-and-rescue (SAR) operations start in space, with satellites detecting signals of distress. But this military branch relies on aging space-based infrastructure with spotty global coverage that limits its ability to conduct swift and effective SAR, particularly in the vast Arctic Ocean. To provide adequate coverage in an increasingly trafficked region, the Coast Guard must invest in small satellite technology.

The urgency is only growing. Maritime traffic in the Arctic has increased as climate change continues to warm this area at a disproportionately high rate. Since 1979, there has been a substantial decline in the amount of sea ice in the Arctic; now, some portions are almost ice-free in September and ships regularly transit during the summer. It is a valuable shipping route: For example, it is more efficient to go from the coast of China to Europe through the Northern Sea Route (of which Russia considers itself the sole regulator) than the traditional route through the Strait of Malacca and the Suez Canal. Meanwhile, the Northwest Passage, which hugs the Arctic coast of North America, has seen a growth in tourism. Since the inaugural cruise ship in 2016 carried 1,700 passengers, cruise lines are reportedly preparing to meet what’s expected to be increased demand for Arctic tourism. 

With this traffic growth comes a higher risk of ships in distress—thus necessitating a larger Coast Guard presence to render humanitarian aid to commercial and passenger vessels, some of which carry Americans. 

The case for CubeSats

The Arctic presents the Coast Guard with multiple obstacles to providing effective SAR operations. US territorial waters in the Arctic Ocean, plus those associated with its Exclusive Economic Zone, make up around one million square miles. This is a vast amount of geography for the Coast Guard to cover. 

Since 1982, it has relied on a satellite-aided international search-and-rescue system known as COPAS-SARSAT, which is sponsored by Canada, France, Russia, and the United States and provides global coverage for distress beacons. The system has saved more than 44,000 lives but has experienced significant time delays in receiving and triangulating distress beacons. The Coast Guard is developing a medium Earth orbit system (MEOSAR) to replace COPAS-SARSAT, but it will not be fully operational until the mid-to-late 2020s. 

To bridge that gap and to test the effectiveness of small satellites, the Coast Guard (which is under the Department of Homeland Security) launched its Polar Scout program. Its mission was to enhance telecommunications coverage in the Arctic to support SAR and maintain effective domain awareness by using cube satellites (CubeSats). These objects are about the size of a shoebox, compared with the minivan-sized COPAS-SARSAT system. 

To support the Polar Scout program, the DHS, in partnership with private firm SpaceX, launched two CubeSats, Yukon and Kodiak, into low-Earth orbit in December 2018. They were programmed to detect a distress signal, determine its location, and send the information to the nearest rescue hub. While the Coast Guard was aiming for a three-year lifespan, the Yukon stopped transmitting after just a few weeks and the Kodiak stopped transmitting in April 2019. 

But this effort was not a failure. The Kodiak was still able to successfully detect distress signals for several months for a fraction of the cost compared to the COPAS-SARSAT or the forthcoming MEOSAR system. Small satellites are cheaper and easier to build with the commoditization of small-satellite components; the cost of launching satellites has also decreased due to reusable rockets and ride-sharing programs. The Yukon and Kodiak CubeSats were both launched in a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which was being reused for the third time. 

Companies such as SpaceX and Planet, an Earth imaging company, continue to improve the transmission reliability and processing power of small satellites. These companies have a quick turnaround timeframe from development to launch to ensure that the latest technology is in place. Therefore, the Coast Guard should see the Polar Scout program as a success story and seek to replicate it on a wider scale and expand its partnerships with the space industry.

Boosting the budget for space capabilities 

But to support its SAR operations, the service needs to appropriately house and fund its space-based assets. First, it needs to designate an office dedicated to the proper maintenance, research, acquisition, and funding of its space programs. It should establish a space-assets program office under the purview of the assistant commandant for engineering and logistics (who is the chief engineer of the Coast Guard), rather than keep it in the Office of Aeronautical Engineering, which focuses primarily on aircraft—not spacecraft. 

Second, the Coast Guard must increase its budget for space assets and adapt its acquisition process. For the first time, the Coast Guard’s 2023 budget request to Congress included $775,000 for research and development for “Space-based Technology.” But this funding is relatively minuscule compared to other missions, such as cyber operations. The Coast Guard essentially has two options: Buy a few high-quality satellites or buy many adequate satellites. To provide continuous coverage of the Arctic, it should choose the latter and invest in creating a small constellation of these advanced, shoebox-sized satellites.

Such a set-up would be more reliable, as it ensures that even if a couple units go offline there will still be continued coverage. This constellation, like the stars to ancient mariners, should be central in setting the Coast Guard’s course. 

Madison Littlepage is a spring 2022 Young Global Professional within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Forward Defense practice. She is a graduate student in security policy studies at The George Washington University.

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Lockheed Martin CEO James D. Taiclet on 21st century security and the Russia-Ukraine war Thu, 26 May 2022 15:42:38 +0000 At the inaugural Forward Defense Forum, Lockheed Martin CEO James Taiclet breaks down 21st century security, the war in Ukraine, and new frontiers for defense innovation.

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21st Century Security is really about… connecting and moving data.

James Taiclet

On April 29, the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense (FD) practice hosted Lockheed Martin Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer James D. Taiclet for a conversation on Understanding the Challenges of US & Allied Defense Innovation.”

This was the inaugural event of the new Forward Defense Forum, designed for defense visionaries to put forth creative ideas for the future of US and allied security. The Forum is part of FD’s recently launched project on “21st Century Security,” generously supported by Lockheed Martin, which will advance the dialogue on how the United States and its allies and partners can deter and, if necessary, fight and win future wars.

As the leader of the world’s largest defense contractor, Taiclet has a unique perspective on emerging security and defense challenges. He joined Forward Defense in conversation with Courtney Kube, a national security and military correspondent with NBC News. They discussed how the United States and its allies and partners can integrate existing weapon systems and sensor networks to deter and defeat adversarial aggression.

Read on for some key takeaways from the Forum:

The US is taking notes on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Advanced, expendable weapons play a critical role in warfare.

The Javelin has become a symbol of Ukrainian resistance, proving essential to Ukraine’s ability to defend against Russian tanks and get within range of Russian troops. The dramatic impact of Javelins and similar fire-and-forget munitions, such as kamikaze drones, has underscored the notion that cheaper yet advanced weapons can have a sizable impact on the battlefield.

Military power hinges on aerospace dominance.

Ukraine has also demonstrated the importance of mobile, layered air defense, utilizing potable Stingers, short-range Tor surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and long-range S-300 SAMs to deny the Russian Air Force. In anticipation of greater demand from the United States and its allies, and to replenish stores depleted by the war, Lockheed is ramping up production of Javelins and air defense systems, such as THAAD and Patriot missiles.

Integrated defense is key.

On a larger scale, the war in Ukraine has also underlined the importance of integrated defense: optimizing the sensor-to-shooter pipeline by connecting existing technologies. To achieve integration, the defense enterprise will need to make use of 5G network speeds, predictive artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, satellite constellations, and advanced weapons. This open architecture Internet of Military Things (IoMT) will connect the dots in existing systems and lay the groundwork for US and allied deterrence.

COVID-19 exposed core supply chain vulnerabilities.

Over two years since the start of the pandemic, defense contractors are still recovering from chip shortages. Even before the war on Ukraine began to drain weapon stockpiles, COVID-19 was already effecting shortages in microprocessors—that is, computer chips that allow modern weapons systems to function. As the number one chip producer, Taiwan remains critical to the US defense supply chain—but Chinese aggression could threaten access to Taiwanese chipmakers in the future, underscoring the need to secure the supply chain today to protect 21st century security challenges tomorrow.

China is the big picture threat.

While Russia poses an acute threat, China remains the pacing challenge to the United States. In addition to Javelins, Stingers, and other affordable, portable weapons, Lockheed also anticipates rising demand for more complex, advanced weapons systems—such as the Patriot and THAAD missiles, F-16 multi-role fighter aircraft, counter-battery radars, sixth-generation aircraft, and other capabilities with lengthy production timelines. For the time being, however, networked systems of existing capabilities can help bridge the divide, multiply, and set the stage for the long play. Integrated, networked defense, in coordination with allies and partners, will be critical to the United States’ ability to combat simultaneous threats in the Indo-Pacific and Europe.

The key to secure networks is partnering with the private sector.

So we can apply this concept of really bringing together the Newtonian world, the technologies that the defense and aerospace industry’s really good at, and this digital world, where companies like Microsoft and Verizon and AT&T and others [excel]—and let’s bring them together and solve national problems.

James Taiclet

Private companies will always have the edge over public defense contractors, in their ability to attract talent and innovate at speed. Partnership between the commercial and defensive realms can help accelerate defensive capabilities and solve sticky problems. Rather than innovating separately, defense contractors can team up with private industries to bring cutting-edge technologies and security to national defense. In other words: connecting the “Newtonian” and digital worlds.

21st century security is more than just defense.

Connecting platforms across domains is a concept that can be applied to more than just defense: in fact, 21st century security means integrating technologies across industries, to safeguard national interests at every level. Taiclet defines 3 key areas of focus:


21st century defense connects fifth-generation fighters with advanced missile batteries, cutting edge radar systems, and human operators. Integrated defense is a force multiplier for the Department of Defense because it amplifies existing technologies in order to meet current and future threats from competitors and adversaries.


Climate change is an emergent challenge to national security: it threatens citizens, property, and utilities. Taiclet brought in the example of wildfires: right now, it takes around twenty- four hours for fire commanders to receive updated thermal infrared satellite data on a fire. Using airborne, ground-borne and spaceborne sensors, it is possible to predict, prepare for, and monitor fires—but that information is not getting where it needs to go, because of a lack of data infrastructure.


Finally, Taiclet identifies latent opportunities in space, where 21st century security concepts can help reinforce US interests on the next frontier of innovation. Combining autonomy, battery life extension, next-generation communications, and artificial intelligence, a lunar rover would be able to operate independently between astronaut missions. Satellites can secure communications on earth, increase data speeds, and enable other technologies. Innovation in space feeds into scientific discovery, but also rolls back into defense, and reinforces the entire national security pipeline.

The bottom line

As competition creeps into new spheres, 21st century security will help protect US citizens and interests against a broad spectrum of growing threats. The US defense-industrial base must leverage existing technologies, develop future capabilities, and reach across the aisle to work with commercial enterprise, in order to fend off simultaneous threats and edge out multi-fronted competition. 

Caroline Steel is a Young Global Professional with the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

Watch the event

More about 21st century security

The Forward Defense Forum is designed for defense visionaries to put forth novel ideas for how the United States and its allies and partners can adapt, innovate, and win on the future battlefield. Built for creative thinking, this interactive public forum provides a space for the defense community to engage on issues core to the future of US and allied security.

About Forward Defense

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Viva la space: Why the commercial small satellite revolution matters for the US government Wed, 18 May 2022 19:13:04 +0000 A panel of space experts and practitioners discuss with Forward Defense how the US government can leverage commercial small satellite technology to secure the space domain.

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On May 5, the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense practice launched a report, generously supported by Thales, and hosted a virtual event on “The National Security Implications of Small Satellites.”

The event included opening remarks by Atlantic Council president and chief executive officer Frederick Kempe and Thales North America chief executive officer Alan Pellegrini, along with a panel of experts and officials from across the space community. Featured on the panel were author of the report and Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades; Space Development Agency policy chief and legislative affairs director Paula Trimble; space policy and warfighter expert at the University of Leicester Dr. Bleddyn Bowen; and chief executive officer of COMSPOC Paul Graziani. Moderated by SpaceNews senior staff writer Sandra Erwin, the panel articulated the importance of harnessing small-satellite developments to guarantee US competitive edge in the future of warfare.

What’s the big deal with small satellites?

Today’s small satellites provide the same–if not more–capabilities than traditionally large satellites at a fraction of the cost and size. Small satellites provide for critical US government functions and facilitate the everyday lives of Americans (from communications to remote sensing). Small satellites enhance space situational awareness (SSA), and large constellations of small satellites foster redundancy and resilience. While traditionally large space assets provided one “big juicy target” ripe for attack, small satellite constellations make it difficult for adversaries to target and shut down a system with just one strike. These constellations also provide back-ups in case of inadvertent collisions knocking out communications.

Can we sustain the influx of small satellites?

As more and more companies launch small satellites into space, the congestion and likelihood of collusion in low-Earth orbit (LEO) increases. According to Dr. Bowen, little research has been done to determine the actual orbital capacities of LEO and, furthermore, he raised concern that a general trend toward disposable satellites will only increase the amount of space debris clogging up LEO. To account for the influx of satellites in space, experts advocate for the establishment of a space traffic management (STM) system to prevent collusions. However, while STM continues to be conceptualized, it is not yet implemented. Graziani argues that part of the problem is that STM implies that there will be a unilateral manger–with the connotation being that the United States will lead. Instead of STM, Graziani, proposes the term space traffic coordination to promote multilateralism.

Where does China fit in?

According to Eftimiades, the United States will lose space superiority–continued safe and secure access to the space domain–to China in ten years at its current rate. Currently, the US Space Force maintains superior global SSA as it maintains over a hundred SSA agreements with allies and partners. While China’s current SSA is comparatively weaker to the United States, Eftimiades believes this balance of power will soon shift. Over sixty countries are participating in China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its Digital Silk Road program. If half of the world is depending on China for space capabilities and information, then this could inhibit US counterspace actions. The capabilities of small satellites could push back the timeline of Chinese space superiority to ensure Americans and allies continued access to critical space assets like communication and early missile warning satellites.

How are small satellites faring during Russia’s war in Ukraine?

In March 2022, Elon Musk provided Starlink satellite terminals to aid Ukraine’s resistance to the Russian invasion, which have since been recognized as a game-changer for Ukraine’s offensive. Graziani agrees that small satellites have revolutionized the conflict, asserting that, because Ukraine is facing an existential threat, Ukraine was pressed to effectively adopt small satellites technology to survive. Conversely, while the United States is faced with multitude threats, Graziani doubts they will be enough to drive the US military to widely adopt small satellites.

However, Dr. Bowen disagrees that the use of small satellites in Ukraine is groundbreaking. Rather, he argues that it is simply a continuation of militaries integrating space assets into warfighting, a common practice since Operation Desert Storm. The current war illustrates an interesting example: While the conflict has seen an abundance of open-source intelligence, and Russian military locations and assets are commonly broadcasted to the public, the same cannot be said of Ukrainian locations and assets. States can control the flow of information–even with private companies–and Dr. Bowen concludes that there must be information blocking in Russia’s war.

How does the current acquisition process help or hinder the United States?

To maintain US space superiority, the US government must acquire small satellites. However, Graziani asserts that the traditional acquisition systems reinforce failure. While companies are paid for a finished product in the commercial sector, defense contractors are not paid until they deliver a government solution. This outdated model can incentivize defense contractors to purposefully stall innovation as they receive a steady paycheck, whereas companies spend their internal research and development (IRAD) funds without the guarantee of a profit. Until this mindset changes, the commercial sector innovation will always exceed that of the US government.

To speed up the acquisition process, the Space Development Agency (SDA) has made their acquisition process more flexible. According to Trimble, SDA is prioritizing speed and staying on schedule over cost and performance in the procurement process. To address past complaints of private space companies, SDA now clearly outlines their material needs and corresponding time frame from development to launch. This timeline enables the Department of Defense (DoD) to get critical assets into orbit and stimulates the commercial space industry.

The DoD has a mutually beneficial relationship with space industry, as the DoD gets its hands on the latest technology to fill vulnerability gaps and the companies make a profit. One way that SDA is streamlining the acquisition process is with its warfighter council. The council works with practitioners to understand what their near-term needs are so that SDA can being the research and development process early. The acquisition process is critical for the DoD to create a resilient warfighting capability in space.

You can watch “The national security implications of small satellites” here and you can read the corresponding report here. For more information about Forward Defense, visit the website here and subscribe for more.

Madison Littlepage is a Young Global Professional for Forward Defense in the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

Read the report

Several tiny satellites photographed by an Expedition 33 crew member on the International Space Station. The satellites were released outside the Kibo laboratory using a Small Satellite Orbital Deployer attached to the Japanese module’s robotic arm on Oct. 4, 2012. Source: NASA, “Several tiny satellites,” Wikimedia Commons, October 4, 2012,


May 5, 2022

Small satellites: The implications for national security

By Nicholas Eftimiades

Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades considers how the US government can better leverage commercial satellites to enhance space security.

China Defense Industry

Explore Forward Defense

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Eftimiades in the news on small satellites Thu, 12 May 2022 18:38:52 +0000 Nicholas Eftimiades featured in multiple news outlets based on his recently released small satellites report.

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On May 5, Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades released his latest report titled “Small Satellites: The Implications for National Security.” Since then, Eftimiades’ report has been cited in a variety of news outlets including Defense Daily, SpaceNews, and Executive Gov. The articles highlight how the US government needs to adopt small satellites to maintain its space superiority over China and enhance its resiliency in space.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Sadat in SpaceNews on the Arctic and space Thu, 12 May 2022 17:56:44 +0000 Mir Sadat asserts that the US military does not adequately consider the implications of the space domain on its Arctic strategies.

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On May 12, Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Mir Sadat was cited in a SpaceNews article titled “Melting Arctic ice opens new front in strategic power competition.” Sadat asserts that current US Arctic military strategies suffer because they do not sufficiently address the implications of the space domain.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Preble on Net Assessment: Threats from out of this world Thu, 12 May 2022 15:11:00 +0000 On May 12, Preble joined his co-hosts on the Net Assessment podcast to discuss space policy and to what extent cooperation on space governance is feasible at this point in time.  “People all over the world are ever-more dependent on assets in space for normal activity in their daily lives, but there are few rules […]

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On May 12, Preble joined his co-hosts on the Net Assessment podcast to discuss space policy and to what extent cooperation on space governance is feasible at this point in time. 

“People all over the world are ever-more dependent on assets in space for normal activity in their daily lives, but there are few rules of the road in place to manage space behavior. Will it be possible to develop a system of cooperation that allows for freedom of movement in space but also protects the economic and national security of all countries? Should we be concerned about the rapid growth of private satellites and related equipment in space? Secretary of Defense Austin said that ‘Space is already an area of great power competition.’ Given the interests of China, Russia, and the United States in space, are we heading into a space arms race?

“Chris has an attaboy for a thrilling victory at the Kentucky Derby, Zack remembers a friend who has departed too soon, and Melanie doubles down on America.”

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Small satellites: The implications for national security Thu, 05 May 2022 13:00:00 +0000 Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades considers how the US government can better leverage commercial satellites to enhance space security.

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The small satellites revolution, or the commercial-led launch of smaller and lower-cost satellites, is impacting space security. This Forward Defense report, authored by nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades and produced in partnership with Thales, explores how the US government can leverage small-satellite developments to ensure safe and secure access to and within space.

You can read the Executive summary and select report excerpts below. To read the full report, please click the “Download PDF” button above.

Executive summary

If the United States is to maintain space superiority, it will need to make substantive cultural, doctrinal, and operational changes to its multidimensional relationship with the commercial space industry.

Nicholas Eftimiades

This report examines the relationship between what is often called the commercial “small-satellite revolution” and US national security. The relationship is complex and has many dimensions, not the least of which are organizational behavior, government’s lack of understanding of commercial markets, outdated institutional processes, and a defense bureaucracy unwilling or unable to adapt to the changing environment. It may be worth noting that several of these same problem areas brought about the catastrophe of September 11, 2001. This is not to suggest a “Space Pearl Harbor” event is imminent. However, the threat to space systems will increase proportionately to the degradation of the United States’ ability to maintain space superiority; that is, the ability to ensure safe and secure access to, and in, space.

If the United States is to maintain space superiority, it will need to make substantive cultural, doctrinal, and operational changes to its multidimensional relationship with the commercial space industry. This is because, over the next decade or so, commercial space activities will increase the number of operational satellites by nearly a full order of magnitude, mainly through the development of small satellites. With the growth in the number of satellites come increased capabilities in remote sensing, communications, data processing, and on-orbit operations. A new space ecosystem is coming into being, with profound implications for the world’s security and economic development. The speed at which commercial space companies are putting thousands—soon to be tens of thousands—of satellites into orbit presents unique challenges for US security in space, as well as for deployed armed forces. There will be increased congestion in certain orbits, competition for communications bandwidth, new types of space operations, increased transparency, and a changing threat paradigm. Competing in this changing environment will require the United States to make substantial changes in long-established defense acquisition processes, research and investment strategies, data classification and distribution, and the commercial space regulatory environment.

Key findings

This report explores the trends and technological developments defining the future of the space domain. In doing so, it arrives at six key conclusions.

  1. The United States will most likely lose space superiority to China within the next decade.
  2. The Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence Community (IC) are trying to take advantage of the small-satellite revolution. The IC is increasingly investing in commercial small-satellite data, to increase collection capabilities and provide military support.
  3. The DoD does not generally take a “buy commercial first” approach to space services. Rather, there is an established culture that ignores legislated “commercial first” mandates, and that behavior has become increasingly detrimental to national security interests. Over the last decade, this negative culture has eroded US space superiority, and will continue to do so as the world moves toward quickly developed and deployed, low-cost commercial space systems. For decades, presidential policies directed the executive-branch agencies to buy commercial goods and services before developing government solutions. Almost all of the government and industry experts interviewed for this study believe DoD and the IC ignore those mandates for commercial space capabilities.
  4. To date, no commercial small-satellite service has proven itself viable without government support. Yet, the growth of this industry will dramatically impact US national security.
  5. DoD acquisition processes are designed to reduce risk and, as a result, are ill prepared for the high-speed commercial space environment. Senior DoD leaders are making efforts to speed up acquisition processes for small satellites and associated technologies. The results to date are mixed.
  6. The US Department of Commerce (DoC) Office of Space Commerce (OSC) has made little progress over the last year in executing its responsibilities for Space Traffic Management (STM) and on-orbit mission authorities. Being subordinate to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) does not allow the office to function at the level required to effectively execute its mission.
Source: Airman 1st Class Dalton Williams, US Air Force Flickr

1. Define terms

There must be consensus on what constitutes STM—both globally and within the US interagency—and how to define related lexicon like “space object” and “space domain awareness,” which have implications for STM policy. While some experts see STM as similar to SSA, acting as an information service to satellite operators, others compare STM to air traffic management, which designates an external authority to have control over all operators. As stated, this paper defines STM as the ability of international and national authorities to track spacecraft and space debris, to regulate where space operators position their spacecraft, and to oversee debris mitigation and remediation efforts.

2. Establish minimum standards of conduct

An effective framework for STM must consider guidelines for spacecraft pre-launch and once in orbit, as well as designate responsibility for derelict satellites and space junk. Whereas the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies—commonly referred to as the Outer Space Treaty—forms the basis of international space law, it was formulated in an era defined by few space actors and limited space capabilities, and it lacks proper consideration of traffic management and collision avoidance. This regulatory gap provides the opportunity for space entities to write the rules on the launch and maneuver of satellites. For example, SpaceX executives have proposed that, as satellites raise their orbits, they should be required to move around satellites already in the orbits they are passing through. While pragmatic in concept, this becomes difficult to enforce when considering both the size of satellite constellations and the scope or duration of their missions: Should a mega-constellation with a multiyear mission be required to maneuver when crossing paths with a single satellite on a monthlong endeavor? Questions like this must be considered in international discussions.

Prior to launch, national and international governing bodies might consider confining satellites that lack maneuvering capability to specific altitudes. This proactive measure could help avoid collision with national assets at notable altitudes—400 kilometers, where the International Space Station (ISS) is currently situated, provides a present-day benchmark. This measure is complicated by the fact that commercial and research satellites can provide dual-use capabilities or otherwise contribute to US and allied security objectives.

Moreover, when operating above a specified altitude, spacecraft should be required to meet more stringent safety requirements. The altitude requirement today might be set at above the ISS or 400 kilometers, but this measure should remain flexible as manned spacecraft become commonplace. Space operators acting above the specified altitude should report their planned maneuvers to an international coordinating authority to preempt collisions. Maneuvers in space should be announced like maneuvers in other domains. Additionally, spacecraft should be required to have propulsion and reliable communication, which allow a satellite to maneuver and remain under positive control, respectively, thereby preventing accidental or unstoppable collisions.

3. Assign liability

To manage and protect national space assets, accountability must be assigned for both manmade and naturally occurring space debris. Over the past two decades, trackable orbital debris has increased by more than 80 percent. Moving in excess of 15,000 miles per hour, even minor debris poses an existential threat to manned and unmanned missions.

The disposal of defunct satellites to “graveyard orbits,” which are orbits distant from commonly used ones, is required to clean up Earth’s orbits. Spacecraft should have end-of-life provisions for moving into a graveyard orbit. In 2019, the US government revised the Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices (ODMSP), reaffirming an earlier guideline that operators remove satellites from operational orbits within twenty-five years of the end of their operational mission. While widely accepted as an international standard, space development outpaces this standard and makes it obsolete in the current operating environment. Moreover, accountability becomes complicated when handling the debris of non-collaborative operators like China and Russia. An international discussion could help refine such guidelines for space debris mitigation and remediation.

4. Distinguish between orbits

STM considerations differ in geosynchronous equatorial orbit (GEO). While low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites move relative to the Earth at any given moment, GEO satellites stay in one position relative to a specific location on Earth. To launch a satellite to GEO, a company or nation must apply to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) for a slot. While all slots are essentially spoken for today, advanced space technology is decreasing the traditional amount of space required between two active satellites, thus presenting openings for new actors. However, slots are often filled by “paper satellites,” or spacecraft unlikely to be manufactured or launched but instead meant to hold a spot in line. Working within the parameters of GEO, an STM framework must consider how to maximize equitable access to space while minimizing risk to current operators.

As activity moves into xGEO or cislunar space, the United States and its allies have an opportunity to proactively address traffic management and construct a framework that reflects the reality of dual-use space activity. While the lunar orbit is not often trafficked, fifty payloads are expected to reach the Moon by 2030. Moreover, US adversaries recognize that satellites beyond GEO are harder to track and monitor, and that cislunar space can thus be used to hold reserve satellites for LEO operations. The US military is beginning to develop SSA models for cislunar space, as the vast distance from Earth-based sensors makes tracking difficult beyond GEO. The Air Force Research Laboratory is currently pioneering the Cislunar Highway Patrol System (CHPS), which is designed to improve the US Space Force’s ability to “track and identify artificial objects operating at lunar distances and beyond.” CHPS spacecraft will launch in 2025 to experiment with space traffic procedures for operating near the Moon or other cislunar areas.

5. Allocate responsibilities and authorities

STM is a global issue requiring a global response. To realize any of the above proposals, an international coordinating authority must first be empowered to promote dialogue and advance norms and regulations for national and subnational space operations. To establish a coordinating authority, discussions should begin in existing international fora like the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). Eventually, a coordinating authority might expand or mirror existing governing bodies. For example, space management might be best executed by extending the ICAO’s area of responsibility to include outer space, or through the creation of “an ICAO-like organization to monitor space activity.”

Domestically, a lead US agency must be designated to represent national equities on the global stage. The Office of Space Commerce, within the US Department of Commerce (DoC), is often identified as the right agency to lead the charge. In June 2018, the White House issued “Space Policy Directive–3: National Space Traffic Management Policy” calling for a “new approach” to STM and charging the DoC with the responsibility of data-sharing and collision-avoidance support services. This aligns with the Fiscal Year 2023 President’s Budget request, which includes a $78 million increase from the 2021 enacted budgetary level for the DoC to expand civil SSA and “improve real-time tracking and reporting of space objects and debris.” In August 2022, the DoC and the US Department of Defense (DoD) are expected to sign a memorandum of agreement to support the DoC’s leadership on a civil structure for SSA. A civil SSA system, relying on the commercial sector’s diverse and complementary SSA capabilities, would further allow the DoD and, specifically, the US Space Force to focus on space domain awareness (SDA), which reflects a mindset shift toward space as a warfighting domain requiring better SSA for security purposes. In addition, some experts advocate for the formation of a separate all-space agency to synthesize “diverse perspectives and rapidly resolving space-related issues across participating departments and agencies.” Should such an agency come to fruition, it will lend the necessary top cover to the STM efforts within the DoC.

A view of the BIRDS-2 Satellite Deployment during JSSOD-9 operations. The JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer (J-SSOD) provides a novel, safe, small satellite launching capability to the International Space Station (ISS). Source: Serena Aunon-Chancellor, NASA, August 10, 2018,

Adversarial space developments

Constellations of hundreds of satellites change the targeting dynamics for US and foreign counterspace capabilities. It is easier for a foreign anti-satellite capability to attack one large target than hundreds of smaller ones… A LEO constellation can suffer the loss of one satellite, or even multiple satellites, and still maintain a degraded capability.

Nicholas Eftimiades

Gen. David Thompson, the Space Force’s vice chief of space operations, has stated that the Space Force responds to “reversible attacks” on US government satellites “every single day,” Thompson further opined that China would surpass the United States as the world’s global space power by the end of the decade.1 This report concurs with that assessment.

Any foreign small-satellite service, whether government owned or commercial, could put secondary payloads on its satellites to collect against or destroy US systems. For example, on July 15, 2020, Russia demonstrated anti-satellite capabilities by detaching a small subject from its satellite Cosmos 2543 to trail a US National Reconnaissance Office satellite.2 Russian satellites conducted similar tests in 2017. These actions threaten US satellites because they can characterize capabilities, interfere with operations, or even destroy the US satellites.

Determining capabilities on foreign small satellites would require exquisite intelligence collection and characterization capabilities, which are difficult now and will be much more so when the numbers of potential threats exponentially increase. The difficulty in determining satellite capabilities was noted as recently as November 2021. The US Space Force reported China’s Shijian 21 in elliptical geostationary transfer orbit as high as 35,813 kilometers above Earth, with an inclination of 28.5 degrees to the equator.3 On November 3, a new object with the international designator 2021-094C was cataloged alongside Shijian (SJ)-21 by Space Force’s 18th Space Control Squadron. The object was believed to be an apogee kick motor (AKM) used to modify its transfer orbit to enter geostationary orbit.

Source: Lewis Carlyle, U.S. Space Command

Uncharacteristically, SJ-21 and the AKM flew alongside each other, which was unusual for a discharged AKM. Based on the synchronized orbits, the unidentified object was suspected to be conducting counterspace operational testing, to include rendezvous and proximity operations or manipulation using SJ-21’s robotic arm.4 If the AKM had performed maneuvers, it would not be the first time China deployed a small satellite that flew in formation with its larger host. The Tongxin Jishu Shiyan-3 (TJS-3) satellite released a payload in 2018 that performed coordinated maneuvers (perhaps an attempt to confuse space-tracking networks).5 In January 2022, the SJ-21 maneuvered to capture a defunct Chinese satellite (Compass G2) and towed it to a higher (graveyard) orbit. The SJ-21 then returned to its original geosynchronous orbit.

China’s National Defense in the New Era report stated in 2019 that “Outer space is a critical domain in international strategic competition.”6 The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) incorporated its plans for space development in its foreign and economic policies. For example, the flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a trillion-dollar global infrastructure-development program engaging one hundred and thirty-eight countries. This program is generally considered the largest of its kind in history.

One component of China’s BRI is the Space Information Corridor. In addition to supporting all the companies China has in the BRI, the Space Information Corridor provides remote sensing, communications, and position, navigation, and timing data to all nations.7 The Space Information Corridor almost certainly supports the newly established Belt and Road National Security Intelligence System, which is China’s Ministry of Public Security using private security companies to provide force-protection information relative to the global BRI infrastructure.

In 2015, Beijing launched the Digital Silk Road (DSR) as an integrated part of the BRI and the Space Information Corridor. Chinese telecommunications companies (Huawei, ZTE, Hikvision, etc.) develop the DSR, which supports BRI companies operating overseas. The DSR develops countries’ “telecommunications networks, artificial intelligence capabilities, cloud computing, e-commerce and mobile payment systems, surveillance technology, and smart cities.”8 Some reports assess one third of BRI participants have contracts for DSR support.9 Press reports over the years identified instances in which collected data through the DSR have been sent to China. China’s cybersecurity law requires Chinese companies to store all data in the People’s Republic of China. China’s National Intelligence Law mandates that Chinese companies assist the government when requested.

The BRI includes other space-related initiatives, including university collaborations and engineering education throughout the emerging world. Through BRI, DSR, and the Space Information Corridor, China has effectively integrated its space programs, intelligence collection, economy, and foreign policy. This is being achieved throughout emerging economies globally by weaving space capabilities and digital infrastructure into China’s global strategy for economic growth and development. If participation continues to grow as expected, China will democratize space for the world. In so doing, it will also dominate space information globally.

Adversarial governments are likely to leverage commercial small satellites for military and intelligence purposes. This threat is difficult to assess, because there is so little information in the public domain and competitor commercial small-satellite networks are not yet fully deployed. It is likely that the threat to US space systems will increase based on

  • Russia’s use of small satellites to surveil US reconnaissance platforms;
  • China’s on-orbit proximity operations (testing); and
  • China’s Academy of Military Science writings on the use of national security space, along with similar publications like the 2019 Defense White Paper and Space Science & Technology Plan 2050


The following key recommendations address areas of US space policy, the regulatory environment, coordination and cooperation with US allies, and support for the commercial space industry. These recommendations have the same goals: to enhance global space security and advance the US commercial space industry. Advancing the US commercial space industry is a critical component of maintaining global space leadership, and ensuring the safety and security of space systems and national security.

Source: SpaceX, Wikimedia Commons

US military, government and civil space

Department of defense and intelligence community

  1. The DoD should ensure the resilience of US space systems by using commercial systems, including responsive space launch and satellite architectures across multiple orbits, and incorporating allied space capabilities.10
  2. Congress should direct DoD and ODNI to conduct a study to identify national security missions that can be accomplished through commercial space, related services, space communications, and SSA.
  3. Congress should earmark DoD and IC funds for the purchases of those commercial services. This action will force compliance with US law and increase commercial space services driving innovation through competition.
  4. Congress and the administration must conduct rigorous oversight to ensure DoD and Intelligence Community organizations enforce policies (including their own) to “buy commercial first.”
  5. DoD should prototype and acquire small-satellite and related cyber capabilities using OTA and Section 804 authorities. Use of other standard acquisition processes should require a waiver.
  6. The Joint Chiefs of Staff should establish a program to ensure OPSEC is integrated into doctrine and operational activities employing current awareness of commercial space remote-sensing capabilities and intelligence. This program should include training on foreign and commercial technical capabilities to defeat OPSEC. The program should also be integrated with DoD Perception Management and denial and deception efforts.
  7. To ensure deterrence against hostile nations, DoD should develop, coordinate, and exercise response strategies to cyberattacks against US and allied commercial space systems. These CONOPS should be done with the IC, DHS, allies, and private industry. This activity could include the National Guard.
  8. Protocols, treaties, operating rules, etc. will eventually be established by commercial companies as well as governments. The US government (particularly DoD OSD/Space Policy, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and the Intelligence Community) should have a well-developed, well-thought-out, brilliantly designed plan for verification and compliance (sensors, networks, analysis standards, communication protocols, etc.) This plan should recognize that much of the data will necessarily be shared globally and, therefore, must be unclassified. The plan will support overall US national security and commercial space strategies.

Other US government actors

DHS plays an important role in supporting the commercial space industry in developing standards and best practices. In May 2021, DHS Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) established a Space Systems Critical Infrastructure Working Group. The working group is a mix of government and industry participants developing strategies to minimize risks to space systems that support the nation’s critical infrastructure.11 CISA has also produced several cybersecurity publications and recommended standards relevant to small-satellite systems.

  1. DHS should lead a study to determine if space systems should be included as one of the national critical-infrastructure sectors. If so, Congress should designate space systems as critical infrastructure, with Department of Commerce as the Sector-Specific Agency.
  2. DHS should continue to strongly advocate private industry’s adoption of the NIST SP 800-37 Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations: A System Life Cycle Approach for Security and Privacy. This document provides a recommended cybersecurity risk-management framework for commercial satellite operators.
  3. DHS should work with the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency to develop programs that enhance supply-chain security in the commercial space industry.
  4. Programs should include training and information sharing enabled through the Space ISAC.

Department of commerce

The DoC plays a significant role in regulating, overseeing, and advancing the US commercial small-satellite industry. It also has a critical function in establishing US leadership in global Space Traffic Management.

  1. The DoC should purchase commercial SSA data and services, to the maximum extent possible, and secure international data-sharing agreements. DoC should incentivize the private sector to develop innovative analytical tools and advanced services to conduct STM.
  2. Move the Office of Space Commerce out from under NOAA. OSC’s recently expanded responsibilities for STM and mission authorities make it a poor fit under an entity focused on oceanographic and atmospheric administration. Being buried in NOAA puts the OSC in poor position to conduct the required interagency and international coordination.
  3. Congress should affirm that the DoC Office of Space Commerce has the requisite on-orbit authorities to allow it to promulgate regulations for on-orbit mission operations that fall outside the current licensing and supervision framework.
  4. Congress should ensure DoC has appropriate funding to conduct the STM mission and execute it with a “commercial first” approach.
  5. OSC should fully embrace commercial SSA providers through contracts. It is imperative that this office live up to the requirement to “buy commercial first,” which it has not done to date.
  6. The OSC should provide clear, deliberate direction to acquire, prioritize, implement, and deploy existing commercial SSA and STM services.

Commercial space actors

One of the challenges facing the small-satellite industry is educating and helping to reorient the DoD and IC. For generations, the US defense and intelligence communities had little concern for economic security and advancing domestic commercial industries. A hostile and competitive rising China has altered the global situation, necessitating closer cooperation between the US national security community and commercial space providers.

  1. Small-satellite and related industry associations should enhance and coordinate efforts to educate relevant government departments on capabilities, emerging technologies, and the market case for commercial satellites.

US allies and partners

The US faces many foreign policy challenges, including a rising hostile authoritarian China and aggressive military actions from Russia. Space security is a foundational element of ensuring peace with these strategic competitors. The United States must expand its efforts in space diplomacy to ensure coordinated action with allies and establish global standards with partners.

  1. The Department of State, DoD Office of Space Policy, and Department of Commerce should enhance space diplomatic efforts with the following goals.
  2. Increase the urgency to establish behavioral norms for space systems, particularly
  3. Rendezvous and proximity operations;
  4. notifications and guidelines;
  5. orbital debris and guidelines; and
  6. cybersecurity standards.
  7. Support commercial space industry efforts to enhance Track 2 international collaboration and coordination.
  8. Establish the US as the global leader and provider of STM.
  9. Develop an interagency process for unclassified and classified STM and SSA data to be used in international forums.

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1    Josh Rogin, “A Shadow War in Space is Heating up Fast,” Washington Post, November 30, 2021,
2    Caleb Larson, “Space Wars: Meet Russia’s New Anti-Satellite Satellites,” National Interest, July 27, 2020,; “Russia Conducts Space-Based Anti-Satellite Weapons Test,” US Space Command Public Affairs, July 23, 2020,
3    Space Force
4    Andrew Jones, “An Object Is Now Orbiting Alongside China’s Shijian-21 Debris Mitigation Satellite,” Space News, November 5, 2021,
5    Paul Seaburn, “Mystery Object Detected Flying Near Chinese Satellite,” Mysterious Universe, November 7, 2021,
6    “China’s National Defense in the New Era,” PRC Ministry of Defense, July 24, 2019,
7    Jiang Hui, “The Spatial Information Corridor Contributes to UNISPACE+50,” International Cooperation Department, China National Space Agency, 2018,
8    Joshua Kurlantzick and James West, “Assessing China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative: A Transformative Approach to Technology Financing or a Danger to Freedoms?” Council on Foreign Relations,
9    Joshua Kurlantzick and James West, “Assessing China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative: A Transformative Approach to Technology Financing or a Danger to Freedoms?” Council on Foreign Relations,
10    “Space Policy and Sustainability,” 15.
11    “Space Systems Critical Infrastructure Working Group,” Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency, May 13, 2021,

The post Small satellites: The implications for national security appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Manning in The National Interest: The coming anarchy in outer space Sun, 24 Apr 2022 15:43:00 +0000 On April 24, Robert Manning published an article in the National Interest with Peter Wilson concerning international space activities. They argue that space is becoming increasingly anarchic, and advocate for a return to heavier international regulations on humanity’s final frontier. “It is a sign of the times that NASA, whose accords would be a strong […]

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On April 24, Robert Manning published an article in the National Interest with Peter Wilson concerning international space activities. They argue that space is becoming increasingly anarchic, and advocate for a return to heavier international regulations on humanity’s final frontier.

“It is a sign of the times that NASA, whose accords would be a strong draft to base global rules on, eschewed the path of negotiating a wider international pact to codify principles and guidelines for civilian space agencies. The accords are, in effect, rules that assert dominion over activities that, ‘…may take place on the Moon, Mars, comets and asteroids … as well as in the orbit of the Moon or Mars,’ and in cislunar space. Yet, to date, they do not include some major space powers—China, France, Germany, and India. Europe remains divided on the Artemis Accords. In the case of China, NASA had little choice—the 2011 Wolf Amendment bans its cooperation or coordination with any Chinese government-affiliated entities. It has proved largely counterproductive, neither improving human rights nor constraining China’s space efforts. Instead, alarmed by NASA robust collaboration with SpaceX and other commercial partners, China has significantly accelerated investment in own, largely parallel lunar exploration plans.”

More about our expert

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Chilton at Franciscan University on his experience in Air Force and NASA Tue, 05 Apr 2022 14:08:00 +0000 Forward Defense distinguished fellow General Kevin P. Chilton explains how he balanced family with a career as a four-star general and astronaut.

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On April 5, Forward Defense distinguished fellow General Kevin P. Chilton spoke to Franciscan University of Steubenville students about his experience as a four-star general in the Air Force and as an astronaut at NASA.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

The post Chilton at Franciscan University on his experience in Air Force and NASA appeared first on Atlantic Council.

General Dickinson describes how USSPACECOM safeguards US interests in space Wed, 09 Mar 2022 19:25:00 +0000 The Commander of US Space Command General James H. Dickinson explains how the United States prepares for and responds to security threats in space as part of Forward Defense's Commanders Series.

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On March 9, the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense (FD) practice hosted a virtual event featuring Commander of US Space Command (USSPACECOM) General James H. Dickinson as part of its Commanders Series, generously supported by Saab.

As commander of USSPACECOM, General Dickinson is responsible for defending US and allied interests in space while providing space-enabled combat readiness to warfighters around the globe. He joined Forward Defense in conversation with Defense One national security correspondent Jacqueline Feldscher to answer pressing questions on twenty-first century space security.

The bottom line? Space is vital to daily life: Everything from banking, to farming, to mapping and beyond rely on space-enabled capabilities. US private- and public-sector entities are dependent on space-based assets, and key competitors like China and Russia recognize this and are challenging free and open access to space. Through surveying the skies, USSPACECOM provides military actors with a comprehensive understanding of trends shaping the galaxy.

What threats exist in space?

USSPACECOM is responsible for a vast “geographic” AND “astrographic” area and operates in a constantly evolving space threat environment, notes General Dickinson.

Strategic competition launching into space. In November 2021, Russia successfully tested its Nudol ground-based anti-satellite weapon, which consequently created myriad space debris and endangered space-based assets in low-Earth orbit. Meanwhile, the Chinese have developed dual-use on-orbit technologies as seen with the SJ-17 and SJ-21 satellites, which are equipped with robotic arms to move or disable other satellites. China is also working to field non-kinetic and directed energy counterspace capabilities to blind adversaries’ space domain awareness (SDA). Russia and China have both tested hypersonic glide missiles and satellites similarly capable of endangering US interests in space.

To cislunar space and beyond. USSPACECOM’s area of responsibility extends from a hundred kilometers above the Earth’s surface to infinity. As competitors expand operations into cislunar space, the United States will need to determine a strategy for this novel domain of operations (as Forward Defense recommends in The Future of Security in Space: A Thirty-Year US Strategy). However, cislunar space is a new ground for USSPACECOM to survey, and expanded operations further complicate the need to achieve space situational awareness.

Why is outer space worth defending?

Space is crucial for the United States’ ability to effectively deter conflicts—and respond should deterrence fail—as the US military relies on satellites for communications, tracking of forces, and missile warnings. Adversaries recognize the US dependency on space and intentionally seek to weaponize this domain.

That’s where USSPACECOM comes in. Space is now a military operational domain, thereby warranting a national security responsibility to protect US and allied interests. According to General Dickinson, USSPACECOM is “supraglobal,” meaning that it encompasses relevant military and political activities on Earth and in space. Created in 2019, USSPACECOM reached initial operational capability in August 2021 and is still working towards full operational capability today.

Where does USSPACECOM fit into the picture?

USSPACECOM’s strategy rests upon three foundational pillars: countering competitive influence, strengthening relationships with partners, and building and maintaining a competitive edge. According to General Dickinson, SDA is the top priority, as it enables the United States to attribute and track activities in space.

Leveraging the Joint Force. USSPACECOM has curated a joint, combined, and partnered team by leveraging its relationships with the other military services, the intelligence community, the commercial sector, and international partners to develop effective SDA.

Working with allies and partners. General Dickinson explains USSPACECOM’s successful model for leveraging US allies and partners in space through formal forums and exercises. USSPACECOM is also working with the United Nations to establish global space norms in response to the exacerbated issue of space debris. Over the past couple years, multiple allies and partners have established their own space commands and/or created a Space Force equivalent. Furthermore, USSPACECOM is looking to form a pathway to partnership with states in Africa and South America.

Employing commercial tech innovations. General Dickinson explains his role as the global sensor manager, utilizing sensors to enhance SDA. Working with commercial sector leaders, USSPACECOM is improving its identification and incorporation of nontraditional sensors into US missile defense radars. Location is key to effective sensors, so SPACECOM has been working closely with the commercial sector to gain access to vital sensor locations. SPACECOM is working to incorporate all US terrestrial sensors and space-based assets to create one common operating system in order to have constant uninterrupted data. Similarly ripe for private-sector partnership is the small satellite market. General Dickinson recognizes that the transition from “big, juicy targets” to constellation of smaller satellites builds a redundant and resilient space security architecture.

You can watch “Navigating the New Strategic Realities of Space: A Conversation with Commander of US Space Command General James H. Dickinson” here. To watch other events in the Commanders Series, visit the webpage here. For more information about the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense practice, visit the website here and subscribe for more.

Madison Littlepage is a Young Global Professional for Forward Defense in the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

Read FD’s strategy paper on The Future of Security in Space

Several tiny satellites photographed by an Expedition 33 crew member on the International Space Station. The satellites were released outside the Kibo laboratory using a Small Satellite Orbital Deployer attached to the Japanese module’s robotic arm on Oct. 4, 2012. Source: NASA, “Several tiny satellites,” Wikimedia Commons, October 4, 2012,


May 5, 2022

Small satellites: The implications for national security

By Nicholas Eftimiades

Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Nicholas Eftimiades considers how the US government can better leverage commercial satellites to enhance space security.

China Defense Industry

The Commanders Series, generously supported by Saab, is the Atlantic Council’s flagship speakers’ forum for senior military and defense leaders.

Explore Forward Defense

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Grieco in Space News: Why space alarmism is wrong and dangerous Tue, 22 Feb 2022 21:44:00 +0000 On February 22, Kelly Grieco published an article in SpaceNews, cautioning against space alarmism. She argues that such space race concerns can drive misperceptions and unnecessary spending and that the United States should focus on cooperation in space over competition. According to Grieco, “Mutually beneficial scientific cooperation between the United States and China mitigates the […]

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On February 22, Kelly Grieco published an article in SpaceNews, cautioning against space alarmism. She argues that such space race concerns can drive misperceptions and unnecessary spending and that the United States should focus on cooperation in space over competition.

According to Grieco, “Mutually beneficial scientific cooperation between the United States and China mitigates the risks of turning all U.S.-China relations into zero-sum competition. Let the missile gap myth be a cautionary tale.”

