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In the News

Aug 12, 2024

Linderman in American Foreign Policy Council: A political inflection point in Georgia

By Atlantic Council

Politics & Diplomacy The Caucasus

New Atlanticist

Aug 7, 2024

How Armenia’s ‘Crossroads for Peace’ plan could transform the South Caucasus

By Sheila Paylan

The initiative could economically benefit the region, reduce Armenia’s dependence on Russia, and promote peace throughout the South Caucasus.

Crisis Management Economy & Business

In the News

Jul 23, 2024

Linderman in Georgian Institute of Politics | Beyond the NATO Summit in Washington: Implications for Georgia

By Atlantic Council

Politics & Diplomacy The Caucasus

In the News

Jul 9, 2024

Nikoladze and Lejava cited by Defense One on Georgia foreign agent law

Read the full article here.

Politics & Diplomacy Rule of Law

In the News

Jun 6, 2024

Nikoladze interviewed by the BBC on Georgia foreign agent law and parliamentary elections

Read the full article here.

Financial Regulation International Financial Institutions

New Atlanticist

May 30, 2024

Its ‘foreign agent’ bill caused an uproar. Now Georgian Dream has fast-tracked another concerning law.

By Maia Nikoladze

Georgia’s parliament this week overrode its president’s veto on a so-called “offshore law,” which could have implications for the country's Euro-Atlantic ambitions.

Economy & Business Europe & Eurasia


May 22, 2024

There’s an alternative to Russian-based trade routes—but it needs support from the US, EU, and Turkey

By Arnold C. Dupuy

The Middle Corridor can offer an alternative to the Russian-based Northern Corridor, as long as countries can surmount these remaining challenges.

Central Asia Economy & Business

New Atlanticist

May 17, 2024

Why Georgia’s ruling party is pushing for the foreign agent law—and how the West should respond

By Maia Nikoladze and Ana Lejava

The West’s response to Georgia’s foreign agent law should hold the ruling party accountable without punishing the wider Georgian population.

Corruption Eastern Europe


May 15, 2024

Georgia’s government uses Kremlin playbook to consolidate grip on power

By Lucy Minicozzi-Wheeland

The Georgian government's efforts to adopt a Kremlin-style law imposing restrictions on civil society has sparked huge protests and led to questions over the country's future geopolitical direction, writes Lucy Minicozzi-Wheeland.

Civil Society Democratic Transitions


May 9, 2024

Russia’s Georgia strategy offers hints of Kremlin vision for Ukraine

By Nicholas Chkhaidze

Russia's attempts to force Georgia back into the Kremlin orbit via political control offer a hint of Moscow's vision for a future settlement with a defeated Ukraine, writes Nicholas Chkhaidze.

Conflict Disinformation
