

Mar 28, 2024

Putin has repeatedly used terror attacks to tighten his grip on Russia

By Olivia Yanchik

The March 22 terror attack in Moscow has seriously damaged Putin’s carefully crafted public image as a strongman ruler who offers his subjects security in exchange for restrictions on their personal freedoms, writes Olivia Yanchik.

Conflict Disinformation


Mar 28, 2024

Putin adds Islamist terror to the list of absurd excuses for Ukraine invasion

By Peter Dickinson

In addition to imaginary NATO threats and phantom fascists, Putin has now added Islamist terrorism to the expanding list of absurd excuses for the invasion of Ukraine, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Disinformation


Mar 19, 2024

Vladimir Putin’s history obsession is a threat to world peace

By Nicholas Chkhaidze

Putin has weaponized history to justify the genocidal invasion of Ukraine. Unless he is defeated, the Russian dictator will use the same bogus historical arguments to launch new imperial adventures, writes Nicholas Chkhaidze.

Conflict Disinformation


Mar 14, 2024

Peace is impossible until Ukraine is safe from future Russian aggression

By Mykola Bielieskov

With Russia openly committed to destroying the Ukrainian state and nation, a durable peace will only prove possible once Ukraine's national security is guaranteed, writes Mykola Bielieskov.

Conflict Disinformation


Mar 7, 2024

Vladimir Putin is losing Russia’s long war against Ukrainian identity

By Danylo Lubkivsky

Vladimir Putin is the latest in a long line of Russian rulers who have attempted to erase Ukrainian national identity and force Ukrainians to identify as Russians, writes Danylo Lubkivsky.

Conflict Disinformation


Mar 5, 2024

Putin is on an historic mission and will not stop until he is finally defeated

By Peter Dickinson

Vladimir Putin believes he is on an historic mission to reclaim "Russian lands" and will inevitably go further if he is not stopped in Ukraine, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Disinformation


Mar 4, 2024

“Ukraine is Russia”: Medvedev reveals imperial ambitions fueling invasion

By Taras Kuzio

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has underlined the imperialism fueling the invasion of Ukraine by rejecting Ukrainian statehood and declaring "Ukraine is definitely Russia," writes Taras Kuzio.

Conflict Democratic Transitions


Feb 12, 2024

Putin’s history lecture reveals his dreams of a new Russian Empire

By Peter Dickinson

Vladimir Putin turned his hotly anticipated interview with Tucker Carlson into a history lecture that laid bare the dangerous delusions and imperial ambitions driving the invasion of Ukraine, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Disinformation


Feb 1, 2024

Zelenskyy gives Putin a long overdue history lesson

By Taras Kuzio

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s weaponization of bad history has helped fuel the bloodiest European conflict since World War II, writes Taras Kuzio.

Civil Society Conflict


Jan 25, 2024

Putin accused of fast-tracking Russian citizenship for abducted Ukrainian kids

By Vladyslav Havrylov

Ukrainian officials have condemned a new decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in early 2024 simplifying the process of conferring Russian citizenship on Ukrainian children abducted from wartime Ukraine.

Civil Society Conflict