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Grieco in Space News Business: Why space alarmism is wrong and dangerous Thu, 17 Feb 2022 22:09:00 +0000 On February 17, Kelly Grieco was published in Space News Business with an article on why space alarmism is wrong and dangerous. Grieco explains that the United States has near-superiority in space technology, and that reports comparing adversaries’ space capabilities are often exaggerated or overblown. She argues that US space policy should embrace cooperation with other space-faring […]

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On February 17, Kelly Grieco was published in Space News Business with an article on why space alarmism is wrong and dangerous. Grieco explains that the United States has near-superiority in space technology, and that reports comparing adversaries’ space capabilities are often exaggerated or overblown. She argues that US space policy should embrace cooperation with other space-faring states, which could yield huge benefits around the world.

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Chilton in DefenseNews on building up the US Space Force Sat, 29 Jan 2022 18:16:00 +0000 Forward Defense distinguished fellow Gen Kevin Chilton, USAF (Ret.) writes in DefenseNews on the Space Force.

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On January 28, Forward Defense distinguished fellow Gen Kevin Chilton, USAF (Ret.) published an article in DefenseNews on the pressing need to equip and train the US Space Force, entitled “Empower our Space Force, just as we do for the other armed services.” In the article, Chilton argues that the Space Force can fill a critical deterrence role, matching adversarial advances and empowering warfighting and operational needs across the DoD.

We owe our guardians the same range and depth of training we provide for other domain operators.

Gen Kevin Chilton, USAF (Ret.)

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Engagement Reframed: Introduction Wed, 26 Jan 2022 20:15:54 +0000 The Biden administration has been slow to distribute surplus COVID-19 vaccine doses to countries in need or to facilitate foreign manufacturing of vaccines, squandering a diplomatic opportunity and potentially endangering US security.

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The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s New American Engagement Initiative (NAEI) has a twofold mission: to challenge prevailing assumptions underpinning US foreign policy; and to point to alternative paths, different priorities, and a re-allocation of resources when needed to support new modes of US global engagement with allies and partners to shape the global future.

Our work is premised on the view that the United States—indeed, the world—is at a notably disruptive moment in history. An unprecedented technological revolution has accelerated the redistribution of global wealth and power in a multipolar world. Global institutions have frayed and fragmented, and America’s military and economic preeminence has begun to erode. By questioning underlying assumptions, the NAEI team will stimulate new ways of thinking about US foreign policy and recommend solutions that employ all elements of American power and influence.

NAEI’s Assumptions Testing series of issue briefs delves into major assumptions guiding US policies, including the motivations and behavior of revisionist powers; the US role in sustaining the global order; the effectiveness of coercion and deterrence; and the importance of democracy promotion. These in-depth briefs in turn inform two types of short policy briefs aimed at busy policymakers and opinion leaders:

  • The first, NAEI’s Reality Check series, focuses on specific flaws in current policy. The series has covered a range of issues—from the US military posture in the Persian Gulf to the provision of security-sector assistance to foreign partners—and identifies specific needed reforms as well as pitfalls to avoid.
  • NAEI’s newest publication series, Engagement Reframed, will suggest new ways to frame and execute America’s global role. As the title implies, the series will reimagine and reframe US engagement in the world beyond traditional, narrow notions of US military dominance to fashion a viable type of leadership in a world of many capable actors.

The Engagement Reframed series will develop new approaches for nonmilitary engagement with allies and partners, including rethinking the institutions of US foreign policy making and implementation, the specific issues and problems the United States faces, and the ways in which the scaffolding of the international system might be renovated or reengineered. These concise policy briefs will address how to employ the full range of tools at the disposal of the United States and its like-minded network. All follow a basic structure:

  1. What are the challenges and opportunities? What opportunities for engagement are US policymakers currently missing? How might different modes of engagement—or new methods of interacting with others—alter or improve existing US policy?
  2. Why now? The field of debate on US foreign policy is crowded with urgent problems. The Engagement Reframed series will stress important issues, explain the critical need for change, and highlight why a particular opportunity is worthy of policymakers’ attention.
  3. How to make it happen. The United States is no longer the world’s sole dominant power; this series is aimed at operationalizing the concept of primus inter pares (first among equals). Learning how to operate in this multipolar world of many capable actors involves making choices. Engagement Reframed will inform these choices by considering when to take the lead or share burdens with others—solving collective-action problems through diplomacy and identifying how to enfranchise other actors to find a stable balance of interests.

The Engagement Reframed briefs planned for 2022 include:

Vaccinate the world by Mathew Burrows and Evan Cooper

The United States remains the best-positioned country to lead a global vaccination drive to counter the spread of COVID-19. With poor countries in serious need of vaccines, and China’s Sinopharm, Russia’s Sputnik, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccines deemed ineffective in initial trials at fighting the Omicron variant, the United States could reap a significant diplomatic, economic, and public health windfall if it contributes to the global vaccination effort more aggressively by donating its effective vaccines, increasing foreign production capacity of such vaccines, and bringing together donor countries to revamp the global health system. In the short-to-medium term, such measures could significantly help stem the financial costs of the pandemic by preventing economies from shutting down. Over the longer term, such an effort would yield diplomatic gains by establishing the United States as a responsible leader in global health and as the premier developer of medical innovations.

Appoint a European SACEUR by Kelly Grieco

Like every American president for six decades, President Joe Biden has called for Europe to shoulder a larger part of the defense burden. US efforts to press Washington’s European allies to do more have largely fixated on one measure: defense spending levels. At the 2014 NATO summit in Wales, NATO members pledged to spend at least two percent of their gross domestic product on defense by 2024. Despite demanding that its European allies contribute more to their own defense, Washington has thus far refused to seriously consider a more equitable distribution of leading positions in NATO’s military organization. Put differently, the United States cannot have it both ways; it cannot demand that Europe do more yet still retain full military leadership of the alliance. This paper explores arguments for the appointment of a European Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and offers recommendations for rebalancing NATO responsibilities and commands.

Engage on Ukraine’s Future by Emma Ashford

In recent years, Ukraine has become a core flashpoint between Russia on the one hand and the United States, as well as Washington’s European allies, on the other. From the George W. Bush administration’s 2008 attempt to bring Ukraine into the NATO membership process, to the 2014 dispute over a European Union (EU) association agreement that prompted the Maidan Revolution, the question of whether Ukraine will move toward the West or retain its traditionally close ties to Russia has been fraught with controversy. The end result has been a war on Ukrainian soil and political and economic limbo for Ukraine, which cannot benefit fully from its ties with either Russia or the West. This paper steps back from security questions to explore novel ideas for economic integration of Ukraine into Western markets—giving the country the access it desires—while reassuring Russia that this will not necessarily entail full EU membership or the cessation of trade with Russia itself.

Move beyond great-power competition in Africa by Aude Darnal and Ambassador Rama Yade

Following two decades of US foreign policy primarily dominated by the global war on terrorism, Washington’s strategic competition with Beijing has motivated a shift in US engagement with the rest of the world. In Africa, the United States retains its military and security approach toward armed conflicts and instability, but the US government has increasingly framed its exchanges with the continent within the concept of great-power competition. Though the Biden administration recently affirmed that it will not ask African countries to choose between China and the United States, it has also warned some of them about their partnerships with the Asian power. Framing US engagement with the continent through the lens of great-power competition is a mistake because it implies that African countries are merely pawns in the international system. This brief explores opportunities for greater US engagement with African countries in such sectors as diplomacy, technological innovation, trade, global health, and climate change—all issues where they are valuable partners.

Bring back America’s diplomatic superstars by Evan Cooper

American culture has tremendous influence around the world, but successfully leveraging that power for diplomatic gain requires that the US government work strategically with American artists and businesses. The Jazz Ambassadors program of the 1950s and 60s—sponsored by the Department of State to promote US values globally—provides a useful model that should be applied to how the department approaches cultural diplomacy today. By partnering with some of the most popular American artists and companies, the State Department could facilitate exhibitions of American freedom of expression and artistic talent, advancing US values while helping to improve damaged perceptions of the United States abroad.

Rethink space governance by Robert A. Manning

We have entered a new era in space that is racing ahead of the world’s ability to govern it. 2021 marked an inflection point, as US and Chinese rovers explored Mars, and a Russian anti-satellite weapons test created 15,000 pieces of space debris. Private sector activities ramped up, too, including Elon Musk’s Space X activities and the Starlink mini-satellites nearly colliding with a Chinese space station. Not least, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the spectacular Webb telescope. In short, the already explosive growth of activities in space will only accelerate in this decade. Yet the only universally subscribed law governing space is the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, now outdated by both technology and politics. Meanwhile, nations are passing laws to grant claims on moon real estate and resources, the private sector is gearing up to mine asteroids and the moon, and increasing space debris threatens space assets on which the functioning of civilization increasingly depends—from global positioning systems and military command and control to the Internet and automatic teller machines. NASA has embarked on a noble effort to update rules for operations in space, the Artemis Accords, signed by thirteen US allies and partners, but the agreement omits major space powers: China, France, Germany, India, and Russia. All parties should begin with a recognition of their mutual vulnerability and admit the urgent need to manage and remove space debris. Beyond that, the United States has an opportunity to lead efforts with partners and allies to update global space governance before space becomes a Wild West free-for-all.

Expand US relations with the Caribbean by Aude Darnal and Wazim Mowla

In recent years, the United States’ engagement in the Caribbean has been largely inconsistent and limited to only a handful of countries. From the limited and delayed collaboration during the COVID-19 crisis, to the poor response to migration flows from the Caribbean, Washington has shown the limits of its current strategy to partner with the region. In parallel, increased engagement in the region by rival powers has raised the Caribbean’s profile inside the Beltway. Although the Biden administration should not look at Caribbean countries through the prism of great-power competition, it should seize the opportunity to strengthen and redefine, when necessary, a comprehensive strategy grounded in mutual interests. From climate change to trade, investment, and diplomacy, the Caribbean and the United States share common challenges and opportunities that can only be addressed or transformed into gains through cooperation.

Get creative on European security architecture by Emma Ashford

Six months ago, the Biden administration began the process of re-engaging with Russia on questions of strategic stability, including the core issues of arms control and cyber warfare. Talks have been ongoing, and a number of working groups have been set up on specific topics. Recent events, however, suggest the need for engagement on a broader set of issues rather than exclusively on arms control. Repeated Russian military buildups near Ukraine—and Moscow’s proposed outline of a revised European security architecture—suggest that the time might be ripe for revisiting the conversations from the 1990s about conventional security in Europe. Nonetheless, Moscow’s proposed language for such an agreement is likely to be largely unacceptable to Western states. This paper explores the Russian proposal for a new European security architecture and suggests areas where compromise might be found.

Other topics to be explored in the series include demographics and immigration, a plan for improving global infrastructure, relations with North Korea, governance in space, and US public attitudes toward trade, while working with allies and partners to build leverage to reshape world order.

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Grieco in The Diplomat: The China-US Space Race is a Myth Wed, 19 Jan 2022 19:45:00 +0000 On January 19, Kelly Grieco published an opinion piece in The Diplomat analyzing the supposed space race between the United States and China. She laid out the case that there is not actually an ongoing space race and that the United States has demonstrated it is far more advanced in space technology, with fears about China overtaking […]

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On January 19, Kelly Grieco published an opinion piece in The Diplomat analyzing the supposed space race between the United States and China.

She laid out the case that there is not actually an ongoing space race and that the United States has demonstrated it is far more advanced in space technology, with fears about China overtaking the United States in that domain being misplaced. 

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Morris in Dallas Morning News: Space junk threatens US assets in low-earth orbit Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:57:00 +0000 On January 3, the Dallas Morning News published a piece by Scowcroft Center senior advisor Nate Morris arguing that a Russian anti-satellite missile test highlights a growing threat to US space superiority. Moreover, the article warns that space waste poses a severe threat to US assets in low-earth orbit.

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On January 3, the Dallas Morning News published a piece by Scowcroft Center senior advisor Nate Morris arguing that a Russian anti-satellite missile test highlights a growing threat to US space superiority. Moreover, the article warns that space waste poses a severe threat to US assets in low-earth orbit.

But the most serious threat to American space dominance may not be Russia’s capabilities, but the accidental effects they could create. As worrisome as the potential for lost satellites may be, the creation of a massive field of space waste is downright terrifying.

Nate Morris

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Chilton moderates panel on space warfighting at Mitchell Institute Fri, 10 Dec 2021 20:20:00 +0000 Forward Defense distinguished fellow Kevin Chilton moderates panel on space warfighting at the Mitchell Institute

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On December 10, Forward Defense distinguished fellow Gen. Kevin P. Chilton USAF (Ret.) moderated the Mitchell Institute’s Spacepower Forum event with Lt Gen John E. Shaw, Deputy Commander of the U.S. Space Command. They discussed the development of space warfighting doctrine, what it means to have an area of responsibility (AOR) in space, and the future of the U.S. Space Command.

There is the organize, train, and equip function of the Space Force, and there is the warfighting function for US Space Command. There are very different staffs and very different organizations that are required to accomplish that.

Kevin Chilton

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Sadat in Politico on the attempt to create a Space National Guard Thu, 21 Oct 2021 13:38:00 +0000 Forward Defense nonresident senior fellow Mir Sadat comments on the proposal for a Space National Guard in Politico.

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On October 21, FD nonresident senior fellow Mir Sadat was quoted by Politico in an article titled “Battle brews over creating Space National Guard.” Sadat commented on how the proposal has become a point of political contention and has several challenges to overcome before it can move forward.

Unless there is a plan to stand up a competitive reserve component within the Space Force, these space reservists will have to convert to other Air Force career fields…If this matter is not resolved before its creation, then we will have a Space Force reserve system that is inferior in every way to their active duty counterparts and also their reserve peers in the other services.

Mir Sadat

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

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Mulder, Starling, and Massa on the future of space strategy Fri, 01 Oct 2021 16:00:00 +0000 2020-21 Senior US Air Force Fellow Lt Col Christopher Mulder, Forward Defense Deputy Director Clementine Startling, and Assistant Director Mark J. Massa argue for the United States to develop a long-term strategy in space and highlight key recommendations from their space strategy paper.

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In the October 20 issue of ROOM Space Journal, 2020-21 Senior Air Force Fellow Lt Col Christopher Mulder, Forward Defense Deputy Director Clementine Startling, and Assistant Director Mark J. Massa published an article titled “A US space strategy for 2050: shaping a domain on the cusp.” Their article outlined recommendations for a long-term approach to space designed to promote the security, stability, and commercial viability of international space use. The article’s recommendations focused on enhancing space governance, defending space access, accelerating space commerce, and embracing Cislunar space. You can download the full article below.

Unless there is a plan to stand up a competitive reserve component within the Space Force, these space reservists will have to convert to other Air Force career fields…If this matter is not resolved before its creation, then we will have a Space Force reserve system that is inferior in every way to their active duty counterparts and also their reserve peers in the other services.

Mir Sadat

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

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GeoTech commissioner Vint Cerf and others release the report, “Strategy toward a solar system internet for humanity” Tue, 27 Jul 2021 15:17:24 +0000 As part of the InterPlanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG), GeoTech Commissioner Vint Cerf was one of the five authors that released a report that discussed the technical, operational and political challenges toward the development of a Solar System Internet (SSI).

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As part of the InterPlanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG), GeoTech Commissioner Vint Cerf was one of the five authors that released a report that discussed the technical, operational and political challenges toward the development of a Solar System Internet (SSI). A mission to deliver an SSI for humanity will require the engagement of many stakeholders: governments, academia, private sector and the general public. To help address this, the report authors laid out a set of strategic principles that would guide the public-private efforts needed to deliver this collective mission, together with an overview of the involvement of the different stakeholders over time. View the full report at the link below.

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Kroenig and Ashford consider the future of war in outer space and cyber space Fri, 23 Jul 2021 14:15:22 +0000 On July 23, Foreign Policy published a biweekly column featuring Scowcroft Center deputy director Matthew Kroenig and New American Engagement Initiative senior fellow Emma Ashford discussing the latest news in international affairs. In this column, they discuss the future commercialization and militarization of space, calling for cooperation and international standards to help guide future space exploration and […]

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On July 23, Foreign Policy published a biweekly column featuring Scowcroft Center deputy director Matthew Kroenig and New American Engagement Initiative senior fellow Emma Ashford discussing the latest news in international affairs.

In this column, they discuss the future commercialization and militarization of space, calling for cooperation and international standards to help guide future space exploration and technology development. They further considered the exportation of the Israeli surveillance software Pegasus to authoritarian leaders and its implications; China’s state-sponsored hacking and the need to bolster U.S. cyber defense capabilities; and the prospect of providing internet access to protesting Cubans.

Commercializing space will require securing space, and China and Russia present some of the biggest threats in that domain…So, making this work will require the US and its allies to extend their terrestrial military advantages to outer space. Washington needs to invest in military capabilities to deter and defend against hostile adversary attacks.

Matthew Kroenig

But the most serious threat to American space dominance may not be Russia’s capabilities, but the accidental effects they could create. As worrisome as the potential for lost satellites may be, the creation of a massive field of space waste is downright terrifying.

Nate Morris

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Rodriguez at the Heritage Foundation on the future of US technology in space Wed, 21 Jul 2021 19:00:00 +0000 Forward Defense Senior Advisor Stephen Rodriguez discusses revolutionary technology for US space dominance.

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On July 21, Forward Defense Senior Advisor Stephen Rodriguez participated in a panel with the Heritage Foundation titled “Revolutionary technology for U.S. dominance in space.” In the panel, Rodriguez discussed the role of emerging space technology companies, and how those can be leveraged to give the US a competitive advantage in space.

You don’t get an emerging space tech company, say brand new, right out of the garage or off the launch pad,  without having a fully functioning and fulsome space industrial base.

Stephen Rodriguez

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Sadat in Politico on the future of space travel Tue, 20 Jul 2021 16:35:00 +0000 Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat considers the direction of space travel over the next decade.

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On July 20, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat commented to Politico on the future of space travel after Jeff Bezos’ New Shepard rocket took its first flight. He discussed the future of civilian space travel in the context of Bezos’ plans to expand the Blue Origin program, calling the perspective “visionary” and “altruistic.”

If the economy and the scarcity of Earth minerals and the capability to maneuver safely in space move in the right direction, we will have habitation on the moon over the next 10 years

Mir Sadat

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Starling, Massa, and Siegel present at the State of the Space Industrial Base Workshop on the future of space security Fri, 16 Jul 2021 15:14:00 +0000 Co-authors of Forward Defense's recently released Atlantic Council Strategy Paper on "The Future of Security in Space: A Thirty-Year US Strategy" present at the 2021 State of the Space Industrial Base Workshop.

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On July 16, Forward Defense deputy director Clementine G. Starling, assistant director Mark J. Massa, and program assistant Julia Siegel gave a lecture for New Space New Mexico‘s 2021 State of the Space Industrial Base Hybrid Workshop titled “The future of US security in space.” In this lecture Starling, Massa, and Siegel discuss Forward Defense’s recently released Atlantic Council Strategy Paper titled The Future of Security in Space: A Thirty-Year US Strategy.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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FAST THINKING: What’s next for space travel Thu, 15 Jul 2021 18:51:54 +0000 On this episode of Fast Thinking, David Bray and Inkoo Kang of the GeoTech Center discuss the future of space governance, China and Russia's independent missions, and the inevitable commercialization of space travel.

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Everybody is racing to space – not just nations, but private companies and even individuals. As this becomes more commonplace, where will the responsibility fall when it comes to space ventures, and can we put aside the competition to uniformly address both orbital and Earth-bound issues?

Atlantic Council experts David Bray and Inkoo Kang of the GeoTech Center discuss the future of space governance, China and Russia’s independent missions, and the inevitable commercialization of space travel.

Meet the experts

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Sadat presents at the State of the Space Industrial Base Conference Thu, 15 Jul 2021 15:21:00 +0000 Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat presents on geopolitical strategic competition in space.

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On July 15, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat gave a lecture for New Space New Mexico‘s 2021 State of the Space Industrial Base Hybrid Workshop titled “Geopolitical Strategic Competition.” In this lecture, Sadat discussed the state of great power competition in the space domain.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Cybersecurity of Space-Based Assets and Why this is Important Mon, 12 Jul 2021 22:13:50 +0000 On a recent joint Georgetown and Atlantic Council masters' class, GeoTech Director Dr. David Bray shared his insights on the seminar's question: "Cybersecurity of Space-Based Assets and Why This Is Important." This masters' class also featured GeoTech Fellows and experts Dr. William Jeffrey, Chuck Brooks, and Dr. Divya Chander.

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Space is quickly becoming the new frontier to be explored by national governments and private sector actors. In the process, the different parties are preparing themselves for an environment with the same competition and collaboration that are typical on Earth, which will require new regulations and international norms and will create novel opportunities for industry and innovation, from transportation and satellite communications to data sharing, artificial intelligence, and national security.

On a recent joint Georgetown and Atlantic Council masters’ class, GeoTech Director Dr. David Bray shared his insights on the seminar’s question: “Cybersecurity of Space-Based Assets and Why This Is Important.” This masters’ class also featured GeoTech Fellows and experts Dr. William Jeffrey, Chuck Brooks, and Dr. Divya Chander.

We invite you to watch the informative recording below:

Read more about our expert:

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State of the Order: Assessing June 2021 Sat, 10 Jul 2021 14:18:36 +0000 The State of the Order breaks down the month's most important events impacting the democratic world order.

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Reshaping the order

This month’s topline events

Biden Rallies the G7. On his first overseas trip as president, Joe Biden joined the leaders of the G7 group of democracies in Britain for a summit, resulting in commitments to provide one billion COVID-19 vaccines to developing nations, as well as agreements on a global minimum tax and a major new initiative to finance infrastructure projects in the developing world to counter the influence of China. Biden later traveled to Brussels for his first summit with NATO leaders, and separately, with EU leaders, securing joint statements of concern over China and Russia and pledging to work together to advance a rules-based international order. 

  • Shaping the order. Biden’s participation in this sequence of summit meetings showcased a renewed US commitment to democratic alliances and signaled that America is back as a multilateral leader on the global stage. The summit statements reflect shared concerns over Russia and China and an emerging consensus among allies on the need to prepare for an era of strategic competition between democracies and autocracies, though the US and Europe continue to differ in certain areas on how assertively to deal with Beijing. 
  • Hitting Home. Closer cooperation with allies could help place the United States in a stronger position to act on key challenges at home, including pandemic recovery, and to defend against threats to American security and economic interests.
  • What to do. Biden should continue to push for a common strategy among allies to deal with China and Russia, strengthen and update global trade norms, and seek to create new mechanisms to promote democratic cooperation, including a potential D-10 and a technology alliance to harness advanced technologies and develop common norms and policies consistent with democratic values.  

A New Atlantic Charter. While in London, Biden joined British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in signing a New Atlantic Charter that sets forth a statement of shared values and common aspirations. Like the original Atlantic Charter signed by Britain and the US in 1941, the new document lays out eight fundamental principles for a stable and secure global order, including the need to address new challenges such as emerging technologies, cyber threats, and climate change.  The document was criticized by Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov as “ideologically tainted” and by China’s Global Times as “misreading the trend of time.”

  • Shaping the order. The New Atlantic Charter offers an affirmative vision in stark contrast to a world dominated by autocracies like China and Russia and could serve to galvanize the free world to act together to address shared challenges. But what made the original Atlantic Charter so compelling was the action it inspired, including new rules and norms governing the behavior of states, and new institutions that the United States and its allies and partners used to defend and enforce these rules. To succeed in shaping a revitalized global order, this same spirit will be required again today. 
  • Hitting Home. As with the original document, the Atlantic Charter 2.0 could provide a blueprint for organizing a world that fosters a new era of security and prosperity for America and its citizens.
  • What to do. Biden should encourage other leading democracies that share the charter’s vision to sign on and work together to support it. The administration should follow by taking concrete steps to create new institutions that would advance the charter and rally the world’s democracies to action behind the principles in the charter.

Biden-Putin Meeting.  Biden ended his visit to Europe by meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Geneva. During the nearly three hours of talks, Biden reportedly raised concerns over Russian cyberattacks; human rights violations, including the imprisonment of opposition leader Alexey Navalny; and aggression against Ukraine. The two leaders agreed to launch a strategic stability dialogue to deal with issues such as arms control and cyberattacks, and to send ambassadors back to each other’s capitals.

  • Shaping the order. Biden’s call-out of Russia’s behavior on human rights  and foreign interference suggests that US-Russia relations are likely to continue to be framed as a clash of values and interests, in the context of US support for an international rules-based order. Despite the launch of a new strategic dialogue and efforts by the Biden administration to cast the meeting as “positive” and “constructive,” the Kremlin appears undeterred from its current course of malign activities.
  • Hitting Home. As demonstrated by recent ransomware attacks against US companies, including Colonial Pipeline, cyberattacks originating from Russia continue to pose threats to the US and could disrupt Americans’ daily lives
  • What to do. Washington should continue to press Moscow to take action against cybercriminals based in Russia, release Navalny, and cease its broader efforts to undermine the rules-based order, while working closely with allies on a common strategy to raise costs on Moscow for such behavior.   

Quote of the Month

America is better positioned to advance our national security and our economic prosperity when we bring together like-minded nations to stand with us… Our alliances weren’t built by coercion or maintained by threats.  They’re grounded on democratic ideals and a shared vision of the future … where the rights of all people are protected… where nations are free from coercion or dominance by more powerful states; [and] where the global commons … remain open and accessible for the benefit of all.” 

– President Joe Biden, United Kingdom, June 9, 2021

State of the Order this month: Strengthened

Assessing the five core pillars of the democratic world order    

Democracy (↑)

  • In response to Belarus’ forced landing of a Ryanair flight in May and the government’s ongoing crackdown against pro-democracy protestors, the United States, European Union, United Kingdom and Canada announced coordinated sanctions on dozens of Belarusian individuals and entities, with additional sanctions likely to come.
  • G7 leaders, joined by the leaders of Australia, India, South Africa, and South Korea, signed an Open Societies Statement that reaffirmed shared commitments to democratic values, human rights, and freedom of expression.
  • Hong Kong’s largest pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, was forced to shut down and its editors faced arrest as Beijing expanded its assault on democratic institutions in the autonomous territory.
  • With the actions against Belarus and the priority placed on support for democracy at the G7, NATO, and EU Summits, the democracy pillar was strengthened.

Security (↑)

  • Meeting in Brussels, NATO leaders reaffirmed their commitments to collective defense and advancing a rules-based order, while citing a range of traditional and evolving security challenges, including those posed by Russia and China.
  • Conservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi, a protégé of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, was elected as Iran’s next president, in a move widely seen as orchestrated by Khamenei to ensure that his hardline vision for Iran, contentious with the United States and the West, is maintained.
  • China and Russia announced the extension of a friendship and cooperation treaty, originally signed in 2001, that Chinese President Xi Jinping said demonstrated the importance of strategic cooperation between Moscow and Beijing in defending their common interests on the global stage.
  • Ransomware attacks, reportedly organized by groups based in Russia, continued to target American companies, including the world’s largest meat supplier, JSB Foods, which paid $11 million to the hackers. 
  • In light of the NATO summit pronouncements, the overall security pillar was strengthened.

Trade (↑)

  • After years of negotiations, G7 nations agreed to a new global minimum tax of 15 percent on multinational corporations, regardless of where their headquarters are located. Over 130 nations, including all members of the G20, have now endorsed the agreement.
  • The United States and the European Union agreed on a temporary resolution of a 17-year dispute over aircraft subsidies to Boeing and Airbus, suspending tariffs for five years and committing to a more open and transparent process for research and development funding.
  • The United States and the EU also agreed to create a new Technology and Trade Council, aimed at devising new standards for emerging technology, promoting democratic values online, and advancing collaboration on cutting-edge research.
  • With these important developments, the global trade pillar was strengthened.

Commons (↑)

  • G7 leaders pledged to provide one billion coronavirus vaccines to the developing world over the next year, with the United States committing to half of this amount.
  • The G7 also agreed to step up action on climate change by committing to cut emissions in half by 2030 and renewing a pledge to raise $100 billion a year to help developing countries move to cleaner energy sources. 
  • China launched a rocket to send the first astronauts to its new space station, a significant step in what could become an intensifying space race between China and the United States.
  • Overall, the global commons pillar was strengthened.

Alliances (↑)

  • As discussed above, President Biden joined G7 leaders for a summit in Britain that reaffirmed US relations with key democratic allies. 
  • Biden also joined NATO leaders for a summit in Brussels that showcased allied solidarity and resulted in a strongly-worded communique in which allies agreed to language calling out Russia and highlighting the “systemic challenges” posed by China.
  • Biden participated in a separate US-EU summit meeting in Brussels demonstrating strong US support for the EU after years of sharp criticism by former president Trump, and which set forth a “Joint Transatlantic Agenda” aimed at building a more democratic world and upholding a rules-based order, potentially bringing together EU and US regulatory power.
  • Overall, the alliances pillar was strengthened.

Strengthened (↑)________Unchanged (↔)________Weakened ()

What is the democratic world order? Also known as the liberal order, the rules-based order, or simply the free world, the democratic world order encompasses the rules, norms, alliances, and institutions created and supported by leading democracies over the past seven decades to foster security, democracy, prosperity, and a healthy planet.

This month’s top reads

Three must-read commentaries on the democratic order     

  • Joe Biden, in a Washington Post op-ed, contended that his trip to Europe was about rallying democracies to meet the challenges and deter the threats of a new age.
  • Hal Brands, in Foreign Affairs, argues that Biden’s emerging foreign policy doctrine focuses on a grand strategy of fortifying the democratic world against the most serious set of threats it has confronted in generations.
  • Mira Patel, writing for the Indian Express, suggests that the New Atlantic Charter is being seen as a rebuke of China and Russia and could help renew the US-UK “special relationship.”

Action and analysis by the Atlantic Council

Our experts weigh in on this month’s events

  • In an Atlantic Council report, From the G7 to a D-10: Strengthening Democratic Cooperation for Today’s Challenges, Ash Jain and Matthew Kroenig, in collaboration with Tobias Bunde, Sophia Gaston, and Yuichi Hosoya, suggest a new D-10 to foster strategic alignment and coordinated action among like-minded and influential democracies.
  • Fred Kempe, writing for CNBC, contends that Biden’s trip to Europe was aimed at providing a narrative thread and building common cause among the world’s leading democracies against authoritarianism
  • Andrew Marshall, in the New Atlanticist, provides an analysis of the New Atlantic Charter.
  • In an op-ed in The Hill, David Gordon and Ash Jain contend that Biden needs a D-10 to rally the democracies in an era of strategic competition.
  • Lisa Aronsson and Brett Swaney, in the New Atlanticist, highlight three priorities for NATO’s new Strategic Concept in light of increasing competition with Russia and China.
  • Nilofar Sakhi, in the New Atlanticist, suggests that China, Russia, and Iran are seeking to expand their influence in Afghanistan, which they view as a battlefield for strategic competition with the United States.
  • Dan Fried, in the New Atlanticist, analyzes whether Biden’s building of a foreign policy doctrine around democracy is likely to succeed.
  • In a Fast Thinking commentary, Dan Fried and Ash Jain discuss the potential implications of the New Atlantic Charter.


The Democratic Order Initiative is an Atlantic Council initiative aimed at reenergizing American global leadership and strengthening cooperation among the world’s democracies in support of a rules-based democratic order. Sign on to the Council’s Declaration of Principles for Freedom, Prosperity, and Peace by clicking here.

Ash Jain – Senior Fellow
Dan Fried – Distinguished Fellow
Jeffrey Cimmino – Assistant Director
Joel Kesselbrenner – Program Assistant
Paul Cormarie – Georgetown Student Researcher
Audrey Oien – Young Global Professionals Intern

If you would like to be added to our email list for future publications and events, or to learn more about the Democratic Order Initiative, please email

The post State of the Order: Assessing June 2021 appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Sadat speaks with the Institute of World Politics on today’s space race Thu, 08 Jul 2021 20:02:00 +0000 Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat speaks for The Institute of World Politics titled "A Space Vision To Guide America's Strategic Competition with China."

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On July 8, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat gave a lecture for The Institute of World Politics titled “A Space Vision To Guide America’s Strategic Competition with China.” In this lecture, Sadat discusses the modern space race with China, and the high-stakes economic consequences of this competition.

You don’t get an emerging space tech company, say brand new, right out of the garage or off the launch pad,  without having a fully functioning and fulsome space industrial base.

Stephen Rodriguez

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Nurkin in the Sydney Morning Herald on a space-based conflict with China Wed, 30 Jun 2021 21:11:42 +0000 Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Tate Nurkin quoted in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald titled "If the US went to war with China, who would win? It depends how it starts."

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On June 30, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Tate Nurkin was quoted in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald titled “If the US went to war with China, who would win? It depends how it starts.” In the article, Nurkin argues that a conflict between the US and China would involve strikes against opposing forces from the very beginning.

Space would be the first place both sides [China and the US] would go to strike the others’ forces in event of a conflict.

Tate Nurkin

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Sadat quoted by SpaceNews on transfers to Space Force Wed, 30 Jun 2021 21:07:32 +0000 Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat quoted in an article for Space News titled "U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps service members selected to transfer to Space Force"

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On June 30, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat was quoted in an article for Space News titled “U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps service members selected to transfer to Space Force.” In this article, Sadat expressed his support for the new Space Force policy, arguing that these transfers will help build a culture and improve integration between branches.

You don’t get an emerging space tech company, say brand new, right out of the garage or off the launch pad,  without having a fully functioning and fulsome space industrial base.

Stephen Rodriguez

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Achieving security in space: A recap of The Atlantic Council space strategy launch Sat, 12 Jun 2021 22:23:04 +0000 Sixty years since the first human launched into orbit, what is the future of security and prosperity in space? On April 12, the International Day of Human Spaceflight, the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense practice sought to answer this question with an engaging virtual public event featuring esteemed space experts and the launch of a new Atlantic Council Strategy Paper.

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Sixty years since the first human launched into orbit, what is the future of security and prosperity in space? On April 12, the International Day of Human Spaceflight, the Scowcroft Center’s Forward Defense practice sought to answer this question with an engaging virtual public event featuring esteemed space experts and the launch of a new Atlantic Council Strategy Paper

The event began with a video connecting the nostalgic history of US space exploration with the boundless potential of space now and in the future for enhancing security and prosperity for the United States and allies. Consistent with Forward Defense’s mission to produce forward-looking assessments of the trends, technologies, and concepts that will define the future of warfare, the video illustrated the ramifications of space for twenty-first century security challenges. 

Following the video, Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe offered remarks about the significance of the report, which outlines a thirty-year strategy to deal with challenges in space. He noted that most strategies are short and medium term, but few strategies grapple with the long-term ramifications of space.  

Starting off the workshop was a panel that examined some of the findings of the report itself. This first panel featured former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General James E. Cartwright, former Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James, former NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, and former National Space Council Executive Secretary Scott Pace. General Cartwright and Secretary James, Atlantic Council Board Directors, also were co-chairs of the report. This panel was moderated by Jennifer Griffin of Fox News. This panel’s major themes included the importance of preventing US great-power competitors from seizing the upper hand in space, while also recognizing the importance of cooperation to facilitate space sustainability. General Cartwright began by discussing the significance of particular areas of space—such as the Lagrange points, which are areas of advantageous orbital stability in space. They have value from a military perspective, with the speakers claiming that they provide a beneficial location for permanently stationing satellites for research and military reconnaissance. Following General Cartwright’s comments, Ms. Griffin asked the panelists to name a key “aha” moment for them in their careers as space professionals. Secretary James discussed the “aha” moment she had following the First Gulf War, when she realized the military significance of satellites for warfare on the ground. She also noted that “[a]nybody who was alive in the year 1969 and was old enough will remember where they were when Neil Armstrong took that first historic walk on the Moon. That was my first aha moment…” Secretary James’ comments were followed by former NASA Administrator Bolden arguing that engagement in international fora related to space will be critical to shoring up US legitimacy abroad, as well as fostering norms conducive to US interests. As part of this, he claimed that “[e]verything in the report talks about US leadership, which requires we be willing to compromise and go to the table.” Finally, Dr. Pace claimed that cooperation with China can be pursued under conditions of reciprocity, transparency, and mutual benefit, but ruled out high-level cooperation in areas such as human spaceflight.  

During an interlude between the first and second panels, the audience was treated to two short discussions which lent a tangible connection to why humankind goes to space and what space adds to their day-to-day lives. First, NASA astronaut COL Andrew Morgan spoke with Forward Defense’s Senior US Air Force Fellow Lt Col Christopher P. Mulder. COL Morgan, who spent over 270 days on the International Space Station, observed that space “allows us to reap even more benefits for humanity,” with scientific experiments and exploration demonstrably improving life back on Earth. 

Following COL Morgan’s interview, a presentation on remote sensing was given by Debra Facktor, the Head of U.S. Space Systems for Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Inc. Noting that space has “enabled us to learn so much more about Earth,” Ms. Facktor demonstrated the evolution in commercial remote sensing capabilities and the kinds of activities that Earth imaging from space can enable, from agriculture to national security.  

The event concluded with a discussion of the role of the commercial sector, led by a second panel featuring the H4X Lab’s Head of Naval Portfolio Ellen Chang, XPRIZE Director Gregg Maryniak, former Office of Net Assessment advisor Matthew Daniels, Space Security Program Director of the Prague Security Studies Institute Jana Robinson, and Ms. Facktor. This panel’s major emphasis was on the ways that the commercial sector could facilitate space activity, as well as the shift from space for exploration to space for its use for the long-term resilience of humankind. Ms. Chang began by claiming that private industry can only thrive when government policy is permanent, as opposed to transitory; this makes a thirty-year strategy of great importance to industry. The panelists discussed the raison d’être for going to space, with Mr. Maryniak noting that, while space activities were primarily intended to expand the horizons of human knowledge through exploration, space now is for survival and resource acquisition due to climate change and consumption challenges on Earth. At one point, Mr. Maryniak claimed that “[w]hat’s at stake is the entire future. More important than the commercial future is the future of our species. Survival of our next one hundred years depends on combatting threats such as climate change.” Discussing the significance of space in the US national consciousness, Dr. Daniels argued that the Apollo program represented a spirit of optimism and accomplishment. Dr. Robinson focused her remarks on space commerce and sustainability, noting that the biggest challenge to commerce will be debris and unsustainable space operations. 

You can rewatch “The Future of US Security in Space” here. To read the report, click here. For more information about the Atlantic Council’s Forward Defense practice or to read our latest reports, op-eds, and analyses, please visit the website here. You can also sign up for updates from Forward Defense to hear the latest on the trends, technologies, and military challenges shaping tomorrow.  The report was authored by Forward Defense Deputy Director Clementine G. StarlingForward Defense Assistant Director Mark J. Massa, Senior US Air Force Fellow Christopher P. Mulder, and Forward Defense Young Global Professional Julia T. Siegel

Raphael Piliero is a Young Global Professional for Forward Defense at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

Watch the event

Read the report

Cover credit: Helen Lundeberg, “The Veil,” 1947, The Macfarlane Collection

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series

Apr 11, 2021

The future of security in space: A thirty-year US strategy

By Clementine G. Starling, Mark J. Massa, Lt Col Christopher P. Mulder, and Julia T. Siegel

Outer space is rapidly transforming as new actors test new limits. This Atlantic Council Strategy Paper calls for the United States and its allies and partners to secure space over the next three decades or risk wasting the promise of this emerging domain.

China Cybersecurity

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Sadat speaks with Aerospace on the US space workforce Thu, 10 Jun 2021 20:49:29 +0000 Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat speaks with Aerospace on "The space policy show: keeping the space workforce strong."

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On June 10, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Mir Sadat spoke at an event for Aerospace titled “The space policy show: keeping the space workforce strong.” During the event, Sadat discussed the need for greater diversity and inclusion in the space workforce, and how to attract new talent to the field.

You don’t get an emerging space tech company, say brand new, right out of the garage or off the launch pad,  without having a fully functioning and fulsome space industrial base.

Stephen Rodriguez

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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How to solve today’s tech challenges: secure data, close the digital divide, boost leadership Thu, 27 May 2021 22:31:13 +0000 The decade to come will be the “GeoTech Decade,” in which the technology trends that began in previous years will become fixed in their impact on society. The Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data launched its first report with recommendations to guide leaders as they make choices regarding technology and data.

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Each decade has fundamentally changed security and technology. In the 2000s, much of the world focused on counterterrorism: The Twin Towers had been hit, and the years that followed were dominated by the global response to terrorism. The next decade brought disillusionment with both technology companies and governments. Conversations around technology grew more nuanced, especially with regards to national security. The motto of Silicon Valley was infamously “move fast and break things,” and things broke.

The decade to come will be the “GeoTech Decade,” in which the technology trends that began in previous years will become fixed in terms of their impact on society. After fourteen months of study and debate, the Atlantic Council’s Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data launched its first report with recommendations to guide leaders as they make choices regarding technology and data.

Here are a few key takeaways from the second session of the launch, moderated by David Bray, director of the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center, and Stephanie Wander, deputy director and senior fellow at the GeoTech Center.

Closing the digital divide and leading the pack

  • In the opening fireside chat, Max Peterson, vice president of worldwide public sector at Amazon Web Services, outlined the unprecedented technological change in the last year as government and the private sector have pushed services to a quarantining country. He called for strong international cooperation, closing the digital divide, and building robust human capital. Commissioner Maurice Sonnenberg agreed on the value of international cooperation, saying, “We’re not on top of the world anymore,” so the United States must work with like-minded countries as we pursue technology leadership.
  • David Treat, senior managing director at Accenture’s Blockchain and Multiparty Systems, also echoed Peterson’s call, referencing how the last year has shown the need for assured supply chains and data-driven decision making and innovation at a previously impossible pace. Yet, even as he described the “wildly powerful technology” society can now access, he warned, “I hope we don’t lose an ounce of focus that the digital divide is growing, and if we don’t use the power of public-private partnerships to drive digital inclusion, it will be irreparable.”
  • Wander emphasized how to bring women into conversations around technology, saying that the best conversations are those where everyone is represented.

Watch the full event

Security and privacy for data and technology

  • Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe introduced US Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-WA-1). “Technology has long been one of the strongest ways to improve and advance society,” she said, “but technology does not exist in a silo.” Technology has permeated our lives in the last year as people made use of telehealth and remote school, yet 46 percent of Americans feel that they have lost control of their data. “The concern around consumer data protection has been brewing for years,” DelBene noted, and there are still few federal standards. Her proposed Information Transparency and Privacy Data Control Act aims to clarify privacy policies and introduce audits to create a privacy ecosystem that showcases when data storage goes well, not just when it goes poorly. 
  • US Congressman Michael T. McCaul’s (R-TX-10) prepared remarks highlighted how crucial assured supply chains are, touching on a subject covered in the second chapter of the report. He wrote, “The purpose of my [CHIPS for America Act] is to secure a domestic supply of advanced semiconductor chips. Without a secure supply of semiconductor chips, we are subject to the whims of the [Chinese Communist Party]. Without a secure supply of chips, we are unable to build any advanced technology. And without a steady flow of chips, we run the risk of falling behind in AI, quantum computing, and other bleeding-edge technology.”
  • Internet pioneer and co-creator Vint Cerf added a new word to the discussion: In addition to security and privacy, the conversation around technology must also discuss safety. “The only reason anyone would trust all these systems is that they’re basically safe to use,” he said. “The real question is how do we construct safety out of components that are not necessarily individually trustable and safe?” Government, private, and personal systems are all at risk; to achieve a technical environment where all sectors are properly protected, all must collaborate, Cerf explained, adding that to move forward, the government must incentivize digital safety among the general public.  

Technology for good

  • Ramayya Krishnan, dean of the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, discussed how technology and policy will impact the future of work. While most think of technology as replacing jobs, that isn’t always the case. He discussed the example of bank tellers, who have seen new technologies increase the number of teller jobs as their work became augmented, not automated. This highlights the need for programs that teach employees new skills, as tellers now need new training in bridging and explaining technology to bank customers. At the same time, Krishnan said, “Where technology is making decisions that are social, you have the need for guardrails.”
  • Sonnenberg and Bray concluded the discussion emphasizing the need to use the commission’s recommendations to inform US diplomatic activities globally, such as in building a coalition of democracies and partnering with global entrepreneurs on data and tech efforts to shape the future.

Rose Butchart is the senior advisor for national security initiatives at the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center 

Read the GeoTech Commission Report

geotech, economy, data, trust

In-Depth Research & Reports

May 25, 2021

Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data

By The GeoTech Center

An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

Cybersecurity Defense Technologies

Catch up on part one of the report launch event

The post How to solve today’s tech challenges: secure data, close the digital divide, boost leadership appeared first on Atlantic Council.

New technologies will reshape the world in the next decade. What does that mean for the US? Thu, 27 May 2021 22:17:23 +0000 What can the United States do to reap the benefits of the GeoTech Decade and tame the era’s threats? Here are the key takeaways from the conversation.

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The “GeoTech Decade” has arrived, heralding a time when technology will have an expanded impact on geopolitics, the economy, and global governance, according to the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Commission. The big question the commission’s members aim to answer: What does it mean for the United States?

There are positive impacts like last year’s expedited development of a COVID-19 vaccine and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s successes on Mars. “There is so much potential, and we’re just scratching the surface,” said John Goodman, chief executive of Accenture Federal Services and co-chair of the GeoTech Commission. But with these new capabilities come increased threats like cyberattacks and the spread of disinformation. Goodman’s concern: “These threats put so much at risk, [like] our national security and economic wellbeing.”

Goodman issued a call to action at an event held by the GeoTech Commission to launch the Report of the Commission of Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data. He joined leaders from industry and government to discuss the report’s findings and recommendations for achieving global scientific and technology leadership, securing data and communications, enhancing trust and confidence in the digital economy, and more.

So what can the United States do to reap the benefits of the GeoTech Decade and tame the era’s threats? Here are the key takeaways from the conversation.

The United States’ role

  • Technology and data will determine the world’s ability to solve everything from climate change to wealth inequality, Goodman said. Thus, he argued that it is a “pivotal moment for the United States to reassert its leadership” with a national strategy, a global partnership with like-minded democracies, and collaborations with industry to “build trust in the digital fabric with which our world is going to be woven.”
  • US Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) agreed that the United States would need to enlist the help of its partners to think through emerging problems like China and its technology agenda. “Too often, great Chinese technology companies work hand and glove with the Communist Party of China to create a surveillance state, a state that too often is repressive toward the kind of human values and transparency” that democracies represent, Warner said. He added that democracies worldwide should join on “technology development and on making sure that we… participate jointly in setting the rules, protocols, and standards for these new technologies.”
  • US Senator Rob Portman’s (R-OH) prepared remarks (delivered by Maurice Sonnenberg, senior international advisor at Guggenheim Securities) pointed out that while the 2021 US National Defense Authorization Act enacted some proposals related to artificial intelligence, “ensuring that technologies are used in ways that also align with our values remains a challenge.” Navigating the implications of technological advancements for US prosperity, he added, continues “to be the work of our policymakers.”
  • Shirley Ann Jackson, president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, stressed the importance of US leadership in quantum information sciences. It starts by addressing not only security and technological concerns—like the possibility that malicious actors take advantage of vulnerabilities in encryption systems or the general difficulty to build units of quantum information—but also standard-setting. “We want to be in the lead there,” she said, adding that “we need [to] flesh out and understand the national security implications of the use of these technologies by others.” She called on the US government to “develop policies for the sharing of data, findings, and capabilities with our allies and partners in conjunction with relevant federal agencies,” like the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, and the Department of Commerce.

Watch the full event

What 2020 taught us about technological change

  • Teresa Carlson, president and chief growth officer of Splunk and a GeoTech Commission co-chair, pointed out that during the pandemic, there was a rise in ransomware and other cyberattacks. She explained how data could help cyberattack victims by helping establish “a deeper understanding of what is happening” and assisting leaders in developing policies to plug security gaps.
  • The GeoTech Commission Report explored ways to ensure supply chains stay resilient—a recommendation that comes after the pandemic wreaked havoc on global supply chains. “One thing it has taught us is [the extent of our] interdependence,” said former US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, adding “in a way that’s good for global trade, but in a way that also exposes vulnerability.” Supply chains are so vulnerable, Chertoff said, not only because of the physical barriers to delivery that were strengthened by pandemic lockdowns and stockpiling of resources like vaccines, but also because supply chains aren’t resilient against cyberattacks such as those against SolarWinds and Microsoft Exchange. He called for a US strategy to improve markets and invest in building alternative sources of supply for important software and hardware behind US information-technology infrastructure.
  • With accelerated technological capabilities like AI-powered COVID-19 testing and tracing, Zia Khan, vice president for innovation at The Rockefeller Foundation said, “we saw how data and technology will play out in the future.” While this is exciting, it is also an important moment to create policies and foster a way of thinking about technological development to “make sure that innovations benefit everyone,” which requires investing in “inclusive digital public goods,” he said. He added that it is important to not only ensure technology benefits all, but also to reinforce democratic values, human rights, and transparency. “I think that the US has a role to… step up and lead in the setting of the infrastructure and regulations so that we can continue to project the values that are so important to our society around innovation [and] around democracy,” said Khan.

An investment in people as an investment in tech

  • The public sector will also have to collaborate with the private sector, Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Senior Vice President and Chief Data Scientist Anthony Scriffignano explained, given the public sector’s ability to reach the public, launch discussions about technology, and improve access to education. “As digitalization continues to accelerate, the divide [in access] gets bigger,” explained Scriffignano. “There’s no guarantee that access to technology is going to be in any way better even tomorrow if the public sector and those in the private sector that can help enable that don’t focus on this problem.”
  • Goodman noted that as technology like AI changes the future of work, “employees increasingly will have to become technologists or at least comfortable with technology when it comes to delivering their work,” and that companies will have to be vigilant in how they develop, train, and apply AI to guard against bias and misinformation. “Explainable AI becomes very important for transparency and for trust,” Goodman said, so “having a workforce with digital fluency is a critical priority… from getting more people access to broadband and early STEM education, and creating digital literacy education, to expanding access to opportunities and cultivating talent in underserved communities.”
  • Sonnenberg and GeoTech Commission Executive Director David Bray stressed the importance of linking the commission’s work to US foreign policy efforts on tech and data investments. Bray said these efforts must advance with the mantra of “be bold; be brave; be benevolent” for the future ahead.

Katherine Walla is the assistant director of editorial at the Atlantic Council.

Read the GeoTech Commission Report

geotech, economy, data, trust

In-Depth Research & Reports

May 25, 2021

Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data

By The GeoTech Center

An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

Cybersecurity Defense Technologies

Catch up on part two of the report launch event

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Atlantic Council releases landmark recommendations on the geopolitical impacts of new technologies Wed, 26 May 2021 13:00:00 +0000 Findings based on bipartisan study groups of U.S. government officials and senior figures in tech industry.

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Findings based on study groups of US government officials and senior figures in tech industry

WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 26, 2021 – The Atlantic Council’s bipartisan Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data today released a landmark report proposing recommendations for the US government and like-minded allies on global technology and data development policy.

The report’s recommendations are designed to maintain US and allied leadership in science and technology; ensure the trustworthiness and resilience of physical and IT supply chains, infrastructures, and the digital economy at large; improve global health protection; assure commercial space operations for public benefit; and create a digitally fluent and resilient workforce.

The report was developed over months of intensive study and debate by an esteemed panel of commissioners comprised of senior representatives from Congress, academia, industry, and former officials from recent administrations. Sens. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Rob Portman (R-OH) and Reps. Suzan DelBene (D-WA) and Michael McCaul (R-TX) served as honorary co-chairs of the commission. John Goodman, Chief Executive Officer of Accenture Federal Services, and Teresa Carlson, President and Chief Growth Officer of Splunk, served as co-chairs. The commission was housed within the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center, which was launched in 2020 to champion positive paths forward to ensure new technologies and data empower people, prosperity, and peace.

Today’s report comes amid the “GeoTech Decade,” in which new technologies and data capabilities will have an outsized impact on geopolitics, economics, and global governance. However, no nation or international organization has created the appropriate governance structures needed to grapple with the complex and destabilizing dynamics of emerging technologies. As a result, new approaches are required for developing and deploying critical technologies, cultivating human capital, rebuilding trust in domestic and global governance, and establishing norms for international cooperation.

Key recommendations from the report include:

  • Global science and technology leadership: Develop a National & Economic Security Technology Strategy
  • Secure data and communications: Strengthen the National Cyber Strategy Implementation Plan and accelerate quantum information science technologies operationalization
  • Enhanced Trust and Confidence in the Digital Economy: Demonstrate AI improvements to delivery of public- and private-services
  • Assured Supply Chains and System Resiliency: Broaden federal oversight of supply chain assurance
  • Continuous Global Health Protection and Global Wellness: Launch a global pandemic surveillance and warning system
  • Assured Space Operations for Public Benefit: Harden security of commercial space industry facilities and space assets
  • Future of Work: Create the workforce for the GeoTech Decade and equitable access to opportunity

“The work of the bipartisan GeoTech Commission was 14 months in the making, representing the consensus of public and private sector leaders on practical steps forward for Congress, the White House, private industry, academia, and like-minded nations,” said Dr. David Bray, director of the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center. “The sophisticated, but potentially fragile, data and tech systems that now connect people and nations mean we must incorporate resiliency as a necessary foundational pillar of modern life. It is imperative that we promote strategic initiatives that employ data and tech to amplify the ingenuity of people, diversity of talent, strength of democratic values, innovation of companies, and reach of global partnerships.”

“The U.S. stands at a crossroads. New technologies and ready access to data offer exciting opportunities to tackle the world’s greatest challenges. Yet there are also risks that threaten to undermine peace and prosperity in unanticipated ways,” said John Goodman, CEO of Accenture Federal Services. “For the US and its partners to remain economically competitive and protect national security, we must work together to build trust in the digital fabric of the GeoTech decade. We must act now to invest in these new technologies, to develop and expand our skilled workforce, and to establish norms to ensure that technology emerges as a powerful force for good.”

“The GeoTech Decade impacts all countries, people, communities, and businesses from global safety to security and more,” said Teresa Carlson, President, and Chief Growth Officer at Splunk. “The recommendations in this independent report are necessary for innovation in the years to come. With bi-partisan buy-in from U.S. Congress and top industry leaders, executing on these seven areas will help us combine the data and technologies required for success in this new age.”

“We’re in the midst of a titanic technological shift, from IT modernization to artificial intelligence, as organizations from all industries look to harness the power of data to solve complex challenges,” said Max Peterson, Vice President, Worldwide Public Sector, Amazon Web Services. “Advanced computing systems, faster and higher-bandwidth communications networks, and increasingly sophisticated technologies are digitizing the information around us and transforming the way we live, learn, and do business. Together, government and the private sector should work to ensure we grasp the innovative opportunities before us in ways that promote security, trust, and inclusion.”

Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data

John Goodman, Chief Executive Officer, Accenture Federal Services
Teresa Carlson, President and Chief Growth Officer, Splunk

Honorary Co-Chairs:
Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA)
Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH)
Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA)
Rep. Michael T. McCaul (R-TX)

Max R. Peterson II, Vice President, Worldwide Public Sector, Amazon Web Services
Paul Daugherty, Chief Executive – Technology & Chief Technology Officer, Accenture
Maurice Sonnenberg, Guggenheim Securities
Michael Chertoff, Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security
Michael J. Rogers, Former Chairman of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Pascal Marmier, Head, Economy of Trust Foundation, SICPA
Ramayya Krishnan, PhD, Director, Block Center for Technology and Society, Carnegie Mellon University
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Susan M. Gordon, Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence
Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer & “Father of the Internet”
Zia Khan, PhD, Vice President for Innovation, The Rockefeller Foundation
Anthony Scriffignano, PhD, Senior Vice President, Chief Data Scientist at Dun & Bradstreet Corporation
Frances F. Townsend, Executive Vice President, Activision Blizzard
Admiral James Stavridis, USN, Ret.

Executive Director:
David Bray, PhD, Director, GeoTech Center, The Atlantic Council

The Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data was made possible by support from Accenture Federal Services and Amazon Web Services. The report’s full findings and recommendations can be found here.

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Conclusion, appendices, and acknowledgements Tue, 25 May 2021 22:58:50 +0000 An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Conclusion, appendices, and acknowledgements

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The increasing capabilities and availability of data and new technologies change how nations remain competitive and secure. In the coming GeoTech Decade, data and technology will have a disproportionate impact on geopolitics, global competition, and global opportunities for collaboration as new capabilities may eliminate a technical advantage or may enable new processes superior to current methods. The United States and like-minded nations must be able to adapt and demonstrate effective governance, at faster speeds, in employing data and new technologies to promote a more secure, free, and prosperous world.

In 1945, Vannevar Bush, director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, transmitted a report, Science – the Endless Frontier, with the goal of answering a few key questions asked by then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt in November 1944. In the report, Bush elaborated:

  • “With particular reference to the war of science against disease, what can be done now to organize a program for continuing in the future the work which has been done in medicine and related sciences?
  • “What can the Government do now and in the future to aid research activities by public and private organizations?
  • “Can an effective program be proposed for discovering and developing scientific talent in American youth so that the continuing future of scientific research in this country may be assured on a level comparable to what has been done during the war?”

Among its recommendations, the 1945 report called for the creation of the National Research Foundation. Bush concluded, noting the importance of action by Congress:

  • “Legislation is necessary. It should be drafted with great care. Early action is imperative, however, if this nation is to meet the challenge of science and fully utilize the potentialities of science. On the wisdom with which we bring science to bear against the problems of the coming years depends in large measure our future as a nation.”

Now, almost seventy-six years later, the GeoTech Commission similarly seeks to promote freedom and security through initiatives that employ data and new technologies to amplify the ingenuity of people, diversity of talent, strength of democratic values, innovation of companies, and the reach of global partnerships.

There are several areas where data and technology can help, or hinder, the achievement of these goals:

  • Communications and networking, data science, cloud computing
  • Artificial intelligence, distributed sensors, edge computing, the Internet of Things
  • Biotechnologies, precision medicine, genomic technologies
  • Space technologies, undersea technologies
  • Autonomous systems, robotics, decentralized energy methods
  • Quantum information science, nanotechnology, new materials for extreme environments, advanced microelectronics

To maintain national and economic security and competitiveness in the global economy, the United States and its allies must continue to be preeminent in these key areas, and must achieve trustworthy and assured performance of the digital economy and its infrastructure. The GeoTech Commission provided recommendations in the following seven areas where the United States and like-minded nations must succeed:

  • Global science and technology leadership
  • Secure data and communications
  • Enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy
  • Assured supply chains and system resiliency
  • Continuous global health protection and global wellness
  • Assured space operations for public benefit
  • Future of work

The report’s recommendations embody several ideals. First, work to ensure the benefits of new technologies reach all sectors of society. Second, define protocols and standards for permissible ways to develop and use technologies and data, consistent with the norms of the United States and like-minded nations. Third, guide technology cooperation and sharing with nondemocratic nations based on respecting democratic values.

Just as Vannevar Bush urged in 1945, the United States must create new ways to develop and employ future critical and emerging technologies at speed, cultivate the needed human capital, and establish norms for international cooperation with nations. Such creation requires important action by Congress and the new administration to ensure that the United States has the wisdom with which to apply science to the challenges and opportunities of the coming years. If enacted, the report’s recommendations will enable the United States and like-minded nations to employ data capabilities and new technologies intentionally to promote a freer, more secure, and more prosperous world.


Biographies of the GeoTech Commission co-chairs and commissioners


John Goodman, Chief Executive Officer, Accenture Federal Services

John Goodman is the Chief Executive of Accenture Federal Services (AFS), which serves clients across all sectors of the US federal government – defense, intelligence, public safety, health, and civilian. Since joining Accenture in 1998, he has held a variety of leadership roles – including managing director of Accenture’s Defense & Intelligence portfolio, head of Management Consulting for the global Public Service Operating Group, and most recently Chief Operating Officer of AFS. John began his career at Accenture as a Member of the Communications & High Technology practice.

Prior to joining Accenture, John served for five years in the federal government as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Industrial Affairs & Installations), Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Industrial Affairs), and a member of the staff of the National Economic Council, the White House office responsible for coordination of economic policy. He previously served on the Harvard Business School faculty.

John is co-chair of the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Commission and member of the boards of both the Atlantic Council and the Northern Virginia Technology Council, as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a member, and the immediate past chair, of the Executive Committee of the Professional Services Council, a former member of the Executive Committee of AFCEA, and the former chairman of the Defense Business Board. John was named Executive of the Year by the Greater Washington Government Contractors in 2018; a Wash100 inductee in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021; and a Fed100 Award winner in 2015. He has been awarded the Office of the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service, the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, and the Department of Defense Medal for Outstanding Public Service.

John received his Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude, from Middlebury College and his Master of Arts and Ph.D. from Harvard University.

Teresa Carlson, President and Chief Growth Officer, Splunk

As President and Chief Growth Officer at Splunk, Teresa Carlson leads our efforts to align and drive our ongoing business transformations across Splunk’s go-to-market segments. Most recently, Carlson served as Vice President, Worldwide Public Sector and Industries, for Amazon Web Services (AWS). After she founded AWS’s Worldwide Public Sector in 2010, Carlson’s role eventually expanded to include financial services, energy services, telecommunications, and aerospace and services industry business units.

Carlson has also been a strong advocate for empowering women in the technology field. That passion led to the creation of “We Power Tech,” AWS’s diversity and inclusion initiative, which aims to ensure underrepresented groups – including women – are reflected throughout all AWS outreach efforts. Carlson dedicates time to philanthropic and leadership roles in support of the global community. Prior to joining AWS in 2010, Carlson led sales, marketing and business development organizations at Microsoft, Keyfile/Lexign and NovaCare. Carlson holds a B.A. and M.S. from Western Kentucky University.

Honorary co-chairs

Mark R. Warner U.S. Senator from Virginia

Senator Warner was elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2008 and reelected to a third term in November 2020. He serves on the Senate Finance, Banking, Budget, and Rules Committees as well as the Select Committee on Intelligence, where he is the Chairman. During his time in the Senate, Senator Warner has established himself as a bipartisan leader who has worked with Republicans and Democrats alike to cut red tape, increase government performance and accountability, and promote private sector innovation and job creation. Senator Warner has been recognized as a national leader in fighting for our military men and women and veterans, and in working to find bipartisan, balanced solutions to address our country’s debt and deficit.

From 2002 to 2006, he served as Governor of Virginia. When he left office in 2006, Virginia was ranked as the best state for business, the best managed state, and the best state in which to receive a public education.

The first in his family to graduate from college, Mark Warner spent 20 years as a successful technology and business leader in Virginia before entering public office. An early investor in the cellular telephone business, he co-founded the company that became Nextel and invested in hundreds of start-up technology companies that created tens of thousands of jobs.

Senator Warner and his wife Lisa Collis live in Alexandria, Virginia. They have three daughters.

Rob Portman U.S. Senator for Ohio

Rob Portman is a United States Senator from the state of Ohio, a position he has held since he was first elected in 2010. Portman previously served as a U.S. Representative, the 14th United States Trade Representative, and the 35th Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In 1993, Portman won a special election to represent Ohio’s 2nd congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives and served six terms before President George W. Bush appointed him as U.S. Trade Representative in May 2005. Portman currently serves as the Ranking Member on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, as well as on the Senate Finance and Foreign Relations Committees. He was born and raised in Cincinnati, where he still lives today with his wife Jane. Together they have three children: Jed, Will, and Sally.

Suzan DelBene. U.S. Congresswoman Representing Washington’s 1st District

Congresswoman Suzan DelBene represents Washington’s 1st Congressional District, which spans from northeast King County to the Canadian border and includes parts of King, Snohomish, Skagit, and Whatcom counties. First sworn into the House of Representatives in November 2012, Suzan brings a unique voice to the nation’s capital with more than two decades of experience as a successful technology entrepreneur and business leader. Suzan takes on a wide range of challenges both in Congress and in the 1st District and is a leader on issues of technology, health care, trade, taxes, environmental conservation, and agriculture.

Suzan currently serves as the Vice Chair on the House Ways and Means Committee, which is at the forefront of debate on a fairer tax code, health care reform, trade deals, and lasting retirement security. She serves on the Select Revenue Measures and Trade Subcommittees. Suzan also serves as Chair of the forward-thinking New Democrat Coalition, which is one of the largest ideological coalitions in the House, and is co-chair of the Women’s High Tech Caucus, Internet of Things Caucus, and Dairy Caucus. She is also a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus.

Over more than two decades as an executive and entrepreneur, she helped to start as Vice President of Marketing and Store Development, and served as CEO and President of Nimble Technology, a business software company based on technology developed at the University of Washington. Suzan also spent 12 years at Microsoft, most recently as corporate vice president of the company’s mobile communications business.

Before being elected to Congress, Suzan served as Director of the Washington State Department of Revenue. During her tenure, she proposed reforms to cut red tape for small businesses. She also enacted an innovative tax amnesty program that generated $345 million to help close the state’s budget gap while easing the burden on small businesses.
Suzan and her husband, Kurt DelBene, have two children, Becca and Zach, and a dog named Reily.

Michael T. McCaul, U.S. Congressman Representing Texas’ 10th District

Congressman Michael T. McCaul is currently serving his ninth term representing Texas’ 10th District in the United States Congress. The 10th Congressional District of Texas stretches from the city of Austin to the Houston suburbs and includes Austin, Bastrop, Colorado, Fayette, Harris, Lee, Travis, Washington and Waller Counties.

At the start of the 116th Congress, Congressman McCaul became the Republican Leader of the Foreign Affairs Committee. This committee considers legislation that impacts the diplomatic community, which includes the Department of State, the Agency for International Development (USAID), the Peace Corps, the United Nations, and the enforcement of the Arms Export Control Act. In his capacity as the committee’s Republican Leader, McCaul is committed to ensuring we promote America’s leadership on the global stage. In his view, it is essential the United States bolsters international engagement with our allies, counters the aggressive policies of our adversaries, and advances the common interests of nations in defense of stability and democracy around the globe. He will continue to use his national security expertise to work to counter threats facing the United States, especially the increasing threat we face from nation state actors such as China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, among others.

Prior to Congress, Michael McCaul served as Chief of Counter Terrorism and National Security in the U.S. Attorney’s office, Western District of Texas, and led the Joint Terrorism Task Force charged with detecting, deterring, and preventing terrorist activity. McCaul also served as Texas Deputy Attorney General under current U.S. Senator John Cornyn, and served as a federal prosecutor in the Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section in Washington, DC.
A fourth generation Texan, Congressman McCaul earned a B.A. in Business and History from Trinity University and holds a J.D. from St. Mary’s University School of Law. In 2009 Congressman McCaul was honored with St. Mary’s Distinguished Graduate award. He is also a graduate of the Senior Executive Fellows Program of the School of Government, Harvard University. Congressman McCaul is married to his wife, Linda. They are proud parents of five children: Caroline, Jewell, and the triplets Lauren, Michael, and Avery.


Max R. Peterson II, Vice President, Worldwide Public Sector, Amazon Web Services

Max Peterson is Vice President for Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Worldwide Public Sector. In this role, Max supports public sector organizations as they leverage the unique advantages of commercial cloud to drive innovation among government, educational institutions, health care institutions, and nonprofits around the world.

A public sector industry veteran with thirty years of experience, he has an extensive background in developing relationships with public sector customers. He has previously worked with Dell Inc. as Vice President and General Manager for Dell Federal Civilian and Intelligence Agencies, as well as CDWG and Commerce One.

Max earned both a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance and Master’s of Business Administration in Management Information Systems from the University of Maryland.

Paul Daugherty, Accenture Chief Executive – Technology and Chief Technology Officer

Paul Daugherty is Accenture’s Group Chief Executive – Technology & Chief Technology Officer. He leads all aspects of Accenture’s technology business. Paul is also responsible for Accenture’s technology strategy, driving innovation through R&D in Accenture Labs and leveraging emerging technologies to bring the newest innovations to clients globally. He recently launched Accenture’s Cloud First initiative to further scale the company’s market-leading cloud business and is responsible for incubating new businesses such as blockchain, extended reality and quantum computing. He founded and oversees Accenture Ventures, which is focused on strategic equity investments and open innovation to accelerate growth. Paul is responsible for managing Accenture’s alliances, partnerships and senior-level relationships with leading and emerging technology companies, and he leads Accenture’s Global CIO Council and annual CIO and Innovation Forum. He is a member of Accenture’s Global Management Committee.

Maurice Sonnenberg, Guggenheim Securities

Maurice Sonnenberg has served as an outside advisor to five Presidential Administrations in the areas of international trade, finance, international relations, intelligence, and foreign election monitoring. In 1994 and 1995, he served as a member of the US Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, and from 1996 as the Senior Advisor to the US Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the US Intelligence Community. He was a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under President Bill Clinton for 8 years. In 2002, he was a member of the Task Force of Terrorist Financing for the Council on Foreign Relations. From 2007-2010, he served on the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council and the Panel Advisory Board for the Secretary of the Navy from 2008-2015. In 2012-14, he served as co-Chairman of the National Commission for the Review of the Research and Development Programs for the Intelligence Community. He has also served as an Official US Observer at elections in Latin America. This includes multiple elections in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Mexico. Sonnenberg has worked at the investment banking firms Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette, Bear Stearns, and J.P. Morgan, and at the law firms Hunton & Williams, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. Currently, he is with Guggenheim Securities as Senior International Advisor. He is also a Senior Advisor to the Advanced Metallurgical Group, N.V.

Michael Chertoff, Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security

Michael Chertoff is the Executive Chairman and Co-Founder of The Chertoff Group. From 2005 to 2009, he served as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Earlier in his career, Mr. Chertoff served as a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and head of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of BAE Systems, Inc., the U.S.-based subsidiary of BAE Systems plc. In 2018, he was named the chairman of the Board of Trustees for Freedom House. He currently serves on the board of directors of Noblis and Edgewood Networks. In the last five years, Mr. Chertoff co-chaired the Global Commission in Stability of Cyberspace and also co-chairs the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity. Chertoff is magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.

Michael J. Rogers, Former Chairman of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Mike Rogers is a former member of Congress, where he represented Michigan’s Eighth Congressional District for seven terms. While in the U.S. House of Representatives, he chaired the powerful House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), authorizing and overseeing a budget of $70 billion that funded the nation’s seventeen intelligence agencies. Mr. Rogers built a legacy as a bipartisan leader on cybersecurity, counterterrorism, intelligence, and national security policy. Mr. Rogers worked with two presidents, congressional leadership, and countless foreign leaders, diplomats, and intelligence professionals. Before joining Congress, he served as an officer in the US Army and as a Special Agent with the FBI. He is currently investing in and helping build companies that are developing solutions for healthcare, energy efficiency, and communications challenges. He also serves as a regular national security commentator on CNN and hosted the channel’s documentary-style original series Declassified. Mr. Rogers is a regular public speaker on global affairs, cybersecurity, and leadership. He is married to Kristi Rogers and has two children.

Pascal Marmier, Head, Economy of Trust Foundation, SICPA

Pascal Marmier is head of SICPA’s Economy of Trust Foundation. Most recently, Marmier held several positions in the United States within Swiss Re, a global reinsurer, focusing on digital strategy and innovation management. Previously, he spent twenty years as a Swiss diplomat as one of the early leaders of the Swissnex network, a private–public partnership dedicated to facilitating collaboration with Swiss universities, startups, and corporations in all fields related to science, technology, and innovation. After spending a decade establishing key partnerships and activities in Boston, Marmier moved to China to establish the Swissnex platform in the region. He holds law degrees from the University of Lausanne and Boston University, as well as an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Ramayya Krishnan, PhD, Director, Block Center for Technology and Society, Carnegie Mellon University

Ramayya Krishnan is the W. W. Cooper and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of Management Science and Information Systems at Carnegie Mellon University. He is Dean of the H. John Heinz III College of Information Systems and Public Policy and directs the Block Center for Technology and Society at the university. His scholarly contributions have focused on mathematical modeling of organizational decision making, the design of data driven decision support systems and statistical models of consumer behavior in digital environments. He advises governments, businesses and development banks on digital transformation technology and its consequences.

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson, Ph.D., has served as the 18th president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute since 1999. A theoretical physicist described by Time Magazine as “perhaps the ultimate role model for women in science,” Dr. Jackson has held senior leadership positions in academia, government, industry, and research. She is the recipient of many national and international awards, including the National Medal of Science, the United States’ highest honor for achievement in science and engineering. Dr. Jackson served as Co-Chair of the United States President’s Intelligence Advisory Board from 2014 to 2017 and as a member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology from 2009 to 2014. Before taking the helm at Rensselaer, she was Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission from 1995 to 1999. She serves on the boards of major corporations that include FedEx and PSEG, where she is Lead Director.

Dr. Jackson holds an S.B. in Physics, and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics, both from MIT.

Susan M. Gordon, Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence

The Honorable Susan (Sue) M. Gordon served as Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence from August 2017 until August 2019. In her more than three decades of experience in the IC, Ms. Gordon served in a variety of leadership roles spanning numerous intelligence organizations and disciplines, including serving as the Deputy Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) from 2015 to 2017. In this role, she drove NGA’s transformation to meet the challenges of a 21st century intelligence agency. Since leaving government service, Ms. Gordon serves on a variety of public and private boards, is a fellow at Duke and Harvard Universities, and consults with a variety of companies on technology—including cyber and space—strategy, and leadership, focusing on shared responsibility for national and global security.

Vint Cerf

Vinton G. Cerf is vice president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google. Cerf is the codesigner of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. He has served in executive positions at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the Internet Society, MCI, the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. A former Stanford Professor and member of the National Science Board, he is also the past president of the Association for Computing Machinery and serves in advisory capacities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Department of Energy, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Cerf is a recipient of numerous awards for his work, including the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, US National Medal of Technology, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, the Prince of Asturias Award, the Tunisian National Medal of Science, the Japan Prize, the Charles Stark Draper Prize, the ACM Turing Award, the Legion d’Honneur, the Franklin Medal, Foreign Member of the British Royal Society and Swedish Academy of Engineering, and twenty-nine honorary degrees. He is a member of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists and the Worshipful Company of Stationers.

Zia Khan, PhD, Vice President for Innovation, The Rockefeller Foundation

As Senior Vice President for Innovation, Zia Khan oversees the Rockefeller Foundation’s approach to developing solutions that can have a transformative impact on people’s lives through the use of convenings, data and technology, and strategic partnerships. He writes and speaks frequently on leadership, strategy, and innovation. Khan has served on the World Economic Forum Advisory Council for Social Innovation and the US National Advisory Board for Impact Investing. He leads a range of the Rockefeller Foundation’s work in applying data science for social impact and ensuring artificial intelligence contributes to an inclusive and equitable future.

Prior to joining the Rockefeller Foundation, Khan was a management consultant advising leaders in technology, mobility, and private equity sectors. He worked with Jon Katzenbach on research related to leadership, strategy, and organizational performance, leading to their book, Leading Outside the Lines.

Zia holds a BS from Cornell University and MS and PhD from Stanford University.

Anthony Scriffignano, PhD, is Senior Vice President, Chief Data Scientist at Dun & Bradstreet Corporation

Anthony Scriffignano, PhD is Senior Vice President, Chief Data Scientist at Dun & Bradstreet Corporation. He is an internationally recognized data scientist with experience spanning over forty years in multiple industries and enterprise domains. Scriffignano has extensive background in advanced anomaly detection, computational linguistics and advanced inferential algorithms, leveraging that background as primary inventor on multiple patents worldwide. Scriffignano was recognized as the U.S. Chief Data Officer of the Year 2018 by the CDO Club, the world’s largest community of C-suite digital and data leaders. He is also a member of the OECD Network of Experts on AI working group on implementing Trustworthy AI, focused on benefiting people and the planet. He has briefed the US National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee and contributed to three separate reports to the president, on Big Data Analytics, Emerging Technologies Strategic Vision, and Internet and Communications Resilience. Additionally, Scriffignano provided expert advice on private sector data officers to a group of state Chief Data Officers and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Scriffignano serves on various advisory committees in government, private sector, and academia. Most recently, he has been called upon to provide insight on data science implications in the context of a highly disrupted datasphere and the implications of the global pandemic. He is considered an expert on emerging trends in advanced analytics, the “Big Data” explosion, artificial intelligence, multilingual challenges in business identity and malfeasance in commercial and public-sector contexts.

Frances F. Townsend, Executive Vice President, Activision Blizzard

Frances Fragos Townsend is the Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Chief Compliance Officer and Corporate Secretary at Activision Blizzard. Prior to that, she was Vice Chairman, General Counsel and Chief Administration Officer at MacAndrews & Forbes, Inc. In her 10 years there, she focused internally on financial, legal and personnel issues, as well as international, compliance and business development across MacAndrews’ portfolio companies. Prior to that, she was a corporate partner with the law firm of Baker Botts, LLP. From 2004 to 2008, Ms. Townsend served as Assistant to President George W. Bush for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and chaired the Homeland Security Council. She also served as Deputy National Security Advisor for Combatting Terrorism from 2003 to 2004. Ms. Townsend spent 13 years at the US Department of Justice under the administrations of President George H. W. Bush, President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush. She has received numerous awards for her public service accomplishments. Ms. Townsend is a Director on the Board of two public companies: Chubb and Freeport McMoRan. She previously served on the Boards at Scientific Games, SciPlay, SIGA and Western Union. She is an on-air senior national security analyst for CBS News. Ms. Townsend previously served on the Director of National Intelligence’s Senior Advisory Group, the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) External Advisory Board and the US President’s Intelligence Advisory Board. Ms. Townsend is a trustee on the Board of the New York City Police Foundation, the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, the McCain Institute, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Atlantic Council. She also serves on the Board at the Council on Foreign Relations, on the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission and the Board of the International Republican Institute. She is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group.

Admiral James Stavridis, USN, Ret.

Admiral James Stavridis is an Operating Executive of The Carlyle Group and Chair of the Board of Counselors of McLarty Global Associates, following five years as the 12th Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He also serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation. A retired four-star officer in the U.S. Navy, he led the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Alliance in global operations from 2009 to 2013 as Supreme Allied Commander with responsibility for Afghanistan, Libya, the Balkans, Syria, counter piracy and cyber security. He also served as Commander of U.S. Southern Command, with responsibility for all military operations in Latin America from 2006 to 2009. He earned more than 50 medals, including 28 from foreign nations in his 37-year military career. Admiral Stavridis earned a PhD in international relations and has published 10 books and hundreds of articles in leading journals around the world, including the recent novel “2034: A Novel of the Next World War,” which was a New York Times bestseller. His 2012 TED Talk on global security has close to one million views. Admiral Stavridis is a monthly columnist for TIME Magazine and Chief International Security Analyst for NBC News.

Biographies of supporting Atlantic Council staff

Dr. David A. Bray, Director, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Dr. David A. Bray has served in a variety of leadership roles in turbulent environments, including bioterrorism preparedness and response from 2000 to 2005, time on the ground in Afghanistan in 2009, serving as a non-partisan Senior National Intelligence Service Executive directing a bipartisan National Commission for the Review of the Research and Development Programs of the US Intelligence Community, and providing leadership as a non-partisan federal agency Senior Executive where he led a team that received the global CIO 100 Award twice in 2015 and 2017. He is an Eisenhower Fellow, Marshall Memorial Fellow, and Senior Fellow with the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition. Business Insider named him one of the top “24 Americans Who Are Changing the World” and the World Economic Forum named him a Young Global Leader. Over his career, he has advised six different start-ups, led an interagency team spanning sixteen different agencies that received the National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation, and received the Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award, the National Intelligence Exceptional Achievement Medal, Arthur S. Flemming Award, as well as the Roger W. Jones Award for Executive Leadership. He is the author of more than forty academic publications, was invited to give the AI World Society Distinguished Lecture to the United Nations in 2019, and was named by HMG Strategy as one of the Global “Executives Who Matter” in 2020.

Dr. Peter Brooks, Consultant, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Peter Brooks is a senior researcher and national security analyst at the Institute for Defense Analyses, a federally funded research and development center. For more than three decades, he has contributed to the understanding of critical national security issues for a wide range of government agencies. His broad expertise includes intelligence analysis, advanced technologies and applications, and joint force analyses, experimentation, strategy, and cost assessments.

Stephanie Wander, Deputy Director, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Stephanie Wander is a technology and innovation strategist with a successful track record of launching large-scale projects to solve global grand challenges. Ms. Wander’s approaches integrate innovation best practices and mindsets, including design thinking, behavior change strategies, foresight techniques, and expert and public crowdsourcing.

Previously, Ms. Wander was a lecturer at the University of Southern California Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work where she taught graduate social work professionals in design, innovation, and disruptive technology.

Rose Butchart, Senior Adviser, National Security Initiatives, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Rose Butchart is the senior adviser for National Security Initiatives at the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.

As a program manager for the Department of Defense’s National Security Innovation Network, she managed, designed, and scaled a variety of programs, including a technology, transfer, and transition (T3) program designed to bring breakthrough Department of Defense lab technology to market— and to the warfighter. She also managed a workshop series to tackle some of the military’s intractable problems and a fellowship which placed active duty military and Department of Defense civilians at technology start-ups.

Claudia Vaughn Zittle, Program Assistant, Atlantic Council GeoTech Center

Claudia Vaughn Zittle was a program assistant with the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center. In this role, she managed a wide range of projects at the intersection of emerging technologies and dynamic geopolitical landscapes. She also conducted research and provided written analysis for publication on Atlantic Council platforms.

Originally from the Washington, DC, area, she received her BA in International Relations from Cornell College. She is continuing her education at American University’s School of International Service, where she studies International Relations with a concentration in US Foreign Policy and National Security.

Claire Branley, Program Assistant, Atlantic Council GeoTech Center

Claire Branley joined the Atlantic Council’s Geotech Center after graduating from the University of Washington with a BS in Public Health and Global Health. She was a research assistant in the Moussavi-Harami Lab, uncovering gene therapies for inherited heart disease. She is deeply passionate about the prevention of disease and has assisted several maternal and child health research projects and volunteered in farm-to-food pantry initiatives to decrease food insecurity in the Seattle area. Her interests include chronic disease burden, global food security, and promoting interdisciplinary solutions.

Biographies of the key contributors to the GeoTech Commission Report

Research and writing on misinformation

Dr. Pablo Breuer, Nonresident Senior Fellow, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Dr. Pablo Breuer is an information/cyber warfare expert and a twenty-two-year veteran of the US Navy with tours including the National Security Agency, US Cyber Command, and United States Special Operations Command. He is a cofounder of the Cognitive Security Collaborative and coauthor of the Adversarial Misinformation and Influence Tactics and Techniques (AMITT) framework.

Dr. Robert Leonhard, National Security Analysis, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Robert Leonhard is on the principal professional staff as an analyst in the National Security Analysis Department of Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). His main areas of focus are irregular warfare, nuclear deterrence, and game design. Prior to joining JHU/APL, he earned a PhD in American History from West Virginia University, a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the US Army, an MS in International Relations from Troy State University, and a BS in European History from Columbus University. He is a retired Army infantry officer and planner. He is the author of The Art of Maneuver (Presidio Press, 1991), Fighting by Minutes: Time and the Art of War (Praeger, 1994), The Principles of War for the Information Age (Presidio Press, 1998), Little Green Men: a primer in Russian Unconventional Warfare, Ukraine 2013-2014 (JHUAPL, 2016), and The Defense of Battle Position Duffer: Cyber-Enabled Maneuver in Multi-Domain Battle (JHUAPL, 2016). He may be contacted at

John Renda, Program Manager, Army Special Operations, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Col. John Renda, USA (Ret), is a program manager for Army Special Operations at the Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory. He graduated from Tulane University with a degree in Political Science and International Relations, and earned a MS in National Security from the US Naval War College. He served as a career Psychological Operations officer in US Army Special Operations. His key assignments included 75th Ranger Regiment Information Operations Officer, 1st Psychological Operations Battalion Commander, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Director J39 National Capital Region, and National Security Council Staff, Director for Strategic Communication. He may be contacted at

Dr. Sara-Jayne Terp, Nonresident Senior Fellow, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Sara-Jayne Terp builds frameworks to improve how autonomous systems, algorithms, and human communities work together. At Threet Consulting, she creates processes and technologies to support community-led disinformation defence. She is an Atlantic Council Senior Fellow, CogSecCollab lead, and chair at CAMLIS and Defcon AI Village. Her background includes intelligence systems, crowdsourced data gathering, autonomous systems (e.g., human-machine teaming), data strategy, data ethics, policy, nation state development, and crisis response.

Appendix B

Stewart Scott, Assistant Director, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Stewart Scott is an assistant director with the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center, where he conducts research and provides written analysis for publication on Atlantic Council platforms and works on joint projects with other centers in the Atlantic Council. He earned his AB, along with a minor in Computer Science, at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.

We would also like to thank the following members of the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative for their contributions to Appendix B: Trey Herr, Simon Handler, Madison Lockett, Will Loomis, Emma Schroeder, and Tianjiu Zuo.

Appendix C and writings on global health

Dr. Divya Chander, Nonresident Senior Fellow, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

Dr. Chander is a physician and neuroscientist who trained at Harvard, University of California San Diego, University of California San Francisco, and the Salk Institute. She has been on the Anesthesiology Faculty at Stanford University since 2008 and Neuromedicine Faculty at Singularity University since 2010. Her postdoctoral training in optogenetic technology was conducted in the laboratories of Karl Deisseroth and Luis de Lecea at Stanford University, where she used light-activated ion channels inserted in DNA to study sleep and consciousness switches in brains. She is currently working on applications of neural wearable devices to crossover consumer and medical markets.

Appendix D

Inkoo Kang, Research Consultant, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council

US Air Force 2nd Lt. Inkoo Kang is a research consultant for the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center. At the Atlantic Council, he conducts research and provides written analyses on the increasingly important role of outer space for social, economic, and military operations. His main interest focuses on how emerging technologies are merging military, diplomatic, humanitarian, and economic challenges and how the military must learn to adapt to such threats.

Appendix E

Borja Prado, Research Assistant, GeoTech Center Atlantic Council

Borja Prado holds an MS in Foreign Service (MSFS) from Georgetown University, where he concentrated in Global Politics and Security, focusing on the impact of disruptive technologies on governments, businesses, and societies.

He aims to apply his research experience, language skills, and strong background in technology and global affairs to help governments, businesses, and societies succeed in this increasingly uncertain era.


We would like to thank the following members of the Commission Co-Chair teams for their assistance, expertise, and technical review of the report:

  • Stoney Burke, Head of Federal Affairs and Public Policy, Amazon Web Services
  • Ira Entis, Managing Director, Growth and Strategy Lead, Accenture Federal Services
  • Geoffrey Kahn, Managing Director, Government Relations, Accenture
  • Pamela Merritt, Managing Director, Federal Marketing and Communications, Accenture Federal Services
  • Davis Pace, Professional Staff Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee
  • Sean Sweeney, Manager, Government Relations, Accenture
  • Clayton Swope, Senior Manager, National Security Public Policy, Amazon Web Services
  • Carolyn Vigil, Senior Customer Engagement Manager, Amazon Web Services

We would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their review and commentary on relevant sections of the report: Laura Bate, Natalie Barrett, Pablo Breuer, Mark Brunner, Mung Chiang, Kevin Clark, Donald Codling, Carol Dumaine, Ryan G. Faith, Melissa Flagg, James F. Geurts, Jasper Gilardi, Bob Gourley, Bob Greenberg, Simon Handler, Henry Hertzfeld, Robert Hoffman, Erich James Hösli, Diane M. Janosek, William Jeffrey, Charles Jennings, Declan Kirrane, John J. Klein, Sandra J. Laney, John Logsdon, Robert Lucas, Lauren Maffeo, Jerry Mechling, Ivan Medynskyi, Ben King, Ben Murphy and the team at Reaching the Future Faster LLC, James Olds, Nikhil Raghuveera, Matthew Rose, Benjamin Schatz, Emma Schroeder, Jeremy Spaulding, Keith Strier, Daniella Taveau, Trent Teyema, Bill Valdez, and Tiffany Vora.

We also would like to express sincere appreciation to individuals both internal and external to the Atlantic Council for help in preparing this report for final publication. Their professional and dedicated efforts were essential to this work.

Lastly, we want to thank all the GeoTech Fellows and GeoTech Action Council members, each of whom embodies the spirit of the new Center as we look to the future ahead: Be bold. Be Brave. Be Benevolent.

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Future of work Tue, 25 May 2021 22:58:26 +0000 An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Chapter 7. Future of work

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While this report has focused on the technological changes that will impact geopolitics over the next decade, the recommendations contained within will be meaningless if the United States and allied nations ignore the most important ingredient in the success or failure of all endeavors: people. Developing a digitally fluent and resilient workforce that can meet the challenges of the GeoTech Decade will require private and public sectors to pursue several approaches. These include a broadened view of technical competencies and how they are acquired, improved alignment of skills and job requirements, incentives for employer-based training, and data collection to help assess the effectiveness of these investments and their effects on workers. Ensuring that people, especially people from underrepresented communities, are not left behind by the advance of technology—and that societies have the skilled workforces they need to innovate and prosper—will determine whether the GeoTech Decade lives up to its ambition.

From artificial intelligence (AI) to quantum computing, and for applications ranging from augmented reality to smart cities and communities,1 the technologies that will shape the GeoTech Decade require specialized investments in the US workforce.2 Shifting from the “findings and recommendations” format of the previous chapters, this closing chapter discusses key areas needing greater focus and investment from businesses, governments, educational institutions, and stakeholder organizations, as follows.

Create the workforce for the GeoTech Decade

Recognize the diverse competencies that characterize skilled technical workers

Diverse competencies include academic credentials, technical competencies in an industry, and technical competencies in a specific occupation, plus “soft skills” that make for reliable and collegial employees.3 Job descriptions should consider the value of all sources of relevant experience and ability.

From artificial intelligence (AI) to quantum computing, and for applications ranging from augmented reality to smart cities and communities, the technologies that will shape the GeoTech Decade require specialized investments in the US workforce.

Communicate the breadth of pathways for gaining skilled technical work 

Given the current focus on a college degree being a prerequisite to desirable, skilled technical jobs, the workforce should be better informed about the variety of skilled technical occupations, the different ways of acquiring credentials, e.g., college certificates, professional certifications, professional licenses, and digital badges and how such credentials allow more points of entry into desired occupations.

Strengthen skilled technical training and education

Secondary school: Career and technical education (CTE) programs4 enable the acquisition of STEM education combined with work experience that teaches technical skills relevant to specific professions. CTE programs can be enhanced through active participation and guidance provided by representatives from local businesses. This could help ensure that the skills training is better matched with employer needs and requirements. The P-TECH program, now operating schools in eleven US states, Australia, Morocco, and Taiwan, is another model for building regional workforces with the needed technical skills and for providing underserved youths with opportunities for gaining relevant technical skills.5

Post-secondary school: There are 936 public community colleges in the United States,6 representing a nationwide resource for improving the technical skills of the current and future workforce. According to a Community College Resource Center analysis, “6.7 million students were enrolled at community colleges in fall 2017, and nearly 10 million students enrolled at a community college at some point during the 2017-18 academic year. Yet, the overall percent of community college enrollees in 2014 that completed a college degree at a four-year institution within six years is 17 percent.”7 Increasing this completion rate through financial incentives and investments could increase the number and qualifications of the technically skilled workforce in the United States.

Non-college credentials: The value to the worker and the employer of non-college degree certification programs—apprenticeships, certifications, certificate programs—could be improved by better linking them to established, defined technical workforce competencies. Improved standards and data on the effectiveness of these credentials will help workers and employers determine the value of these credentials and enable more informed choices for skills training.

Alternative sources of skilled workers: A recent study8examined the prevailing practice of a four-year college degree being a prerequisite for skilled jobs. The analysis identified large populations of workers with suitable skills but who did not have a college degree. Of these, the analysis showed that twenty-nine million have skills that would enable them to transition to an occupation with a significantly higher wage. These results suggest that job descriptions should be carefully specified so as to reach the largest qualified talent pool.

Better align employer-based training with needs

Business incentives: Incentives for employers to invest in improving workforce technical skills should help a company remain competitive. The investments would align the employer’s needs for technically skilled workers and the training and education that is offered. One approach could be based on tax incentives for increasing investment in workforce skill development to increase productivity.”9

Technology development and training: Workforce organizations can play a role in effectively communicating, between employers and the workforce, issues concerning needed technical skills and the mechanisms and policies being used to manage these requirements. To accelerate identifying and acquiring future technical skills needed by the workforce, technology development programs could also create a training program for the skills associated with using the new technology in a product. This can shorten the link between technology development and the training of workers.

Acquire and analyze human capital development and management data

Human capital development and management data should address projections of the supply and demand for workers according to categories of technical skills, results of the search and hiring process, and how well the employer’s needs were satisfied. The data also should inform how well the training policies provided equitable access to skills training across the workforce.

These data should enable analyses of the expected value of different options for skills education and training for workers, the return on the investment of workforce training for businesses, and options for adjusting workforce training policies.

Foster lifelong learning

The pace at which advanced technology is changing the workplace and the skills needed to maintain a competitive economy makes lifelong learning imperative. Individuals should be able to guide their training and education throughout their working years.

To accomplish this on a national scale will require effort to craft incentives that motivate individuals to embrace this approach. Important elements may involve information on the value of continuing educational programs and the job opportunities that are enabled, funding mechanisms to lower the cost to the individual, and strategies developed with businesses that specify how continuing learning enhances an individual’s work prospects.

To guide individual choices, new tools can facilitate gathering and synthesizing the complex array of information on skills, occupations, training opportunities, and assessments of their value. The tools can also help the individual identify and secure funding from available sources, and help government funding sources be applied efficiently to this long-term challenge.

Equitable access to opportunity

The United States needs to ensure equitable access to opportunity during the GeoTech Decade. From access to affordable broadband to digital literacy, governments and the private sector need to make significant investments and work together to reduce barriers to full participation in the economy.

Access to affordable, high-speed Internet and devices to use it

Ensuring that all people can participate in the GeoTech Decade requires a commitment to equitable access to affordable, high-speed Internet. Millions do not have high-speed broadband, particularly in rural areas.10 What is more, many with access to high-speed broadband are still unable to afford the high cost of Internet and the devices needed to access it.11 Lack of access and affordability perpetuates systemic inequities. 

While Congress has made significant investments in broadband since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, more remains to be done. The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program has helped low-income households afford broadband during the pandemic.

Acquiring digital literacy

Digital literacy, the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, and create information using digital technology, is becoming an essential skill for every individual. Digital literacy is an important element in eliminating a digital divide among nations and within a society. It complements affordable, high-speed Internet access by enabling people to develop and communicate local content, to communicate their issues and concerns, and to help others understand the context in which these issues occur.

1    Smart Cities and Communities Act of 2019, H.R. 2636 — 116th Congress (2019-2020), accessed March 26, 2021,
2    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Building America’s Skilled Technical Workforce (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2017) accessed April 16, 2021,; Mark Warner, “Part II. Investing in Workers,” Medium, February 8, 2021, accessed April 16, 2021,
3    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Building America’s Skilled
4    Bri Stauffer, “What Is Career & Technical Education (CTE)?” Applied Educational Systems, February 4, 2020, accessed April 16, 2021,
5    “What is P-TECH all about?” website homepage accessed April 16, 2021,
6    “Number of community colleges in the United States in 2021, by type,” Statista, accessed April 16, 2021,
7    “Community College FAQs,” Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University, accessed April 16, 2021,
8    Peter Q. Blair et al., “Searching for STARs: Work Experience as a Job Market Signal for Workers without Bachelor’s Degrees,” National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2020, accessed April 16, 2021,
9    Warner, “Part II. Investing in Workers.”
10    Federal Communications Commission, 2020 Broadband Deployment Report, April 24, 2020, accessed April 16, 2021,
11    Tom Wheeler, 5 steps to get the internet to all Americans COVID-19 and the importance of universal broadband, Brookings Institution, May 27, 2020, accessed April 16, 2021,

The post Future of work appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Assured space operations for public benefit Tue, 25 May 2021 22:58:12 +0000 An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Chapter 6. Assured space operations for public benefit

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The growing commercial space industry enables ready access to advanced space capabilities for a broader group of actors. To maintain trusted, secure, and technically superior space operations, the United States must ensure it is a leading provider of needed space services and innovation in launch, on-board servicing, remote sensing, communications, and ground infrastructures. A robust commercial space industry not only enhances the resilience of the US national security space system by increasing space industrial base capacity, workforce, and responsiveness, but also further advances a dynamic innovative environment that can bolster US competitiveness across existing industries, while facilitating the development of new ones.

The fast-growing critical dependence on space for national security, the global economy, and public-benefit interests makes assured space operations essential for ensuring a more free, secure, and prosperous world.

As smaller satellites become more capable, large constellations of government and commercial platforms could increase space mission assurance and deterrence by “eliminating mission critical, single-node vulnerabilities and distributing space operations across hosts, orbits, spectrum, and geography.”1 Advances in commercial space also enable exploring our planet’s oceans, monitoring for climate change-related risks, and mapping of other parts of our solar system.

The fast-growing critical dependence on space for national security, the global economy, and public-benefit interests makes assured space operations essential for ensuring a more free, secure, and prosperous world.

Finding 6: The US commercial space industry can increase its role in supporting national security.

The National Space Strategy2 includes four areas of emphasis: resilience, deterrence, foundational capabilities, and more conducive domestic and international environments. It envisions improved leverage of, and support for, the US commercial industry. The Defense Space Strategy Summary3 highlights that the rapidly growing commercial space industry is introducing new capabilities as well as new threats to US space operations. A main effort in this strategy is to cooperate with industry and other actors to leverage their capabilities.

“Space Policy Directive-2—Streamlining Regulations on Commercial Use of Space,” provides support for the US commercial space industry.4 In support of the overall policy of the executive branch to promote economic growth, protect national security, and encourage US leadership in space commerce, the directive requires reviews of the launch and reentry licensing for commercial space flight, the Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992, the Department of Commerce’s organization of its regulation of commercial space flight activities, radio frequency spectrum, and export licensing regulations.5

The Government Accountability Office’s (GAO’s) report on the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) use of commercial satellites6 describes several potential benefits of including more responsive delivery of capabilities to space and increasing deterrence and resilience due to the larger number and distribution of commercial constellations of satellites.

Finding 6.1: Large constellations of small satellites are being developed.

The development of small satellites enables the proliferation of very large constellations of satellites. For example, several companies are currently planning constellations of communications satellites comprising an aggregate deployment of several thousand satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO). In total, the communications capacities could exceed tens of terabytes. This enables low-latency, high-bandwidth communications to any region, bringing valuable educational opportunities to underserved populations, and supporting new data-intensive communications in advanced countries.7 Small Earth observation satellites are being deployed in constellations of hundreds of platforms by several companies. These can produce global coverage with revisit intervals ranging from minutes to hours. Several types of sensors are being deployed including electro-optical, synthetic aperture radar, and radio signal collection.8 Companies in the United States, Europe, Russia, and China are actively pursuing these new capabilities.9

The ability to image any area, and to communicate with any area, will become commercially available to any individual, group, or government. Coupled with access to cloud computing and big data analytics, innovations will occur in many fields, e.g., precise, real-time weather and soil condition data for farmers to increase yield, ship tracking to aid logistics, indicators of disease spread to inform a pandemic observation network, and the like.

Large constellations may also contribute to deterrence. The larger number of platforms operating in conjunction with major military satellites may make the entire constellation more resilient.

The commercial space industry is developing satellite servicing capabilities. This helps extend the operating life of each satellite, though the ability to operate near another satellite is viewed negatively by adversaries.

Finding 6.2: There is increasing focus on cybersecurity for commercial space systems.

The “Space Policy Directive 5”10 specifies the US policy for managing risks11 to the growth and prosperity of its commercial space economy is to rely on “executive departments and agencies to foster practices within Government space operations and across the commercial space industry that protect space assets and their supporting infrastructure from cyber threats and ensure continuity of operations.” Several cybersecurity principles provide the foundation for these efforts, though the directive expects space system owners and operators to be responsible for implementing cybersecurity practices and does not address enforcement actions. No timeline for the development of regulations is provided.

Finding 6.3: The UN Outer Space Treaty (OST) requires interpretation to determine when emerging commercial space platforms become targets.

The growth in the commercial satellite industry will lead to lower-cost satellites with advanced sensors, communications, on-board computation, and security capability. Over time, each small satellite, when operated in large constellations, could be more useful for military purposes.

A key determinant in the application of the UN OST to the question of whether the military can use commercial satellites is “whether the commercial satellite is actively making a contribution to military action.”12 For example, if the military is using a commercial communications satellite to relay its messages, the UN OST does not view the communications satellite as a military target. Full consideration of the treatment of dual-use commercial satellites is not settled and will evolve as more nations participate in the commercial space industry.13 Yet, because nations like China and Russia already target (terrestrial) commercial networks as part of their computer network exploitation campaigns, it stands to reason that they will not necessarily recognize a distinction between commercial and military satellite targets.

Finding 6.4: The development of constellations of small satellites beneficial to the military may require government support.

Commercially viable capabilities in small satellites are advancing, but may not be sufficient for some military needs at this time.  For example, the resolution of an electro-optical sensor for surveilling traffic is not useful for target identification, though it may be useful for tracking troop movements. A balanced policy would require the government to focus on the more exquisite capabilities that only it can provide, while relying on the commercial sector to meet other requirements.  The government can also do more to send a signal to the markets that it supports these constellations and their capabilities by purchasing commercial data and services, thereby helping to ensure a strong commercial industrial base.

Finding 6.5: Government support for commercial space activities can be strengthened.

The growth of the commercial space industry occurring in several major countries14 requires a review of US commercial space policy15 as the roles of government and commercial industry change in key areas. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is establishing a wholly commercial capability to land humans on the moon (from lunar orbit), in contrast with the prior approach of government control of human spaceflight.16 There are efforts to consolidate and streamline the regulatory framework and organizations for US commercial space capabilities.17 To support greater innovation and bolster US commercial space industries, recently proposed legislation identified ways to make the commercial space licensing process simpler, more timely, and more transparent.18 These efforts attempt to balance commercial interests against the government’s need to ensure the commercial space capabilities meet national security and foreign policy requirements. Such balancing may be less important as sensitive imagery becomes more available from foreign companies. To address urgent new requirements—e.g., on-orbit servicing of a space force, or continuous global observation in support of climate study, agriculture, and ocean systems—the government may require new policies to support increasing reliance on commercial space industries and new commercial space capabilities.

Approach 6: Accelerate the development and deployment of dual-use commercial satellites, including applications to Earth and space exploration.

The United States should use the emerging commercial space industry, and large constellations of small satellites, to enhance the resilience of national security space missions. This will require a deliberate strategy to guide commercial system developments, and this must be balanced with benefits that accrue to the public. The United States should, with its allies, examine how to interpret current treaties when considering the new commercial space capabilities. The United States, its allies, and private industry should implement global Earth and space observation capabilities.

Recommendation 6: Foster the development of commercial space technologies and develop a cross-agency strategy and approach to space that can enhance national security space operations and improve agriculture, ocean exploration, and climate change activities; align both civilian and military operations, and international treaties to support these uses.

Recommendation 6.1: Ensure federal investments in the commercial space industry deliver public benefits.

Congress should pass legislation that directs the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to lead an interagency initiative that develops an economic impact assessment of existing and future government investments in the US commercial space industry, as well as a public-private investment strategy for technology innovations and operating efficiencies that will ensure subsequent benefit to the public interest. Such benefits should contribute to global access to open data sets—via a space-based Internet, space-based cloud storage and computing—of Earth observation, global health, humanitarian applications, and other areas; it should also include suitable sharing of government-funded data collections among other government programs. A cross-agency group including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), relevant federal departments, private industry, and allied nations should develop the plans and partnerships for global Earth and space observation in support of environmental security.

Recommendation 6.2: Foster commercial space technologies of strategic importance and protect these from foreign acquisition.

Congress should direct a cross-agency group including NASA and the Department of Defense to conduct a joint review19 This does not address foreign acquisition of commercial space technologies of strategic importance of dual-use commercial space technologies and capabilities that are of strategic importance to national security space missions. The scope includes communications, on-orbit storage and computing, large constellations of small platforms, sensing, space situational awareness, satellite protection, launch, and on-orbit servicing. Congress should direct a streamlined licensing process and simplify regulations where appropriate. Such dual-use technologies should be reviewed for protection from foreign acquisition by the expanded authorities of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)20 and by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The broadened role delineated by the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 (FIRRMA) enables CFIUS to review noncontrolling foreign investments in critical technologies and critical infrastructure in the US space industrial base. Congress should direct an assessment of how the FIRRMA reforms have been applied and the resulting effect.

Recommendation 6.3: Harden the security of commercial space industry facilities and space assets.

The administration should designate the commercial space industry as a critical infrastructure sector and develop a sector-specific plan for its protection. The Department of Commerce should be assigned as the Sector-Specific Agency and should work with international standards-setting groups to harden select commercial space capabilities, e.g., protect communications against cyber threats.

The cybersecurity of both military and commercial spacecraft is a growing concern. Threat actors are devoting more attention to attacking both the software/IT supply chain as well as vulnerabilities in the cyber defenses on spacecraft. Large commercial mega-constellations of small satellites are performing an increasing range of business and communications functions, yet do not necessarily conform to high cybersecurity standards. The US government does not have standards for the design of cyber-secure commercial satellites, though it is introducing self-certification programs for commercial satellite providers.

The administration should extend the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity maturity standards, guidelines, and best practices to the space domain, covering the space, link, ground, and user segments. The cyber-resilient design principles should consider the following: “Intrusion detection and prevention leveraging signatures and machine learning to detect and block cyber intrusions onboard spacecraft; a supply chain risk management (SCRM) program to protect against malware inserted in parts and modules; software assurance methods within the software supply chain to reduce the likelihood of cyber weaknesses in flight software and firmware; logging onboard the spacecraft to verify legitimate operations and aid in forensic investigations after anomalies; root-of-trust to protect software and firmware integrity; a tamper-proof means to restore the spacecraft to a known good cyber-safe mode; and lightweight cryptographic solutions for use in small satellites.”21

Recommendation 6.4: Establish the conformance of emerging commercial space constellations to multinational agreements.

The United States should lead a conference to assess future developments in the commercial space industry with respect to the UN OST, the Artemis Accords,22 and other international agreements that may be constructed. The objective is to clarify the acceptable use of commercial space assets as these become of greater use in supporting militaries.

Commercial capabilities may, over time, provide essential portions of space-based surveillance, reconnaissance, communications, refueling, data storage and processing, and maintenance. As new military space capabilities become possible, there is an increased risk that these will be interpreted as “making an effective contribution to military action” and thereby become legitimate targets. These capabilities may include imaging satellites, communications satellites, space networks, satellite maintenance vehicles, launch vehicles, and so forth. A key area to clarify is the legal and technical assessment of what qualifies as “making an effective contribution to military action” involving space technology.23

Recommendation 6.5: Develop space technologies for mega-constellations of satellites that support monitoring the entire planet pervasively and persistently, at high resolution and communicate the information in near-real time.

The administration should develop autonomous space operations technologies for large-scale constellations. This program, led by the DoD, NASA, and other elements of the national security space enterprise, would use AI technologies to minimize or eliminate human requirements for satellite control, information collection, and information analysis; and increase the speed of the information-to-decision loop.

The administration should encourage commercial space companies to develop cost-effective technologies that increase the survivability of commercial satellites as the operating regions become more crowded or contested. This may enable commercial satellites to operate in a greater variety of conditions, thereby providing expanded value to the United States.

The administration should develop and conduct Challenge Prizes funding opportunities for autonomous satellite operations on single platforms, i.e., for applications where highly capable satellites autonomously manage their own complex taskings, and also work as part of a large collection of similarly autonomous satellites.

The administration should use the model of the NASA Tipping Point solicitation to develop the capability to continuously monitor the world’s oceans—in particular, using space-based sensors—for the impact of climate change and other issues of global importance. This program would be jointly managed by NASA, NSF, and DARPA with collaborations from the European Union (EU) and other participants. This multiyear initiative would help establish a global, real-time Earth oceans observation network and the supporting autonomous control, communications, and data analytics capabilities. In addition to space technologies, this program could also support the development of surface and underwater vehicles to perform this function. The Department of State should address the treaty implications of large numbers of remotely-piloted and autonomous surface and underwater vehicles and develop new international agreements where needed.

1    John J. Klein, The Influence of Commercial Space Capabilities on Deterrence, Center for a New American Security, March 25, 2019, accessed March 26, 2021,; US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work’s speech to the Satellite Industries Association, March 7, 2016, accessed March 26, 2021,; Government Accountability Office, Military Space Systems: DoD’s Use of Commercial Satellites to Host Defense Payloads Would Benefit from Centralizing Data, July 2018, GAO-18-493, accessed March 26, 2021,
2    White House, “An America First National Space Strategy,” accessed March 26, 2021,
3    Department of Defense, Defense Space Strategy Summary, June 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
4    Executive Office of the President, “Streamlining Regulations on Commercial Use of Space,” Federal Register, Space Policy Directive-2 of May 24, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
5    Ibid.
6    Government Accountability Office, Military Space Systems, 4
7    Matthew A. Hallex and Travis S. Cottom, “Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations, Implications for National Security,” Joint Forces Quarterly 97 (2nd Quarter 2020), accessed March 26, 2021,
8    Ibid.
9    Ibid.
10    White House, Memorandum on Space Policy Directive-5—Cybersecurity Principles for Space Systems, presidential memoranda, September 4, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
11    Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community, April 9, 2021, accessed April 16, 2021,; Todd Harrison, Space Threat Assessment 2021, Center for Strategic and International Studies, March 31, 2021, accessed April 16, 2021,
12    “Practice Relating to Rule 10. Civilian Objects’ Loss of Protection from Attack,” ICRC IHL Database, Customary IHL, accessed March 26, 2021,
13    P.J. Blount, “Targeting in Outer Space: Legal Aspects of Operational Military Actions in Space,” Harvard National Security Journal Features, accessed March 26, 2021,; Yun Zhao, Space Commercialization and the Development of Space Law, Oxford University Press, July 30, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
14    Congressional Research Service, Commercial Space: Federal Regulation, Oversight, and Utilization, updated November 29, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
15    American Space Commerce Free Enterprise Act of 2019, H.R. 2809 — 116th Congress (2019-2020), accessed March 26, 2021,
16    Congressional Research Service, Artemis: NASA’s Program to Return Humans to the Moon, updated January 8, 2021, accessed March 26, 2021,
17    Jeff Foust, “Commerce Department seeks big funding boost for Office of Space Commerce,” SpaceNews, February 16, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
18    In the 115th Congress (2017-2018), the American Space Commerce Free Enterprise Act (H.R. 2809) and the Space Frontier Act of 2018 (S. 3277) include provisions to streamline the licensing process.
19    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, “Memorandum of Understanding Between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the United States Space Force,” September 2020,
20    Congressional Research Service, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), updated February 14, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
21    Brandon Bailey et al., Defending Spacecraft in the Cyber Domain, Aerospace Corporation, November 2019, accessed March 26, 2021,
22    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, The Artemis Accords: Principles for Cooperation in the Civil Exploration and Use of the Moon, Mars, Comets, and Asteroids for Peaceful Purposes, accessed March 26, 2021,
23    Dr. Cassandra Steer, Why Outer Space Matters for National and International Security, Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law, University of Pennsylvania, January 8, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,; Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto and Steven Freeland, “Space Weaponization and the United Nations Charter Regime on Force: A Thick Legal Fog or a Receding Mist?” International Lawyer 41 (4) (Winter 2007): 1091–1119,, accessed March 26, 2021,; Blount, “Targeting”; Theresa Hitchens and Colin Clark, “Commercial Satellites: Will They Be Military Targets?” Breaking Defense, July 16, 2019, accessed March 26, 2021,

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Continuous global health protection and global wellness Tue, 25 May 2021 22:57:54 +0000 An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Chapter 5. Continuous global health protection and global wellness

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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted health and economic security, both directly and indirectly, for most of the planet. Inherent to this disruption are three systemic problems: (i) global and national leaders acted slowly to detect and contain the spread of the virus, (ii) global health organizations reacted slowly to contain the spread of the virus, and (iii) a mixture of factors caused the delayed response including late recognition of the threat and where it was circulating, slow incorporation of science and data into decision making, poor political will, and inconsistent messaging to citizens regarding the nature of the threat and precautions to take. The origin and spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 also depended on a number of codependent factors—human encroachment on animal habitats, globalization and an interconnected world, and a global economy that ignored insufficient sanitation and public health standards. But, most importantly, it depended on a failure of adequate monitoring, data sharing, and early warning and mitigation systems.

Continuous global health protection builds upon a foundation of secure data and communications, rapid sharing of biological threat data across the globe, enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy, and assured supply chains.

Viruses and other pathogens know no borders, nor do they discriminate by race or class. Though nations may adopt their own strategies to enhance resilience and future planning, a more global approach to this interconnected system will be essential to keep all humans safe. Continuous global health protection builds upon a foundation of secure data and communications, rapid sharing of biological threat data across the globe, enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy, and assured supply chains.

Finding 5: There is a need for a continuous biological surveillance, detection, and prevention capability.

The design of a pandemic surveillance, detection, and prevention system would require a multipronged approach, comprising global monitoring, early detection, rapid warning, and capable mitigation and prevention strategies. The system would perform the following main functions: biothreat agent recognition, mobilization of defenses, containing the spread of the biothreat agent, administration of therapeutic treatment, and the ability to recognize new pathogens and form specific neutralizing responses.

Much of the integrative assessments performed by the system would need to rely on a network capable of receiving data from multiple, decentralized information sources, and converting that information into indicators that can be aggregated and evaluated to support decision making at the individual, local community, and population level.1 A global detection and response system could enable greater resilience and prevention, and decrease the potential that new outbreaks of pathogens lead to global pandemics.2

Early detection would require the funding of a global, interconnected system that relies on partnerships among national governments and regional partners. Where there are gaps in collecting and sharing preferred data, e.g., when a nation or region does not participate, alternative indicators would need to be developed.4

The development of novel, authenticated data sources is a key risk factor for pandemic warning systems. As seen at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, relying on government-provided information led to a delay in identifying the unusual pneumonia-like illness in Wuhan, China, and ultimately in releasing the genetic sequence of the virus.5 It cost lives, delayed warnings and the ability for others to detect the circulating virus, delayed containment and mitigation strategies (e.g., vaccine and therapeutic development), and enabled the virus to spread globally via human vectors.6

Authenticated data sources from different decentralized sources and edge devices could include both traditional (e.g., positive viral tests, hospitalization rates, excess death rates) and nontraditional sources of health information (e.g., passive monitoring of environment, wastewater, satellite data, human migration trends, market signals) that can be overlaid, combined, and aggregated to understand current public health conditions and to have predictive value.

Finding 5.2: An elevated capacity on the global stage is required.

The components of global capacity in a pandemic include the ability to quickly identify and sequence novel pathogens; to quickly share that information with the world; to rapidly ramp-up testing; to develop and approve targeted vaccines and therapeutics; to have medical supply chain, manufacturing, and distribution capabilities in place; to have sufficient capital health equipment, medical consumables, and healthcare personnel in place; and to provide access to healthcare and reliable health information to all those in need.

These specific functions for creating a comprehensive global alert and response system and coordinating actions, as well as supporting localized capacity strengthening,7 were made part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) updated 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR)8 and its pandemic preparedness plan.9 “To help countries review and, if necessary, strengthen their ability to detect, assess, and respond to public health events, WHO develops guidelines, technical materials, and training and fosters networks for sharing expertise and best practices. WHO’s help supports countries in meeting their commitments under the IHR to build capacity for all kinds of public health events.”10

To achieve the fullest potential of these approaches, there need to be investments on a global scale to support expanded detection, mitigation, and capacity-building strategies. These efforts should be conducted through public, private, and government partnerships based on mutual agreements to share data and report issues early. These should be multinational collaborations that would be able to overcome the limiting factors discussed in the next section. In developing these approaches, a priority is to strengthen transparency and accountability within the United Nations (UN) system, including at the WHO.11

Finding 5.3: There are several limiting factors.

There often is a lack of trust among groups, institutions, and governments. Governments do not always trust other governments; countries do not always trust global health bodies; nationally, states do not always trust each other or the federal government; and individuals do not always trust governments or health entities or officials. This lack of trust is well-documented. According to the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer,12 “no institution is seen as both competent and ethical,” an opinion that includes government, business, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the media. In the statistical model Edelman provides, government is widely seen as the most unethical, and the least competent, institution of the four. According to the International Development Association of the World Bank Group, half of the global population does not trust government institutions.13 Similarly, both individual citizens and countries may lack trust in national and global health bodies.

Health institutions are concerned about sharing data on health outbreaks too early, as this could make them look underinformed, or to be “crying wolf” before the true measure of an outbreak is known.14 Governments may be incentivized to withhold information on outbreaks to maintain appearances of strength and ultimately to control medical supplies to keep their own people safe. Withholding immediate access to information can severely affect outcomes, such as the spread of the virus, allowing it to gain a foothold in other countries unaware. It also prevents the type of global and interdisciplinary cross-collaboration that has been so effective at advancing science, research and development (R&D), and progress toward solutions.

The cost of developing and operating a global pandemic surveillance, detection, and warning and response system must be borne by all nations in an equitable manner. A recent study15 estimates “[t]his cost includes the cumulative cost of failed vaccine candidates through the research and development process. … [P]rogressing at least one vaccine through to the end of phase 2a for each of the 11 epidemic infectious diseases would cost a minimum of $2.8–3.7 billion ($1.2 billion–$8.4 billion range).” According to a 2002 study, the cost of developing a vaccine—from research and discovery to product registration—is estimated to be between $200 million and $500 million per vaccine.16 Due to the high costs of developing vaccines and current therapeutics, developing an equitable funding model will rely on new research to make vaccines less expensive to develop, new technologies to conduct wide-area detection of signatures of biological activity, and new techniques for inexpensive diagnostic testing worldwide. The supply chains, manufacturing capabilities, vaccines, and therapeutics must be developed in such a manner that all nations are protected by such a global pandemic prevention system. The concern extends beyond vaccines which have been developed. Some diseases, like Zika, for which no vaccines exist, continue to be studied; and parasites, such as those that cause malaria, may become more widespread due to global climate change.

There are many types and sources of data that need to be identified in order to effectively predict or fight an epidemic. One is vector tracking. It is difficult to track zoonotic vectors that lead to viral spread. It is estimated that wild animals, in particular mammals, harbor an estimated forty thousand unknown viruses, a quarter of which could potentially jump to humans;17 it is also estimated that 75 percent of all emerging pathogens in the last decade have come from a zoonotic event.18 Further, it is complicated to surveil and track pathogen genesis, evolution, and global spread. Understanding of the science of viruses, other pathogens, and their mutation and evolution is incomplete, and research continues on new ways to monitor and spot outbreaks.

Insufficient public health infrastructures. A 2017 study conducted by the World Bank and the WHO points out that half of the global population does not have access19 to necessary health services, and one hundred million people live in extreme poverty.20

Approach 5: Develop a global pandemic surveillance, detection, and response system based on data sensing and integration via trusted networks.

Three important elements of this global system are the early detection and warning system, the rapid response and recovery system, and the elevated capacity building system.

Recommendation 5: Field and test new approaches that enable the world to accelerate the detection of biothreat agents, to universalize treatment methods, and to engage in mass remediation through multiple global means.

Recommendation 5.1: Develop a global early warning system comprised of pandemic surveillance systems coupled with an early warning strategy.

Congress should request the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and other associated agencies to jointly develop an initial demonstration of this system in collaboration with the WHO, private institutions, and partner nations. The foundation is a surveillance system comprised of both active and passive monitoring of multiple environments and biomes—space, atmosphere, water, soil, animal reservoirs. Fundamental to the pandemic surveillance strategy is (i) training locals to conduct routine testing and genomic surveillance where spillovers occur and to regularly report incidences of novel illnesses, and (ii) increased genetic testing to track pathogens and to delineate what is coming from the natural environment versus being weaponized. Funding contributions and expert participation from other nations should be obtained.

Early detection would be enhanced by increasing the ability to identify and aggregate known data signals, identifying novel data signals, and enabling the combination of these signals into meaningful public health insights. This requires data to be labeled in such a way that it is globally recognized, named, and usable. Detection and monitoring also depend on developing distributed networks upon which those secured signals can arrive, inform local testing and response activities, and eventually be aggregated, while protecting personal data privacy, so that insights can be extracted. Finally, after preliminary flags or warning indicators are observed, a threshold is crossed and the warning or alarm could be sent throughout the distributed network, rather than relying upon a single entity or body to release the relevant information.

Key development principles include:

  1. First determine a sufficient and obtainable set of data that the surveillance system should collect, and develop the local and regional capabilities to collect these data;
  2. Support a global, decentralized network that can authenticate data sources, and enable validated data-sharing amongst validated data producers;
  3. Enable cybersecure data aggregation and analysis capabilities while preserving personal data based on the terms specified in Recommendation 3.1 in this report;
  4. Empower a surveillance strategy commensurate with civil liberties and privacy protections;
  5. Facilitate a surveillance strategy comprised of both active and passive monitoring of multiple environments and biomes (space, atmosphere, water, soil);
  6. Facilitate a surveillance strategy comprised of monitoring of traditional health and nontraditional data sources [e.g., excess death rates, viral genome sequences, Internet searches, geographic information systems (GIS), market trends]; and
  7. Form distributed networks for global early warning system alerts.

Recommendation 5.2: Reestablish and realign existing pandemic monitoring programs.

The administration should provide R&D funding to current pandemic monitoring and response networks as part of the effort to build a system for continuous global health protection. The primary actions to consider include: reinstate the USAID PREDICT program21 for tracking global zoonotic disease, provide additional funding to the EcoHealth Alliance22, and utilize networks to combine data being accumulated through parallel observation networks—e.g., the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE),23 the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON),24 Collective and Augmented Intelligence Against COVID-19 (CAIAC),25 and the Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS).26

Recommendation 5.3: Emphasize privacy protections in pandemic surveillance systems.

The administration should support initiatives that emphasize privacy protections in pandemic surveillance systems. These initiatives should be managed by NIST and NSF in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Service’s Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology and the lead science institutions in partner nations. The mitigation strategies will (i) identify infected individuals early through robust and frequent testing with a globally-recommended strategy; (ii) deploy contact-tracing strategies (commensurate with civil liberties); (iii) deliver consistent health messaging for disease prevention, spread, and treatment by coordinating centralized information and data reporting with local, on-the-ground, trusted community leaders; and (iv) provide consistent public health guidance for gatherings like air travel, cruises, sporting events, schools, restaurants, stores, and so forth.

Recommendation 5.4: Increase resilience in medical supply chains.

The administration should fund R&D of cellular- and molecular-based manufacturing technologies27 that enhance supply chain assurance.28 Both cellular and molecular manufacturing are specific instances of synthetic biology. In some cases, they can be rapidly deployed by setting up the conditions for production, and then substituting in the genetic sequences of interest to go into high-gear production. This simplifies supply chain and production lead time, can increase capacity, and creates flexible supply chains by producing candidates that are thermostable.

Some of the more forward-looking technologies for bio-sensing, vaccine development, and therapeutics are amenable to this kind of manufacturing and stockpiling. The goal is to develop redundancy at a regional level (components/ingredients; manufacturing), adopt more rigorous methods for validation of authenticity, and support multiregional distribution chains.

Recommendation 5.5: Develop capacity building for vaccine and therapeutics discovery, development, and distribution.

The administration should establish PPPs to improve pandemic protection capacity building. There are three efforts: (i) biomanufacturing and synthetic biology innovations will create therapeutic discovery systems and speed vaccine discovery; (ii) vaccine discovery, development, and distribution coalitions like the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) will enable equitable distribution; and (iii) information monitoring and distribution regarding consumables, capital equipment supplies, hospital resources, and healthcare workers will support public and organizational activities during a crisis.

Recommendation 5.6: Develop rapid responses to unknown pathogens, and supporting data collection networks.

NIH should develop and lead a program for the automated development of treatments for unknown pathogens. The goal is to universalize treatment methods; for example, by employing automated methods to massively select bacteriophages as a countermeasure to bacteria—or employ antibody-producing E. coli or cell-free synthetic biology as a countermeasure to viruses. Advanced computational methods such as computational modeling of the 3D molecules of novel pathogens, and AI-based selection of potential treatments, can help automate and speed up this process. New technologies that can change the time for the regulatory approval process, i.e., the time required for human clinical trials, should be researched—for example, in silico testing or artificial organ testing.29

NIH should create a consortium of universities and biotechnology companies to develop rapid, wide-area distribution of vaccines. This program should consider approaches that distribute vaccines through conventional supply channels, and methods to make vaccines that are survivable and transportable in any environment. Treatments in addition to vaccines should be incorporated in this effort.

NSF should create a digital infrastructure that can connect diverse, independent observation networks, databases, and computers—including emerging biosensors and autonomous sequencers deployed in water systems, air filtration systems, and other public infrastructure—to integrate their diverse data for analysis and modeling with protocols for activating rapid analysis of new pathogens, including new strains of extant pathogens to evaluate ongoing vaccine efficacy.

1    National Syndromic Surveillance Program, “North Carolina Integrates Data from Disaster Medical Assistance Teams for Improved Situational Awareness,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accessed March 26, 2021,; “Influenza – Surveillance and monitoring,” World Health Organization, accessed March 26, 2021,
2    “World Health Organization, Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System,” World Health Organization, accessed March 26, 2021,
3    “Toward the Development of Disease Early Warning Systems,” in Under the Weather: Climate, Ecosystems, and Infectious Disease, National Research Council (US) Committee on Climate, Ecosystems, Infectious Diseases, and Human Health [Washington, DC: National Academies Press (US), 2001],
4    Sylvia Mathews Burwell et al., “Improving Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons From COVID-19,” Independent Task Force Report No. 78, Council on Foreign Relations, October 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,; Elias Kondilis et al., “COVID-19 data gaps and lack of transparency undermine pandemic response,” Journal of Public Health, February 9, 2021, fdab016,; Kamran Ahmed et al., “Novel Approach to Support Rapid Data Collection, Management, and Visualization During the COVID-19 Outbreak Response in the World Health Organization African Region: Development of a Data Summarization and Visualization Tool,” JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 6 (4) (Oct-Dec, 2020), accessed March 26, 2021,; Sameer Saran et al., “Review of Geospatial Technology for Infectious Disease Surveillance: Use Case on COVID-19,” Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 48 (2020): 1121–1138, accessed March 26, 2021,
5    Associated Press, “China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days,” April 15, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
6    Jin Wu et al., “How the Virus Got Out,” New York Times, March 22, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,; Zhidong Cao et al., “Incorporating Human Movement Data to Improve Epidemiological Estimates for 2019-nCoV,” medRxiv,
7    “Strengthening health security by implementing the International Health Regulations (2005), Country capacity strengthening,” UN World Health Organization, accessed March 26, 2021,
8    “Strengthening health security by implementing the International Health Regulations (2005), A global system for alert and response,” World Health Organization,; Apoorva Mandavilli, “239 Experts With One Big Claim: the Coronavirus Is Airborne,” New York Times, updated November 19, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
9    World Health Organization, WHO global influenza preparedness plan: The role of WHO and recommendations for national measures before and during pandemics, 2005, accessed March 26, 2021,
10    “Strengthening health security by implementing the International Health Regulations (2005), Country capacity strengthening,” UN World Health Organization, accessed March 26, 2021,
11    Chairman Michael McCaul, China Task Force Report, U.S. House of Representatives, 116th Congress, September 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
12    “2020 Edelman Trust Barometer,” Edelman, accessed March 26, 2021,
13    “Governance and Institutions,” International Development Association, World Bank Group, accessed March 26, 2021,
14    Stephen Buranyi, “The WHO v coronavirus: why it can’t handle the pandemic,” Guardian, April 10, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
15    Dimitrios Gouglas et al., “Estimating the cost of vaccine development against epidemic infectious diseases: a cost minimisation study,” Lancet Global Health 6 (12) (E1386-E1396, DECEMBER 01, 2018), October 17, 2018, DOI:, accessed March 26, 2021
16    Irina Serdobova and Marie-Paule Kieny, “Assembling a Global Vaccine Development Pipeline for Infectious Diseases in the Developing World,” American Journal of Public Health 96 (9): 1554–1559, 10.2105/AJPH.2005.074583, accessed March 26, 2021.
17    C.J. Carlson et al., “Global estimates of mammalian viral diversity accounting for host sharing,” Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (2019): 1070–1075 (2019),, accessed March 26, 2021. Global Virome Project / PREDICT has estimated that there are over 1.6 million unknown viral species in mammalian and avian populations, of which approximately 700,000 have the potential to infect and cause disease in humans. “Global Virome Project,”
18    Alex Long, “Zoonotic Diseases and the Possibilities with EBV Monitoring,” CTRL Forward, November 14, 2017, accessed March 26, 2021,
19    World Health Organization, “World Bank and WHO: Half the world lacks access to essential health services, 100 million still pushed into extreme poverty because of health expenses,” December 13, 2017, accessed March 26, 2021,
20    “Health Financing: Key policy messages,” World Health Organization, accessed March 26, 2021,
21    PREDICT, “Reducing Pandemic Risk, Promoting Global Health,” USAID,
22    “EcoHealth Alliance,” website homepage accessed April 16, 2021,
23    “Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE),” World Health Organization, accessed April 16, 2021,—august-2017)
24    “The National Science Foundation’s National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON),” website homepage accessed April 16, 2021,
25    “CAIAC: Collective and Augmented Intelligence Against COVID-19,” website homepage accessed April 16, 2021,
26    “Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS): Saving Lives through Early Detection,” World Health Organization,
27    Megan Scudellari, “Step Aside, PCR: CRISPR-based COVID-19 Tests Are Coming,” IEEE Spectrum, December 21, 2020, accessed April 16, 2021,
28    Nicholas A. C. Jackson et al., “The promise of mRNA vaccines: a biotech and industrial perspective,” npj Vaccines 5 (11) (2020),, accessed March 26, 2021; Giulietta Maruggi et al., “mRNA as a Transformative Technology for Vaccine Development to Control Infectious Diseases,” Molecular Therapy 27 (4) (April 10, 2019): 757–772, accessed March 26, 2021,
29    Committee on Animal Models for Assessing Countermeasures to Bioterrorism Agents, Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Division on Earth and Life Studies, “Chapter 5: Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing for Biodefense Countermeasures,” in Animal Models for Assessing Countermeasures to Bioterrorism Agents (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2011), accessed March 26, 2021,

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Assured supply chains and system resiliency Tue, 25 May 2021 22:57:38 +0000 An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Chapter 4. Assured supply chains and system resiliency

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Both physical and digital supply chain vulnerabilities can have cascading effects on the global economy and national security. Two critical examples include:

  • US dependence on foreign production of the main components used in generic drugs. Trade disputes and economic crises can stop the flow of medicines and affect the health and economic welfare of tens of millions of individuals in the United States and other countries.1
  • US dependence on foreign-produced semiconductors for military and commercial products. As the manufacturing and assembly of key components shifts to markets in East Asia, particularly China,2 the United States is susceptible to sudden interruptions in supplies and deliberate efforts to degrade the integrity of the products.

The interconnected global networks of manufacturing, transportation,3 and distribution contain many instances where supply chain problems can have magnified effects. To protect against these diverse risks requires understanding which types of goods and sectors of the economy are critical. It also requires assessing the state and characteristics of supplies, trade networks and policies, inventory reserves, and the ability to substitute products or processing facilities. Assuring the performance of physical and software/IT supply chains is essential for a functioning, prosperous society and for national and economic security.

Finding 4: Resilient, trusted supply chains require defense, diversification, and reinvention.

One of the goals of the United States’ National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security4 is to “foster a resilient supply chain.” As part of its strategic approach, the national strategy works to prepare for, withstand, and recover from threats and disruptions. “Executive Order 13806 of July 21, 2017: Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States“5 states that “a healthy manufacturing and defense industrial base and resilient supply chains are essential to the economic strength and national security of the United States” and requires a report detailing the current state of supply chains that are essential for national security. The Interagency Task Force report6 in response to the executive order recommends decreasing the fragility and single points of failure of supply chains and diversifying away from dependencies on politically unstable countries.

It is difficult to know the full range of potential threats and disruptions for a given supply chain. For multitiered supply chains, the primary suppliers may not have information on each of the suppliers at the third or fourth tier and will not have accurate or up-to-date information on the trustworthiness of the sources of components, e.g., circuit board component suppliers. The multiplying, dynamic effects of supply chain disturbances are often not deterministic. In cases of deliberate sabotage of a resource, there may not be observable indicators, as with the insertion of hidden back doors in software. Resilient supply chains address a portion of these uncertainties through risk-reduction strategies and greater supply chain transparency.

For some supply chains, resilience may be attained by increasing defenses through greater trade enforcement and strengthening key segments. For some supply chains, diversifying the sources and manufacturing locations, in partnership with allies, is an effective strategy. Adversaries are creating strategic vulnerabilities and weaknesses in US supply chains; a key area is the design and manufacture of advanced electronics. To address this growing risk, the strategy exemplified in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA’s) Electronics Resurgence Initiative7 involves developing new technologies for alternative materials, designs, and production processes.

Finding 4.1: Critical supply chains are pervasive and challenging to defend.

Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21), “Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience,” defines critical infrastructure to be those “systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.”8 There are eighteen critical infrastructure sectors. The Sector-Specific Plans discuss critical infrastructure resilience and include the supply chains in the risk management or risk mitigation section of some sector plans.

Supply chain attacks can be hard to detect and defend against. The Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) report, Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace,9 highlights the critical issue of supply chain vulnerabilities and the risks of US reliance on foreign suppliers. The range of supply chain attack opportunities is large—including design, manufacturing, servicing, distribution, and disposal segments of the supply chain—and challenging to detect.

Appendix B discusses the cyberattack of FireEye, involving the theft of its penetration testing toolkit, and the breadth of a comprehensive cyber espionage campaign centered on SolarWinds’ Orion network monitoring software. More than eighteen thousand commercial and government targets, including Intel, Microsoft, California state hospitals,10 the National Nuclear Security Administration,11 and dozens12 of federal, state, and local government agencies, downloaded compromised updates, all with the goal of extracting valuable intelligence while remaining undetected.

Finding 4.2: A broadened view of stockpiles increases resiliency.

Creating additional supplies or increasing production capacity contribute to creating stockpiles in a supply network. Adding more production capacity in the United States, or encouraging allies to undertake similar actions, is the focus of recent legislative efforts.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act; P.L. 116-136) strengthened reporting requirements to delineate the domestic versus foreign production of finished drug products and active pharmaceutical ingredients. While the CARES Act requires the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to evaluate the US medical product supply chain, options for increasing the security and resilience of this supply chain are still under consideration.13

The William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 202114 includes provisions to enhance the security of the semiconductor supply chain. It incentivizes investment in facilities and equipment in the United States for semiconductor fabrication, assembly, testing, advanced packaging, or R&D. It strengthens the United States’ capacity to develop and produce cutting-edge semiconductors domestically through federal funding, promotes greater global transparency around subsidies to identify unfair or opaque forms of support that distort global supply chains, and provides funding support to “foreign government partners to participate in a consortium in order to promote consistency in policies related to microelectronics, greater transparency in microelectronic supply chains, and greater alignment in policies toward non-market economies.15

“Executive Order 13817 of December 20, 2017: A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals” defines “critical mineral” to be “(i) a non-fuel mineral or mineral material essential to the economic and national security of the United States, (ii) the supply chain of which is vulnerable to disruption, and (iii) that serves an essential function in the manufacturing of a product, the absence of which would have significant consequences for our economy or our national security.”16 Based on country production and import reliance, thirty-five minerals were deemed critical minerals. For some of these critical minerals,17 increased domestic production is possible,18 through the policies in the executive order intended to decrease the time to obtain mining permits.

The DoD is working to ensure reliable supplies of rare earth minerals by increasing domestic production and processing capabilities.19 The department has taken steps to increase stockpiles, reduce reliance on Chinese sources, partner with private industry to increase production of rare earth magnets, and accelerate the development of new rare earth mineral processing technologies, and is seeking to increase funding for domestic production of rare earth minerals for munitions and missiles. To increase domestic production of rare earth minerals, mining-reform legislation is needed. The current mine-permitting process takes approximately ten years, when timelines of two to three years may be possible. Cooperative agreements with like-minded countries may also increase the supply available to the United States. South Africa, Canada, Australia, Brazil, India, Malaysia, and Malawi have rare earth minerals; China, Russia, and the United States hold 82.6 percent of the world’s production and reserves.20

Finding 4.3: By creating new materials and new design and manufacturing technologies, the United States can eliminate critical dependencies on foreign sources.

The DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative21 is in the fourth year of a long-term, $1.5 billion effort to reinvent defense electronics both to improve performance and to respond to foreign efforts to shift innovation in electronics away from the United States. The program currently includes applications of the new materials, chip designs, chip manufacturing technologies, and new methods for increasing security in a variety of defense systems. At present, the United States imports 80 percent of its rare earth elements directly from China.

The DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative supports the goals of the “Executive Order 13953 of September 30, 2020: Addressing the Threat to the Domestic Supply Chain From Reliance on Critical Minerals From Foreign Adversaries and Supporting the Domestic Mining and Processing Industries.” The transformation of microelectronics is DoD’s top modernization priority. A critical, fundamental risk is the US dependence on foreign semiconductor chip manufacturing, dominated by microelectronics fabrication plants in vulnerable Taiwan and South Korea.

Approach 4: Develop supply chain resilience strategies for a broadened set of critical resources, conduct assessments with allies.

The United States must establish criteria for determining which supply chains are critical and develop supply chain assurance strategies based on knowledge of the current supply network and the creation of alternative pathways, processes, and materials.

Such strategies must incorporate:

  1. A supplier nation’s trade and export policies and the effects of sudden changes,
  2. A nation’s near-monopoly of a key resource,
  3. Alternate supply lines available to the United States,
  4. Baseline capacities and resources, and
  5. The ability to reestablish commercial operations in locations having lower risk.22

For information systems and networks, the United States should develop and test cybersecurity resilience strategies and performance standards for increased cybersecurity in systems that support supply chains for critical resources.

Recommendation 4: Conduct regularized assessments in the United States and in allied countries to determine critical supply chain resilience and trust, implement risk-based assurance measures. Establish coordinated cybersecurity acquisition across government networks and create more experts.

Recommendation 4.1: Implement a framework that identifies and establishes global data collection on critical resources.

“Executive Order 14017 of February 24, 2021: America’s Supply Chains,” will conduct a review of critical supply chain vulnerabilities affecting both government procurement and also that of the private sector. This review will address the changing nature of critical supply chains as “manufacturing and other needed capacities of the United States modernize to meet future needs.”23 It will examine dependence on foreign suppliers, measures of resilience, and a range of sectors including energy, semiconductors, key electronics and related technologies, telecommunications infrastructure, and key raw materials. Strategies to increase critical supply chain resilience include “a combination of increased domestic production, strategic stockpiles sized to meet our needs, cracking down on anti-competitive practices that threaten supply chains, implementing smart plans to surge capacity in a time of crisis, and working closely with allies.”24 After this initial review, the administration plans to ask Congress to enact a mandatory quadrennial critical supply chain review to institute this process permanently.

To conduct this critical supply chain review, the administration should develop a set of criteria for determining resources that are critical to the nation with respect to public health, national security, economic security, and technological competitiveness. These criteria should encompass critical resources beyond high-technology products, to include IT and computer systems and infrastructures, and lower technology products that are important for high-technology competitiveness, e.g., steel, auto parts, and other portions of US manufacturing industries. These criteria should be developed by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in coordination with relevant executive branch agencies and departments and with the active participation of private industry. Because critical resources are dynamic in nature and are constantly evolving, this should be a recurring, ongoing initiative.

The administration should use existing fora for international outreach to foster data collection and information sharing for assessments of critical resources and critical supply chains. It should also identify where US funding will strengthen supply chain assurance in partner countries, particularly those with a strong rule of law and a commitment to intellectual property protection. The assessments must address where key resources (e.g., pharmaceuticals,25 agricultural products26) are manufactured and sourced, and how this impacts the robustness of US supply chains, the ability to manufacture the key resources in the United States, and other issues concerning supply chain threats and vulnerabilities. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in its “Rules of Origin” chapter provides a model for agreements with like-minded countries.27 The United States Trade Representative would develop trade agreements that help strengthen supply chains.

Recommendation 4.2: Fund and broaden federal oversight of supply chain assurance to include all critical resources.

Congress should establish an annual reporting requirement that assesses the supply chain assurance for all critical resources, to be assigned to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with support from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will contribute assessments of the cybersecurity of the supply chains included in the annual report. This report should determine priorities for supply chains deemed critical to US national and economic security and national health. Congress should require that federal budget requests affecting critical supply chains are based on these priorities.

The administration should develop an approach to address risk management for supply chains beyond those already associated with information technology and computer systems. The administration should extend the work by NIST to model critical assets and components for information systems,28 to critical resources as described here. This effort will delineate the data—for both physical supply chains and software/IT supply chains—required to perform supply chain assurance assessments.

Recommendation 4.3: For the United States, the administration must develop a geopolitical deterrence strategy that addresses critical digital resources and digital supply chain assurance.

State-based cyber-enabled threats to the integrity of global supply chains—impacting both physical (as seen in disruption to global logistics and manufacturing activity in the wake of the NotPetya ransomware attack29) and digital (as illustrated in the wake of the SolarWinds compromise) supply chains—increasingly represent costly and high-impact challenges. The national cyber director, as part of the National Cyber Strategy, should develop a geopolitical deterrence strategy that enables the US government to leverage all tools of US power—from diplomacy, to sanctions, cyber, and military activity—to exercise deterrence. The administration should evaluate the potential for (i) continuous evaluation of digital supply chains to enable prompt detection of malicious activity targeting these supply chains, and (ii) prompt detection, combined with improved supply chain resilience and timely actions in response to the detected activity, to decrease the likelihood of cyberattacks. Continuous evaluation of supply chains for critical digital resources30 would be coordinated and managed by CISA as part of its role in managing federal cybersecurity risk.

Recommendation 4.4: Conduct regular physical and software/IT supply chain assessments in the United States and with allies, focused on intersecting vulnerabilities with cascading consequences.

The administration should establish with allies and partner nations a test program for supply chains and reporting on supply chains’ status and test results. This reporting would address the readiness status of both public and private sector supply chains, and the results of exercises that test the preparedness, adequacy, and resiliency of supply chains against a range of conditions and scenarios, much like stress tests for the financial sector.

  • Because most of the supply chain data are held by private companies, a key issue is whether the private sector will provide enough data about its supply chains, or can be incentivized to do so. Questions to address include: what is the minimal information that is needed to calculate these performance measures, and will the resultant tests provide useful results across the situations of interest? will the private sector give these data, given its competitive positions? what is the best estimate of the metrics subject to the data availability constraints? Thus, the tests must show these estimates can be developed using acceptable access to the private data, or must determine a narrower set of criteria to test against.

Due to the many factors bearing on cybersecurity resilience, including the growing threat of sophisticated cyberattacks by major adversaries, the administration should develop software/IT supply chain resilience risk assessments that incorporate the effects of new standards and tools to measure cyber vulnerabilities, improved information sharing (including intelligence information on nation state-supported cyberattacks and ransomware denial of service attacks), designs for improvements that protect against systemic vulnerabilities, and new technologies such as cloud-based services.

1    Congressional Research Service, COVID-19: China Medical Supply Chains and Broader Trade Issues, updated December 23, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
2    Department of Defense, Fiscal Year 2020: Industrial Capabilities: Report to Congress, January 2021, accessed March 26, 2021,
3    Vivian Yee, “Ship Is Freed After a Costly Lesson in the Vulnerabilities of Sea Trade,” New York Times, March 29, 2021, accessed April 3, 2021,
4    “National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security,” Department of Homeland Security, last published July 13, 2017, accessed March 26, 2021,
5    Executive Order 13806 of July 21, 2017: Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States,” Federal Register 82 (142) (July 26, 2017), accessed March 26, 2021,
6    Department of Defense, Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States, Report to President Donald J. Trump by the Interagency Task Force in Fulfillment of Executive Order 13806, September 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
7    “DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative,” DARPA, last updated April 2, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
8    White House, “Presidential Policy Directive – Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience,” February 12, 2013, accessed March 26, 2021,
9    Department of Defense, “Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace,” July 2011, accessed March 26, 2021,
10    Laura Hautala, “SolarWinds hackers accessed DHS acting secretary’s emails: What you need to know,” c|net, March 29, 2021, accessed April 16, 2021,
11    Natasha Bertrand and Eric Wolff, “Nuclear weapons agency breached amid massive cyber onslaught,” Politico, December 17, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
12    Raphael Satter, “U.S. cyber agency says SolarWinds hackers are ‘impacting’ state, local governments,” Reuters, December 23, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
13    Congressional Research Service, FDA’s Role in the Medical Product Supply Chain and Considerations During COVID-19, September 1, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
14    Samuel K. Moore, “U.S. Takes Strategic Step to Onshore Electronics Manufacturing,” IEEE Spectrum, January 6, 2021, “The semiconductor strategy and investment portion of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 began as separate bills in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the Senate, it was called the American Foundries Act of 2020, and was introduced in July and called for $15 billion for state-of-the-art construction or modernization and $5 billion in R&D spending, including $2 billion for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Electronics Resurgence Initiative. In the House, the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) for America Act, was introduced in the 116th Congress by Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Mark Warner (D-VA), and Representatives Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Doris Matsui (D-CA), and offered similar levels of R&D,” accessed April 16, 2021,
15    ”US Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill Will Help Bring Production of Semiconductors, Critical to National Security, Back to U.S., press release, June 10, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
16    “Executive Order 13817 of December 20, 2017: A Federal Strategy To Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals,” Federal Register, December 20, 2017, accessed March 26, 2021,
17    germanium, graphite (natural), hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, manganese, niobium, platinum group metals, potash, the rare earth elements group, rhenium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, tellurium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, and zirconium
18    National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act, H.R. 2531 — 116th Congress (2019-2020), accessed March 26, 2021, The bill aims to increase the domestic supply of critical minerals
19    Department of Defense, DOD Announces Rare Earth Element Awards to Strengthen Domestic Industrial Base, press release, November 17, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
20    Marc Humphries, Rare Earth Elements: The Global Supply Chain, Congressional Research Service, December 16, 2013, accessed March 26, 2021,
21    “DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative,” DARPA
22    Congressional Research Service, COVID-19: China Medical Supply Chains and Broader Trade Issues, R46304, April 6, 2020, updated December 23, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
23    “Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains,” White House, February 24, 2021, accessed March 26, 2021,; “Executive Order 14017 of February 24, 2021, America’s Supply Chains,” Federal Register, March 1, 2021,
24    “The Biden Plan to Rebuild U.S. Supply Chains and Ensure the U.S. Does Not Face Future Shortages of Critical Equipment,” accessed March 26, 2021,
25    OECD and European Union Intellectual Property Office, Trade in Counterfeit Pharmaceutical Products, (Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020), accessed March 26, 2021,; Agnes Shanley, “Focusing on the Last Link,” PharmaTech, September 2, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,; Eurohealth, Quarterly of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies 24 (3) (2018), accessed March 26, 2021,
26    Clara Frezal and Grégoire Garsous, “New digital technologies to tackle trade in illegal pesticides,” OECD Trade and Environment Working Papers 2020/02, OECD Publishing, accessed March 26, 2021,
27    “Agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada 7/1/20 Text,” Office of the United States Trade Representative, accessed March 26, 2021,
28    “NISTIR 8179, Criticality Analysis Process Model: Helping Organizations Decide Which Assets Need to Be Secured First,” National Institute of Standards and Technology, April 11, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
29    Andy Greenberg, “The Untold Story of NotPetya, the most Devasting Cyberattack in History,” Wired, August 22, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
30    A key enabler of continuous evaluation comprises software configuration databases which will permit visibility and traceability of software/IT supply chains. These require development.

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Enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy Tue, 25 May 2021 22:57:24 +0000 An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Chapter 3. Enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy

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Enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy is founded upon personal privacy, data security, accountability for performance and adherence to standards, transparency of the internal decision-making algorithms, and regulations and governance for digital products and services. Trust and confidence in the digital economy is diminished by practices that do not protect privacy or secure data, and by a lack of legal and organizational governance to advance and enforce accountability.1 Data breaches, malware embedded in downloaded apps, unfiltered mis- and disinformation, and the lack of governance models to effectively address these harms all contribute to the degradation of social and civic trust. This degradation undermines economic and civic confidence, is costly,2 constrains the growth of the digital economy,3 and has destabilizing effects on society, governments, and markets. Trust and confidence in the digital economy is essential for open societies to function, and for resilience against cascading effects of local, regional, or national economic, security, or health instabilities.

Finding 3: To enhance trust and confidence in artificial intelligence and other digital capabilities, technologies must objectively meet the public’s needs for privacy, security, transparency, and accountability.

The growth of digital economies is changing how trust is valued by institutions, businesses, and the public.4 The traditional view of trust is expressed in terms of the security of a business transaction. The increase in cyberattacks, identity theft, social media disinformation campaigns, and the use of autonomous decision-making software, introduces new factors that affect trust. Trust in a firm’s reputation and ethical practices, privacy protection, and how personal data are used depend on technology, business practices, and the public’s perception of how well these components of trust are protected.

Not everyone has the same perception of what is trustworthy. However, reaping the benefits of the digital economy requires a high level of trust among users. Therefore, government and industry should work to enhance the transparency and accountability of digital systems to improve trustworthiness. Challenges include the following: (i) views on personal privacy protection are context-dependent, vary by culture or location, and may be formalized in different terms across nations, regions, and states; and (ii) as automated decision-making algorithms proliferate, new applications reveal trust weaknesses regarding implicit bias, unethical use of personal data, and lack of identity protection.

Trustworthiness needs to be prioritized and empirically demonstrated in the evolving market. Building trust involves educating all participants on the fundamental value of trust in the digital economy and ensuring digital systems reflect individual and societal conceptions of trust. There must be national and international standards for judging how well technologies and systems protect trust. Professional organizations that audit for trust in the digital economy will strengthen accountability.

As European Union (EU) member nations work to conform national rules and laws to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Commission notes that these steps may strengthen trust relationships. Other nations propose that a global framework for cross-border Internet policies may be able to protect data security and privacy while still allowing national laws and regulations as a part of the approach if certain trust relationships are maintained. For both approaches, a set of rules or principles provides the foundation for trust.

The GDPR6 establishes regulations for data security and privacy that apply to any organization that collects or uses data related to people in the EU. The entire data chain is covered by the GDPR, including data collection, processing, storing, and managing.

The GDPR comprises principles that govern data protection and accountability for those who process data. There are technical measures for data security, and organizational design principles for data protection. Data privacy is expressed in terms of privacy rights, including the right: to be informed, to rectification, to erasure, to restrict processing, to data portability, and to object, and the right of access. There are also rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling. The governance mechanism centers on Data Protection Authorities that work to align each EU member nation’s approach to data security and privacy to conform with the GDPR. These Data Protection Authorities have enforcement powers and the ability to levy fines when a GDPR rule is violated.

Data privacy protection is vulnerable to advanced data analytics that can infer personal identifiable information by joining loosely related data sources. As a result, the growing use of current machine learning methods applied to large, multi-source data sets highlights potential limitations in the GDPR where such computational methods can infer data originally made private. The development of new data science capabilities may require research on new privacy-preserving technologies for nations to remain compliant with the GDPR. With increasing amounts of personal medical and genetic information being held in data repositories, this need is urgent.

Finding 3.3: Evolving US data privacy approaches consider outcome-based methods, versus prescriptive methods.

The development of data privacy laws in the United States is an evolving patchwork, with more than one hundred and fifty state data privacy laws proposed in 2019.8 There is no overall federal data privacy law.

One instance of federal legislation for data privacy proposed in the 117th Congress9 includes the following key privacy features, which are viewed as outcome-based.10

  • Transparent communication of the privacy and data use policy
  • Affirmative opt-in and opt-out consent
  • Preemption, in which the proposed statute would preempt most state laws with limited exceptions for data breaches, and other limited situations
  • A right to action, enforced at the federal or state level, to address alleged violations
  • Independent audit of the effectiveness and appropriateness of the privacy policy for each entity providing data services

Several bills11 introduced in the 116th Congress addressed a subset of the above features or are focused on COVID-19 contact tracing, health status, and identifiers. In addition, several bills introduced in the 116th Congress addressed disclosing how data are used or monetized by social media companies that enhance the accessibility and portability of a user’s data across devices.12

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Privacy Framework describes a risk- and outcomes-based approach to establishing privacy protection practices in an organization. Organizations can vary the technologies and design of the privacy protection aimed at satisfying performance outcomes. This may be advantageous when the technologies and applications are changing at a fast pace, e.g., artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).13

The variety of new ways to collect, process, and analyze data is increasing at a fast rate, while compliance often is determined on a case-by-case basis by regulatory and legal experts. To keep pace, automated testing for compliance with data privacy regulations is necessary.

While there are several federal data privacy laws specific to certain industries or groups, e.g., the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),14 the eventual form and scope of US data protection laws will depend on policy and legal considerations. A key decision concerns the model for data protection laws. The EU GDPR model is prescriptive; GDPR compliance involves demonstrating that the procedural rules were followed. An alternate model for data protection laws is outcome-based, which allows flexibility in how to achieve data protection.15

A choice between prescriptive versus outcome-based approaches must assess their relative costs and benefits and how the two approaches can work together. The proposed bills in the 116th Congress identify a robust set of data privacy features while promoting flexibility and innovation in their implementation; the GDPR model has greater worldwide traction, creating opportunities for harmonized regulatory treatment.

Finding 3.4: New information technologies compel automated compliance testing.

New information technologies and advanced data capabilities challenge current methods of compliance and enforcement. The variety of new ways to collect, process, and analyze data is increasing at a fast rate, while compliance often is determined on a case-by-case basis by regulatory and legal experts. To keep pace, automated testing for compliance with data privacy regulations is necessary.

Table 2 portrays some of the challenges and solutions for achieving automated compliance testing. This research agenda identifies the following key developments: standards, new privacy-preserving technologies, and automated methods to establish compliance.

Table 3. Big Data Value Association Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
Challenges Solutions
A general, easy-to-use, and enforceable data protection approach Guidelines, standards, law, and codes of conduct
Maintaining robust data privacy with utility guarantees Multiparty computation, federated learning approaches, and distributed ledger technologies
Risk-based approaches calibrating data controllers’ obligations Automated compliance, risk assessment tools
Combining different techniques for end-to-end data protection Integration of approaches, toolboxes, overviews, and repositories of privacy-preserving technologies

Source: Timan and Mann 201916

Privacy-preserving technologies are an active research area, and include the following:17secure multiparty computation, (fully) homomorphic encryption, trusted execution environments, differential privacy, and zero-knowledge proofs.

The value of privacy-preserving technologies involves trade-offs between privacy and utility—how useful is the resulting data—both of which are context dependent.18 Affecting these trade-offs are the technical methods, the technical definitions of privacy, and the specifications of the privacy laws. The technical methods (e.g., anonymization, sanitization, and encryption) operate on data in different ways. The technical definition of privacy varies by application and the user’s perceptions of risk versus the benefit of making personal data available. Privacy laws vary across nations, challenging the uniform application of technical methods. For both professionals and members of the public, making trade-offs between privacy and utility remains challenging. This is partially due to the absence of definitions of and standards for measuring privacy and the social benefits obtained from making data available for use by others.

Finding 3.5: Trust and confidence in digital capabilities requires businesses and governments to focus on the responsible use of technology.

Increasing trust and confidence in emerging technologies, such as AI, requires a recognition by both businesses and governments that they have an obligation to use technology responsibly, ensuring that technology has a positive impact on society, especially with regards to equality and inclusion.19 Developing and innovating responsibly means ensuring that (i) ethical frameworks and policies exist to guide organizations during all aspects of a product’s development and deployment, (ii) fairness in design is emphasized from the outset, and that (iii) questions around the manner in which technologies will be used are given the same rigorous examination as technical issues. As technological capabilities evolve and become more deeply intertwined in all aspects of society, businesses and governments must put ethics at the center of everything they do.

Approach 3: Build in trust-enabling technologies, measure performance against standards, conduct independent compliance audits.

The digital economy relies on achieving a high level of trust and confidence on a continuing basis as technologies evolve. Trust and confidence-enabling technologies must be developed and built into the components of the digital economy infrastructure; a detailed understanding of the trade-offs between privacy versus utility is an essential foundation. Such technologies must be paired with similar civic norms, practices, and rules designed to enhance confidence in the digital economy. To assure businesses that they remain compliant with data protection regulations as they modernize their practices, automated compliance testing, accompanied by standards of performance, is needed. To establish transparency for automated decision-making algorithms, standards for the measurable performance, i.e., the output results, are necessary. Independent assessments of the compliance testing and algorithmic transparency by professional auditing organizations could enhance trust among all participants in the digital economy and aid accountability and governance; such methods should be explored. However, mechanisms for compliance testing and auditing by regulators are also necessary.20

Recommendation 3: Develop international standards and best practices for a trusted digital economy that accommodate national rules and regulations, streamline the process of independently assessing adherence to these standards.

Recommendation 3.1: Develop a US data privacy standard.

Congress should create a national data privacy standard that embodies the following principles: (i) appropriate use of data: this defines the intended purpose for the collected data, the scope of what can be collected, the needed security, and the entities that are covered by the principle; (ii) nondiscriminatory use: the collected data cannot be used to discriminate against protected classes; (iii) informed participation: the individuals must receive the privacy policies in a transparent manner before data are collected, and provide affirmative express consent, including the ability to revoke consent and require destruction of the data or the movement of the data as directed by the individual (i.e., portability); (iv) public reporting: covered entities must periodically report on the data collected, retained, and destroyed, and the groups of individuals from whom the data were collected; (v) independent audit: the performance of covered entities with respect to the data privacy standard must be annually audited by an independent auditing organization, with parallel mechanisms to accommodate auditing and review by regulatory agencies; (vi) enforcement: federal and state enforcement organizations are given the authority to pursue violations of the laws for data privacy protection; (vii) preemption: this would preempt state privacy laws that are inconsistent with the proposed national standard; and (viii) consumer protection laws: the privacy standard would not interfere with consumer protection laws on issues apart from data privacy.

The data privacy standard should recognize gradations in the sensitivity of personal data—some personal data are treated more strictly than others. Affirmative express consent should be structured based on the types of data and how they will be used.

Congress should work to develop a national data privacy standard that can achieve global interoperability and should request an analysis of emerging privacy standards and issues that limit this achievement. Congress also should use the proposed national data privacy standard to inform the development of transparent national consumer data privacy laws that preserve individuals’ control of their personal data and facilitate the development of trusted networks and applications.

The results should establish federal data privacy standards for personal data, establish standards for content moderation by information providers, and should regulate platform providers’ ability to conduct experiments or surveys with users and user data without prior consent.

Recommendation 3.2: Develop privacy-preserving technologies for the digital economy and demonstrate in a full-scale test their conformance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

The administration should direct NIST to establish and test privacy-preserving technologies that enable a risk- and outcomes-based approach to trust in the digital economy. The test should evaluate, at scale, conformance with relevant GDPR rules, conformance with existing US laws governing data privacy, and robustness with respect to innovations and advances in information technologies and data capabilities, especially those based on AI, machine learning, and the IoT. This work should include the development of technical definitions of privacy and application-specific measures of the utility of analyses that are based on privacy-protected data. The tests should include end user evaluations.

The administration should establish a near-term program that demonstrates privacy-preserving technologies to aid the trusted collection and sharing of data for the purpose of improving individuals’ access to healthcare during large-scale biological events. This program should be jointly managed by NIST, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). This program will monitor system performance to inform the development of standards for the ethical use of the shared data and how data governance will be formulated.

Recommendation 3.3: Create measurement methods and standards for evaluating trust in the digital economy.

The administration should direct the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to establish methods for evaluating users’ trust in the digital economy given the increasing use of AI, big data analytics, and automated decision-making algorithms. This work builds on the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity’s Report on Securing and Growing the Digital Economy21 and the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace.22 One assessment framework example23 describes measures of: “(i) user trust in the digital environment, e.g., data privacy, security, private sector efforts to control the spread of misinformation, and private sector adherence to cybersecurity best practices; (ii) the user experience, i.e., the effort needed to interact with the digital environment; (iii) user attitudes, e.g., how trusted are government and business leaders; and (iv) user behavior, i.e., how much do users interact with the digital environment.”24

The administration should create a coalition to develop international standards for achieving trust in the digital economy. The coalition should include representatives from NIST, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), private industry, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), and international standards organizations. The United States and like-minded nations and partners should develop national assessments of trust in the digital economy using these standards.

Recommendation 3.4: Empower an organization to audit trust in the digital economy.

Congress should establish or empower an organization to audit the efficacy of measures designed to ensure trust in the digital economy and assess conformance to current and future standards designed to enhance and maintain such trust. Independent third parties or the Government Accountability Office (GAO) are examples of where such auditing organizations could be housed. 

As part of this process, the auditing organization could provide recommendations to Congress on legislation that would enhance existing trust measures, develop new trust measures, and create trust performance standards. The auditing organization should also provide a mechanism through which the public and industry can raise topics and concerns for attention and, for cases where assessments or audits were done, include an ombudsman function for assessment appeals, identification of new information, or adjudication of concerns in a manner distinct from political influence.

The administration should work to establish a similar auditing program with EU members of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.

Recommendation 3.5: Assess standards relating to the trustworthiness of digital infrastructure.

Congress should direct an assessment by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine of the current national and international standards relating to the trustworthiness of digital infrastructure to support the digital economy. “Trustworthiness of an information system is defined as the degree to which an information system (including the information technology components that are used to build the system) can be expected to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information being processed, stored, or transmitted by the system across the full range of threats.”25

Due to the increasing complexity of the digital infrastructure, the assessment should also review design standards for complex systems-of-systems from the perspective of trustworthiness. The overall assessment focuses on systems that support the digital economy. The study should assess the sufficiency of existing standards to guide improvements in trustworthiness, identify where new standards are needed, and recommend the data collection and testing methods that would enable ongoing assessments.

Recommendation 3.6: Educate the public on trustworthy digital information.

Congress should establish a grant program led by NSF for the purpose of developing a curriculum on trustworthiness of information—distinct from the trustworthiness of information systems—in the digital age. This curriculum should be created by a consortium headed by a university or coalition of universities. The program should be administered by select universities, with the participation of US information providers. The goal should be to educate the public on how to assess the trustworthiness of information—its credibility, truthfulness, and authenticity, and to develop tools that students and members of the public can use and benefit from on a regular basis.

Recommendation 3.7: Conduct demonstration projects involving artificial intelligence to improve delivery of public- and private-sector services at local, state, and federal levels.

Congress should authorize and appropriate funds for AI demonstration projects that improve the delivery of public services.26 The overall program would be managed by one of the National Laboratories or by a newly created FFRDC with the mission to leverage technology to improve the delivery of public services. These testbed projects would be supported by local and state grants, cross-cutting federal government efforts, and public-private partnerships (PPPs) to employ AI to improve healthcare, workforce training, food production and distribution, and other areas. The overarching goals are to increase public trust in, understanding of, and confidence in AI; to learn how to use AI in ways that reduce inequality and enhance, rather than replace, human work; and to improve access, affordability, and availability of such services. At local, state, and federal levels, individual government agencies will gain long-term benefits by acquiring the necessary data infrastructure to employ AI to improve the delivery of public services.

Recommendation 3.8: Produce a framework for assessing ethical, social, trust, and governance considerations associated with specific current and future use cases for AI.

The administration should request the National Academy of Sciences to produce a framework for assessing ethical, social, trust, and governance considerations associated with specific current and future use cases for AI solutions. The framework should identify where new federal standards and rules are needed. This guidance should be developed with the participation of relevant executive branch departments and agencies, and in consultation with private industry, academia, members of the public, and government and industry representatives from foreign partners.

1    Amon, “Toward a New Economy of Trust.”
2    World Economic Forum, “Why trust in the digital economy is under threat,” accessed March 26, 2021,, citing an estimate by McAfee that the costs associated with cybersecurity incidents approximated $575 billion in 2014; Accenture, Securing the Digital Economy: Reinventing the Internet for Trust, 16, accessed March 26, 2021, Cites five-year loss of foregone revenue from 2019 to 2023 to be $5.2 trillion, calculated using a sample of 4,700 global public companies.
3    Congressional Research Service, Digital Trade and U.S. Trade Policy, 11, May 21, 2019, accessed March 26, 2021,; Alan B Davidson, “The Commerce Department’s Digital Economy Agenda,” Department of Commerce, November 9, 2015, accessed March 26, 2016, Davidson identifies four pillars: promoting a free and open Internet worldwide; promoting trust online; ensuring access for workers, families, and companies; and promoting innovation.
4    Frank Dickson, “The Five Elements of the Future of Trust,” IDC, April 22, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
5    “Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. Data protection rules as a trust-enabler in the EU and beyond – taking stock,” COM/2019/374 final, European Union, July 24, 2019, accessed March 26, 2021,
6    “General Data Protection Regulation,” Intersoft Consulting,
7    T. Timan and Z.Á. Mann, eds., Data protection in the era of artificial intelligence. Trends, existing solutions and recommendations for privacy-preserving technologies, Big Data Value Association, October 2019, accessed March 26, 2021,
8    “2019 Consumer Data Privacy Legislation,” National Conference of State Legislatures, January 3, 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
9    “Information Transparency and Personal Data Control Act,” fact sheet, accessed March 26, 2021,; Information Transparency & Personal Data Control Act, H.R. 2013 — 116th Congress (2019-2020), accessed April 2, 2021,
10    “Developing the Administration’s Approach to Consumer Privacy,” Federal Register, September 26, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,; Alan Charles Raul and Christopher Fonzone, “The Trump Administration’s Approach to Data Privacy, and Next Steps,” Sidley Austin LLP, October 2, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
11    Setting an American Framework to Ensure Data Access, Transparency, and Accountability (SAFE DATA Act), S.4626 — 116th Congress (2019-2020),; Online Privacy Act of 2019 , H.R. 4978 — 116th Congress (2019-2020),; COVID-19 Consumer Data Protection Act of 2020, S. 3663 — 116th Congress (2019-2020),
12    Designing Accounting Safeguards to Help Broaden Oversight and Regulations on Data Act, S. 1951 — 116th Congress (2019-2020), accessed March 26, 2021, The informal reference, DASHBOARD Act, is found in articles about this bill; Public Health Emergency Privacy Act, S. 3749 — 116th Congress (2019-2020), accessed March 26, 2021, This has been reintroduced in the 117th Congress. Mark R. Warner, Warner, Blumenthal, Eshoo, Schakowsky & DelBene Introduce the Public Health Emergency Privacy Act, press release, January 28, 2021,; Augmenting Compatibility and Competition by Enabling Service Switching (ACCESS) Act of 2019, S. 2658 — 116th Congress (2019-2020), accessed March 26, 2021,
13    National Institute of Standards and Technology, “NIST Privacy Framework: A Tool for Improving Privacy through Enterprise Risk Management, Version 1.0,” January 16 2020, accessed March 26, 2021,
14    Congressional Research Service, Data Protection Law: An Overview, March 25, 2019, accessed March 26, 2021,
15    Ibid., 56.
16    Timan and Mann, Data protection.
17    Big Data UN Global Working Group, UN Handbook on Privacy-Preserving Computation Techniques, accessed March 26, 2021,
18    Daniel Bachlechner, Karolina La Fors, and Alan M. Sears, “The Role of Privacy-Preserving Technologies in the Age of Big Data,” proceedings of the 13th Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy, San Francisco, December 13, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,; Felix T. Wu, “Defining Privacy and Utility in Data Sets,” University of Colorado Law Review 84 (2013), accessed March 26, 2021,
19    Kirsten Martin, Katie Shilton, and Jeffrey Smith, “Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology: Introduction to the Symposium,” Journal of Business Ethics 160, 307–317 (2019), accessed April 16, 2021,
20    Nicholas Confessore, “Audit Approved of Facebook Policies, Even After Cambridge Analytica Leak,” New York Times, April 19, 2018, accessed March 26, 2021,
21    Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, Report on Securing and Growing the Digital Economy, December 1, 2016, accessed March 26, 2021,
22    White House, “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, Enhancing Online Choice, Efficiency, Security, and Privacy,” April 2011, accessed March 26, 2021,
23    Bhaskar Chakravorti, Ajay Bhalla, and Ravi Shankar Chaturvedi, “How Digital Trust Varies Around the World,” Harvard Business Review, February 25, 2021, accessed April 16, 2016,,user%20experience%3B%20the%20extent%20to.
24    Appendix A provides several references on the topics of trust and countering digital misinformation.
25    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations, Special Publication 800-53, Revision 5, September 2020, accessed April 16, 2021,
26    A potential source for the types of initiatives of interest is the OECD Network of Experts on AI (ONE AI). This group provides policy, technical and business expert input to inform OECD analysis and recommendations. “OECD Network of Experts on AI (ONE AI),” OECD.AI, accessed March 26, 2021,

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data Tue, 25 May 2021 22:56:20 +0000 An in depth report produced by the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies, making recommendations to maintain economic and national security and new approaches to develop and deploy critical technologies.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Conclusion, appendices, and acknowledgements

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Executive summary

The advancing speed, scale, and sophistication of new technologies and data capabilities that aid or disrupt our interconnected world are unprecedented. While generations have relied consistently on technologies and tools to improve societies, we now are in an era where new technologies and data reshape societies and geopolitics in novel and even unanticipated ways. As a result, governments, industries, and other stakeholders must work together to remain economically competitive, sustain social welfare and public safety, protect human rights and democratic processes, and preserve global peace and stability.

Emerging technologies also promise new abilities to make our increasingly fragile global society more resilient. To sustain this progress, nations must invest in research, expand their digital infrastructures, and increase digital literacy so that their people can compete and flourish in this new era. Yet, at the same time, no nation or international organization is able to keep pace with the appropriate governance structures needed to grapple with the complex and destabilizing dynamics of these emerging technologies. Governments, especially democratic governments, must work to build and sustain the trust in the algorithms, infrastructures, and systems that could underpin society. The world must now start to understand how technology and data interact with society and how to implement solutions that address these challenges and grasp these opportunities. Maintaining both economic and national security and resiliency requires new ways to develop and deploy critical and emerging technologies, cultivate the needed human capital, build trust in the digital fabric with which our world will be woven, and establish norms for international cooperation.

The Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data (GeoTech Commission) was established by the Atlantic Council in response to these challenges and seeks to develop recommendations to achieve these strategic goals. Specifically, the GeoTech Commission examined how the United States, along with other nations and global stakeholders, can maintain science and technology (S&T) leadership, ensure the trustworthiness and resiliency of physical and software/informational technology (IT) supply chains and infrastructures, and improve global health protection and wellness. The GeoTech Commission identified key recommendations and practical steps forward for the US Congress, the presidential administration, executive branch agencies, private industry, academia, and like-minded nations.

The GeoTech Decade

Data capabilities and new technologies increasingly exacerbate social inequality and impact geopolitics, global competition, and global opportunities for collaboration. The coming decade—the “GeoTech Decade”—must address the sophisticated but potentially fragile systems that now connect people and nations, and incorporate resiliency as a necessary foundational pillar of modern life. Additionally, the rapidity of machines to make sense of large datasets and the speed of worldwide communications networks means that any event can escalate and cascade quickly across regions and borders—with the potential to further entrench economic inequities, widen disparities in access to adequate healthcare, as well as to hasten increased exploitation of the natural environment. The coming years also will present new avenues for criminals and terrorists to do harm; authoritarian nations to monitor, control, and oppress their people; and diplomatic disputes to escalate to armed conflict not just on land, sea, and in the air, but also in space and cyberspace.

Domestically and internationally, the United States must promote strategic initiatives that employ data and new technologies to amplify the ingenuity of people, diversity of talent, strength of democratic values, innovation of companies, and the reach of global partnerships.

Geopolitical impacts of new technologies and data collections

Critical technologies that will shape the GeoTech Decade—and in which the United States and its allies must maintain global S&T leadership—can be grouped into six areas. All technologies in these categories will have broad—and interdependent—effects on people and the way they live and work, on global safety and security, and on the health of people and our planet.

  • Technologies that enable a digital economy: communications and networking, data science, and cloud computing: collectively provide the foundation for secure transmission of data for both the public and private sector and establish robust economies of ideas, resources, and talent.
  • Technologies for intelligent systems: artificial intelligence, distributed sensors, edge computing, and the Internet of Things: add new capabilities for understanding changes in the world in both physical and digital environments. The resulting data may supplement human intelligence, social engagements, and other sources of insight and analysis. In select, defined areas, intelligent systems may enhance human governance of complex systems or decisions.
  • Technologies for global health and wellness: biotechnologies, precision medicine, and genomic technologies: help create new fields of research, development, and practical solutions that promote healthy individuals and communities. Nations and health care organizations can use advances in genomics, or more broadly omics,1 to provide sentinel surveillance capabilities with respect to natural or weaponized pathogens. Sentinel surveillance2 can provide early detection, data about how a new element is appearing and growing, and information to guide our response.
  • Technologies that enlarge where people, enterprises, and governments operate: space technologies, undersea technologies: commercial companies and nations around the world are deploying mega-constellations of satellites, or fleets of autonomous ocean platforms, with advanced, persistent surveillance and communications capabilities. 
    Large-scale Earth observation data is important for monitoring the world’s atmosphere, oceans, and climate as a foundation for understanding evolving health and environmental risks and increasing the economic efficiencies in transportation, agriculture, and supply chain robustness.
  • Technologies that augment human work: autonomous systems, robotics, and decentralized energy methods: collectively provide the foundation to do work in dangerous or hazardous environments without risk to human lives, while at the same time augmenting human teams, potentially prompting long-term dislocations in national workforces, and requiring additional workforce talent for new technology areas.
  • Foundational technologies: quantum information science (QIS), nanotechnology, new materials for extreme environments, and advanced microelectronics: collectively provide the foundation for solving classes of computational problems, catalyzing next-generation manufacturing, setting standards, creating new ways to monitor the trustworthiness of digital and physical supply chains, as well as potentially presenting new challenges and opportunities to communications security that underpin effective governance and robust economies.

In addition to the technology itself, countries and organizations must learn to harness and protect the human element—by recruiting and upskilling workers with the needed skill sets for today and training the next generation with the right knowledge for tomorrow. There is great competition globally for digitally-skilled workers, and some countries or companies invest large amounts to develop or recruit this talent. When like-minded nations collaborate in S&T areas, the talent resources can produce greater benefits than possible otherwise. This requires governments to ensure their entire populations gain the needed digital literacy skills and have the means and opportunities to participate in the global digital economy. Making the whole greater than the sum of the parts represents the important global need for international collaboration.

The broad range of important S&T areas requires several forms of collaboration. In multiple key areas, such as QIS and advanced microelectronics, several nations already have significant government investments underway, and current results span a growing number of application areas. Collaborating on research and coordinating national investments among like-minded nations could benefit all participants. Fast-evolving technical capabilities, such as commercial space or autonomous systems, are supporting global industries that are developing and fielding new products. Effective collaboration relies on a broad ecosystem of domestic and foreign partners, including private sector entities. Collaboration will be limited in certain areas, for example, areas where, due to security considerations, the United States will develop capabilities in a self-reliant manner.

Summary of recommendations

To maintain national and economic security and competitiveness in the global economy, the United States and its allies must

  • Continue to be preeminent in key technology areas,
  • Take measures to ensure the trustworthiness and sustainability of the digital economy, the analog economy, and their infrastructures.

The GeoTech Commission provides recommendations in the following six areas for achieving these strategic objectives. A seventh area, the Future of Work, discusses ways to ensure the workforce acquires the skills needed for the digital economy, and that there is equitable access to opportunity.

To ensure that the United States and its allies remain the world leaders in S&T, the federal government, working with industry and stakeholders, should establish a set of prioritized strategic S&T objectives and align those objectives with specific timeframes. Additionally, the United States should establish a technology partnership among like-minded and democratic countries to coordinate actions around those objectives. The president and the US Congress should increase annual federal funding for research and development activities to secure US global leadership in critical new industries and technologies, with priorities determined for the largest impact challenges and gaps. To help people across the United States adapt to the realities of the future, the US government should establish programs to fund reskilling activities for workers displaced by changes brought about by the GeoTech Decade, seek new technologies and increase funding in support of efforts to close the broadband gap, and develop programs to improve the digital literacy of all Americans.

To strengthen cybersecurity, the administration should update the implementation plan for the National Cyber Strategy. The strategy should streamline how public and private sector entities monitor the security of their digital environments; encourage new networking, computing, and software designs that strengthen cyber defense; and raise priorities and activities for the cybersecurity of operational technology—the hardware and software that keeps equipment running—to match those of information technology.

In order to maintain the credibility of government and private industry, as well as to ensure prosperity, security, and stability in the coming data-driven epoch, the US government should establish new frameworks for data that incorporate security, accountability, auditability, transparency, and ethics. This means enacting measures that strengthen data privacy and security, establish transparency and ethics principles in how the government and private sector use data about people, and provide guidance on auditing how such data may be used.

To ensure that the United States remains attuned to threats and weaknesses in supply chains and critical systems that power its future, the US government should develop a federal mechanism to assess and prioritize the importance of specific supply chains and systems to the nation, considering physical as well as software/IT supply chains and systems. The government should develop procedures and allocate resources to achieve sufficient resiliency, based on these priorities, for supply chains and critical systems to ensure the economic and national security of the United States.

In order to protect the American people and environment from future threats, the US government should develop a global early warning system comprised of pandemic surveillance systems coupled with an early warning strategy, as well as a similar system aimed at providing early indicators of global environmental threats which could significantly impact the safety, security, and wellness of the nation.

The US government should foster the growth of the commercial US space industrial base and leverage the increasing capabilities of large commercial satellite constellations. This could increase space mission assurance and deterrence by eliminating mission critical, single-node vulnerabilities and distributing space operations across hosts, orbits, spectrum, and geography.

Table: Priority recommendations

1. Global science and technology leadership
1.1 Develop a National and Economic Security Technology Strategy
1.2 Establish Global GeoTech Alliance and Executive Council
1.6 Establish national-scale training and education programs to foster continuing technological leadership
2. Secure data and communications
2A.1 Review, update, and reestablish the implementation plan for the National Cyber Strategy
2A.2 Establish effective and coordinated continuous monitoring for software and hardware used by the federal government
2A.4 Ensure cybersecurity best practices, expertise, and assurance testing are widely available to industry and government entities
2B.1 Establish, with other nations, a common set of demonstration milestones for quantum data and communications security
2B.3 Establish a program to accelerate the operationalization of quantum information science technologies
2B.4 Establish leading roles for the United States in setting international standards for data and communications security as quantum information science evolves
3. Enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy
3.1 Develop a US data privacy standard
3.4 Empower an organization to audit trust in the digital economy
3.5 Assess standards relating to the trustworthiness of digital infrastructure
3.6 Educate public on trustworthy digital information
4. Assured supply chains and system resiliency
4.2 Fund and broaden federal oversight of supply chain assurance to include all critical resources
4.3 For the United States, the administration must develop a geopolitical deterrence strategy that addresses critical digital resources and digital supply chain assurance
4.4 Conduct regular physical and software/IT supply chain assessments in the United States and with allies, focused on intersecting vulnerabilities with cascading consequences
5. Continuous global health protection and global wellness
5.1 Develop a global early warning system comprised of pandemic surveillance systems coupled with an early warning strategy
5.4 Increase resilience in medical supply chains
5.5 Develop capacity building for vaccine and therapeutics discovery, development, and distribution
6. Assured space operations for public benefit
6.2 Foster commercial space technologies of strategic importance and protect these from foreign acquisition
6.3 Harden the security of commercial space industry facilities and space assets
7. Create the workforce for the GeoTech Decade, and equitable access to opportunity

Note: This table contains a subset of the full collection of recommendations.
Numbers refer to the recommendation sequence as discussed in the main chapters of the report.

Table of contents

Overview: Inflection points

Accelerating global connectedness—of people, supply chains, networks, economies, the environment, and other foundations of society—is changing how nations work together and compete. For example, the global spread of scientific and technology (S&T) knowledge has lessened the United States’ strategic advantage based on advanced technology. The global movement of people allows biological threats to spread worldwide, outpacing the world’s ability to respond. In the digital economy, the economic, governmental, and political parts of society are interconnected, with the potential for cybersecurity threats experienced in one context to reverberate in others.

This interconnectedness can lead to inflection points wherein current assumptions and practices are no longer valid or effective. Sources of strength or advantage can diminish. New vulnerabilities can be discovered, e.g., in global supply chains for hardware and software, and exploited. New approaches to protecting national interests in this globally connected world will rely, in many situations, on the cooperation and collaboration of like-minded nations to increase mutual knowledge and awareness. Without this focus, the detrimental aspects of globally connected systems and infrastructures will grow larger and become more urgent.

Each of the following areas is experiencing rapid change and each is critical for ensuring a secure and peaceful world. This overview discusses, for each chapter, the key issues, the opportunities and risks, and a characterization of what must be solved.

Chapter 1: Global science and technology leadership

The United States, with like-minded nations and partners, must collectively maintain continued leadership in key S&T areas to ensure national and economic security, and that technology is developed and deployed with democratic values and standards in mind. The United States must pursue, as strategic goals, establishing priorities, investments, standards, and rules for technology dissemination, developed across government, private industry, academia, and in collaboration with allies and partners. Collaboration among like-minded nations and partners is essential to the attainment of global S&T leadership.

Chapter 2: Secure data and communications

Sophisticated attacks on the software/information technology (IT) supply chains have led to significant breaches in the security of government and private networks, requiring a new strategy for cybersecurity. This centers on updating and renewing the National Cyber Strategy Implementation Plan with a focus on streamlining how public and private sector entities monitor their digital environments and exchange information about current threats. Beyond these current challenges, advances in quantum information science (QIS) lay the foundation for future approaches to securing data and communications, to include new ways to monitor the trustworthiness of digital and physical supply chains. With allies and partners, the United States should develop priority global initiatives that employ transformative QIS.

Chapter 3: Enhanced trust and confidence in the global digital economy

Diminished trust and confidence in the global digital economy can constrain growth;3 have destabilizing effects on society, governments, and markets; and lessen resilience against cascading effects of local, regional, or national economic, security, or health instabilities. Trust and confidence are diminished by practices that do not protect privacy or secure data, and by a lack of legal and organizational governance to advance and enforce accountability.4 Automation and artificial intelligence (AI), essential for digital economies, pose challenges to how we organize and amplify the strength of both while minimizing their weakness or vulnerabilities in open societies. The United States should develop international standards and best practices for a trusted digital economy and should promote adherence to these standards.

Chapter 4: Assured supply chains and system resiliency

Both physical and digital supply chain vulnerabilities can have amplifying effects on the global economy and national security. To protect against these diverse risks requires understanding which types of goods and sectors of the economy are critical, and how to construct supply chains that are inherently more adaptable, resilient, and automated. This requires assessing the state and characteristics of supplies, trade networks and policies, inventory reserves, and the ability to substitute products or processing facilities. The United States should conduct regular assessments in the United States and in allied countries to determine critical supply chain resilience and trust, implement risk-based assurance measures, establish coordinated cybersecurity acquisition across government networks, and create more experts. A critical resource is semiconductor chip manufacturing, for which the vulnerability of foreign suppliers and the long lead time and cost of new production facilities requires the United States to invest in assured supply of semiconductor chips.

Chapter 5: Continuous global health protection and global wellness

Inherent to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are three systemic problems: (i) global leaders acted slowly to contain the spread of the virus, (ii) global health organizations reacted slowly to contain the spread of the virus, and (iii) a mixture of factors caused the delayed response, including late recognition of the threat, slow incorporation of science and data into decision making, poor political will, and inconsistent messaging to citizens regarding the nature of the threat and what precautions to take. Though nations may adopt their own strategies to enhance resilience and future planning, a more global approach to this interconnected system will be essential. The United States and its allies should lead the effort to field and test new approaches that enable the world to accelerate the detection of biothreat agents, universalize treatment methods, and deploy mass remediation, through multiple global means. This is needed not only for recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and future outbreaks, but also for human-developed pathogens.

Chapter 6: Assured space operations for public benefit

The world is transforming from space assets being dominated almost entirely by government to being largely dominated by the private sector.5 To maintain trusted, secure, and technically superior space operations, the United States must ensure it is a leading provider of needed space services and innovation in launch, on-board servicing, remote sensing, communications, and ground infrastructures. A robust commercial space industry not only enhances the resilience of the US national security space system by increasing space industrial base capacity, workforce, and responsiveness, but also advances a dynamic innovative environment that can bolster US competitiveness across existing industries, while facilitating the development of new ones. The United States should foster the development of commercial space technologies that can enhance national security space operations and improve agriculture, ocean exploration, and climate change activities, as well as align civilian and military operations and international treaties to support these uses.

Chapter 7: Future of work

People will power the GeoTech Decade, even as technology and data capabilities transform how people live, work, and operate as societies around the world. Successful societies will be those that found ways to augment human strengths with approaches to technology and data that were uplifting, while also working to minimize biases and other shortcomings of both humans and machines. Developing a digitally resilient workforce that can meet these challenges will require private and public sectors to take an all-of-the-above approach, embracing everything from traditional educational pathways to nontraditional avenues that include employer-led apprenticeships and mid-career upskilling. Ensuring that people are not left behind by the advance of technology—and that societies have the workforces they need to innovate and prosper—will determine whether the GeoTech Decade achieves its full promise of improving security and peace.


The remainder of the report includes the following appendices that discuss the technical foundations and potential solutions for several important challenges:

Table: Summary of the GeoTech Commission’s findings and recommendations

Findings Recommendations
1. Global science and technology leadership The US National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies requires an implementation plan to guide both domestic and international coordination to achieve global science and technology leadership. Establish priorities, investments, standards, and rules for technology dissemination; develop across government, private industry, academia, and with allies and partners.
2. Secure data and communications Expanding cybersecurity vulnerabilities require partnerships between the public and private sectors. The United States should update and renew the National Cyber Strategy’s Implementation Plan with a focus on streamlining how public and private sector entities monitor their digital environments.
Long-term quantum information science priorities include international collaboration, which is limited by national and regional funding and data sharing policies. With allies and partners, the United States should develop priority global initiatives that employ transformative quantum information science and catalyze the development of human capital and infrastructure for these and other next-generation quantum information science applications.
3. Enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy To enhance trust and confidence in artificial intelligence and other digital capabilities, technologies must objectively meet the public’s needs for privacy, security, transparency, and accountability. Develop international standards and best practices for a trusted digital economy that accommodate national rules and regulations, streamline the process of independently assessing adherence to these standards.
4. Assured supply chains and system resiliency Resilient, trusted supply chains require defense, diversification, and reinvention. Conduct regularized assessments in the United States and in allied countries to determine critical supply chain resilience and trust, implement risk-based assurance measures. Establish coordinated cybersecurity acquisition across government networks and create more experts.
5. Continuous global health protection and global wellness There is a need for a continuous biological surveillance, detection, and prevention capability. Field and test new approaches that enable the world to accelerate the detection of biothreat agents, to universalize treatment methods, and to engage in mass remediation, through multiple global means.
6. Assured space operations for public benefit The US commercial space industry can increase its role in supporting national security. Foster the development of commercial space technologies and develop a cross-agency strategy and approach to space that can enhance national security space operations and improve agriculture, ocean exploration, and climate change activities; align both civilian and military operations, and international treaties to support these uses.
7. Future of work Create the workforce for the GeoTech Decade, and equitable access to opportunity

Table: List of all recommendations of the Commission in abridged form

Strategy Governance & leadership Capabilities International allies
1. Global science and technology leadership 1.1 Develop National and Economic Security Technology Strategy 1.2 Establish Global GeoTech Alliance 1.4 Review nations’ use of technology with focus on privacy, civil liberties, rights

1.5 Assess risks of technology applications ability to violate rights
1.3 Strengthen S&T collaboration

1.6 Establish training, education programs to foster technology leadership
2. Secure data and communications 2A.1 Strengthen National Cyber Strategy Implementation Plan

2B.2 Conduct QIS R&D focused on digital economy issues
2A.3 Bolster compliance with NIST guidance for continuous monitoring

2A.4 Ensure cybersecurity expertise, testing are widely available
2A.2 Coordinate gov’t H/W, S/W monitoring

2B.3 Accelerate QIS technologies operationalization

2B.5 Establish national QIS infrastructure
2B.1 Establish shared quantum data and communications security milestones

2B.4 Set international data/communications standards
3. Enhanced trust and confidence in the digital economy 3.5 Assess digital infrastructure trustworthiness standards

3.6 Educate public on trustworthy digital information
3.1 Develop a US data privacy standard

3.4 Empower an organization to audit trust in the digital economy
3.3 Create measures and standards for digital economy trust

3.7 Demonstrate AI improvements to delivery of public- and private-sector services
3.2 Develop privacy-preserving technologies for the digital economy

3.8 Produce AI ethical, social, trust, and governance assessment framework
4. Assured supply chains and system resiliency 4.3 Develop a geopolitical cyber deterrence strategy for critical digital resources 4.2 Broaden federal oversight of supply chain assurance 4.1 Identify and collect critical resource data 4.4 Assess physical and software/IT supply chain with allies
5. Continuous global health protection and global wellness 5.1 Launch a global pandemic surveillance and warning system 5.2 Reestablish extant pandemic monitoring

5.3 Prioritize privacy protections in pandemic surveillance
5.5 Develop vaccine, therapeutics capacity for discovery, development, distribution

5.6 Develop rapid responses to unknown pathogens
5.4 Increase medical supply chain with allies
6. Assured space operations for public benefit 6.1 Foster public benefits via federal space investments 6.3 Harden security of commercial space industry facilities and space assets 6.2 Foster and protect strategic space tech

6.5 Develop technologies for mega-constellation monitoring satellites
6.4 Establish conformance of commercial space systems to multinational agreements
7. Future of work Create the workforce for the GeoTech Decade, and equitable access to opportunity

Click the sections under the table above to explore each chapter and their recommendations.

1    Omics technologies are primarily aimed at the universal detection of genes (genomics), mRNA (transcriptomics), proteins (proteomics), and metabolites (metabolomics) in a specific biological sample.
2    A sentinel surveillance system is used to obtain data about a particular disease that cannot be obtained through a passive system such as summarizing standard public health reports. Data collected in a well-designed sentinel system can be used to signal trends, identify outbreaks, and monitor disease burden, providing a rapid, economical alternative to other surveillance methods. Source: “Immunization Analysis and Insights,” World Health Organization, accessed March 19, 2021,
3    Congressional Research Service, Digital Trade and U.S. Trade Policy, May 21, 2019, 11, accessed March 19, 2021,; in 2015, the Department of Commerce launched a Digital Economy Agenda, Alan B. Davidson, “The Commerce Department’s Digital Economy Agenda,” November 9, 2015, accessed March 19, 2021, This identifies four pillars: promoting a free and open Internet worldwide; promoting trust online; ensuring access for workers, families, and companies; and promoting innovation.
4    Philippe Amon, “Toward a New Economy of Trust” in Revitalizing the Spirit of Bretton Woods: 50 Perspectives on the Future of the Global Economic System (Washington, DC: Bretton Woods Committee), July 2019, accessed March 19, 2021,
5    Simonetta Di Pippo, “Space Technology and the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda,” UN Chronicle 55 (4) (January 2019): 61-63, accessed April 16, 2021,; Matt Weinzierl and Mehak Sarang, “The Commercial Space Age Is Here,” Harvard Business Review, February 12, 2021, accessed April 16, 2021,; Matt Weinzierl, “Space, the Final Economic Frontier,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 32 (2) (Spring 2018): 173-192, accessed April 16, 2021,,%20the%20Final%20Economic%20Frontier_413bf24d-42e6-4cea-8cc5-a0d2f6fc6a70.pdf; KPMG, 30 Voices on 2030: The future of space: Communal, commercial, contested, May 2020, accessed April 16, 2021,

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GeoTech Director Dr. David Bray describes the “GeoTech Decade” ahead Tue, 25 May 2021 22:18:27 +0000 “What is the Geopolitics of Tech? Why is this report and Commission important? What does the report recommend and how is this different from other Commissions? How does the Commission hope to socialize and scale its recommendations into tangible actions? What has the process of writing it looked like? What are the main recommendations? What are the implications for the next decade?” Trond Arne Undheim interviews GeoTech Director Dr. David Bray on the GeoTech Report and on the term "GeoTech Decade" this report aims to shape.

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Dr. David A. Bray, Inaugural Director of the GeoTech Center at the Atlantic Council was recently interviewed by Trond Arne Undheim (futurist, investor, and author) in his podcast, Futurized.

In this conversation, they talk about the Report of the Commission of Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data (GeoTech Commission) and the “Geo Tech Decade” it aims to help shape. The report, which will be released on May 26, provides an extensive set of recommendations for the United States and its like-minded allies to thrive in a decade defined by data and technology collaboration and competition. Mr. Undheim asks David the following questions and more: “What is the Geopolitics of Tech? Why is this report and Commission important? What does the report recommend and how is this different from other Commissions? How does the Commission hope to socialize and scale its recommendations into tangible actions? What has the process of writing it looked like? What are the main recommendations? What are the implications for the next decade?”

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Launching 26 May 2021: Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data Mon, 24 May 2021 17:42:40 +0000 On the early morning of 26 May 2021, the Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data will launch both its interactive report website and downloadable report. Above are two links to our planned events that day.

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Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical
Impacts of New Technologies and Data

Conclusion, appendices, and acknowledgements

Scroll down to navigate and learn more

On the early morning of 26 May 2021, the Report of the Commission on the Geopolitical Impacts of New Technologies and Data will launch both its interactive report website and downloadable report. Above are two links to our planned events that day.

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FAST THINKING: How do you solve a problem like North Korea? Sat, 22 May 2021 16:35:52 +0000 Our experts break down the White House meeting between US President Joe Biden and South Korean President Moon Jae-in on North Korea, space, trade, and more.

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The “pivot to Asia” is back. US President Joe Biden on Friday hosted South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who became the second foreign leader to visit the White House following Japan’s Suga Yoshihide. Biden and Moon laid out a new joint course on North Korea as part of careful steps to strengthen ties—and in some cases box out China. The meeting also saw advances for US vaccine diplomacy, trade, and outer space cooperation. So what does Biden’s North Korea policy look like? What did Moon get out of the meeting? Will the alliance extend to the stars? Our experts are ready for launch.


  • Markus Garlauskas (@Mister_G_2): Former national intelligence officer for North Korea and nonresident senior fellow at the Asia Security Initiative
  • Inkoo Kang (@inkoo_kang): Research consultant at the GeoTech Center

China shop

  • In their joint statement, Biden and Moon emphasized the importance of working with Japan on “upholding common values, and bolstering the rules-based order.” It’s a statement, Markus says, that “could easily be interpreted as signaling trilateral alignment against China’s values and behavior.”
  • And it was more than just words. The statement announced South Korea’s decision to end the remaining restrictions on its domestic ballistic missile program, with Biden’s acceptance. Now Seoul “is free to develop and field non-nuclear ballistic missiles that can strike anywhere in the region—including Beijing—with heavy payloads,” Markus notes. 
  • Still, the leaders chose their words carefully. Miyeon says the leaders avoided any rhetoric that would alienate South Korea’s largest trading partner. She notes: “During the press conference, President Biden didn’t mention China while he talked about freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and security of the Taiwan Strait.”

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Above the DMZ

  • Markus says that the two leaders “mostly restated long-standing positions” on North Korea, but it was noteworthy for them to say they would work “in lockstep,” which would rile South Korean and international critics who complain that Washington has been holding Moon back from his goal of expanding engagement with North Korea.
  • Meanwhile, “an explicit mention of promoting North Korean human rights seemed almost designed to contradict a former top Moon advisor’s well-publicized comments that human rights must take a back seat to denuclearization diplomacy,” Markus points out.
  • But Miyeon says South Korea, always eager for more engagement, notched a win with the joint statement building on the 2018 diplomatic summits between former US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, as well as Moon and Kim.

Wins for Washington and Seoul

  • Both leaders, Miyeon says, walked away with goodies. For Biden, that was a $25 billion South Korean investment in secure, resilient supply chains for technologies such as semiconductors and high-capacity batteries, which have seen global shortages. The US goal here, she adds, is a “targeted decoupling” with China.
  • Miyeon points out that this pledge went far beyond Japan’s commitments in its own White House meeting and will help fulfill Biden’s domestic pledge to “build back better.” 
  • South Korea, which has only vaccinated an estimated 5 percent of its population against COVID-19, wanted a big “vaccine swap agreement” with the United States, Miyeon says. That did not come through, but South Korea “was able to secure a targeted US commitment to provide vaccines to 550,000 Korean soldiers who are in contact with US forces in Korea,” she adds, along with the announcement of a “KORUS Global Vaccine Partnership” to ramp up production.

The final frontier

  • The news that South Korea is on the verge of joining the Artemis Accords (the Biden-Moon joint statement said the leaders “will cooperate towards [South Korea] signing”) flew under the radar. It would be “a watershed moment for international space exploration,David says, as it would solidify the accord in Asia just days after China landed a rover on Mars
  • South Korea would join the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Canada, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, and Luxembourg in approving guidelines around everything from resource extraction to avoiding conflicts in space. David says Singapore and India could join soon.
  • As more countries sign on, Inkoo says, the United States “could position itself as a leader in not just space exploration but also governance.” He adds that South Korea, despite having sent only one astronaut to space so far, “is recognizing that space is becoming increasingly important diplomatically, militarily, and economically.”
  • But the growing list of Artemis Accords members—with Russia and China notably absent—raises questions about what space “spheres of influence” would look like, Inkoo says, pointing out that South Korea is not a member of the International Space Station. 
  • The accords also could conflict with the United Nations Outer Space Treaty, which bars any “national appropriation” of space. “After all,” Inkoo tells us, “if there now may be ‘zones’ that must follow US and allies’ laws in space, couldn’t one interpret those to be pseudo-colonies?

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FAST THINKING: Mars, with Chinese characteristics Tue, 18 May 2021 00:30:48 +0000 What does China's arrival on Mars mean for the great-power space race? What are the military implications? Our space experts phoned home with the answers.

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It’s a Red Planet traffic jam. This weekend China announced that its rover, Zhurong, had touched down on Mars—a massive step forward for the country’s space aspirations. The US rover program, which recently launched a helicopter over Mars, is considered more advanced. But Zhurong, which boasts an impressive ground-penetrating radar that will search for water, is a sign of China’s growing sophistication in space. What does this mean for the great-power space race? What are the military implications? Our space experts phoned home with the answers.


  • Julia Siegel: Program assistant with the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Forward Defense initiative

The state of planetary play

  • Though China trails the United States in space, Julia says, its Mars program shows how Beijing “will continue to challenge US superiority” there. “If China pioneers activity beyond low-Earth orbit” (which Mars falls outside of), she tells us, “the trajectory of US security and prosperity in space comes into question.”
  • David notes how space competition is becoming “three-dimensional chess,” with nation-states as well as private companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin all moving in on interstellar real estate. Since China’s private sector is intertwined with its government, the United States and China are playing two “very different games,” he says. “This is a broader question of whether China’s form of organizing its economy, focus, and resources can propel it to the Moon and Mars faster.”
  • The melding of public and private interests also means that this is not the US-USSR competition of the twentieth century. “It’s different from the normal space race and it does raise questions about how space benefits everybody, and is not just for resource exploitation,David says.
  • The United Arab Emirates, David notes, also recently got a probe to Mars, so more nations are headed in that direction. But it’s unlikely humans will land on the Red Planet anytime soon given the hazards. “We could do it, but it’s probably a one-way trip,” he says.

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Military matters

  • While China is making peaceful scientific strides in space in areas such as satellite internet, Julia points to the “chaotic debris” that resulted from Beijing’s 2007 anti-satellite missile test as a “more dangerous use of space.” She says “China will only continue to project power in space, using its accomplishments to communicate its leadership on Earth while building capabilities with potential to disrupt US space-based communications and operations.”
  • The United States should respond by establishing “acceptable behaviors in the space domain with its allies and partners, expanding relationships like NATO to outer space,” says Julia, the co-author of a recent Scowcroft Center report on the future of security in space.
  • The United States’ newly christened Space Force branch of the military, Julia says, “must recognize the tactics China employs in space—including cross-domain warfare, asymmetric warfare, and blurring the lines between peacetime and war—and ensure its own strategy is designed to combat Chinese tactics.”

To infinity and beyond

  • China’s next step, according to David, could be to build its own space station where it can study the long-term effects of space on the human body, though Chinese researchers might already have gained some of that knowledge from their space partnership with Russia.
  • In terms of future Mars exploration, David says the United States could join with allies such as Japan and Australia to replicate the Artemis Accords for the Moon. “I’d love to see if we can do an equivalent Martian Accords, so it’s not just the US planting a flag on Mars in the future but all nations beneath the banner of open societies.

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Mission resilience: Adapting defense aerospace to evolving cybersecurity challenges Mon, 10 May 2021 04:01:00 +0000 While aerospace presents inherently distinct challenges from other spaces, defense organizations could look to the private sector and adapt commercial practices to implement the principles of resilience.

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Table of contents

Executive summary

Mission resilience, defined as the ability of a mission system to prevent, respond to, and/or adapt to disruption, is a critical attribute for defense aerospace systems. No software-intensive system, even in space, is immune to disruption. The consequences of abrupt and unexpected failure, whether caused by enemy action or error, could be widespread and meaningful. Defense organizations must prioritize the capacity to limit harm and gracefully overcome failures when they inevitably do occur in aerospace systems. These systems represent some of the United States’ and its allies’ most expensive and advanced capabilities, and as such, adversaries are keen to exploit their cybersecurity vulnerabilities for strategic gain. However, issues ranging from faulty acquisition practices to a failure-fearing organizational culture have plagued the US Department of Defense (DoD) and hindered its ability to develop and maintain resilient systems.

These systems represent some of the United States’ and its allies’ most expensive and advanced capabilities, and as such, adversaries are keen to exploit their cybersecurity vulnerabilities for strategic gain.”

This report examines four practice areas for collaboration between the private sector and government across the defense aerospace community: fail open, segment systems, expand simulations and twinning, and speed your change. The practice areas introduced in this report each build off of a general principle of mission resilience outlined in the Atlantic Council and MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s How Do You Fix a Flying Computer? report to present tailored recommendations, directly applicable to improving resilience for defense aerospace systems.1 The operational environments in which aerospace systems operate present some inherently unique cybersecurity challenges for the defense community, but by adapting practices utilized by certain high-performing private sector firms, the DoD can adapt them to further its own pursuit of mission resilience.


Software is at the core of the critical mission systems that enable defense organizations to engage in modern warfighting. This code is the key to operational technologies like combat aircraft, complex sensor suites, autonomous systems, and space launch, leading to a convergence between the physical and digital worlds. The exploitation of software vulnerabilities can have consequences that transcend impact on data and equipment, posing risks to mission critical systems and—above all else—human life. Critical software flaws in aerospace systems kill people. The Federal Aviation Administration grounded Boeing’s 737 Max for twenty months until it was satisfied that the company had fixed the aircraft’s Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System,2 deemed responsible for 364 deaths resulting from the 2018 crash of Lion Air Flight 610 and the 2019 crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302.3

In the defense space, the United States and its allies face a rapidly changing threat landscape that includes adversaries that are particularly keen to exploit these vulnerabilities for strategic gain. For example, Chinese state-backed espionage operations have targeted and successfully compromised databases belonging to US and allied defense contractors to steal information about the development of the F-35 Lightning II.4 Exfiltrated information on the jet has been leveraged by China’s People’s Liberation Army to develop its own stealth fighters, such as the J-20.5 Adversaries have demonstrated a sustained interest in targeting military and defense industry networks,6 and it is vital that mission system owners build resilience to maintain operational continuity through disruption.

Beyond implications of intellectual property theft, brittle systems, if left unaddressed, could be exploited by adversaries for operational and strategic gain. In 2019, the US Air Force and the Defense Digital Service contracted a group of ethical security researchers to search for vulnerabilities in the F-15 Eagle. The contractors successfully infiltrated the fighter jet’s Trusted Aircraft Information Download Station, demonstrating that adversary hackers could hold the aircraft at risk.7 Former Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Dr. Will Roper asserted, “There are millions of lines of code that are in all of our aircraft and, if there’s one of them that’s flawed, then a country that can’t build a fighter to shoot down that aircraft might take it out with just a few keystrokes.”8 The exercise is just one example of how the US Department of Defense (DoD) has struggled with the resilience of its mission systems in peacetime—a conflict would certainly exacerbate the problem. Adversary exploitation of such vulnerabilities in the event of a crisis or war in the Taiwan Strait, for example, could greatly reduce US combat power and have dire consequences for national security.

Mission systems are complex and require that sustained and serious attention be paid to their people, organizational processes, and technologies—three interdependent elements. Failure to account for each can result in brittleness and lead mission systems to fail under duress. While the phrase “continuous monitoring” is widely popular in the existing risk management canon, many of these, such as the Risk Management Framework9 or the Joint Special Access Program Implementation Guide,10 focus far more on initial system authorization and implementation of controls rather than the evaluation of system health and security throughout the lifecycle. In areas such as defense aerospace, in which failure can result in catastrophic outcomes, brittleness is intolerable.

There are opportunities for the DoD to take lessons from certain high-performing private sector firms in developing and maintaining resilient mission systems and to better address some internal cultural brittleness. Indeed, defense aerospace systems do not stand alone in their low tolerance for failure—the energy (especially nuclear) sector is similar in this regard—but the defense aerospace arena provides a useful illustration of how defense organizations can adapt industry practices to achieve mission resilience. This report summarizes four areas of practice where private sector and defense communities could most readily collaborate to adapt innovative industry practice to the unique demands of the defense community to build, deploy, and maintain resilient aerospace systems.

Mission resilience is the ability of a mission system to prevent, respond to, and/or adapt to both anticipated and unanticipated disruptions, optimizing efficacy and long-term value. But building resilience in software-intensive systems requires more than honing the technology itself. It is especially the people of a system who enable and adapt the organizational processes and technologies and have the ability to implement resilient principles. In 2020, the Atlantic Council and MIT Lincoln Laboratory published a study of mission resilience, How Do You Fix a Flying Computer? Seeking Resilience in Software-Intensive Mission Systems, accounting for each of these system elements in providing four principles to guide defense organizations in the pursuit of mission resilience: embrace failure, manage trade-offs and complexity, always be learning, and improve your speed.11 First, defense organizations must learn to embrace failure. Failures and disruptions are unavoidable, as there will always be threats for which no established plan exists. Defense organizations must come to grips with failure’s inevitability in their software, so that they can better identify risks, maximize feedback, and avoid repeating mistakes.

Defense organizations must also effectively manage trade-offs and complexity in their technology as well as organizational processes and choices in personnel. Managers must balance quality, scope, cost, and time—without trade-offs, each component will suffer. Third, defense organizations must always be learning. Resilient mission systems should be designed to prioritize a capacity to adapt to uncertain developments. By establishing and testing clear hypotheses, measuring with operational metrics, and observing outcomes, defense organizations can facilitate continuous learning and improvement. Fourth, defense organizations must also improve the speed of delivering and improving their software to build more resilient systems. By taking an analytical approach, the DoD can identify chokepoints that slow work-in-progress software and, critically, the process of updating it and patching its vulnerabilities. The more often mission systems can improve the speed and frequency with which they deploy secure software, the more resilient they will be. This report builds on these principles to examine four practice areas for collaboration between the private sector and government across the defense aerospace community.

What sets defense aerospace apart from commercial aerospace?

While defense aerospace systems face a different set of challenges than those of commercial industry, the DoD would benefit from learning from, and embracing, some of the practices of high-performing firms. Defense aerospace systems are hardly homogenous—a fighter jet utilizes software differently and faces different risks than a bomber or an on-orbit satellite—defense aerospace provides a useful framing for how to build resilience in systems with low tolerance for failure. Aerospace systems often operate in highly volatile environments, in which people, processes, and technologies are keys to resilience. Compromising quality under cost and schedule pressures and management issues, such as were deemed root causes behind the 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, can pose unacceptable risks to safety and security.12 For defense aerospace systems facing ever-evolving threats, maintaining resilience is a matter of relentless adaptation.13

The DoD has some history of effectively developing and sustaining resilient aerospace systems. The Central Intelligence Agency and the Air Force’s Project CORONA, which produced the United States’ first reconnaissance satellites, served to model mission resilience in the different versions of the orbiting system it deployed from 1959 to 1972.14 he program was created in response to an evolving environment and to address the deficiencies, arguably failure, of the Lockheed U-2 spy plane program in providing aerial photographic surveillance of the Soviet Union.15 In 1960, the National Reconnaissance Office, a revolutionary organization for its time, was imagined to coordinate satellite reconnaissance activities.16 Through its own failure, learning, and adaptation, Project CORONA innovated to provide the US government with critical strategic intelligence on the Soviet Union during the Cold War.17

Roughly fifty years later, however, the DoD is now falling short on ensuring sufficient resilience throughout its mission systems. A December 2020 report by the Government Accountability Office found DoD software development approaches and cybersecurity practices to have caused delays risking cost overruns in ten of fifteen DoD information technology programs selected for review.18 According to the Defense Innovation Board’s 2019 Software Acquisition and Practices Study, “the problem is not that we do not know what to do, but that we are simply not doing it.”19 This problem is particularly acute in the department’s aerospace systems, as exemplified by the protracted, ongoing saga surrounding flaws in the F-35’s Automated Logistics Information System, which was discarded then subsequently rebranded as the ostensibly new and improved Operational Data Integrated Network from precisely the same vendor.20 Dr. Will Roper asserted that the Air Force’s attack surface is broad and unevenly addressed, and that the organization “does a good job on the pointy edge of the spear that goes to war, but not as good of a job on all the things that enable it.”21 This lack of resilience in design, leading to years of delays and unpatched security flaws, has practical impacts.22 In early 2021, Lt. Gen. Clinton Hinote, the Air Force’s deputy chief of staff for strategy, integration and requirements, shared in an interview that, “We wouldn’t even play the current version of the F-35. … It wouldn’t be worth it. … Every fighter that rolls off the line today is a fighter that we wouldn’t even bother putting into these scenarios.”23

Mission resilience can neither be purchased up front nor tacked onto systems at the end of development. Fortunately, defense organizations could make significant strides on mission resilience in their aerospace systems by following the lead of some in the private sector and adapting certain commercial industry practices that have proven successful. Building a culture of resilience will entail incorporating changes into all stages of a system’s lifecycle, tying together people, organizational processes, and technologies. This may also involve the federal government reasserting itself as the prime integrator in mission system development programs, giving it more direct control over design and organization choices and shortening the decision chain. This entails a willingness to assume greater program risk by defense civilian and uniformed leadership as much as a change in relationship with industry. Commercial industries, from pure software companies to healthcare firms to vehicle manufacturers, are embracing concepts of resilience engineering in their designs and operations. For internet-connected systems, concepts like Site Reliability Engineering, chaos engineering, DevOps (development and operations), and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) methods are being leveraged by organizations to embrace failure and improve speed, both critical to improving overall system resilience.24

Mission resilience can neither be purchased up front nor tacked onto systems at the end of development.”

Private sector firms are not uniform in their rapidity, or enthusiasm, to embrace these methods; simply tying what any company does together with the defense community is not a recipe for success. Indeed, many of the concepts and examples discussed in this report are drawn from smaller firms and technology vendors, not the prototypical industrial base for the defense aerospace community. As efforts like the U-2 Federal Laboratory25 and Kessel Run26 have demonstrated, locking in reliance on these traditional defense vendors may well be holding back the potential for industry and defense aerospace collaboration. While the projects under development are not yet mission critical for live combat systems, and there are hurdles to reaching this kind of development, the prospects of these models are compelling. For the DoD, finding new partners and innovative methodologies for mission system development will be important, especially as software becomes increasingly critical to nearly every weapon system—to the point where software essentially is the weapon system.

All will not be straightforward on the defense community side either. Adoption of these strategies in the defense aerospace community has been, and will continue to be, met with pushback and the attitude that “we are different.” Defense aerospace creates and operates systems with high complexity (aircraft) and stakes (loss of life). An internet-based software company may have high complexity, such as a multinational distributed infrastructure, but often lacks the high stakes of loss of human life. The defense aerospace community can easily rationalize dismissing strategies to improve resilience when its systems are already operating near their limits and lives are at stake. Even commercial aerospace has stringent evaluation criteria and design standards. But what are the differences really, in terms of the operational environment, people, organizational processes, and technology that lead to this belief about aerospace systems?

Under combat conditions and more extreme mission parameters, the operational environment of defense aerospace systems is different in that it is less forgiving than that of many commercial industries, and the opportunities for operational lessons are smaller and fewer. Flying through air or space has constraints that do not exist in large distributed data centers, and the consequence of failure is different. Commercial companies can leverage advances in computing and communications without considering size and weight. Aircraft and spacecraft are limited by flight and orbital mechanics, where there are real constraints on size, weight, and power. While the software revolution has significantly changed that calculation for aircraft and spacecraft, the constraints of safety and security still demand different approaches to addressing disturbances in the environment. A surge in demand for a commercial company is solved by cloud load balancing and dynamic scaling, whereas demand for many defense aerospace capabilities is constrained by production and logistics, be it hardcoded logic for the multimode radar system on a strike aircraft or the certification pipeline for a real-time operating system. The more extreme operational environments for some defense missions constrain the available solutions for the defense aerospace community, but do not preclude the application of some commercial strategies. 

Another operational difference with the aerospace environment is the limited opportunity for defense organizations to learn. In the commercial world, there are various strategies to test out new capabilities in operations through A/B testing,27 regional rollouts,28 and chaos engineering.29 In defense aerospace, due to typically low production rates, safety requirements, and risk aversion, these types of strategies do not translate. Commercial industries operate twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, and thus have many opportunities for feedback, operational surprise, and experimentation, which they have exploited to improve and reduce the risk of an unexpected “big bang”–style development. The defense aerospace community may not have the flexibility of the commercial operating tempo—some systems, like satellites, are always operating, while many others, like jets, fly relatively limited operational hours and rarely see full combat conditions—but still may be able to adjust and overcome these limitations on feedback and speed. The defense aerospace environment has a strong opportunity to leverage development and operational testing regimes to embrace these more regularized learning processes including through the various colored flag exercises.

The final area that presents challenges to defense aerospace beyond those faced by the private sector is technology. Commercial aviation organizations and their supply chains are able to leverage shared services for many of the capabilities being developed and delivered. Defense aerospace, by contrast, does not have the scale to drive technology innovation or cost reduction to the same degree, as it often relies on technology that requires large investment and slow cost recovery through low-rate production and flight certification. The private sector typically leverages the scale of production or the ability to share costs with others to lower the technology costs. Similarly, as a result of this cost, the private sector is more likely to pivot and leverage newer versions of technology, or totally new technology. Defense aerospace typically works with small iterations over longer periods of time.

Certain private industry firms have demonstrated a capacity to evolve more rapidly than the typical defense program. To remain competitive, defense organizations should work to embrace industry approaches that can be adapted to the unique requirements of defense operations. This is easier said than done but there are four practice areas that offer potential benefits and might translate the needs of the defense community and the innovative practices of some in the private sector most readily. Each of these four is associated with an aforementioned principle of mission resilience for defense organizations to adapt from the private sector: fail open (embrace failure), segment systems (manage trade-offs and complexity), expand simulations and twinning (always be learning), and speed your change (improve your speed).

1. Fail open
Principle: Embrace failure

There are some high-end, exquisite capabilities, such as stealth technology, that the DoD must keep hidden, because the sensitivities and investments in them are too great to expose to the external world. For everything else, the DoD would benefit from taking a hybrid approach to secrecy and openness in systems. The DoD has defaulted to classifying systems as a security strategy to the detriment of these very systems. Just because a system and, critically, its vulnerabilities remain classified does not mean they do not exist. Furthermore, the more that systems can be subjected to public scrutiny, the more they can be tested, fail, be honed, and be improved outside of highly choreographed evaluations. As commercial contractors take on a bigger role in the DoD’s mission systems, attempting to keep systems secret may not necessarily be the most viable approach to development and security in every case. Part of the principle of embracing failure entails the practice of limiting secrecy.

Just because a system and, critically, its vulnerabilities remain classified does not mean they do not exist.”

When systems fail—as they inevitably do—it is critical that they fail open. Failing open, or operating to some extent under conditions of failure, is vital to avoid total failure. The department must move toward a more resilient approach that layers several levels of security, so that failure does not occur as soon as an adversary finds its way into a mission system. The DoD should take a blended approach to confidentiality through containerization and Kubernetes to prepare for loss of confidentiality, while allowing systems to fail open. A good example is the Airbus approach to defense system communications links. In short, the system’s encryption and decryption devices are connected via a communications link. In the event of an encryption failure on either end, the system enters a fail-open mode in which it alerts of a breach, but continues to operate without encrypting the messages.30 This approach will not be possible for all systems and the discussion here is one of shifting design thresholds and assumptions, not a singular revolution for all national security systems.

For defense aerospace technologies, it is critical to differentiate between flight control systems and mission systems. There are certain systems on an aircraft, such as navigation or communications, maybe even weapons, that must operate in a fail-open state—the bare minimum flight control system to ensure safe flight conditions must remain operational and segmented from these other systems, as discussed in the next section. Defense organizations’ prioritization of failing open should focus on mission systems.


Find the chaos monkey: Developed by Netflix, chaos engineering allows organizations to experiment on systems and find their failure points. While intentionally disrupting systems may be uncomfortable, the process is the essence of embracing failure and something that has paid off in spades for industry.31 The practice could provide insights into how defense aerospace systems would perform through disruption and how they could be made more resilient. The DoD should implement chaos engineering as a core resilience practice in the testing and evaluation phase of defense aerospace systems to ensure that when systems fail, they fail open.32

2. Segment systems
Principle: Manage trade-offs and complexity

No mission system is a monolith. In addition to being comprised of people, processes, and technology, mission systems may well be a combination of discrete packages or programs. A combat aircraft’s flight control software can be addressed independently of the software package that controls and interprets its synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The level of classification and development methodology used by the SAR software could be treated independently of the flight control system. Software packages can also be independently updated—witness the late September 2020 instance of a U-2 spy plane whose sensor package received a mid-air software update.33 In this case, the sensor suite’s software was managed independently of the aircraft’s flight computer and was isolated from any safety-critical systems like fuel management or emergency recovery equipment, such that even if the update had failed, flight safety would not have been impacted.34 The emphasis in design was on dissimilar systems working through an open and accessible interface model.35

This segmentation can be used to manage the on-ramp and adoption of CI/CD methodologies in mission systems, starting with more risk-tolerant or non-safety-critical systems first. There is good reason to be skeptical of the need for or utility of updating flight control software dozens of times a day and isolating those safety-critical and thus less fault-tolerant systems. A CI/CD pipeline can provide greater assurance of stability and less room for unexpected change, while still allowing for the benefits of agile development to be applied to other elements of the mission system.Segmentation with a standardized system of communicating among segments can be a powerful tool to break down barriers to new vendors, more granular classification levels, and more easily distributed (or sequenced) development. The issuance of the famous Bezos API (application programming interface) Mandate was an example of this segmentation and communication logic. It required organizations across Amazon to maintain a standardized procedure for communication and resource provision among teams. This allowed teams across the company to interact with each other and pull data (rather than request it be pushed) in a universal and easily designed around manner.36 This kind of standardization in outgoing communication and data formats helps address incompatible system designs.

Approaching the software suite in a modern mission system, like a combat aircraft or an autonomous ground vehicle, as a network of modular elements can also provide greater flexibility to limit or remove functionality (constraining system complexity), isolate and harden high-value logic, and limit the scope of testing on integration of new functionality. Containerization is a popular modality of this modular approach in software design and deployment. Containers allow for a network of software functions and interdependent applications to be spun up and managed as a network, rather than a monolith. This kind of granular control also provides a means to isolate and harden specific high-value functions from the functionality of other systems, though containerization does not provide strong cryptographic or logical isolation. Segmentation for functionality or availability will not necessarily provide confidentiality guarantees and vice versa.

Much of the challenge of modern application security is based on the attack surface imposed by general purpose computing. In a classically low-key yet fundamentally important talk given in 2018, mathematical computer scientist Thomas Dullien articulated the risks posed by complex devices that were cheap and plentiful, but regularly being used and imperfectly constrained to imitate simple machines.37 Modularizing software also minimizes the burden of testing new functionality by clarifying dependencies and reduces the risk of failure by isolating most changes from impacting safety-critical functions.

Segmentation will help manage the onboarding of agile methodologies into mission systems with safety-critical components, while also helping program managers address the complexity of their systems. Additionally, segmentation promotes better access control and least privilege, whereby users are given the bare minimum permissions necessary to accomplish their jobs. Complexity is a key contributor to unexpected failures and cascade effects that can quickly exceed a system’s ability to operate under reduced functionality. Managing the complexity of a system—being able to adapt to evolving requirements while carrying a minimum backlog of legacy code and unused functions—is a key competency in secure and resilient development.


Segment to secure: Those setting requirements for defense aerospace systems should embrace segmentation. Rather than leaving segmentation for mission or aircraft critical systems like flight controls, approach every piece of functionality as a module in development. Segmentation, together with standard common interfaces, would allow programs to decompose specific elements of software and hardware design along predictable lines—granting more granular classification, allowing the use of more specialized or less broadly equipped vendors, and releasing the whole of a program from dependence on the development schedule of one, less critical component. This decomposition of the supply chain would liberate program managers from having to join hardware and software development through the same prime vendor, and allow more rapid and flexible onboarding of more competitive vendors to sustain programs later in their lifecycles.

3. Expand simulations and twinning
Principle: Always be learning

Mission resilience is predicated on understanding a system in detail. This requires precise knowledge of not just the organizational processes and people involved in its development and operation, but also the technology and how it responds to a range of operating conditions. Physical systems have a limit, and significant cost, associated with their use in the real world. This has led to the development of a variety of simulation methodologies to model technology’s behavior and interaction with people in a manner that provides for better data collection and more fine-grained control alongside conventional forces and other training modes.38

A key practice to support this kind of simulation, known as twinning, is the construction of “digital twins”39 for physical systems.40 Twinning replicates the operating details of a physical system in a digital environment, modeled to varying levels of detail41 from the representative to the obsessively minute depending on the need. Twinning can be used to simulate the behavior of a system in response to unusual operating conditions, project unexpected environmental interactions, simulate the impact of varying service conditions and system lifespans, and more. Twinning allows for low-cost testing and training on physical systems, helping develop procedures and address safety-critical failures in a low-consequence environment. For defense organizations to always be learning from these failures, be they simulated or otherwise, it is critical they capture as much information as possible on the causes of failure. Google’s Site Reliability Engineering teams can serve as a helpful example of how to monitor, anticipate, and retrospectively analyze failure and its root causes.42

Twinning can help organizations43 still developing a tolerance for failure and/or working with safety-critical systems simulate failure and learn more about their mission systems than might otherwise be possible. For example, some simulators built for the F-22 integrated stock aircraft components to improve the fidelity and performance of the simulated aircraft, instead of simply replicating their functionality in a simulated environment.44 In civilian environments, twinning is used to support everything from simulating the failure rate45 of mechanical components and factory planning46 to enabling better anomaly detection47 in human health. Twinning can also provide for more ready integration48 of civilian and non-defense organization expertise alongside operational units and program offices, using the digital twin as the focal point rather than a deployed system. By simulating failures, twinning can avoid routine maintenance by more accurately predicting when repairs are necessary for mission systems. For navy ships, this means the ability to remain under way and avoid teardown maintenance for longer by utilizing known data. The same can apply to defense aerospace systems onboard ships, such as carrier-based aircraft like the F-18 E/F Super Hornets.49

One of twinning’s shortfalls at the moment is its failure to regularly capture the entire system at play—people, process, and technology. This includes high-fidelity environmental impacts and system failures or degradation caused by ineptitude, the unintended consequences of sanctioned policies, or trouble in downstream dependencies. Twins must be purposefully subjected to the behavior of adversaries as well with all of the adaptive capacity they employ. There is a need to capture as much bureaucratic and sociological fidelity as possible given the impact that slow decision-making, poorly channelized information flow, or misaligned incentives can have on system performance and survival. Properly implemented, twinning offers near-term benefits to system owners through lower-cost information gathering and experimentation with “live virtual” technologies. Over the long term, the design and modeling of digital twins may provoke useful, if uncomfortable, questions about organizational structures and incentives, an equal if not greater benefit.


Measure at machine speed: Modeling is only as good as the quality of the model. Twinning, for all its value, fails to account for elements of a system beyond the technology itself. The first step the DoD could take to overcome this shortfall for aerospace systems is to measure everything—not just technology performance metrics. The adoption of requirements to measure everything, and the resulting volume and use of produced data, should feature in congressional requirements through the next several National Defense Authorization Acts to drive change in complement with DoD leadership. A holistic approach to twinning should also account for the people and processes of defense aerospace systems, measuring speed of software development–related processes, including deployment and feedback loops. These metrics should include values like failed deployments, availability, mean time to detect, mean time to deploy, change volume, and automated test pass rates.50 Considering these metrics can provide a full picture to program offices that would make twinning an aircraft or spacecraft a more meaningful practice.

4. Speed your change
Principle: Improve your speed

Defense aerospace and DoD acquisition have evolved over time to have people, processes, and technologies that change at the speed of what is perceived as the operational environment. Systems are designed for decades of use, with most of the focus on sustaining the components that face physical wear and tear. As such, the defense aerospace community has developed limited processes or technical approaches around increasing the rate of change of the software and internal capabilities of systems. These are typically mandated by external regulations, new customer needs, or availability of replacement components. Greater speed in the development, acquisition, and adaptation of defense aerospace technology is needed to leverage faster evolution of available capability and counter threats adopting and changing their technology.

SpaceX has embraced an iterative design philosophy that involves quickly designing, building, testing, and launching prototype vehicles. Prototypes often fail, but that is part of the company’s strategy of learning, fixing, and quickly moving on to the next prototype, while also planning for the appropriate budget to handle those failures if they occur. SpaceX’s Starship program has experienced many launch failures and successive iterations, but it makes progress at a much faster pace than traditional government aerospace programs. For context, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has traditionally iterated at a much slower rate, opting instead to avoid risking failure before perfecting a rocket. In the aftermath of the Space Shuttle Challenger accident, NASA established the Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Program to ensure its software performs as expected for its critical missions.51 However, while the mandated IV&V Program makes for highly reliable software, that software can be expensive, time consuming, and slow to integrate design changes. Government organizations like NASA have been hesitant to pursue the iterative design philosophy due to fear of failing publicly and the budgetary impacts of “wasting taxpayer dollars”—things self-funded companies like SpaceX can live with and not have to worry about, respectively.52 Ironically, this attitude has started to shift as more rapid prototyping and iterative design appear to be at least partially responsible for the widening chasm between the cheaper (and fully operational) hardware developed by SpaceX and the more expensive, yet still in development, programs from established competitors like Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Lockheed Martin.53

The commercial world realizes speed of change through the partitioning and automation of the system lifecycle, tighter and improved feedback loops, more but smaller changes, and acceptance of some failure. In industry, speed is a result of technological and process investments. The accumulation of small gains across various decisions has led to improvements in the sustainment of capability, and the ability to respond to changing customer demands and operational environments.

Breaking apart the technologies used in building and operating a mission system, referred to as decoupling the technology stack, enables industry to change out and evolve underlying infrastructure while running the same software base. If new processing becomes available, companies are able to leverage it once an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider offers it. Similarly, if there are new software infrastructure components available, the “mission” code can be isolated and the Platform as a Service (PaaS) can be updated without concern about the enterprise code. The private sector lacks the long, drawn-out acquisition process and competition for purchasing new hardware that plague the DoD.

Alternatively, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) ecosystem is a good example of separating platforms from applications. AWS is evolving and delivering new capability constantly, yet the applications running on top tend to keep running without significant change from the IaaS or PaaS users.54 This allows the hardware and software to evolve at different rates and be managed with sometimes diverging development philosophies but maintain APIs and other abstractions, allowing access to these lower layers and enabling a diverse application ecosystem to grow. AWS can push out software updates on a quarterly or faster basis, and significant hardware updates yearly, similar to the approaches employed by Google and Microsoft.

The defense aerospace acquisition process can increase its speed by automating the system lifecycle. While the phases of typical DoD system development lifecycles are distinct and isolated, commercial best practices today have merged these phases into a continuous integration and delivery pipeline that allows for the design, development, and deployment of incremental changes that can go through testing and validation steps like a traditional process. Investment in automation is key to facilitating this and results in improved speed and feedback. Instead of creating manuals with numerous steps for operators to install, configure, and operate a system, this procedure can be automated and treated as code. Pipelines can be built around these steps to provide checks and feedback as soon as possible. A good example is the Checkov tool built to automatically validate new system deployments against organizational security policies.55 This shift is part of a broader trend toward “infrastructure as code” whereby system design and deployments can be evaluated for security flaws and misconfigurations much like applications.56 While shifting to these tools and concepts may initially slow certain aspects of the process, in the long term these automations allow for improved assessment of code quality, the ability to easily roll back changes, and the ability to push out fixes quickly.

Recognizing that a system is operating outside of tolerable parameters, and what may be causing that, is critical to being able to adapt and have resilience. The private sector can do that through automation, chaos engineering, and DevOps. Automation enables validation of configurations creating feedback and confidence of system state. Chaos engineering allows for discovery of system bounds before a system reaches them, and improves the developers’, operators’, and users’ understanding of a system’s performance. Finally, a DevOps culture creates shared responsibility and understanding in a system, and from a speed perspective provides the shortest feedback loop alerting system designers and developers to operational issues. In the defense aerospace world, these same concepts can be realized through similar automation, improved experimentation through digital twinning, and more exercises. Automation can improve the ability to configure, change, and restore system configurations.

Speed of change within defense aerospace systems can be realized through changes to the acquisition approach, system decoupling, automation, digital twinning, and exercises. Defense aerospace has done some of these activities in the past, but they need to be extended to continue to improve the speed of change of systems. Lt. Col. Richard Suter created Red Flag to help the Air Force “train as it fights” forty-five years ago.57 The private sector mirrors that in chaos engineering and gameday exercises. The defense aerospace community can relearn this lesson from industry and expand what it means to “train as it fights” to increase its speed of change.


Formalize the software acquisition pathway: Congress should use the fiscal year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act as a vehicle to formalize the DoD’s software acquisition pathway interim policy, which, among other things, “simplifies the acquisition model to enable continuous integration and delivery of software capability on timelines relevant to the Warfighter/end user.”58 Congress can enhance the policy to further empower the DoD to enable micro contracts59 within larger vehicles (e.g., pay for performance and delivery of working product every two- to four-week sprint).60 The formalization of this policy will allow the DoD to translate some commercial practices that emphasize the importance of speed of change toward building and maintaining its defense aerospace systems.


Defense aerospace systems comprise some of the most expensive and strategically significant mission systems utilized by the United States and its allies. Adversaries will continue to evolve their tactics and technological capabilities to challenge these systems, demanding that defense organizations similarly embrace constructive evolution and the principles of resilience. Defense organizations must embrace failure, manage trade-offs and complexity, always be learning, and improve their speed. While aerospace presents inherently distinct challenges from other spaces, defense organizations could look to the private sector and adapt commercial practices to implement the principles of resilience. The diverse challenges and opportunities in mission systems, ground components, and embedded software are worthy of more siloed discussion in future work. The low tolerance for defense aerospace systems to fail should not deter defense organizations’ pursuit of their resilience, but rather underscore the dire need thereof.

About the authors

The Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative, under the Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), works at the nexus of geopolitics and cybersecurity to craft strategies to help shape the conduct of statecraft and to better inform and secure users of technology.

1     Trey Herr, Reed Porada, Simon Handler, Orton Huang, Stewart Scott, Robert Lychev, and Jeremy Mineweaser, How Do You Fix a Flying Computer? Seeking Resilience in Software-Intensive Mission Systems, Atlantic Council, December 22, 2020,
2     Michael Laris, Lori Aratani, and Ian Duncan, “FAA Lifts Ban on Boeing 737 Max after Crashes in 2018 and 2019 Grounded the Jet,” Washington Post, November 18, 2020,
3     Dominic Gates and Mike Baker, “The Inside Story of MCAS: How Boeing’s 737 MAX System Gained Power and Lost Safeguards,” Seattle Times, June 24, 2019,
4     Franz-Stefan Gady, “New Snowden Documents Reveal Chinese behind F-35 Hack,” The Diplomat, January 27, 2015,
5     Task and Purpose, “Hacked: How China Stole U.S. Technology for Its J-20 Stealth Fighter,” The National Interest, The Center for the National Interest, July 10, 2019,
6     Dustin Volz, “US Spy Agency Warns that Chinese Hackers Target Military, Defense Industry,” Wall Street Journal, October 20, 2020,
7     Joseph Marks, “The Cybersecurity 202: Hackers Just Found Serious Vulnerabilities in a U.S. Military Fighter Jet,” Washington Post, August 14, 2019,
8     Oriana Pawlyk, “Hackers Find Serious Vulnerabilities in an F-15 Fighter Jet System,”, August 16, 2019,
9     “NIST Risk Management Framework,” National Institute for Standards and Technology, November 30, 2016,
10     US Department of Defense, Joint Special Access Program Implementation Guide (JSIG), April 11, 2016,
11     Herr et al., How Do You Fix a Flying Computer?
12     US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Columbia Accident Investigation Board, Columbia Accident Investigation Board, vol. 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2003).
13     Reframing the Cyber Crisis: Patterns in Adaptive Systems and Design for Continuous Adaptability,” perf. Dr. David Woods, Department of Integrated Systems Engineering, College of Engineering, The Ohio State University, YouTube, January 22, 2021,
14     “A Point in Time: The Corona Story,” in Reel America, C-Span, September 7, 2014.
15     “U-2 Overflights and the Capture of Francis Gary Powers, 1960,” US Department of State, n.d.,
16     Bruce Berkowitz with Michael Suk, The National Reconnaissance Office at 50 Years: A Brief History, Center for the Study of National Reconnaissance, National Reconnaissance Office, July 2018, Second Edition,
17     William J. Broad, “Spy Satellites’ Early Role as ‘Floodlight’ Coming Clear,” New York Times, September 12, 1995,
18     US Government Accountability Office, Information Technology: DOD Software Development Approaches and Cybersecurity Practices May Impact Cost and Schedule, 2020,
19     J. Michael McQuade et al., “Who Cares: Why Does Software Matter for DoD?” in Software Is Never Done: Refactoring the Acquisition Code for Competitive Advantage (Washington, DC: Defense Innovation Board, May 3, 2019),
20     Dan Grazier, “Uncorrected Design Flaws, Cyber-Vulnerabilities, and Unreliability Plague the F-35 Program,” Project on Government Oversight, March 24, 2020,;“F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: DOD Needs to Update Modernization Schedule and Improve Data on Software Development,” US Government Accountability Office, March 18, 2021,
21     Remarks by Dr. Will Roper, former assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics, at an Atlantic Council Roundtable, “Aerospace Cybersecurity: Protecting the New Frontier,” February 4, 2021,
22     Joseph Trevithick and Tyler Rogoway, “F-35 Hit with Cluster Bomb of Damning Reports as Pentagon Eyes Full Rate Production,” The Drive, June 12, 2019,; Garrett Reim, “Lockheed Martin F-35 Deficiencies: Two Fewer in 2020, 871 Issues Remain,” Flight Global, January 15, 2021,
23     Valerie Insinna, “A US Air Force War Game Shows What the Service Needs to Hold Off—or Win against—China in 2030,” Defense News, April 12, 2021,
24     Each of these practices is explored in more detail in Herr et al., How Do You Fix a Flying Computer? 
25     Valerie Insinna, “The Tiny Tech Lab that Put AI on a Spyplane Has Another Secret Project,” Defense News, February 11, 2021,
26     Jim Perkins and James Long, “Software Wins Modern Wars: What the Air Force Learned from Doing the Kessel Run,” Modern War Institute, January 17, 2020,
27     “A/B Testing,” Optimizely, n.d.,
28     Ann Mar, “Rollout Strategy Explained,” Simplicable, May 25, 2013,
29     Fredric Paul, “Chaos Engineering Explained,” New Relic, Blog, January 10, 2019,
30     Ray James et al., Communication Links, US Patent 10,887,054, filed November 16, 2016, and issued January 5, 2021.
31     Nick Heath, “AWS Outage: How Netflix Weathered the Storm by Preparing for the Worst,” TechRepublic, September 21, 2015,
32     See Embrace Failure recommendations in Herr et al., How Do You Fix a Flying Computer?
33     Valerie Insinna, “US Air Force Sends Software Updates to One of Its Oldest Aircraft Midair,” C4ISRNET, October 19, 2020,; Frank Wolfe, “Development of Open Mission Systems Computer for U-2 Continues with Latest Kubernetes Demonstration,” Aviation Today, December 15, 2020,
34     The same US Air Force program just months later deployed a software package to automatically control a U-2’s sensors mid-flight in conjunction with the pilot. Oriana Pawlyk, “Air Force U-2 Surveillance Plane Flies First Mission with AI Copilot,”, December 16, 2020,
35     “Open Architecture Management (OAM),” Virtual Distributed Library, US Air Force, n.d.,
36     Matthias Biehl, “The API Mandate—Install API Thinking at Your Company,” API-University, n.d.,
37     “Security, Moore’s Law, and the Anomaly of Cheap Complexity—CyCon 2018,” perf. Mr. Thomas Dullien, mathematical computer scientist, YouTube, June 20, 2018,
38     Jennifer Mcardle and Caitlin Dohrman, “The Next SIMNET? Unlocking the Future of Military Readiness through Synthetic Environments,” War on the Rocks, December 3, 2020,
39     Aidan Fuller, Zhong Fan, Charles Day, and Chris Barlow, “Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies, Challenges and Open Research,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, 2020,
40     Slawomir Luscinski, “Digital Twinning for Smart Industry,” EAI, Semantic Scholar, November 6, 2018,
41     Rainer Stark, Carina Fresemann, and Kai Lindow, “Development and Operation of Digital Twins for Technical Systems and Services,” CIRP Annals, May 1, 2019,
42     Rob Ewaschuk, “Monitoring Distributed Systems,” Google, 2017,
43     Fei Tao and Qinglin Qi, “Make More Digital Twins,” Nature News, September 25, 2019,
44     Primary knowledge from one of the authors’ direct experience working on the early portions of the F-22 test and acceptance program.
45     Birte Kier, “Getting There Faster with Digital Twins,” Engineered, March 12, 2018,
46     Roland Rosen, Georgvon Wichert, George Lo, and Kurt D.Bettenhausen, “About the Importance of Autonomy and Digital Twins for the Future of Manufacturing,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, no. 3 (August 31, 2015),
47     Benjamin Harris, “How ‘Digital Twins’ Are Harnessing IoT to Advance Precision Medicine,” Healthcare IT News, February 10, 2020,
48     Maj. Wilson Camelo, “Tyndall AFB Takes F-22 Pilot Training to Next Level,” US Air Force, July 30, 2014,
49     Adam Stone, “What If the Military Relied on Digital Twins? What If the Military Relied on Digital Twins?” C4ISRNET, December 6, 2018,
50     See Always Be Learning recommendations in Herr et al., How Do You Fix a Flying Computer?
51     “About NASA’s IV&V Program,” US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, March 9, 2015,
52     Eric Berger, “SpaceX Has Lost Its First Starship Prototype—Is This a Big Deal?” Ars Technica, November 21, 2019,
53    Jeff Foust, “SpaceX Beat Gateway Cargo Contract Competitors on Price and Performance,” SpaceNews, April 13, 2020,; Sissi Cao, “New Audit Reveals NASA Paid Boeing $2 Billion More than SpaceX for Same ISS Mission,” Observer, November 15, 2019,;
“NASA’s Management of Crew Transportation to the International Space Station,” US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Inspector General, November 14, 2019,; Eric Berger, “Air Force Budget Reveals How Much SpaceX Undercuts Launch Prices,” Ars Technica, June 15, 2017,; Department of the Air Force, Air Force Financial Management and Comptroller, Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Budget Estimates, May 2017,
54     For more on the service models of cloud computing and some background on these technologies, see Simon Handler, Lily Liu, and Trey Herr, Dude, Where’s My Cloud? A Guide for Wonks and Users, Atlantic Council, September 28, 2020, in-depth-research-reports/report/dude-wheres-my-cloud-a-guide-for-wonks-and-users.
55     “Home,” Checkov Bridgecrew,
56     Niamh Lynch, “Infrastructure as Code: Cycloid’s Non-boring Guide for the Clueless,” Cycloid, May 28, 2020,
57     Walter J. Boyne, “Red Flag,” AIR FORCE Magazine, November 2000, 2000/1100redflag.pdf.
58     US Under Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense, “Software Acquisition Pathway Interim Policy and Procedures,” Acquisition and Sustainment, Memorandum, January 3, 2020,
59     Recent policy changes to make the application of variously colored monies more flexibly applicable are welcome and covered but invite a broader conversation about where technology and software acquisitions are new versus sustaining or updates.
60     See Improve Your Speed recommendations in Herr et al., How Do You Fix a Flying Computer?

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Africa’s digital revolution: Exploring technology’s impact on Africa’s future Thu, 06 May 2021 16:10:00 +0000 On Thursday, May 6, the Africa Center and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) hosted a partnered event to launch twin reports exploring the theme of technology and its impact on Africa’s political and economic future.

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On Thursday, May 6, the Africa Center and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) hosted a partnered event to launch twin reports exploring the theme of technology and its impact on Africa’s political and economic future.

The event was moderated by Atlantic Council GeoTech Center Deputy Director and Senior Fellow Ms. Stephanie Wander, who opened the event with a word on the timeliness of the conversation before passing to the report authors.

Presenting his report, The Impact of New Technologies on Employment and the Workforce: What Are the Implications for Developing Countries, Especially in Africa?, PCNS Economist Mr. Hamza Saoudi highlighted that historically technological progress has had positive impacts on the labor market, while noting that disruptions will tend to be more severe in advanced economies in the near future. Still, African markets will be pressed to adapt, as new technologies could foster inclusive growth on the continent.

Atlantic Council Senior Fellow Dr. Aleksandra Gadzala Tirziu’s report, Partnering for Africa’s Digital Future: Opportunities for the United States, South Korea, and India, added a more geopolitical perspective, touching on US-China tech competition and the impact on African countries. She argued that an embrace of allies, like India and South Korea, could advance US interests, and that cooperation on creatives and space could be particularly fruitful, contributing to US soft power while leaning into sectors of comparative advantage.

In the moderated discussion that ensued, PCNS Senior Fellow Mr. Jalal Abdel-Latif offered insight on the need for ICT-enabled agriculture, health, and education sectors across African markets. To him, US engagement will be most beneficial if the American private sector commits to bring its tools and innovation to Africa. Speaking to the topic of great power competition, Eurasia Group Senior Analyst for Global Macro Mr. Ali Wyne noted a rising optimism on Africa and backed up Aleksandra’s contention that middle power diplomacy can be an important means to move away from the China-United States dichotomy.

The discussion would go on to address the impact of COVID-19 and how to best enable African agency, concluding with panelists’ big takeaways: reason for optimism, yet a need for governments to invest in education and training to allow for the benefits of technology to be felt and in an equitable manner.

Missed the event? Watch the webcast below and engage us @ACAfricaCenter or @PolicyCenterNS with any questions, comments, or feedback. 

Further reading

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Partnering for Africa’s digital future: Opportunities for the United States, South Korea, and India Wed, 28 Apr 2021 16:38:12 +0000 For Washington, cooperation with emerging powers such as South Korea and India could advance US influence in Africa and could help ensure that Beijing’s digital foothold on the continent does not deepen.

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Technological competition between the United States and China poses a special dilemma for African nations, whose prosperity depends on doing business with both Beijing and Washington. Although President Joe Biden is expected to assume a softer policy stance toward China—one couched in the language of human rights and liberal values, rather than power and strategic capabilities—competition will persist, driven by Beijing’s ambition to control the key technologies of the future.

Rising US-China tensions may eventually force African nations to take sides. Speaking at the 2020 Munich Security Conference, then-US Defense Secretary Mark Esper warned allied nations that the use of Chinese company Huawei’s fifth-generation (5G) technology could compromise future intelligence cooperation with the United States. That’s a real problem for Africa because, together, Huawei and Chinese phone maker ZTE have built nearly 80 percent of Africa’s third-generation (3G) network infrastructure, while Huawei has built 70 percent of all fourth-generation (4G) networks and is competing to build all the future 5G networks in Africa. Chinese mobile-phone maker Transsion Holdings controls 64 percent of Africa’s feature phone market, and more than 40 percent of its smartphone market, and social media platforms such as TikTok and Vskit are fast becoming popular among Africa’s connected youth. For African leaders, disassociation from Beijing is becoming less and less feasible—or attractive.

So too is closer alignment with the United States. Washington simply cannot match the large volumes of funding that Beijing extends to the continent. Recent conduct by leading US technology companies, including by Facebook and Google following the 2020 US presidential election, has additionally prompted a global pushback against US “big tech” that could make it harder for the US public and private sectors to compete and hold sway in African markets.

Fortunately, there is a third way, both for African countries looking to avoid the crossfires of US-China competition, and for US policymakers seeking to bolster US competitiveness and influence in the region. The solution hinges on closer cooperation with emerging powers, notably South Korea and India, which have recently demonstrated their determination to better understand Africa’s challenges and prospects, and to figure out how their citizens could collaborate with African businesses and governments. For example, in his 2018 address to Uganda’s parliament, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi outlined “ten guiding principles for India-Africa engagement” that center on cooperation in digitalization, clean-energy technologies, and cybersecurity—a marked detour from the policies that have historically shaped India-Africa ties. South Korea-Africa relations under President Moon Jae-In have also entered a new phase, with an emphasis on commercial linkages and people-to-people collaboration. Both South Korea and India are rapidly expanding their technological capabilities, and their foreign policies also align well with US interests in the region, and vis-à-vis China.

For Washington, cooperation with these emerging powers could keep the door open to US influence in Africa, and could help ensure that Beijing’s strategic foothold in the continent does not deepen. For African countries, such partnerships could help bypass the “either-or-ism” implicit in US-China competition, while encouraging greater diversity and agency in their foreign affairs. There is real opportunity for African states to realize the potential that such alliances could create, and to become significant multilateral actors, able to leverage their distinct assets and pursue their own interests. This report explores how.

As part of a partnership with the Africa Center, an accompanying report from the Policy Center for the New South explores the impact of technology on labor markets in Africa.

Issue brief author

The Africa Center works to promote dynamic geopolitical partnerships with African states and to redirect US and European policy priorities toward strengthening security and bolstering economic growth and prosperity on the continent.

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Nurkin in Defense News on future US space capabilities Wed, 28 Apr 2021 13:00:00 +0000 Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Tate Nurkin published an article in DefenseNews titled "What focus areas are key to America's future space capabilities?"

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On April 28, Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow Tate Nurkin published an article in DefenseNews titled “What focus areas are key to America’s future space capabilities?” In the article, Nurkin argues that the United States must prioritize a robust and resilient domestic American market to support emerging activities in space. Nurkin also drew from the latest Atlantic Council Strategy Paper on “The Future of Security in Space: A Thirty-Year US Strategy.”

Space would be the first place both sides [China and the US] would go to strike the others’ forces in event of a conflict.

Tate Nurkin

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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FAST THINKING: What the Russia-China moon deal means for the commercialization of space Thu, 15 Apr 2021 19:05:33 +0000 On this episode of Fast Thinking, Atlantic Council experts Divya Chander and David Bray explore what this announcement will mean for geopolitics and the commercialization of space—touching on space mining, the Artemis Accords, the Outer Space Treaty, and what we can learn from native cultures about the rights of our planet and others.

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On March 9, 2021, Russia and China signed a landmark agreement to build an international autonomous lunar base on the moon. The announcement has challenged the decades-long status quo of US-led international cooperation in space, and largely reflects the growing competition between the United States and China on earth. But as commercial interests in space become more democratized, the announcement by Russia and China will also have a profound impact on private enterprises like Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin. Which leads us to ask: Who owns the deed to space?

On this episode of Fast Thinking, Atlantic Council experts Divya Chander and David Bray explore what this announcement will mean for geopolitics and the commercialization of space—touching on space mining, the Artemis Accords, the Outer Space Treaty, and what we can learn from native cultures about the rights of our planet and others.

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The future of security in space: A thirty-year US strategy Mon, 12 Apr 2021 01:56:33 +0000 Outer space is rapidly transforming as new actors test new limits. This Atlantic Council Strategy Paper calls for the United States and its allies and partners to secure space over the next three decades or risk wasting the promise of this emerging domain.

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Key takeaways

  • Space development has reached an inflection point, transitioning from a phase of discovery to phases of security and commerce.
  • Spacefaring countries and companies are harnessing new technologies to push new boundaries, uncovering value while simultaneously opening the door to chaos and competition.
  • The United States and its allies and partners must take action over the next three decades to secure a future of security and prosperity.

A new vision for space

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Table of contents

Executive summary
I. Strategic context
II. Key goals for US security strategy in space
III. Major elements of the strategy
IV. Guidelines for implementation
V. Conclusion

There will come an age in the far-off years when Ocean shall unloose the bonds of things, when the whole broad earth shall be revealed, when Tethys shall disclose new worlds and Thule not be the limit of the lands.

Seneca’s “Medea”


Some national strategies are designed to endure for a few years, a single administration at most—but such an approach will not suffice for outer space.

Security and prosperity in space are too important to life on Earth, and too sensitive to long-term trends, to address with short-term strategies. The security of assets in space will have a defining impact on future terrestrial conflicts. Economic prosperity on Earth increasingly depends on data transmitted through space. Even more so than many domains on Earth, security and prosperity in space depend on long-term technology developments. That is why the authors of this strategy paper call for the United States, in concert with its allies and partners, to implement a thirty-year strategy for space.

The ambitions of this strategy paper are bold enough to merit such a timeframe. The authors call for an overhaul of the body of international law governing space. They make a compelling case to replace the 1967 Outer Space Treaty with a new, foundational space treaty that addresses the security and commercial realities of space in the twenty-first century. The authors call for a new coalition of the willing to push back on recent destabilizing Russian and Chinese activities in space. New alliances—and existing ones—need to step up their commitments to security in outer space. An attack in outer space could have devastating consequences on Earth, and no ally should be left without support because existing treaties do not yet fully recognize the consequences of space attacks. Finally, the legal, security, and physical architectures that the United States develops over the coming decades must explore opportunities for the commercial sector to plug in, or even take over, elements. Not only will commercial firms be crucial to developing the technologies that will define space activity, but there will also, by 2050, be a range of profit-making activities in space that one can only begin to imagine today. The United States can develop plans for space now in a way that enables it to benefit later.

Crucially, the authors of this strategy paper take on two developments in space that require deep thinking now because of their impact in coming decades. First, this paper considers point-to-point transportation around the Earth transiting space. As space-launch costs continue to plummet, the military is already conceiving the use of space ports for thirty-minute transportation to any point on Earth. Clever commercial applications will be only a few years behind. Work must begin on legal and diplomatic frameworks now. Second, this strategy explores the development of the Lagrange points—orbits in the Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon systems with advantageous, stable gravitational attraction. Space agencies already understand the benefits of placing satellites at these points. Will these become chokepoints over which spacefaring nations battle, or oases of future space commerce? This strategy suggests that the United States must work for the latter, while being prepared for the former.

The bold, forward-looking recommendations of this strategy call for the kind of long-term thinking and practical actions that the United States needs today if it is to secure the commanding heights of security and prosperity a generation hence. Our hope is that space, foreign policy, and national security policy makers are inspired to act based on this landmark strategy paper. We are.

General James E. Cartwright, USMC (ret.)
Eighth Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Board Director, Atlantic Council

Secretary Deborah Lee James
Twenty-Third Secretary, United States Air Force
Board Director
, Atlantic Council

Executive summary

Across cultures, centuries, and continents, exploration has been core to the human experience. For the United States, where crucial advances in astronomy, rocketry, and space exploration took place, its identity as a spacefaring nation is ingrained in its history, society, and self-image. As Ed Weiler, the Hubble Space Telescope’s first chief scientist, said some thirty years ago, “The universe is even more complex than we dream. Almost everywhere we look, we find something bizarre.”

Today, activity in space seems an unremarkable part of daily life, but the possibility for space to further transform and inspire society is as great as the headiest days of the 1960s space race. Many questions remain unanswered about the future of space development, but space remains critical for global security and prosperity and will become even more so in the decades and centuries to come. Conducted over the course of a year, this Atlantic Council Strategy Paper provides an ambitious thirty-year strategy for the United States, alongside its allies and partners, to harness today’s innovation, shape the future trajectory of space activity and discovery, and secure this evolving domain to ensure future prosperity so that humankind can exponentially reap its benefits.

Figure 1: The increasing congestion of Earth orbits, 1975 vs. 2019

Since the launch of the first satellite in 1957, space has grown congested with more and smaller satellites being launched into Earth orbits. Limited space situational awareness and insufficient space traffic management risk satellite collisions, which could generate space debris endangering the use of these orbits. 

Slide to see the increased congestion of objects orbiting Earth (left) and expansion of development further from Earth’s surface (right) from 1975 to 2019.

Images: NASA

Four developments defining the future of space

Four major developments together provide both an opportunity and a requirement for the United States and its allies and partners to define the future of space activity and adopt a long-term space strategy. These are:

The boundless potential of space for humankind

Increased reliance on space for human activity. For the United States, its allies and partners, spacefaring nations, and humanity at large, space holds the potential to revolutionize Earth’s economy, security, and, potentially, the nature of human civilization itself. Outer space has, for decades, been a vital resource—one that both enables security and prosperity on Earth and is rapidly becoming the locus of an increasingly large share of humankind’s economy. Space enables critical economic and security activities on Earth. The global economy depends on communications, navigation, timing, and remote sensing that occur in space—the US economy more so than any other. For the United States, space is also essential for national security missions, including launching intercontinental ballistic missiles, detecting and tracking missile launches, communicating securely with forces deployed across the globe, and observing otherwise-denied areas.

A promise of radical abundance and resilience. Recognizing the known and unknown values of space to humankind means that this still-relatively-new domain will increase in importance in the coming decades and centuries. Humankind still has much to discover in this vastly unknown frontier and enabling further exploration will uncover resources integral to the resilient existence of life on Earth. Space holds virtually unlimited sources of energy, vast amounts of useful materials, and untapped potential to provide a “radical abundance” of resources for humankind in the future. These developments could lead to “radical resilience” for societies, or generally position humanity to better respond to challenges, like climate change, on Earth. Space has been invaluable for producing wealth, spurring commerce, and winning wars for decades—but a qualitatively different aspect to space is emerging today and may be primary in thirty years’ time. This new paradigm for space prioritizes the security and economic activities that occur within space itself, not just those they enable on Earth.

Space is on the cusp of a major transition from exploration to security and commerce

The phased development of space. Space is no longer the exclusive domain of scientific exploration and discovery. As with all new domains, space is undergoing a transition from one phase to another which raises new questions about the ways activity in space will be defined in the future and who will define it. Space is transitioning from a phase of “discovery” to phases of “security” and “commerce.” These next phases will be defined by an explosion of commercial activity and security operations necessary to protect that activity, safeguard access and maneuverability, prevent malign actions, and pave the way for more routinized space activity. The time is rapidly approaching when space’s value to security on Earth will be matched by the need to secure the economic activity occurring within Earth orbit. Even as commercial concerns begin to dominate Earth orbit in the short term, over the next thirty years, the frontier of economic activity in space will likely expand to encompass cislunar space, the spherical area formed by the radius between the Earth and the Moon. To bridge this phased transition in space, the United States, in concert with its allies and partners, must set forth a framework to protect sovereignty and property in space.

An explosion of space actors. Unlike the 1960s space race, space is no longer a domain in which few nation-states operate. Over the past several decades, there has been an explosion of actors with activities and interests in space that will continue to define its trajectory. While the United States still leads in space by many measures, including its share of global space investments and numbers of satellites in orbit, there are a far greater number of countries operating in space today. Russia, China, the European Union, Japan, and India have all deployed their own global or regional satellite navigation networks comparable to the US Global Positioning System (GPS). A legion of smaller national players—from Luxembourg to New Zealand to the United Arab Emirates—are playing in the arenas of space commerce, exploration, and security. Multipolarity in space presents a range of challenges and opportunities for the United States to achieve security and prosperity in space.

Figure 2: An explosion of nations in space

Space has seen a proliferation of actors since nations first began launching space-related agencies and programs in the mid-1950s

Commerce as a driver of activity. Nation-states are far from the only entities operating in space. Corporations have been making money in Earth orbit for half a century and will continue to lead innovation in space, creating opportunities and challenges for governments. New technology and business revolutions—in microelectronics, telecommunications, and space launch—have made a compelling business case for commercial firms to conduct missions in low Earth orbit (LEO) that had traditionally been situated in geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO). The result of this trend—massive constellations of small satellites—will upend the commercial space business and transform the global communication industry. Indeed, while traditional advances in defense technologies (like ballistic missiles) have driven space commerce and exploration in the past, it is increasingly commercial developments (like on-orbit satellite servicing) that are driving defense capabilities and concerns going forward.

Security in space is at risk, and the United States must act urgently

The security (ad)vantage point of space. From a security perspective, there is an urgent need for the United States and its allies and partners to shape the future trajectory of space. In many ways, space is the ultimate “high ground,” as it contains key “terrain” that is very advantageous for surveillance, warfighting, and rapidly expanding commercial uses. This high ground is becoming more and more useful for nations—including the United States and its allies and partners, as well as competitors like China and Russia. Securing this high ground over the coming decades is imperative for spacefaring nations to gain and maintain an advantageous position.

The return of great-power competition. Increased competition among the United States, China, and Russia on Earth further complicates the security picture in space. Great-power competitors may find themselves in a struggle for space resources and this high ground. The winners of this struggle will likely be those nations that can establish a generally accepted space framework, which is why the United States must urgently seek to shape this framework. How nations interact; develop space capabilities; and advance future tactical, operational, and strategic plans will shape the future trajectory of space. If great-power competitors are unable to agree on key space norms, rules, and frameworks, a long-term struggle for space superiority may escalate into tension and potentially even boil over into warfare. The authors of this report lay out a strategic plan to not only prevent a space catastrophe from occurring, but to encourage dialogue and planning to unlock new opportunities and innovation. The United States should lead now to shape the rules of the road for space and ensure favorable frameworks are developed and adhered to, otherwise these rules will be written for it. To realize this potential, it is imperative that policymakers act now and in accordance with a long-term strategy.

Risk of disruption and denial of space activity and access. Since the 1990s, the United States’ expeditionary model of warfare has relied on space capabilities for both tactical and strategic intelligence, missile-launch warning, and communication. Meanwhile, China and Russia are fielding increasingly sophisticated counterspace weapons capable of disrupting, denying, or destroying US and allied space assets in conflict or crisis. The saliency of denying space access is likely to increase in great-power competition. The vulnerability of space systems to lower-cost cyberattack means that other, smaller competitors could also achieve counterspace effects. The creation of the Russian Aerospace Forces (2015), the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (2015), and the US Space Force (2019) all point to competitors perceiving space as a warfighting domain.

New frontiers of exploration require shaping

The edge of humanity’s routine activity in space is moving beyond GEO to encompass cislunar space, the sphere formed by the Earth-Moon radius. This opens new opportunities and risks that any future strategy must come to grips with. As the United States continues to plan a crewed lunar landing in the 2020s, commercial firms are racing to support exploration efforts (and even resource extraction) on the Moon. At the Lagrange points—areas of particular orbital stability in the Earth-Moon system—nation-states are deploying satellites for research and, increasingly, military reconnaissance. The Lagrange points (and other advantageous orbital regions) may become contested as nations seek to observe and operate in cislunar space, and activity there will become all the more important in the coming decades.

Strategic approach

These developments—today and through 2050—demand a new US approach to space. This Atlantic Council Strategy Paper offers space, foreign policy, and national security policymakers a roadmap for navigating this new space age.

Space is in desperate need of a long-term strategy

Given the pace of major trends, a short-term strategy for space is insufficient. While the 2020 US National Space Policy and 2018 US National Space Strategy helpfully identified principles, goals, and guidelines for US space activity, a longer-term lens is needed. This strategy does not profess to predict or anticipate all changes that may occur in space over the next three decades, but its ambitious timeframe is deliberate to raise questions and encourage the long-term strategic vision necessary. It is imperative for the United States and its allies to get out ahead and shape the future of space in ways favorable to them. This paper proposes the United States takes a phased approach to implementing a long-term strategy, including milestones in the short, medium, and long term to achieve security and prosperity in space and on Earth (enabled by space). Thinking strategically will help shape the context in which novel technologies and activities are introduced, even if specific technological advancements are largely unpredictable in the thirty-year time horizon. Any strategy that is implemented should be updated over time and will require regular reevaluation of goals and policies. The United States, in concert with its allies and partners, has the opportunity now to shape the future of space over the next thirty years if it takes action today.

The importance of allies and partners

Realizing the full potential of space requires that the United States work with many spacefaring nations, including existing allies and new partners, and in some instances with competitors. This strategy seeks to set forth a future for space that is free, secure, and prosperous. But, this strategy prepares for the eventuality that some nation-states may harbor malignant intent. It will be critical to monitor the space strategy and policy of US competitors—which are sure to evolve in the timeframe of this strategy—to determine where cooperation is possible and where competition is necessary.

The strategy

Vision and strategic goals

The vision of this strategy is to ensure the space domain remains harmonious, fully accessible, organized, and regulated. This will allow humankind to reap the benefits of space resources in perpetuity. The key goals of this strategy are to:

  • promote stability, harmony, and freedoms among space actors by establishing a rules-based order for space;
  • deter hostile action and secure US and allied space assets, access to, and freedom of navigation within the global commons of space; and
  • foster US and global prosperity through the continued expansion of space commerce.

A blueprint for securing space by 2050

This strategy paper provides the following blueprint for the United States and its allies and partners to take to secure space in the long term. It includes the following four steps, each of which is elaborated below:

  1. provide guidelines for space governance, laying out “rules of the road” for safe and secure operations in space;
  2. defend space access from those nation-states—particularly great-power competitors—which would seek to deny it;
  3. accelerate space commerce critical for space development through clear regulation and targeted investments; and
  4. intentionally push the envelope of security and commercial activity to embrace cislunar space—the area between the Earth and the Moon.

Principal recommendations

To accomplish these goals, the strategy recommends graduated actions to be taken in the short (2021-2025), medium (2025-2040), and long (2040-2050) term. Over the three-decade time period, this strategy calls for the United States to:

1. Update and refine the legal and regulatory frameworks governing space.

The international law of space, centered on the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, is outdated and insufficient for a future of space in which economic activity is primary. The international community needs a new foundational space treaty, and the United States should precipitate its negotiation. Moreover, the United States needs to update its domestic governance of space, such as ensuring that each administration uses the National Space Council, an executive body to coordinate government-wide space activity, as well as empowering the council to deliver a thirty-year strategy for space.

i. In the short term, the US president should appoint, and the State Department should staff, the office of a special presidential envoy for space. The US special presidential envoy for space should then energize the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs to socialize norms for responsible space behavior, which should include US allies, competitors, and industry in laying a foundation for a comprehensive space order.

ii. In the short term, the United States should also reform space administration. The Biden administration should form a National Space Council immediately, ideally chaired by the vice president, which should be charged with developing and overseeing the implementation and regular reevaluation of a thirty-year space strategy. The administration and Congress should collaborate on legislation to ensure each administration utilizes and staffs the National Space Council. The Congress should monitor the newly formed US Space Force and, in due time, mandate a study of whether an independent Department of the Space Force is warranted.

iii. In the medium term, the United States should lead the international community in either extending the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) area of responsibility to space or creating an ICAO-like organization for space activity. Doing so can begin laying the foundations for customary international law favorable to security and prosperity in space prior to replacing the 1967 accord. Even in the long term, international space governance must remain flexible to an evolving space domain in which development will be ever changing.

iv. In the long term, spacefaring nations should construct a modern, internationally agreed-upon order and “rules of the road” for behavior in space. Advancing space technology is outpacing existing rules, and the absence of space law invites excessive uncertainty and instability. The following steps should be taken prior to establishing a new space treaty.

2. Establish a collective security alliance for space.

To deter aggression in space, the United States should form a new space security alliance, including likeminded spacefaring nations, to establish collective security in space.

i. In the short term, the United States should engage its existing allies in discussions to gain common understandings of space security and take part in coordinated allied activities in space and space-adjacent capabilities to enhance allied credibility on space security.

ii. In the medium term, the United States can activate existing alliances to build international consensus on the protection of space-related assets and develop a shared understanding of the importance of defending key resources and access and the need for an alliance to establish collective security in space.

iii. In the long term, the United States should lead the establishment of a space security alliance.

3. Accelerate space commerce through clear regulation and targeted investment.

The United States should identify and invest in keystone space technologies—those capabilities with positive externalities to the entire space industrial base. In doing so, the United States and likeminded governments can accelerate private-sector use of Earth orbit in the short term, while developing cislunar space toward the end of the thirty-year period.

i. In the short term, through public-private partnerships, and by leveraging its considerable research-and-development budget, the US government should promote the development of keystone space technologies. Those technologies enable a range of missions in space at affordable cost in the short term, including technologies for launch, communications, and in-situ resource utilization (ISRU).

ii. In the medium term, the United States should involve allied and US subnational governments and leadership in space organization and infrastructure. At a federal level, the government should provide grants and other incentives to encourage state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to participate in the space economy through research grants for state universities, the lease of state public lands for space ports, and building infrastructure for space launch. This may be a valuable way to increase revenue streams for remote localities, leading to increased local prosperity. Further, the United States should work to negotiate access to space ports in foreign countries.

iii. In the medium term, an appropriately utilized and staffed National Space Council at the Cabinet level can avoid redundant commercial regulation across executive agencies. The National Space Council should incorporate industry perspectives in a structural fashion.

iv. In the long term, enhancing private-public partnerships in space will enable the United States to maintain and expand its technological edge in space, including in the crucial area of diversifying space launch platforms and employing ISRU on the Moon and beyond.

4. Take a cislunar approach to space development.

This strategy seeks to expand nations’ access first to Earth’s orbit and eventually to cislunar space, which together will host an increasingly large fraction of the global economy over the next thirty years. This cislunar approach to space will involve the routinization of space activity in cislunar space over the next thirty years, to an extent similar to how activity in LEO is unremarkable today.

i. In the short term, US exploration of the Moon and Mars via the Artemis program provides a number of avenues for increasing security uses of cislunar space.

ii. In the medium term, as commercial activity in Earth orbit becomes ever more routine, US civil and military entities should push the envelope of regular space activity into cislunar space, the area between the edge of where most current satellites orbit and the Moon, and similarly advantageous areas identified in the solar system.

iii. In the long term, the United States should seek to build infrastructure at the Lagrange points, critical strategic geography within cislunar space, in service of a “Cislunar Economy” that will eventually rival today’s “LEO Economy.” Given China’s planned activities on the Moon—including the planned establishment of a permanent base on the water-rich lunar south pole—increased attention in this region of space is crucial.

I. Strategic context

Space in 2050 will look vastly different from space today. Over the next decade alone, the number of satellites could quintuple as government and industry entities launch various missions. While such proliferation of activity will enhance space-based capabilities, enabling universal Internet access, and enhancing Earth-observation and data-collection capabilities, it also risks further space debris triggering an unstoppable chain of collisions. Space is currently undergoing a paradigm shift, as commercial entities are developing and fielding the technologies that are the key drivers of space utilization. Indeed, inventive space companies are expanding the concept of what is possible in space, eyeing space tourism in the near future, and simultaneously growing the space economy to what could be a trillion-dollar enterprise by 2040. In the long term, commercial and state entities will see novel levels of cislunar activity, requiring ISRU and onsite, three-dimensional (3D) manufacturing to keep pace with space activity. Indeed, spaceflight could underpin resiliency on Earth, opening access to space-based energy and material resources. Yet, with the realization of such value in the space domain, the future may see an increased use of space by militaries, including great-power competitors China and Russia. China is racing to develop capacity for its own permanent space station, cislunar supremacy, and deep-space exploration within the next thirty years. Despite the expansive future of space, the current space framework is rooted in the past. The future is just around the corner, and protecting space will cultivate innovation, wealth, and security to the benefit of all humanity.

To achieve security and prosperity in space—just as in any domain—national efforts must progress through three phases:

Today, space, and Earth’s orbit specifically, is on the cusp of transitioning from phase two to phase three, with commercial entities eager to leverage space for private business ends. Within thirty years, the frontier of space commercialization will likely expand from the edge of GEO to cislunar space. However, with the regulation and security of space not yet well established, the world risks a new Wild West or Scramble for Space.

Generally, this bold strategy for space assumes that the future strategic environment will be distinct, and in ways unpredictably so, from the present strategic environment. Specifically, this strategy assumes that the primary driver for space security will be space commerce, that strong alliances will prove just as relevant (or even more relevant) to space activity as to Earth-based activity, and that the strategic geography of space—key access points and orbits—will be become even more critical and contested. This strategy paper attempts to identify primary areas that need improved norms, regulation, and laws. It is impossible to identify all issues in space that will emerge over the next three decades. However, the positions, offices, and bodies that this strategy paper proposes will be well positioned to take on these challenges in due time.

Routinization of Earth orbit

Rather than being exceptional, it is becoming routine that major countries find that their national security and economic interests extend to space. Indeed, the days are numbered that Earth orbit will be considered more a part of outer space than an integral part of Earth’s economic, political, and social structures. Because activity in Earth orbit is becoming so routine, and is proceeding at an increasing pace, questions of space sustainability and the consequences of debris in Earth orbit are coming to the fore.

Small- and medium-sized countries are fielding research, intelligence, and communications assets in Earth orbit. Major powers are gearing up their militaries to increase space situational awareness, defend their space assets, and exercise space control. Smaller countries are betting the future of their economies on space commerce. Commercial entities are preparing to develop entirely new lines of business in orbit. The simultaneous increase in the space economy and the degrading space security environment may touch off a “space rush.”

The space rush of the 2020s differs from the space race of the 1950s and 1960s, when the United States and the Soviet Union dominated space exploration and development. Today, more than eighty national space programs around the globe have entered the space rush, contributing to space advancements while increasing space congestion. Spacefaring nations, along with non-state space entities, are partaking in the competition to seize upon vast opportunities ranging from commercial wealth to military dominance.

Who controls low-earth orbit controls near-Earth space. Who controls near-Earth space dominates Terra. Who dominates Terra determines the destiny of humankind.

Everett Dolman

Great-power competition

Competition among the great powers—the United States, China, and Russia—is the defining feature of international security on Earth as it is in space.

More states in space

Paraguay, New Zealand, Luxembourg, and the United Arab Emirates offer four examples of how governments are seizing upon emerging opportunities.

Space sustainability

Satellites are critical for security and prosperity, but they are also delicate, expensive hardware subject to damage in the harsh environment of space by small pieces of debris. Because objects in space travel so fast, a bus-sized satellite can be destroyed by an object the size of a marble and critically damaged by a fleck of paint. This vulnerability makes space debris of vital importance. Due to a range of factors—the proliferation of smaller satellites in LEO, counterspace weapons tests, and collisions in space—the amount of space debris has become extensive.

Space-surveillance networks regularly track and catalogue more than twenty-eight thousand debris objects.
There exists a tipping point where the quantity of debris is great enough that entire orbital bands become unusable. In 1978, NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler proposed a theory that debris-driven collisions can become self-perpetuating, making space access impossible. This runaway effect is known as the “Kessler Syndrome.” As the density of objects in LEO increases, so does the number of collisions, producing more debris fragments. The larger number of debris fragments subsequently increases the number of collisions, producing yet more debris in a vicious cycle.

To protect operating satellites and preserve space sustainability, space situational awareness (SSA) and space traffic management (STM) are vital missions. While these two areas have some overlap, they have notable differences, and should be addressed separately.

In sum, commerce and security activity in Earth’s orbit are an unexceptional part of the global economy and international relations. This routinization has consequences for the space environment and threatens to significantly interfere with satellite operations in the coming decades. Plenty of pressing issues remain in Earth orbit, among them the evolution of commercial and defense technology, the role of the private sector, and access to critical materials for space systems. But, beyond Earth orbit, a thirty-year strategy needs to consider the next frontier—cislunar space.

The promise of cislunar space

Human economic and security activity in the space domain is already beginning to extend beyond Earth orbit and will, within the timeframe of this strategy, encompass cislunar space. The sphere created by the Earth-Moon radius, cislunar space offers the chance to extend activities beyond GEO, with the possibility of scientific and military observation, military sensing and communication, and resource extraction. Cislunar space is particularly attractive, as it offers three elements essential to human space activity: energy, materials, and integrated intelligence. Without these three convergent streams, space-mission success is obstructed. Cislunar space provides all three of these assets simultaneously, and is positioned relatively close to the Earth. With Earth only about 1.35 light seconds from the Moon, cislunar space offers a platform wherein Earth-based communications can control missions in real time. Additionally, because the Moon sits in a shallow gravity well compared to Earth, space vehicles can more easily propel from points in cislunar space. Thus, cislunar space offers a viable point for kickstarting exploration beyond Earth orbit.

Within the vast expanse of cislunar space, there is important strategic geography that could become areas of tension, including the Earth-Moon Lagrange points.

What are Lagrange points?

The Earth-Moon Lagrange points are the gateways of cislunar space. Lagrange points are regions in space where the gravitational forces of two celestial bodies (such as the Sun and the Earth or the Moon and the Earth) produce regions of enhanced orbital stability. These points are already attracting scientific missions and will likely host security and economic activity as phases of space development evolve. Even as initial deployments to the Lagrange points take place, spacefaring entities are building on an unstable scaffolding. The Lagrange points are unregulated and present the risk of a tragedy of the commons should government or commercial activity accelerate before a regulatory framework is established.

The security of Lagrange points will be essential to maintaining and expanding US and allied interests in space. Putting a spacecraft at (or in a “halo” orbit around) a Lagrange point allows it to stay in a fixed position relative to a celestial body. Thus, spacecraft placed at Lagrange points consume far less station-keeping fuel, reducing costs and enhancing longevity. There are five Lagrange points numbered L1 through L5 in any orbital system, and, while there are plenty of uses of the Earth-Sun system, this paper concerns itself with the Earth-Moon Lagrange points. Lagrange points are a vital piece of space “real estate”; although space is large, a hostile power could dominate a Lagrange point and exclude other nations from accessing it.

Today, exotic orbits like these are consigned to the pages of astrophysics journals and conferences. But, in decades’ time, they could be the front-page concern of defense analysts and national security policymakers. Today, satellite placement in GEO is tightly regulated by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a United Nations (UN) specialized agency, so that satellites in GEO do not interfere with each other. Without future regulation, specialized orbits in cislunar space may suffer from a tragedy of the commons where individual satellite operators have no incentive to deconflict with each other.

Figure 3

Image credit: NASA

While Earth orbit and cislunar space will be the critical theaters of space strategy, two cross-cutting issues will impact the development of these space domains: the employment of emerging technology in space applications and the increasing role of the private sector in space activity.

Commercial and defense technology

The strategic space environment will be shaped by emerging technology developments, which enable more sophisticated satellite networks, enhance Earth observation, and reduce costs while effectively broadening access to space. These technologies will enable a range of new commercial and military space missions and applications.

The space environment is characterized by increasingly capable kinetic and non-kinetic anti-satellite weapons. With the expanding value of space, these weapons will become increasingly salient as the threat of space conflict grows.

Anti-satellite weapons (ASATs)

The United States began testing direct-ascent anti-satellite weapons (DA-ASATs) in 1959, eventually destroying a solar observation satellite in 1985 with the ASM-135 missile. DA-ASATs have ground-to-space capabilities, with a terrestrial launch that targets space-based infrastructure. Currently, the United States possesses several ballistic-missile-defense (BMD) interceptors, which function as latent kinetic ASATs. These BMD systems include the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD), the Aegis-based SM-3, and the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). While these systems are designed as BMD, any exoatmospheric BMD has an inherent, latent ASAT capability. Indeed, the technical requirements for hitting a satellite are no more challenging than hitting a missile so a nation with strong missile-defense prowess can be said to have an ASAT capability. However, as of now, the United States has prioritized DA-ASATs to a lesser extent than China or Russia, and arms-control proposals by those nations reflect that. Proposals such as the Treaty on Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space Objects (PPWT), pushed by China and Russia, focus on space-to-space or space-to-ground weapons placed in space; this notably excludes ground-to-space weapons like DA-ASAT capabilities.

In 1968, the Soviet Union successfully demonstrated an anti-satellite weapon. In 2018, a Russian MiG-31 fighter jet was photographed with a possible air-launched ASAT. Russia’s S-400 surface-to-air missile system can range to LEO satellites but may not be accurate enough to target them. In 2007, China conducted its first successful kinetic ASAT test, destroying an aging Chinese meteorological satellite with an SC-19 missile. This test, which came with no warning and produced a dangerous quantity of debris, violated international norms and brought China widespread criticism. China has not conducted any additional debris-producing ASAT testing since, but intelligence analysts believe that China has conducted several non-impact related kinetic trajectory tests, which could reach GEO satellites, with its DN-2 and DN-3 interceptors. In 2019, India became the fourth country to successfully test a kinetic ASAT weapon, which was employed against a small target satellite in LEO over the Bay of Bengal. While India is a promising partner of the United States, US officials condemned this test for potentially endangering the International Space Station. Other nations such as North Korea and Iran have continued to expand their ballistic-missile programs.

While direct-ascent kinetic ASATs are of concern, both Russia and China are experimenting with co-orbital ASATs and non-kinetic orbital assets to compromise or destroy US and allied satellites. A co-orbital ASAT is an object that, stationed in orbit, can change its orbit rapidly and collide with or otherwise disable (e.g., with a robotic arm) another satellite. Unlike ground-to-space DA-ASAT technologies, co-orbital ASATs are space to space, with satellites targeting other objects in orbit.

Non-kinetic weapons

In addition to kinetic ASATs, various countries have developed counterspace cyber capabilities. The cyber threat to space assets ranges from theft or alteration of information to destruction of satellites or their supporting components. Cyberattacks directly target data and data systems, exploiting links between satellites and from satellites to ground stations. Since cyberattacks are less likely to produce debris when rendering a satellite inoperable, they may function as a “soft-kill” capability. As such, nations may perceive cyberattacks on space assets as less escalatory and therefore view cyberweapons as more usable than debris-producing hard-kill alternatives.

Directed-energy weapons (DEWs) pose an increasingly viable threat to space-based assets. Directed-energy weapons primarily operate by blinding, jamming, or damaging sensors or circuits, rendering a satellite inoperable. DEWs operate at different thresholds—they can dazzle (temporarily blinding the optical sensor of a satellite), disable (rendering the satellite itself temporarily inoperable), or destroy (permanently destroying the satellite itself), with varying energy requirements across that spectrum. Directed-energy threats include lasers, high-power microwaves, and other types of radiofrequency weapons. Through fake transmissions or spoofing, radiofrequency weapons can interrupt satellite connections and, thus, achieve similar ends as do cyber means.

Electronic warfare (EW) will present a major and evolving threat to space-based positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) assets and the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in the timeframe of this strategy. EW includes radiofrequency (RF) jamming and GPS spoofing. These techniques have been used in terrestrial warfare for decades, so it is no surprise that this practice is expanding to space. One space-distinct EW application is uplink and downlink jamming. Although usually temporary, jamming technology has the ability to seriously inhibit or block various space-based technologies on which modern economies and global militaries rely, such as GPS, satellite communications (SATCOM), and SAR imaging.

Private-sector engagement

While private firms have been making money in space for more than fifty years, the lion’s share of commercial activity in space has been about enabling activity on Earth—including transmission of radio and television signals and Earth observation. These activities remain important and have enormous potential for growth in the coming decades. Yet, there is a new wave of space commerce coming that implicates activity within space—mining, manufacturing, and tourism. This new category of space commerce has the potential to move the space domain into a commercial phase distinct from the scientific and security concerns that have previously dominated. As this transition occurs, the United States will have to interact with the private sector—already a crucial element of space strategy—in a different manner to foster discovery and innovation, while guarding against exploitation that could prove detrimental to sustainable space development.

The private sector is, and will remain, a key element in the success of US and allied space programs. Especially since NASA ended the Space Shuttle program, space programs have relied less on governments and more on private industry, as evidenced by the burgeoning US commercial space industry. A decade after the first commercial launch of a satellite to LEO in 2009, the space industry has accelerated, with more than $25.7 billion of private investment globally. Despite this importance, private-sector space entities sometimes face challenges in interacting with the US government. These obstacles include a complex regulatory and compliance environment that can be slow moving, risk averse, and process based, rather than outcome oriented.

II. Key goals for US security strategy in space

Currently, given the widespread reliance on space for a variety of civilian and military applications, space is increasingly “competitive, congested, and contested.” In the coming thirty years, the United States and likeminded nations should nurture a thriving, self-sustaining economy in space. Further, as the space domain transitions away from a phase of development primarily characterized by exploration, the United States must lead in establishing a security order that enables this space economy and pushes the envelope of human economic activity beyond GEO and into cislunar space. To do so, the United States, in concert with its allies and partners, should work to provide the common goods of sovereignty and property rights in space. Accordingly, this long-term space strategy prioritizes the following three goals: build an international rules-based order for space; deter hostile action and secure space assets and access; and foster US and global prosperity through the continued expansion of space commerce.

III. Major elements of the strategy

Earth orbit is on the edge of a transition from being primarily the remit of exploration and security to being the locus of a thriving economy. In the next thirty years, human economic and security activity is likely to push this envelope further, embracing cislunar space. This transition must be built upon a solid regulatory, security, technological framework, and human capital base.

In order to achieve a rules-based order in space, preserve the US and allied space security advantage, and advance technology for space development, the United States—in coordination with its allies and partners—should prioritize new space law, a new space security alliance, advanced space technology, and a cislunar approach to space as the major elements of US national strategy for space over the next thirty years.

Major spacefaring entities are increasingly disregarding the existing space treaties or interpreting them in increasingly expansive ways to justify their activities in space. In the long term (2040-2050), the United States should seek to develop a new, foundational space treaty. Because international agreements of this sort can take years, if not decades, to negotiate, in the short term (2021-2025), the United States should seek to develop customary international law that matches US and allied norms for space and to forge consensus among likeminded nations about the need to develop a new treaty on the international law of space.

Short term (2021-2025)

The United States begins socializing key elements of a new space treaty to set the scene for diplomatic negotiations.

US government negotiates bilateral and multilateral agreements similar to the 2015 SPACE Act to influence the development of international space law.

The United States achieves buy-in from likeminded nations on core principles of space exploration, security, and commerce.

US and allied governments decide to extend the ICAO area of responsibility or create an ICAO-like organization to monitor space activity.

US and likeminded governments align orbital-debris mitigation standards.

The United States works to create a formalized system to exchange SSA within the international community.

Medium term (2025-2040)
Long term (2040-2050)

The United States seeks widespread accession to a new, foundational treaty for outer space activity.

Purpose of a new foundational space treaty

• Guarantee freedom of navigation and exploration in space. Freedom of navigation can be accomplished only through expeditionary space security; limited weaponization in space and the extension of military intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); and civilian and military communications infrastructure and capabilities throughout outer space, in planetary orbits, and on celestial bodies.

• Continue the Outer Space Treaty’s provisions that prohibit the placement or use of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in space. As such, even a future international legal framework that loosens restrictions on conventional weapons in space should preserve nonproliferation of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The objective from the 1967 treaty of preserving inclusivity and peaceful uses of space should be cemented as well. However, this legal framework must remain pragmatic to the requirement of space security and defense of peaceful use and access from malign actors.

• Address space sustainability. To do so, the treaty should contain provisions that account for orbital-debris mitigation and removal. Indeed, the need for this provision is likely to increase dramatically by 2050 as the pace of space launch only increases and protection of Earth’s biosphere requires further attention.

• Contain the same ideal of non-appropriation of entire celestial bodies as in the 1967 Treaty (that prohibits the establishment of sovereignty over the Moon or any other celestial bodies), but it ought to be clarified so as not to interfere with the placement of peaceful installations on these bodies or prohibit resource extraction. Moreover, the 1967 treaty was correct to rule out appropriation of celestial bodies, but this new treaty must go further by prohibiting the seizure and exclusion of important orbital zones, such as the Lagrange points, while allowing for legitimate safety zones.

Establish a space security alliance

The United States and its allies must create a framework for cooperation and mutual security in space by forming an international space security alliance and extending the reach of existing alliances like NATO—appropriate for the twenty-first century and beyond—to ensure collective security and deter aggression in space. As described earlier in the paper, over the next thirty years great-power competition is likely to impact activity in space, and space may well be used by the United States’ strategic competitors to achieve broader security goals on Earth. As space activity increases, Earth-based activities enabled by space will multiply over time, and space-based activities will have greater potential impact on security on Earth itself. As a result, the securitization of space will become an increasingly important focus, and the establishment and maintenance of collective security among likeminded nations will be important in the long term (2040-2050). To reach this, in the short (2021-2025) and medium terms (2025-2040), the United States should focus on arriving at common understandings of space security with allies and partners and on engaging in coordinated activities in space.

Short term (2021-2025)

United States prioritizes a common understanding of the space security environment and builds capacity.

The United States comes to common understandings with allies and partners about mutual interests in space.

United States works with NATO and likeminded partners to develop an ambitious set of aligned activities for cooperation in space.

The United States undertakes multilateral and bilateral diplomatic efforts with European and Indo-Pacific allies and partners to socialize the need for a space alliance in the long term.

Medium term (2025-2040)
Long term (2040-2050)

The United States, its existing allies, and new partners commit themselves to a space security Alliance which pledges collective security and mutual defense from attacks in the space domain.

Purpose of a space security alliance

This space security alliance should promote cooperation among allies and partners, and establish and guarantee collective security. A key first task for the alliance will be to devise a tailored strategy, building on this thirty-year strategy for space, to counter hostile action and guarantee safe access and passage, free from malign interference, in space. A space security alliance should deter countries known to be undermining collective access and security in space—or those nations that have actions in, and goals for, space that are not entirely known. This strategy must be flexible enough to keep up with rapidly advancing technology and establish rules of the road for conduct and cooperation in space, deterring adversarial action that jeopardizes the space commons. While the United States and its allies will always reserve the right to defend themselves, they must identify ways to extend their long history of working with competitors when appropriate. Even competitors of the United States recognize that the space domain is so dynamic, diverse, critical to advancing humanity, and interconnected that one entity could not possibly act alone to secure space.

In the years ahead, the United States and its allies and partners will need to walk a difficult line between all-out competition with near-peers like China and Russia, and cooperation on issues including addressing the climate crisis, reforming the world health system in the wake of COVID-19, and realigning international trade. Enhanced cooperation in space—whether it be research, dealing with space debris, or deconflicting satellite orbits—may be one avenue to improving overall relations. While it is foolish to think of space exclusively as a domain of peaceful cooperation, it is equally unhelpful to emphasize only competition in space.

Facilitate the business of space technology

To facilitate the transition to an orbital economy in the long term (2040-2050) and maximize space-based services to Earth in the short term (2021-2025), the US government should invest in space launch, satellite-constellation operations, upgraded space power and propellants, on-orbit services, and ISRU; prepare for rocket transportation; develop innovative ways of harnessing the private sector; and secure supply chains critical to the manufacture of space components. It is difficult, if not impossible, to predict which technologies will be critical in thirty years’ time. To account for the nonlinear nature of technological development, this strategy recommends investing in some specific technologies to push the envelope of space development in the short term and engaging in reforms to government practices that will encourage the development of space technology throughout the thirty-year timeframe of this strategy.

Short term (2021-2025)

The United States increases national investment in research and development, specifically to ensure emerging space developments are leveraged for US and allied interests.

US government reviews existing acquisition policies and regulations that hinder public-private cooperation and space technology advancement.

US officials carefully monitor critical supply chains for critical space components.

US government undertakes efforts to regulate rocket launch and build landing infrastructure.

The United States works with key allies and partners, notably in Europe and Asia, to build space ports in allied countries.

Medium term (2025-2040)
Long term (2040-2050)

The national security space community reevaluates which technologies should be prioritized for investment in coordination with industry and academia.

The United States and its allies develop disaggregated, multidomain, and mobile launch platforms.

Figure 4

Take a cislunar approach to space

To achieve long-term security and prosperity in space, the United States should emphasize the development of cislunar space, the sphere formed by the Earth-Moon radius.

While the Lagrange points offer one attractive orbit in cislunar space that is obvious to strategists in 2020, there is a potential for other orbital “real estate” in cislunar space to become contested over the next thirty years. Furthermore, similarly advantageous zones of the solar system may be reached, and their potential realized, in the coming decades. For example, the moons of planets like Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and other bodies in space, such as the planetoid Ceres and asteroids, provide fertile ground for mining operations. Securing cislunar space will provide a critical trial in protecting these valuable zones for sustainable space exploration. By working to wisely and proactively manage the Lagrange points, the United States can set the international standard for constructive resolution of future debates in cislunar space and beyond.

Short term (2021-2025)

NASA evaluates the Artemis program and adjusts benchmarks for its space exploration program if needed, prioritizing a deep-space exploration program.

The United States considers the implications of military satellites and SSA for the routinization of cislunar space.

Medium term (2025-2040)
Long term (2040-2050)

NASA develops infrastructure at the Lagrange points while US diplomats negotiate an international framework to regulate the use of cislunar space.

The United States and likeminded nations build out a presence at the Lagrange points to eventually transition to commercial operators.

IV. Guidelines for implementation

In pursuit of the goals of this strategy, US policymakers should coordinate with allies and partners to execute the major elements of this strategy using the following guidelines for implementation. Policymakers must weigh these recommendations with potential drawbacks and alternatives.

Photos: NASA

Strategy timeline

To be effectively executed, this strategy for space security suggests several specific policy initiatives that can be considered and pursued within the next thirty years. The below list summarizes the policy recommendations and proposed timelines.

In the short term (2021 – 2025)

  • The president should appoint, and the Department of State should staff, a special presidential envoy for space to socialize norms of responsible space behavior with likeminded nations.
  • The special presidential envoy to space should address the uncontrolled region between flight level 600 and the Kármán line.
  • US diplomats and policymakers should engage existing allies, in forums like NATO, about the need for coordinated activity in space.
  • The president should direct the National Space Council to create, and regularly reexamine, a long-term plan to develop a space security alliance.
  • NASA should evaluate the ambitious timeline of the Artemis program to determine if it is realistic and, if needed, adjust benchmarks for its deep-space exploration program.
  • The Department of Defense should invest in keystone technologies and seize future opportunities to bolster, incentivize, and minimize restrictions on collaboration with the private sector, working with start-up ventures and innovative firms when practicable.
  • The Department of Defense should increase funding for defense science and technology and basic research.
  • NASA should work with the national laboratories to ensure a steady supply of satellite-grade nuclear material and include nuclear propulsion in its public-education programming.
  • To avoid redundancy across agency regulations, the president should include in the National Space Council a body representing industry, such as the Users’ Advisory Group.
  • The president should staff the National Space Council at the Cabinet level, chaired by the vice president, and the US Congress should draft legislation to make this body permanent.
  • CISA should evaluate whether space should be designated as a critical infrastructure sector.
  • Congress should continue to monitor the US Space Force and review space-related procurement processes.
  • The US federal government should incentivize subnational governments to review and draft legislation for space infrastructure and provide space-related state-university research grants.
  • The US federal government should seek continued improvements in SSA capabilities, funding initiatives such as the Space Fence that improve the Space Surveillance Network, particularly as it relates to smaller objects.
  • The US Department of Defense should seek collaborative partnerships with foreign nations to obtain higher-quality SSA data, particularly tapping into geographic advantages that allies in the Eastern Hemisphere can offer.
  • The US federal government should work on a collaborative database for the fusing of SSA data, improving on the steps initiated by the creation of CSpoC. This database should involve a lower level of classification than current data provided.
  • Under the guidance of the National Space Council, authorities over SSA and STM should be transferred to a civil agency such as the Department of Commerce, developing an open-architecture SSA repository with an extensive public catalog of SSA data.

In the medium term (2025 – 2040)

  • The special presidential envoy for space should achieve buy-in from likeminded nations on core principles of space exploration, security, and commerce to set the ground for a new comprehensive space treaty.
  • The State Department should transition the US special presidential envoy for space to an ambassador at large.
  • US and allied policymakers should review existing space treaties, such as the Moon Treaty and the Space Liability Convention, and incorporate viable components into a new space treaty.
  • The US and likeminded governments should synchronize domestic policies in constructing a framework for orbital-debris mitigation.
  • US government should work with NATO to prioritize a common understanding of space security and develop an ambitious set of aligned activity for space operations.
  • The Department of Defense should consider the implications of military satellites and space situational awareness on the routinization of cislunar space.
  • The United States, along with its allies and partners, should expand EW countermeasures to protect growing space assets against adversarial weapon systems.
  • The US Congress should consider authorizing a commission to evaluate whether an independent Department of the Space Force is warranted.
  • The special presidential envoy for space should achieve buy-in from likeminded nations on norms and standard operating procedures that allow for common access to new resources for ISRU activity.
  • The US government should build out rocket-transportation infrastructure and regulate point-to-point launch for commercial and military purposes, eventually coordinating international regulations and constructing space ports with global partners.
  • The US Departments of Commerce and State should consult with relevant commercial entities on a set of best-practice guidelines for STM, working to develop bottom-up guidelines that can then be brought to the international community.

In the long term (2040 – 2050)

  • The United States and likeminded nations should sign a foundational space treaty that recognizes the transforming nature of the domain and protects a growing future of space commerce.
  • The United States, its existing allies, and new partners should commit themselves to a space security alliance that pledges collective security and defense from attacks in the space domain, with clear rules for membership, funding, dispute resolution, and obligations.
  • NASA should develop infrastructure at the Lagrange points, while US diplomats seek to negotiate an international framework to regulate use of these points among other valuable cislunar real estate.
  • US space agencies should invest in, and sustain, a “culture of education,” especially in STEM fields, with a heavy focus on artificial intelligence, robotics, and quantum-related technologies, to name just a few specialized disciplines.
  • The United States should seize the mantle of international leader on STM norms, capitalizing on what is likely to be an increase in market share in the commercial space sector. This will give the United States leverage to shape the rules and norms for STM. In coordination with allies and partners, the United States should extend its SSA and STM efforts to cislunar space.

V. Conclusion

I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower

For centuries, humankind has gazed up at the cosmos pondering life, yet humans only reached this final frontier mere decades ago. Since human arrival in space, the realm of possibility has drastically expanded to incorporate new spacefaring nations and companies, new inventions, and new orbits. One can only imagine the infinite value and potential that space will offer in the decades ahead. As we grapple with existential challenges on Earth, we may continue to look to space to derive potential answers. While a thirty-year US strategy cannot begin to imagine the unimaginable, a long-term vision is critical to advance the position of spacefaring nations and shape the future trajectory of this critical high ground.

Over the next thirty years, space security will continue to evolve as legal frameworks and alliances are developed, technologies advance, and investments in public-private partnerships are made. In order for the United States to protect a promising future of space prosperity, it must work with likeminded nations to: enhance a rules-based international order for space, preserve US and allied leadership in space, strengthen US and allied technological advantages in space, and push space development to cislunar space. In the absence of concerted action, humankind risks diminishing the immense value still being discovered in Earth orbit and beyond.

There are significant first-mover advantages that accrue to the leader of this new “space rush.” The United States can set the new do-no-harm standards for conduct in space like resource extraction and access to the Lagrange points. While the United States must be sober in its assessment of the importance of space in great-power competition, it should seek peaceful exploration and cooperation with all spacefaring countries—including China and Russia—where possible. In the interest of global security on Earth and within space, the United States must work with its allies and partners to normalize rules of conduct and engagement and deter against aggression in the space domain. In the timeframe of this strategy, commerce in Earth orbit will become routine, normal, and unremarkable, constituting an increasingly large share of global economic activity. Still, this development faces serious threats. Through new space governance, a new space security alliance, and new space technology, the United States can realize that vision while pushing humanity’s economic frontier into cislunar space.

The United States is not just a nation that uses space; it is a spacefaring nation. Space exploration, value, and security are tightly woven into the collective US psyche, not to mention the US scientific, commercial, and military establishments. Russian rocketeer Konstantin Tsiolkovsky famously stated that “the Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot eternally live in a cradle.” It is time for the United States to fully enmesh Earth orbit in legal, security, and commercial apparatuses so that space exploration agencies can focus on cislunar space, Mars, and the boundless universe beyond.

In essence, this strategy is laid out with the understanding that “plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” Determining what will and will not be the reality in 2050 is a futile exercise, as benchmarks laid for the next decade may be eclipsed by great and unknown achievements in the coming years. However, paving a roadmap to 2050 is helpful in shaping the goals, policies, and investments necessary to pursue enduring prosperity and security in space tomorrow. Keeping the future at the forefront, regardless of developments that may materialize and on what timeline, situates humankind to reap the benefits of space activity in perpetuity.

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Atlantic Council Board Directors former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James E. Cartwright, USMC (Ret.) and former Secretary of the US Air Force the Hon. Deborah Lee James released an article in Breaking Defense titled “The Space Rush: New US strategy must bring order, regulation.”

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Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

The Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security works to develop sustainable, nonpartisan strategies to address the most important security challenges facing the United States and the world.

Icon Acknowledgments1

1    “Space Holds Boundless Potential for Humankind”: Icon made by Pixelmeetup from; “Space is on the Cusp of a Major Transition”: Icon made by Good Ware from; “Security in Space is at Risk, and the United States Must Act Urgently”: Icon made by Freepik from; “New Frontiers of Exploration Require Shaping”: Icon made by Freepik from; “Update and Refine the Legal and Regulatory Framework Governing Space”: Icon made by Freepik from; “Establish a Space Security Alliance”: Icon made by Freepik from; “Accelerate Space Commerce through Clear Regulation and Targeted Investment”: Icon made by dDara from; “Take a Cislunar Approach to Space”: Icon by Icongeek26 from

The post The future of security in space: A thirty-year US strategy appeared first on Atlantic Council.

Gen Cartwright, Sec. James in Breaking Defense on the need for a long-term strategy on space Mon, 29 Mar 2021 14:45:53 +0000 Atlantic Council Board Directors former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James E. Cartwright, USMC (Ret.) and former Secretary of the US Air Force the Hon. Deborah Lee James released an article in Breaking Defense titled "The Space Rush: New US strategy must bring order, regulation."

The post Gen Cartwright, Sec. James in Breaking Defense on the need for a long-term strategy on space appeared first on Atlantic Council.


Atlantic Council Board Directors former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James E. Cartwright, USMC (Ret.) and former Secretary of the US Air Force the Hon. Deborah Lee James released an article in Breaking Defense titled “The Space Rush: New US strategy must bring order, regulation.” In the article, they argue that humankind is at a critical point in space development at which inaction will put future space advancement at risk. To secure space, a thirty-year US strategy must advance stability and protect vital interests in this emerging domain.

Gen Cartwright and the Hon. James serve as Co-Chairs for Forward Defense‘s Atlantic Council Strategy Paper on “The Future of Security in Space: A Thirty-Year US Strategy,” which will be launched on April 12 with distinguished experts from across the space community, including Gen Cartwright and the Hon. James.

You don’t get an emerging space tech company, say brand new, right out of the garage or off the launch pad,  without having a fully functioning and fulsome space industrial base.

Stephen Rodriguez

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Protecting the new frontier: Seven perspectives on aerospace cybersecurity Thu, 04 Feb 2021 15:39:21 +0000 The aviation community is experiencing unprecedented difficulties, while space is emerging as a new fronter with challenges of its own. But there are opportunities for experts across the aerospace sector to tackle its cybersecurity challenges.

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The aviation community has experienced unprecedented difficulties over the past year in the midst of a global pandemic. But these haven’t eclipsed one of its persistent challenges: cybersecurity. Also happening above the clouds: Space is emerging as an operational domain, a new frontier that presents unique issues for defense organizations’ cybersecurity. The upside is that there are now opportunities for security practitioners across the broader aerospace sector to collaborate with policymakers and civil society on tackling the shared challenges of aviation and space—and to work together on building more resilient systems.

The Atlantic Council, in collaboration with Thales, published Aviation Cybersecurity: Scoping the Challenge in 2019 to map perspectives from across the aviation ecosystem and highlight the need for international collaboration among stakeholders. The report built off its predecessor, Aviation Cybersecurity—Finding Lift, Minimizing Drag, which raised awareness and sparked a public dialogue on the aviation industry’s cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

The Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative, within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, is now seeking to advance international stakeholder collaboration in the pursuit of resilient aerospace systems. To this end, the Atlantic Council hosted a discussion on public-private sector cooperation on aerospace cybersecurity and opportunities to apply industry best practices to the defense community. The roundtable included remarks from Will Roper, former assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology, and logistics.

Watch the opening remarks

Following the roundtable, seven aerospace cybersecurity experts charted the path forward for securing this new frontier:

Question 1: What kind of challenges exist for cybersecurity in the aerospace sector that didn’t ten, or even five, years ago? What challenges are as old as ever?

Christian Thomasson, chief of cyber assessments for weapon systems, USAF Red Team, United States Air Force: “Some of the challenges that exist today for cybersecurity in the aerospace sector that did not exist ten or five years ago involve some of the democratization and more widespread knowledge of reverse engineering and exploitation tools. This also comes at a time where there have been a number of very public incidents attributed to ‘cyber’ flaws in commercial aircraft (Boeing 737 MAX 8 as an example). This creates an environment where skilled amateurs and professionals alike turn their attention to discovering vulnerabilities and, in some cases, merely claiming the discovery of vulnerabilities within commercial aircraft. These aircraft were in most cases built to address only one leg of the traditional cybersecurity CIA triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (that leg being availability). Very little work had traditionally gone into integrity (i.e., code signing) and confidentiality (i.e., encryption).

As for flaws as old as ever: good regression testing to ensure new systems integrate into the federated architecture of an avionics bus is difficult and an ever-present challenge. Additionally, program managers generally abide by the traditional project management triangle, in which they are constrained by cost, schedule, and performance, and they typically get to fix only two of these variables at once. This is not to indict the program manager’s integrity, but merely a reflection of a world driven by strict timelines and budget constraints.

As for remediation of and testing for cyber flaws, in some cases programs are discouraged from these tests as there may be no funding to patch any flaws that may be discovered—add to that the invisible nature of cyber from a funding perspective. If I approach the chief engineer of a program and tell them, ‘We have enough funding for one study and have two to choose from: the first study will get you a 10 percent gain in engine efficiency and the second will look for bugs and we may find something that we will patch’—the engineer will often pick the first study, which will result in a tangible outcome reportable to shareholders. The second study produces very little from the perspective of the chief engineer.”

Question 2: What sorts of challenges do space systems face from a cybersecurity perspective that are different from those faced by aviation systems?

Steve Lee, aerospace cybersecurity program manager, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: “Space systems are currently providing critical communications and positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services, which means that the cybersecurity impacts to space systems multiply across a variety of dependent critical services with impacts far beyond the immediate space industry and ecosystem.

The inaccessibility of space systems, once deployed, constrains engineering of their cybersecurity systems. Similarly, the near-total absence of humans from most (exceptions being very costly and bespoke) space systems all but removes the possibility of reverting to any manual, non-digital backup in the event of digital failure, regardless of how induced.

The cybersecurity culture around space systems—like other technology families with comparatively low installed bases and high barriers to entry (such as commercial nuclear power)—still has a regressive ‘security by obscurity’ component, which is diminishing though still present.”

Question 3: Who has the greater potential (or power) to play a positive role in the aerospace cybersecurity ecosystem: the public or private sector?

Beau Woods, cyber safety innovation fellow, Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security: “Comparing government and industry roles is like comparing engines to flight control surfaces—success depends on both of these systems working together. At its best, government sets the preconditions and incentives toward societal goals and objectives, and industry innovates and competes within that space to deliver the highest value to its shareholders (and in theory the flying public). Both of these stakeholders have individual and supranational representation due to the global nature of aviation. An emerging power that can help keep the balance is the rise of independent security and cyber safety researchers who can provide an independent check if they acquire the right set of access to these technologies and institutions for reporting their findings.”

More from the Cyber Statecraft Initiative:

Question 4: How much of an obstacle is the pace of technological change to more effective public/private collaboration on aerospace cybersecurity?

Brandon Bailey, cybersecurity senior project leader, The Aerospace Corporation: “In traditional technology industries, many believe the rapid speed of new technological developments may outpace an organization/agency’s ability to manage the technology risk, including cyber, appropriately. In the aerospace industry, more specifically space systems, this is amplified due to the constraints of outer space and the necessity to leverage flight-proven hardware and software. Space systems are designed using hardware and software with high flight pedigree that can withstand a harsh operating environment. New technology takes many years to reach flight readiness.

In space systems, technology readiness levels (TRLs) are used as a method for estimating the maturity of technologies during the acquisition phase of a program. TRLs were developed at the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) during the 1970s but were also leveraged in the US Department of Defense (DoD), among other departments. The use of TRLs enables consistent, uniform discussions of technical maturity across different types of technology using a scale from one to nine, with nine being the most mature technology. 

From a cybersecurity perspective, the utilization of sometimes antiquated technology can bring cyber risk for which newer technologies may resolve vulnerabilities. One concrete example is the industry’s use of MIL-STD-1553 for the main communication protocol on-board the spacecraft. MIL-STD-1553 is a military standard that defines mechanical, electrical, and operating characteristics of a serial data communication bus which is now commonly used for both military and civilian applications in avionics, aircraft, and spacecraft data handling. MIL-STD-1553 was developed in the 1970s well before cybersecurity was a mainstream concept; therefore, the protocol has few security considerations. This is one example of how space systems typically lag behind technology advancement. The consistent lag behind technology means that the cyber threat is often outpacing the protections available to space systems, which has resulted in a wake-up call for space system designers to begin deploying more secure spacecrafts.

Cybersecurity for ground systems has managed to somewhat keep pace with technology advancement, but the spacecraft are now in the crosshairs of adversarial forces, which is requiring a move away from traditional thinking in which spacecraft were considered immune to cyberattacks. This new era of securing the spacecraft is backed by the recent release of Space Policy Directive–5 from the White House in September 2020. SPD-5 states ‘space systems and their supporting infrastructure, including software, should be developed and operated using risk-based, cybersecurity-informed engineering,’ and there is a need to ‘implement cybersecurity plans for their space systems that incorporate capabilities to ensure operators or automated control center systems can retain or recover positive control of space vehicles.’

As the industry moves forward in an era in which both commercial and government entities have equal access to space and technology, we must secure both ground and space-based systems during all phases of development and ensure risk-based, full life-cycle cybersecurity that considers the size, weight, and power (SWaP) of a system, along with mission context to deploy most secure.”

Question 5: What is the most successful instance of the DoD implementing an industry practice in aerospace cybersecurity?

Steve Luczynski, chief of staff and board of directors, Aerospace Village: “Understanding the full scope and scale of the policy issues applicable to aerospace cybersecurity is a daunting task. In late 2015, the DoD sponsored a study that identified, collected, analyzed, and mapped nearly a thousand laws, policies, and regulations from across the federal government (the DoD, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), etc.) that affect aerospace cybersecurity.

From this work, the DoD quickly recognized numerous supporting policies across a wide variety of agencies, even if they were often redundant. It is probably not surprising to learn this study also found gaps and conflicts between the guidance and requirements set forth by different agencies. In parallel, the DoD, FAA, and Department of Homeland Security formally chartered the Aviation Cyber Initiative (ACI) to increase cooperation within the federal government when addressing cybersecurity issues such as those found in this study. As an enduring effort, the ACI also enables ongoing engagement with industry to address the numerous cybersecurity issues that arise from the complexity and interconnected nature of the aerospace ecosystem. While this may not be a best practice specifically from industry, it is certainly an example of success in the DoD’s aerospace cybersecurity efforts.”

Question 6: What is the most challenging aspect of aerospace cybersecurity that differentiates it from cybersecurity in other industries?

Nathalie Feyt, chief product security officer, Thales: “In aerospace, there are three main differentiators that influence cybersecurity practices. The first is safety, as many stringent regulatory and certification requirements must be met and most are governed at the international level by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). When cyber requirements are set by ICAO, then efficiencies can be gained through standardized cybersecurity approaches. The importance of supporting the ICAO Secretariat Study Group on Cybersecurity cannot be understated and this body can benefit from the previous work of other regulatory authorities—including the existing European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) 2020 regulation on ‘Information System Security Protection’ (AMC 20-42), and future Part AIS.

Second, as in most other industries, our industry leaders understand cybersecurity for their information systems, but the challenge comes when applying this vertical information technology mindset to a horizontal systems integration problem for aviation-dedicated solutions, processes, and people. Multilayered cybersecurity strategies, with defense-in-depth and cyber-monitoring capacities on operational technologies must be supported by all stakeholders if this challenge is going to be solved.

Last but not least, innovation in cybersecurity for products and solutions in aerospace is a must, since standard cyber technologies need to be adapted for airborne and safety-related systems. Autonomous, self-healing cyber-secured systems need to be built. This is the approach being taken at Thales and implemented for the company’s most recent product releases such as the FlytX new-generation cockpit avionics suite.”

Question 7: What’s the most important aerospace cybersecurity effort we’ve never heard of?

Olivia Stella, cybersecurity engineer, Los Alamos National Laboratory: “Joint education efforts between competitors, such as Aviation ISAC working groups and tabletop exercises. A cybersecurity attack on one organization is an attack on all. Not only is intel shared [in these working groups and exercises], but aerospace cybersecurity education resources are constantly being developed to meet the changing threat landscape and organizational needs. An interesting facet is the need to provide educational materials to outside parties like cybersecurity researchers. Though the industry is not moving as fast as researchers and I would like, the importance has been elevated, and that’s a start.”

Simon Handler is the assistant director of the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative under the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, focused on the nexus of geopolitics and international security with cyberspace. He is a former special assistant in the United States Senate. Follow him on Twitter @SimonPHandler.

Further reading

The Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative, under the Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), works at the nexus of geopolitics and cybersecurity to craft strategies to help shape the conduct of statecraft and to better inform and secure users of technology.

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Gen. Cartwright quoted in New York Times on great-power competition in space Sun, 24 Jan 2021 13:00:00 +0000 On January 24, Atlantic Council Board Director and former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen James E. Cartwright, USMC (Ret.) was quoted in a New York Times article titled "How space became the next 'great power' contest between the US and China." The article concludes that President Biden must view the Chinese anti-satellite threat in space as one of the most pressing national security issues of his administration.

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original source

On January 24, Atlantic Council Board Director and former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen James E. Cartwright, USMC (Ret.) was quoted in a New York Times article titled “How space became the next ‘great power’ contest between the US and China.” The article concludes that President Biden must view the Chinese anti-satellite threat in space as one of the most pressing national security issues of his administration. According to Gen Cartwright, the United States needs to focus on space by creating a constituency of space experts.

You have to have an organizational constituency … That’s starting to happen. You’ve got a new emphasis on space — on people who get up every day thinking about how to manage these threats.

Gen James E. Cartwright, USMC (Ret.)

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Mulder featured in Air University on “Spacefarers: How Humans Will Settle the Moon, Mars, and Beyond” Tue, 05 Jan 2021 14:00:00 +0000 On January 5, Forward Defense senior military fellow Lt Col Christopher Mulder’s book review on Christopher Wanjek’s “Spacefarers: How Humans Will Settle the Moon, Mars, and Beyond” was published in Air University’s Strategic Studies Quarterly.

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On January 5, Forward Defense senior military fellow Lt Col Christopher Mulder’s book review on Christopher Wanjek’s Spacefarers: How Humans Will Settle the Moon, Mars, and Beyond was published in Air University’s Strategic Studies Quarterly. Mulder found that the book offers bold predictions and a compelling narrative mixing both fiction and nonfiction.

[Wanjek’s book] drives confidence in the reader that living on the Moon, Mars, and beyond is not only doable in the near term but an imperative for humankind.

Lt Col Christopher Mulder

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Starling quoted in Space News on expected Biden space policies Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:00:00 +0000 On November 20, Forward Defense Deputy Director Clementine Starling was quoted in a Space News article titled “Biden likely to stay course on Space Force and defense investments.”

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On November 20, Forward Defense Deputy Director Clementine Starling was quoted in a Space News article titled “Biden likely to stay course on Space Force and defense investments.” In this piece, Starling noted that a Biden administration will likely place an emphasis on investing in new and advanced technologies.

Obviously there will be trade-offs. But in the long run I think we will start to see more of a focus and investment in new technologies including cyber, space, directed energy, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing.

Clementine Starling

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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A presidential agenda for the GeoTech Decade that uplifts people, prosperity, and peace Mon, 09 Nov 2020 14:54:21 +0000 For both the good of the United States and the world, it will be his duty to ensure the United States emerges from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the deep economic recession, and its polarized society, renewed, revitalized, and rebuilt. Leveraging new technologies will be an integral part of that mission.

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When former Vice President Joe Biden is sworn into office in January 2021, he will face a world in a state of fear and uncertainty, plagued by a deep lack of trust in society. For both the good of the United States and the world, it will be his duty to ensure the United States emerges from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the deep economic recession, and its polarized society, renewed, revitalized, and rebuilt. Leveraging new technologies will be an integral part of that mission.

Data and new technologies are changing societies around the world. Companies and individuals have gained access to both technological and advanced data capabilities that previously were only available to the national security apparatuses of large nation states thirty to forty years ago. This access is super-empowering private sector entities and some individuals with unprecedented reach and ability.

Not everyone is being empowered equally. Some parts of society lack the needed infrastructure (e.g., broadband internet) or needed new digital literacy skills (e.g., education) or opportunities (e.g., startup ecosystems and ties to venture capital) to flourish in this new era. We call this new decade the “GeoTech Decade”—where data and tech will have disproportionate impacts on geopolitics, global competition, as well as global opportunities for collaboration.

Amid the GeoTech Decade, governments cannot continue to operate as they have in the past, as they no longer have a monopoly on exquisite technologies relative to the private sector. Often it is the private sector that is developing better technologies and government now must play “catch-up”—which means new ways of working and performing the business of civil society must be implemented. Newly empowered citizens want more from their government and governments need to find ways to involve such citizens in the participatory business of government. Without this participation, citizens in open societies will feel disempowered, disenchanted, and dismayed at what appear to be crucial decisions involving data and tech that impact communities, made with little to no public involvement.

Policymakers must be able to adapt and demonstrate effective governance at a speed faster than any time before in the history of the world. We must do this in an era where the private sector and members of the public will increasingly need to use emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, commercial space satellites, next-generation biosensors, and more—and achieve outcomes heretofore provided solely by governments. We also must find ways to recognize that questions of data and technology are not solely about privacy and intellectual property protections, but also are key questions of individual and community identities, personhood, inclusion, diversity, and tolerance among open societies. Advances in tech and data have produced a world where traditional government activities no longer need to be performed by governments alone; where private sector entities must think beyond just their own individual profits, to include community responsibilities and obligations; and where a public remains mistrustful of both the government and the private sector.

To complicate things further, some transnational entities now have outsized influence, especially when it comes to digital capabilities, datasets, and influence. This represents a new era for both doing the business of civil societies as well as the global business of diplomacy. Such transnational private sector entities need to recognize that functions that previously were done solely by government now require their partnership to successfully continue—such responsibilities cannot be ignored lest the functions of societies fall apart or attempts at regulation take the place of stewardship on both the national and global stage.

From a foreign policy perspective, in the midst of the growing tensions, success for the United States will depend on cooperation with allies and partners—to include both nation-states and transnational private sector entities—on issues like artificial intelligence, the future of space, and data trusts. This includes embracing the largest global democracy India, as well as other nations around the world seeking a future where data and technology empower open societies. To such end, the United States must work to assemble a coalition of “digital democracies and more,” who seek not surveillance states, nor surveillance capitalism. Such a coalition would work across borders and sectors to build a world where we employ data and tech for greater digital empathy, diversity, and shared humanity across nations and economic sectors.

Lastly, the people of the United States must work to empower everyone, including those who have not yet seen the benefits of new technologies or data as visibly as others. We must first identify and define what “Tech for Good” means in relation to the ideals of what the United States can and must be. Then, the United States must fund and support pragmatic initiatives that demonstrate how tech can unite instead of divide.

As we work towards that future, the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center will continue to promote the non-partisan ideas of “tech, data, people, prosperity, and peace,” and lead a path to find consensus, across communities and like-minded nations, on what we mean when we say #GoodTechChoices.

David Bray is director of the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center and director of the GeoTech Commission.

Further reading:

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Hasik cited in the Space Review Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:13:00 +0000 On November 2, an article in the Space Review titled "The Green New Deal for space" cited Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow James Hasik's report on “The Precision Revolution: GPS and the Future of Aerial Warfare." The article outlines how space is an essential element of the Green New Deal, specifically referencing GPS capabilities in this domain.

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original source

On November 2, an article in the Space Review titled “The Green New Deal for space” cited Forward Defense Nonresident Senior Fellow James Hasik‘s report on “The Precision Revolution: GPS and the Future of Aerial Warfare.” The article outlines how space is an essential element of the Green New Deal, specifically referencing GPS capabilities in this domain.

Forward Defense, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, generates ideas and connects stakeholders in the defense ecosystem to promote an enduring military advantage for the United States, its allies, and partners. Our work identifies the defense strategies, capabilities, and resources the United States needs to deter and, if necessary, prevail in future conflict.

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Topic overview | Space: The next frontier for innovation, economics, accessibility, and infrastructure Fri, 09 Oct 2020 18:14:34 +0000 Space is quickly becoming the new frontier to be explored by national governments and private sector actors. In the process, the different parties prepare themselves for an environment that will bring to space the competition and collaboration behaviors that are typical on Earth, that will require new or updated regulations and international norms, and that will unleash new opportunities for multiple industries and technologies – spanning from transportation and satellite communication to data sharing, artificial intelligence or national security.

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Space is quickly becoming the new frontier to be explored by national governments and private sector actors. In the process, the different parties are preparing themselves for an environment with the same competition and collaboration that are typical on Earth, which will require new regulations and international norms and will create novel opportunities for industry and innovation, from transportation and satellite communications to data sharing, artificial intelligence, and national security.

As one of key foci of the GeoTech Center’s mission in the Atlantic Council, the Future of Space requires developing initiatives that benefit people, prosperity, and peace while working to deter actions and policies that do not promote these values for all nations. Since its launch on March 11, 2020, the GeoTech Center has already hosted several conversations exploring this topic.

The future of data and AI in space

One of the main subjects of debate for both private and public stakeholders focuses on the impact of developments in data and AI capabilities on commercial space efforts. On April 29, 2020, the GeoTech Center hosted a live video discussion on this subject. The panel included Fredrik Bruhn, CEO of Unibap, Amy Webb, founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute, Paul Jurasin, Director of New Programs and the Digital Transformation Hub at Cal Poly State University, and Anthony Scriffignano, SVP and Chief Data Scientist at Dun & Bradstreet.

In their conversation, the experts highlighted how historical computational capabilities and limited electrical power available to satellites prevented edge computing in space. All data had to be transmitted back to Earth for processing. With advances in both processing and performance relative to onboard power capabilities, it is now possible to process petaflops of data in space. The experts gave examples of how these advances change what is possible by commercial space endeavors and of what services can be provided to individuals and organizations around the world. One of the key challenges, they say, would be building a common international regulatory framework that would allow these technologies to excel and help different countries and private corporations to operate in space.

Making space available for everyone

In the past, access to space has been limited exclusively to the wealthiest governments in the world, and in particular to the few military branches capable of the billion-dollar spending projects needed to launch satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) and beyond. The greatest space achievements of the 20th century were all accomplished by either state-run space agencies or collaborating governments. The 21st century, however, has seen the rapid commercialization of space.

On Wednesday, July 8, 2020, the GeoTech Center and Amazon Web Services (AWS) jointly hosted a public live event that was co-moderated by David Bray, Director of the Geotech Center, and Shayn Hawthorne, Senior Manager at AWS, and where specialists from across the space industry discussed approaches to making tools and data in space accessible to players of all sizes. This panel included Joseph Bonivel, Jr., Subject Matter Expert at the United States Department of Defense and GeoTech Center Nonresident Senior Fellow, Paul Jurasin, Jody Medich, Principal Design Researcher at Microsoft’s Office of the CTO and Cofounder of Superhuman-X, Michael Nicolls, CTO and cofounder of LeoLabs, Inc., and Simon Reid, COO of D-Orbit.

The panelists discussed new methods for automated collision avoidance at scale, which would rely on more transparent data sharing among governments, companies, and other satellite operators. The experts hope to see more information sharing so that the global community can benefit from the wealth of knowledge found in orbit and emphasized the myriad opportunities that broadening humanity’s presence in space will create.

Space is one of the best places from which to gather planetary data, with satellites providing critical information to farmers in Africa and climate scientists in Antarctica alike. When space becomes a safer and, importantly, cheaper environment to operate in, and as more private entities access space, the panel pointed out that more people stand to benefit similarly. However, the experts also highlighted that enforcing a new set of norms, especially regarding reasonable data sharing, is key to securing an accessible future in space for all.

Space, jobs, and public-private collaboration

On Wednesday, July 29, 2020 the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center hosted a fireside chat between GeoTech Commission co-chair Teresa Carlson, Vice President of AWS’s Worldwide Public Sector and United States Representative Will Hurd of the 23rd District of Texas.

Representative Hurd spoke about his mission to make space relevant to his constituents as the commercial space industry plays an increasingly important role in his district and the nation. With thousands of jobs created in Texas and nationwide by companies such as Blue Origin and SpaceX, Representative Hurd emphasized that it’s time for governments to step out of the way to ensure that outer space can become a secure and accessible arena for visionaries and pioneers.

Ms. Carlson commented on the productive potential of private-public partnerships in space commercialization, as well as on the many innovative enterprises in the market and the need to invigorate the pipeline of talent feeding the scientific community.

Building sustainable space infraestructure

Where before the only players in space were large government entities and their contractors, now private companies regularly launch and maintain infrastructure intended to last years or even decades. The new market dynamics and politics introduced by the private sector’s emergence will reshape a realm where policy, geopolitics, cooperation, and science have always been deeply intertwined. This raises several crucial questions. Who will be allowed to operate in orbit and beyond? Who will be held responsible for the actions of private companies, and what bodies will enforce such accountability? What policy decisions can be made now to shape the economy of space exploration down the road?

On September 30, 2020, the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center hosted an expert panel to discuss space economics and the policy implications of the rapid commercialization of space exploration. The discussion included Reggie Brothers, Chief Executive Officer at NuWave Solutions; Peter Cannito, Chairman & CEO at Redwire Space, Joanne Lo, CEO and Founder of Elysian Labs, Inc., and Peter Marquez, Head of Space Policy at AWS.

Will the COVID-19 pandemic impact space innovation?

The global uncertainty caused by COVID-19 has inspired much speculation about the future of geopolitics, technological progress, economics, and culture. While the arguments behind these forecasts are important and compelling, surveying expert opinions for consensus is also critical. Accordingly, in April 2020 the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center submitted a questionnaire to more than 100 technology experts to record their expectations about the impact of COVID-19 on innovation in key fields, including space commercialization.

Interestingly, the majority of respondents believed that the pandemic will have little impact on space tech innovation, unlike the other fields (the future of work, data and AI, trust and supply chains, and health and medicine), which they believed would see innovation accelerate significantly. At the same time, however, only a tiny fraction of respondents believed that space commercialization technologies will see meaningful innovation in the near future. In many ways, these results are unsurprising. As the virus imposes heavy demands on healthcare systems, strains international supply chains, and changes the way we work, it will spur innovation in those areas–with changing priorities, innovation in space is believed likely to stagnate or at least remain unchanged.

Acknowledging the limitations of this survey is also important: there is significant overlap between the technological fields identified here. For example, innovations in data and AI will inevitably affect other fields, including space. For that reason, the most exciting technological developments driven by COVID-19 will probably come at the seams of the survey’s categories.

The way ahead

The future is uncertain, and the next decade is yet unwritten. We must be willing to fail and learn as we approach the future ahead. One can only hope that leaders will recognize the importance of investments in innovation and community resilience as they plan their countries’ recoveries. After all, a successful national recovery requires a prosperous global one.

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Five big questions as America votes: The geopolitical impacts of technology Tue, 06 Oct 2020 16:35:53 +0000 Rapid developments in technology impact social, political, and economic issues both locally and globally. As the US presidential election nears, it is critical for Americans to consider the ways technology can both provide solutions and create challenges in the future.

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As part of the Atlantic Council’s Elections 2020 programming, the New Atlanticist will feature a series of pieces looking at the major questions facing the United States around the world as Americans head to the polls.

Rapid developments in technology impact social, political, and economic issues both locally and globally. As the US presidential election nears, it is critical for Americans to consider the ways technology can both provide solutions and create challenges in the future.

Below are the five major questions facing the United States on the geopolitical impacts of technology as the US elections approach, answered by five top experts:

What future does the United States want for data and how we ensure data benefits both individuals and communities?

Policymakers will follow the tide of public, media, and corporate thinking on data. To ensure that data benefits individuals and communities, the United States must adopt different ways of thinking about the data we all create. We can start by moving the conversation away from a focus on privacy to one based on values-sharing. Current thinking provides people with only two choices when it comes to their data: allow a huge corporation to take all the value in the data each of us creates and determine how it is used, or follow some version of the European model where we can destroy all the value we create in data so no one can use it.

A third and much better option is to ensure each of us can share in the value of the data we create. Just as we would not frame a conversation about wages or intellectual rights through the lens of privacy, there are better ways to approach the question of ownership and usage of data.

Along with moving away from a privacy framework, we need to better understand what data is and represents. Behavioral data at its most fundamental level is a massive crowdsourcing exercise. The value and insight behavioral data provides are there because people have already uncovered them—often unconsciously or without the awareness that millions like them have as well. The reason data has value is that individuals are not simply “users” but co-creators and collaborators in developing the insights data enables.

That doesn’t mean we can claim all the value created. As with workers in a factory, the value created from data requires people to coordinate our efforts, a space to work in, and a marketplace for the product we create. There are many devils in the details and challenges with forming and managing Data Trusts and other mechanisms to share data’s value back with its creators. But policymakers must move in that direction, and to do so, we need to shift the way we talk and think about data and its creators.

Eric Sapp is a nonresident senior fellow in the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center.

What future does the United States want for data, trust, and increasing resilience across communities and sectors?

The future of data, trust, and resilience across communities will be determined by how we educate and empower our youngest citizens.

While I cannot speak for the United States as a whole, I can speak as an American mother, engineer, and professor. Government policies and actions are built on the interpretation and presentation of data, so we must question how such data is collected and analyzed, as well as who has access to it. The United States has long been considered a technical and scientific power, but it is arguable that our government representatives have not supported, nor stayed well informed on, current breakthroughs and understandings in these fields.

Even more concerning, we are at a time in American history where trust is becoming a rare thing. Many Americans feel let down by the systems and structures around them. When provably false statements regarding US health and economics are being made publicly by top government officials, it becomes crucial that all citizens ask themselves what they trust and how they can verify the things that they hear.

It is also important that they have access to the data. To do this, we must learn how to assess statements, analyze data we are presented with, and think critically about many topics. To build these skills, we must strive to provide quality, engaging, responsive, and relevant education for all children, particularly with regards to information literacy and critical thinking.

Dr. AnnMarie Thomas is a nonresident senior fellow in the GeoTech Center.

What future does the United States want for data and the future of work in our country?

Data, in all its ubiquity, is an outcome of digitization. While the digital transformation of the US economy and society has been underway for over two decades, there was significant acceleration in both the quality and quantity of data available over the last five years. This combined with dramatic advances in optimization algorithms, and parallel computing embodied in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) led to breakthroughs in deep learning, a type of machine learning. Deep learning powers many of the widely reported AI advances such as in vision, language translation, speech recognition, and decision-making.  While it’s easy to understand how many of these breakthroughs have changed the world, what do will they mean for the future of work?

To answer this question, we must step back and think about the work done in sectors ranging from agriculture to services not as one “job” but a collection of tasks. For example, farm workers monitoring crops need situational awareness to determine if plants are afflicted by disease and decide on the appropriate combination of soil nutrients and non-toxic herbicides to deploy. Classification of the digitized images of the plants determine disease state and data from sensors in the soil and weather data on rainfall can be used to decide on the optimal combination of nutrients to restore health. This illustrates how two tasks performed by farm workers would be augmented using data driven technology thereby enabling farms to produce larger yields. Clearly, today farm workers using the technology are focusing on performing a different set of tasks than previous farmers who did all these tasks without data-driven technology. Thus, when work is viewed as collection of tasks, data driven technology is going to substitute some tasks and modify other tasks, thereby changing the nature of work.

These technology-led changes will result in the re-engineering and redesign of work by firms. In turn, this will lead to investments in IT infrastructure by firms and the demand for skilled individuals to fill the new roles and task configurations. Given the pace of technological change, workers should be incentivized to continually invest in upskilling. This should be paid for in good measure through financial contributions from both their employer and the government. For example, in France, employees maintain a personal training account with contributions from the employer and the government.

The impact of this technological change does not affect each citizen equally. People with the skills to either create the technology or work effectively in concert with the technology will see economic gains while individuals who performed the tasks that the technology can perform at a lower cost or more efficiently will be left behind.

Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of data, methodologies, and the shaping of the future of work. The need for making education and skills training available to workers is more urgent than ever before, and the broad acceptance of education and work through Zoom offers the potential to harness data and technology to deliver this education. The end goal is to find pathways to economic opportunity through proven techniques that can contend with the growing technical and human elements for our future.

Dr. Ramayya Krishnan is a commissioner at the GeoTech Center.

What future does the United States want addressing COVID-19 and future outbreaks with better tech?

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed fracture lines in society, but it has also provided the United States an opportunity to leverage technology to create the equivalent of a global immune system. Immune systems perform three main functions—they constantly surveil for novel threats, they mobilize a force to mitigate damage, and they develop their resources to fight future invaders. Technology solutions can and should be adapted to these functions to serve as global monitors for future outbreaks.

The equivalent technology solutions in the surveillance domain create decentralized networks and data aggregation models that can pull in data signals of multiple types—individual health, public health, passive monitoring of different biomes, satellite data, market signals, and social media—while securing that data and protecting civil liberties. This accelerates technology development in areas like data networks and data science, artificial intelligence, biosensing, and cybersecurity, in addition to providing boosts for basic research and development of these sensing, integration, and security technologies.

The second domain is mitigation. Here biotechnology solutions for testing, vaccine, and therapeutics development will be front and center. The most promising technologies in this space are in synthetic biology—the ability to synthesize genomes and proteins de novo with no more than a genetic sequence string, and the possibility of harnessing biological factories like microbes and plants, that enable us to produce vaccines and therapeutics at scale.

Finally, ensuring technology augments capacity involves bolstering the above mitigation technologies to be rapidly deployable in case of a new pandemic. 3D printing, nanomedicine, adult stem cell technology, CRISPR, cell-based manufacturing, bioprinting and others, can be used to bolster supply chain, capital equipment shortages, consumable for testing and PPE, and health care personnel.

The acceleration of video and telemedicine capabilities, augmented by algorithmic intelligence, has grown exponentially in the months since the pandemic occurred, and will continue to grow and support populations who have been vulnerable and marginalized, improving access to our healthcare systems globally.

Dr. Divya Chander is a nonresident senior fellow at the GeoTech Center.

What future does the United States want for space and making the benefits of satellites in space available to all?

From working closely with our customers, we know that secure, timely, and cost-effective access to data are important for ensuring the vast benefits of space are available to all. Global civil, commercial, and government partnerships can drive space innovation and accelerate broader access in ways that maximize the extraordinary value we see in collaboration across sectors and nations. Industry, academia, and space agencies around the globe must collaborate on the unique challenges we are facing, as well as the opportunities that will arise within a collective enterprise.

Secure, flexible, and cost-efficient cloud solutions can enhance nearly all space missions by expanding access to operations, which then transforms the process of data collection and sharing in a trusted environment. For example, serverless computing enables NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory to offset massively complex problems in the cloud for rapid prototyping and quick analysis, which provides scientists and engineers data points to focus on the future. This flexibility in computing can lead to discoveries of exoplanets, enable control and communication with interplanetary spacecraft and all-terrain robots, and accelerate analysis of data captured by Mars Exploration Rovers 79 million miles from Earth.

It is time for the United States to lead in the access, operation, exploration, and further discovery of space; we can provide a path to making these benefits  more widely available by ensuring a global aerospace and satellite industry that accesses a comprehensive, space-based cloud platform. Accelerating innovation as a global aerospace and satellite industry is vital to enabling future missions and sharing information for the benefit of all.

Teresa Carlson is the Commission Co-Chair at the GeoTech Center and Vice President of the Worldwide Public Sector at Amazon Web Services.

The GeoTech Center champions positive paths forward that societies can pursue to ensure new technologies and data empower people, prosperity, and peace.

The post Five big questions as America votes: The geopolitical impacts of technology appeared first on Atlantic Council.
